@Philadelphia 76ers

What do the Sixers Need to be Scary in the East? | The Bill Simmons Podcast

What do the Sixers Need to be Scary in the East? | The Bill Simmons Podcast

Embiid’s been incredible I mean he’s the the game last night was unlike I I was just it really felt like he could get 80 he’s making 20f Footers and 25f Footers and he’s spinning around he’s just getting fouled he makes every free throw he takes he is the most UN fallible big

Man we’ve had because it’s just like he’s just gonna get two points immediately the other hand it was San Antonio but he has looked awesome what KC what does that team need if you’re the GM or you’re the advisor and it seems like they have spots basically for

Two trades they could have done like a roier type trade they could still get an Alex kuso type of person um they could get somebody in the they could get like a bonovich from Detroit maybe they could go all in on a dejonte Murray um I’m figuring let’s say you give them a

Starter and a bench player in the trade market who are the ideal two people you would look at I’d want to be looking for an upgrade over Tobias Harris and the Anthony Melton those guys have been solid this year for the Sixers to be clear they’ve been Rock Solid but if

You’re looking for that third creation option you have the embiid Maxi Twan game but who is going to be the the Michael Porter Jr or the Aaron Gordon to the joic Murray 2 man like who’s that guy Gordon for the Nuggets we saw he was beaten up on mismatches on post-ups

Michael Porter Jr can go off who’s that guy for the Sixers so I I think like the number one guy that like besides Terry Rosier who did make a heck of a lot of sense um Zack LaVine being the other bigname player that people talk about

All the time is like his last but no he’s no I’m not I would Island no admit it you have like you have a property there you have like a small beach house on leavine Island no I’m intrigued by what he would look like playing with a

Player of the level of embiid but would he be the guy that I’d go for not necessarily I’d rather wait and hold on to cap space this summer and figure things out then um but if I if I’m the Sixers I want a guy like a Caruso just

Somebody who can fit into that system or demard rosan even like rather than LaVine expiring contract add a little bit of a mid-range uh and he’s been shooting more threes than ever before I’d be going for D Ro and Caruso that combination because that gives you the

Defense it gives you the creation it gives you the hustle with Caruso it gives you the experience with d rozan and it’s so you’re thinking like that’s Tobias Harris Marcus Morris’s contract and some picks and a swap and you get both of those guys something along those

Lines where like you you get that has there’s no overlap but between demard D Roan and tyes Maxi they’re different types of scorers with the way they time you’re going embiid Batum D rozan Caruso and Maxi that sounds pretty good right what do you think has yeah it does sound

Pretty good I I was kind of surprised in the context of the Hornets you know in this kind of tear down mode and I’m going to lose so much money on my Hornets over 30 wins bet well that was the that we we said that during the over

Under pod that was the stupidest [ __ ] told that one was that one wasn’t the dumbest the dumbest was the wizards but uh well that that was F wizard the Hornets have talent the Hornets have talent they just can’t all be healthy on the same floor but the name that I show

Up I saw show up today and in a potential combo deal with the Suns which I still don’t understand how could the Suns have anything left to give anybody miles Bridges now obviously that’s a complicated person a complicated figure but miles bridges on the Sixers that to

Me is super intriguing like I that’s a guy that can get tough buckets and what that team needs to me end of game five minutes left four minutes left it’s why D rozan is a great call in terms of a fit he can get Buckets he’s a he doesn’t

Need the ball uh all the time I think Bridges would would be incredible on this team my number one pick is D rozan I was just watching him didn’t they play last night yeah guess guess who can still get really good shots in the last five

Minutes of a game d rozan also two-point shots which you know honestly is the biggest flaw of the Celtics right now we saw it on uh Friday night in that Denver game just Denver’s ability to just get good shots in the last five minutes of a game which is their biggest skill that’s

Their superpower just every shot I like and Boston for 43 44 minutes I love all the shots I get last four minutes everything slows down KP is over on the side now like he was in Dallas he’s not involved at all the guards aren’t involved then it’s Tatum and brown and

It’s oneon-one stuff and it’s just not smart basketball and that’s why I think they have nine losses KOC and and eight they were tied in the last two minutes but I really worry about their ability to execute if the Sixers got to Rosen now you’re protected because I think you

Can shut down two scores embiid and Max I know embiid’s having a great year I know Max is really good but if it’s if I’m only worrying about two guys I’m fine but now if I have a third guy that can take the pressure off who can go for

35 in a game three where it’s like oh we didn’t even need MB to Max tonight D roen went nuts I just think he would fit in with what they do and I the only thing I would say about getting rid of Tobias who I I think has been in trade

Rumors now for 10 years awesome teammate knows his role doesn’t really care if if he gets shots like he’s 17 a game he could probably do a little bit better than that and I I’d be really hesitant this team seems like it really likes each other the contrast

I know you talked about the mismatch last night KC but the contrast between embiid chasing 70 versus CH towns chasing 70 and what was going on with that Minnesota team was night and day that whole Philly team they were going for it for embiid they were all locked

In they really wanted it and I don’t know man when your chemistry is good the Celtics are in the same spot they have awesome chemistry it’s going to be really hard for them to make a deal you know there it’s gonna have to be cosmetic but um I think the roosen may I

Think we’re all aligned LaVine is the Home Run swing but I think the the downside is is too risky for what his contract is right what what’s contract KC uh he currently is being paid $40 million and he has four this is the first of four years

Remaining so he’s going to be making near 50 by the end of that and for what it’s worth Bill I just pulled up the the trade machine they don’t need to give up Tobias Harris in that deal like let’s say they were to get D rozan and Caruso

