@Washington Wizards

Knicks make Wizards Disappear | Washington Wizards Losers Lounge

Knicks make Wizards Disappear | Washington Wizards Losers Lounge

Uh losing is what got us here uh none of us feel good about it uh this is you know where we are you are what your record is you are what has happened you know recently uh but things can change quickly you know once we um

Uh losing is what got us here uh none of us feel good about it uh this is you know where we are you are Tony what’s bro I’m good man we back on the losers L that’s always that’s always a good thing right for the second night in a

Row the second night in a row and before I get started let me tell my man Greg look man I I must have missed the question where you asked about my family so I apologize about that my family is good thank you for asking I definitely appreciate

It all right so shout out to you GRE for always jumping in um man I’m I’m I’m not H I’m still not happy about the way that things went down with the Wizards tonight but we got the win so you know I a’t G complain about that no more maybe some of

Comments will will Cher you up you know yeah maybe their anguish will make us feel better about this win yeah because you know because the Wizards I mean actually I mean well we we’ll get started you know we’ll start with this one here J said I still think Brunson is mid J’s

Bugging yeah you know but welcome to the losers Lounge Brunson is better than everybody on the Wizards twice better than everybody on the Wizards maybe he’s not twice better than KS but he’s still better than KS you know what I’m saying so I I I don’t know what he’s talking

About you mean that’s just the angry Wizards fan who’s mad that every time the Knicks come to Washington the Knicks take over it’s a it’s a home game for us yeah it’s a home game for the Knicks and and it’s going to get worse as time goes on

Too you know what I’m saying as time goes on um you know it’s going to become more and more and more and more a Nick home game well S as time goes on they won’t be in Washington that’s true that’s true I mean they’ll still be called the

Washington Wizards I guess but they’ll be playing in Virginia supposedly I I don’t know I don’t know if it’s I know the the whoever was governor or or whoever announced it but I was listening to the radio the day that he announced it and they said he announced it before it was actually

Final I don’t know it’s been finalized or not it’s a tactic you know was a tactic you know what I mean apparently they’re building like this you know whole new whole new stadium practice facility right there uh with this big you know uh uh campus I don’t you know I

Don’t know if you call it the campus but you know this whole area with shopping you know stores and and and other other forms of entertainment there bowling roller skating like all of this right there you know what I’m saying and um I guess it’s supposed to be uh

Much better than where Capital One arena is now you know what I’m saying I mean you know it’s not that you know Capital One Arena it’s okay it’s in an all right spot but from what they’re saying they’re supposed to build it’s going to be much better probably more open yeah more you

Know it’s supposed to be well I mean Capital One is easy to get to I’m assuming that the Metro was still going to take you there you know you might have to pay a little bit more to get there but it’s still going to take you

There um if you’re parking I don’t know how much better parking is going to be but I’m assuming if they’re building this entire area parking is going to be better because right now you got to go downtown DC you got to pay $50 to park at a parking garage or whatever is going

To cost you or if you’re going to park on the street you can’t find a place to park for real you know so there it might have its own dedicated parking lot which would make it much easier to park and all that kind of stuff so you know uh we’ll see might might

Might make it better you know a better place for Nicks fans to go they’re probably not going to allow us to do a podcast in the arena though so that is that is a nice setup we got we got going up yeah we need we got to

Get in as many as possible uh before that place goes up you know but I mean that you know Capital One is still going to be there the mystics are going to play there whoever else is going to play there you know so it’ll still be

There that place will still be there um Lou said Jordan stool they’re not feeling Jordan pool in in in a Wizard’s uniform man they’re not feeling him at all I speak to a lot of wizards fans they want him out of there they want him out of there

Yeah do you think do you think he will be able to man I don’t think he’ll live up to his contract so what I want to say is do you think he will be able to revitalize his career or or just have a um a long

Career or do you think he’s in a situation where he might not be in the league after the contract N I think he’ll have a long career um I think he’s gonna end up being a six-man though I mean like a Jordan Clarkson type of

Guy you know some you know uh you know I think he’s going to end up being a guy that you know bumps around from you know team to team sometimes he’s a starter sometimes he comes comes off the bench you know one of those type of guys you know

Depending on the level of the team you know but would be probably would be an excellent six-man on a good basketball team that’s what I think he’s going to end up being I mean you know the thing is going to be and the reason why it’s going to get bumped around I

