@Brooklyn Nets

Lest We Forget Ben Simmons… | Brooklyn Nets

Lest We Forget Ben Simmons… | Brooklyn Nets

Welcome back to Nets Republic uh not that anyone asked God that Beyonce video was so mid like the the movie itself well movie not video the movie itself was good like the behind the scenes and like what pop stars go through and it’s like the little sprinkles of Jay-Z you

Get and like Kendrick Lamar and Meg the stallion came out at one point so like that was cool but I just don’t like Renaissance you know I I just don’t you know like lemonade was cool her older stuff is cool but it’s like do I just I

Just do not like the red Sals like I get it you know what I mean but like I get it like you know the the the the house scene and the and the and the in the queer culture like I get it you know you would think I’d love that but it’s it’s

Just the album is just so mid and I just cannot stomach it like her daughter doing the dance was cool but it’s it’s just it’s just not for like I’m just not beehive I’m sorry I’m just I’m I’m it’s not beehive with that being said make sure you are still streaming Pink Friday

Too by Nicki Minaj but that’s not even there cuz I am a Barb but listen y’all uh let’s get to the sh we got some real stuff to talk about today we got some we got some real stuff to talk about because we support the uh just the just

The most irritating team in the association and it’s just like legitimately at this point I think it’s me like I think I’m just a bad luck charm because everything I touch terrible things happen to like we’ll get a sliver of success and then the universe just takes it away from us

And I think it’s me you know like the Knicks are magically good now and I think it’s because I left you know what I mean like I think I think it’s just me I think I think it’s literally me you know but that that’s not either there um

The S the bond curs aside let’s talk up with the game we played the Rockets last night and I mean I can’t even remember remember if Dylan Brooks was out there I I I can’t even remember like like getting cooked by Van v is just is just insane to like it’s just

It’s just insane to me like I just and like by a bunch of people who I don’t even know and you let shinon do it he it’s like I I I just I just can’t with this team you know I just I just can’t and as I was sitting there watching

Basically this public execution and I’m like what am I supposed to say because the last like literally three videos I’ve been ripping them to shreds but it’s like what more can I possibly I feel like it is such a lazy stance and and there’s no shot at y’all in the

Comments this is strictly for me cuz like I’m the one that’s on camera that has to like explain this crap like I think it would be such a lazy stance for me to get on here and say like um you know look at what happens when cam

Thomas comes off the bench you know versus when uh they’re like you know what I mean like I just I just think that’s such a lazy stance like I think it would be really lame for especially because he’s not playing particularly well right now so it’s like I can’t get

That off right like I can’t get on here and try to focus on CLA and say the man had 10 rebounds in the first quarter y’all like you know that that’s that’s just not enough because we lost to the rockets and I don’t care that the

Rockets are better you know what I mean I don’t care that that the power of of of of adultery and infidelity is is is what is fueling the Rockets coaching organization featuring Royal Ivy like I can’t do that you know what I mean that’s that’s that’s not enough just

Like last video just getting Josh giddy just jokes off like that’s not enough and I’m sitting here like what am I going to say so I started to like really deconstruct like okay like what point in the game did things go off the rails because much like the OKC game it’s not

Like we were getting blown out the whole game right like it’s just things go off the rails at some point and we just never recover now obviously jacqu vongh has a lot to do with it I just think the blame the coach angle for me y’all can

Say whatever you want in the comments but for me I think that’s just like I can’t say anything else ABJ Von right and and and I’m still very confused as to why he looked amazing and he looks clueless like I’m still trying to piece that together in my mind so what I’m

Really like trying to analytically and and y’all know I’m not X’s and O’s dude at all I am trying to analytically look at the game and say okay is it a defensive coverage thing is it a situation of like maybe it shouldn’t be Zone maybe like I’m I’m trying to think

Of something to tell y’all on camera but what I kept saying in my mind is wish Dennis Smith was out there G wish Lonnie Walker was out there not so he could take their jobs and fulfill my prophecy but just like just to have another playmaker because it’s like when

Spencer dwy goes on the bench which God bless him he’s trying his hardest but like when Spencer deny goes on the bench we got trendon wford running Point occasionally it’s cam Thomas excuse me cam cam cam Johnson who is off offensively and and overall playing I

