@Minnesota Timberwolves

Minnesota Timberwolves TRADE GUIDE 👀 Bobby Marks details the possibilities | NBA on ESPN

Minnesota Timberwolves TRADE GUIDE 👀 Bobby Marks details the possibilities | NBA on ESPN

All right happy Friday uh trade guide video we are going to talk about the Minnesota Timberwolves the best record as of Friday in the Western Conference 32 and 13 Minnesota Timberwolves after a uh not spectacular but a win is a win uh win in Brooklyn on Thursday night and

Certainly coming off a back to back in Washington the night before um a nice bounce back after that demoralizing loss uh against the Charlotte Hornets at home a few nights uh before uh trade guides are up on I think this might be the 15th or 16th trade guide video that

We’ve done you can find all of them on YouTube um t uh YouTube um in the ESPN or the ESPN NBA section here uh we will do our best to try to get all 30 done um some teams as I’ve said before have great length some teams are kind of like

Hitting you know in that that sitting position as far as you know we like where our roster is right now and I always I always joke and say there’s only 437 players in the NBA right you know it’s not like we’re pulling from a pool of you know 2,000 players and we

Want trades and all this stuff like en enjoy your roster and I think if you’re Minnesota I think you can certainly en enjoy as far as what you see now the goalpost have changed and you Timberwolves fans know that as far as when you go from a team that’s competing

For a playing spot and now you’re a team that’s sitting on top of the Western Conference getting to the first round is not good enough anymore um getting to seven games in a first round playoff series is not good enough anymore and um at at you know the very least you know

You’re getting to a second round or you’re getting to a Conference Finals or perhaps you’re getting to an NBA Finals like if you losing a um a first round playoff series will have drastic consequences perhaps as far as where this r roster goes I I think when you

Look at it and you know we’ve got Minnesota up as we do a trade meter for all teams we have them as a three right now um and basically it’s a three because when you look at where their roster is it’s certainly topheavy um you know goar’s not going anywhere cat’s not

Going anywhere connley MCC Conley’s not going anywhere uh Anthony Edwards and certainly um jadeen McDaniels aren’t going anywhere those two players sign rookie extension Nas Reed and then it’s basically kind of a process of of of elimination as far as who your trade assets are here um you’ve got an

Expiring contract of Kyle Anderson at $92 million but is a valuable bench player um you’ve got nikil Alexander at 47 who’s got a non- guarante or who’s got under contract for next year not a $4.3 million straight contract um who has you know provided some depbt as far

As with the Conley in and out of the roster and then you have a group of players that consist of certainly Troy Brown and um Shake Milton Milton’s at a $5 million contract non- guaranteed next year exended with brown $4 million a $4 million um non- garantee next year and

Then your your all your your young players Wendel Moore Josh minet um you know Jordan mlin as far as not really young player but on an expiring contract and then Leonard Miller who’s your developmental project here so for you to go out and you watch that charlot game

Um that’s the game conly didn’t play and you basically have Anthony Edwards playing point the facto point guard here the offense kind of stagnated now was that part of trying to get C to score 100 points and basically Force feeding him down the road but for me when I look at this

Roster what can I get as far as what we have from a trade um trade asset standpoint so you got to look at the contracts first as far as from a salary standpoint for me and I know Minnesota fans would would crave at this would be tus Jones right how do you get

Minnesota’s favorite Sun back to uh the wolves as far as from a from a contract standpoint here and it’s basically basically adding stacking contract so let’s say you take out Kyle Anderson because he’s too valuable for a guy coming off your bench certainly a big Wing now you’re stacking contracts where

It’s basically Brown Milton and let’s say Jordan mofin I’m just hypothetical so it’s a three for one deal now you got to create a roster spot in in in Washington um where and here’s the other thing too In Minnesota where you are luxury tax wise you’re at $2.3 million

In a luxury tax so the goal is not to go over that amount so it’s a hard it’s hard for you to go out and get a 145 million player because you’re so topheavy in contracts and then you’re not trading Anthony Edwards and you’re not trading J Jaden McDaniels who’s on a

Rookie who who are on these poison pill um Provisions in there you’re not trading Nas Reed so we basically are limiting ating players here and it comes down to Milton Brown um and you know mlin and and then that but that puts you in the luxury tax unless you’re finding

A third team to kind of shift um you know one of those players to or U maybe you’re keep on adding so keep an eye on the luxury tax which is at $2.3 million the distribution for all those teams under are at about 2 um around 112

Million it’s a high number as far as what teams are going to get here’s the other thing to keep an eye on too and and it’s really more for the off season here is going to be all these different rules as far as the apron in the in the

