@Minnesota Timberwolves

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Can’t Hang On In San Antonio

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Can’t Hang On In San Antonio

T-wolves let one slip away in San Antonio tonight and I got wolves expert Jack Borman he’s going to help us break it all down and it’s all coming up next on the lockdown wolves Postcast you are locked on wolves postcast part of lockon Minnesota on the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s up what’s up back in the lab back at it another t-wolves postcast episode right here on the lockdown Sports Minnesota Network you got myself Luke Inman lukor spin that’s the man Jack

Borman he’s on Twitter Jr Borman 13 and Jack before we get into all the action from tonight quick reminder tonight’s episode brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more with America’s number one Sportsbook and official Sportsbook partner of the NBA right now new customers you’re getting $150 in bonus

Bets with any I mean any $5 bet $150 when you bet just five check it all out visit lockon NBA w got to take a deep breath here uh here we go man tough one to swallow you’re up 15 at one point playing a team in in late January that still doesn’t

Even have doubl digigit wins bro and once again the Wolves common theme here the last week or two even even when they win man just kind of falling apart in the fourth quarter making these things way too close at the end they lose to the Spurs tonight 113 112 they dropped

The 32 and 13 on the year let’s just start at the beginning because this was this was such a Wild game right from the jump it was like somebody queued the circus music up right at the opening tip off crazy Pace right away from both teams chucking the ball all over

Sometimes for good sometimes for bad ant with that Sport Center top 10 putback jam and and bats bro we got bats what’s that dumb and dum line I got worms well tonight I got bats bro like plenty to dissect and break down I know you’ve got plenty to vent about but let’s just

Start with something light what was more entertaining ant’s video game Sports Center putback or watching a mascot Chase around a bat with a net for two and a half minutes I couldn’t believe it I apologize for these ESPN Auto plays that we’re getting going here

On my side but uh yeah I mean first of all the Spurs coyote with the Batman costume I loved that Jim and uh Michael Grady caught that right away and they were loving it yeah they were going nuts all over the the Batman situation there

I was it a planted bat I I don’t know um but I mean just from that moment I mean one minute and one second into the game you just knew that it was going to be uh you just knew that it was going to be kind of a crazy chaotic off the rails

Game U right off the rip but man that Anthony Edwards dunk I think you got to go with that that that I can’t think of a better putback dunk I’ve seen I mean obviously you know it’s hard to you know go through the Rolodex of you know

Putback dunks we’ve all seen in our brains right now but but that was that was certainly one of the best I’ve ever seen yeah that was unbelievable um man jumping around a little bit here just so much to go through uh about nine minutes left I want to say they threw up a

Graphic up on B Sports if you watch the broadcast the last four games 75 combined points for the wolves in the fourth quarter that’s the fewest any four game span by any team this year I guess what’s falling apart the most here at the end lately because things just

Don’t look and feel the same like they did early on like what’s the one thing at the top of the list you’re like that’s what needs to be fixed ASAP first and foremost late in games because this was one of the best teams in clutch clutch time all year in the last few

Games man the fourth quarter been a major problem a lot of hiccups going on late in games confidence is the number one thing um you know I I think in this game specifically uh this loss if we want to do you know who’s getting the

This loss is 100% on Chris Finch um you know I think myself wolves fan wolves fans in general have been pretty positive on Chris Finch this entire season I think he’s done a tremendous job all the players really like him we talked about it in the last game um but

Some of these lineups I mean the lineups that he put out there specifically to start the second quarter um he he put out Jordan mlin Shake Milton Kyle Anderson Carl Anthony towns and Rudy goar that that closing or that excuse me that group of five played zero

Possessions so far this season they lost 11 to four they had four points on five shots missed both their free throws had three turnovers and zero assists so that was in the second quarter and then Chris Finch still thought it was a good idea to go back to that same lineup except

Swapping Nas Reed in for Carl Anthony towns to put even less spacing um you know around the the Jordan McGloin Shake Milton Kyle Anderson and Rudy goar uh quartet and they played just two minutes and 39 seconds together two points on four shots two turnovers one assist they let San Antonio shoot

Four of eight from the field I believe three of six from three they allowed two offensive rebounds on the same possession in the second one ended up in a in a Doug McDermot 3 they lost 10-2 and it was a two-point game right away within the first two minutes and 39

