@Los Angeles Clippers

‘He’s Incredible!’ Tyronn Lue On James Harden’s 75th Triple-Double And Clippers Win Against Raptors

‘He’s Incredible!’ Tyronn Lue On James Harden’s 75th Triple-Double And Clippers Win Against Raptors

What do you think the most up tonight I don’t know I don’t I really um I don’t know I mean we did a good job taking care of the basketball um I like our small small pick and roll we finally was able to complete that um some down the

Stretch um I really don’t know I there a crazy flow to the game so I really don’t know but you know I thought defensively you know I thought we did some good things you know we came out um trying to go under on some pick and rolls and then

We came out and switched it we did a better job with that and then just like I said just transition continue to keep getting back when we do turn the basketball over um things like that but I really don’t really know what I like until I watch it tonight it was it was

It was a crazy flow um you Qui before Z okay yeah he’s good yeah I know we got to back back to back tomorrow so um the more I can lessen him the better it is for us and so um that’s kind of was my thinking going into it all come out okay

Yes sir do you anticipate uh having everybody tomorrow night I’m not sure right now uh what they they kind of made it probably a little closer than you would have liked in the fourth there was there anything you saw that kind of wasn’t going your

Way um no actually we had some layups we missed some dunks we missed I mean we had some shots right around the basket that we didn’t complete and they was able to get out in transition and score early I didn’t like the early advance and they attacked early before we was

Able to get our defense set you know which we talked about you know getting back in transition this team wants to play fast they want to attack gaps and seams and we didn’t do a good job with that in the fourth quarter I thought they did a good job with just pushing

The pace attacking early before we can get set so I didn’t like that Cody with James Harden just coming into this team getting settle in now does it feel like everyone else is kind of in their right spots now that he’s kind of the point guard for sure I mean

It makes it a lot easier on kawhai and PG um not to have to handle and make every play for themselves or for our team and um you know acquiring James it just makes it so much easier for those guys easy catch and shoot threes um not

Having to rely on having to make every play you know like they did in the past few years um and so James has just been great like I said he just keeps everybody happy you know against a couple guys dunks couple guys threes um just playing the right way making the

Right play and picking rooll and so um takes a lot of like say a lot of grind off of PG and kawhai um you know acquiring James so it was huge for us Mason and Ty what are you seeing from them kind of what’s that adjust game you looking

For um they they’re all three different you know um Ty can pick and pop you know he can spread the floor by making a three you know mace is a good Speed Roller can get down here catch lobs and dunk the basketball and also just you

Know with DT he could switch a little bit more um um mace we can Blitz a little bit more so it’s just it’s just different you know and we just got to get you know used to playing with these guys while zoo is out and they’ve been

Doing a great job you know we’ve been having them do a lot different coverages different rotations guarding different players and um they’ve been doing a good job you know and so um we just got to just continue to keep rolling you know what we got until we get zuo back but

You know overall they’ve been doing a good job what’s the conversation here this a young resilient teams you you mentioned pregame how they want to be up for the challenge looks like you’re able to get some separation they come back and you make a run what’s the the the

Conversation there as they continue to show their resiliency and chip chip Bo yeah just you know Follow The Game Plan D we talked about we know they’re going to attack early in transition miss or make they’re going to get the ball up the floor and try to attack gaps and

Attack seams and get get into the paint and so like I said in that fourth quarter we didn’t do a good job of just getting back you know loading to the basketball making sure they didn’t get gaps and seams and they must have scored in the first uh seven seconds probably

Six times in the fourth quarter which is way too much you know and so it could be a couple more you know so we got to get better with that uh coach uh yeah more question question uh it said that you are very honest with with the playoffs

Um but how how do you get to the hurt of of the players to to to motivate them I’m sorry I I can’t how do you get to the heart of the players how do you uh how do you how do you convince them to to to keep motivated oh just you know

Like I said we have a veteran team and um these guys understand when they’re messing up or not playing basketball the right way and so they’ve been around a long time and so you can challenge them and you can get on and they understand know when they’re not playing basketball

The right way and so um just being honest with them being direct with them and they can take it and so that’s just kind of my model just in my mindset just tell them the truth and you know they got to deal with it coach had 75 career

Triple doubles for James how do you react to that number great player I mean you know pass the ball so easy you know makes the right read makes the right plays and all the pick and roles um you know rebounds the basketball very well we know he can score you know um

Just you know all around like I said offensively just you know no weaknesses you know great talent can do everything you know offensively and um like I said I’m just glad to have them like I said makes my job easier makes PG and kawai’s

Job easier and um you know we got a long ways to go still continue to keep getting better but I like I like what we’re trending this is your second straight game was started had a triple double I mean you do have multiple players that are capable of doing that

But is there any Common Thread to why this is happening now this season are they just more comfortable with their rules and and being on this team yeah being yeah I think being more comfortable I think understand our spacing which I’ve been talking about a lot lately um teams are going to double

Team and Blitz fire um getting to the right spots making sure we have the right spacing and um we’ve been working on that for a while now and so today we still didn’t do it you know right a couple times but for the most part just just getting better at the Double teams

Getting better at the fires and the blitzes and uh once we do that like it’s going to be going to be really good for us coach yes following up the the last question um uh it uh it can become hard when you have to tell a player uh a hard Truth uh

It can become hard like finding the balance between this and between the not not Harding the player when well do you don’t want to hard the player but want to tell him the hard truth yeah for me just for me it’s just tell the truth and they might cuss

You out and be mad but um if they’re real themselves the next day they’ll come in like you know what you was right you know and so and to battle anything can happen but you tell them the truth and if they’re real with themselves they can they can understand it they can take

It so um I don’t have a problem doing that

Los Angeles Clippers coach Tyronn Lue speaks to media after Clippers beat Toronto Raptors. Clippers postgame interview. Clippers game today.


  1. The team is BALLING
    Unpopular opinion: they should give PJ a chance in case injuries occur.
    Other than that love my team we doing a great job now and i knew we were gonna get back into rhythm.

  2. It seems only certain coaches can positively handle personalities that are at the level of Giannis, Lebron, Jordan, and Kawhi. I did not know that, but it’s becoming more and more evident

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