@New York Knicks

FULL NBA TODAY | N.Y can reach another level more OG Anunoby plays – Stephen A.: Knicks beat Nuggets

FULL NBA TODAY | N.Y can reach another level more OG Anunoby plays – Stephen A.: Knicks beat Nuggets

Ed by ESPN bet CH auma Kendrick Perkins all smiles today I’m Mal Andrew perk I’m guessing that that you’re smiling for the reason that we’re not going to waste any time here because I got a notification last night online that you posted this you said I feel like you you

Said you’re probably going to get kicked off TV tomorrow today because Brunson Randall and the Knicks they just kick the defending champs behind tonight I can’t wait carry the hell off and guess what I actually typed tweet out myself no gohost right oh wait yeah yeah I did

It myself well I knew we were going to have to hear what you needed to say about the new New York Knicks so that is where we are going to start our show today CH the Knicks hosting the Nuggets it was all Nicks all the time in this

One we’re going to pick this one up in the first quarter a little Nick’s defense on display oh yes yesterday I called to see how are they going to defensively scheme and they said double they said triple teams and that meant they were off and running look at this

Tough finish they were confident defensively and that transition to offense again the Knicks forced 19 turnovers for comparison they only had eight look at them get out look at them go it was fun to see they had easy buckets easy offense since January 1 this has been the best defense in the

NBA because of that guy right there OG an anobi I mean the performance he did offensively but not many people can pick off the Joker like that it takes one that is super skilled like him to be able to pull it off and then you have here Jaylen Brunson

Drives midrange Fade Away look at the footwork Here We Go Again big body Bronson look at the foot the slippery ear the slippery ear that’s what you call it show the emotions Young fella show the emotions then right here again defense right look getting out transition look at the

Spacing little left hand throw down you see who say wack bodies came D Brunson even had to react a little bit to that one today he wait he he’s not a wack budy I don’t know what you’re talking about he is he is he is Josh har look

It’s just it’s just the enthusiasm they were playing for a purpose they saw the starters and guess what they sent a message and no bigger than Jaylen Brunson and OG anobi saying we have arrived we’re good this is the real deal right here in New York anobi had a team

Highight 26 points and six steals the Knicks get the win big 12284 the Knicks have dominated as you mentioned Chan in January outscoring opponents by 194 points in 13 games that is New York’s best scoring differential over a 13 game span since 19697 season when what happened oh yeah

The team won a title so Kendrick Perkins I hear that you spy something I’m Kendrick Perkins better known as Big perk and nothing gets past me free just when you thought it did get past me there I am I spy a problem I spy it all car the hell on

Should I say happy Friday because I’m full of joy you know who else was full of joy you know who’s happy I haven’t seen this man this happy since uh Tony the Tiger was a alley cat and that’s Tom tiido look at this clip right Here look at it look at it now yesterday yesterday check this out my girl Chen asked for this a signature win jayen Bronson the Nicks and she got just that right in great fashion but here it go right here in December the Knicks were given up 124 points a game since they

Got OG and anobi they are giv up under 100 points at 99.8 that is a 25o difference okay a 25o difference and they wonder why and I reminded the world yesterday to watch this young man and why he is so special he had six steals last night this is one of them getting

Out and transition right look at look at him right here on alert knowing what it’s supposed to be taking the paint getting on transition running this Wing getting the steal for jayen Bronson doing what OG does best and then here we are again being alert oh quick hands

Activity size and strength I’m by you uh slamming home 26 piece wing dinner last night I mean if the Knicks didn’t make you a Believer last night that I don’t know what will oh look who had come damn do I look like I believe yet let me tell

You something big perk T is people like you perk that’s a problem you didn’t know I was going to be on the show today did you you didn’t know I was going to be here but here I am big perk by the way the ey spot I absolutely love it I

Don’t know who came up with the ideas is a great one even though I can’t see you sneaking up on anybody with your big ass s but that’s a different subject for another day here’s the reality of the situation everybody knows I’m i b I bleed orange and blue Baby Jaylen

Brunson has been balling an allar averaging 28 a game since OG arrived Julius Randon went from 23 to 25 since OG arrived a defense that was ranked 20th in defensive ranking is now number one since OG an anobi has become a New York Nick I appreciate the love I