Seconds of the fourth quarter and when that happens when you’re a coach and you’re and I don’t even necessarily blame the players in that situation because that’s a lineup that just has very limited shooting not a whole lot of offensive confidence between uh Shake Milton Jordan mcclaflin and Kyle

Anderson uh it’s just pretty hard to put those three guys on the floor together at the same time I don’t know if if that was Chris Finch kind of sending a message to the front office saying hey come help me out I need more I need more

To work with than this or not uh but for Chris Finch to kind of put his players behind the eightball like that I think was just really poor coaching uh and then beyond that Chris Finch’s body language on the sidelines looks awful every single fourth quarter when another

Team’s making a run it’s a lot of throwing his arms up in the air looking disgusted but it just kind of looks like a guy who has no control over what’s going on on the floor and that’s just not something that you want to see from

Your coach if you look at all the best coaches in the NBA all those guys look extremely composed in the fourth quarter even if their teams in the middle of a run they’re not losing their cool they’re not kind of looking like they have no answers they look confident they you

Know call timeouts at the right time their their teams look organized after timeouts and and that didn’t happen and so I think as a coach when your team is already struggling with confidence enough in the fourth quarter and then you roll out that lineup the timeouts

You call are at weird times you don’t call any plays really the first play that I saw with my admittedly not incredibly trained eye uh was that double drag screen for Anthony Edwards when they were down five uh down I believe it was 112 107 that ant dribbled

Into a pullup three uh to cut it back within two that was the first really structured play that I saw the whole entire fourth quarter so um yeah for Chris Finch it was the it was the kind of Holy Trinity of what not to do as a head coach in the fourth

Quarter put out a bad lineup that immediately allows uh the other team to get some life you don’t call timeouts at the right time and then you’re not calling any plays to try to help get your guys the ball in places that they’re confident in that they know they

Can score in and that it’s just really tough to win when that happens um so we we’ll see how they can try to remedy that in in some capacity moving forward but I think for any fan that that’s really frustrated with Chris Finch tonight especially I I think those feelings are

Certainly validated after what we saw in the fourth quarter yeah well said I know you guys recorded an episode of the basketball party on Wednesday like you do every week and and and Sam extrom was trying to gauge the room as far as like how worried everyone was after losing to

OKC and then Charlotte back to back and I I feel like you were one of the only guys who kind of stood up and basically said hey let’s pump the brakes here let’s not overreact still a first place team at the time anyways uh you know

Still a 30 win team here obviously you don’t want to lose games but the the biggest things that are going wrong are fixable for the most part they’ve got the talent and at their core this is still a really good team they’re going to be fine bigger picture I guess how

Much has changed for you now that we’ve watched them even in their WIS like the Wizards and Nets like they they just don’t look like the same exact team that we’re used to seeing I guess has your temperature changed at all with how this team’s looked the last week or so like

Are are the nerves running thin yet or are you still you know hey it’s a long season It’s a Grind a lot of es and flows and confident this is maybe just a speed bump or a phase and they’ll bounce back just fine uh so I just watched the

Netflix movie called dumb money which was about uh the GameStop short the stock and everything yeah you know everybody was sit and should we hold should we hold should we sell and take our profits what should we do and everybody is kind of saying we

Got to hold the line we got to wait and see what right uh you know what Kitty’s gonna do but we’re gonna hold the line and uh it’s kind of one of those situations right that’s a great uh if anybody’s remotely interested in business or Finance or uh you know wants

A fun Netflix recommendation to get this game out of their head once they’re done watching this I’d certainly recommend uh but it kind of reminds you of that right I I think you you want to have some faith and belief in what we’ve seen so far and all the positive return

On investment we’ve seen but you also don’t necessarily want to let that stop you from kind of admitting to yourself what you’re seeing and I I think again it’s it’s tough right because you want to assume that you’re gonna have Mike Conley in the playoffs and that Mike connley will be there to

Help get things organized in a way just slow everything down get the ball out of ant’s hands run a play something and this is now uh what the third game that they haven’t had Mike connley uh at the controls in the in the fourth quarter the Boston game

The the Charlotte game and now this game um so you have to you have to at least take that into account right that he’s your most important floor organizer run a play guy that you have again we mentioned on the last uh basketball party that he he’s also their best spot

Up three-point shooter right and so that certainly matters in terms of spacing which has been a core issue for this team in the fourth quarter but I’m concerned just with the confidence right I I think it doesn’t really matter which players you have on the floor when all

