@Atlanta Hawks

Luka Doncic Was So Disrespectful To The Atlanta Hawks

Luka Doncic Was So Disrespectful To The Atlanta Hawks

Lockon Hawks postcast part of lockon Atlanta on the locked on podcast Network your team everyday welcome into the lock on Hawks postcast your home for the best Hawks talk it’s local Insight you can’t get anywhere but right here at locked on I am your host tanra batist and alongside

Me is Deshawn tapate the lockon Hogs postcast is part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day so so Deshawn tonight was actually Trey Luca 9.0 the first eight meetings saw the Hawks and Mavs split the series but this was no way for the home team to

Start a six game home stand we’ll get into it in the an one and we’ll talk about who got next but first want to give you TN Tate’s takes on tonight’s historic 148 143 loss to the mous now Deshawn you said for you the takeaway was so what did you expect

Yeah and that’s exactly what I feel like a lot of people are thinking um or at least I personally feel like should be thinking right because this is not even about Luca or what Luca’s capable of or you know the way that the Dallas Mavericks play or have been playing

Lately in comparison to the Hawks but just the Hawks in the way that they’ve played lately yeah um you know some of the games excuse me coming down to you know a buzzer beater or coming straight off a West Coast and get excuse me getting torched in some of those games

And just even prior to all of that not living up to the expectation that has been put for put for for them not even that the expectations were ridiculously high for this team like anything like that but you know I think it speaks volume when they have not only exceeded

You know not only haven’t exceeded those expectations but not even even met the midlevel expectations for him I think you add a little bit of fuel to the fire or insult to injury when you start talking about Kyrie Irving not playing in this game as well I feel like Dallas

Just pretty much I know I’ve said it before you know do what they’re supposed to do but kind of like kicked a team down that was struggling already and that’s what you know I feel like this Dallas team was more than capable of doing that’s what number 77 has been

More than capable of doing and it was just really bad timing all across the board for a team like the Atlanta a has been struggling Plus at home we talked about before you know being on the road and and playing better on the road than

They have at home this being a home game I know it sounds crazy to be in Reverse like that but that’s something that kind of seems like it was almost expected what did you expect yeah yeah and that’s kind of a tough thing because when you

Look at the fact that we’re looking at a team now in the Hawks that’s 18 and 27 we’re talking nine games under 500 and we look at where this team was 45 games in last season 23 and 22 right and they were riding what ended up being a

Five-game winning streak so that is kind of troubling because the whole concept of the definition of success for this season was supposed to be a team that gets out of the playing round like for once for the love of God no more playing round this should be a season where we

See you actually get into the postseason within the top six no doubt but that’s very difficult to do when you’re nine games below 500 and you’re looking at where you were at the same time last year and you were a game above 500 so just like we’re we’re not talking about

Expectations of this team going to a Conference Final or even going to an NBA title it was just get in the mix of those teams that are truly contenders let’s let’s how how about we do that but you can’t do that you didn’t do that and here’s another example of how you didn’t

Do it we’re going to talk a little bit about something later in the an one that you just touched on DeShawn and that is what does it look like late in a game that’s this close and how did you not come out on The Winning Side now my

Takeaway was with that 73o night from Luca donic it quieted the cheers but not the Whispers I was in The Arena tonight and there were a boatload of Luca donich fans I won’t call them Ms fans because I saw enough 77 jerseys to know that they were just there

Yeah they were just there for the guy named Luca and when I say quieted the cheers but not the Whispers he along with the rest of that math team eventually quieted the cheers of a Hawks fan base that was still in the majority there but they didn’t quite The Whispers

Of that same fan base whether it was in the arena or whether it was on social media the same conversation that we have been having since the trade the swap whatever you want to call it the 35 to the 53 okay you know the dtown to atown

DFW to ATL however you slice it that conversation became Louder Than Just A Whisper tonight because once again it was the comparison of Trey young to Luca Don and did the Hawks make the right move in trading to get Trey and letting Luca go to Dallas well when you look at

