@Cleveland Cavaliers

Milwaukee Bucks win over Cleveland Cavaliers 126-116 | 1.24.2024

Milwaukee Bucks win over Cleveland Cavaliers 126-116 | 1.24.2024

Come on in the room come on in the room Bucks winning tonight 126 116 uh it’s gonna be a fun one tonight come on in the room AE no no a is no Adrian no Adrian not the doctor you better yell like my man Rocky did in that movie he yelling talking about

Adrian where you at Adrian not okay let well let’s do it like this then doc Doc is our doctor he writes out our stre he gives us all of our medicine in our room can you believe Doc Rivers the new head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks I like

I I I I can’t I I can’t I can’t uh Agri G has been fired we’re gonna talk about it we are live the creem city crossover it’s the guru Trey Crosby the third JT Chris King and uh we got a lot to talk about tonight fellas I mean so we’re

Gonna talk about this game tonight for a brief second we got to we we we have to talk about the bucks with the with the win over the Cleveland Cavaliers who I mean are the hottest team in the NBA right now they’ve won eight straight uh

I think they won eight at the last nine or whatever it is something like that uh and so Cleveland is really gaining on the Bucks in the standings uh but tonight was a big night Joe pry was at the helm how about how about PR dog uh with the interim coach tag tonight

Getting the win 126 116 you can at me TCI I I Q to get your thoughts known we can get on the YouTube as well I know I know you guys are going to come at me so go ahead bring what you want to say I’m

Fine we’re gonna take it we we we gonna take this some stride we are going to talk about this Cleveland Cavaliers game for just a second um but then we are 100% gonna get into everything with uh with with Adrien Griffin uh and the the

Doctor Dr Griffin and uh Dr Rivers uh as as we run in uh into what’s happening now so 12616 uh we do have to do a game recap the Bucks win it game recap sponsored by the law office of dam Johnson when you need defense off the court uh Dam

Johnson’s got you covered serving Central and South Central Wisconsin uh Dy Johnson is giving you criminal defense trafficking OWI defense temporary restraining orders and injunctions call my guy daily Law Office Dam Johnson 6088 n38 370 go to his website www. dmj go there you can sign up get a free phone or in-person

Consultation uh if the Bucks had listen I I would have needed daily if the Bucks had hired uh Jeff Van Gundy like it like it like was talked about I I might have I might had to assault somebody if if Jeff Van gunny was gonna be the new head

Coach of Milwaukee pucks but it’s Doc Rivers I’m okay uh I I know you guys sending your condolences uh but 126 116 let’s do a game recap Yan de Koopa I mean tonight fellas this seemed like I mean a this seemed like the the the Mike boser Milwaukee Bucks there was a breath

Of fresh air around his basketball team no doubt about that did you see pregame the guys danc around in the Huddle I I ain’t never seen a coach get fired and pregame the guys are like it was it was actually kind of awkward uh the way they

Were the way they were doing I thought it was kind it was kind of funny uh but the buck seemed like they had some fun with it tonight 35 18 and 10 messed around and got a what trip backto back triple dun backto back triple doubles uh

For Jan Zed kmo he’s playing at a very high level 35 points in 34 minutes and I’m telling you if embiid doesn’t play all the games that is not able to to to meet the uh minimum requirement for games play to win MVP I don’t know what

Else Jan has to do to get himself into the running for to to have a legitimate shot at the MVP you’ve been telling me all year like everybody’s been telling me all year that Nick nurse is like the greatest coach in the world and that’s what’s un Unleashed embiid and I’ve and

I’ve now have come to learn that Giannis has been playing without a head coach with incompetency for the last 43 games apparently that’s what I’ve been told and he’s and he’s giving you second in the East 35 18 to 10 so I’m going to

Take this and and use it as a notch on giannis’s uh accomplishments for his MVP case this year uh due to how he’s playing and how he’s played Without a CO coach for all the year apparently 24 five and five for Chris Middleton Brook Lopez eight points n rebounds you know I

Love to see Brook Lopez anytime he’s over six s rebounds he did a decent job tonight Malik Beasley nine points uh 28-4 for Dame had a I mean kind of a rough night it’s just really odd how he plays he’s still shot he shot eight for

21 under 40% two for nine from three but he goes TI for 11 from the field and I mean from the free throw line so DNE finds a way to put in the points Bobby Porter with eight points jakay Crowder three points Pat conton tapped in six I

Like Camp play Campa played a really good game from the bench uh tonight Five Points in 133 minutes uh we did not see well I think we we saw Andre Jackson J at the very end of the game but no notable minutes for Andre Jackson jior the Cleveland Cavaliers who just beat

The Milwaukee Bucks by like 40 points um the other night without Giannis couldn’t get it done tonight Jared Allen 21 12 and five so not a bad night from him but uh he missed some shots was 10 to 19 Donovan Mitchell came on a little bit

Too late 2378 from him aoro with 10 points one board Dean wade six points Sam Maro former bun Buck 12 points and George Nang who uh who had a real big game for the Cleveland calers last time came out wasn’t able to do his thing but

He did have a decent night 14 points and four boards um real quickly on uh that’s your game recap real quickly though on on the Milwaukee Bucks tonight before we get into Adrian Griffin and and Doc Rivers and everything there like I said there was a breath of fresh air the

Schemes were the same and and this is this is what I’ll say the schemes look the exact same to me I didn’t see anything really different like somebody I I I kind of was alluding to that the schemes are the same as people tell me well no the Bucks are switching more

They were kind of like Griff had him doing the only thing they didn’t do tonight was like a multitude of things because the base defense with the switching worked like typically AG would have to go into like four different defenses to try anything that worked but

You don’t have to do that when your base defense actually works um so that was good I heard somebody tell me well they weren’t playing 40 feet out we’ve been over that before that’s that was a thing like the first 10 games or so the Bucks

Kind of had gone away from that already so the guys that play out that far uh defending do it and the guys that don’t like Chris and the likes don’t do it so the schemes are virtually the same offense and defense they spam some of the Dame yanis pick and roll late into

The game when Cleveland uh kind of forced their way back in it I like I like to say these games are never really in doubt um when they get close to you know when they get two three possessions either way you know what it is

JT game over like give me give me Dam y over anybody two two three possession so that’s what I saw from you know from tonight same schemes virtually uh really almost kind of the same rotations the only difference was you didn’t see Andre Jackson Jr tonight Maran Bo champ was

With the g- league team he had a big night with the G league with the herd tonight um so you didn’t see him Bobby played you know a normal amount of minutes and I mean very slight tweaks on the substitution patterns but it was virtually the same you just saw a lot of

Energy a lot of effort especially early I think late in the game the Bucs kind of reverted back to kind of how we see them play Under Dr Griffin uh and then you know super late to the game three four minutes left uh the Bucs Clos things out Giannis finish up with a

Triple double that’s what I saw tonight uh in a 126 116 victory over the hottest team in the NBA the Bucks are not dead there’s some issues going on with this team but the Bucks are not dead 126 116 JT what do you see a lot of the same

Thing you saw right did see this team come out looking a little bit rejuvenated right and it was it was interesting because you when you saw the guys dancing or whatever that was before the game right it was literally like okay we’re having fun again right you

Got the you got the general feeling that the team was having fun again and I thought you know things would be yeah they’d be they’d be a little bit looser tonight love to see that aggression um couple things I saw tonight I thought were a little bit interesting laughing at the

Dishwasher you got clean dishes that’s that’s hey bro you got to clean it right clean clean your dishes those of y’all those of y’all who are married your wife asked you hey run a dishwasher you better make sure you do it in the morning make sure you do it are you stuck no

Shame in that no shame in that hey man so so anyway so so so back to it though right obviously the triple do fanis phenomenal we absolutely love it love to see Chris Middleton another strong performance right eight for 15 from the line tonight only one for one from three

But still following this up from a from a strong game a couple nights ago as well damn you’re right right eight for 21 it’s a bit of a tour date right a bit of a tour date yeah that’s a yeah no that is a tour date what’s that 821

We’re playing down there where they playing at yeah Summerfest Su right around that time right so yeah he’s got a stage out there too but you know one thing that I also point out the same the the more things change the more things stay the same tonight our bench was score

Outscore tonight 42 to 22 we’ve talked about this we’ve talked about the deficiency of the bench unfortunately didn’t really see I I didn’t really see the inspiration trickle down to the bench also Andre Jackson junr didn’t get any minutes tonight right he got what one minute what he play yeah he played

One minute tonight that’s that’s really really really Andre Jackson Jr saw his minutes cut significantly with uh with with pry from a strategic St perspective the last couple things I’ll point out to you here so we actually won the rebounding battle tonight 46 of 39 which is awesome uh

However they got more assists than us and they also got more points in the paint 56 to 54 not saying it’s a bad thing at all but just interesting when you kind of look at this and you see how this how this plays out especially with j triple double Brook having a decent

Night Bobby having okay night too uh but yeah we got a win tonight and that’s the most important thing we stall the we we we beat the Cleveland Cavaliers we stall that momentum of the hottest team in the league and this Bucks team came out uh came out Came Out Swinging came out

Looking like they wanted to fight and it certainly um looks like this Adrien Griffin thing was not a distraction for him tonight thought the effort was there for sure from top to bottom really and especially when you think about who’s been rumored in trades lately when you

Talk about and Pat I I I thought they still gave the effort as if they were guys that that were not in trade talk so that’s always good to see uh when you got guys in trade talks you never know how it’s going to gel how it’s going to

Go especially close to the deadline and thought we got some good minutes from them especially campaign as well not playing two games in a row coming back in and and giving giving effort scoring the ball and you know do doing his thing um just running point and you know

That’s good to see that that they’re playing inspired ball I don’t know what that was due to but yeah you could definitely see it tonight and then obviously you know there’s we can always talk about Giannis and what he does and what he provides and he he was great

