@Toronto Raptors

LA Clippers at Toronto Raptors | FULL GAME | January 26, 2024

LA Clippers at Toronto Raptors | FULL GAME | January 26, 2024

And the Raptors making the final preparations welcome to this Sunday afternoon edition of the NBA here on 2K sports this is Kevin Harland alongside Steve Kerr and Clark Kell thanks for joining [Applause] [Applause] us now a chance to check out our starting lineups first for the Clippers Harden out there with Franklin and it’s love in at the five roaming the paint then there’s kawhai Leonard and it’s George in at the four slot and for Toronto B and D rozan there at the back

Fort and at the five the fifth overall pick in the 2011 Draft a fleet footed 611 big man out of Lithuania Jonas Valen chunis then there’s Rudy Gay and it’s Johnson in a power forward position I tell you what the Clippers playing in the Western Conference knew they’d have

To take care of business faceing in Eastern Conference opponents and they did 21 and9 against the East and a bunch of highlight real plays along the [Applause] way [Applause] [Applause] I’ll and for the Clippers against the East they had a winning record against every division out there that’s exactly what any coach Steve would hope for at the start of the season and you’ll remember the Clippers went on that big streak in December and I think the early

Part of the season they won 17 games in a row a lot of those games out on the road back East so I thought that established the tone for the clippers for for last year here’s George that’s good George has got the first basket of the game for Los Angeles

Beautiful cut to the hoop he’s getting anything he wants here already the dish to Valen junis Lowry against Harden Lowry passes to D rozan there’s the feet to Valen Junes just five to shoot no good from gay kind of rare to see him come up empty on a wide open

Look here’s Leonard good on the triple Leonard’s got his first three points of the game Savvy moov to pull up from three-point range on the break there when you can shoot it like he can if you’ve got it take it lry kicks to Johnson and George with the

Block Leonard with the ball gay picks him up defensively and here’s love from the ark and again Los Angeles with a triple how in the world did they let him get that wide open guys they’re looking for a spark here yeah I mean a cold stretch off offensively they desperately need a

Basketball how get a screen from valenci unes and rozan kicks to Johnson and he uses the glass on the layup well they had to take the lid off the hoop I guess but they finally get one to go there yeah a bit of an unsettled start I mean maybe that’ll get

Him going here’s Franklin Leonard kicks to Franklin and again Los Angeles with the trip excellent ball movement there guys yeah I think that’s what’s keyed this run Clark because they’re keeping the ball moving defense hasn’t been able to set up now here is Lowry pass to

G rebound love I thought he’d make that one that’s his range and the defense nowhere to be seen and out of bounds as the Raptors gain possession a moment to check in with Doris Burke Doris I was able to speak with Dwayne Casey for a moment the one player on this mind in

This matchup Kevin Love and it’s not for his scoring ability but for the harm he can do to a team on the backboards you saw what he can do to teams if he goes on check coach said we don’t want to let him get up and get over 20 or 30

Rebounds on us and to do that we got to check him out each time a shot goes up guys easier said than done thanks Doris first quarter basketball just over two and A2 minutes play Lowry kicks to D rozan it’s gay on the way fires the three that’s

Good Gay’s got himself on the board with three there Rudy Gay is clearly a player with star potential guys he’s got size skill Elite athleticism he’s in his eighth season now and he’s looking to put it all together and make his first Allstar team and stolen by Gay Harden against

Lowry now the pass to Valen chunes from the ark can’t get it to go so the Clippers will take it the other way and for Rudy Gay has score a terrific rebound he can do it all I think for him it’s the little things that will put him over the top just

Better shot selection you know better focus defensively but there’s no doubt about it he’s one of the most talented players in the NBA and that’s why Toronto made the trade for him last year here’s Lowry Kawhi Leonard making his last shot to the inside gay dishes to valent

Junis the rebound by Paul George Los Angeles leading by 10 and stolen by Kyle Lowry gay with it and it’s Harden picking him up gay passes to Johnson and B Junes kicks it D rozan passes it to gay second shot opportunity and it’s good on the way in