Those guys are kind of thinking about these last few games that they’ve had and then you not only think about that you think about the fourth quarter troubles they had all year last year for a lot of the guys that are still in the rotation that were in the rotation when

That was going on and then two years ago in the playoffs they you know blew a 25-point lead twice in uh in that Memphis series which is pretty much unprecedented and that’s just kind of woven into the fabric of the Chris Finch Anthony Edwards Carl Anthony towns Trio

And and I think you’re just reopening some of those Old Wounds and I think it becomes a mental battle at a certain point right and so for fans that are clamoring for trades for a shooter or a backup point guard or another scorer Off the Bench uh I don’t necessarily know

That that’s going to remedy the issues that we’re seeing right now because when it’s a mental issue right there’s not a whole lot that I can say or you can say or any of us can say of hey this is how you fix things right I I think the only

Suggestion that I can offer is that you’d like to see more structure in the fourth quarter whether that’s starting everything the same way right whether that’s you know starting the ball maybe it’s in Carl Anthony Town’s hands and and get Anthony Edwards uh off the ball to start and he has a

Handoff and it’s kind of this handoff and pop where Carl’s shooting and you at least you know make it tough for the defense to put two on Anthony Edwards and you get the ball moving or you get ant aead of steam going downhill instead of you know ant walking the ball up the

Floor every single time and then just taking a Rudy gobear screen and then it’s eight seconds of dribbling right like there’s ways that you can get into the offense differently even if you’re not running a super you know detailed step one step two step three step four

Play that ends in a desired result of we want to get a shot for Carl Anthony towns we want to get a shot for Jan McDaniels or something like that and we’re just not seeing a whole lot of that right I I mean I haven’t obviously

Gotten a chance to go back and watch the film of this fourth quarter but I’d imagine that more than half of the possessions that Anthony Edwards was in the game for was just him walking the ball up the floor and Rudy go setting a screen and then not much else happening

After that I mean isn’t that what you saw oh yeah in the fourth quarter so I I think for me it’s just varying the ways that you initiate the offense to at least make the defense work in different ways if if you if the defense

Is working in the same way it’s just a high ball screen for Anthony Edwards and he’s dribbling and you know three guys are just sitting there watching not having to do any work and you’re still getting a stop that’s just going to feed the confidence for the other team more

And more and drain the confidence of the Wolves but then when you think about the fact that the other three guys on the floor in this case nille Alexander Walker Carl Anthony towns and Jaden McDaniels are barely even touching the ball in the fourth quarter quarter when

The ball then does come to them and it’s even later on in the quarter right you’re just out of rhythm you know it’s really hard to make a shot when you haven’t really touched the ball much for six seven eight nine 10 possessions in a

Row right and then on the other end of the floor you have the Spurs who made 10 shots in a row at one point in the fourth quarter and some of them were really hotly contested shots I mean it’s just a confidence killer at that point

On on both ends of the floor and until the wolves are able to regain some semblance of confidence or you know get it to 20 25 30 points at the end of the third quarter to where it is like almost statistically impossible for the other

Team to come back right you know I think that this could be a recurring problem for a little while until the wolves are able to to overcome it and I think if you want to poke holes in the Wolves obviously you can you talk about this fourth quarter but then you can also

Talk about the fact that the Wolves really haven’t done a great job this season despite how you know good they have good they’ve been in in terms of their offensive defensive efficiency for for the whole game for the first three quarters uh but they haven’t really just blown out a ton of

Teams to a point where you can rest your starters for most of the fourth quarter and the game is pretty much out of question at the end of thir of the third quarter because if the game’s at 15 that’s not really out of the question I’m talking 25 30o lead and we just

Haven’t seen a whole lot of that this season is that them just letting off the gas then late in games or is there more to it than that do you I think it’s really difficult for the Timberwolves to just string together uh it’s just not their identity it’s just not their MMO

Yeah I think that they they’ve had one really good quarter or one really bad quarter instead of three really solid quarters if that makes sense and that makes it diff where you know they still may win comfortably they still may win by 14 17 points but uh it’s just not

Four quarters of sustained really strong play I think for the Wolves it’s more about a quarter and a half here here half a quarter there uh and then the scoreboard is what it is at the end of the game if that makes sense it does uh plenty more Deep dive from this one

