@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee Bucks snap an 8-game Cleveland Cavaliers’ win streak with a 126-116 victory

Milwaukee Bucks snap an 8-game Cleveland Cavaliers’ win streak with a 126-116 victory

What it do welcome to another new episode of lock on bucks on today’s show the Milwaukee Bucks ended the Cleveland Cavaliers 8 game winning streak with a 126 116 victory over the Cavs the Bucks big three were outstanding tonight with Giannis leading the away a big Giannis

Triple double tonight his seventh of the Season we’re going to discuss the game see if we saw anything different tonight with a new coach quote unquote in place tonight as well as discuss John hor comments on the dismissal of Adrien Griffin all that and more on today’s episode of Locked on

Bucks you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day you are locked on bucks part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m Camille Davis you can catch me weekly on the technical file

Podcast as well as cheese head TVs carry the g& MK although the season has ended make sure y’all check that out joining me is longtime voice of the Pod and founder of Brew Frank Madden we appreciate you for tuning in and we thank you for making lock on bucks your first listen

Every single day we’re free and available wherever you get your podcast as well as on YouTube and this episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports so go to priz lockon NBA and use the code all

Lowercase locked on NBA for our first deposit match up to $100 now Frank the last time the buck saw the Cavs about a week ago literally a week ago Wednesday to Wednesday the Bucks got blown out by 40 points and things look a little bit different on

The sideline as we all know at this point the Bucks have relieved head coach Adrien Griffin of his duties Joe pry was the interterm head coach tonight while the Bucs got their lick back with the 126 116 Victory as mentioned and this was an important game coming up we knew

It the moment that the Bucks got blown out last week by the Cavs that this game was going to be big for them because the Cavs have been outstanding so far in the month of January they have been gaining on the Bucs in the standings we’re aware

That the Bucs have a difficult schedule coming up so this win was very much needed um against the Cavs with the new head coach in place inter ter for the moment uh did you happen to notice anything different from this team tonight uh I don’t think we saw anything

Dramatically different you know um I I think especially in the second half they had a probably like four or five miscommunications on uh on coverages on the perimeter that led to open threes I think the Cavs missed most of them although they they started to punch them

A bit more in that little fourth quarter run they had um you know I think we saw a whole lot of Daman as pick and roll down the stretch which obviously I we’ve seen a lot of that in crunch time I’d say throughout the season but it’s

Obviously been just sort of a common refrain it’s like why isn’t there more of that right um so you know again I mean Joe PR’s been here right I think it’s going to be a more interesting question um once Doc Rivers can we say Doc Rivers name out loud right that’s

The word can we say it yeah John horse uh wasn’t wasn’t saying the name uh during the press conference today but all indications reporting is that uh Doc Rivers is signed sealed and delivered so I think that’s going to be the real question you know bringing in somebody

Obviously who’s been on the outside um you know we interesting we’ve heard some of his thoughts on the Bucks based on some of the interviews he’s done with Bill Simmons at the ringer and he’s talked a lot about the dam Onis pick and roll and needing more more of the ball

In Dame’s hands um but yeah I felt like tonight was honestly Camille you know when they were up by 21 in the third quarter I was sitting there thinking is this going to end up being just like the most normal wellplayed Bucks game of the season like no weird

Like deficit sit blown leads playing with their food just Giannis being awesome not like Peak Dame or anything like that but them was good you know he didn’t didn’t uh shoot quite as well from the field as you might like but got to the line a bit you know generally I

Thought controlled the pace and tempo of the game pretty well and Chris was really good again tonight as well um and so it’s kind of like man are they just gonna like take you know they closed well in the second quarter 10-point lead at half very good defensive first half

51 points allowed the to the to the Cavs who have been awesome as you referenced of late uh and so yeah I was I was holding out a hope that maybe they would just like run away and hide and it would be like a non-dramatic game and it

Wasn’t dramatic but I think it got as close as six at one point in the fourth quarter as the Cavs started to make some shots which hey that’s fair right you can’t expect the Cavs to just you know go six for 43 every game um but it was

Good to see I mean there really wasn’t a three-point differential in this game and the Bucks you know kind of controlled it throughout I don’t was this wire to wire uh maybe I think it might have been wire to wire right Chris Chris scored the

First basket of the game I think uh and I think they were then up like 6’2 and they kind of got out to a bit of a lead so I think that may have been a wire-to-wire win which uh you know normaly well played basketball wire wire