Okay he’s got five now not a really great start for him as he just isn’t shooting the ball that effectively here early [Applause] on here’s Leonard and again Los Angeles with the triple well the big thing with him is that corner three-point shot that’s his spot he loves drifting to

That area and so defensively you’ve got to keep an eye on him but what that does is it limits the amount of help you can give when he’s on the floor and I know something else the fans love about him is the way he’s capable of going

Straight over the top of a Defender with some monster throwdowns I mean we’re talking about posterization with capital letters here’s Leonard after the ma shot from Kyle low that one goes counter Five Points in the game that’s far too good a look to give them from behind the arc

Well that’s three of the last five makes having been behind the three-point line so got to make some adjustments defensively now here’s Johnson from deep it’s rebounded by [Applause] [Applause] Lonard out to the right wing here’s Franklin again Los Angeles their offense already flowing some Stellar shooting while jumping out to this lead well high quality shots and they’ve been on target with them Lowry against Harden and Kyle Lowry again he’s got his second basket and you know for Raptor’s coach

Dwayne Casey from last season he’s wanted to improve the rim protection inside now with a little more size you add valent chunis and hopefully the pieces are in place for Casey to build a winning team in Toronto and here’s Lowry after Paul George getting his three to go Lowry dishes to Valen

Junis it’s hauled in by Los Angeles with the ball hry picks him up Leonard the pass to Franklin pulled the shot a little up but the bounce goes his way Franklin’s got seven points in the game and when you look at this Raptor team they have size and athleticism

Steve certainly capable of Defending well yeah they do have the talent to be good defensively some length on the perimeter they’ve got air Williams inside I think valent chunis is an interesting player with defensive capability so this is a club that has the potential to be pretty good at at

That end of the floor Clark they’ve been looking out of sink offensively you know what a basket here would do a lot for their confidence and finished off by D rozan oh and the pass there floated up to the precise spot where it needed to be and

No messing around in the Finish H he he blowers it through sure didn’t waste any time there I’ll tell you what that is going to be an alley will see on the Highlight Reel the next few days they just continue to Splash home those threes eliminating the deep shot has to

Become priority number one for this defense it really does I mean it’s not possible to give up that many points behind the arc and not pay the price in the end boy what a fantastic opening quarter for them yeah it sure has been look at the lead they’ve jumped out to

Already impressive and so it looks like the Raptors will retain possession here a platoon swap here for the Clippers 16 seconds on the shot 16 51 seconds left in the first quarter cross kicks to gray count the bucket another bucket in the paint that’s something they just have not been able

To stop today I think it’s time to make some adjustments defensively CLK I mean what they’ve got going right now is not getting it done outside Westbrook and another three for the Clippers the defense has done very little to slow them down so far the Raptors have gotten seven of their first

16 field goal attempts to go down here in the First 26 seconds left in the first quarter of the game loss that’s good how about that they respond to a three-pointer with a quick three of their own yeah terrific great back and forth sequence right there now here’s Westbrook he’s covered by Ross Westbrook dishes to Thompson but

Trey that drops Thompson’s got himself on the board with three there they’ve made one basket after another since getting this game started and you wonder is the blowout in store too early to say that and go there Steve but it has been pretty ugly so

Far got it up oh and he just knocked down the buzer pater now they didn’t waste any time getting into a Groove out there they’re dialed in from long range you know another factor in their offense so far has been their ability to convert and score off

Turnover you know it’s mostly been a part of his game as a way to keep keep Defenders honest but slowly but surely Russell Westbrook starting to see that three-point percentage creep up to a respectable range you know if he gets to be locked down from the three-point line

He would be unguardable now let’s go to Doris Burke Doris gentlemen Rudy Gay and Kyle Lowry came into the league together as rookies with the Memphis Grizzlies and played two and a half years together before Lowry was traded to Houston now they’re reunited on the Raptors Lowry

Said having Rudy coming in it’s really my brother we hang out together we do everything pretty much together he’s also excited about what Rudy brings to the team saying he can create his own shot a high flyer he’s a big shot guy he’s going to be an Allstar and guys