Just I just want to make that clear he is overall playing better do I think it’s worth a minia Max no but he is playing better so I don’t have any slander for him I want to make that very clear I can acknowledge when people play

Better but I’m just looking at the bench and I’m like how are we going to like like like what’s the missing piece what what’s missing here what is it not giving if you will and then I said wait a minute how long has Lonnie Walker been out

About 15 to 16 games okay Dennis mitt Jr in total her is back again and he’s been out a consec like 18 in total I’m like okay back consecutive games back consecutive games getting on my n nerves back nerves consecutive games do y’all know that we will have

Times where we are getting blown out by halfway decent teams by 40 and Ben Simmons is on Tik Tok putting catchup on PP Tarts and we are down 40 it’s like every time I get I get distracted by the other things happening on the team which is like

Going into this season who would have thought that there would be multiple storylines that were monitoring it’s like every time I try to focus on the the the twin narrative how they’re suppressing cam is he not getting enough shots now you know are are are defenses like prepared for him

To go off and Ja Von doesn’t have anything for it you know what I mean like I’m sitting there trying to think of what’s going on here we need people to Care on defense we need someone to be a defensive anchor other than Claxton and I’m sitting here like man what do we

Need well Jesus a 7 foot Australian point guard that is only able to play D and pass the ball would be really helpful right now and this man is putting catchup on Pop-Tarts on Tik Tok it’s like we get I get so distracted by all the other extracurricular things

Happening with this team and the conspiracy theories and all that shenanigans that I forget that Ben Simmons is still not out there he played five freaking games and we ain’t seen him since remember they was load managing him at game three and y’all said oh backage V that’s we ain’t seen him since

October there ain’t no way we’re going into 2024 and Ben Simmons ain’t sharing a little bit a lot of bit of the blame here while I stand by he is poo he is garbage he’s not what he used to be he’s what we need now I don’t think it solves anything

But at least it makes the games tolerable cuz I’m sitting here watching Trenton Warford play bring the ball up the court I’m sitting here watching Claxton on a 10 rebound first quarter set the pick roll to the basket wide open I’m talking Dakota Fanning bridge to teramia remake

2004 you got to keep your mind wide open all the possibilities I’m talking Campell soup ads same circuit 2004 POS possibilities I’m talking the same time period where Dwayne Wade was a part of the Goldfish commercials trying to help them get the pretzel one from out under the

Bed I’m talking when we all got our musical taste from them Tony hot games don’t lie to me don’t lie to me y’all can sit there and say you don’t like rock music all you want but I bet you if I put that up against the wall up

Against the wall like don’t lie to me I ched in with the haven’t you people ever heard of he’s got all them possibilities Clon is wide open but I’m watching Spencer take a contested layup now did he make it yeah but come Claxton the first four plays of

The game they are feing Claxton in the post shenon didn’t know what to do Clon is putting on another master class and then we just forget he’s out there Ben Simmons wouldn’t forget I bet you Ben Simmons would do everything in his power to continue to

Feed cam Thomas in spots where he can be effective if this man Ben Simmons was good enough to make JJ reic popular enough to have a podcast a successful because everyone’s got a podcast a successful podcast I’m G be honest with you he could be good enough to unlock whatever

We have going on here because because it’s like football at this point you know what I mean it’s like football at this point he’s coming down the court they ain’t taking it from Ben maybe hard no glitch out but they ain’t gonna take it from Ben not Benjamin Button Simmons I

Don’t care what version it is he out there you know what I mean boom boom bo bo bo boom and he’s scanning the floor he’s scanning the floor like he in the zero system type stuff you know what I mean scanning the floor I got Royce O’Neal right there if

He ain’t hitting shots back door cut you know what I mean cuz all Spencer thinking is am I open shoot am I open shoot I’m contested here you go Mel I’ve been pounding the ball for 20 of the 24 let me half court sling it to

Cam you got two seconds buddy hope it goes in I’m not saying Ben Simmons is going to fix anything I’m not saying Ben Simmons is the answer I will say he doesn’t hurt things he doesn’t hurt things but his back he doesn’t hurt things but I also want to say

That we can’t we can’t forget that this is the same thing again we cannot forget that this has been what Ben Simmons does for the going on almost two years two full calendar years he’s been on the team he didn’t play when we traded for him K KD and Kyrie got