Win that’s uh those are kind of things all to go together so uh yeah Chris Dame and then just an absolute superlative performance from Giannis uh that’s a pretty good recipe for for Bucks basketball and I mean I’m not going to say I mean we’ve seen this team have fun throughout

The season right like we’ve seen Lee Beasley doing his Wiggles we’ve seen jannis celebrating the nasis doing the nasis stuff um it’s not like this has been like a joyless season on the court or something like that uh but it was good it was nice it was refreshing to

See guys seemingly having a lot of fun on the floor uh and ultimately coming away with a victory against a team that again has been playing really well and they are down a couple of major pieces in Evan Moy and Darius Garland but you know seem to have figured out a rhythm

And uh and kind of just a way of playing which involves has involved a ton of three-point shooting and old friend Sam Merrill who we saw hitting some threes tonight uh and so fortunately the Bucs were able to kind of contain them early and uh yeah just kind of play from the

Front and again just kind of control the game absolutely the Sam Merill threes when he hit those three threes and just like my goodness this guy can get hot really quickly and I mean two of those well honestly all three of those no I’ll say two two of them for sure that I

Remember came off of just the Bucks getting killed and pick and roll like we’ve seen before to your point like was there anything different not tooo much uh this team looked like the Milwaukee Bucks do when they have some effort and they’re playing really hard you could

Tell this was a game they wanted um not only I would think because of the standings and what that means as mentioned the Cavs have been right behind them but there’s been a lot of noise around this team with the dismissal of Adrien Griffin all the

Noise around who the next head coach is going to be so being able to get out on the floor just play basketball like you said have fun um I think was good for this team and we mentioned that Giannis was doing this thing 35 points 18 rebounds 10 assists a monster triple

Double and the last couple assists that he had came at a time where the Bucs needed it because like you mentioned the Cavs were pushing in that fourth quarter the Bucs won all three of the first quarters but the fourth quarter was the only the Cavs won again making them very

Close for him and Giannis was whipping passes to the corners to open Shooters and the open Shooters happen to be Chris Middleton and Malik Beasley so you’d love to see that involvement we mentioned that Chris Middleton had a good game tonight 24 points eight of 15

From the field Dame like you said didn’t shoot as well as you like to see from the field itself but the fact that he continuously get himself to the free throw line Dame shot 11 free throws tonight while Giannis only had three like that’s that’s something that I’m

Not used to seeing on this team and it just goes to show again the force that Dame was playing with with his shot not falling trying to make something happen going to the rim we SE have seen that in the past be up detriment to him when the

Ref isn’t calling these files and he’s still trying to sell him but listen the whistle was going for him a bit tonight um and he was able to get those to fall and Frank I want to get your opinion on something because talked about the big

Three of course LED with Giannis and I think that’s fair because of what he’s been doing this season this is his seventh triple double of the Season we are 44 games into the season he has already tied uh his career most triple doubles in a season he has been putting

Up some Gody numbers himself we know he broke the franchise record of points this season with 64 um he’s been shooting the ball well even with the lower usage rate with Dame being in town and I want to just get your opinion on Giannis in the MVP race when we come

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Been a lot of noise around the bucks even what before the dismissal of Adrien Griffin just around like hey this team doesn’t look right this team should be looking a little bit better despite the fact that at the time of Adrien Griffin’s dismissal he had a 30 and 13

Record and the Bucks were second in the east at that time as they are now but giannis’s name hasn’t really been one you’ve heard a lot at the top of the MVP charts and listen that is not me saying that there are no no other players who

Are playing well because what you see MB doing has been dope what you see Shake Alexander doing has been amazing Luca there’s a lot of guys playing some good Ball but do you think that janis’s name should be spoken about a little bit more or do you think that this noise around

The team is kind of affecting that a bit I mean I think the noise hurts right I think the narrative around the Bucks in general um is kind of going to drag everyone down to an extent I mean Dame’s Allstar candidacy which I think if you look at the advanced metrics and even

Just like you know the raw per minute type stuff uh I mean he’s right there with the guys that a lot of people think are like clearly ahead of him in the All-Star Race including like Jaylen Bruns and Tyrese Maxi I mean if you didn’t know what the Nar the narratives

Were around these guys like you know you would not guess that like Tyrese Maxi and Jaylen Brunson are like the no-brainer guys ahead of Dame or anything like that um so I think that’s that’s hard and it’s I think it’s especially crappy for Giannis cuz like

Giannis has been kind of the guy holding the ship together right you know I think he’s got the single best argument for like why they’re 31 and 13 and not worse and I mean there’s a stat clutch win win uh wins added uh which uh I I’ll I’ll

