@Washington Wizards

Shams Charania: Wes Unseld Jr. out as Wizards coach

Shams Charania: Wes Unseld Jr. out as Wizards coach

by njb021


  1. Ravens181818184

    Ngl kinda shocked they fired him midway, thought heā€™d just be let go end of season

  2. Well that came out of nowhere. Shams says he’ll be in a front office role. Interim coach will take over then they’ll hire someone in the offseason. My guess is Vanterpool takes over.

  3. blkandoutside

    Surprised this didnā€™t happen over the summer tbh

  4. wisdommass

    Weird that theyā€™ll do it in the middle of a tanking season

  5. gabelikesfoodalot300

    Didnā€™t they accept his 4th year option at the beginning of this year? Seems like moving him to the front office is Ted money saving move

  6. fatbigbuddha

    Pretty surprised. Although you watch last nights game and some of the player calling was head scratching. Hope he is solid in front office. Would like fresh face as a coach

  7. 100CupsCoffee

    Oh my gosh, this is incredible news. Came out of nowhere.

  8. Baynavfreak

    I donā€™t understand why now but obviously every facet of this organization needs to be changed so I guess why not

  9. This is great news. WUJ was always suited for a corporate role in this organization. The way he communicates in press conferences was always like he was in the front office anyway. Can’t wait to see who the next coach is.

  10. Efficient_Buy4031

    That Shams bomb made my whole day man. Winger and Dawkins will not lead us astray.

  11. ThaTroubled1

    I donā€™t blame Wes. Gotta be tough working when you know it isnā€™t going anywhere.

  12. BigSportsNerd

    Wes is a good guy. He had all the potential coming from Denver where he “worked hard” scouting tape and built relationships with the players like Jokic.

    I badly wanted him to succeed here. I thought it was a good hire. I wanted Wes’ son to do well.

    Sadly he just never had this team in any kind of playoff contention. We were always rebuilding, and then with yet another rebuild we traded Beal and hit rock bottom again. I love Wes but it was time to go.

    Last note on this: I’ll never forget the Wizards having Wes Unseld Jr out in a town hall with the fans. Afterwards he went off the stage to the seats and took photos with everyone that wanted one. He is a nice guy. But nice guys don’t necessary cut it in this league. Best of luck to him.

  13. Very surprised that he got fired as coach, thought he would see through the season. Maybe they want to see if any of the assistants like Vanterpool can be the head guy

  14. Interesting we fired the coach whoā€™s led us to all this losing. Youā€™d think theyā€™d make this during off-season.

    The bad man is gone

  15. PointGOD95

    Bro got promoted, Adrian Griffinā€™s punching the air as we speak

  16. WizSkinsNatsCaps

    It will be really interesting to see what changes are going to be made to rotations the remaining part of the season and into next year. Also wondering what direction Winger and Dawkins are taking this team. Are they unhappy with Bilalā€™s minutes and development to start the year? Do they believe in Deni enough to let him continue to develop with the ball in his hands? Donā€™t see a point in letting WUJ go at this point of the season unless they are trying to focus more on development for the young guys and WUJ wasnā€™t getting it done. As a Deni believer Iā€™ve actually been happy with how WUJ has handled Deni this season. Will we see more or less focus on Deni going forward? More for Bilal? Trading some guys can help clear the way for our young players. Get on the phone Winger/Dawkins.

    WUJ iced Deni out last game and Winger took that personally šŸ˜‚

  17. Good to know tanking doesnā€™t mean letting the coach lose games on purpose

  18. Glad heā€™s staying with the organization. Heā€™s a good guy but Iā€™m definitely not opposed to the move.

  19. KingRagerBlade

    Man itā€™s really sad to see it not work out with Wes. I really wanted him to succeed man. He was the one I wanted hired all that time when we were tryna get rid of Scottie. I definitely understand that itā€™s time tho to move on. Wes seems like a great guy tho and I hope everything works out for him. Iā€™m glad heā€™s sticking around in the front office.

  20. MaleficentDraw1993

    Good move. Keep a good basketball mind, and he doesn’t get the blame for not being a miracle worker.

  21. WizSkinsNatsCaps

    Perhaps they want to salvage whatā€™s left of Jordan Poole. They traded for him in hopes of rehabbing and flipping him no doubt. Maybe this is them trying to get JP going with a new coach.

  22. Joshottas

    I absolutely did not see this coming. Thought for sure that he’d finish out the season. I guess the FO had enough. Wes is a great guy, but he had no pulse for what he was doing when it came time for games. I get that the team is in a tank, but they’re not even losing respectably. At some point, pride has to kick in, and I hope whoever the interim is, can get more out of the guys, hold players accountable, and try to scheme so that they’re more competitive on a nightly basis.


    Sooo many people on here defended this guy and his awful rotations. Guess they know ball better than winger and dawkins

  24. Askia-the-Creator

    They’ll still be ass but at least it won’t be “his fault.” So is there no one left from the group that was supposed to replace Grunfeld? Talk about a major miss.

  25. I wonder who’s up next… its gonna be a tough gig as head coach of a tanking team like us so goodluck to whoever it may be.

  26. bachinthehouse

    This is all a plan to bring in the top assistant with the Portland Trail Blazers to head coach and bring this team back to mediocrity.

  27. Thank goodness.

    I know most people had the opinion of ā€œwho cares, we are tanking?ā€, but WUJ is *clearly* an awful coach with no future here. Development of our young players has been poor, veterans have been undisciplined and unprofessional, and most damning for a ā€œdefensiveā€ coach, our defense has been consistently putrid under his watch. I honestly canā€™t think of a single positive thing to say about him as a coach, other than that he is now gone.

  28. helloinot

    Swear to god if we hire someone like Adrian Griffin

  29. iWearSkinyTies

    I thought you guys said this team was tanking. This is proof they were trying to win the whole time LMAO

  30. Yeah I thought heā€™d be out in the summer, a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one! Hope WUJ does better in the FO role

  31. InGenNateKenny

    I really like the guy and wanted him to succeed. Iā€™m glad he is still with the organization at least. But this is bizarre to do in the middle of the season. Not like the T-Wolves loss was bad (we were competitive).

  32. rayquan36

    I’m so happy the Bucks already hired Doc Rivers

  33. HappyHunt1778

    Man, a few trolls were trying to convince me just a couple of days ago that WUJ was, in fact, some amazing coach.


  34. boogieDMC

    My take is theyā€™re gonna double-down on the tanking from a player quality standpoint (meaning trades are coming and roster is gonna get worst) – and helped him save face, cause itā€™s gonna get ugly and they need a yes-man.

    In this time from now till the end of the season, they want the young guys who might have potential to absorb as many minutes, touches and opportunities as possible to help the FO in in future thought process of how to construct this team. (Bilal, Deni, Kispert etc)

    I think next year thereā€™ll be a young coach just like the OKC type signing whoā€™ll have emphasis on getting a real system in place, make the players committed, developing, and not just looking to lose like it is now, while still bad enough in terms of talent to gain a top pick – and advance from there as you find actual players to build around.

    Good move.

  35. Too bad you missed out on your chance to get acclaimed coach Doc Rivers

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