Appreciate the way that they look I’m very very happy about that but there are a couple of things that I’m going to ask for caution on number one is you still need a playmaker to replace Emanuel quickley who’s now in Toronto to spearhead that second unit so you don’t

Run Jaylen Brunson into the ground and my last point is this big perk chenet Malika remember when the New York Knicks made this deal I knew they would be better overall I knew they would be better defensively but what was my number one concern Tom fiido who is a

Great coach No Doubt was going to run them into the ground since OG has arrived what has happened the New York Knicks bench ranks dead last dead last you’re running the bench you’re running the starters into the ground and my concern is come playoff time your legs

Are going to be compromised because Tom tho did not use his bench I told y’all that’s what I was concerned about and sure enough the stats show that is a primary concern yeah you are not about to ruin this moment thank you are not about to ruin this moment and look

Here’s the thing right Tom Tibido running them running them into the ground or his history says that right it’s a combination of both right the minutes and the practice time we don’t know what they’re doing behind the scenes we might Tom tibo may be giving God’s days off they might not be

Practicing as much Stephen A but here’s the thing here’s the thing that I need you to realize for a minute when I look at this Nicks team and I look at them adding OG and noi right and I see the most important position in today’s game

Is what the wing position they got that right now they feel that void right now I look I’ve been preaching okay I look I’ve been pre he had 26 last night I’ve been preaching so what you mean so what that’s not every day let’s deal with

Normal okay not what G okay we we can but his impact defensively is so great it’s reasons why teams are were willing to give the Toronto Raptors a Drew holiday type package because that’s what he brings to a team and so when you think about what you have to face in

Order to get out of the Eastern Conference you have to go against a Jason Tatum you have to go against a Giannis an tupo who is a wing SL power forward and we saw you what oh here we go you know what this is this is really

Really nice I mean this is really really nice for you to sit up here on national television and act like you care as much about the Knicks as I do you’re just sitting there being a basketball analyst the pro that you are and highlighting the positives which I appreciate I

Appreciate the fact that OG an anomi is an elite Defender that he has elevated the Knicks to being an elite defensive team again that he has literally facilitated jayen Brunson and Julius Randle being more potent offensively because he’s a dude that could be out there on in the starting five and he

Doesn’t ire the ball as much as other people would but in the end you know as well as I do don’t bring me some off day with Tom tho and giving dudes a day off letting them go out to lunch breaks with big per and stuff like that that’s

Nonsense that’s nonsense I’m worried you there’s no reason to be worried the question right here is could this season actually be the next year I’m saying it’s going to be their next few years they’re building something what’s year the Conference Finals pie they have the P thought when you

Played you chilling in La you chilling in the sunshine Southern California Palm Beach nice weather have you been in New York suffering for decades that wouldn’t be you sh that wouldn’t be you we have the ones that been suffering we are the ones that have been suffering you know

What the problem I have right now and you should be ashamed of yourself is that you are one of if not the hardest working individuals in the game today in the media space okay don’t start don’t you start hardest working and you’re not appreciating hard work because because

He’s hard work no let me let me tell you let me tell you let me tell let me tell let me tell you what his problem is let me tell you what that say problem is he’s so busy caught up in the buyer market then he’s he’s he’s forgetting

About the building right like you want to go buy right you want to go buy a superar you don’t want to appreciate that your that your team your organiz is actually building they’re building the right way building the right way we have to we have to appreciate that Stephen A

I mean the Knicks haven’t won a title since he was six years old so that’s where he’s coming from right and perk youve talked about jayen Brunson as being a onea Stephen A is not there yet Stephen A has not said yet that he sees

Jaylen Brunson as a 1A of this team and despite Jaylen brunson’s individual numbers right the team success the Knicks point guard he’s not going to be a starter for the All-Star Game the main reason why he actually came in fifth in the fan boat so Stephen A how does that

Sit with you perfectly fine he’s an Allstar he’s an Allstar caliber player listen Jaylen Brunson is a star in this league he has been absolutely Sensational for the New York Knicks I really appreciate but I have a vote no we have votes too and we both voted for

Brunson to be an All-Star starter I mean what he’s been able to do to the numbers the significance of his numbers is so impressive and then also if you think about the big scheme of this thing like the Knicks they they may not need another 1A that’s correct right they

Might just need more complimentary pieces and when I see this squad he is a large reason for their success they have not been able to find buyers as perk has said they have had to build and they built around this guy and it’s worked he