Tonight and you know I don’t I really don’t know if the the effort is because Dr Griffin is gone but you know they they played well yeah no 100% they played well you know and again I I you do see teams play well after a lot of times after coaches are fired and

Terminated you’ll see an uptick in the energy and that’s what I think it was tonight I don’t know when uh Doc Rivers will will start coaching the team like I’m assuming we’ll learn some more I know John horse has some comments today um but but we’ll see whether or not you

Know if he if docs here Friday or if that’s gonna be after that I’m not sure um but but again no matter what this was a semi big game for the bucks because like you said Cleveland’s creeping up in the in the in the standings and you know

If they won these two games I believe they only a few games back from the Bucks they could have really put some PR press on Milwaukee for that three seed um so again good to see the Bucks win we’ll see if it continues Friday okay let’s not waste any more time let’s get

Into it um the Bucks terminated Adrian Griffin it was about it was about three o’clock or two you know two I think three o’clock my time uh out in in in uh I’m in Charlotte obviously and I you know I think I got a couple texts there

Was one text I got uh from Danny L who’s been on this show before and it was just haha and I was like know I thought that was weird and I got a few more texts that were coming in and I was like H

This is odd and then of course I go to Twitter where I get all my news and boom there’s a g fired I’m like what that’s crazy um so my first reaction and so I read Warren price says Trey you gotta you got to get a second opinion with

Docs Doc Rivers will now have to write out your prescriptions Callin Racine says doc ain’t that guy D needs a shoot better good win overall um Nick C says Dr Griffin is out for choke Rivers yeah and so you know so so just some comments that that that we’re getting in

Um early here but my first reaction was how do you do this or can you do this when you if you don’t have a plan there’s no way you can fire your head coach without a plan and that because and again if we if we’re on this show to

Remember we’ve talked about this John and Chris we’ve talked about the fact that it it takes a lot to fire guy who is what 30 and what was it 30 and 13 at a time he gets terminated you know how do you do that and we talked about it

Again and I’ll be the first one to say I said there’s no way you do it so again I’m not we’re not I’m not going to stier coat this at all I said there’s no way that you do this with because mainly because we talked about it there’s no

Plan and come to find out loen behold the Bucks had a plan the entire time and so if you walk through the timeline of what took place there was a a maybe a thinking that the Bucks had you know um when when when Terry stots walked away

From Adrian Griffin there was a thinking that my thought there was okay Griff got the guy who may be wanting to replace him out and no Su I mean again the season starts late October it was December when they were already trying to to get rid of him again right we know

There were issues with the defense the offense was historic and it’s played at a historic Pace I I guess my main thing is I I was just surprised and so from the you know I and State of Shock that the Bucks would do this and I guess my first thing

That I’ll say and I’ll let you guys kind of kind of lead discussion kind of see where we go from here the first thing I’ll say is Not only was it unexpected but you better be right that’s the only thing I can go with you have to be right because

You hired a guy who was a rookie head coach and you didn’t trust him the organization never trusted Adrien Griffin right or wrong right like that’s right or wrong and and also let me point one more thing for the record I never said Adrian Griffin was like this great

Coach and like I think people have got that misconstrued that I was like on this oh he’s the greatest Co I never said that what I said was he’s a rookie head coach I’m gonna give him a the organization gave him a shot I’m gonna

Give him a shot he may look bad for right now but let’s see what happens in the end because Mike boser got fired and was terminated because of what happened in a in in may not what happened in in January that was my only point on Adrien

Griffin I wanted to see him get to the postseason we never got that opportunity the organization was clearly never behind Adrian Griffin we found out from reporting that Giannis was the one who clearly recommended this hire and was down for this hire and once he lost the

Respect of Giannis and once he lost the backing of Giannis he did not have and I’m not comparing I’m not comparing Eric spoler and Adrien Griffin I’m not trying to say they’re the same guy but they had the same situation in Miami the difference was Pat Riley stood behind

This guy and said you guys either get in line or get out and Adrian Griffin did not have that and so I do think he got the the he got the raw end of a deal I don’t think the Milwaukee books are out of it by any stretch of the imagination

I think I think the Milwaukee Bucks have the same opportunity to win a championship today as they did yesterday but the six are a little bit higher and if you don’t win it I think there’s a there’s going to be a lot of questions about this moment well yesterday when it took

Place so you know now that we’re now in spirit of transparency those of you guys who knew the show we did the show on 97.3 on your t’s and q’s I believe I was the most vociferous in the group i i i i vociferously opposed the hiring of

Adrien Griffin from the jump I did not like that in the beginning because my whole thing was it wasn’t about Adrien Griffin skill set it’s the fact that you just pushed out the guy who won you your first championship in 40 years two years after that because the expectations were

So high so how in the world are you g to trust a guy who does not have head coaching experience to to meet these expectations I said that a long time ago and like you I felt like listen let’s give Adrien gin a fair shot right let’s

Give him a fair shot because uh a small segment of bucks Twitter was preaching doom and and was telling us the season was over in game four right despite the fact that you still saw a coach that was he was making adjustments he was doing things differently they were figuring

This thing out and people wouldn’t even give him a fair chance to do that right now I never thought that we would be talking about Adrien Griffin with the likes of gar herd those of y’all who remember gar herd gar herd was the head coach of the Wizards before Michael

Jordan became the Pres the president of the Wizards gar herd was was 14 and 30 and was fired in the middle of the season in his first year with the Washington Wizards there’s a big difference obviously between 30 and 13 and 14 and 30 right yet Adrien Griffin joins the

Ranks of gar herd and it doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me and here’s why you knew what you were getting when you hired this man you knew that you were getting a rookie head coach you knew that there were going to be some Growing

Pains you knew all of this right but if you going to hire a rookie head head coach and give him a 44 game leash right what’s the point like what is what is the point of the drill here if you’re going to give you know this is giannis’s

Guy okay so you gave giannis’s guy 44 games despite the fact that he was he was 30 and 13 what is this like it just from a record perspective it didn’t make sense now I get the adjustments I understand that right I understand there’s some ex’s and O’s and there was

Some locker room issues and and you I understand that I understand there’s organizational leadership issue which I I do personally think you have to grow into that too and I agree with you Trey I don’t think he ever got that support I think they were skeptical I think Terry

Scots was the babysitter I think John horse look if if that’s how you felt you probably should have put a couple babysitters on the team the problem is Terry stots decided he was gonna show his ass a week before the season started and then the babysitter was gone they

Got the babysitter about to paint right now the guard rails are completely off this thing this is my last point right because we’ll get to Doc in a second my last point is this Bucks fans who are cheering this I want y’all to understand something we’re technically going to be

On our fourth coach in nine months that is organizational dysfunction don’t play yourself right now by saying that you’re going to be on your fourth coach in nine months between Bud Dr Griffin pry and now Doc Rivers right and the reality of it is is I agree with you Trey we’re not

Out of it but we certainly aren’t any closer to a championship than we were if you dig into Doc Rivers record yeah you could definitely you could definitely weigh that flag and say oh yeah yeah Doc Rivers he went the two championships with the Celtics when he had Kevin

Garnett Paul Pierce Rondo and Cole he had a whole Squad okay great what he doing what he do in seven years in uh in in in with the Clippers what he do in them three years with the Sixers right because I’m just I’m just gonna tell you

Right now when I look at Doc Rivers yes I see an accomplished coach I see a coach that has 1860 regular season games under his belt 100% dou but you know what I also see I see a coach who’s who’s lost more playoff series with a 3-1 lead than any

Other coach in NBA history right before before before we go to Doc I want to before we go to Doc before we go to I I want to hold off do we’re gonna get the doc we’re GNA get the doc I want to ask you and Chris this question first so

Sorry to cut you off but I I just want to hold off on Doc for a second because we are gonna get to Doc’s resume and his record 100% but I want to ask you from what you saw from the Milwaukee Bucks 43 games

In did you let me let me let me rephrase it if I told you that the Milwaukee even the excuse me even though the Bucks were 30 and 13 if I told you that do that Adrien Griffin and I don’t think this is debatable anymore we thought it might have been

Some fanfiction earlier but it it seems pretty clear this is true if I told you that 43 games in Adrian Griffin had lost his locker room would you say it was appropriate to make a a coaching change at that point not not for Doc or not but

I’m just saying just talking about AG himself if I told you John tius Chris King you’re you’re the GM I’m reporting to you that he that your coach that you just hired five months ago has lost the locker room what are you gonna do about

It so to me it depends if are my stars coming to me and saying hey it’s us or him we not gonna play for this dude no more because now you forc my hand well maybe they’re not doing that but they’re showing it to you on the they they their their play against

Against uh against Cleveland the other night losing about 40 showed it to you uh barely beating the Pistons who’s won four games all year they maybe they haven’t because I I highly doubt it got Json come and say hey we ain’t playing for this guy but but their actions are

Showing you on the floor that this ain’t working I mean you’re winning games but they showing you and maybe and and listen right and I think the only counterargument I would say is that listen y’all complet y’all haven’t completely checked out maybe this thing is fixable right I would say if your

Record is 30 and 13 and you talking about losing the locker room I would be under the notion that maybe we can get this thing back maybe we make a change after this year maybe we can get it back but I still don’t pull the lever and

Just go ahead and get rid of this guy now and say all right yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna go with the inum and we’re gonna hope that we can hire a new guy midseason and everybody buys in and uh yeah because because to me that still

Seems much more risky than the guy that went through training camp with the bulk of his team except for Damien Lillard and who installed things and and and and and figured out at least a temporary working relationship I mean you got to give any new guy who comes in at least a

Few weeks to figure it out yeah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have fired him at that point if he if he had lost the locker room okay given given that context yeah I’m I’m getting rid of him because look you know what you signed up for you got a team

That should have been title contenders the past couple of years did win the finals uh three years ago and you bring him in a rookie head coach like JT said you know what you’re getting and then if if I hear the context that you lost the

Locker room yeah he’s he’s out of here but I I do think there’s there’s some truth in the sense that I don’t know if if Giannis was part of this at all or or if if he wasn’t necessarily you know messing well with Adrien Griffin but