Retweet it um later tonight so if people want to see it but basically it looks at you know what players do in the last five minutes and kind of uses some Advanced metrics and and basically figures out like or sorry win probability added and Giannis is like

Way ahead in that which kind of surprised me right because we know he’s been always been a great fourth quarter scorer he’s leading the NBA in fourth quarter points um but he’s kind of doing everything even in clutch time when we think of him not being the guy with the

Ball in his hand so I hope that uh you know we get a bit more acknowledgement of what Giannis is doing and I think to you know there’s basically I think three guys that he’s got a Leap Frog right it’s joic it’s MB it’s gild Alexander in

Some order I think embiid will probably be the front runner just given the historic scoring that he’s been doing and he’s got the opposite like everybody thought the Sixers were going to be you know in trouble and oh now they’re a nice story it’s like well they’re slightly behind the Bucs and the

Standings but nobody seems to care about that uh so I think embiid’s probably the front runner right now again just because of the scoring stats which are historically incredible like literally the highest permanent scoring average in the history of the sport including wilt’s 50 point per game season like

He’s even scoring more per minute than Wilt did back back then um so I I think it’s going to be tough embiid has already missed 10 games if he misses eight more games he’s no longer going to be eligible because of the 65 game requirement that exists this year um and

So I think a lot of this honestly comes down to honestly a couple things I think it’s going to come down to where the Bucks end up in the standings relative to those other guys I think if you know Denver wins the last in the regular

Season and you know let’s sayb does Miss too many games I think joic is probably going to win MVP because of just again combination of coming off the championship perception of being the best player in the world who’s proven it by winning a championship the statistical stuff remains absolutely

Incredible um when you look at some of the aggregate win all catchall type stats um and then I think with Shay I I have a hard time seeing Shay leap leap ahead of both Joe and and joic um I could see him finishing ahead of jannis just because

Again the narrative like he’s fresh he’s new like we haven’t put him in the allar or the MVP conversation yet and I think honestly I think giannis’s biggest problem is that not only for what you reference as far as just the Bucks like being just kind of like oh what’s wrong

With the Bucks like that whole storyline like the Debbie Downer storyline is never going to make it easier to Wi MVP but I think the other piece too with Giannis is I think especially when a guy has gotten to the Mountaintop and he’s been the MVP a couple times like the

Media needs some narrative about like how he’s better than he was in the past and it doesn’t even need to necessarily be like a real a real thing like he might be worse at other stuff but like oh he’s added this this to his game and

Like we see it with MB people like oh look at his passing this year right it’s like you see what Yiannis is doing tonight he’s got he’s got almost four triple doubles in a row three out of four three out of four yeah the three passes I I posted on Twitter that you

Know right around inside two minutes tonight he makes three utterly awesome passes in the span of about 20 25 seconds of game action the the catch one hand whip one hand to Chris in the corner who misses it Brooke Tap Out Giannis gets it back immediately another Bullet Pass right

Back to Chris what a beautiful statement about their relationship right like I trust your brother he knew he wasn’t gonna miss twice exactly and uh and he cashes that one out and then D Mitchell pulls a quick three Yannis gets the rebound dribble down jannis starts cutting across and one of those little

Like almost whipped bowling uh bowling ball passes to the corner for Malik Beasley Giannis is I mean if you guys haven’t seen the clip Giannis is running down the floor with his finger up like saying like we got it as bees is like letting go of the shot it was like a

Beautiful statement of belief in bque Beasley who’s been cashing those shots fanis all season so uh you know what a great sort of statement of his passing ability which again for some reason like giannis’s ball handling and his passing just like are perpetually like ignored by like average

Fans casual fans like the Hooper versus baller stuff like don’t those people like respect awesome passing and dribbling and being able to create your own shot like why is a seven-footer who can do that better than like anybody we’ve ever seen in the history of the sport like not appreciated for that I

Don’t know Camille it’s stupid it makes no sense like skill is not just mid-range jump shots but for some reason that’s what people kind of over index on so I I think if I think they’re probably you know there’s got to be like a little bit also the perception of like well

Giannis is you know because like look at what jannis is doing he his finishing at The Rim his ability to create shots in the paint I mean he’s just kind of like the guy he was and he’s just doing that stuff better than ever he’s not taking

As many threes was one for one tonight um and he’s you know just kind of doing stuff right like if he if he was shooting 75% from the foul line I bet people would be like oh he solved that part of his game you know so you know