Swept no Ben Simmons to be found he didn’t even play yet we go into the next year he plays a decent amount of games he’s hiding behind two offensive juggernauts Kyrie got cancelled but then he came back after oh God Kyrie anyway that [ __ ] was terrible but anyway

Uh so so so so so they come back 20 game win streak Blas Blas blah KD gets hurt I think Ben Simmons got hurt before that we did not see Ben Simmons again to my knowledge I’m pretty sure he was done for the year I’m I’m yeah yeah I’m pretty sure

He was done for the year because I remember like it would have been really cool if we played Philly in the first round and Ben Simmons was out there I’m pretty sure he was done for the rest of the year which is what it’s looking like

Now I’m going keep it a thue with you that’s what it’s looking like now so he comes back talking all that trash in preseason he feels good he feels good he feels good on some on some gorillas again circuit 2004 some Feelgood ink you know what I mean like like like

Frank is Sola got the microphone in his face and he’s sounding like 2D out there just feel good you know what I mean like I just like you play five games and now all of a sudden you need load management and then the next game we just don’t see you again and unlike

Last year where he got slapped in the face and hurt his back which again I’m still trying to figure out how that’s possible we don’t even know what happened this time like I feel like I put a lot on muel and a lot on jacqu vaugh but if

There is anyone we need to be firing up the trade machine for it’s been I mean either you come back no pun intended or if you like I think this is a good barometer of if you feel like you’re not going to come back this year trade deadline get them

Out what we would get for Ben at this point I haven’t the slightest idea but that like I can’t I can’t go as hard as I do on Mel and jacqu vaugh and ignore the fact that Ben Simmons again is putting katchup on Pop-Tarts like I just I can’t I’m not I’m not

Gonna let it slide you got me Ben I I I forgot you were on the team for about two months again you got me but you’re not getting away with it this year and I’m on you until the day you come back or get traded I’m on you if you think I’mma

Just forget this because as much as we like to point to well as I like to point to the fact that the team was above water I heavily attribute that to cam Thomas being in the starting lineup and the role he was playing and the fact that when he would

Get doubled he would move the ball and all the stuff that comes with it and his effort on defense I mean I mean he he had a great steal last night like highlight play like but we just going to act like he don’t do nothing but you

Know that’s fine you know like I just I just while I think that’s a large part of it I think Ben Simmons being out there would definitely help things especially because he is a part of the team he’s a part of what makes the team go and this isn’t a sever the bond

Narrative that’s what they told us that’s what they told us going into the season we go as far as Ben Simmons and Mel can take us Mel Bridges is a fraud and Ben Simmons is nowhere to be found get rid of one of them get rid of one of them because if

You ask me CAM Thomas is overachieving Claxton is again making Quantum leaps baby Yannis though Dennis Smith Jr was always hurt seems to play pretty well when he’s out there like I think it should be like people like Royce O’Neal Who should be on a minia Max not the nepotism twins but that’s

Just that’s just the point of this video is I know there’s a lot of confusion there’s a lot of anger there’s a lot of chaos and we are just Free Falling again and it sucks to be a Nets fan right now but don’t forget we got a light Bon

Up don’t don’t forget that man cuz he think he’s slick like we just forgot he’s on the team I ain’t forget Nathan Nathan hot dogs sorry I’m sorry that was was really bad



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  1. We all forget the nets have Ben Simmons. You keep saying mikal bridges is the disappearing man when it's really Ben Simmons

  2. I wanna say fuck ben but I’ma wait till he comes back cuz he’s allegedly getting cleared for 5 on 5 on Friday and he might help us with some of the shit were lacking rn but if he takes anymore time off fuck his worthless ass

  3. "I'm talking when we all got our musical tastes from them Tony Hawk games" 😭🤣 same but for me it was "here I am… doing everything I can" Tony Hawk 1 lmao

  4. It’s not smart to trade him. To trade him based on his unreliability, you’d have to give way picks, which we can’t afford. He’s got one more year on his contract. It’s better to hold on to him and let his contract run out and we keep our picks.

  5. Should've signed Dante Exum if a 7ft Australian PG was all you needed. He for damn sure was gonna play more games

  6. Sixers fan here… y’all are cooked, Ben Simmons will not be your savior, he will not get better, just hope the last years of his contract go by quickly, also you should trade us mikal👀

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