They’d be taking in $38 million they could get to 36 million with moris you do comington and Morris so you could get and you could keep Paris in that situation my God that’s my nightmare as a Celtic fan at that that trade right there what are they giving what are they giving the

Bulls what what do the Bulls get for that just a lot of picks and some swaps and expiring gonna do the wizard plan they’re gonna become the Wizards okay I guess my question with the bulls I I know this is crazy but I’m not positive I would do anything unless it

Was an awesome trade I kind of like the Bulls like they’re nine right now they’re 21 and 24 I get it but they sucked in the beginning of the year I think they have a chance potentially to climb to seven or eight and I wouldn’t

Want to see them in a one game whatever I actually think they’re pretty good like am I house you’re making a face you watch the bows like they’re pretty good they they’re the same as last year they were three minutes away from knocking theat out of the playoffs I know Kobe

White’s totally different than he was last year I don’t think they’re the same he better I I think they’re Mo largely the same

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Joe House and Kevin O’Connor to discuss what the Sixers need to be a threat to the powerhouses in the Eastern Conference.

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  1. Upgrading Tobias is actually not that easy. He's really good.

    You could add Caruso or Brown instead of Melton but idk how much that moves the needle.

    Adding some size would be nice. Boston and Milwaukee (as currently constructed) are gonna play big. Isaiah Stewart would let you play big without losing spacing.

    Jerami Grant would be a good fit if he's ready to sacrifice and win — for them and everyone else — but is a Clippers 2028 and Philly 2030 enough? Even if you add a third pick is that enough? There are probably 6-8 teams who'd be bidding on Grant.

    I dont get the DeRozan thing. What they have is working. Idk why you'd try to add a ball dominant wing who is neither a good spacer or defender at this late stage. I don't understand his fit with this roster

  2. Bro that guy in the middle is an idiot there are largely the same it's coming from the guy that bet on the Wizards😂😂😂 and 30 wins for the Hornets shut your mouth

  3. tobias isnt going anywhere … embiid doesn't want tobias traded and he is also a locker room leader, as well as 18-20 a night, automatic … sixers fans have been trying to trade him for years cause of his contract, but if you just ignore the contract, there is no need to get rid of tobias.

  4. For years, every time someone asked what the Sixers need to win a chip, the answer is always Jayson Tatum, the man they should've drafted over Fultz.

  5. It always blows my mind when people think a team can rob a team of their good assets (Caruso, expiring Derozan) and give them a broken vending machine that only dispenses flat Diet Dr Pepper.

  6. The 76ers need a great 3 & D wing defender. They should’ve went all in for OG because in crunch time they’re gonna need somebody to guard the Tatum and Giannis.

  7. No one should be shocked the Timberwolves looked disfunctional when their only point guard is out. Yeah they have mclaughlin but hes a complete non-factor as a scorer and cant really be a starter.

  8. The Sixers have one of the top 5 teams in the league and have for years, but for cap reasons this is their peak. They'll only make the finals if other teams falter. They probably will make a move. It won't make a substantial difference. They can't afford anything they need to substantially improve their chances of making the finals. Any move they make will have two purposes. 1) will give Bill and his kind something to talk about and generate clicks 2) allow Daryl to ward off criticism that the reason the team fell short again is because he was not active in the trade market.

    Look at the price of the good players already traded. The Sixers would have to give up folks on the roster today that they need to win in order to get someone better than Tobias for example. This is the price you pay when you draft an all time great and then follow up with years of pitiful draft choices. Treading water till Embiid leaves.

  9. Fix the draft day trade mistake… if they want to go all in they need to trade everything they can to get Mikal Bridges.

  10. Demar does shoot more thress now but still generally operates in spots where embiid wants to operate. But yeah, huge upgrade over tobias

  11. I’m tired of the media saying Embiid needs more when all he needs to do is dominate and not be a turnover machine down the stretch

  12. Im a certified sixers fan and instead of Derozan and caruso i would get Derozan & Brogdan bragdan would come much cheeper but could do most of the same things and Derozan is the closer that the sixers need thats our main problem in the playoffs Derozan is the closes thing to Jimmy Butler that we can get right now

  13. Dont know why any playoff team would want Derozan. Simmons is a Celtics fan who just wants to sabotage philly and Milwaukee, so fine for him to want DD on the 76ers. In the BEST playoff run of his career he had games–plural–with more turnovers than baskets. He's the guy you want on the other team.

  14. Utah jazz for Jordan Clarkson and Kelly Olynik. Can send Covington, Morris and Melton (plus draft capital).

    Win now and still clear 25m from this trade because Olynik is on an expiring and Clarkson reduces by 10m.

  15. Simmons, House and KOC great combination. Love the Sixers breakdown. Definitely need a 3rd option. Great content btw the Ringer.

  16. Caruso and Demar wouldn’t be a better fit than Harris and melton. Yes they are better players but you need quick shooting around Embiid and those two would fuck yo the soacing

  17. I usually agree with you fellas but not this time. Why would anyone want DeRozan in the playoffs? He is what, 35 years old and now all of a sudden he's gonna be clutch when it matters? Hold on to Harris

  18. DeRozan over LaVine for sure. Desire to win is #1, especially when the Sixers already have plenty of talent in Embiid and Maxey. LaVine locked into $150mil+ = no motivation. DeMar in the twilight of his prime with no ring, no finals appearances & contract year = all the motivation in the world. A finals appearance is the difference between Hall of Fame or not for him — he'll do anything to get out of the East this year (even if it means playing for Nick Nurse :-p).

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