Get over 70% from the line maybe that would probably help the perception a little bit too uh so I don’t know I think it’s going to be really hard you know I don’t wish ill on Joel embiid but maybe rest him eight more games get him

Out of the MVP conversation and then I think a lot of it just comes down to how well the Bucs finish they’re going to have a lot of Prime Time games against these guys they’ve got yic coming up here right around the corner they’ve got a couple more games against the Sixers

As well so you know again I don’t think those individual matchups especially given that he doesn’t like traditionally guard those guys one-on-one is like the way that you decide the MVP but I mean if you want to make your MVP case and you’re kind of working from behind a

Little bit the best way to catch up is to go out and wreck the dudes that uh that are ahead of you and win those games so fingers cross knock on wood that that the Bucks can make some noise and turn stuff around and again if they start playing better basketball then I

Think people will gladly say like oh Doc Rivers oh they’ve done some good things and you know hopefully that narrative can flip a little bit even if again they haven’t necessarily like become a radically different team right right and I think what could help as well when you’re looking at Future forecasting for

Giannis you mentioned a lot of great points and I think one that should also be mentioned is the fact that the Bucks have the toughest schedule remaining in the NBA so far this season so we’ve seen what Giannis has been doing against one of the easiest schedules in the NBA now

It’s flipping and now the Bucks do have the most difficult schedule remaining in the NBA if you’re out here putting up big numbers against big competition that should definitely go for something like the Bucks have to still see remaining this season the Celtics twice the Timberwolves twice the Thunder twice the

76ers twice the Nuggets twice and the Clippers twice and the Clippers have been playing some really good ball as well and to rewind to your passing Point Giannis has always been somebody who’s been a willing passer he’s always had an affinity for it and I felt like when Bud

Implemented his five out system that helped out Giannis a little bit more because he always knew where someone was supposed to be at on the floor so a lot of those no looks those blind passes he could do it trusting that his teammates were going to be in the spots on the

Floor where he thought that they would be earlier in the season I said I think there’s going to be a little bit of an adjustment for Giannis getting used to where guys are on the court some new teammates getting familiar with that and when you add in the fact that another

Guy he can pass the ball to is Damen Lillard somebody who so far this season hasn’t shot as well as we know that he can has as he historically can that’s going to open up a lot more assist opportunities for Giannis as well the fact that he’s already tied his or his

Career or season high of triple doubles already at this point in the season I think he’s gonna cross that double digit uh line this season at this pace for sure so something to consider with this team something to go forward with and like you mentioned there’s been

A lot of narrative around this team and today John horse got up in front of the media and he wanted to have a conversation about what happened and address a little bit of the narrative as well we’re going to react to some of the comments from John horse after

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Lockon and don’t forget to use our link so they can know that we sent you John hores spoke today ahead of the Bucks game against the C cers and he talked about the dismissal of Adrien Griffin he came out very at the top saying hey there’s NOC Rivers talk this

Is the press conference about the dismissal of Adrien Griffin if you want to talk about that and my first thoughts after hearing some of his comments was just first like John horse is good at his job he is not going to give too much away in these comments he was able to

Navigate that line very successfully but I did hear a theme myself while he was talking and I kept hearing the words maximizing an opportunity and I feel like that is what he was banking on and talked about that’s why they let Adrien Griffin go he said quote the team itself

Has changed from when we hired him and we felt an opportunity to improve and get better and we wanted to take advantage of that opportunity later on in the conference He also mentioned the fact that quote I believe in this team at a high level in ownership myself and

Peter we we’ve continued to be bold and be aggressive and try to figure out how to maximize these chances we have and that’s what we’re doing here he also said that quote what we’re looking for now is a path to go forward and maximize this group from a leadership perspective

And an experienc perspective we want to try to bring in a coach that can really take us to the next level where we think we can go with this group and again that is not just about coaching the players have to be better and have to improve my

Group has to continue to figure out how to improve the roster but we think coaching is an element for us to get better and with all that John hor said like I mentioned he didn’t say much but what was clear is that he felt that listen Adrien Griffin was good and he

Thinks that Adrien Griffin will get another opportunity to coach in the NBA but right now for what this team needs as this team has changed with Giannis having signed his extension with d being on the roster with Brook back with chrisb that the window of opportunity is

Now and there’s a sense of urgency that they don’t want to waste yeah I I I uh I’m going to go ahead and say you know there was definitely some things that were said for the sake of being said right not not trying to kick Adrian Griffin on the way out so

