@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee Bucks vs Cleveland Cavalier 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Milwaukee Bucks vs Cleveland Cavalier 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

3 Craig thanks a lot 101 to 88 here for some change left to play coming out of that timeout it’s Brook it’s Giannis it’s Dane Malik Chris your starters here for the parks coming out of that timeout and out of that timeout stru knocks down a deep shot a deep Dagger from

Maxu a little play they have all night Brook gets wrapped [Applause] up a little full court pressure speed the Cavaliers up a bit but fall for that One Mitchell puts it up against Malik Hesley his [Applause] Fourth third team foul they’re kind of crawling to the finish here 144 left to Play Mitchell from [Applause] mid-range half step for Dame knocks down the three-pointer Dame Lillard at 20 points all right 11-point game here is the stop of the game right here talk about it the time where you do it or you don’t [Applause] yep seven to shoot stru Chris comes down on it gets

Whistled it’s still an 11-point [Applause] deficit three to shoot coming out of that time on off the hands of stru it’ll be Bucks basketball little bit of life to live with here not a whole lot of margin for error each and every offensive and defensive possession might be a timing

Issue and the Clark did run and Pat just jumped right off the bench and pointing at the at the clock half the buck bench then joined him that was around 256 or so when it went out of bounds and it just kept ticking 253 they give [Applause]

It not going start until Dame touches the ball here we go Dame left side too strong Point Blank Range but Brook has his back the deficit is in single digits bucks on a seven nothing [Applause] run [Applause] cross over notan snatches it back in and out little bit of life in the building now too Giannis spins and a foul on the Pass and wait just with one personal foul instead of the two 16 seconds on the shot clock a a wasted possession turns it over delayed cut by Yannis Dame that parent that that pass just a little bit wide too tough for Yannis to handle goes back court yet another turnover for the

Bucks how many turnovers 17 turnovers the season high is [Applause] 23 put backs by Allen and a quick time out for the bucks they’ve got one makes it coming with 156 left to play looking for the answer the starter stay in coming out of that timeout Here Comes D 106 to

90 22 points 6 for [Applause] six two possession game after all this time is tight here for the [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] bucks Levert from the wing High arcing shot to try to close the door here in Milwaukee you get it out of uh Donovan Mitchell’s hands and GIS Le makes a great shot and it’ll be a baseline touch there for Giannis and it’ll be Cav’s [Applause] basketball watch this good defense by

Malik Beasley goes over to help on the penetration by Mitchell and that’s just Caris lebert you roll the dice that not going to be able to knock down that that tough shot under these circumstances oh no he’s got it in wow that’s a challenge there between Yannis and ter Allen y White Fish

Bay teame jab step gives it up to yanus pump fake they’re cutting down the three-pointer Brook Lopez can’t get [Applause] it and it’s battle one [Applause] [Applause] Home it’s just a game of keep away [Applause] [Applause] It’s so RDS home the [Applause] three-pointer try to have these guys exerting all this energy Le Beasley not there two of the lowest scoring performances by the Bucks this year have come versus his Cavs team it’s been tough yeah in this series to score against them well for January

Overall they’re holding their oppon 102 points per 100 possession so that 126 point

Milwaukee Bucks vs Cleveland Cavalier 4th QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Jan 26 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


  1. Trade Paul for bigger and taller player who can rebound and score. Kerr needs to get back to real coaching, not sitting there in LA LA land.

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