@Dallas Mavericks

How Luka Doncic Scored 73 Points in a Dallas Mavericks Win | Mavs Podcast

How Luka Doncic Scored 73 Points in a Dallas Mavericks Win | Mavs Podcast

On today’s show Luca donic goes off for 7 73 points in an actual NBA game where there’s footage of the game true where there’s footage of the game so in my eyes it’s the number two scoring game of all time we’ll talk about that how did he get

There what does it mean for the Mavericks and more on today’s locked on M I’m Luka Don and this is locked on Mavericks NBA champions it’s good and the maver have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here loyalty never Fades away and welcome you are locked on to

The Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member NBA channel manager for the lock on podcast Network your team your LCA donic every day thanks for being part this show make it lock on maps your first listen today where the best way you can help us grow

The show is to listen every day leave a festar review like the video and comment anything below just say one thing about Luca or maybe just say Luca in the comment section just over and over and over again oh my God joining me as always on the post game the post game

Proud of you what you got for me slightly biased as we let it Ride um LCA donic Luca oh my God LCA donic LCA donic Luca donic LCA donic Luka donic Luca donic ultimately from the team that traded him on draft night yeah true it’s it is rivalry week rivalry week he took it serious and man we’ll talk about his game obviously we’ll talk

About how he got there we’ll talk about some of the other role players too how the Mavericks came out with a win this game it was close it was like like many greatest scoring games in NBA history it was close like he scored a bunch of points because they needed him to they

Didn’t just blow out the other team so we’ll talk about that we’ll get into it but man just an absolutely insane it’s obviously a Mavericks record it is actually the the fourth largest amount of points scored in the NBA game 100 points by Wilt obviously said that we

Know of that they told us yeah 100 points by Wilt where there’s no film 81 by Kobe there is film on that one I watched that one yeah and then there’s three guys David Thompson Wilt twice and then now Luca with 73 points wow I mean

Just incredible and the way he got it too where the second half it’s remarkable that he scored as many points as he did in that half with the way that they were guarding him and doubling him and I thought de jonte Murray I mean it’s crazy to say someone play good

Defense in a game someone scored 71 points I thought Deonte Murray played like some legit strong bald Deni and stuff like that but there was just nothing nothing put him on until the like the middle of the fourth quarter when they decided like hey guess what I

Guess we got to guard Luca at some point we’re just cuz at the beginning of the game they just put sadique Bay on him yeah who not Johnson yeah true or who sadik Bay who is not a good Defender is a a famous locked on NBA phrase to say

Sadik bay he’s supposed to be three and d and he doesn’t really hit the three that well and he doesn’t really play D so what is he that’s that’s what K locked up P said one time we always crack up about it but they decided that and they didn’t go double team until

Like Midway through the fourth quarter like early fourth quarter basically and at that point he already had about 65 and like it was just one of those games where he could not miss in in certain instances where he needed it like he needed it 25 of 33 from the field eight

Of 13 from three eight threes is like not that many like it’s a lot right now but it’s not like a record or anything 15 of 16 from the free throw line it’s not like he was did Joel embiid and hit like like took 30 free throws or

Anything like that it was just a clinic of Luca getting to the basket scoring hitting jumpers scoring all over the place being just an hyper efficient game to score 73 points just absolute Insanity man we T we talked about like teams throwing like throwing different defenses at Luca and it feels like

Lately especially one of the popular ones is all right we’re just going to trust our our one-on-one guys and we’re not going to help off un let these shooters get hot or whatever like we’re gonna Force luuka to beat us but he’s going he’s GNA beat you he’s

Going to beat you like you’re just praying that he misses his threes that’s it and you could tell he was locked in tonight cuz I thought maybe and I’m not I don’t want to excuse their game their games to the Suns or Celtics but this team has historically I felt like been

Kind of rough when they get long periods of breaks I like long yeah I don’t know what it is but uh all even Lucas’s misses tonight were strong and that’s kind of how you know somebody’s like feeling it when when the misses are a little bit strong instead of short

That’s when you know someone’s locked did my God he was was locked in and it was one of those games where you just lost to the Suns and the most embarrassing I mean we almost had it felt like we had a funeral the other day