Giving him the power to to make the decision right to to overrule hor or or just suggest that you should have Adrien Griffin over a guy like Nick nurse or or whoever the other candidates were I think that that’s dangerous at this point because you know if you give him that type of

Power this thing could crumble and you know that that that’s that’s a problem well and I agree with that Chris because I think you have to save these players from themselves that’s the whole issue it’s like Yannis my guy how much due diligence did you do before you went and

Stood on the table for Dr Griffin like how much how much how much doal did you even look into what was this right I heard there were maybe some I heard Nick nurse has some weird maybe has some people skill issues right read I read that some guys don’t like his style and

They don’t like that which by the way Dr Griffin part of the person staff you know maybe there’s some issues it sounds like he may have had these same issues but my thing with Giannis is how did you not do the due diligence here to say Hey

You know maybe this maybe like you went and stood on the table for this guy but you knew he was unproven and then all of a sudden you get x amount of games in and you can’t work with them and that’s another thing I’m offer player empowerment but

You got to save these players from themselves sometimes and Giannis should not be making the final decision quite honestly you might give him a little bit more than the courtesy input but like you can’t and and and now look at this we gota save we gotta save horse from

Himself too all because you went down this rabbit hole with Giannis and you said all right we’re gonna get rid of Bud and we gonna bring your guy in and then all of a sudden Giannis couldn’t work through it in 43 games okay now

We’re going to bring in my guy this is I don’t know guys this is dysfunctional I would argue I I I’ll die on his Hill well well well to your point to both your point Yannis is definitely has some culpability in this like and I am

The B and and that’s the thing that that bugs me so much people call me Adrian Griffin apologist no no no I’m a Giannis apologist 100% of the way like I like I don’t I don’t feel any type of way about Adrian Griffin my whole thing about

Adrian Griffin was I just thought he should have time you brought him in give him the time to work through it I I I wouldn’t I listen I’ve never Ma I as a young professional I’ve never managed anybody at this point in my career and again no no shade to people working at

At the Dairy Queen and and the Papa Johns and the pizza that ain’t the type managerial skills I’m talking about I’m talking I ain’t talking about I’m talking about actually managing somebody who’s doing a high stress job and now I’m not saying that y’all ain’t doing a

Hot job answering the phones but I’m just saying there’s a difference I haven’t done it to this point but I would never hire somebody into my organization because I think there’s a difference listen hey Papa Johns I bring you in and and and and you you you

Hanging up on customers while they I gotta fire you in the first week but if I hire you there’s some type of jobs where if I hire somebody into my organization it’s even six months with you know some success some failure I’m not firing that person that’s not good

Business it makes no sense right like that’s not what I’m gonna do but but that’s the side point Giannis I have to he has to have some culpability in this because he soured on uh Mike boser he then like you said whether you want to call it overruled or what have

You he had a huge impact on Adrian Griffin getting this job he 100% had a huge impact on Adrian G getting his job and really and I think that’s I think Yan is so indifferent not to say I don’t think he cared but I think he must cared

Because he didn’t want Nick nurse so I I I guess I’m kind of in between I just don’t understand it but you let Giannis make the decision for all to of purposes but but but how much can you even blame a John horse for doing that because next

Thing you know Giannis signs the extension so all of the work that you did in getting uh getting Adent Griffin and acquiring Damen Lillard shipping out Drew holiday all that work got you Giannis signing extension early so you are you did what you think is in the best interest of the franchise because

You got the the the result that you wanted and now but but that but that’s the thing you weren’t it just shows me 100% like like to me you can’t leave Giannis out of it when we’re talking about this and and ultimately again we’re gonna get to Doc Rivers but

Ultimately this doesn’t work the guy I’m coming back to I’m coming back to horse but I’m coming back to Giannis because this has his fingerprints and name written all over it and can we can we admit now Giannis has changed Giannis is I’m not saying he’s Hollywood but Jan

Is% is Hollywood who goes for these little these little Oreo and cookie gimmicks and all this other stuff these little like quotes that you read 10 seconds before you came up on the stage listen man I’m not going to knock the man because I because I stay I I I ride

For Giannis because I feel like he don’t get the respect he deserves and everything else but we can go ahead and take the rosecolor glasses off and like listen now Giannis is on his BS like everybody else he has no business picking his coach he should again get

The courtesy consideration okay we went with your guy we’re never going to do this again because by the way there were flashing yellow lights when you pick this guy in the first place and then all of a sudden the worst case scenario happens he ends up we we we get rid of

Buddy after 44 games how in the hell is that conduc with winning a championship anyway I agree with you Trey but here’s the thing horse this still falls on horse shoulders because you can’t blame Giannis the only thing you can go back to Giannis and say is yeah you yeah

You’re gonna get minimal say next time you’re gonna deal with it oh and by the way you’re under a contract for x amount more years so you’re GNA be an adult and you going to show up for work and if you don’t we G to make this thing as painful

As possible too right like I mean I think that becomes your conversation with this guy because Janis sh he clearly know what the hell he doing when it comes to picking coaches and picking Styles like I don’t I this is a mess this is an absolute mess and again I

Still say this now can you go back to something that you told me earlier today saying right the game plan and this is where I really have to question what the hell horse is doing you said earlier today that the game plan was when they hired

Dr Griffin there was they they they they didn’t know if they were going to get Brook back and they thought that this team may be in the midst of a slight rebuild so they wanted to get a guy who was talented to work with younger players and could help motivate younger

Players and work with them and they cited some of the work that do Griffin had done his previous stops then all of a sudden the team can you elaborate a little bit more and kind of like share that because that’s that’s some really interesting Insight yeah so so essentially what what

Was being what has been reported was been being said is that you know when it came to hiring Dr Griffin and kind of why they got comfortable with hiring Dr Griffin remember when he was hired right Brook Lopez hadn’t yet resigned right Giannis hadn’t yet resigned you had Drew

How you had a lot of those guys that were on that former Mike booser team so then you get comfortable with being okay with maybe an Adrian Griffin leading that charge because you don’t know you really don’t know what’s going to happen like if Brook Lopez isn’t on

His team team I you don’t know what direction they go as far as you know with their money and how they want to choose to spend it you don’t know then all of a sudden not only do you get not only do you get Brook Lopez back into

The fold you then ship off Drew holiday for Damien Lillard and everything about the situation changes because you no longer go from and when I say reset I don’t mean that I that you’re not competing for a championship but we both know good and well that Drew holiday

Chris and Giannis is much different than Damen Lillard Chris and Yannis that’s a different big three right and those expectations with that big three CH are are and again not to say that there weren’t already expectations on the other big three but the expectations change when

You bring in you now have two top 75 players Hall of Famers that are at your disposal if you weren’t at win now 100% you were there you if you’re if you weren’t a CH because that’s the thing and people can deny it all they want to

There’s no way people thought of this year if you went into it with Drew holiday Giannis Chris Milton even with Brook there’s no way you would have thought this year’s championship or bust now you would have thought that maybe for guys like Chris Middleton and for

Guys like Brook Lopez that if oh y’all flame out this year it’s going to be rough to see y’all come back maybe Drew holiday maybe that maybe that core would have taken up but you wouldn’t have thought that of Adrian Griffin when you bring in Damen Lillard and I saw some

People on social media saying oh you can’t think like that that no no no no the everything does change about the organization when you bring in Damen Lillard who essentially we’re not even talking about this but he comes in Kicking and Screaming because he didn’t want to be here in the first place

There’s not he wanted to be in Miami in the first place so you you drug him in here he didn’t want there’s Damen lived we we this isn’t this isn’t a controversial take he didn’t want to be in Milwaukee he didn’t want to be here

So you brought a guy in who didn’t want to be here and you now you now need to prove to him before he totally checks out now I don’t think he would check out he’s 34 years old you would think he’s GNA check out but look how he’s played

Again maybe that’s some of personal issues he hadn’t played well so you owe it to him and your organization to make him as comfortable as possible too because you want this thing to ride out for at least a couple years two three years as a championship team right like

That’s that’s what you have to have and I do think everything changed about this organization when they brought Damen Lillard in and I and I don’t know maybe PR pry maybe horse over rules Giannis it was like no no D no hey hold on jannis

I’m getting Dame I can’t I can’t go with the rookie head coach I gotta go veteran so give me your pick of I’ll give you five guys all these guys are are veteran proven head coaches and you pick from that list versus it’s wide open and Adrian Griffin being uh considered a

Strong candidate so yeah everything does change change it does and but again and that goes back to like what the hell was the vision right I think it was they had this Vision then you got it but then you switch up the vision you switch up the

Vision at the I mean it just I I I don’t understand it I still don’t understand why you didn’t write it out this year because here’s the thing if Doc Rivers gets eliminated in the second round was it worse getting rid of Dr Griffin could that have waited wasn’t nobody beating

Down doc River’s door to hire him right like oh and and I I want to well never that that’s part of Doc that’s part of Dr I’m I’m not I’m not get into that um Chris Chris jump jump back in here Chris and and give me again just your thoughts

On kind of what we’re talking about here if do you hire is is Adrian Griffin even a part of the conversation if you know and that’s how you know they had no idea that Damon lard was coming or they were even going to be able to swing a trade

Like this is Adrian g a part of the conversation at all if you bringing in Damen Lillard well I think for the reason that that you just stated uh before in case a rebuild is coming look that’s not far off now because you do have a Dame Lillard who is 34 years old

That’s not necessarily the prime of your career maybe it is now but um you know in the next couple years who knows if he loses a step and then Brook Lopez as well we’ve talked about him maybe losing a step and and Chris you know battling injuries the past couple years that that

Could still be on the way here not maybe not next year maybe not the year after but but it could be coming and and ultimately you have to get younger uh when you have a superstar like Giannis in his prime and he’s hungry to to win a

