@Washington Wizards

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Find Their Groove vs. Washington Wizards

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Find Their Groove vs. Washington Wizards

T- wolves bounc back strong and snap their two- game losing streak in Washington 118 107 and I got wolves expert Jack Borman he’s going to help us break it all down it’s all coming up next on the lockdown wolves Postcast you are locked on wolves postcast part of lockon Minnesota on the locked on podcast Network your team ever fre day what’s up what’s up back in the lab back at it another t-wolves postcast episode right here on the lockdown Sports Minnesota Network you got myself Luke Inman lukor spin see that that’s

The man Jack Borman on Twitter Jr Borman 13 and Jack before we get into all the action quick reminder tonight’s episode brought to you by fandu make every moment more with America’s number one Sportsbook and official Sportsbook partner the NBA right now new customer customers you’re getting $150 in bonus

Bets with any $5 bet $150 when you bet just five check it all out visit lockon NBA all right man uh it was just the uh second two game losing streak for the Wolves all season I know we’ll dive into Monday’s game just a little bit I know

You and I haven’t talked quite yet and it’s still kind of fresh on people’s minds that was the buzz around town the last few nights um wolves come into the first half tonight though shooting a putrid want I say 36% going into the locker room but luckily they were able

To cash in on a just a multitude of sloppy turnovers by the Wizards 16-2 advantage and it’s kind of scary to think what this game would have looked like without that just because they were so ice cold from the floor on top of missing you know easy layups left and

Right to so if ice cold shooting was the bad I guess the good was finally having a game where they crushed the T turnover battle for once which is something we’ve just been banging the table for all year but you tell us Jack give us your your

Big takeaways and I guess what a win like this means for the Wolves team that maybe seem to lose their Mojo and swag just a little bit the past two games yeah you know I think you you hit the two things right there uh you know

The first one for me was uh you know obviously they just missed a lot of shots tonight right I mean the Timberwolves tonight uh ended up getting it up about 40% 42 of 100 nice and easy uh math there 42% uh they were just 28%

From three um one of their you know one of their worst three-point shooting games of the season um but they really made up for it uh by on the offensive glass um they had 15 offensive rebounds 19 Second Chance points Rudy goar had almost half of those um he had seven

Offensive rebounds um which was uh awesome his his activity in the second quarter especially on the offensive glass uh I thought really helped keep them in the game he had uh in the second quarter alone he had 10 points uh four rebounds three of them were offensive he

Made all four of his free throws and had a block in there too and I thought that his play really set them up to to kind of take control of everything in the second half but um but yeah again 19 points on 14 Second Chance points possessions it’s an offensive rating of about

136 um which is tremendous um you know I want to say the The League average offensive rating is like 117 118 so really above average there and on all their other possessions so they had 14 Second Chance possessions 95 other possessions um and they scored 99 points on those 95 other possessions offensive

Rating 104 which is pretty poor um but again wolves did a great job of of kind of flexing their size inside they had 60 points in the paint as the ninth time this season they hit that Mark they’re eight and one now when they uh score 60

Points or more in the paint which was awesome um and again when you just look at the two bigs right I mean two bigs Carl had 27 uh had you know nine of nine of his 11 made field goals came came inside and then Rudy had 19 I mean 48

Points between the two of those is uh pretty darn good uh exactly what you want against a team that plays small um and then you know defense to offense like you said uh again being able to score 32 points off at 21 turnovers on a night you’re not making a lot of shots

That’s pretty good and and a lot of those 32 came came at the free throw line um which was which was also great to see um you know to see Anthony Edwards shoot 14 free throws again yes pretty good you know 11 11th game this season he shot at least 10 free throws

Uh the seventh since Christmas um and that was important I mean because his shot wasn’t really there in the first half but um yeah and then 17 fast break points for the Wolves uh that was their most in the last eight games uh which was which was really important and then

You know to be honest with you like some of their short mid-range misses honestly kind of function like turnovers with the way that the wolves are just able to grab it and go off the glass um you know if if someone really did a deep dive

Study and re watched all the film I’d venture to Guess that a lot of the wolves um you know pass break points that that aren’t coming off turnovers come off those mid-range misses and um we’ve talked about it a lot here but again tonight Washington was nine of 36