With Lowry setting the table he can help make that a reality had friendship such a great foundation for their success thanks Doris I’m not sure what he was thinking about there that’s a that’s a strange foul who knows maybe he just wanted to take a break for a minute vich checked

In for Brook Lopez and with Westbrook you like to see him attack through him that’s where he’s most Clark devastated um I think he used to shoot his jumper on the way down the great jumpers do that because they hang and Defenders Fall Away first but he’s really become extremely reliable at that

15 to 17t jumper when teams go underneath screens to keep him from the basket Fields the pass to Augustine Thompson with the block but he stays with it and and out of bounds as Los Angeles gains possession difficult to explain that turnover I mean I guess he

Thought he had more room than he did but he really lost his place on the court Westbrook gets a screen from plumber it’s Westbrook with the drive Thompson for three that’s good and so Westbrook comes up with the assist Thompson’s got six points in the quarter this looks like a pregame shoot around

With all the threes they’re allowing yeah I don’t know Clark I think there might be even more defense in warm-ups I mean this is kind of embarrassing and he gets it to go here’s the Clippers they’re on an 11-2 run and again the Clippers good for

Two Kevin does a great job of moving without the ball and he gets a lot of good looks because of that movement and as long as his teammates are setting screens and looking for him he can be lethal from the outside and that is the key Steve but his release in those catch

And shoot moments is also terrific and here’s the intentional foul but you know it’s coming at a very inopportune time yeah that’s a bad play there I mean that that can really cost you the game you’ve got to be smart when you make those intentional fouls Los Angeles making a

Switch here Kevin lovees checked in for vhvi Paul George comes in for plumbley Leonard he’s checked in for Thompson and Franklin sumed in for Russell Westbrook and the Clippers have possession Leonard with the ball gay picks him up defensively and out of bounds as Toronto gains possession where

Was he going with that pass I mean that’s just an awful turnover Jonas valent junis he’s checked in for henbro and a little under two and A2 minutes gone by here in the second quarter well no team likes to have their first round pick belong to another team

It gets worse when you’re a lottery team yourself and you’re trying to build your talent base up but the Raptor’s number 12 pick in this Summer’s draft went to one of the elite teams in Oklahoma City Franklin kicks to Leonard and again it’s the Clippers from Deep boy they look helpless

Defensively the Raptors have gone three of their first five shots to drop here in the second quarter and it’s Lowry penetrating rejected by Leonard and they’ll keep possession no good from Gay and here’s Los Angeles they’re on a 16-6 run Leonard kicks to George and again Los Angeles with a

Triple well Clark as you said the Thunder got the Raptor’s first selection this last year only the way the Raptors would have been able to hang on to it was Steve if they jumped up to the top three in the water and as bad as it

Might seem for the Raptors to not had a first and it is bad it was as good as any other time for them to not have a first round pick because the draft wasn’t deep uh and the Raptors have a lot of young Talent already and that

They can make improvement with fires the three and again Los Angeles with the triple Kevin he didn’t hesitate that time the D gave him a step and he just pulled up and drained the three the Raptors have gone four of eight so far here in the second quarter Lowry drives

In and he converts to layup L’s got four points this quor and you can feel the the pattern of this game guys they’re they’re working it inside dominating in the paint getting good shots at will well four of their last five baskets guys have been of exactly that

Variety here’s Leonard and again it’s the Clippers from Deep you got to make a defensive adjustment here because he’s just destroying them from three-point range well even when they’ve closed out on him Steve he’s knocking them down Lowry kcks to D rozan back to Lowry Johnson dishes to gay unloads from

13 and he knocks down the jumper Gay’s got 10 points in the game you know he’s got a quick trigger from that range when he senses that the defense has backed off Leonard and again Los Ang with the Tripes that’s now a dozen straight points coming off wideopen

Three-pointers you know what it looks like to me out there guys I mean it looks like Allstar Weekend out there we know how much defense has played there it’s actually ense during the Allstar Weekend no D Lowry drives in Johnson outside six to shoot here’s