Title so I think I I don’t think it would have been a bad decision um you know especially not knowing that that Dame was on his way because you you were going to have to rebuild at some point with the Drew holiday who is uh similar age and then Chris Middleton and and

Brooke around the same age too it’s like yeah I I I could fully understand the reason bringing in ag for that but the the thing is too is that you’re not you’re not that young anyway without those guys you you only have what two two rookies and sophomores maybe with

With Ajax and marjon so so the development thing um I I’m not really too fond about um because you would only be adding a couple more young pieces it’s not like this is a crazy young core uh green ranger says Dame Chris and Brooke don’t have time if you don’t

Believe Griffin is the guy you have to change course um K re says yeah coach Boston for 10 years got one Championship um clearly a bot says Dame looked more relaxed today but jannis had a funny face at the end of the game uh Marty Moose says Giannis gets what he wants

Even if he changes his mind he makes the Bucks a contender every year and we got to live and die with Giannis uh and then decole says talking about Yan says yeah he’s definitely changed uh and green ranger he says uh John horse could not afford another first round uh exit

That’s why Griffin is gone coach but is gone now John horse is trying to keep his job but again so and and you said about the first round exit but again we’re gonna talk about do Doc Rivers in in a second here and and and what

Happens at that point um let’s I think we’ve kind of flushed out the Adrian Griffin thing you know unless have anything else I I guess we can get some final thoughts on Adrien Griffin and then move on to the Doc Rivers discussion my final thoughts on on Adrien Griffin I’ll just reiterate some

Of the arguments because again people have felt like people clearly had a different tener of what I’ve been saying for this entire time one I never said Adrian Griffin was some great coach I said give him time that’s all two I’m not even all that upset about Adrian

Griffin being terminated and I’ll tell you I felt the same way about Jason kid not that you couldn’t terminate Jason kid not that he couldn’t that not that you couldn’t put the axe on him but just the fact that I didn’t think the timing was appropriate or correct at that time

I that’s not what I would have done in the moment I would have given Dr Griffin the opportunity to go to the postseason and see what happens because again what I’ll say this for the thousandth time to me the Bucks are in the exact same situation they were in today as they

Were yesterday I I I can see the Bucks winning winning it all and holding up to lario B in June I can see him knocked out in the first round based on some of these perform I really can’t see it but you wouldn’t but if it happened it wouldn’t surprise me

Because of the way I’ve seen this basketball team play so again not that think it would happen but I I I could just see it I feel the exact same way with Doc Rivers if you get a bad matchup the Miami Heat Indiana Again should you beat the heat

100% but doc but again Doc Rivers is not a guy who I just oh this is I know I know he’s going to make the adjustments I don’t like you if he gets matched up with Eric spoler he’s going to be in trouble like like that there’s going to

Be a coaching he’s going to be outclass as a coach it’s going to be up to the players to make sure they get the win so I think this team is in the exact same spot they were always in I you know I and the only thing I would say is I

Thought and I wish that Adrian Griffin had the backing of the organization he clearly did not have that um that’s why he’s gone today again you look at tonight’s basketball game folks everything was the same the scheme was the same the rotations were virtually the same the only thing that was

Different was the effort and energy from the guys if those guys played the exact same way they played tonight as they played against the rest of the you know against everybody else they would have won games against Detroit by 15 20 points 25 they would they would have won

These games you know um handedly and you wouldn’t be having these conversations that we’re having today now I’m not going to hold blame you know hold Griff blameless because that is up to him to get that buyin he didn’t get it again I

Said it before to me to me to to put it down and to nail it all way down Adrian Griffin got fired because they treated him the players treated him like The Substitute Teacher they treated him like the sub he he came in and oh oh Mike

Buos is gone oh they they got rid of they got rid of the teacher and and the kids ran him up and he didn’t know how to reel him Inc and some of that is one of the reasons why because like I said we talked about Dame Lillard Yas de Koo

You have to know how to coach stars and that is where again we’re talking about Doc Rivers that is a difference knowing you know there’s a difference between being a good coach or being able to coach the NBA and knowing how to coach Superstars and that was Griffin’s fault

He didn’t know that but again hard to see that because he would not have known and nobody knew that the Bucks gonna have two superstars so I don’t think he had the organization’s backing I wish that he did I wish the organization would have come to the team and said hey

This is the guy you either you either play for him or you’re not g to play or you’re going to waste the year if you guys want to waste the Year yourself fine waste the year I wish they’d have done that versus terminating him but I

Am I am I upset no is you know it is it is what it is because the Milwaukee Bucks did have a plan we’re gonna talk about it the Bucks did have a plan I would have been very upset if they didn’t they do have a plan if it doesn’t

Work the organization is going to look dysfunctional but we’ll talk about that but you know end of the day I hope Adrian Griffin is able to get another opportunity somewhere maybe with the younger team I don’t know that he’s going to get that shot I have a feeling

For whatever reason because again we just see coaches that look like Adrian Griffin and I mean I’m just saying they don’t get a lot of those Second Chance opportunities those retread opportunities especially when stuff like this happens but again I just want to look at the record dude was 30 and 13

And people well he lost the locker room at 30 and 13 the Bucks were at one at a 70% clip I mean he did not you know people called a disaster best disaster I’ve ever seen so again I listen I I appreciate Dr Griffin you know and again I just hope he gets

Another opportunity somewhere um to coach but you know this team is going to move forward and uh and it is what it is and and that’s why I leave it on on Griff uh we’ll move on to to uh to to Doc Rivers but but you guys give your

Final thoughts on Griff before we uh before we take it to dot yeah I mean I think you know it’s it’s it’s hard to even it’s hard to get team Buy in if the team knows the orer isn’t really behind you in the first place and that’s and that’s that’s the

Question I have is was it palpable that was it palpable that the team was skeptical about Dr Griffin in the first place from a management position right what you know I’m a little curious of how this played out with horse behind closed doors um they talked about close

To the five over the last few weeks the GM was on the sideline more in practice and was observing usually they observe from far the GM was a lot more Hands-On a lot more involved so they maybe they knew I’m not really sure but you know

Listen I don’t ever think it’s a good good idea if players are going to the GM behind the coach’s back and not addressing these issues with the coach and walking trying to talk through it and trying to work through it I certainly hope as a GM you would you

Would back your coach and you would say hey you got a problem you need to work this out with Dr Griffin right I’m not saying that that did happen we certainly don’t know if it did we certainly don’t know if it didn’t but uh I I just I I

Wish if we would have made a move we would have done it after the season um you know fortunately I think the last guy to get fired at the 30 and 13 was that David blat yeah David blat was 30 and 11 30 and 11 yeah you know this is

Just one of those things where you know we could have probably handled a little bit better but you know at this point we got to live with it at this point we we bring in a new coach I never I never thought we would see this Bucks

Team after this if You’ have told me nine months ago yeah y’all y’all about to have four coaches watch i’ have been like not true but here we are yeah I along with I I think I can speak for you guys as well was with the the notion

That you should probably give him at least a year and see what he does um but you know given the the context that he’s losing the locker room and he’s a substitute teacher given the title window title title window as well like it might have had to happen and you know

Bringing in Doc um yeah we’ll get to that but um you know I I just think that um you know they had a plan and and then once things when a in the locker room it was uh it was time so you know thanks for uh thanks for the the great intro

You gave Trey and you know that’s about it I guess and a good record to get our seat up yeah yeah no 100% um so uh we will we will remember you that’s oh bro oh man I thought hey man that’s that you know that’s a little um is that Paula

Cole is that PA on that up man can one of our listeners tell us who sing that uh who that song how is that is that me I was say Paul but I think Paul you my thing no white if I’m Adrian Griffin’s agent I

Gotta ask like bro how you get fired on your day how you get fired on your day fired on your day off right like oh man you know yeah no he got fir his day off 100% that’s the tough way to go at he maner says um Sarah Sarah mlin is that

Right Sarah M Sarah mlin yeah that’s right SAR she used to be um cuse see Sarah mlin used to do them songs for you know them animals like them animals that don’t got like the homeless animals whatever they be like try to get you to donate you know what I’m

Saying yeah yeah yeah they us to play her songs during that they did that when they also did the uh the the the uh the aborted babies too oh God you know my name had to take it we just had to take it there I’m sorry I’m sorry okay we what

Up doctor we we off the too hey too much hey that Stella Rose is starting to hit me um St at hean said crazy it to me how y’all would never even remotely criticize Griff treated him like a holy figure okay when he was not great not terrible

But had moments to criticize but the Hall of Fame coach Rivers you brazenly and loudly criticize and buzzkill before he even coaches the game after being Gatekeepers to those who criticize Griffin crazy dot dot dot dot dot okay Seth wolf so Seth wolf been so listen okay fair fair criticism let’s talk

About let’s go let’s go to let’s talk about Doc Rivers now I’m gonna tell you why I I’m going to watch Doc Rivers with with the closest eye you could ever think of um and my magnifying glass or my microscope is going to be leaned into

Do I’m gonna tell you why and you ask why and I’m gonna show you why at the same point in time where you ask me why you know well you didn’t remotely criticize Griff there are some criticism I have of Griff but the difference is rookie head coach coach versus coach

With 30 years of experience you’re damn right I’m going to look at at Doc Rivers with a more watchful eye than I look at from a guy who who’s never done the job before right I know they were going to be growing pains with with with Doc

Rivers I me excuse me with with Adrian Griffin I knew that I have no idea well let me say I knew there’s be grow PRS with with adri Griffin I also know about Doc Rivers record we’ve seen it right let’s talk about Doc Rivers and what

He’s brought to the table and what he’s brought to different basketball teams right um let’s just go through the the playoff history the that’s why he talks with a rap it’s not Place fa it ain’t play that’s why he talks like this because he’s been a choker he’s choked

Away 2014 second round tie two2 blew a 15-point leading game five they lost in six 2015 second round up 3-1 lost in seven blew a 13-point fourth quarter lead in game six 2016 first round up 2 lost in six outscored 32 total points in the fourth quarter of the final four