On mid-range shots 25% uh they were 28 of 41 almost 70% on shots that either came with the rammer from Beyond The Arc so um The Wolves did a really good job of you know of making sure that the mid-range shot took took you know almost

50% of that shot profile um which was which is really important against the Wizards team um that I believe is third uh in in terms of their um efficiency at The Rim so being able to to keep them short of the rim and force them to take

Mid-range shots was great um and really helped kind of get them out and going in the in the past break I’m not going to call it scary but heading into tonight you got a similar situation we add to Monday in the sense that okay on paper you’re playing a team

That doesn’t even have double digit wins you’re the heavy favorite and then you find out Mike connley is not playing again and all of a sudden you start to maybe mentally prepare for a closer game than should be expected and then you added the fact and I didn’t know this

But the Wolves had lost seven in a row to Washington and they were four- 10 in their last 14 versus the Wizards and you just start to as a wolves fan right muscle memory start to psych yourself up a little bit um I don’t want this to sound

Oversimplified because I know there’s a lot of variables to the whole thing and I know it’s not as straightforward as maybe it’s going to come out but no Mike connley Monday and I mean call Spade of spade they looked absolutely lost at times and they lose to a nine- win team

Then no Conley tonight and again without the Wizards gift drapping you a million turnovers there was there was there Fair sh of moments there where it just didn’t look like the same team were used to watching this year so process of elimination call it whatever you want

Wouldn’t that mean Mike connley is a massive piece of the puzzle that kind of makes the engine go right now and and before you answer that I’m just going to State the obvious again in the fact that until they traded for Conley last year they were losing the same types of games

They did Monday to the same types of teams they had really absolutely no business losing to so I I mean help me out break it down for me what’s the deal is it is he like the one adult babysitter on the court they need or how do you explain that Dynamic that Mike

Conley gives this wolves team yeah I think that Mike connley is a really good organizer and and he’s played in this league a long time so he’s played uh uh in plenty of games where his team has come back and won in the fourth quarter he’s played on Plenty of teams where

They’ve blown it in the fourth quarter he’s played on Plenty of teams that have had a lead in the fourth quarter and extended it uh to the Finish Line uh and so he’s played in all these these types of games um kind of knows now he’s been

On the team for a year um you know a full calendar year now almost and and knows what all these guys like to do where they like to have the ball where they like to shoot it drive it from you know all these types of things and the

Other part of Mike connley that’s pretty damn important too Mike Conley is like a 50% catch and shoot three-point shooter this season wow which is Elite is that one of his career highs I I mean has he he’s honestly been a he’s honestly been a tremendous catch and shoot three-point

Guy for really the last handful of years as he’s gotten older but I believe it is his his career best year um and so honestly like they just missed that element of Mike Conley too I think everyone talks about the turnovers as this this huge problem you go back and

Look at at at the game against Boston like they only had like eight turnovers that whole game if you look at the game against Charlotte they only had two turnovers in the fourth quarter and and OKC was really the only fourth quarter meltdown I thought that was really a

Turnover Laden issue and Mike was part of the problem I mean they had seven turnovers in the fourth quarter that became eight Thunder points Point that’s fair so I think I honestly think that having Mike as an outlet as a shooter uh has been pretty important because Mike I

Believe is taking more threes um kind of as the game progresses this season um and so you know I I think also the Timberwolves like when things start to go bad they just get it to a guy and Mike who they you know can just trust to

Make the right play with the ball in his hands you know far more often than not and uh when they don’t I think maybe they’ve gotten a little too reliant upon him uh in that department and so when he’s not there I think it becomes a little bit more Helter Skelter cat or

Ant kind of saying oh well I feel like I got to make a play now that herall going on there yeah and I honestly think that like you know Finch being willing to put Jordan mcclaflin in the game as long as the other team isn’t a huge team uh is

Something that you know that I would have liked to see a little bit of at least in that Charlotte game um but again like you you know Nik Alexander Walker has been awesome uh you know especially defensively and I and I think uh when when you’re playing defense the

Way that you were uh in that game specifically you’re kind of hoping that having n and Jaden out there at the same and Kyle Anderson too when he was playing offense defense for cat you know having those three guys out there at the same time could have at least stemmed

The tide defensively uh but that didn’t happen and and so I I I honestly thought that the defense was much more of a problem against Charlotte than the offense like yes obviously you want to make more shots yes you you want to you know kind of have those guys abandon