For for the Mavs we were just sad and then Dana and I had a Mavs family meeting on the show yesterday where we were just like talking about all right let’s lay it all out on the table what are all the issues with this team and coming into this Hawks game you’re

Traveling to Atlanta Luca gets named an All-Star starter he goes to TNT he’s like you know in front of the the basketball world and then they have to ask him about the you know the fan getting ejected thing again and all that it’s just one of the like it was a low

Moment for the for I felt like for the team for the fans obviously and it’s one of those games where you have to respond I sent to the sub texters I have a subtext line where you can text me I send text stuff to to everybody I sended

The sub textur before the game in my game preview I said I want to see how this team responds to the next couple of games it’s not just this one game but I want to see how they respond to the next couple of games and dang it if luuka

Didn’t just take that to like the nth degree he just completely responded he knew he needed to have a game like this no Kyrie no no Maxi or Dwight so their their bigs are kind of limited there which they are anyway but and it they

Just needed him to go off and then you look at the Hawks starting lineup start Trey young Deonte Murray who has been an all defensive player but hasn’t been that great of a defense like a Defender like to that level at least sidik Bay who’s not a good Defender Jaylen Johnson

Who can be and then Clint capella Luca takes advant of those uh you know those types of centers all the time and so you’re like man they don’t really have anybody to cover him or or even like stick with him and boy boy was that true

Yeah no he just he was feasting I mean I I think Jaylen Johnson is a good solid player and a good strong Defender at times but man it was just the torture rack anytime he was on Luca and it was some tough shots too it wasn’t like

Jayen it wasn’t like jayen John supposed to doing a terrible job Luca again when he’s locked in there’s literally nobody who can stop him he’s going to make every tough shot he’s going to make those crazy and ones those low dribble pickups where it’s basically a floater from two feet inside the three-point

Line those are going to go in every time like it’s just an Unstoppable freight train and uh you know I will say this is why this is why you know you get frustrate is not the right word but you want him to reach that point where it’s just he doesn’t beat himself anymore

Because that’s what he doesn’t lose composure he doesn’t have the games where he beats himself because then you see the games like these and it’s like this guy is an all-time great already you know with with all the potential in the world to do I mean so many insane

Things in this league win and win individual Awards and team you know accolades like championships it’s just like gee 73 I mean I never I honest to God I like Luca is incredible I never thought he’d reach that just his style of play I didn’t think would ever lead

To a 70-point game to be honest it’s one of those where you think back to when he got drafted and you think back to how he went third overall he went third overall and and that deont Andre Aton and Marvin Bagley were taken ahead of him in a

Draft right like you just have to go back to all the negatives that were said about he’s too slow he won’t be able to keep up with the athletes in the NBA he hasn’t done it against Marquette in in February like he just hasn’t done those

Things and you go man he just has proven so many things wrong about all that and about that approach because if you just if you have that touch and if you have that feel and a lot of basketball like I’ve seen like really big guy like really fat guys play basketball and

They’re like dang they’re better than me and I’m like you know I’d be more athletic than them at the time and you’re like they just have a feel and they just as long as you have that a feel and a touch and the IQ to know when

And where to go off when and where to get your shots when and where to throw passes like IQ can take you a a long way and it’s taking Luka literally all the all the way to the top yeah L Luca and then like how other teams have built

Their teams over the time like the Thunder have changed how I feel about like the draft process I give me these smart players they it feels like they Canan out so much more more often that like like hame hawz for example like than these project athlete guys because

Yeah L your Josh Jackson like from the past you know because even you look at Luca it still does not make a lot of sense but you see him in person he’s just he’s a yeah he’s massive human being but he is he’s not like an elite

NBA level athlete but he just gets to his spots whenever he wants he’s just so patient his dribbles his handle is so tight and he just knows all the angles he knows exactly where going to be at he knows if you’re going to lean which direction you’re leaning if you’re going

To jump if he has you off balance he’ll get you up in the air and he knows from there okay I can draw contact I can you know uh do my low dribble pickup if this guy’s coming over to help in the in the gaps I have that option right there it’s