Gay and it’s good 12 points for him I really appreciate their activity in the post today I mean their movement down low has been great yeah ball movement player movement they’re generating a lot of easy opportunities for themselves down there that’s good they’re going back to the three-point shot over and

Over and over that was the ninth straight point from behind the arc Clark it feels like they they’re finding the holes in this defense Johnson the pass to gay Lowry with the ball and it’s Harden picking him up Lowry gets a screen from Valencia Unis three from gay the rebound by Paul

George George has got three rebounds so far in the game but an eight rebound Advantage like the one they have now is always going to swing the score hard in that team’s Direction and that’s certainly been the case today their rebounding has made a huge difference the drive by

L a minute 50 left in the first half back to Johnson he dishes a two to roses that’s in coming off the assist from Johnson boy he made a nice little bounce pass there we call that the pocket pass and he did it well well you know it

Seems that Amir Johnson is the kind of player who’s always in and out of a starting lineup never really had a chance to lock down that starting role for an extended period of time last year but was pretty good when he did get the knot he’s a big reason why they have the

Lead right now he’s made all of his field goal attempts thus far and remains hot from the floor and it’s Lowry penetrating gay kicks Delow knocked loose Johnson dishes Delow back to Johnson and that’s out of bounds Toronto will retain possession and for Amir Johnson it’s pretty unbelievable but he’s approaching

A decade in the NBA the kid from Los Angeles it just seemed like the other day you know he was just coming to the league just 26 years of age and here he is almost a decade in the league y drafted out of Westchester High school in Los Angeles you wonder how his

Development would have been different if he’ gone the college route but he does seem to be coming on now the last couple of Seasons Augustine from outside can’t hit so Los Angeles will take it the other way and here’s Westbrook from the ark and another three for the Clippers it

Took him a little while to get into the flow of this game but now he’s definitely found his stride in Rhythm August with it Westbrook picks him up here’s hbro terrific design on the pick play and he lays it in HBO’s got his first bucket in this [Applause] one outside

Westbrook shots good and their interior defense getting exposed once again how many open looks at The Rim are they going to allow kicks it the fields hands BR screen on Thompson here is Ross he’s covered by Thompson and that’s out of bounds Toronto will retain possession super defensive play I

Mean if that pass gets through it’s probably two points and he knew that he knew if it gets through it’s a score so that’s why he sold out for it and got a hand on it Fields the fast [Applause] Ross Fields with it great te that time from Thompson pretty good defense there

I mean that’s a shot that he can make but they really challenged him and the Clippers decide to take their first timeout here for three Westbrook and it’s in oh wow he Nails the buzzer and so a pretty lopsided game to the first I mean his

Passing was the key uh to their offense in that first half not something you always see and that’s not a role he usually plays and one I’m not sure he’s comfortable in but they’ve needed him to make some plays today and to his credit he’s done it offensively he can be the

Engine that drives them at any given time the Raptors have been in the rebuilding process for a while now and even though they still didn’t crack the postseason they were able to do something they haven’t done in several years win more than they lose here in Toronto a surreal alleyoop that time

Partner the pass Clark the catch the dunk all of it perfect Precision at its finest yeah and it all had to be perfect and in Precision that’s not nearly as easy as they made it look and it’s Lowry penetrating feeds to Valen Junes got a piece of it and rozan kicks to

Gay shot clock at six good ball movement here by the Raptors love grabs the board Love’s got his third rebound on the night and it might seem like such a small accomplishment but going back to what you said Clark about the Raptors but they are a young team team and it takes

Small steps like that to climb up the the standings Steve you know this year to year yeah no question I mean unless you have a a once in a lifetime or at least once in a generation type player in the draft uh you have to do it with

Smaller steps and that’s what the Raptors are trying to do Clippers have gone three to three from the field since halftime Leonard attacking come on just a little over 90 seconds gone in the third quarter back to George again the Clippers and still perfect here in the second half four for

Four from the field the Raptors have gone one to three since starting the second half Clark some tough offensive sets they want to turn it around yeah they need a basket just to regain some momentum here Kevin Leonard against gay Leonard the pass to Franklin and