Including Nas Reed and Shake Milton coming off the bench in their impact tonight what that all look like that’s all coming up right after this quick reminder tonight’s episode brought to you by better help what are some things you want to keep the same about yourself or about your life in

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Lockdown NBA to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp lockon NBA all right man um you kind of touched done it already I’m just curious man let’s talk about the bench play here for a minute you know specifically NZ Reed and you know shake Milton hey maybe the

Best game he say had since early December obviously that’s not saying much the bar was super low some people in the Stream though uh saying maybe Finch was forced to play him because of the front office and they’re maybe trying to pump up his trade value a

Little bit I know you kind of already touched on it but different rotations going on tonight um let’s see there was uh gosh some well maybe you know know off the top of your head a little bit better instead of me spending time and trying to find them but just some weird

Rotation slow-mo JM Nas Rudy and shake like just some weird just stuff we haven’t seen this year I just want you to break that down a little bit more in depth and and what you saw and what you think the mindset or game plan was from from some of those rotations and looks

Yeah we talked about it the other night as well um and Andress has it there that was the lineup that I talked about right off the top of them just you know not giving them a chance in the fourth quarter start the but one lineup that I

I did like uh that they got to was nikil Alexander Walker Shake Milton um Jaden McDaniels Carl Anthony towns Rudy goar you’re just getting some more shooting in there around Shake Milton uh nikil Alexander Walker and Rudy goar which I really liked uh we haven’t seen that

Lineup very much and then another one that they played in the first quarter that I really enjoyed was was Shake Milton Anthony Edwards Jaden McDaniels uh Kyle Anderson and naasri that was a plus plus seven that was how they closed um closed that first quarter um you know

Pretty pretty much they were plus seven and that was when ant kind of went nuclear uh you know Naz that was part of that I believe it was a a 10 run uh for the Wolves it started on a an odre three and then you had the ant dunk you had a

Couple more nice things from Ant but yeah for shake Milton specifically I definitely think that uh you know shake Milton is kind of the next guy up in the rotation anyways even if Mike is out right because now that Jordan mclin is in the rotation Nel Alexander Walker is

Already in the rotation um it makes sense that those two guys are going to slot into that kind of number one and number two uh kind of guard initiator spots and they’ve kind of had three now in the rotation for for the last three weeks to a month you know whenever

Jordan mcclaflin came back in the rotation so it makes sense that then Shake Milt would kind of step into that Jordan mcclaflin role of that Reserve point guard so I I think it’s part that but I definitely think that I definitely think that shake Milton is is being

Played a little bit more ahead of the trade deadline so other teams are kind of able to see what he’s been able to to do uh you know we’ve seen it now with the Clippers with bones Highland playing a little bit after not playing for for

Well over a month uh so that’s that’s kind of a similar situation there ahead of the trade deadline U but it was really nice to see Shake Milton play probably his most productive stint that he’s had in the last month or so in that in that second you know late first

Quarter uh early second quarter when I believe Shake Milton had uh I think he had seven points a couple of assists seven points on three five shooting he took a charge as well right after he got in the game which was really important um and look like Shake Milton is a guy

That’s had a ton of NBA experience he’s played in the playoffs with Philly he’s been a really high floor guy for Philly for four years and so I honestly kind of like regardless of the trade deadline trying to get back to shake Milton a little bit uh I think you know in some

Of these I think he he makes sense in a lineup that has a lot of spacing right so the lineup that I talked about where you have ant you also have Jaden you also have Nas right you have three Shooters around him uh I really like that but in the fourth quarter right

When when you’re getting into a lineup it’s SC Jordan mcclaflin uh Nas Reed or excuse me Jordan mlin Rudy goar and Kyle Anderson around them I think that that’s just really tough because Shake also is pretty good at driving using his physicality and finishing inside we saw

A lot of that in Philadelphia but there’s no spacing in a lineup like that for him to be able to do that so I I would really like to see Shake Milton at least in between now and the trade deadline you know if they do decide to

Keep him in lineups with with guys like Carl and Nas Reed in in the front Court together uh then maybe having a Kyle Anderson out there with them that can you know play play in a little bit of handoff action play in a you know five

Out system or four round one with Kyle and the dunker those types of things um but but certainly I I do think that him being back in the rotation has to do with uh the trade deadline coming up and uh and that but it was also nice to see