Just this is what we’ve been said like he’s figured out defenses it feels like to a level the likes of which you don’t see very often in this sport because at this point he’s seen them all they’ve been thrown at him in in various different ways and it’s one positive for

Him being the only star on the Mavericks for a while they had to throw everything at him and they he didn’t have this you know it feels like sometimes Tatum has been on these teams for so long that he’s been there’s been so many other like stars around him that you throw a

Different defense and he’s just got to make jumpers you know it’s like okay if if he makes his jumpers then he’s still gonna have but if he doesn’t then what does he turn to after that and for Luca it’s like well I he can answer every single question right he can answer

Every single one of them and so coming up let’s talk about how he got there how the Mavericks uh almost blew this game Bas basically we’ll talk about that and talk about Luca and more coming up today’s episode is brought to you by eBay Motors eBay Motors has partnered

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Alive at eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers eligible items only exclusions apply Oh it’s Luca dridge day Luca scor 73 points against the Atlanta Hawks the Mavs do get the win 148 do 14 when’s the last time the Mavs scored 140 points they’ve done it this season this season yeah they almost scored 150 in a game oh my God it it the scoring is has

Just been on another level and sometimes it’s defenses are are not as good and sometimes it’s just man guys are just hitting tough tough shots and the offense is just taking another level this season yeah but Luca Don scores 73 and there was a moment you mentioned

That Luca takes himself out of game sometimes there was a moment in the first quarter where I was watching this because I like I said earlier I really wanted to see how this team responded because when the fouls don’t start not going their way when the threes stop

Falling for them this team hangs its head and then they don’t play play defense they don’t get back in transition and it was so at the 6 and a half minute Mark Lively got his second foul I was watching that they went small after that and at the five minute Mark

Luca drives in gets a bucket doesn’t get a foul call he’s slow to get back the map’s defense is a mess the Hawks score really quickly and then it’s you know 20 22- 16 the Hawks seem like they’re they’re coming back Luca Subs out at the

End of the first quarter the Mavs don’t score at all the Hawks go on an 80 run at the end they don’t score with LC not on the court like like at all to end the quarter and then the Mavs are down at the end of the first quarter it just

Felt like oh man this could really fall apart for them quickly here yeah I I don’t know what it was I felt good about this game from really like opening tip even when it did look like the Hawks were making a bit of a or they did I

Mean the Hawks had a lead going into the second quarter yeah uh mainly because of I mean like you said it looked like it could have gone wrong but I could just tell you you can almost just tell immediately like it’s weird how that works where if this is going to be a

Game where the team is kind of out of it and small things can can take him out of the game entirely it didn’t feel like that immediately like I reached that point with the Cowboys a long time ago I can tell the first SN of the game like

Oh they’re losing this one guys there’s no point in watching the rest you it’s like that that that Super Bowl where the the snap goes over pton Manning’s head when he was on the Broncos like oh they’re they’re not gonna win this game done that’s it that’s how this team

Feels at times but uh I thought tonight I mean they did give up 143 points which is just obscene but I mean it can’t be a coincidence looking through all these high scoring NBA games it is crazy all of them are super close all of them are

Very high scoring it’s just the other team is just put under so much pressure to keep up and score points and NBA offenses are so good that I mean they’re capable of doing it and the Hawks were getting out and running and because they had to like they had to answer every

Single thing that Luca gave to them and uh they did a good job to their credit but the Mavericks did pull it out and you gotta give the Hawks credit too 15 of 34 from three that’s yeah they red hot that’s 44% 26 of 30 from the free

Throw line for the h so you know they matched the Mavericks basically at the free throw line as well and so they were they were hitting their shots and you know they’re a really good offensive team but they’re not a good defensive team and neither are the Mavericks and

So it was just the the uh the fight of the off they were also 53% from all mid-range shots the Hawks were too yeah and they were 54% in transition off Li ball rebounds like they were just getting out and going so uh another like poor transition defense game for the

Mavericks if we’re just being brutally honest and being tough on him a little bit but uh but only 16 F break points so they didn’t you know outscored him in Fast Break the Mavs outscored him at The Rim outscored him in the paint so they