Their Chase for 70 or whatever they wanted to get Carl uh earlier in that game um but again tonight you know I think it was just more of a function of uh ant just kind of played herob ball a little bit right and so you know what we

All love ant hero ball when the shots are going in but when the shots aren’t going in you know you turn it over a couple times like you did um it just doesn’t look as great and so uh you know credit to Washington too in that third

Quarter they played a Zone in the wolves scored on three of their four possessions against the Zone uh and then they went back to a man to a manto man and the Wolves kind of struggled a little bit and so uh they did a good job of kind of throwing some different looks

At the wolves um you know defensively which I think made it a little difficult but the Wolves also just missed shots in the fourth quarter missed some open shots um but again did a great job crashing the glass getting downhill getting to the free throw line to help

Kind of get this one to the to the Finish Line yeah well said that makes a lot of sense too by the way great breakdown there uh 29 double double of the Season by Rudy tonight he finishes with 19 points 16 boards as you mentioned so just another great game by

Him down low and we just talked about not having Conley maybe his veteran presence out on the court offensive shooting once in a while without Rudy tonight it almost felt like they would have been down double digits at half and would have had to battle and Claw their

Way back I know you already touched on some of the stats and the analytics but I guess talk to us a little bit more about his play tonight a little bit more in depth and just you know what he’s doing for this team on both ends of the

Court right now yeah I think the biggest thing for Rudy is he makes everything tough on the offensive or the I guess the offensive glass while the wolves are on offense but that me makes it really difficult for opposing teams to to collect defensive rebounds and that kind

Of wears on you over time right because if if you know other guys and the wolves are kind of realizing that you know the Wizards are now devoting two or three guys to try to keep Rudy off the offensive glass it creates opportunities for guys like Nik Alexander Walker um to

Kind of Crash from the corner a little bit and and get offensive rebounds and so when that happens um you know it it tends to lead to good things right you know nikel Alexander Walker had one offensive rebound tonight it was in the third quarter um and it was after an

Anthony Edwards missed three because two or three guys were were on goar got the rebound kicked it right back out to ant ant made the three um to to get the Wolves back up in front and and that was kind of you know the the play that I

Think that really kickstarted um The Wolves kind of grabbing control of the game and so uh it’s just those little types of things that goar does that wears on you that can create these moments these opportunities for um other guys to make a play on the offensive

Glass that can help get the team going and so um not only does does Rudy create all these open looks for ant and open runways for ant to get to the rim um and pick and roll when he’s setting screens um he’s also a great you know off ball

Screen setter but uh really it’s just his offensive activity uh on the glass that just wears on a team and uh you know like I said creates opportunities for the other guys to to come in and rebound and um and then too you know he draws fouls on those offensive rebound

Attempts as well yeah which is really important is you know team fouls it helps get the wolves in the bonus which is great um and was a huge reason why Daniel Gafford their starting center um you know was in foul trouble and eventually fouled out of this game was

Just because of uh what he was doing on the glass and made it really tough for tough for Gafford so um yeah a great game for Ry goar you know tonight was the king of doing all the little things and um and again you know like you said

Another night where like I said earlier another night where Rudy goar’s presence on the defensive end causes a lot of wizards players to stop short of the rim stay in that kind of four to 10 foot short mid-range area um and and again tonight the Wizards ended up taking

26 shots from four to 14 feet they made Seven of those 27% you will take that every single time every single time a team shoots you know more of those little short mid-range shots than shots at The Rim that’s important because Washington made 18 of their 19 shots at

The Rim tonight 95% so um yeah but but again when when goar was on the floor they they were not getting the rim quite as much so um a great game great game for tonight plenty more deep di from this one including possible trade scenarios before the deadline and that’s all coming up

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Game after going three for 11 uh cat followed his 62 uh Point excuse me 62o night up with 27- six there already talked about Rudy NS starting again for Mike connley tonight not the 18 points we got on Monday but he put up what six points there last night bench didn’t

Really get a ton back-to-back games from the bench again I think he had a combined 15 points from them not really used to seeing that just what caught your eye I guess for good or bad with any one of those other individual performances or who’s just sticking out

