@Toronto Raptors

This is what MLSE has done they’ve priced out real fans

This is what MLSE has done they’ve priced out real fans

by Kinglokner16


  1. Followthehype10

    First of all the same thing happens to almost any team that wins. Lol Indiana hasn’t won and how long.. they are hungry .. Toronto didn’t have that hunger anymore. Not like it used to be not because of who’s in the seats but because of what happened a few years ago.

  2. SlapThatAce

    Everything about the team sucks! Front office, coach, our starting line up, bench, jerseys, our fan base, the stadium (old as dirt), prices, and our mascot

  3. Puzzleheaded_Heron_5

    There’s also like 20 people in Indiana.

  4. castlewise

    This is what happens in a corporate market. Leafs are the same way. Masters is almost entirely a corporate event.

    It’s why I love the Bills. Real fans, not corporate outings.

  5. LabApprehensive5666

    MLSE is all corporate that’s why there is no emotion in the stands just like at leaf games. And if the fans do go they are deep down pissed and annoyed for forking out a bi weekly pay check and sit there nervously and anxiously hoping they get their moneys worth.

  6. GeneralLou15

    Apart of the enjoyment of watching the raptors on tv was we had the loudest building in the league. Now they boring.

  7. yetagainitry

    That’s a bad take. Indiana fans are obsessed because the pacers are all they have. Also ticket prices are in relation to the cost of running the team. Running a team in Indianapolis vs Toronto are completely different.

  8. Fr. Scotiabank is legit so quiet. Tickets are so expensive that only rich guy who aren’t true fans can attend, leaving the die hard fans watching on their couches.

  9. GoLeafs61

    Suits have ruined Toronto sporting events for years. Whoever is saying this title isn’t true, isn’t a TRUE fan. Go to any Leaf game especially- lower level almost all suits. Tickets for regular season games in lower level are like $350 each lol

  10. BayesBestFriend

    This is always cope lol.

    Playoff tickets have literally always been expensive and yet our playoff games used to get raucous but it was muted in 2022.

    People cheer when you give them a reason to cheer, we have been playing frustrated, ugly basketball every year post 2020. Now on top of that, we actually suck (on purpose, but still).

  11. pakattack91

    Lmao what on earth do you expect him to say? How old are some of you 😂

  12. sneechesgetleeches

    Our corporate overloads gave us Raptors Square and a few hot dog stands, be thankful.

  13. Eastern-Technology84

    This franchise has kinda gone to shit.

    The scrappy, competitive underdog culture and grind mentality is completely gone.

    Home game atmosphere is one of the worst in the league. Fans have been completely out-priced. Even if you go it’s so far beyond the experience it used to be.

    The franchise just seems so flat, regardless if we are winning or losing, it’s not fun these days

  14. TurboByte24

    “Like real Basketball fans” lol @ Raps season ticket holders.

  15. Thats what happens after you win a championship…. Here come all the fake ass fans and ticket prices go through the roof. We really did have the best crowd at one point… when tickets WERE affordable.

  16. Huge-Split6250

    This is true. Pacers games are very cheap by comparison.

  17. RealCanadianDragon

    Toronto is one of the best sports markets/fan bases in sports.

    The in attendance crowd doesn’t represent the actual fan base though because the teams have gone too corporate. Real fans can’t afford going to games and MLSE is perfectly fine having corporations buying up tickets and giving them to sponsors and all that so they don’t have to pay those companies anything when it comes time to call in a favour.

  18. toronto had one of the loudest barns for many years. he’s just excited to be in indiana, nothing wrong with that.

  19. BurzyGuerrero

    bro is like “they actually like me here, i google myself and see positive sentiments!”

  20. Impressive-Gold-3198

    Lol every player says stuff like this about their new fan base. Pandering isn’t new.

  21. PhalanX4012

    What else is he gonna say? Acting like this is some sort of gotcha on the Raps home crowd is stupid.