Did some things well but you know um I mean Luca Don just scored 73 points I that’s what this game boils down to it basically did uh at The Rim is the one where I wanted to to point out Hawks only shot 62% at The Rim that’s bad at

The Rim MAV shot 72% at The Rim Hawks were 18 of 29 from uh from the field at The Rim and this is Derrik Lively this is the effect of Derrik Lively he had four blocks in this game he had a couple other where he altered the shot and just

You know played really good vertical defense he only finished with what he finished with four fouls couple of them were oh five fouls couple of them were against Trey young where he just got you know the foul call like if they had to give an explanation it would have been

He’s a large man in the vicinity of a small man that would have that would have been the foul U but Derrick Livy was just such a big impact in this game yeah yeah Derrik livley was tremendous like you said there was I I guess I

Didn’t even realize he got to how many did you say four blocks block but there was he altered so many other shots and he’s just gotten really good at contesting vertically and some of those like that was just Trey young being Trey young like a master at his craft sure at

You know getting Defenders off balance and then taking advantage and that’s a rookie 19yearold so it’s easy pickings for Trey but uh yeah he was really good in this game he was the map’s second best player maybe Josh Green could have a case for being the second best player

Tonight you know what’s wild about the Lively thing too is that he outplayed Clint capella yeah well that’s not hard but if think about all the talk we had over the summer of like should they trade for Clint capella should they trade the 10th pick for Clint capella

Right like we were talking about that like imagine if the Mavs did that and Clint capella is the player that he has been this season it would have been a disaster and so good move for the Mavericks to not do that to not give up you know Josh Green for Clint capella or

Hardy well maybe they could have gave him Hardy but not the pick and one of those guys like it was just a a better move um we we got like 10 days till the straight deadline well they didn’t give up the 10th pick they’re not going to give up

Lively for him right so they they they won in that respect and so it’s just interesting to see him outplay them straight up like that it’s interesting what what they would look like because I think like the most common mock trade I saw was the 10th pick and Hardaway for

The 15th pick in Capella yeah but that’s not what the Hawks wanted remember like the the report was that the Hawks were asking for Josh green and and you know Josh green or Hardy and the 10th pick it’s like well that’s laughable yeah no that’s why they didn’t do it yeah the

Mavs also took their first free throw in the game at 346 in the second quarter this is this is happening again why are the Mavericks not getting free throws because they’re shooting a lot of Threes 35 in this one they’re shooting a lot of threes and uh 35 is UN is like

Four like six threes under their average shooting a lot of threes and uh like when when they get to the rim very rarely except unless it’s Luca very rarely do they like play through contact right a lot of the other guys are cutting and you know they’re getting

Looks off of Luca that are usually open but it is kind of wild to only get one free throw at that point I didn’t think the officiating was egregious no they really they really only shot only 35 threes yeah if if it was egregious they

Were given the MAV some stuff I I would say with that one you you kind of run with Luca but I think the reason why they’re not getting free throws is know Lucas shot 16 so that’s that’s a lot and then you’ve got Josh who is not one of

Those guys that drives into contact and tries to create that and then Hardy and XM have kind of been playing a little scared lately exm coming back from injury Hardy’s minutes have been here or there so it’s like it’s not like they’re driving into players or driving in contact really confidently either and

Then no Kyrie he doesn’t get a ton of free throws anyway but um yeah and then hard hardaway’s game is not that either like they just don’t have that in their Arsenal uh with anybody else yeah even ex when he was healthy like one and a

Half free throws a game he he kind of has that finesse touch around the rim where he’s got like the hook shots and stuff that he goes to rather than being like an explosive finisher so yeah outside of Luca they especially without like you said though Kyrie doesn’t play

Through contact really either his his game is much more predicated on finesse as well kyy just Matrix Matrix through all the all the contact of the rim basically it’s insane it’s insane to watch he probably deserves a little bit more free throws if I had to guess for

Sure there’s another moment in the end of the second quarter that I was paying attention to Luca had 70 he had 73 in the game he had 37 points with a minute 42 left and then he got that deflection against dejonte Murray and Dove on the

Ball and grabbed the ball and tried to save it and then he was smacking the ground like that that to me is like the hold on one second that’s the that’s the give a like that they just desperately need on this team especially after a loss like they had against the Suns and