A guy in Luca donic who literally shattered Wilt Chamberlain’s all-time scoring record against the Hawks and then you look at the fact that he did this in 73 points on what is it eight of 13 from three 16 from the free throw line I wanted to make sure I got the

Rest of the sat sat line right because I knew for sure it was 25 of 33 from the field in 45 minutes so he actually somehow someway squeezed in a little three minute break to get himself reset I mean to me that’s I understand why the fan base was still whispering

And jabbering at the arena and I understand why they were back on social asking the same question that will not die which is man did the HS do the right thing and that’s the you know that’s the other thing is I I feel like seeing a

Game like this whether you seen it up close and personal the way you did whether you’ve seen it from afar whether You’ seen it on another country whether you’ve seen it from the moon right you could not help but to think you know number one did is Luca putting a little

Bit more emphasis on this game than he normally would just to kind of make a point to put a statement on things but right um You also couldn’t help but to think we could have had this in Atlanta you know kind of thing um so that’s just

That particular piece of it and it’s funny you mention that because in his postgame interview with Valley Sports Southwest the question was asked of him like did you hear the crowd cheering for you and he goes yeah yeah I definitely heard the Mavs fans I heard the fans

Cheering for me I heard some chance of MVP now did you have to say that last part yeah did you really did you threw that in yeah you got a little petty with it and that’s not surprising either by just some of the Hawks fan base sometimes and hey if you want someone

Who ain’t going to keep it real then you probably watching the wrong podcast right now but that’s all we know how to do on this program but there’s a long history of years where you had instances where the fan base is screaming MVP and coming to sell out the seats for a whole

Different player on a whole butting back you know to to the at hand obviously theall movement was impeccable and it’s unfortunate that we were looking it kind of felt like the Hawks were like sitting back looking at their imaginary watches counting down the time like is this game ever going to hurry up

And get over with I mean that’s just kind of the vibe and the energy and the feel that it g uh gave on tonight I know that we kind of up against on the break whatnot but um definitely wanted to throw in that piece because it felt kind

Kind of it felt kind of hopeless and you’re not wrong about that there were two times where I talked to a couple of other reporters and analysts tonight and what we did was we watched kind of in small part we took like maybe two or three uh possessions right and we

Watched and you talk about the assistant you know the the assist number was high 32 assists for the hwks but there was a difference in it there was an intentionality on the possessions the two possessions we watched with with the Mavs and the two possessions that were

In between with the Hawks it just didn’t it it didn’t seem intentional the ball movement almost seemed like hey I’ll toss it over to that guy okay he’s not going to shoot it I’ll toss it over to that guy and by the time it got to Deon

Murray was the fourth person to touch the ball he shot it it went in that’s great so it looks like it’s intentional ball movement but that’s not kind of what I saw and you know Willie Carswell Jr I hear what you’re saying when you say that it was embarrassing because

You’re right like the fivepoint differential doesn’t really tell the story of this doesn’t tell the story and we’re going to talk more about that in the Deep dive because there are a few more nuances to this game that tell way more the story than that final score

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Apply all right deshaan now time to go a little deeper into this game with the N1 one of the things that we always talk about and not to be I guess looking at things with rosecolor glasses but if we can find a positive in something we’re going to find it so okay

We’ve already told you the Hawks lost we get that but Deshawn there’s always some good that you’re GNA see in a game what maybe did you see that was a positive takeaway from tonight’s game I don’t know how much of a positive that it is necessarily for the Hawks as

Much as it is a negative for for Dallas but 143 points scored against you I think there’s something to say there um nobody’s really everything’s going to be overshadowed and I get why uh by Luca’s 73o performance um but you know when you start factoring in the lack of Defense

By Dallas throughout this entire game on a night where you know the Hawks were not going crazy and having some of their you know grade A or maybe even Grade B uh performances for whatever reason it kind of seemed like sometimes Trey was kind of kind of hesitant to shoot from