Uh yeah uh is adri Griffin ever gonna be a head coach again in the NBA I would probably guess not although I’m curious where we should probably look this up Camille like where he’s where he ranks on the all-time uh coach winning percentage list because he might

Be at the very top you know like he’s 69.8% I think I saw uh his uh his winning percentage was this year so hey if he just you know never is a head coach again uh he can retire with uh if not one of if not the the best career

Winning percentage so uh yeah I don’t know that that’s of too much Solace but at least he’ll he’ll still get paid out his contract so you know he he’ll be fine um I thought probably the thing that kind of made me chuckle most was uh you know

He very correctly John made it clear he did not consult with any players it was his decision John horse was just observing from you know just watching himself of course would never ask Giannis his opinion about whether or not he wants a new coach would never ask

Dame a question so so bold would never put them in that position so yes he took the he took that responsibility so blame you can’t blame yanis and Dame and of course absolutely no one will uh will think to do so will believe that but you

Know you got to say what uh what you got to say so uh yeah you know he uh he did what he had to do you know show your face in front of the media right if it’s your call you gotta you got to face the music and you gotta

Take accountability for that he did it and uh as I was saying last night when Jus and I were talking about it in the second pod that we that we did collectively yesterday uh you know I I give the Bucks credit like they said this isn’t working and typically teams

Will kind of try to power through and hope that things are going to change and the buck said you know what we’ve seen enough and I mentioned it last night as well I mean when teams make mistakes with coaches it’s when they hire the wrong guy it’s generally not that they fired

The wrong guy right when you fire a guy it’s because he’s been in you know your building you’ve been watching him you’ve been working with him you know how the guy operates and you could tell whether things are working or not of course some great coaches have been fired some guys

Have got fired in one place and had great success others yes that happens absolutely uh but typically when teams move on it’s because something has to happen and I think uh we obviously all speculated about whether they would get to that point and we got our answer yes

They did and you know the original sin here is is the fact that they hired Griff in the first place and uh you know I think we can obviously I think I mentioned last night I mean I think it it reflects poorly on almost everybody right whether you want to say like well

Honest you you shouldn’t have thrown your support behind him you shouldn’t have been anti- Nick nurse you know Dame you haven’t been what we thought you were going to be this year have you been playing hard enough for for Griff you know were you mad about Terry Scots uh

And of course John horse the front office for ultimately being the guys that that hired him and now have had to fire him but um but better to do it now than to just sort of Let It fester and um you know I think the only the only concern I would have is

You know I think Doc is a very reasonable guy to bring in under these circumstances but you know no nobody would have said Doc Rivers we want you as the well fans I’m saying I’m projecting myself in fans but like nobody had Doc Rivers at the top of

Their list over the summer when you had a lot more options and so now you’re in a position we don’t know exactly what his contractual situation is going to be but you can bet he’s not here for six months and then needing a new contract I’m guessing he’s got probably three

Years uh at least two including this one and uh it will be very costly if the Bucks decide to move on from him uh next summer and so that’s an interesting question like what does what do the Bucs have to accomplish what does Doc Rivers

Need to show to not get fir to be the third Bucks coach getting paid while not being employed by the team next year um we’ll see but of course you know not having a training camp you know it’s like it’s tough we talked about Adrian Griffin being up against you know uh

Between a rock and a hard place as a first year head coach with the expectations and everything that went into this season but even Doc Rivers as experiences as he is coming in mid-season that’s also really difficult so again um you know I thought he I thought John hor was making an

Interesting point about players and how adaptable they are you know guys get traded they fit in and figure stuff out and uh so I think it’ll be interesting to see just how much the Bucks change you know what what different Vision does Doc Rivers have for this team than what

We’ve seen so far uh so I think that’ll be obviously something that we’ll probably talk a lot about and I thought the only other thing probably the newswise from today was just I think wo referenced uh Dave Jager as you know a potential candidate to join the staff

Obviously he’s not going to come in and you know totally like bring in a whole new assistant coaching staff but Dave jger you know a guy that has been a head coach multiple places has had real success probably got a raw deal I think it was in Sacramento was his last stop

You know with the Turn Style of head coaches uh in Sacramento so um you know Dave eer the kind of guy like if Dave Jer had B on Adrian Griffin’s staff like Terry stots you know if you fire Griff you probably just elevating him to head coach so if

You could bring in Doc Rivers and you bringing a guy like Dave joerger who worked with Doc in Philadelphia last couple years um you know I think you’re just adding a lot of Veteran kind of coaching competency to uh to the bench which you know again one of the