Then the loss against the Celtics too and then they’ve had a couple of losses in a row here they just really need somebody to come out and just be the be the emotional leader and like Luca can be that yeah and I’m sure you can attest

This I’ve heard from people in the know LCA Luca hears things sure Luka hears stuff that gets said about him so I’m sure he came out tonight he heard what that sunsan said apparently yeah but I’m talking like social media he might be a little bit more plugged in than people

Would like to think sure so uh I think he I think he heard some of the talk and wanted to come out but that just goes that just proves our point where it is the team is gonna go how you’re the best player goes and when Luca’s active in

Playing I mean the team themselves has said it I I I always remember that quote from Josh Green I don’t remember when it was some point last year or something where he said after the game yeah when luuka plays defense it’s awesome and we’re like oh my God Luka’s playing

Defense let’s go let’s let’s rally behind that so uh yeah I love the energy like above all else the 73 points is incredible but yeah Luca was locked in um like trying on defense and he got beat a few times by Trey that’s gonna happen you just said the 73 points is

Incredible but yeah the 73 points is cool and all but I love that he do for that loose ball like that showed more that that would meant more to me than the 73 listen listen we’re not going to follow the brand of the lock on daily podcast where we talk about the minutia

Of everything without talking about somebody diving on a loose ball when they had a 73p point game it’s just what we do here it’s just what we do here we talk about every angle that’s Jag right there that’s the that was the best part of the

Game had zero let’s talk about how Luca got there what it means for Luca and his career and then let’s talk about some of the other players that made contributions or didn’t make contributions in this coming up today’s episode brought to you by grammarly grammarly is something that I

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They sent the double even when they had deante Murray baseu guarding him they still found way he still found ways to get to the rim what do you think this game and this this point total means for Luca in his career I think this game perfectly encapsulates him as a player

For a couple different reasons uh again an Unstoppable freight train when he’s going I think he’s he’s he doesn’t lead the league in scoring I mean what embiid’s doing is insane but his I think he’s the best ethical SC but ethical scoring ethical scoring Luka does lead

The league in ethical scoring but uh I think he’s the best bucket getter in the NBA and I feel like I feel like I could say that not being slightly biased like I I feel like if I just had to choose a player to get a basket that’s that was

Professional right there that was really good that was professional right there if I just had to pick one player I need points who do I feel most comfortable with Luca would be my answer but then there are plays subtle plays like fourth quarter the the Hawks are sitting hard

Doubles and this game is in the balance because the the Hawks are scoring at will as well and Luca steps back and it feels like he has a decent enough look where he’s so hot and he’s scoring so many points that you’re like okay if he shoots that and misses we’re all okay

With it nobody’s going to get mad at him but he waits just a split second for the the the defender guarding exom to commit and then he kicks it XM has a wide open three at the top of the key and XM knocks it down it’s a huge shot in the

Game it’s shots like that like that was with a minute 16 left if that’s the shot I’m thinking of that it was a three-point game exm hits that a Sixpoint game the game’s over the Mavs you know that was the pretty much the dagger right there but it’s plays like

That where Luca could have easily shot that shot and even if he missed it I think we’re all you nobody’s yelling at him nobody’s complaining but it’s the smart basketball play to make that pass he had the one a minute earlier too where he was in the fast break and he

Had three guys on him and he could have just like thrown his arms up wildly and tried for a foul but Josh Green was right there he passed it to him and then Josh Green missed the layup just blew the layup completely uh and then the

Hawks hit a shot and it was a four-point game at that point uh and then the play that you just mentioned absolutely where Lively got an offensive rebound on that one that was huge too so another way that he impacted the game uh man just an amazing

Amazing game for LCA it puts him on the level of uh of legitimate one of the best Stars we’ve seen or one of the best starts to a career we’ve ever seen in the NBA oh yeah right like we’ve never seen somebody have this many all all NBA

First teams at the beginning of their career we know we haven’t seen somebody with four All-Star starts in in their first like six years basically it’s insane to see what he’s doing and to have a game like this it’s very validating and uh it’s kind of like the