Games 2020 second round up 3-1 lost in seven blew a 16-point lead in game five blew a fourth quarter lead in game six blew a halftime lead in game seven was outscored by 35 total points in the fourth quarter the final three games the only coach in history to blow three 3-1

Leads 2021 second round up 2-1 lost in seven blew an 18-point lead in game four blew a 26-point lead in game five blew a fourth quarter lead in game seven at home 2022 second round tied 22 lost in six outscored by 31 in the second half

Of those two games 2023 second round up 3-2 lost in seven blew a fourth quarter leading game six at home out scored by 23 and third quarter game seven that’s why I got documentation on on Doc Rivers that’s why I look at him and go hm this is a known versus unknown

With with Adrian Griffin I don’t know what he’s going to do when we get to May when we get to I have no clue when we get to with with Doc Rivers it’s a known Marty Moose says doc w a chip in Bron he’s proven a proven Champion it was

2008 I was in school I have no clue what we’re talking about with with Doc that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying you are preaching you are preaching man I wish I had an organ sound I could play I wish I had an organ sound I could play

That is my whole thing about Doc Rivers listen when you talk about this Doc Rivers has coached 1800 and was it 1,860 regular season games Dr Griffin’s coached the whopping total of 43 for our mathematicians out there that’s 1,817 game difference between the two listen Doc Rivers won his championship

With Kevin Garnett Paul Pierce Rondo and the whole the whole Squad right he did his he did his thing he went to two finals and that is wonderful now after that how many years did Doc the doc in La Seven Seasons six seasons something around there right let’s say Seven

Seasons with clippers how many seasons did Doc spin in Philly three how many Conference Finals did he make it to not championships right how many times did he make it out the second second round either one of those teams how many 10 zero zero Zer so for

10 straight Seasons what what do we do here what do we do what what do we do here and what people gonna do is point to the injuries that’s what they’re doing green ra the second round ex the injury excuse first all we talk about are well I think no he’s talking about

The bucks but a lot of people in in in uh in the case of Doc Rivers are going to go to the injuries with well Chris Paul was injured during early runs and and he’s never had a combination of Dame and Giannis I I’m not here for that’s all

I’m say I’m sorry cut you I’m just not here for the excuses of in of well these guys were injured every year somebody’s injured year somebody’s hurt I I’m not I’m not here for the EXC for the injury excuse that’s all I’m saying well and

And here’s and here’s my thing and to be fair I’m not necessarily criticizing the Doc Rivers higher as much as I’m as much as I’m criticizing it you got rid of Dr Griffin you pushed him out of here now you oh we gotta get Doc Rivers right now

Because doc can solve this problem and it’s like are y’all serious like what by what objective criteria can you can you follow right looking at Doc’s career in the last 10 years that says yeah yeah he’s the guy he’s the guy that can solve this problem now he can write this [Β __Β ]

Now are you kidding me you’re going to the guy with more game seven losses than any other coach in NBA history and say yes this guy I know he hasn’t done it in 10 years but he he’ll get it back it’ll work out it’ll work out and we can go

Down a laundry list of NBA coaches who have won one title and seeing where you know what’s happened to see your boy carile Rick right like I mean we can go down the line and and see many of them have never even made it back much less

Even made it out of the second round I mean I I can’t like I I just I don’t understand oh Rick carile don’t give me sorry Rick carile who took who who got out who who won a championship with Dirk NIS and was like 2011 and then spent 10

Years in in Dallas doing twiddling his thumbs holding on to that Championship that they that that uh that they won in 2011 hey those Boston boys do the same I’ve never seen somebody get so much the Kevin Garnett uh and I I say Ray Allen but Kevin

Garnett and Paul Pierce they lit all literally all the time I they won one ring that’s all the time all they dudes they sit on podcast and talk about the One Ring they won all all forever and ever and ever and they act like they were some Dynasty they act like some

Dynasty that wasn’t a dynasty you want a chip not taking away from him but you can’t walk around like you were the like you were the the the the Golden State Warriors like you were the 96 Bulls you not right and listen let me let just

Keep keep it keep it a buck with y’all right like we gonna glorify guys who won one Championship right we’re gonna glorify Doc and glorify all these people you know who else won one Championship Frank vogle you know what I’m saying yeah Lenny Wilkins that that was a long time

Ago was like 70s right jack Ramsey Nick nurse got one Nick n and Nick everybody the guy everybody wants to hire Nick nurse he got he got a title because because kawhai came to to Toronto what did he do I mean what did he do it with Nick nurse without kawh Leonard is

Dwayne Casey y That’s I’m saying but that’s what I’m saying like I mean listen I’m not I’m not trying to not put respect on Doc’s name right because he’s had a decent NBA Co career yeah so I’m not trying to do that but to sit up here

And say yo we just hit the bat signal Doc’s here to save us Doc is Gonna Save Us we got to get rid of Adrian Griffin now 43 games in because we need doc I mean like does anybody really believe that does anybody really really really

Believe Doc’s gonna win it all for us this year don’t worry because he’s never had this kind of talent before I mean guys like this is I mean I feel like this is this is there’s a lot more I think optimism than realism in that analysis yeah Chris Chris you heard

You heard doc yeah goad yeah give me give me your thoughts you heard doc coming to the to the Bucks what are your thoughts first thoughts well look I don’t hate it obviously you know you get an experience guy who who’s been in the playoffs a ton won won a championship

But I will say this to the people who are saying that we’re the biggest Adrian Griffin apologists and all that you better keep that same energy if this thing goes ay because the thing is his margin of error should be so little and I don’t want to hear any excuse about oh

He took over half of the season I if if they flame out in the playoffs I don’t want to hear any of that it he should get the same criticism that Adrien Griffin would have gotten if they flame out in the playoffs now I also think

That that they will do well under under Doc Rivers I think he he’s going to have the right schemes and and figure out some solutions to to what’s going wrong but I also think they’re giving Doc Rivers a shot that they’re not going to or they weren’t going to give Adrien

Griffin with this team being different after the deadline we know some moves are going to happen and and Doc Rivers is going to have a different team than adri and Griffin did so it it’s dumb to compare the two but I will say just just keep that same energy if if this thing

Uh if this thing goes wrong because Trey’s uh reading of the track record is is a little daunting well and and that being said right for what it’s worth so I I I I kind of went in on on dot early so I’m going to give the you know a little

Negativity I’m gonna give a little positivity that being said this is probably the best option outside of maybe Kenny ainson at this point in season there’s not too many you know all the coaches you could have had are gone but here’s the other reason why this is

Like some revision his history from a lot of people is because if you told people at the beginning of the Season or not the beginning season but if you told people when the Bucks were doing their hiring process that they were going to hire uh that they were going to hire Doc

Rivers as the coach of the Milwaukee Bucks there’s no not a chance people would be reacting as they are right now like oh my God here’s doc that signal to save the season there’s no way you wouldn’t again that said I talked about Adrian Griffin being The Substitute Teacher

Doc Rivers is the principal who’s going to come in and command the respect he will command the respect of the locker room he will command the respect of a basketball team like Doc Rivers comes in with again I think it’s more R than anybody else it’s kind of like that you

Know the guy that was the man back in the day and again you talk about he won a championship in ‘ 08 kind of like you know Jerry Jones is kind of come oh Jerry Jones is like you really think about like What has Jerry Jones really

Done lately not much but you know but Jerry Jones comes with like this presence of that’s Jerry Jones like can’t you like I’m I was at I was at the NFL Hall of Fame when we and Jerry Jones and he had all the attention like there are Hall of Famers sitting around and

People wanted to be around Jerry Jones like that and I think Jerry Jones is Hall of Famer too but my point being that he hadn’t he didn’t play there were players around everybody wants to be around Jerry Jones like that’s you know and that’s kind of like the Doc Rivers

It’s it’s that’s doc like he he brings this Aura around him that I do think he’s going to get a lot of out of this I do think guys’s going to play hard for him I think he he gives you the Rah he is a motivator the question is is he a

Tactician I’ve never known Doc Rivers to be a tactician now a lot of people are saying well this is the best bucks this is the best team Doc Rivers ever had since 2008 that may be true now only thing is I think Doc Rivers is GNA go

For the lwh hanging fruit like people complain that the Bucks didn’t do enough two man Damon Yannis pick and roll type act I just think he’s a very loow hanging fruit type of guy like whatever this is gonna be like yes if you spam Giannis and and and D Pick

And rolls it’s gonna work like nobody saying it’s not gonna work my and it’s gonna work for a lot of regular season my question is when SPO comes up when Carlow comes up when when nurse comes up when um when Joe moula comes up when these coaches come you have to play him

And your spamming of the pick and roll maybe doesn’t work in the playoffs as well as it was doing in the regular season do you have the wrinkles and the adjustments and the seasoning in your offense to sustain at that point and to make those adjustments and at that point

You know again say come on come on come on go that don’t do it that I’m just saying like that come on man ain’t gonna do it when you got to make real adjustments and and again I’m not comparing AG group but I’m just saying Griffin was trying to do different

Things and a lot of people wanted him to take the low hanging fruit that was spam Giannis Dame pick and roll I know that I the team is GNA be fine I know that that Doc Rivers is going to do that my question is what happens in the

Second round what happens to the East Conference Finals when teams H in and key in on some of those things will he give me more than the raspy voice and is he actually be able to draw something up uh to to get these guys to get past the

SPO uh to get past the Joe Missoula to get past Michael Malone Us in the finals but you get my point and he better not pull any any BS bringing his son over here we don’t want him we don’t want Austin we don’t want Austin we’re good what’s his son is his

Son doing the same thing we doing now you got his son got a show I think so yeah he does he does he’s a great guy though I met him I met him before great guy just don’t want to Services we already got a we already got a sniper in

Beasley we good you know what wild man and side note you talk about people having an aura you know who else got a aura that people will not admit but who definitely does who’s that OJ Simpson and people want to kick it with him people want to kick it with OJ like

