@Phoenix Suns

The Suns Have Figured It Out!

The Suns Have Figured It Out!

It’s been about a month since we’ve checked in on the Phoenix Suns and they went from a team that was struggling to be 500 to now widening the Gap from 500 to possibly contenders but how did this happen they didn’t make any significant moves it’s basically the same team

They’ve had well there’s a lot to talk about and I think what we first need to do is kind of talk about the last video I made about this team in my last video about the Phoenix Suns I had only negative things to say and I made a lot

Of points that I feel like some of them still stand but I think the dynamic is starting to change now one of the points I made about the is that they needed a true point guard and I’m not going to lie I’m still going to stand on that

Statement while Devon Booker has been playing solid as a point guard for the Suns I mean statistically he’s been consistent with the scoring and his assist numbers have only gone up I I watch the games and I’m like Booker is not a point guard and I don’t mean it to

Disrespect Booker but Booker is a shooting guard he’s a two guard what Booker does is he is meant to score the basketball and cook the hell out of your defense and I think kg said it best but Booker’s not meant to come come down and try to drop plays and create offense no

Booker is the offense the point guard gets the ball to Booker and Booker just goes to work I mean genuinely if Devon Booker was given the opportunity this man could be a 30 points per game score no question in my mind and this is with Kevin Durant and Bradley be on the

Roster so then you say oh let Bradley Beal be the point guard no because Beal’s never been the point guard of any team that he’s been on at least not a good team I can tell you that also no because he’s not a traditional point guard we’re straying away from the main

Conver ation I’m not saying they got to get a Superstar point guard and I know Kyle Lowry was a talk for a while but then it was figured out that can’t even happen due to cap space stuff but if the Phoenix Suns before the trade deadline would dead ass trade for like a

Backup point guard and I’m not even joking like campaign or something I could probably end up sleeping at night obviously they wouldn’t start but it would just be nice to have one on the team that they could work into certain lineups and do not take that out of

Context I’m not saying campaign is the reason we’re going to win the finals or even be a good team but what I’m trying to say is that a guy like John Wall I would not be against getting John Wall just saying I’m sure the price for him

Would be absolutely cheap and having him and Bill reunite and having you know that story that’d be dope I’ve always loved John Wall but regardless of them not having a true point guard the Suns have dominated and their offense is now in the top 10 so I mean we haven’t

Seen in a while and I know this team was supposed to be a top five offensive team but now they’re only reaching the top 10 but the thing is now they’re starting to figure it out and something else that they figured out is their big three the

Sun’s big three of Devon Booker Bradley Bill and Kevin Durant was a very interesting choice in my opinion you put together three scores three of the best scores in the game but three scores nevertheless and you wanted them to play ISO heavy ball and sure in the regular

Season it’s probably going to work but I can’t promise you in the postseason you’re going to succeed however it seems like as the season has gone on and as they’ve actually started to play with each other because everyone hasn’t been getting injured every other couple games they’re starting to look good together

The whole dynamic of having a big three of scores is that you don’t know who’s going to go off technically in our head we know who the best player on this team is look it doesn’t matter whoever you think is the best player on this team it

Doesn’t matter on Some Nights the suns are set up in a way where anyone on the big three could go off at any given night and that’s what I love I mean what Kevin Durant has done in these past two games is absurd and I think it’s honestly because he’s pissed off right

Now but Devin Booker that man had 52 the other night in a blowout versus the Pelicans and I mentioned that because I know we just saw MB drop 70 but if Booker played in the fourth quarter like he should have even though we were blowing them out he literally could have

Scored 60 or 70 I’m not even joking like this man was on a completely different level and I know like you don’t want him to get injured and stuff like that you take him out it was the smart thing to do but I don’t know there’s a part of me

That was like nah bro let him go for 60 let him go for 70 man but uh yeah I guess Deon Booker is not an All-Star even though he had 52 points in three quarters literally suck my dick so this video was supposed to go live on Wednesday however I decided to postpone

It just one more day because I wanted see the Suns and Mavericks game and holy yeah I’m absolutely right with what I’m saying the way Booker get is get back with a light little 46 that that’s what I love to see man but like I said I

Guess Deon Booker is not an All-Star which I’m sorry can we talk about that for a second I know people wanted me to make a dedicated video about Booker not being really selected to be an All-Star and the fan vote of being atrocious but number one I don’t feel like that really

Deserved a dedicated video and then someone the comment section was like oh why don’t you make a video something along the lines of why he gets all this hate and I’m like damn you’re not a real fan of the channel because I’ve already made that video mons ago but look I’m

Not going to hold you too much I know some people are new to the channel and honestly that’s fine but look moving past that Devon Booker is 100% an All-Star and I don’t know why people are not choosing him it’s probably because people don’t like him because they think

He’s cocky and overall they just think he’s a prick me personally I think it’s kind of to judge the All-Star Game based on just if you like someone or not like with all due respect I hate Joel embiid but Joel embiid is definitely an All-Star matter of fact

He’s an All-Star starter LeBron is one of the most most hated players in the NBA yet he is one of the top vote Getters every single year I feel like it should be based on skill I mean I’m pretty sure Austin Reeves at one point had he lead over Devon Booker which is

Like all right what the we doing let’s be serious now I actually want to transition into another topic that is very important about this team but first boys I’m not going to waste your time if you guys are enjoying the video make sure you leave a like And subscribe to

The channel if you are new so if you guys did not know a couple hours before this video went live I dropped a video on the second Channel kind of talk about what’s going on it’s honestly kind of a a serious video I’d say it’s not something I’ve ever really put

Out before and I was very open very vulnerable if you will so if you want to check it out you can see why I haven’t been uploading but just know the goal is to start consistently uploading every Monday Wednesday Friday I know I haven’t been the best in January but honestly