League is there’s more players getting this like Donovan Mitchell has a 70o game Booker has a 70-point game yeah MBI just got one man it’s just it’s we’re hitting this era right now where guys can hit these individual player scoring marks well the the talent in the league

Is just on another level like the skill level you know there’s just not a lot everyone says the defense isn’t good and you they’ve definitely legislated some defense out of the game for sure but the skill I mean these guys are just hitting shots that’s just insanity and there’s

Defensive Specialists anymore right yeah like but I mean what are you supposed to do like in be’s case this guy’s a seven foot guy who’s shooting mid-ranges at like a 65 what are you supposed to do with that there’s not a thing you could do like Luca just does whatever he’s so

Big and like so patient and so crafty that he gets to whatever spot he wants back in my day we had a Michael kid Gilchrist that we could just throw at him who was an elite Defender Theo would have thrived in 1993 oh dang I wish I had the I don’t still

Have people people forget about Frank people forget about Frank oh man but hopefully this helps uh Luca that you know I see a lot of people mad that the national media has like a certain slant listen when you’re a superstar the national media is gonna have some

Negative things to say about you that is just how it goes you’re gonna have to live with that every player deals with it joic doesn’t care about the NBA and and beid is not an ethical scorer we just joked about that like well yic got grilled before he won like that like he

Got blasted all time everybody’s got that yeah and I do agree though that it does feel like like the national media has reached a point with Luka where it’s like oh another 40 Point triple double yeah he’s done that however many times in his career now like oh Shay just did

This for the first time in his career like that’s that’s kind of cooler to me this one is like hard because I thought after the Christmas Day game there would be like a a level of discussion about him that would really reach a certain level and it didn’t didn’t really feel

Like that because the suns were melting down and that was more of the topic of conversation because we just automatically go towards the negative things unfortunately when it comes to talking about sports more often than not but this one is pretty hard to ignore it

Is it’s hard to ignore and this is not one of those wins that fixes everything for the Mavericks but it’s one of those where Luca has taken a step up as a leader this season and he has and he responded a he responded in a massive

Way after they were really at one of their lowest moments and I think that’s huge for this agreed agreed that this isn’t like a this isn’t like a benchmark game for the MAV are like all right just do that every night guys yeah well I hope they don’t do it night

Because it was Tim Hardway Jr’s worst game of the season to me oh man he hit a big three but man that turned over at the end and some of the decision making and his defense his defense was so bad the whole game I I’ve I don’t want to

Spoil anything because I’m dropping a video about the trade deadline but I I’ve cooked up something that I like where you trade Tim I I cooked up two trades that make a lot of sense to me do you want to hear I do want to hear them but they feel realistic like they

Weren’t like dream trades but they were like realistic sting trades okay I’m ready Kyle Anderson three team trade the timberwol get Monte Morris from the Wizards or from the Pistons yeah send Kyle Anderson to the Mavericks rwn Holmes to the Pistons the Pistons get three second round picks two from the

Timberwolves one from the Mavs so it’s for the Mavericks it’s Tim and two seconds it’s ran in a second oh ran Holmes in two seconds for kerson one second the Timberwolves are sending two seconds oh nice the Mavs getting kyleon and the other one was the Mavs take a

Swing at Wiggins and it was Tim and whatever minimum contract you want to send yeah I I did Seth because it’s just like Maverick’s trading Seth Curry like makes sense for a player that makes more sense that may be worse in the long run and then get two seconds

For Wiggins so Wiggins and two seconds we also saw in this game I like those trades those those are good they feel realistic is the thing I don’t we also saw Derrick Jones Jr go down with a wrist sprain injury oh my God he landed

On his wrist it looked bad he left he didn’t come back after halftime uh that’s one that’s kind of tough for the Mavericks to replace but they’ve got omx you’ve got you’ve got AJ Lawson like feels like that’s the that’s where they go with him but man that that’s a tough

One to replace for if he’s going to be out for an extended period of time and this team just continues to just not catch any breaks when it comes to injuries so it do they just default to sprain if they don’t know really know what it is yet because I’d be shocked if