Nas Reed get back to looking like Nas Reed a little bit he had five points and and three straight games yeah uh tonight had 13 points uh five of 12 shooting would would like to see a little bit better efficiency inside the arc uh as he was just three of seven inside the

Arc but but he was really big in that fourth quarter had had a couple of had a couple of big shots including a big three um you know had that really tough drive to just kind of break the seal off the basket uh help the Wolves to the

First one go down as a guy who’s just not scared of anybody not scared of any moment isn’t going to let his confidence waver and so it’s definitely one of those guys I think you’d like to have out out there to try to help uh you know

Stem the tide a little bit with some of this fourth quarter confidence issues um but but for the two of them I mean I think the Wolves had like 17 bench points in the first half uh they only fin they only had seven in the second half and and again Kyle Anderson four

Points on six shots and only had one assist I mean if Kyle Anderson’s not really going to be you know moving the ball getting everything going and organizing things having assists like he has been recently I think he’s had like a 16-2 um assist to turnover ratio the

Last three or four games which is obviously great where you don’t need him to score as much but if you’re not getting that playmaking and you’re not getting the scoring then it’s just really tough to play him honestly regardless of how good his defense is uh just with how bad the Timberwolf spacing

Has been in some of these lineups and again another another thing I don’t know if anyone in the chat has talked about this but Troy Brown Jr not really being in the rotation at all uh tells tells me a couple of things it tells me I don’t think the Timberwolves are looking to

Trade him at the trade deadline if they’re not already playing him kind of I’ll uh shake like we were talking about earlier but but they need more spacing and the fact that uh you know some of these lineups I understand that Finch is prioritizing defense and understandably

So since that’s the identity of this team but Troy Brown Jr played pretty darn well when he was in the rotation for the for the most part over that you know two three week span you know late uh November and early December and you know he’s a guy that’s you know

Professional he’s been in the league seven or eight years now um even though he’s still pretty young uh a guy that you can totally trust to come in and make a couple of shots or make the right plays help get the ball moving attack close outs kick to the opposite corner

Those types of things and so uh the fact that he hasn’t gotten a look even in some of these games where they just really need more offense is a little bit puzzling to me and again adds to this layer of of Chris Finch and the rotations and and some things we’d

Certainly like to see get cleaned up here moving forward how about anite I know you already touched on it but okay he had a couple turnovers in the second half that you know he wants back goes into halftime though six to1 assist to turnover ratio love to see that lights

Out from the floor just super efficient every time he touch the ball 66% field goal percentage and then you add in the rebounds on top with s it was just awesome at 32 points 12 assists six Sports Total Sports Center dunk of the night but when you lose the game and

He’ll be the first to tell you this none of it matters what’s with the recent hesitation going on in the fourth quarter I know you just preached confidence it feels like this whole team’s lost some confidence um but why would ant out of all people lose his

Confidence I I I guess maybe I’m oversimplifying things but just talk to me about you know his great shooting night obviously but how much more aggressive you’d like to see him be late in those games in the clutch moments yeah I think for me another way to put

It is confidence in the process right you know if you’re a football player and you don’t have a whole lot of confidence in the plays that are coming into your helmet right right or the plays that are coming in the Huddle right you’re probably not going to you’re probably

Not going to play as well and I think the Timberwolves just don’t have any confidence in their process right now I think Anthony Edwards is is just pressing too much uh that was certainly not the case uh for ant in the fourth quarter tonight I don’t think you know

He was the reason at all why they lost yeah I don’t want to interrupt you but has something changed then in the process you know you equated to football I know football a little bit better I’m like okay all right so they change the game plan this week or you know on a

Game to game night toight basis things change is is that what it was or I think it’s you know plays when you know in the fourth quarter right you’re playing not to lose instead of playing to win right the Vikings had a lot of situations they’re up 10 14 points second half and

Kevin oconnell just ran a bunch of let’s play not to lose football calls instead of you know let’s continue to do what worked in the first half continue to run plays initiate the offense in different ways get guys the ball in different spots these types of things and that

Just hasn’t happen in the fourth quarter and it’s been a lot of guys just watching Aunt dance with the basketball um you know he was you know still pretty efficient three of five in the fourth quarter eight points only one turnover um you know you’ll take that from ant in

The fourth quarter certainly especially with that the 50 run that he had late but um I think the biggest thing for ant tonight um you know is to not let that last possession put a bad taste in your mouth right for Anthony Edwards to get the ball in the back court with seven