I’m I’m kind of sick and tired of just not uploading so we’re getting this done now anyways that’s really all I had to say so let’s get back to the video there are some players that the media or people in general are not going to talk

About when it comes to the Phoenix Suns and one of those players is Grayson Allen I’m not going to lie Grayson Allen was a pickup that I was kind of nervous about for one I didn’t know if he was going to be a dirty player and if we

Were going to have like a Draymond situation on our hands but also I knew in Milwaukee he had some bad moments Grayson Allen for one is having a career year averaging about 13 points per game but statistically his shooting has been pretty solid currently at the time recording this video he is a

50499 shooter so if the season were to end today he’d be damn near a 50509 shooter that’s not really something we see that often I think Grayson Allen is the perfect small forward to be on this team right now I know there’s been some rumors that the Suns want to go after

Miles Bridges but I love the way Grayson Allen’s been playing statistically I think Bridges would be an upgrade but I’m not sure that’s a move I necessarily want to make for obvious reasons another player that I was absolutely right about was Yousef nage I remember the use of

Nerk engine DeAndre aan trade was honestly something that a lot of people had mixed reactions about in fact some people were trying to tell me that oh aen when he leaves Phoenix he’s going to go to Portland he’s going to go off man where the has he been this man

Missed a game because he couldn’t leave his house with all due respect this man is a draft bus and yes I’ll be talking about him in a future video but Portland fans are Loki surprised that he’s playing this way why are you surprised we warned you about this I know Yousef

Nerkish isn’t technically as skilled as DeAndre aan but I’m sorry I’ve been so much happier with Yousef nage for one it actually seems like this guy gives a I know it’s such a high standard to have while statistically nage isn’t having his best scoring season or even rebounding season he’s playing an

Important role when it comes to the offense a lot of the offense is centered around him and also I can’t lie his rebounding has been amazing to see versus what DeAndre Aon has done also his defense I know that’s something a lot of people talked about he hasn’t

Been the worst defensive anchor compared to what people were saying like I know people were saying that the suns were going to be like a bottom five defense technically they’re right in the middle which obviously I would like to be top 10 but hey we’re we’re doing I guess

Okay on defense which is better than what I thought I mean I was one of the people that said they’re either going to be like top 10 or bottom 10 there was no in between and I guess we are literally in between so yay for improvement but even after all of this

Despite the Suns being on a seven game win streak is this enough to make me say and even be confident in this team going forward well for one as the title is going to suggest it seems like they figured it out it seems like they have the chemistry it seems like they know

What they have to do to succeed currently in the Western Conference they are the fifth seed and this is at the time recording this video to give you context where they stand from possibly being like the number one seed they are three games back away from the Clippers

To the four seed but after that between 1 and three it’s this big circle of teams just kind of fighting for the one two and three seed currently the Thunder hold the number one seed but the timber wolves have the same record I think it’s just due to like probably some

Conference play or something like that the Nuggets they’re only a half game back so yeah the gap between these seeds are kind of small basically what I’m trying to get at is the sun’s trying to be a top seed in the western conference is not so far-fetched anymore so yeah if

Somehow the sun’s make a trade before the trade deadline it better be for like a point guard they don’t really need to get anything else actually no maybe like an athletic Wing but that’s about it truth be told I’m pretty happy with the way the team is playing I’m happy with

The chemistry I’m happy overall with the environment that the suns are in this is a hell lot better than what the past month month or two has been but even after all of this the Suns still do have a lot of work before people start considering them a good team

The Suns Have Figured It Out!

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  1. They do not need John wall they need someone like Rondo. John wall gon be tryna score with KD, Book, and Beal. They need a pass first point and a rebound back up big who can play D

  2. As Knicks fan, U can see that media and youtubers haters obsessed with kd they only wanna talk about what kd said about goat bs, they dont wanna talk about kd b2b 40pt or the suns winning 7 in row. Haters can't help themselves, it's mental illness when it comes to KD! 🤷🏿‍♂

  3. They don’t need a pg, at most a back up from the bench. What the suns need is a defensive wing and an athletic big. That’s it

  4. Cam Payne is a scoring first PG. Facilitating is not his strength as a guard at all. Cam Payne solves nothing.

  5. Hot take if we dont keep Goodwin and warriors dont keep CP I just say we bring him back to run him with the second unit which could work since beal and book both play the 2 so he can play with either on the floor

  6. Forget the pg. They need Josh Okogie to grow 5 more inches and shoot at least 30 percent on 3's. That's the type of player they need. I know you mentioned Cam Payne but when Goodwin shot with confidence and played well, he was a much better player than Payne, especially defensively

  7. I keep hearing this John Wall argument. What exactly is it about wall that you want? Or would like? He isnt a "true PG" so there goes that argument. He isnt the John Wall of old. So there goes that. And i keep hearing he played with Beale at one point in time. Well how many years have gone by since then so we cant say chemistry. So there goes that. Also, if its a "PG" that is being asked for Jordan Goodwin is a "PG" …. so theres that. I think that people do want a high caliber PG because if we just add anybody its not going to work on top of the John Wall is a ball heavy PG so he takes the ball out of Booker and Durants hands hes not a facilitator.

  8. DA is soft as shit I'm glad we got rid of his sorry ass he hasn't proven shit and he thinks he doesn't have anything prove which is sad

  9. Devin booker should be an allstar but it is a popularty contest, this year once again proved that when lillard got the start over brunson

  10. i think all star voting is based on popularity. Lebron is the most hated but he is also the most known, thats why everyone votes for him. Devin booker is unpopular and not that well known. SO that why people dont vote for him. Also, even if it was based on skill i dont think booker should be a all star

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