Challenges of being a first year head coach you’re probably not going to hire the like best staff because you’ve never had to do that before and you don’t have you know the stable of guys that are going to follow you around which obviously Bud that was a huge strike the

Fist absolutely and you made a the comment about like if you would have known that Doc Rivers was gonna be the coach it’s not really inspiring but it’s crazy how much things change after seeing the Bucs play this season and I was still say like maybe they can still

Win with Griff like if they can just adjust maybe some Personnel if they can get the defense together the low hanging fruit uh and you still saw some of the defensive miscommunications tonight as well with this team that needs to be cleaned up but if you would have told me

Back in May that Doc Rivers was going to be the guy I would have said but we got Doc Rivers at home like we just got rid of dock Rivers at home with Mike buen holer some of their perceived weaknesses happen to be the same although doc has a

More sorted history when it comes to uh flaming out in the playoffs I’ll say but there’s going to be a lot more time to talk about what doc brings and what doc doesn’t once the news of that we’ve heard so far be reported about him being hired becomes official by the Milwaukee

Buck so I think that’s a good place to wrap up here on the day appreciate you all for tuning in to locked on bugs as a reminder make sure you check out locked on sports today on YouTube and make sure that you subscribe for Frank and myself we’ll catch you later

After being blown out by the Cleveland Cavaliers last week, the Milwaukee Bucks responded with a much needed victory. The Bucks Big 3 combined for 87 points tonight, with Giannis Antetokounmpo securing his 7th triple double of the season. With interim head coach Joe Prunty at the helm, did things look any different for this team? Should Giannis be getting more early MVP consideration? What were the biggest takeaways from Bucks GM Jon Horst’s pregame presser?

Camille and Frank discuss all of this on today’s episode of Locked on Bucks.

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  1. Such a small sample size, but tonight’s defense looked more like last year’s. Guys didn’t need to overly pursue which allowed the poor perimeter defenders to cover enough to help brook and Giannis

  2. Chasing top 5 in dRTG and other advanced analytics instead of wins and losses is a mistake.

  3. It's a great win. I sense a different vibe out there on the floor . A more loose, happy team, I saw giannis smiling instead of having a mean mug. And I think the doc river's pickup was a no-brainer khris looked vintage khris from four years ago. Now I feel confident we can go toe 2 toe with any team in the east because it's pretty obvious AG was over his skis Now we have to make a trade Which I'm pretty sure is coming in the next week or 2.

  4. Asking Frank about Gianni's MVP race is like asking Kendrick Perkins or Ben Simmons 🤣🤣. I stopped watching the video during the advertisement. It makes me cringe. Last yr, Frank came on here and said Giannis wasn't the MVP and that he doesn't vote for Giannis. Giannis averaged 32, 11 and 5.7 and didn't have Middleton and the Bucks were the number 1 seed. In fact, Giannis came out and said thinks he deserved the MVP but Frank here saying Giannis wasn't the MVP. You wonder why the media keeps disrespecting Giannis cause some of y'all don't even like the dude. We are not asking you to love or like Giannis. Just be honest and fair. You guys are obligated and commissioned to be honest.

    Frank will not trash Khris Middleton, Brook or Dame, but he has no problem hating on Giannis because Giannis is the cheapest shot. Wouldn't be shocked if they say Frank, Ben Simmons, KD, Shaq, Ime Udoka and Kendrick Perkins share common ancestors 🤣😢🤔😎.

  5. Ur announcers r so bad. The whole broadcast is bad. Lisa acts like she’s on first take and ignores what’s actually happening in the game. Stephen isn’t watching either and just wants to flip wildly between being a hater or a homer. It’s awful. Chemistry is awful. Robotic ppl all around. Feels like a place for second tier Syracuse grads go to as a first stepping stone before better jobs.

  6. I thought for a second we were getting a really Milwaukee type intro, “What it doooo cuuuz” 😭😭😭

  7. Having Jae back in the lineup was great, he's already looking more comfortable. Just really hoping he can stay healthy we need his tenacity on defense. Totally agree with Frank that it looked like the squad was finally having fun out there.

  8. There was a difference in the rotation, no Beauchap nor AJacks. Also the Bucks were far more effective when Giannis was playmaking, having the ball in his hands

  9. My biggest takeaway was nobody played more than 34 minutes. Previously, giannis and Lillard were playing 38 minutes which is a bit too much. I like the fact their minutes went down a bit.

  10. That actually looked like a legitimate contending defense against a team that was playing really well.

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