  22. motherseffinjones

    What’s he suppose to say our fans suck lol. He’s obviously going to try to get in the good books with his new market. Though he is probably right about the Indiana fans knowing more about basketball

  23. attaboy000

    He should’ve finished that comment off with “reminds me of the Toronto crowd…. When I first started playing there”

  24. Barnicus57

    There’s no implication that it’s a slight, but there is a very, very noticeable difference between the crowds now vs. the days where the Sprite Zone existed. And yes, I know it’s not possible to have those seats anymore, but prices these days can be pretty outrageous. I used to go to lots of games and I’d intentionally buy upper bowl tickets because the atmosphere was always so much more fun. Now that I have kids I’d love to take them to games, but it’s just not doable from a financial perspective.

    MLSE/Raptors (and by extension Rogers with the Blue Jays) are going to eventually price out a generation of fans, and the types of crowds that go are beginning to become a reflection of that shift. It really sucks and will only serve to create a disconnect between people who genuinely love basketball and the franchise, regardless of all of their marketing BS about how much they represent the city.

    Although we’re talking about an organization in MLSE that secretly signed a deal with the city of Toronto, where taxpayers will foot the bill for any cost overruns that are incurred during the 2026 World Cup while they get to make a profit and not have to spend a dime….so it shouldn’t be surprising that a very shitty ownership group couldn’t care less about who can and cannot afford a Raptors ticket.

  25. under-rated2

    Raptors games used to be the best sporting event to go to. The energy was unreal. I’m sorry to hear it has changed. I wonder if they still have the Sprite zone and if it is still a cheaper ticket

  26. sequence_killer

    seriously. I was in portland over the holidays, I saw the blazers play the wizards, they had tickets for like $5 USD. I ended up sitting behind the basket, 2 tickets like 20 rows back, was like $50. If I didnt have holiday stuff to do I could have seen the suns or the warriors, for like 20$ a ticket maybe for decent seats. You might say, oh but theyre a last place team, the raptors are basically equal right now. The wizards tickets would have been $300 in toronto. The food in portland was good and not crazy either.

  27. hobnob577

    This will get downvoted to oblivion but people always forget sports teams are just businesses. Should a local butcher price prime rib lower because the real steak fans can’t afford the current price?

    You can’t want your team to buy the best players and have low prices. Pick one or the other.

  28. WillSmiff

    I went to LA this month and watched our guys play. I sat 7-8 rows back on the side with an amazing view for both the Lakers and Clippers games. I paid a pretty penny no doubt, but it was still less than going to 1 raps game in the same seats. Fuck going to games here. Also Lakers fans are waaaaaaay more passionate than us. I was a little envious.

  29. So happy he is feeling the love, some of our fans were horrible to him. I don’t think it’ll take him long to feel glad he was traded there, if it hasn’t already happened.

    To be an important piece on a deep, well built team must be an awesome feeling for him. They beat the 76ers and Suns in b2b games without Haliburton. They have a great team there.

  30. Odd-Ad-3785

    I didn’t read this as any kind of criticism of Toronto fans. He’s not casting shade on us because why would he? Instead, he is celebrating being part of a historically basketball-geared community in Indiana. It’s a religion there. I wish him great success!

  31. liquid_massage

    I was at the game last night (clippers) and there was a woman in leather pants, faced injected and stretched beyond belief who online clothing shopped the entire first half. Lower bowl. The amount of people buried in their phones was unbelievable. I fucking hate going to games now

  32. ssj_trunks25

    When do we stop with the Pascal posts? He’s gone, let move on.

  33. I’ve lived in Toronto most of my life and I’ve been to literally:

    1 leaf game that someone got me tickets for back at MLG, 2 preseason games (tickets from work).

    4 Raptors games, half of which were gifted tickets.

    6-10 blue jays games, half of which were gifted and the ones I did pay for were when tickets were $30-50 for 100 level beside 3rd base.

    It absolutely insane to me how much tickets cost for games that are generally meaningless, especially baseball. 1/162 games don’t mean anything in the standings.

    I’ve watched hundreds if not 1000+ games on TV in my life, I just can’t rationalize the cost.

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