Um the first apron and the second apron and it’s going to have an impact as far as it as it relates to Minnesota here and why I say that is because you are going to have players like um Brown and Milton who are on non-g guaranteed contracts you trade those guys for let’s

Say an expiring contract and then you let that player walk now you’re replacing those players with players on a minimum contract next year Minnesota has $174 million in guaranteed contracts okay that’s what all the cat supermax kicking in uh McDaniels and Edwards um extensions kicking in the luxury tax is

At 172 so you’re already a tax team okay now you add that $1 million of non-guaranteed contracts of of Milton and Browning and that gets you to 1856 okay the first a Aon okay first apron and this doesn’t include Mike Conley okay who’s who is a free agent so

You got to take that into a consideration too the first apron is at 1793 you are already $6 million over the first apron and that does not include um Mike connley here so when you’re looking at it is that you are you’re over the first apron you are um you have Mike

Conley as far as that um the unrestricted free agent and you’re going to be dealing with all these different roster restrictions as far as you can’t take back more money in in a trade um you you know the buyout rues stay in in in effect here um you know you still have

Your um you your tax mid level but you’re you’re right up against your second apron here so the rules are going to come into effect and kind of bite this team a little bit in the butt here now you’re looking at let’s say let’s say the second apron here second apron is at

190 okay 19.3 your $4.6 million under the second apron before you address Mike Conley so you bring back Conley you’re going to be a second apron team Minnesota and I think that’s the realization as far as what happens when you sign those guys to extensions what

So what does it mean from a second apron second apron you can’t go out and aggregate contracts you can’t combine money and a trade to to trade out um if you have trade exceptions those go away you can’t send cash in a deal um you

Can’t um you sign a player bought out of his contract who earned more than the non- tax mid-level exception if you finish excuse me if you finish the 2024-25 season over the second apron your draft pick in first round pick in 2032 now becomes Frozen so there’s all these different ways as far

As how these roster restrictions are going to impact you here um and that’s why if you’re moving off guys that are on these you know four or5 million contracts for a player that let’s say tyus Jones I’m just throwing that name out there it becomes awfully challenging because now you’re basically going to

Have to resign Jones to what 17 $18 million you’re still going to be a second apron team you don’t have Conley and it just creates all these different problems here but you know for me when I look at it um we do trades we’d like to

See for every team here here’s I mean here’s a trade mofin Mina in the 2030 to Sacramento for Davon Mitchell and Mitchell all of a sudden is back in this in the Sacramento rotation he had been out of it but you’re limited as far as

What you can as I said in contracts as far as um you’ve got a $3.7 million trade exception that is about to go away you still have $7 million in cash but your cash is going to get frozen in the off season you’re not going to be able

To use cash to go out and buy a draft pick here um they’re not allowed to trade a first but can trade but um but can trade swap rights in 24 28 and 30 um they’ve got a uh they owe Utah we know the picks 25 and 27 U protected in um in

In 29 um they’ll have their first um come the night of the draft which is in in 2000 you know this upcoming draft here but you can’t do anything you can certainly move off that um in uh in come June as far as but you can’t touch that

Right now so that could be an asset for you and you’ve got four seconds available on the trade so there’s not much there as far as from a draft Equity standpoint outside of um swaps in those years 24 28 and 30 you’ve got um you know those four seconds so that’s it

From the draft standpoint you’re $2.4 million under the luxury tax um as I said you’re below the first apron which has been triggered because you are a hardc cap team um and then the contracts you know out side of the your core guys it’s Milton it’s um Brown I don’t see

Alexander Walker certainly not nas Reed I wouldn’t do anything with Kyle Anderson right now but what can you get for a $9 million combined salary here um and not take back um $2.4 million and go into the luxury tax um so that’s it for Minnesota as far as in a nutshell and I

Just want to kind of just give you the periphery as far as where they’re looking at certainly right now and certainly as far as far as where they’re going to be looking at come this off season here but I give Tim Connelly their um head of basketball operations

GM a ton of credit for the patience right the patience of you know lot of bow and arrows coming out in last year with a gobear trade they lose in the first round to Denver in a really good series everyone’s saying oh cat’s going to be the guy the next guy out cat’s

Having a great year potential Allstar goar potential all-star year Edwards will get named to the all-star game he stayed with his coach Chris Finch and has shown the patience there so part of it is just patience and seeing where this roster is come playoff time and then of course developing that again so

Have a great Friday we will talk [Applause] Soon

Bobby Marks continues his YouTube series of NBA Trade Guides with today’s installment, the Minnesota Timberwolves.

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  1. As a Wolves fan, I would love either Monte Morris or Tyus Jones for Kyle Anderson and filler. I think the reality of their salary cap is that Towns will have to go.

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