People want to legitimately hang out with this dude they do they they they do and I know that’s controversial but it’s it’s 100% true OJ got that or too he does and he’ been and and if he hadn’t to uh if he hadn’t to commit murders

He’d have been great on TV right now he man y’all y’all watch him on cam and mace it is yeah yeah I about about that jumpsuit on about Ben Simmons yeah yeah he’s good he he is he he’s a funny guy I definitely agree with OJ’s

Funny no but um I do also want to say like I’m I’m in no way uh criticizing this hire at all I I do think you know Doc Rivers is going to to like I said make some adjustments that that need to be tweaked and also you got a great team

And that can carry you far like it can carry you a long way with with what you got now and the pieces you got and then hopefully the pieces you get uh in the next coming weeks JT no you’re good I’m you okay yeah no I mean I’m you know well let me

Let me ask this before before we before we you know get this thing go to the game balls and and kind of um wrap this thing up I I want to ask you your thoughts on so apparently Doc Rivers was Consulting Adrian Griffin since the end season tournament and that’s when we

Talk talked about well one of the things you talked about was do the Bucks have a plan and what is your plan yeah I want to get to that and we found out that the Bucks clearly did have a plan because you know once Terry and seems like Terry

STS might have been playing it’s almost kind of hilarious the way John horse did this because it was like I don’t trust I don’t trust Adrian Griffin at all let like you said let’s get the babysitter over there oh wow he found a way it it was almost like Adrian Griffin found out

That somebody was watching him and was like ah yeah I’mma get these guys out here I I don’t want yeah I don’t need tell your stops watching me and so I was like I caught you caught you trying to kind of trying to watch in trying to

Trying to oversee my work trying to be a micro manager no not having it get him out of here and horse is kind of caught in a hot in in a tough spot because you can’t you can’t fire him before he’s even coached the game so he done to he

Done took your your almost like your fail safe of okay if everything goes wrong I got I got Terry STS and I’m GNA put him in place if if I like what’s going on Midway through the year Adrian Griffin said no no you’re not it’s probably laugh probably call people

Laugh H I got they because there’s no way they G replace me with Joe pry and they say okay in the tournament come around we’re going to bring in Doc Rivers to so the writing was on the wall and that’s what I say like I said when I

Say that there was no chance that when I say there was no chance that uh that Griffin had when you bring in Doc Rivers to consult during the inseason tournament you know you know you I said this on Twitter and there I said this on Twitter for asent Griffin to keep this

Job he would have had to be coach Boone at TC Williams he would had to not lose a game that that’s the only way he was set I mean he was set up to fail he he could not lose the game remember when remember when the coach went went the coach boom

And said hey they saying they G no not y not the other guy went went to went to Boone and said hey they saying they gonna fire you if you if you they say you lose the game you getting fired that’s what was happening you lose the game you getting fired dog doesn’t

Matter that’s and and so they were they they had the plan ready when when Doc Rivers is floating around in the background you know there’s an opp there’s a chance you’re not gonna get retain the job again same thing whether it’s fair or foul I’m not saying that

This was the wrong thing I’m just saying you he had to know that this was coming down the pike because like it’s almost like I didn’t hire Doc Rivers why why he coming around here A A he’s supposed to be a he’s supposed to be calling the

Game on ABC and he’s and he’s getting paid to consult hold on what that’s hey so I mean so so I guess so I guess toall question you know do do you what you think of that and like I said do do you at least like the fact because it did

Give me a little bit I thought it was kind of be up to do but it did give me a little more confidence that John horse didn’t go to this by the seat of his pants there was no like open interviews like they knew Doc Rivers was about to

Step into the seat once they dismiss Adrian Griffin take a step back here hey man hor is lowkey slippery SLI horse lowy slippery boy horse one of them horse one of them folks man if you if you playing you better wash that hand you better wash that you better man for slippery because

Think about it so you hire AGG based on giannis’s guy then you go yeah yeah I’m gon get this baby CIT in oh by the way I’m G trade for Dane hey Yannis what’s up with that extension yep got him got him right then then then I knew I didn’t

Trust your guy and I was likely going to end up pulling the plug on your guy obviously with Terry St to be the babysitter oh you messed that plan up okay way to this Allstar break here I got something for you right and so then he’s you know like you said yeah he’s

Got he’s got doc Consulting in the background and everything else meanwhile who knows what conversations horse was having with Doc like we doing this all right cool we doing this yeah yeah yeah I got I mean like yo horse a slippery dude man like hey he

He horse you gotta watch him keep your eye on keep your eye on your boy it it’s just funny to me like when you at this point after the firing and and now bringing in Doc looking at it from the bird’s eye view and seeing how this

Thing kind of unfolded is just so funny to me that you know Giannis early in the season was almost sending sub subliminal shots at at AG um talking about talking about no no organization within this team and then you know it also seemed like in parts of the season a ag was

Like fabricating his his energy sometimes like sometimes he would he would when remember he got ejected I for I think it might have been against some Pistons or whatever like yeah like he so maybe he just didn’t have it maybe he just didn’t have have the the ability to

Control a veteran locker room like this and and that’s why I think you uh you saw what you saw yeah no I I I listen I I I agree you know that that there was you know a lot of that you know going on and you know

He kind of he did that and again Yannis was definitely Giannis was definitely a part of this like there’s no question that Giannis was a part of this Giannis lost faith in Adrien Griffin um green rangers so green ra says it was reported that Griffin was gonna be fired if we

Lost to Celtics the win bought him some time again that was if if if you’re having a coach for your life on a game to game basis like that means you’re gone like it didn’t that’s that’s what I’m tell yeah what he saying that that

Lost that the the game in the Bucks won by like by they beat the P the uh s by like 40 whatever it was U when they were on the bat and they and they blamed it on being on a back to back like there if if you’re if you tell me hey

One game in January is the difference between you staying and leaving you’re gone like they a there’s no you’re gone he lost the locker room and again I’m not saying that he should have retained his job I’m saying that all here what I’m saying is at the beginning of the

Year they should unless there was again I’m a Panthers fan I know what incompetence looks like like Frank Reich like like Frank Reich W had won one was one and like L like trust me trust me I know what in confence I was much happier with what was going on in Milwaukee than

Was going on in Carolina so at the beginning of the year I would have essentially said hey this is our guy in case any in case you know unless something goes drastically wrong and again I just think my my only thing again I just keep going back to they

Didn’t know they were gonna get Damian Lillard and if they knew they were Damen Lillard this if if they if they weren’t able to get Damen Lillard I think Adrian the Bucks could be whatever record the Bucks are I think he would still be in Milwaukee and because

Of it so you know you could point to Dam Lillard being the reason he’s gone because Dam Lillard hadn’t played well and you could also again point to him losing the locker room and losing you know the faith of Giannis who was really sounds like the only person in that

Building who had his back and he lost it and and again I do think I like I said I think you’re get the Buy in from Doc Rivers again I I know based upon what I’ve said I know a lot of people are going to take that and go oh well you

Know that means you’re down on Doc Rivers no I just I think because somebody think said it to me again today when it was like you know you’re talking about Doc Rivers you’re not giving him a chance I watched him what do you mean a give him a chance

I i i h i the difference is I wasn’t able to formulate opinions about agrian Griffin I’ve already formulated my opinions about Doc Rivers so again I think that you know there was parts of me that thinks the Bucks won a championship in spite of Mike boser do I

Think the Milwaukee Bucks can win a championship this absolutely I think win champion this year do I think if they win it it’s probably gonna be in spite of Doc Rivers they do I think that’s probably true as well here’s the thing though if doc doesn’t win the

Championship if doc doesn’t make it to the finals what’s that mean if doc doesn’t make it to the finals are we looking at another coach are we paying three coaches right now that’s a good question that that that’s that’s a great question so yeah Chris I want to ask you it and

And that was my point about looking you know let’s look into it if doc what is the point to where you fire doc where you what would make you fire Doc Rivers a first round exit a second round exit Easter Conference Final like because if you’re if you fire Adrien Griffin 43

Games in he’s 30 and 13 is it it’s got to be you win a championship but here’s the thing I don’t even think you can go that because at some point you if you f fire and so in in the logic would go yes if he doesn’t win a championship doc gri

Should be fired because if you can’t trust adj Griffin with 43 games and Doc Rivers gets gets to go to the playoffs with a team that was already 30 and 13 he can’t win with them why would I trust him any further than that but but the

Real question is at some point when do you start to look dysfunctional as an organization G that was that that was that was months ago no yeah yeah we’ve been looking crazy as a as as a yeah no come on man like we already yeah no we’re

Already we we’re already looking like we got organizational dysfunction right now at some point we’re going to start to look incompetent like what the hell are they doing but right now the dysfunction the dysfunction waves are are are are flowing right now we we look crazy as an

Organization because again we on our fourth coach in nine months like that’s that’s some Next Level foolishness and part of me part of me thinks that he’ll get a longer lease in a and Griffin would have if he if he you know gets eliminated in the playoffs uh just

Because he is a veteran coach and because you know this has been a plan for as long as the inseason tournament uh bringing him in I I think that he he’ll probably get a longer leash but to me I I think you lose second round of the playoffs maybe Eastern Conference

Finals I’d go ahead and pull that thing right away cuz cuz that shows that he hasn’t improved a as a coach that shows that he is what it is at this point and and there’s not much you can do to to really write that ship at that point but

It it would it would uh cause a little blender within the organization because it’s you know it’s it’s horse versus versus everybody else this is horse guy I believe so so you know I think he will get a a longer leash but then then again like you say JT multiple head coaches in

The past couple years it it’s that’s probably the reason why he’ll get a longer lease as well but at that point why not just make him the inum and why not just make the man the inum I say you know listen we gonna bring we gonna

Bring an external guy in to be the inum coach for the rest of this year we gon do that we we goingon evaluate this with this thing you can’t who Doc Rivers yes no you can’t because Doc Rivers not take why would he take that I’m sitting at