Should be a starter we all voted for him as an Allstar starter God my point y’ brought me y y’all brought me on here to try to this is this is sabotage let me tell y’all something right now to t you like I said y’all ain’t been suffering

For decades Jaylen Brunson is a star and deserves all the credit in the world but I’m sorry this kid how Burton number one offense leading the league and assist averaging double the amount of assists as Jaylen Brunson there’s a reason the fans the media and the players all voted

For halberton over Brunson and oh by the way when I look at Donovan Mitchell 28 a game playing in Cleveland I’m supposed to ignore that I Pi halber point guard trying to tell me wrong with that there something wrong with you and there something wrong with the Nicks fan base and there something

Wrong with the organization because hold on you stay you stay right there you stay right there you fix your body Lang stay here’s the problem here’s the problem I voted for Tyrese hurton as as one of my guards I also voted for jayen Bronson you know what the problem is is

That you are a prime example along with the organization of not promoting this man of what he is when you talk about putting up the numbers with the best of them when you talk about his production I should go to New York and land and walk through L Guardia or whatever

Airport and see hand it you hand see posters you would come to New York you you you you you couldn’t take the weather you only want to come there when it’s warm and sunshine you ain’t going to handle the way you ain’t suffer the way New York Nick fans and stuff how

Dare the two of you sit up here the go the unated to on n about New York Nick fans this way how much we’ve suffered you sir we lived in I lived in Connecticut for five years I know what the cold is like okay but the reality is

The fans voted more for Dame Lillard than they did for Jaylen Brunson and Nick’s fans their hate is loud their love was much quieter and they should have voted loudly for Brunson because he deserve organization the organization over I voted for Brunson over Dame I just put him behind Halle Burton and

Donovan Mitchell because Donovan Mitchell’s is a two guard halton’s a point guard Jaylen burson’s a point guard that’s what I did Stephen A do you think that this is the New York Knicks year to make it back to the Conference Finals I think the New York Knicks can

Make it to the Conference Finals yes I do but here’s the inconsistency Malika how is Kendrick Perkins GNA sit up there with a straight face and every chance he gets he holds the Boston Celtics accountable but they got the best record in basketball but the New York Knicks

Have we haven’t had a Championship since 1973 it was before Kendrick Perkins was born but he going to stick out his chest acting like he feels their pain you nonsense don’t you D take that position I’ll call you later I’ll be waiting I’ll be waiting thank you so much for spending a little

Bit of time with us here on NBA today I hope you feel a little bit better about the Knicks coming up here on NBA today it’s musty TV Saturday when Joel embiid faces Nicola yic and apparently faces Kendrick Perkins as well Hera big perks direct message is for the 76ers big man

And the Warriors they went down to the wire with the Kings last night start off in Indianapolis for the Pacers they had a wire to wire win over Philadelphia Pascal sakam he put up a triple double in his fourth game with Indie embiid had 31 points he extended that 30 point

Streak to 22 straight games it’s the fifth longest ever I mean Ramona at this point though anything less than 40 feels like it’s a little bit less than what we’re used to from Joel man you are grading on a curve aren’t you look this is like that year with Kobe Bryant where

Every night you look down at the box score and it was 40 50 60 81 right like like Joel can just we know he can score and that but I think if you talk to him he doesn’t want to have to score this much he wants to spread it around off to

Miami where the Celtics they thumped the heat 143 110 they shot almost 64% from the field their best game since 2011 five straight losses for Miami perk do they get a pass since it was a back toback hell no they don’t get a pass and look when you think about the Boston cel

Oh my God 55% from the field look they were lighting it up but the heat got to find a way to get it done or we going to have to have an uncomfortable conversation about a certain individual oh okay well now we’re off to the West

Coast the Lakers beat the Bulls 141 132 they had four starters with at least 20 points the Lakers went back to 500 in their six game stretch at Arena they are in the month of January 500 overall this season Jana any reason to believe there’s anything else but an

Average team going on here no they’re better than average when they get the production that we’ve been seeing from D’Angelo Russell he has been Sensational 8 for 13 from three when he’s shooting the ball like that they’re competitors but they need that consistently we’re going to end our little trip Coast to

Coast here in the bay I hope you stayed up for this where a defense um can’t you know get set up and make subs and you know um this is one that but perk who deserves the blame for this but that’s the pass this is the now this is not the