Long range not exactly sure what that’s about because I’ve never seen that before um but yet still the Hawks found a way to have themselves in this game um just coming right out of the gate and it may seem like it’s nothing but especially because like we always

Mention um DeAndre Hunter not being in the lineup who was typically the guy that I think they wanted to come right out the gate and get warm and yeah yeah yeah start start early and often who is that player um and it seems like whoever that player is that they choose they

That player scores the first you know few few points for this team consecutively before anybody else scores and that player was Jaylen Johnson with seven points as you can see he had himself obviously a really good game um and um just from that standpoint you know they know that that’s someone that

They need to stay you know to stay hot for this team to to give them a fighting chance and you had to do that early and you had to do that often and he was one of the uh he was the guy that happened and then also on top of that I think

That once you kind of um once you kind of factor in you know the trying to see who who are they going to put on they started out with Jaylen Johnson then it you know transitions over to a whole another player I think sadique Bay yep it was s there was some

There there was some there was some positives with a whole another player that kind of has you scratching your heads as to whether or not um he should or shouldn’t remain in the Atlanta Hawk uniform going forward but I’m sure you’re gonna touch on that a little bit

Oh yeah we’ll get to our guy in a second five we’re we’re on the way five we’re on the way but yeah to your point I think the positives would be shooting like this is the fifth best scoring team in the NBA and they showed why they’re

At the top in the association because they did have a good game from the field and from three 52% from the field 44% from three but you know I’m about to go and slightly contradict myself because I’m going to go back to that same number that 44% from three and how many you

Took and why you didn’t take them when we needed it most but first things first I’ll give them a few more flowers because I have been on their case for a minute now and that’s about that free throw percentage when you get free buckets take free buckets so at least

Tonight they made 26 of 30 and that is a large part of why they were able to stay in the game another thing that I’ve been on them about was not giving them El opportunities for second second chance points and they did have 12 offensive rebounds to the math six so I’ll take

That each and every night but those are probably where it kind of stops for me because I think points in the paint yeah you kind of outscored the math 60 to 56 but I mean they more than made up for it outside of the paint so there’s that but

Speaking of that three-point line knowing that you were shooting 44% from three you had to kind of have a feel and know that you were having a really good night from three so then you close to within three and the Mavs kept shooting threes towards the end this was about a

Minute 47 maybe two 15 left in the game so they they shoot three in a row and they hit three in a row while the Hawks were settling for twos and I mean deshaan I really looked at it and said what did that tell you about situational awareness for the opponent versus the

Home team understanding where you were in the game and where you should have been shooting at that point you know and and that and that and that’s the thing like I I feel like you know sometimes we tend to question the shot selection a little bit um with with

This particular team and just the effort you know I’ve mentioned I always mention consistently inconsistent and what I mean by that is sometimes we’ll see them um you know playing very good defense for certain quarters and then other quarters they don’t I know third quarter is always one that’s kind of highlighted

In our minds a lot of times um you know and then obviously the shot selection and things like that which I don’t think that they did a terrible job at but you know we obviously pay so much attention to the free throw line and getting to

The free throw line and making sure you hit the free throws they’re free throws and called that for a reason um but then there’s turn you know there’s turnovers and when you look at you know like I said you you had to be watching this game because you can’t sit back and look

At the box score the stat sheet and try and see if that tells everything about the game like you kind of mentioned earlier didn’t have a ton of turnovers necessarily but in the moments of which they gave the other team the ball were those moments in which they had you know

Their chances to be able to get back in this game or they were already in the game to really take this game by the horns and say this is going to be our game we don’t care how many points you score on tonight you’re not going to

Remain Victorious on in this game and they had those chances to do so as well and I think that those are just a few of the things that this team has to do in order to you know show some growth yeah because there was definitely a critical turnover inside those last two minutes

And when you look at the margins of that Five Points like you said don’t don’t be confused it wasn’t that close until that last three or so minutes but I also agree with you there were also moments where the Hawks clearly had opportunities to seize the moment and