Seconds left leisurely walk into a double team you know a lot of times when you see stars especially guy like John Morant is one that comes to mind they like to get the ball to him in the back court so he has a full head of steam to just

Um you know jetpack his way to the rim and and for the Wolves to bring Rudy goar that far away from the basket to set a screen to kind of invite a second Defender I didn’t love that I didn’t love Rudy goar being on the floor on the

Last possession in general I would have liked to see Nas Reed out there to to give them maximum spacing and another shooting option and a guy who’s not afraid of the moment um but for ant what I really liked was that his playmaking sustained for the whole game I think

We’ve seen a lot this season of Anthony Edwards having individual quarters who’s got four or five assists maybe in the first quarter or the second quarter and then he only has one or two assists for the rest of the game and I I think tonight like you said you know he had

Six assists in the first half had six more in the second half uh he had 12 assists tonight I believe that is a career high for Anthony Edwards breaking uh his previous high of 11 um and for him to only have what do he have three

Turnovers tonight um and and two of them were just oh my god when Bama’s right there you know those aren’t things that you’re going to see for the rest of the season that I think it’s it’s certainly not something I’m going to hold against

Him um but I really like the way that uh he he balanced his scoring and his playmaking really nicely in this one I thought he kept the defense off balance with the way he was attacking uh to score and also attacking to create for others and what I mean by that is ant

Really likes to get to certain spots on the floor where he can jump and and make corner kick passes or or get to certain spots in the floor like the elbows where he knows that there’s going to be a help Defender and he can draw that help

Defender in and then make a make a pass out to a teammate either uh for a three or for them to be able to drive the lane and then finish inside or or keep the ball moving and keep the defense scrambling and I thought he did a great

Job all night uh tonight he was great passing the ball from the middle of the floor and and that’s something you just want to see uh you know him be able to continue and you know 30 point 32 points on 12 of 18 shooting right that’s obviously great

But then when you look at his assists right he had he had 12 assists what I really like is that 10 of them came inside the arc and that it was a lot of you know Finding other guys he he had four assists to Carl which is something

We saw a lot of two seasons ago and not quite as much with the introduction of Rudy goar he had two more assists to Rudy goar tonight which is what you want um and then and then had two assists to NAS Reed which again situation where

Passing to to NAS Reed and he’s doing a great job of of then attacking a scrambling defense off the dribble right and so um really like to see that from Ant and when you think of the fact that you know he had 58 points that he

Created tonight um 38 or 32 he scored and and 26 he assisted off of which um I I don’t know if that’s a season high off the top of my head it’s something that takes a little bit of time to look up um but I would imagine that that’s right

There in one of his two or three best games of the season and so I I I don’t really blame Anthony Edwards for much of anything in this game that last possession was honestly disappointing but uh one of the best games of his season so far and one that I think he

Should certainly feel good about going into a really important game uh against Oklahoma City on Monday especially when you consider that that coming into this game for Anthony Edwards uh you know he just hadn’t been ant right right he had eight assists and seven turnovers in his

Last two games uh and then shooting the ball he’s 19 of 51 37% in the last two games even though he’s had some really good scoring numbers and he was only six of 17 from three uh but tonight again 32 points 12 of 18 shooting uh he was six

Of 10 inside the arc he was six of eight outside the arc so just a really good shot mix for Anthony Edwards I thought he took a lot of really efficient shots uh made good decisions with the basketball so certainly one of his better games this season it’s just a

Bummer that you know the Timberwolves weren’t able to get enough from from other guys and and Chris Finch wasn’t able to string together uh rotations that that made sense and was able to to help get this one at the Finish Line before the before the Spurs were able to

To take the lead yeah you don’t want to say wasted game in performance not wasted but obviously just not the same doesn’t hit the same right without the win obviously uh Carl Anthony towns knows that better than anybody putting up 62 and uh you know obviously getting

A loss for Charlotte as well um good breakdown though love that uh quick look at the rematch versus OKC coming up on Deck before we get out of here and that’s all coming up right after this quick reminder tonight’s so brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more

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NBA all right schedule coming up in the next few games now OKC that’ll be their fourth Road game in a row by the way what the Spurs did I wish we had enough time to talk about the Spurs I always like to take a quick 60 seconds talk