Same team look you have to extend uh the time you have to get as many possessions as you possibly can Steve Curry is to blame you have to call that timeout once her to missed those free throws because now guess what if you go down you draw

Up something quick you get another you get a shot at the basket all of a sudden if you don’t miss now you foul at worst at worst they go down and make two free throws they up three points you still got another opportunity to tie to again

This is I’m trying to figure out Chen and Malika what he I mean what you trying to take the timeouts home what you want what you want a a St mashed potatoes in theze I’m just trying to figure it out per come on now you know it’s sometimes

Good to not let the defense know exactly what going to they’re going to do in scheme and if there’s one team you trust in those situations it’s the Golden State Warriors but what I saw there is usually the Warriors when they have end of game scenarios they have a purpose

They’re dribbling up with a purpose the moment Steve Kerr saw oh the ball’s drifting around they’re trying there was no urgency he should have called it way earlier than the double te think it doesn’t come down to just that play right before this is Harrison Barnes who

Had 39 points right and kaminga is on him his assignment was to stay on Barnes he leaves Barnes he’s open for three like a lot of this is just them getting used to this new closing lineup that they’re playing with kaminga in there at the end and even earlier in the game

Steph Curry he had a huge first quarter then he struggled a little bit in the second I’m not blaming this on Steph and his scoring ability different directions right you have the Knicks winning 11 at their last 13 games and the heat losing their last five here so who needs this

Game more well clearly what we learned today from Steph a that the Knicks need this game more because they have so much to prove I woke up today so happy to talk about New York and how well they play they took down the defending champs

And then he was just like a cold shower like no it’s the bench points and all the so this is their appreciation Point they’ve been standing on business they’re 19 and0 against teams that are 500 and below and they finally get what perk the paper’s over there a signature

Win you got to celebrate that because they’re building the right way you asked the question when the show started is this their year it’s going to be the year’s plural the next few years if they continue to add pieces that work in harmony like we saw OG and anobi do

Yesterday 266 steals they’re going to be a championship contender in the years to come maybe not the now they may that may not be good enough for Stephen A but guess what y’all it’s good enough for your girl CH well see and that is good

Enough for me and I don’t know if if they beat the defending Champions and he’s not happy about that I’m not sure that just a win over the heat who are struggling will prove it but we know that the heat the Knicks they always have a little something thank you so

Much Jan all right the next game on our packed ABC Saturday slate it’s a rematch of the past two MVPs we have embiid in the Sixers versus joic in Denver so for more on that Big Man match up our resident big man Kendrick Perkins he’s

Over here and big perk I hear you having a little pep talk take it away hell yeah I do and look this is going to Joel MB look we see this big sign this big size Center most Skill Center ever this man right here he shows up when he’s not in

Denver he goes to Philly and match up with Joel and be Joel and B my brother business been standing on you lately for the last what four or five years you haven’t played in Denver since 2019 you have to show up and give that man his lick back your big ass better

Suit up tomorrow you better suit up and you better stand on business and give yic his lick back damn it well I Ramona I’m not going to ask ask you to give me that much Gusto here but the last game on our triple header tomorrow on ABC we

Have the Lakers we have the Golden State Warriors both of these teams they feel like they’re underachieving a little bit I don’t if I have that I promise you I I don’t think that I do either but it’s not about us it’s about how much Steph and LeBron have who is under more

Pressure this year to turn their team season around I think it’s Steph Curry I mean I know everybody we always bring up LeBron’s age but like the man just made his 20th straight All-Star game yeah his 20th straight allstar game and you know I was standing there last night and the

One of the Laker PR staffers went over to um went over to LeBron afterwards to talk about you know what make it his All-Star Game and he goes what what song encapsulates this for you and he said what more do I need to say by Jay-Z and

He starts singing it in the locker room right like he’s he’s there right and it’s on the Lakers to to to build and play the way they did last night make shots like they did against the Chicago Bulls but the Warriors are still figuring it out perk we are just talking

About they don’t even know what their best lineup is yet they’re still working on their best lineup and so I think for Steph Curry where they’re fighting for the existence of the dynastic team this year Klay Thompson could be a free agent Steve Kerr could is in the last year of

His deal is the pressure is on the Warriors the pressure is on Steph Curry to hold this all together right and not just on the floor the pressure is on him to actually be a leader and be a franchise player and have a voice have a courage have the courage and go outside