Just never capitalized on it and it was Troublesome so you look at Luca and obviously his was the performance of of the ages because he has the now the most 40 plus point games before 20 turning 25 years old is Michael Jordan he has 37 career 40 30 point games or 30 plus

Point games versus MJ’s 32 but it’s and Counting right so I just there were moments where I looked at it and you already called out one of them where Jaylen John was on him and then sadique Bay was on him and I was like does anyone understand the assignment tonight

Like clearly except did jeante Murray because when Quinn Snider switched to jeante on Luca it felt like DJ understood it and obviously he didn’t stop him but he at least slowed down some of the momentum sure sure sure and I think that you know why it took so

Long for us to get to that point I don’t have that answer um I don’t make the money to get paid to give that answer either um but you would like to think that one of the reasons for why you were so excited about bringing deante in is

Not only because he is this near triple double averaging I think he was somewhere around 20 something you know 22 points a game or whatever was and eight eight rebounds and eight assists or whatever it was but also because of what you’re getting on the opposite end

Of the floor yes on the defensive side of the ball um and then you wait so long to be able to see what he can do in that moment yeah am I thinking that he was going to stop Luca absolutely not but I do believe that there was a better

Chance at him defending Luca donic for extensive periods of time to give you know the Hawks a chance to understand what it takes to contain him um and and and they waited quite a while to give themselves that chance and uh that one that that that one that that one that

One’s on Coach yeah that’s a tough call because Josh Green didn’t really light up you know he didn’t really warm up rather until later in the game so I’m thinking if it’s a good on good situation where you’re saying okay you know that’s who you have DJ ah you

Didn’t really kind of need to give green that much attention he could because he really didn’t start to be a factor really until the fourth quarter so you know that’s one of those things so Thatcher says wrestler of course referring to Tony wrestler the owner should be happy the

Falcons are in Atlanta because only the second biggest crap show in Pro Sports I don’t know if I can agree with that that’s kind of strong David I definitely don’t agree with that I don’t right I don’t think these are either one of these teams is like a purposeful crap

Show but David to your point I think what’s frustrating is that you look at an opportunity like tonight and you think about and granted the suns are like balling out right except for maybe tonight when they lost but the suns are balling out but the Suns did a did

Damage to the Mavs right so they kind of gave you a little bit of the blueprint in how to come back from like a deep double- digit deficit and then smoke them the hwks had enough guns to be able to do that no no and I think that’s what

He’s talking about when he says hey it’s like a crap show or a crapshoot because they had chances but they just didn’t take them so we’re going to talk a little bit more about that because in all fairness we do have to defer to one Trend that we’re seeing that could

Explain some of what we saw tonight we’ll talk about it on the other side in who next this episode of our locked on Hawks postcast of course was brought to you by eBay motors and it’s also brought to you by grammarly now when it comes to writing grammarly is there to support

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When one guy go off is actually happening lead wide at a historic clip and I want to tell you a little bit about want to kind of throw some numbers out there and get your thoughts on it through the NBA’s first 75 years just six players had scored 70 or more Will

Chamberlain Kobe Bryant whom we’ll talk about in a minute David Thompson elen Baylor Devin Booker and David Thompson actually did it twice and then in just over one year already four players have reached Devy Donovan Mitchell Dame Lillard Jo lead and now LCA donic after tonight and then the 73 he dropped just

The fourth player in NBA history to reach that plateau again going back to wil Kobe and David the 10th player in NBA history to score 70 or more it’s crazy things like that to think that four of them have come in this last year so maybe in all fairness letting a

Player go off the way that Luca did it tonight well 77 is not the only one it’s kind of happening League wide League wide at a historic clip it is um I hate the fact that it has to happen to this particular team right um that I think

Anybody on here watching uh probably feels the same way or knew that I was going to say exactly that and that that part obviously stinks um and yes you do have you know we talk about in comparison to the 80s and the 90s and different eras of of basketball in