About the opposing team what the Spurs just did playing on the back end of a back-to-back they had OKC and then the Wolves tonight what they just did man um Greg papovich man I wish we had more time um OKC though that’ll be their fourth Road game in a row back at home

Then for three straight Mavs magic Rockets all right obviously OKC is the one on everyone’s mind when you see that stretch there right but how much does one win change the whole perception of this team get their swag back you talked about confidence so much at the top of

The show get their confidence back with a win I just want your sneak peek preview here real quick before we get out of here what you’re looking forward to the most and what the Wolves probably biggest challenge is going to be then Monday night and again what a win would

Mean for just the psyche of this team right now yeah I think it would be huge right uh you know we we thought that they might have turned a corner with with their last win over over Brooklyn just to kind of get two in a row again

Feel feel good coming into you know another game that you you thought you would have win all right you’ve got three wins in a row kind of a good on-ramp to this Oklahoma City game but but now I think that this team’s just going to have to have a different level

Of Focus right and they’ve got to know that it doesn’t matter what we do in the first quarter second quarter or third quarter if if we’re going to play this way in the fourth quarter and I think trying to have a heightened sense of awareness of of valuing every possession

Will be important against an Oklahoma City team that is excellent at turning other teams over they are excellent at scoring points off turnovers they are an excellent pass break team I think that they’re very good at a lot of things the Wolves struggle with and so in those

Types of games you you already have to have more attention to detail kind of adhere to the game plan as best you can probably focus on those things more than you would in in an any other game uh but I’m really intrigued to see that the Anthony Edwards versus Shay gilis

Alexander match up especially after some of the postgame comments a had some of the social media posts that Shan sh gilis Alexander has made in reference to said postgame comments and and the way that this will this will kind of be built up but I think it does lose a

Little bit of its luster now that the wolves are are slipping a little bit but uh I I really want to see the wolves get big and dominate inside uh they’re much bigger than this Oklahoma City team Oklahoma City is one of the three or four worst rebounding teams in the

League so if the Timberwolves can uh can sustain the rebounding which is something that they’ve done very very well over the last 10 games or so I think that that’s going to be really important Carl Anthony towns and Rudy gobe have been the best rebounding duo

In the league over the last week 10 days and so you really hope that they’ll be able to kind of Hit the offensive glass hard and and create some Second Chance opportunities because this Oklahoma City half court defense is very good and one that’s going to be very difficult for

The Timberwolves to score on and so they’re able to generate some more offensive offensive looks through Second Chances that’ll be really important but gotta limit turnovers gota gotta create second chances um and got to keep got to run Oklahoma City off the three-point line they’re a team that can can get

Pretty hot from three if if you don’t uh if you don’t run them off and don’t pay attention to Shooters and that’s exactly what happened the last time they were in Oklahoma City when uh you know that game was was pretty much over early early in the second quarter with the way Oklahoma

City was shooting it so certainly you’d like to make sure that it’s it’s a four quarter game and they’ll be in it right right at the end with a chance to chance to go win it yeah well said wolves let this one slip away on the road vers the

Spurs 113 112 they dropped a 32 and 13 on the season back on the road vers OKC and the Thunder tip off on Monday 700 p.m. Central Standard Time as always huge shout out to everyone that joined us in the postcast we’ll be back each and every game same time same place

Right here go check out the uh the uh brand new uh basketball party episode Sam extrom gopher Legend Ron Johnson Carol Evans Reggie Wilson new episode that just dropped a few days ago Ben Beacon ripping it up over on the lockon Wolves podcast each and every day as

Well that’ll do it for us tonight though he’s Jack Borman I’m Luke Inman on Twitter lukor spining until next time signing now

The Minnesota Timberwolves let one slip away against the Spurs and drop to 32-14. Instant analysis and reaction following every game.


  1. Well put jack. Need to have structure. Finch has said Jaden is our barometer of our offense. He’s not involved in the offense anymore. Iso ball ain’t going to do it

  2. The Timberwolves don't deserve respect even if they have a top 4 spot in the West. This team does the same thing year in and year out, no matter who the coach was after Flip, Thibs, Ryan Saunders, Chris Finch. This team does the same they start out hot after the 1st half and the 2nd half they fall apart. It happens every single god damn time this team deserves no respect at all.

  3. Nothing has changed since we blew that series against Memphis 2 years ago. Same immature play and we are still blowing 4th quarter leads

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