ABC why would I take it why if I’m Doc Rivers why would I take an interim role with you for the rest of the year no he has all the leverage why would I that he has all the leverage I’m sitting in ABC chilling and you gonna tell me that I

Got a half a year hell no listen you got a chance you’re the ones you’re the on okay because I said okay then yeah that’s what you g no do that with Joe PR to see how it work out yeah see how you not tell me I got half a year no

You g you g you’re not gonna pay Adrian Griffin and pay Mike buos to sit around and tell me I only got half a year absolutely not no he went through it with all of the Le he has all leverage because again the B listen there’s no

Way around it like we can talk about all the books were desperate like this is a des this is a desperation situation because again if the Bucks weren’t desperate nobody was beating down doc River’s door there’s a reason he’s unemployed nobody wanted him nobody wanted so we we got rid of Adrien

Griffin and we had to hire Doc Rivers now not at the end of the what reason right that’s that’s what I’m saying that’s that’s my that’s right but but here’s here’s the difference between me and some of you other because I see people saying oh take the L somebody uh

Michael shakaal laaka says you guys should take the L stop sugar coat and the difference the but the difference I’m just saying his name difference between me and some of you other guys out there some you people are I want the I I think there were so many people

Within the Bucks fans who wanted the buck to lose because they they wanted the Bucks to lose because they hated Agent Griffin and I want Adent Griffin fire so I hope the Bucks lose and you can validate the difference between me is no I hope the Bucs win every single

Game here on out I hope they win at a 70% clip like they were winning with with adri Griffin I hope that happens I hope they go to the playoffs and I hope they win every single game I hope they win 16 straight 40 40 4040 sweeps that’s

The difference between between me and you talking take the L I’m not taking the L I want the Bucks to win and so whatever it takes for the bucks to win that’s that’s what I want again some people are a little bit different they’d rather see the Bucs lose in order to so

They can take Victory laps yeah a little bit different but again I am going to hold uh uh uh Doc’s feet to the fire um and but but I 100% hope um that it works out because again at the end of the day I I like Doc Rivers I think he’s a great

Character he is definitely more interesting than Adrian Griffin uh and it’s gonna be it’s gonna be much more fun to watch this team with Doc Rivers as the head coach like I I think all of that I’m all about entertainment value and Doc Rivers brings that all the way

Up he’s a he’s a huge name in the industry so you know I I I listen I like the Taylor Swift stuff with uh Travis I I like I I I’m all for entertainment and so this brings entertainment and uh and again I I hope the Bucks have much

Success and I hope Doc Rivers has much success I and and I’m I’m G I’m gonna leave it at that I think that the Bucs will be I leave it at this and I’ll be done with Doc Rivers I think the Bucks are G to be fine I like that they did

Have a plan even though it was Doc Rivers I’m I’m cool with it and I I I do think ultimately and I said this multiple times tonight that I think that um the Bucks are in the same spot today that they were in yesterday as far as

Winning a championship I don’t I I think they’re they’re and and again if you remember the difference between me and a lot of you guys is I thought the Bucks were in a great spot yesterday and I think they’re in a great spot today true true although although I will point

Out Doc’s gonna inherit some of these same problems with this bench that Adrien Griffin had there’s no question about that you are still regard I don’t care who’s coaching this team right if it’s a what’s a man’s name if it’s doc holiday if it’s Doc Martin if it’s doc

If it’s Doc Rivers it doesn’t matter who’s coaching this team at the end of the day this bench and and the lack of depth is going to be an issue for someone so you still have to make these moves you 100% have to make some some

Moves and and get some more talent in there too because any coach coming in this thing you know doesn’t really have any depth and that will become an issue for the bucks at some point yeah I agree but you know they like you said they’ll

Make a move and uh this team will be uh finalized after the deadline and hopefully Doc Rivers makes the the right adjustments to to make sure that 23rd ranked defense or whatever it is is not that low so well well like I said according to you know people on social

Media he has about he had about he had about nine games to do it so that’s that’s how much they gave Griffin so that’s how much we should give that’s how much we should give uh Doc Rivers as well Bucks win at 126 116 tonight uh

Let’s do some uh let’s get back into it get some game balls out uh my game ball tonight goes to the one and the only y that K in 34 minutes puts up 35 points 18 boards 10 assists uh he had two blocks as well um 67% from the field hit

His only three he took and was two of three from the line only two turnovers tonight one on the charge I really didn’t think he committed um so again Giannis was excellent tonight the third quarter he came out and absolutely took over that basketball game uh bucks kept

It cut it close a little bit and I I just thought he’s such a great distributor of the bask again two straight triple doubles um and I don’t know if that last one he had his last two were I mean that I mean just you know chef’s kiss kind of stuff he

Had to wrap around throw to um to to to Chris Milton in the corner and then and then and then he he had the one that he threw to uh to Beasley for the triple double uh in the other corner so Yann was uh dishing and dicing his way

Through the Cleveland Cavaliers 126 116 Giannis gets my game game ball tonight agree 100 100% back toback triple doubles for The Greek Freak got to give him my game ball too I’ll give it to I’ll give it to just the big three as a whole you know I really like um

When when they all have it clicking and it seemed like they had it tonight you know anytime you get 20 plus from Chris Middleton 20 plus from Damon 30 plus from Giannis it’s going to set you up to win a lot of games I also thought you know Beasley I think Beasley selected

His shots a little better tonight that’s why didn’t see so many of them um but you know he he let his big three work as well so yeah I’ll give it to to jiannis Stam and Chris okay here we go with the um with the with the game balls uh Marty Moose

Says Chris 24 uh five and five give him the game ball let’s I will read a couple because I didn’t get to a lot of comments tonight we did a lot of talking uh Drew bers says like Griffin was such a bad fit for this team it made Joe prty

Look like a good coach and all he had to do was say Brooks stay near the rim Giannis and Dame do P&R again some of that again the bus were in the same Scheme tonight so I kind of screwed that and the Bucs beat uh one of the hottest

Teams in the NBA rated R no uh Jus fromc says good good way to bounce back against the Cavs I don’t like the way oh Justin from NC I don’t like the way Dr Griffin was handled by Doc and the Bucks there’s a little bit of you know there’s

A little bit of dock um you know this isn’t the first time he’s been rumored to take a job from behind somebody’s back so you know he he is he might he’s become one of those guys too at Packer for says the whole Fiasco still feels

Gross keep doing that though if you want to justify it I think he’s saying the fias I think he’s saying about doc I want to say he’s saying the way that doc took the job is what feels gross I guess that’s only I take from it uh at um

Holiday Drew time says most fun I’ve seen the the team have all year at gmor room7 says nice response when it gets to the final minutes I beg we get some stops to improve our defensive rating had a decent chance to hold them to 111 points but a desperate Dean Wade three

And a dumb Giannis fou got them to 116 I know that’s some tiny detail but maybe that’s just me the only thing um the only thing I’ll say about you know this guy’s name is Greek Mamba is you know the Bucks have a top five offense and

Defense in the clutch yeah I know you know you’re talking about you know increasing you know the overall points per game um you know getting some some free points that you gave up at the end of the game there but I mean you know need here and nor there uh and you know

Again the Bucks are very good when he gets down to the clutch I know that wasn’t a clutch situation because the Bucks were up by like 15 at that point was only 10 uh and then um a couple more here before we get out of here um at Fear the Deer says Chris

Milon has been so underrated had quite a few good games lately and then uh Kylie Burling will given the last word here says uh it’s very impressive what the Bucks are able to look like with just the Baseline level of competence that Joe pry provides so um a lot of good

Comments from everybody and then Colin Ray says I get in trouble for calling Jimmy Hassam a piece of [Β __Β ] uh he is but I will stop it if it hurts you no I listen um and for the record I say last thing I saying for the record you guys

Who are very happy about this moment I said this as well Jimmy Hassam you’re not if Mark lash is here the Bucs aren’t paying three coaches so Jimmy Hassam has Deep Pockets remember he paid di he paid uh uh your boy out in Cleveland uh um

What’s man is the quarterback uh come on dw4 yeah Des we play deshaan Watson so again he Jimmy H has Deep Pockets so if you want again if you like this move you like the fact that the Bucks are willing to go into luxure tax and and pay

Coaches you know exorbitant amounts of money um to not coach yeah Jimmy Hassam is your guy and so it’s probably a very good thing to me Jimmy I know people may not like him for whatever for other reasons but it’s it is a good thing that Jimmy Hassam owns the Milwaukee Bucks um

You know because he is going to back up the bre truck and make your guys get paid yeah I mean and you remember a couple years ago it was controversial because there was a player we chose not to try to resign and we was talking about oh because elas is spending that

Campaign cash uh I see they trying to put some money in that boy pack put some money in it was packed they wanted to save save x amount of millions of dollars for that on what they Don at like x amount of millions to his campaign to to Alex’s campaign something like

That Jimmy Jimmy’s investing man and if you wanna if you wanna if you want your team to be good you have to invest in it you 100% do so okay okay Jimmy now the question is as but but everything got a limit how many dudes you gonna pay not to work

It’s funny Mari moose said uh we playing with blood money and I’m good with it if it gets us a chip so that’s how it goes um let’s do a quick look around the NBA uh tonight Bucks win 126 116 Thunder are in the fourth quarter on ESPN right now 140 to

111 the Warriors are up by nine over the Hawks right now the timber got a 118 107 victory over the Wizards Pistons got a win tonight 113 106 over the Hornets in the heat lost to the Grizzlies Trailblazers beat the Rockets the Rockets are now 20 and uh and 23 so they

Are under 500 basketball team for all you Muka uh udoka lovers out there and the Phoenix Suns seem to maybe they rided the ship here a little bit um sometimes you just got to wait on coaches a little bit because little people talking about Frank vogle being

Fired um but uh 26 and 18 Phoenix Suns do beat the Dallas Mavericks tonight um only other thing I mean you know you see Jim Harbor on news to the Chargers yeah look yeah it it seems like you know got out of the out of Michigan