To you right now on this roster over the past few games because you mentioned mlin he’s just been a a breath of fresh air man for me I gotta say but you tell me who’s sticking out he really has um but but I thought Carl Anthony towns um

Bounced back really nicely in in the second half after a pretty mediocre first half um you know I think he was he was trying to find the right balance of of how to assert himself in on the game without uh you know just Chuck in or you know

Taking some poor shots to try to get into a rhythm I thought he did a great job of just kind of letting the game come to him in the second half right so he only had six points on three of 10 shooting uh in the first half but um you

Know did a great job in the second half of uh you know just kind of like I said letting the game come to him uh you know he did a great job attacking off the dribble um you know again in the third quarter specifically you want to look at

What he did he had 15 points on six of 10 shooting he was six of eight from two uh which was really important uh he he didn’t commit any offensive fouls um he didn’t have any turnovers while you know a lot of his work came while he was

Driving or in postup situations where where a lot of his his offensive fouls and turnovers come so it was nice for him to you know really effectively use his strength um without fouling um and then finishing strong inside uh was was really important for for Carl um and so

Ended up having 15 points like I said in that third quarter and was really key to the to the Timberwolves kind of finding a rhythm um and then you know as a result of that the Wizards then tried to play a Zone uh which you know then we

Got Kyle Anderson in the middle of the zone and kind of diced things up and uh and that was just really helpful I think to help get other guys going like Jan McDaniels kind of uh you know kind of did the equivalent of of when uh you

Know you know a guy kind of at the lake is thrown this huge wake and you just kind of ride the waves behind it um you know doing did a great job just kind of having two points here two points there to kind of you know help turn a little

40 run and a 60 run or or make a make a fivepoint lead a seven-point lead things like that so for Carl to have 21 points on eight to 12 field goals in the second half with no turnovers um is about as good as you can get uh from Carl

Especially when he’s not turning it over and he’s taking most of his shots from inside the three-point line that’s that’s always a great thing um and then the one another note that I had or or I guess with Carl specifically I thought it was really great to see um you know

Really great to see Carl kind of take over in the third and then when he when he went to the bench at the start of the fourth quarter to see ant uh kind of assert himself and and make plays happen I thought was was really good that the

Timberwolves could kind of have one kind of lead dog score out there at all times was really helpful after ant uh went to the went to the bench in the third quarter of the foul trouble um but yeah I mean and then the the other point that

That you mentioned that that I’d written down here that I wanted to talk about a little bit and can kind of segue into to what we want to talk about with the the trade deadline coming up here in a couple weeks is um the timberwol only

Had 15 bench points and for them to lose 445 um to a team that really you know doesn’t have a whole lot of better bench scoring options than the wolves do um you know Cory kiser’s a guy that can can light it up and kind of get going from

Three but you only had seven points tonight I mean Marvin baggley they just traded for him a few days ago uh maybe three four games ago uh he’s been he’s been awesome uh for them since he arrived I mean he had 17 points and seven of eight shooting to go along with

15 rebounds and and he could had a lot more I mean he was three of eight from the free throw line um I mean Marvin Bagley outscored the Wolves bench by himself um n Reed and Shake Milton just saw that comment come up about about Shake um you know seven points on on

Three of 14 shooting um that’s anytime you T have twice as many attempts as points um or shot attempts as points you’re you’re doing something wrong um what’s a guy like Begley go for what’s like market value for a guy like Marvin Begley would you guess Marvin Begley

Went for like an expiring contract in a second round pick or something like that oh okay okay but it was really just kind of swapping you know deck chairs on the Titanic for both of these teams it was more I I think it was more that that

Detroit was looking to get off of long-term money um for sure okay and and so you know that obviously was was part of the calculus there but um yeah I I think you know shake Milton has been in the game obviously Mike Conley wasn’t there so he was kind of taking some of

Those rotation minutes from Conley but I’m also I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that Mike Conley has missed a couple of games um you know now that the trade deadline is is a few weeks away um in part because I think the wolves are trying to give a little bit

More run to shake Milton to see if Shake Milton you know can be you know what he was for the Sixers for four years um here here in Minnesota and uh it hasn’t worked out that way so far um and I think you know if if Shake were to have

Played better I’m not going to say that that would have changed their decision and whether they would move him or not move him but maybe it you know can help you know nudge a team that that you’re trying to trade with and say hey look well he’s kind of finding a rhythm here