Another three for the Clippers Bo what a nice third quarter surge they’ve got going on right now you know Steve never a better time than the third quarter in my mind to get the momentum going your way here’s Lowry and again unable to change momentum here Los Angeles has gone two

Of two from long range in the third quarter so far foul call that time on the way up that’ll give him two chances at the free throw line here complete domination what a game for Leonard he’s got 26 points just an amazing performance from downtown W he is raining down the threes

Guys you know how much I love to see this that one misses hey I think we all knew that the Clippers were good last year but we really took notice when they rattled off those 17 wins in a row in December that was a franchise record which had

Previously been 11 and that’s when the league really took notice that’s a lot of Bricks by them early in the second only one make on five tries so far in the second half half right side lonard and down it goes jamming that one home another bucket adding to their lead they’ve been the

Better team in every facet of the game and to turn in this kind of performance and an opponent’s building that’s really impressive right around 3 minutes into the second half well it was the year of the win streak last season with Miami doing what they did and Denver getting hot as well

You know Steve the Clippers had the first lengthy win streak and turned some heads earlier in the season yeah what was that about 17 games in a row they won and I thought that kind of established the Clippers in the west put a little fear in the rest of the

Conference and gave La a Swagger that I thought helped them get through the rest of the season Lopez he’s checked in for the Clippers here’s gay it’s hauled in by the Clippers George has got his fifth rebound right now in the game well he hasn’t had much success shooting the

Ball but it’s not too late for him to get it turned around and start contributing it’s amazing what they’re doing on offense here perfect in this half and it’s Lowry penetrating dishes to D Rozan gay outside outside for Lowry good on the three-point shot how’s got 11 points with the success they’ve been having from the three-point line since halftime I’ll bet you that scoreboard starts to look a lot different real soon of course they have to stay hot but if they do I

Think you’re right CLK particularly if they can convert defense into offense Leonard kicks to Franklin from The Arc and another three for the Clippers how about the passing they are moving the ball without any thought without any agenda it’s hard to overstate all the points they’ve scored

On assist today beautiful to watch back to Lowry he kicks it to gay it’s hauled in by George George has got six rebounds in the game they’ve shown effort and aggression in the paint right from the tip their rebounding Edge is impressive and I’ll tell you what they’ve turned a

Lot of those rebounds into points at the other end ason plumley’s checked in for kawh Leonard the drive by Lowry harder rozen on the wing back to Lowry backed to [Applause] rozan here’s gray laid in with a nice touch off the glass very nice pickup of the offensive rebound and once he gets his hands on it you know it’s going back up and back in here’s D rozan banked in off the

Glass D rozen’s got six I don’t know who was supposed to be on him there but clearly a mistake by the defense well you know what guys Demar D rozan said he watched a lot of tape of Dwayne Wade working on the Low Blocks learning to pass out of double teams and attack

Weaker Defenders that’s definitely an area he can exploit in his own game Lowry dishes to gay hansboro that’s good and that assist earned him a little nod from his teammate after the basket Los Angeles has gotten the three ball working for them in the second half they’ve hit

Three out of three shots from long range and for d not a great playmaker but he has made strides in that area yeah last season he significantly improved his assist to turnover ratio and that’s exactly what you want to see out of your shooting guards because even though

They’re not Playmakers as point guards shooting guards are handling the ball too and making [Applause] plays George against gay and George kicks to plumbley pass to Holiday Good ball movement here by the Clippers come [Applause] oning gay against George and again the Clippers good for two and breaking down some numbers here

The hustle deaths for the Clippers their defense has been outstanding Kevin closing out on shots blocking a lot of them as well they’ve been firing on all cylinders in the transition game too I mean they’ve really run the break well okay well let’s check in with Doris Burke reporting from our sideline in

This game Doris take it away well gentlemen it’s not not often you see a team trade for a coach but the Clippers did just that to get Doc Rivers the Clippers gave up a first round pick to get him but they believe he is their guy