General and just the NBA um how much you know more developed uh that the talent pool is um and when you’ve got you know some of the best scorers uh in the NBA things like that are going to happen um you know you start to factor those

Things in and I mean granted I mean I I I think that you’ll be really hard pressed to find anybody who’s being honest with themselves and realistic when I say um you know that that there there will be anybody that would disagree with me when I say that the

Pride that players take today on defense I don’t think is nearly as much as it was before I’m sure there’s quite a bit of you know current and former NBA players that never want to hear that um but that’s just that I mean that that’s

Just the reality of what it is um so you know guys are going to get their points guys are going to get numbers that’s that that’s the league that and and it’s different rules that we’re playing by today anyway on top of that um but you

Know the the guys are are really good how does things like this happened I mean think about it you just did a phenomenal job breaking down some of the accolades uh from 77 tonight right but add on the fact that being the first player ever in NBA history to score 70

Plus points on 75% shooting from the field 75% shooting from the field there’s going to be things sometimes on some nights that you’re just not going to be in control of I I I I I will say that I’m not sure that there is a living being right that

Could have prevented you know Luca from doing what he did on tonight just I’m just being perfectly honest and not even the best defender probably in the world ever that we’ve ever seen from any era of your choosing could have done much to defend you know uh 77 on tonight so

Sometimes you do just have to give you know you got to take the L you got to give the flowers but it’s crazy to believe that we’re seeing what we’re seeing the way that we’re seeing even with the point totals and scoring for the particular teams I mean 150 points

Being hung up on teams those are allstar game numbers and point totals that we’re seeing so um some of it I think is just the evolution of basketball in general and I think that it’s tough because you and I had the opportunity to see a Michael Jordan who was like a scoring

Machine and then realized hey I need to play D hey I need to distribute the ball and that’s when he started winning championships so in addition to us giving that statline about Luca approaching what Michael Jordan did with all of the 40 plus games if you will

Well the other piece of that is Michael Jordan as his career evolved he prided himself indeep and like you said you don’t hear many players these days talking about hey I went back in the lab because I now want to be defensive MVP I want to be defensive player of the year

No we we don’t we don’t hear that conversation unless desan and I just are missing it and I don’t think we are that’s number one and then number two this also speaks to what David Stern wanted to see which was an international game and the international game is

Played for points you can even look at the 41 Players whose names were dropped a couple days ago as making the US Men’s National Basketball team at least the first cut right and then they’ll drop that cut down to 12 as they approach the summer games in Paris well you know what

The 12 are going to look like yes it’ll be a few here and there who can play D but it’s going to be those players like the Luca dones of the world that are 67 68 69ine Kevin Durant and those are going to be the players who when you

Need him to play D they can stretch just because of wingspan but oh my God they can shoot the lights out of it because that’s where we are and Quinn Snyder said at best he told you when he took over this team we’re gonna shoot threes that’s who we’re gonna be because he

Knows that at the end of the day yes you will have to play some defense as you get deeper into the postseason But ultimately speaking throughout the regular season in order to get to the postseason you absolutely have to be able to shoot the Deep ball no no

Question and speaking of that another guy who revolutionized the game here locally would be remiss and when I say local of course to to the US if you will but really ended up Revolution game across the world is Kobe Bryant of course uh this is the anniversary of

Four years of us losing the black mama and one of the greatest and one of the things I thought of that actually made me smile a little bit and watch watching what luuka was able to do tonight was looking back and saying wow you can really see the imprint in the game

Tonight even when you saw what Trey was able to do and sometimes we forget that he still plays with a heavy heart um on these particular nights but was able to still get out there and do something what were some of the things that maybe you saw tonight in this game or even

Across the association that you’ve seen courtesy of the black mamb where you can say you know what whether it’s eight or 24 take your pick on his number you could still see the impression that he made yeah we talk a lot about Mamba mentality I think it’s just the