Your comfort zone right you can see the writing on the wall right now you can see that the Dynasty is over and it’s okay like I understand the close relationship that you have with Dre Draymond Green I understand the close relationship that you have with Klay

Thompson but at the end of the day if you’re standing on business and you’re the franchise guy you are golden state right you are San Francisco the Bay Area whatever the case may be you have to stand up from a leadership aspect and I’m not just talking about on the floor

Bus decis not just on Steph I think we feel like Steph can go and say I want this and I want that and sometimes in those circumstances they don’t work out so well I mean we’re criticizing this week the Milwaukee Bucks because there’s a lot of pressure on Giannis sometimes

That smoke not everyone wants that you said that step is I mean you sort of question I guess leader I wrote it down leadership and being a franchise player Steph Curry is absolutely that like he is a leader by the the way he plays and he’s a franchise player we all know four

Championships he’s a heart and soul of that now the question is do we want him to go and be something that he is not yes and which is what but but that’s why if you realize that something that he is not he’s not going to be disloyal to his

Guys then you have to have a system around you that supports you is the system strong enough right now is a system a Personnel players is the system of coach is the you know the decision making I’m not putting it all on Steph I think he’s done a great great job it may

Be unar uncharacteristic of him but like this is not just his BL perk you just blew my mind with that like you just you do you want Steph to go to Draymond or clay and say you don’t have anymore or do you want him to go to management and

Say they don’t have anymore is that what you is that I mean that’s that’s that’s a heck of a thing for him to do well it’s uncomfortable but let me tell you something it’s not what you do it’s how you do it that’s what you I mean because

LeBron like like you you bring up a good point we’re talking about Stephan LeBron right LeBron has you know he doesn’t send flowers right when it’s over it’s over Dwayne Wade when he was in Miami he came out to Vegas and hung out with him in free agency and LeBron

Said Wayne it’s been nice I’m going to Cleveland right like when it’s over it’s over they’ll hang out in the office and they and they had a dinner right when when Brun left Miami BOS way and and BR had a dinner okay let me let me give you

A prime example when things are not done right do you know why the beef was going on with Paul Pierce Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett it’s not because that Ray Allen went to Miami it’s how he left to go to Miami see what I’m saying so it’s not

What you do it’s how you do it but you’re saying that the Golden State Warriors and Steph specifically are at the point where he needs to figure out how to do it and do that yes and figure listen he that being is that face to

Face or how he has to like but no but like he has to be the voice so so for example so you mean to tell me that Steph Curry don’t know that it’s tension between Klay Thompson and the front office behind his contract right now that they’re not in Alliance for as the

Numbers and the years he knows everybody’s situation okay okay if Steph wanted to speak up for his boy clay do you actually think he could walk up and go have a meet with but didn’t we get a one of the best sound bites because after that tension Steve Kerr stepped in

And had a conversation with clay and that was sort of Steve KR not SE no but that’s my point because it’s not just Steph it takes Steve CT and it takes other people around him too because that is who Steph is he’s he he’s not the guy

That I know what you’re saying nothing is going to happen in Golden State unless Steph Curry cool and which which I don’t this is what I’m about to say the two PS okay Steve cerr is popular when it comes to alongside Steph Curry that is powerful powerful people moves the needle not popular

People so you’re saying the conversations need to be had in order to turn some things around well we get to see them in action on Saturday and that’ll be the next step for Golden State but it does feel like they need to do something now I another coming up on NBA Today

Heals all but it’s clear as the years pass that things they will never be the same Stephen A Smith has more where do I Begin the pain will not go away it simply can’t if anyone who knew Kobe Bry it doesn’t fade when seeing footage of one of his patented fallway jump shots it doesn’t dissipate when we’re reminded of the spectacular dunks and the Championships that came along with them it doesn’t evaporate when we

Reminisce about one interview after another allowing us to recall who the Black Mamba truly was and it certainly hasn’t disappeared now on the anniversary of Kobe Bryant’s [Applause] death it’s been four years since that fateful helicopter crash in Calabasas took bran from us all on January 26 2020 tears four years since the same helicopter crash also took his beautiful 13-year-old daughter Giana and seven others with Him 4 years for all of us to moan the passing of this spectacular five time Champion former League MVP 15 time Allstar and now poisly this Hall of Fame you’re an all-time great I’m so proud of you I love love you forever and always Kobe Bean