Sure you know maybe he can continue that with with your group um you know things like that so um Jaden wants what do you think about tus Jaden wants to know about tus bring him home bring him back what do you think you know I I obviously

Um you know I I you know I I’ve met tus he’s he’s a great dude spent a little bit of time with him his aunt was the athletic director at my high school when I was in high school that’s awesome um has a great family awesome guy really

Well-like teammate you know would fit really well on this wolves team we we feel the butt coming but um you know tyus Jones is a guy that’s gonna probably going to command a first round pick um The Wolves don’t have any available wow and and the other part of

It too is that you know tus Jones would be a rental um he he would not resign in Minnesota and that’s not because you know he wouldn’t want to be here it’s just because of the Wolves financial situation they just would not be able to uh afford to resign both Mike Conley and

And tus Jones and obviously a player like Mike Conley at this stage given what he’s he’s brought to the team would would would take precedence and priority there so yeah the money in the cap really limits your options there I guess with his whole trade scenario as fun fun

As it is to sit here and drop some you know possible scenarios things like that wolves really limited with not only the cap situation but the draft pick future draft pick situation as well just not a lot of ammo and assets to really wheel and deal right there so that makes a lot

Of sense um quick look at the schedule and what’s on Deck moving forward that’s all coming up right after this quick reminder tonight’s episode brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more with America’s number one Sportsbook and official Sportsbook partner of the NBA right now new customers you’re getting $150 in bonus

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That’s the one everyone’s got circled but bigger picture what are you looking for here what needs to happen if you’re the Wolves over this next six game strek outside of just let’s get Mike connley back and start fine-tuning the defense a little bit more what do you

Think yeah honestly for me I just think it’s finding consistent production Off the Bench um you know I think we’re going to see some tinkering uh ahead of the the trade deadline um you know I think it’s it’s pretty clear that the wolves are going to try to try to trade

Shake Milton here and see what they can then can net with Shake Milton in some seconds um you know we can float out a couple names if we want to but um for me that’s the most important thing like we we’ve seen enough of this defense to

This point where we know that it’s elite we know what it’s capable of doing and this is generally the Time of the Season where you see really Elite defensive teams kind of slip a little bit um just because it’s really hard to win with just you know Smashmouth defense um for

All 82 games right and so um you know you think about the NFL even the best defenses in the NFL right are going to have a one two week stretch where guys kind of are banged up they struggle they get torched um and then kind of lock

Back in once you you know find that that Thanksgiving is time right and so um same same thing here and uh again not really worried about the defense you just want to be able to see the offense kind of pick up some of the slack and

For me it’s it’s not all that much about the starters right I I think it’s more about um the bench unit right you know finding more consistent run for Jordan mcclaflin because when Jordan mclin’s in the game more I I think you know good things tend to happen the ball tends to

Move more Nas tends to play a little bit better um you know Kyle Anderson uh as well kind of kind of freeze him up to um you know not have the ball in his hands quite so much and impact the game a little bit more as a screen Setter and a

Cutter uh which I like um so and honestly too like I would I would love to see more of Troy Brown Jr I you know I don’t really think that Troy Brown Jr has has done anything really wrong to Warrant him not playing very many

Minutes I I think he’s a he’s a really you know useful rotation player earlier in the season for the Timberwolves really useful for the for the Lakers last season and so I’d like to see him you know give more run as a guy that um you know obviously isn’t going to bring

You you know Kyle Anderson level defense but is a guy that could you know help face the floor score a few more points on nights when your defense isn’t there and and Kyle may not you know have his his aame defensively just just see you

Know let them lose say hey man go go take three four shots see what happens and um and just kind of let it rip so um that’ll be that’ll be fun uh to see hopefully but but yeah it’s all about offense and and continuing to try to

Find some some consistency Off the Bench here and and if they don’t then you know Tim Connelly’s got his work cut out for him ahead of the trade deadline which is two weeks from tomorrow so uh last one need your quick 30 60 seconds at the most on cat’s record setting night

Monday 62 points 44 in the first half starts the game eight for eight from three Target Center was just on fire and now he’s one of six NBA players to have multiple 60-point games in their career absolutely unbelievable forget about the loss just for a minute and tell us how