Relentlessness um and guys just going Full Throttle you know I couldn’t have pictured Trey young sitting out on a night like this I mean he’s coming off of you know obviously his um uh concussion protocols and things of that nature could have sat down obviously the team hasn’t been playing well there’s a

Lot of other guys in this league that will remain nameless but probably wouldn’t have played in this game especially if they knew this kind of performance was coming from an opposing player um but yet still went out there and competed because that is what the Mamba mentality is all about you got so

Many different players that were looking up to you know him and you even you know was as I was listening to Trey young in the postgame press conference as uh a question was asked to him about what type of things kind of prepared him for tonight one of the things was just about

Him just being in the gym you know just you know trying to stay off his feet as much as possible but knowing you got to get out there and get shots up and things like that you know these are players that could just be sitting down and thinking it’s just another game that

They can just load manage and send fan the fan bases home with you know up up upset you know upset smiles and upset wallets that they just paid a lot of money to go and see their favorite player play um but it’s about perseverance and powering and and and

And and pushing through and um you know grateful obviously that he got out there and played and that a lot of other guys around the league went out there and played and you know going out there and just competing because ultimately that’s what it’s about you know we we on the on

The outside a lot of times like to look at it as it just being playing basketball but when you start to understand and overstand and realize the business that it is and and and the kind of wear and tear that your body goes through to go back out there and have to

Do it again this is one of those nights that you know I’m I’m glad to see guys participating in and giving it their all because I’m pretty freaking sure that a lot of performances on tonight whether you scored 73 points or whether you played three points you went out there with the

Thought of number eight Andor 24 on your mind when you were doing it indeed and we also want to just acknowledge the fact that Kobe was a huge advocate for the WNBA and the WNBA tweeted out a memorial and a tribute earlier today just letting everyone know today we

Remember Alyssa alter belli Gian Bryant and Payton Chester are 2020 honory draes who of course also lost their lives in that tragic accident so again our hearts and prayers are with their families and we just thank God that we had the opportunity if you ever had a chance to

See him in person it was one sight to see so we appreciate that and we also appreciate you guys for stopping by the lock on Hawks postcast especially when you guys take the time to chime in remember to like And subscribe to our YouTube channel and tell your friends to

Stop by because they can chime Ino and for more on the Hawks don’t forget to check out locked on Hawks with our guy Brad Roland we will see you next time

On a night where history was made but not in favor of the home team, our Atlanta Hawks fell victim to not only one of this season’s brilliant performances but also one that will go down in the NBA history record books.

In lieu of the Dallas Mavericks’ 148-143 win at State Farm Arena, Luka Doncic (73 points) became only the 10th NBA player to score 70 points in a game, the first to do so on 75% shooting from the field and is fourth for the most behind only Wilt Chamberlain and Kobe Bryant just to add context.

What were your initial thoughts as the game was unfolding?

Who was the “random guy” that gave Dallas a scoring boost when Luka Doncic wasn’t scoring?

Should head coach Quin Snyder have made the substitution earlier to switch Dejounte Murray onto Luka Doncic?

Tenitra Batiste and DeShaun Tate weigh-in on Friday night’s action with their takes, the and-1 deep dive segment and who’s got next?

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  1. I'm angry because the man that made that trade should be fired, and a rook and 6'6" Williams outperformed our 2nd highest paid player CC, I'm not angry with a great individual performance by Luka

  2. Atlanta Hawks starting lineup point guard Trae Young shooting guard dejounte Murray small forward Makil Bridges power Forward Jalen Johnson Center Bol Bol

  3. Atlanta Hawks Trade patty Mill AJ Griffin Bruno Fernando To Detroit pistons For point guard Killian Hayes Center James Wiseman

  4. Atlanta Hawks Bench point guard Killian Hayes Shooting Guard Cam Thomas Small Forward Keon Johnson Power Forward onyeka Okongwu Center James Wiseman

  5. Atlanta Hawks Third unit point guard Vit krejci Shooting Guard Kobe Bufkin Small forward Seth Lundy power Forward Mouhamed Gueye Center Christian koloko

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