At the right time and didn’t want the NCAA to come cracking down especially not after winning a national title that could possibly be vacated so you know I think he made a right decision and there’s history there obviously um he he had been with that organization when he

Played for them so yeah I mean we we’ll see how he adjusts back uh to to the NFL game and you know that transition is not always easy uh ask Urban Meyer well I’ll tell you this man Chip Kelly wrote the book on this Chip Kelly

Got the show calls at uh at or and kept it pushing oh see you I’m going to the league we took that job with the Eagles and he took that job with the 49ers after that he wrote the book on and I mean I don’t blame Harbaugh for leaving

Too I think Chiron Moore has the inside track to get that Michigan job I think I read that wouldn’t be surprised if they do reach out to Urban Meyer and you know what I got a name and I’m just curious if they would call him I’m sure they

Would do you Pete how about Pete Caroll how about they call Pete Caroll hey man listen you know I think he’s done uh Pete Carol Pete wanted that job though Pete was trying to interview with the Chargers or I read a story that he was trying to make a push to get interview

With the Chargers or the Falcons one of the one of the twoam yeah I don’t know yeah probably not uh a Michigan guy either I can’t really see him in the in the Maze and blue but uh yeah I think uh Chiron probably get the job it’s probably the best option because you

Don’t want to lose your guys that are already there um and I know they’re losing a lot of seniors but um you know he was able to win a couple big games and that that’s huge for him if he can get it I think it’ll be I think it’ll be

Good look I I I like Shon but he’s a bit emotional that’s play with boosters like bro you like what is going on man like that is listen you ask 18 to 20 year olds to get in front of microphones and hold it together and the coach can’t

Wrong come on man um can you guys believe does it it it looks like Bill belchic might get shut out of this hiring cycle in the in NFL can you believe I believe he’s only been interviewed for one job so far what is that Atlanta Atlanta can you is that can

You do you see so give me your thoughts you know your percentage is Bill belich coaching at all in the NFL next season somebody somebody n Bill B’s because there’s a bunch of openings left still right Washington’s still open uh Atlanta and then who else the Cowboys haven’t acted yet

No well Cowboys keeping keep uh Washington Atlanta um Carolina uh who else we see what Mike Tom’s doing thing um Washington Atlanta let me see Washington Atlanta Carolina um Los Angeles is filled Vegas is filled Seattle Seattle’s open yeah so so I think yeah I mean well

I’ll give him like a 50 50 60% chance I I don’t I don’t see him not coaching anymore but yeah yeah because Seattle’s still open too yeah there’s a there’s there’s there’s some there’s some spots Trey gota deal deal with the kids hey it’s late we get it it’s been a been

A long show but you know hey no way bill bich has done coaching JT no way no no way at all no by the way you got to see giannis’s quote tonight what he say that I don’t I just don’t believe I don’t believe any of this

Man said uh he said quote now this is according to Stephen Watson uh giannis’s quote we’re human it hurts jannis said about seeing Adrian griffy fired we have to keep moving forward and to be the best team we can be this is business NBA I have the trust ownership the front

Office that they can see the bigger picture they haven’t let me down listen I I I I love this right I love this this this quote from Giannis oh I have this basically screams oh this had nothing to do with me the front office just you know did their thing and you

Know they haven’t let me down I gotta I trust the come on man he’s never gonna he’s never he does that all the time I mean I mean you know it’s it’s good business I mean I but I mean people see right through this stuff John horse kind

Of said the same John horse today was like well I didn’t consult with any of the players before we made this decision come on like do you really expect us to believe like like at some point I mean I get that you have to lie to say face

Because it’s a bad look you know Marty Mo says J Yiannis can’t admit he fired him no I I agree with that but just I mean what does it does it look better just as no comment it you know does it better I mean I I don’t know maybe it

Doesn’t but to just I mean to give a line that everybody knows you’re lying and it doesn’t even seem like you I don’t know I mean I I I don’t you know maybe I’m wrong maybe it is maybe it is better to I like I I don’t know what you

Say at that point but but I do get yes you’re not gonna come out and say yeah I lost face in Adrian G I know he’s not gonna say that but you know I don’t know I’d almost rather you just yeah I don’t know I guess I guess maybe that is the

Best you can do but it just doesn’t even everybody knows it’s false and it’s phony like I said when when when horse comes up and says hey you know I didn’t consult anybody before we like what are you talking about why are we why are we

Doing that you know but you know it if people ask question you have to answer them but you know you come on man we know we know you you didn’t you didn’t not consult you did not consult Giannis before you decided to fire uh Adent Griffin like we’re not stupid here

Listen I was 16 years old and you know what this girl told me it was Prime night her boyfriend had just gotten out of jail I didn’t know that before I take her I had to miss you she looked at me and said you ain’t got a lot of kick and

I said you know what that’s a life lesson that I’m always take with me and I and I hope John hor you a yeah my brother you ain’t got a lie to kick it it’s translates it transfers you got to think about it man and I just don’t understand I don’t

Understand why they speak these false narratives you didn’t consult with this damn team before you got come on man we don’t believe you we know you’re Li I I do expect this from Giannis right because he’s gotta act like the clueless guy who doesn’t really know anything

Going on just wants to eat uh chickf a and whatever else it is right he’s got a that’s his that’s his whole get up right his whole image person yeah act utterly clueless like you know about nothing in this world and you know you just stumbled into the arena and started

Playing basketball right that’s his Hustle but at the end of the day I agree with you Trey he’s got cability he 100% has cability on this and uh you know I certainly hope he doesn’t get the reputation as a coach killer because now you turn through two yep yeah no you have

100% um y I don’t know if you notice he’s averaging uh so he’s he is averaging 7.4 points in the first quarter 6.5 in the second quarter it’s good for 10th in the NBA eighth in the NBA in the first quarter third quarter he have just 8.9 points was good for

Third in the NBA and in the fourth quarter he abver just 8.9 points is good for first in the NBA in the first half Giannis averages 13.9 points which good for sixth best in the NBA in the second half he averages 17.2 points which is

Good for first in the NBA so Yannis an efficient score those numbers coming out um as well um so yeah any uh any final words on on anything yeah we talked about a lot tonight any final words from you guys on you know either the Bucks beating the ca

12616 or um or anything else you know related to the uh the firings of Agent Griffin the hiring the Doc Rivers man you know what when whenever doc starts we got to get behind him as Bucks fans right we cheer for him we’re going to be behind him and we going to

Put Adrian Griffin behind us complet right it’s a it’s a weird spot but the good news is our starting five is our starting five and they can they can go they can they can compete with anybody in this in this league and let’s uh let’s let’s keep the trust in horse that

He’s going to get some depths in here and he’s not done making moves and eventually this will be behind us it might take a few days but we’ll get there yeah um good win tonight especially against a sergeon Cavs team and you know we we’ll see what happens

When when Doc Rivers gets here I’m excited though I I would be lying if I said I wasn’t I’m excited to see what he can do I’m excited to see this upcoming trade deadline and um just once again appreciate what Giannis does because he was a monster tonight and he’s a monster

Every night and you know just reading off those stats try it’s just like yeah this is this is prime this is prime we’re we’re in those years now where where he is is really backpacking guys and he’s carrying teams on on certain nights and you know it’s always great to

See when your best player is is you know you never have to worry about him so it’s good yeah no 100% I listen I I don’t have any you know I think I Echo both of those sentiments where yeah I’m 100% you got to get behind uh Doc Rivers and you

Know I wish people got behind aent Griffin but it is what it is we’re gonna we’re gonna move asan Griffin behind and then we’re gonna get behind Doc Rivers um for the rest of this run uh and hopefully you know beyond like I said you know I think you want to see that

Stability within the organization so again one of the reasons I hope Doc Rivers works out is because I don’t want to have the question at the end of the year of whether or not this was a bad move or whether or not the Bucks are in

There you need to figure out what I don’t want anybody questioning that I want a deep playoff run I want a Championship uh and I I hope Doc Rivers is the guy U that can bring that but more importantly again it’s GNA come down to the players and Giannis and Dame

And those guys getting right and making some adjustments from John horse to the defense uh and some trades and I think the Bucks again I think they’re in great position um to do what they doing because again you think about it 33 what what did they now 30 3 what was it 31

And 13 31 and 13 now with 31 and 13 and you’re telling me they’ve had the most incompetent coach that’s ever held the clipboard um as well as you know all and they got the Joe prty got D just the craziest things that have been going on throughout this organization through

This team and the Bucks are still staying in Pat and second in the east um so again you know uh pressure bus pipes pressure can also um you know I don’t know what the saying is but but anyway um you know that’s what they make diamonds you them diamonds press make

Them diamonds and so press is gonna make make the diamonds uh and hopefully the bucks um just continue to do what they do and continue to win Marty Moose says uh bucks and six good show fellas uh so appreciate everybody who watched who everybody who listened we know there a

Lot of you appreciate you follow subscribe cribe like all of that we do this every single time uh the Bucks play for the post game it’s Kem City crossover um the Bucks are play again Friday night against the same team I don’t believe Doc is gonna be coaching

I’m not sure if he’s coaching Friday night but if he is obviously we we’ll be talking about it um and we’ll get back kind of regular schedule programming um Friday night as the bucks um get on the horse get back at it to try to beat the

Cleveland Cavaliers two times in a row um it says uh want to thank our sponsors as well the law office of daily M Johnson when you need defense off the court um contact daily M Johnson 6889 38370 uh dmj and uh yeah this has been a Cream City Media

Group production uh from the guru Trey crossby third JT Chris King don’t take no wood neck C

The Bucks beat the Cavs tonight but that wasn’t the story. CCC gave tons of commentary and reaction to the news of Adrian Griffin’s termination and the new hiring of Doc Rivers.


  1. Went from Dr. GRIFF to Doc Rivers…the bucks knew to keep those prescriptions handy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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