He has a title on his coaching resume and that played a big part in why the Clippers were willing to give up so much to just acquire doc rers felt it was time for a change and gladly took the chance to take over a team that could contend immediately gentlemen no

Question he can help thanks Doris Toronto’s gone two of three when they ventured Outside The Arc in the third quarter and Augustine kicks to fields and good coming in on the assist by DJ Augustine and here we go with Russell Westbrook 14 points for him Thompson outside takes a three

That’s good Thompson’s got 17 now a great assist nice work from Russell Westbrook Raptor shooting 47% since getting things started in the third quarter Augustine passes to Fields 8sec difference between the shot clock and the game Clock from Beyond The Arc and again Toronto with the triple well he mans that position for a reason Kevin because he passes the ball so well sets up his teammates beautifully really gets this offense into a nice Rhythm delivering the pass important but but putting the

Pass in the right place for Shooters as you well know huge yeah no question Angeles calls timeout well a front office shakeup this offseason for the Toronto soures the Raptors spent big money to attract the executive of the year and there was definitely some turnover as people were

Let go and Fresh Faces were hired on big group substitution here for the Clippers cles checked in for Byron Mullins Paul George comes in for vich Kawhi Leonard’s checked in for Thompson and it’s Harden in for Drew holiday and now Doris Burke has an update from the sidelines Kevin

Doc Rivers was just addressing the plan with his team he said they need to start attacking in the open court he doesn’t want to see them operating in a strictly halfcourt offense he wants their Tempo to become more of a weapon he also went on to say that he wants to see good

Movement on the perimeter and plays being run to get their outside Shooters open it’s pretty late in the game to be altering the game plan but they’re going to come out with a different look here guys back to you great thanks for the report Doris the shots good from

Franklin Frank you know with the new leadership here in Toronto perhaps a change for the better for a team that that’s only made the playoffs St five times in its 18 year history the new general manager is very well respected around the league he’s done a great job

Uh in Denver and now a chance to turn this Toronto franchise around and remember Kevin this is one of the best fan bases in the NBA these fans love their team I think this is kind of a sleeping giant here yeah and guys it’s his consistent shooting that’s really

Helped get his team into a position they’re in right now Augustine dishes to Gray and good coming in on the assist by DJ Augustine Augustine’s got three assists now in this one here’s Leonard ball stolen here’s Ross it’s rebounded by Leonard the defense was ready for him that time and

They had to be he is so powerful powerful in the leane for three and he gets it to go Leonard’s got a pair of Threes here in the fourth quarter for the Clippers he has really punished these Defenders today no matter who’s been on him he’s been giv them [Applause]

Medicine Augustine against Harden Leonard brings the double team now the dish to gray he feeds it to Nova lets the three fly and it’s the Clippers with the rebound left side Leonard on the wing George and again Los Angeles with the triple and another three-pointer to their second half total yeah they caught

That long range bug at halftime and it’s been bombs away ever since they get a hand on it oh watch out now guys that’s simply superb ball ball pressure a run out and then a dunk in transition exactly Clark what they wanted the aggressive defense to lead to

Yeah points in transition that’s why you want to make the other team feel uncomfortable handling the ball because you can get easy points out of it at the other end and that replay sponsored by KIA the Kia slam cam giving us a great look at that one for Los Angeles they’ve

Gotten absolutely redot shooting the ball here in the fourth a perfect six for six the three from Harden and again it’s the Clippers from deep and those are not the kind of three-point opportunities you can give to shooters in the NBA these guys are just too good you’re exactly right it’ll burn you

Every time just like it’s burning them here takes the assist and lays it in picked out the pass nicely Fields has got nine points now in just the second half George with the ball now guarded by fields and kawhai Leonard with the slam well they’ve been so sound offensively

In the second half I love the way they’re playing yeah there’s really no comparison in the shooting percentages between the teams since the break fields and it’s the Clippers with the rebound Love’s got rebound number five here tonight here’s Leonard again Los Angeles more touches he gets the more