Bryant so why does it still hurt so much perhaps it’s because Kobe was the quintessential girl dad leaving us to mour not only the daughter he lost but the three daughters he left behind and Natalia Bianca and Capri maybe it’s the aura he carried around embellishing the

Lakers for years in such a way that not only upheld a culture of accountability but uplifted it more likely it’s the fact that right now we’re looking around for someone like him to keep folks focused on whatever task is at hand he was the Marquee and he lavished in it he

Produced because he cared about production he won because he abhor losing he was versatile and diverse because he was allergic to limitations and he was a champion because he never the care to entertain those interested in limiting themselves I had the power to turn back time I would never use

It I think about it because then every moment that you go through means absolutely nothing but you can always go back and do it again when things are final you know moments won’t ever come again that’s why it still hurts that he’s gone how to always hurt because in Kobe

Bryant Maybe a lot of folks saw what they could be but everyone saw what they wanted to be years later years from now and then some black mamba Forever our MBA reporter Dave mcmeniman who covers the Lakers joins us now Dave on the four-year anniversary of Kobe’s death what are the Lakers doing to honor his legacy Malik just under two weeks from now February 8th 2024 2824 the numerology is important Kobe Bryant will be honored with the seventh

Laker statue outside arena in Star Plaza you can see it just over my shoulder there it’s going to be in between the Magic Johnson statue and the Oscar De La Hoya statue with the same cluster as kareim Abdul Jabar Shaquille O’Neal Jerry West Etc ET Etc and you

Know a couple things about this ceremony not just the numerology obviously Gigi his daughter War number two and Kobe War numbers 8 and 24 the statue is being commissioned by the same sculptor the same artist who did the Jumpman statue for Michael Jordan in Chicago when you

Talk about LeBron I mean you talk about Kobe trying to be there with his Idol what better tribute than get the same artist to Forever um encase him in bronze and then beyond that I’m told that the tone of the the ceremony they wanted to be celebratory back four years

Ago everything was very somber that first game against the Blazers that the Lakers played after Kobe’s death was like you know um a funeral for the fans that attended and certainly the memorial they had in February of that year was also very somber this should be a

Celebration of life and what better way to celebrate Kobe than the spirit of competition later on that night the Lakers will take on the Denver Nuggets the defending NBA champions Dave thank you so much for that information NBA today we’ll be right back spee spee Don’t might Foree spee speech speech now H You foreign spee Fore For spee Spee Fore foreign speech speee let me take the shote it’s all skill hey For foreign speech fore speech never miss a shot for foree speech speech For enemy oh foree spee speee Spe Foree foree

FULL NBA TODAY | “Knicks can reach another level more OG Anunoby plays” – Stephen A.: Knicks beat Nuggets


  1. Perk was low-key finna point out jimmy Butler in Miami getting all those days off from pat Riley πŸ˜… lebron didn't never get that leeway when he was there

  2. Perkins & Chiney give the Knicks their shine more then any other journalist. Trust me, the media has A lot to do with Brunson getting snub. Media never talks about the Knicks, But if they are it's about are they good enough. Or if someone lied like A misses Parker aka Candice give false statements about a player. They say the Knicks fans didn't get at it enough for Brunson. I say it's the Media that don't shine A light on the Knicks enough & if they are, it's not a positive out look. Perkins & chiney I love. They give the Knicks positive light always.. TNT ESPN & 95 percent of sports journalist like A Steven A. Smith, We don't claim that character in NYC. That's Factsssss. People listen to him & vote for Dame.. trust me New Yorkers did their part. Dame won on mostly popularity aka fans support around the NBA world. Not in NYC.. Thanks for the shine On the Knicks (NBA Today).. it's Very well appreciated πŸ‘πŸ½

  3. I can't believe that they've screwed Stephen curry out of the nba voting for not being in part of the nba all star game this year… Wonder if he gotta challenge sabrina on participating on three point shootout taking place at Indiana nba all star game weekend

    If theres no curry,kwahi leonard,James harden, or anybody else then i really don't know what to say about this nor how im gotta feel about it

  4. Oh yea jalen brunson definitely got snubbed and voted out of nba all star voting… Along with Stephen curry, khawi Leonard, James harden
    Hopefully it'll be next year or whenever they do another nba all star game at different cities

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