Truly special that was because dude when you’re a fan of one specific team like we are you just don’t get to see that more than a few times in your entire life if you’re lucky so how do he do it and just how talented and special is

That dude yeah I I was really pleased that the first three quarters he had 58 points obviously which is incredible but all of it seemingly came within the flow of the offense like there weren’t that many of his shots in the first half obviously scoring 44 in the first half

Most in the you know shot tracking play-by-play era almost you know going back almost 30 years um was awesome but he not a lot forced not a lot for was just kind of getting the ball to him in SPS where he’s really successful obviously made eight threes in the first

Half was awesome was eight for eight um but but I think the fact that all of it came within the flow he was aggressive he was spacing the floor uh he he really started with his three-point shooting and then you know got on the Block and

It was just a a situation where the Hornets didn’t have anybody they could guard him right and uh and he just took full advantage it was kind of the same script as as what happened in the uh as what happened in the Spurs game last year um you know he didn’t have a

32-point quarter like he did last year against the Spurs which is awesome but um yeah it was just really sustained in in in Rhythm success and then we kind of saw it happen in the fourth quarter but um I don’t blame those guys one bit for

What happened I talked about that on the basketball party today um you know if you’re looking for someone to get all mad and up in arms that the Tim wolves lost that game I am not that guy I was thoroughly entertained I get it an entertainment product it’s mid January

You know guys are looking for reasons have fun in these games or looking forward to the all-star break you know just a a oneoff like you said you know not many opportunities for you know us as fans to be able to watch a guy score 62 but also these teammates to help a

Guy you know keep feeding a guy and and help him you know have a historic scoring night like that I’m sure was you know a lot of fun for them too up until uh the fourth quarter right uh well done tonight as always wolves bounced back snap the two- game losing streak they

Beat Washington 118 107 they moved to 31 and 13 on the year now tied with OKC for the lead in the west Wolves win tonight OKC playing the Spurs they’re in the second quarter as we speak back on the road with the Nets tomorrow night to finish the backtack tip off 6:30 pm

Central Standard Time and again another rematch with OKC just three games away as always huge shout out to everyone that joined us in the postcast always love the feedback and comments after every game and rest assured we’ll be back each and every game same time same

Place right here here to break it all down and remember go check out all Jack’s work on Twitter Jr Borman 13 and make sure you go check out him on the Minnesota basketball party as mentioned with the full crew you got Sam extrom golfer’s Legend Ron Johnson Carol Evans

Reggie Wilson that’s each and every Wednesday afternoon and if you haven’t already Ben Beacon still ripping it up over on the lockdown wolves podcast each and every day too hey you mentioned the brand new basketball party episode dropped today can’t wait to check it out what’s the big talkers give us a little

Quick tease before we get out of here talked a lot about that Charlotte game for for the people that are interested um in that one and kind of talk too Drew some parallels between Carl Anthony towns or and Joel embiid and and how they’re similar how they’re different

And kind of what’s enabled Joel embiid to to take this huge step forward as an MVP candidate and why you know cat hasn’t necessarily been um been able to get there so love it love it make sure to check that out each and every Wednesday afternoon that’ll do it for us

Tonight he’s Jack Borman I’m Luke Inman on Twitter Luke score spin until next time s know

The Minnesota Timberwolves shake off a two game losing streak in Washington tonight with the 118-107 victory. Join Luke Inman and Jack Borman for the immediate reaction following the game.


  1. Wolves likely trade for a Monte morris type guy a solid backup but not anything special . hope they can find a guy who's under contract next year also so don't gotta worry about the guy leaving this offseason . definitly gotta grab a backup pg tho all due respect to McLaughlin but his lack of shooting on top of not really setting our bench players up like he used to limits his value not a guy you want playing in a playoff series either is shake or tbj at this point.

  2. We've won several games by easy margins without ANT or KAT and the team didn't miss a beat. However, these games without Conley definitely look different.

    Conley & Gobert are the adults in the room, they stabilize us.

    But that's concerning considering KAT & ANT will have the ball in their hands the majority of the time in the playoffs. Both super-talented guys that aren't high basketball IQ decision-makers. It's been a great season, but the more I think about it we probably won't make it past the 2nd round.

  3. I agree I think they will get beat pretty early in the playoffs . In a series most of the playoff teams as it stands right now are just simply better than the wolves …..

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