That’s all it was it looked really bad well like it’s a sprain if it’s only like slightly like Dr Brian sud came on the show and explained to me the difference between it’s I’m going to try to relay that this brain is like if if the ligament’s te torn like a little bit

It’s a it’s a complete uh or it’s a strain if it’s if it’s that it’s a complete sprain if it’s I I don’t remember but that’s like the the one that you can tell before you do an MRI basically is is the one where they that’s where they default to well I’m

Just happy he didn’t break it or something cuz that looked it looked like he did I was I immediately I was sitting on my couch by myself he falls down he starts holding his wrist and I go he broke his wrist he broke his wrist what I thought happened too he broke his

Wrist so spraying is like a best case scenario I guess it was good to see Dante back though uh and playing a little bit more aggressive in this one and just you just dribbling the ball they just needed one more ball handler played some good defense too he

Did played some good defense like Trey Trey hit some shots down the stretch but it wasn’t Trey’s best game and he uh I don’t know has I was about to make a joke he has he has cut apparently so he did he was he was out for this past week

He had 30 and 11 in this game was still great game uh Grant Williams I thought he had 30 and 11 okay yeah I’m sorry seem like it didn’t seem like it but he was he was scoring in the second half Grant Williams I thought had a kind of a

Bounceback game he hit a three five five rebounds four assists like some Just Some solid play and that’s like all that’s all we were asking of of him right like you didn’t have to be this insane like role player but just like play solid play a solid game and boom he

Did nine5 and four we’ll gladly take that that’s it we’ll take that we’ll take that absolutely uh all right there you go we’ll be back tomorrow we’ll have the Kings game I’ll be there in the arena we’re a 5day a week in every postgame Dallas Mavericks podcast so

Subscribe to the show if you’re not on our way to 100,000 not close but we’re we’re on our way to 100,000 Subs guys thanks for much listening to locked on Mavs I need a recovery beer peace out Boom

The Dallas Mavericks needed a bounce back win and Luka Doncic put them on his back scoring a team-record 73 points against the Atlanta Hawks.

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA & Slightly Biased @SlightlyBiased breakdown Luka Doncic’s incredible performance, how the Mavs pulled off a win, and what this game means for Luka’s career.

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  1. Let s celebrate the moment. But honestly it tells you a lot about the state of the team. Do you remember the quality of the the Lakers when Kobe had his 81 points Game? A well functioning team doesn’t need the heroics of a 24 y old to win by 5 and get 143 pts. Please get a coach with some real coaching skills beyond basketball iq from his playing time. It s a hell of a job, but there are some really talented gutsy coaches out there with competence and a vision. What about Sam Cassell, Kenny Atkinson, Mike Budenholzer, Chris Quinn, Jordi Fernandez, Becky Hammon?

  2. Embrittle was Star padding. Luka was Much more efficient and the mavericks needed all the 73.

  3. Luka vs Embiid 70+point games

    Luka – 25/33 fg attempts, 73 points, 10 rebounds, 7 assists and 16 free throw attempts made

    Embiid – 24/41 fg attempts, 70 points, 18 rebounds, 5 assists and 23 free throw attempts made.

    Luka had better fg% efficiency, against a harder team taking harder shots, shoting 7 less free throws.

  4. I’m mad I missed this game, but it still seems like the defense got cooked. Didn’t they have multiple 30 point scorer while luka was the only one outside josh

  5. This game shows the potential of the roster when they are making effort knowing they missed Kyrie, Maxi and DJJ. The coach also seems to get things right.
    They were a bit shacky in the end: missing easy layups, passes but they made it up with important 3 points. At some point i thought Mavs will again ruin Lukas night lol. They showed character in the end.
    I repeat again this roster is realistically the best Luka got in his career with Mavs. Coach just needs to find a way to make thing happens. The team has potential. Guys like Green, DJJ, Exum, Lively, William are versatile and has potential if the coach can get the best out of them, when you have Kyrie and Luka in the team. The team only needs a tall rebounder to back up Lively, cause Maxi seems to be done.
    But again they will fall back again if the team doesn t learn their mistake.

  6. I just adopted a cat yesterday and Luka coincidentally dropped 73 the same night. Is this a sign I should name my cat Luka 🤔

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