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Los Angeles Lakers vs Chicago Bulls 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Los Angeles Lakers vs Chicago Bulls 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Ially in half but time is on the Lakers side with 424 remaining only if they scratch on this possession got to be smart and efficient Davis back to the basket nobody cutting nobody shoot he’s going to shoot from 10 ft and score over bich who can’t stop that that’s a tough

Shot to to fend you know that’s one of those you know coaches just I can contest it but all I can do is do that 32 minutes for ad at the other end d rozan they didn’t want to commit a foul there well I thought ad had an opportunity though to really challenge

That [Applause] [Applause] shot it’s been a while since D’Angelo has Scratched and they are really feeding ad right now but again nobody moving look at the other four Davis going to try it again toan Prince nearly got it taken Now by white good deal by the way ad has one block tonight and he had gone too straight without a

Block that’s something doesn’t happen often LeBron down the middle he goes all the way finger all for two yeah well again overpowering Kobe white Kobe White’s just too small coming up on three minutes to play J rozan in there Dear oh doesn’t miss that mid-range jumper does he he doesn’t whole career he hasn’t 28 for Demar D rozan Compton Zone Davis Lakers milking it for all they can right now they’re in no hurry LeBron James with Alex Caruso behind him turn shoots oh just right on

The rib but wouldn’t roll in it’s a two on four that’s a good look for white oh o dipped in and came out that would have made it interesting yes it would have put it to a ninepoint game single digits I hearkened back to that Philadelphia game what was it like 3

Years ago or something it was a nine-point lead with like 50 seconds left yeah those are phenomenal of I know but that’s what you got to think you got to think it can be done you don’t want it to be done but it can the soon move scores they’re fighting they’re fighting

Away they not the the white flag has not come up and the Lakers are kind of tentative right now they’re almost in their prevent oh you know how much we love the prevent defense they’re in to prevent offense prevent you from winning yeah new season high for the Lakers with 136

Great Look Away pass LeBron the wide open Vanderbilt Vanderbilt had his headband knocked off foul D’Angelo so that’s free throws coming exaggerate a little bit a little bit just a bit what of my favorite hey on Instagram or Twitter or anything but no when you let Mike finish his comment

Okay go ahead Mike are you done are you sure bill because it is you are in charge here but what is do what do you like to throw in rock paper scissor first I’m just curious first first off I throw rock okay that makes sense that tracks right Billy absolutely not going to

Challenge that Caruso lays it up and in I was going to say if you want to see what Mike wears every night he does post it as he’s walking on the court assuming his Twitter and Instagram really nice one tonight darts with his shoes really nice just a little bit of [Applause]

Insight under a minute Lakers with a 10-point lead yeah 140 130 tacos are long gone streamers will be coming down soon though uh oh Dow almost tied his career high in threes bottom line is uh you give up 132 you give up 132 you’re not going to win

Offense but the Lakers will win tonight there were a lot of high-scoring games today seven games in the NBA stick around post gamees coming up including a Mike trudell interview this is Anthony Davis’s fourth and fifth free throws season high for the Lakers 140 and Stang excuse me Anthony Davis now

One for four from the line ad on the year 812 per Center so bit of an [Applause] anomaly lot of this crowd still here steu they just enjoying the NBA basketball with under a minute to play Demar D rozan Caruso lets it Fly rebound to

Ad well that ended it not that he wasn’t before that but that really ended it tan Prince doesn’t have to shoot and he does it this will be the last possession for the Lakers and they will hatch it take the turnover crowd starts to roll [Applause] [Applause] four 141 132 that’s what our final is going to be Lakers are going to move to 500 again they’ll be 23 and 23 17 and8 at home and 6 and8 against the East they’ve struggled a little bit with the other conference blls are 21 and 25 7 and 15 on the rad

Los Angeles Lakers vs Chicago Bulls 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 25 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


  1. I don’t see any timeout when the point is getting closer at Lakers end, is it the cut out or real?

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