This lead will grow he has just been unconscious this quarter Toronto’s gotten off to an 0 for two start from downtown here in the fourth quarter Leonard brings the double team Augustine with it and it’s Harden picking him up [Applause] jump ball call and here is Los Angeles now cross

That’s good they’ll take as many of those looks as they can get Los Angeles has gotten in the crew from three-point range they are four for four since the third quarter ended where was he going with that pass I mean that’s just an awful turnover here’s augenstein hits from the high [Applause]

Post here is [Applause] Harden now here’s Leonard shoots the three Ross grabs the board Toronto they’ve gone five of 11 from the field in the fourth quarter terrific design on the pick play and he lays it in tell you what he’s enjoyed a very good day shooting the ball so far he can bring them right back

In into this here’s Leonard and that one off the back of the rim and in Leonard’s got 42 in the game Rono shooting a well here in the fourth quarter at 50% Augustine from outside and he gets it to go yeah he had to get that shot

Off quickly because the defense was all over yeah that’s the key Steve the quick trigger any hesitation and that shot gets blocked Leonard kicks to Franklin and they wasted no time getting those three points back Franklin’s got 11 in the second half the Raptors have

Gone seven of 13 from the field here in the fourth stolen by Harden here’s Leonard the big dunk at the end of the break great job capitalizing on that steal and getting the easy points in transition exactly how it should be done after a turnover Leonard brings the

Double team here’s fields and good coming in on the assist by DJ Augustine I wasn’t so sure he could get it turned around after that poor first half but uh he’s got it rolling here a little bit in the second Leonard no luck the Raptors have gone 8 of 14 from

The floor here in the fourth quarter and it’s blocked by [Applause] Harden outside Leonard there’s the triple and he gets it to go Leonard’s got 47 points this guy’s putting on a clinic out there everything is sound and sharp and crisp he’s really the centerpiece of their offense knocked away Leonard with the

Steel and one team is just completely outclassing the other tonight spirited performance and it really ignited what is turning out to be a monster win here for Los Angeles but Steve you know you don’t see this kind of a blowout often but tonight this is a quality win across

The board to deliver out Clark this this kind of punishment well you know what I thought they did a nice job of playing against the game they kept the pressure on and clearly were dominant in every area steps back and drains the jump shot Leonard’s got 49 points in the game and

As hot as he’s been this quarter the game plan should be simple get him the ball and get out of the way it’s fields on the wing B shot tries again Gra shot is off here’s Los Angeles now they’ve outscored him 10 points to two during this ride here’s

Leonard and another three for the Clippers well if it wasn’t already out of reach it is now thanks to this spurt just keep on firing man no reason to slow down now and Augustine kicks to fields from deep and that’s collected by love couldn’t get that three-pointer default

Trying to respond the try it falls and three more from Leonard Leonard’s got 55 well the fans already heading for the exits clearly not pleased with the way their home team played here today and they shouldn’t be pleased I mean it’s a very well-deserved win Steve they came into this building and weren’t

Intimidated at all they were the [Applause] aggressors the fade away and it’s the Clippers scoring again well that puts the nail in the coffin a clinic in terms of how to play with the lead right there so the Clippers winning this one easily some days Clark everything goes right

For a team and they just did one of those games yeah it certainly was I mean these guys played a great allaround basketball game here and now we’ll send it down to Doris Burke who standing by Courtside well Paul it seemed you were really intent on making making sure you

Had a big impact in guiding this team to the win tell us what your mindset has been I did I wanted to start you know the second half off um with a lot of energy and I mean I wanted to make it a focus to myself that you know I wouldn’t

Let teams um you know take things away from it so I just want to step it up up it up a [Applause] level

Kawhi Anthony Leonard is an American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). A two-time NBA champion, he is a five-time All-Star and a five-time member of the All-NBA Team (including three First Team selections). Nicknamed the “Claw” or “Klaw” for his ball-hawking skills and exceptionally large hands, Leonard is often regarded as one of the greatest two-way players in NBA history, earning seven All-Defensive Team selections and winning Defensive Player of the Year honors in 2015 and 2016. In 2021, he was named to the NBA 75th Anniversary Team.

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