@Miami Heat

I understand why people here are criticizing Jimbo but it just feels wrong…

I understand why people here are criticizing Jimbo but it just feels wrong…

by Timantha


  1. the thing is with how much money he’s getting paid I’d want to see some care in the regular season lmao. He’s just way too passive rn

  2. I don’t think anyone is discrediting his all time performances of the post season, people are just frustrated because Miami is on a 5 game losing streak and this team desperately needs their leader.

  3. Deep_Worldliness3122

    People are quick to forgot, even if this dude doesn’t have it anymore his work ethic, competitiveness, and heart should never be questioned

  4. MaplePennybags69

    No fan base hates their own players more than heat fans it’s actually sad

  5. Comfortable_Load_810

    I’m not even criticizing Jimbo. Keep the main thing the main thing. That’s Heat culture, right? Did we win a championship any of those seasons? What is the most realistic route to getting the next one? The way the team is playing has to drastically improve one way or another.

  6. SudTheThug

    i’m starting to believe it’s not his fault it’s the scheme we run , the sets are way different then the sets we use in playoffs and such

  7. Prankstaboy6

    We’re still allowed to criticize him, when he’s playing poorly. I still love and believe in the guy.

  8. MadPatagonian

    I just think we are asking a lot from a guy who is 34 and coming off so many deep playoff runs where he’s playing like Michael Jordan, the most recent of which fucked up his ankle badly.

    He might not trust his body right now. He knows by going all out every night at this point of the season, his body may not be able to carry another team to the Finals.

    So he’s hoping other guys can pick up the slack. But they’re not right now.

    It’s a tough situation. His first year with us he was so physical and aggressive every night both ends of the court. He never half-assed it.

    But at 34, things change. You can’t survive 82 games plus playoffs going all out night after night.

  9. People of this sub look for anything to be able to post a complaint. Couch GMs are the worst.

  10. SnooPears316

    We love him but the fact is he still gotta show some sign of effort in the regular season. Especially when the team is struggling

  11. SolarPoweredDevil

    I’m Jimmy’s career is any indication, when he’s getting criticized like this, it’s the other people that ended up being in the wrong, from Chicago, Minnesota, and Philly.

    He also has the second highest TS% of his career and is shooting 41% from three on 2.1 attempts per game. So it’s not like he’s outright playing bad like the Herro fan club wants to make it out to be.

    I would guess that Jimmy is justified in his frustration. Spoelstra needs to get it together and rebuild the offense around Jimmy and change roles to support that. Anyone whose name isn’t Jaime or Bam should be open to role demotion or trade.

  12. KayRay1994

    I love the guy, but he can be frustrating. the team straight up lives and dies by his emotional state – and he’s quit the volatile dude emotionally

  13. EazeeDuzIt

    Playoff performances are great, all the memories and sentiment will never go away. But this is a business. 34 year old Jimmy gets cop out because of his age. What do you expect at age 35? Win or lose, this offseason some tough decisions need to be made

  14. I think our scheme is not focused on Jimmy playing high usage basketball and this give the false impression that he is not playing with effort.

    We are probably trying to get everyone involved to keep Jimmy healthy but it’s not working. Also Herro doesn’t fit with Bam and Butler, we already have a long sample size to confirm that.

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