Think is because of his contract right the Wizards are probably unless he you know at some point Point um you know learns how to you know come comes into his own or or or whatever you want to call it and the Wizards keep him around but my thinking is that when it’s

Time for the Wizards when they feel like it’s time for them to trade for whoever Jordan P’s going to be in that trade because of his contract you know what I’m saying and then that team will see if Jordan P can make it there and then they’ll probably end up moving

Moving them for another big time player or you know whatever it is you know what I’m saying and I think that’s going to happen until this contract is over and he’s you know so you know he’s going to be a bad contract for a while kry Co said P equals Kevin

Knox I think I think Kevin Knox wishes had Po’s career so far yeah for real yeah for real Justin said if I’m the Wizards I’m not trading cools I’m sorry if I was the Wizards I wouldn’t trade him me neither you know um one you know he’s a

Decent enough player and too because of the contract I wouldn’t trade him now let’s say that uh if it came time for you know whatever big name to come to the Wizards he might be another guy that’s put in the trade because of his contract I think you know his contract makes him

Might be yeah it might be both of them it might be P might be the one they want you know what I mean and and I mean I’m sorry K might be the one they want and P might be one they have to take take right right

Right you know so I yeah you know I do think kou’s ends up getting traded um excuse me I think he ends up getting traded and you know he might even end up getting traded to a championship caliber team because I think there’s going to be some Championship caliber teams that will

Look at him and say yeah we can you know we can use CZ I mean because you know he is a good basketball player what how old is he 26 I think 26 you know he’s not that old I don’t know if he’s ever going to be I I

Doubt he’s ever going to be a number one guy best he’ll be is a number three guy I think you know what I’m saying I trade for him I trade for him Cox K Cox said KZ is damaged he’s damaged why do he say he’s damaged cuse he’s playing in

Washington yeah you know I mean you know he might be a little immature something like that you know I mean we haven’t seen anything crazy from him you know why you say immature you know just you know you know you look at you know the way that he’s

Dressed sometimes and oh see some of those type of things I think he might be still growing up I don’t think he’s done anything in a bad way just you know still a kid okay I mean not I mean he gets whatever he gets from his fashion

You know what I mean like it’s just I think that’s just like um a new era thing you you know what I mean like I I’m not defending his fashion by any means because I don’t get it either but I I just think um somebody out there likes it you know

What I mean like you know what I mean like I mean you know I I mean I just think you know he’s stilling at 26 right a little bit more mature a little bit more mature than cools right I think he’s a little bit you know

Probably has some maturing to do as a young man he’s done nothing wrong though you know what I’m saying uh so that’s why I don’t have a problem bringing them on my basketball team you know what I’m saying I would definitely like to have KS on the basketball on on this particular

Basketball team but I don’t think the Wizards going to trade him you I mean I don’t think I don’t think he’s GNA trade him Andrew said man about time we get another actual big man to help Daniel Gafford I would be cool with either Gafford or bags Marvin Bagley

Starting you know let’s put it like this Marvin bagley’s got another chance you know what I’m saying he’s got another chance there with the Wizards so um you know he may have gone through enough fire after leaving Sacramento Sacramento um that he’s really ready to capitalize

On this chance with the Wizards you know what I’m saying um you know you know he was a number two draft pick he didn’t live up to the height you know what I’m saying uh he put up some good numbers in Sacramento but he didn’t live up to the

Height Detroit he was buried on the bench for the most part now he’s getting a chance with the Wizards and I think this might work out for him I’d like to see it work out for him you know what I’m saying he’s still a young still a

Young guy you know what I mean I’d like to see it work out for him what do you think I think when when it it’s gonna light a fire under him so it’s like almost like a last chance in in a sense and I mean that in this like

That’s the way he’s going to have to look at it you know what I mean like get you get bounced around and it’s never been a situation where you know it’s not like he was on a championship Contender playing behind you know third string guy because you know I mean they they got

Two guys ahead of him he had a opportunity everywhere he went to to at least earn the spot you you know what I mean um I have read because he does have a lot of Defenders out there I’ll say that like even from other teams he’s

Been on um a lot people have said he was being used wrong I don’t know what that meant in particular um but even somebody in the chat in their chat um came from another team saying oh y’all gonna know y’all know how to use him he’s going to be

Good for y you know what I mean so how can I mean multiple teams use them wrong I mean I don’t know I don’t I’m just I’m just I’m just saying what what was out there because I was checking his temperature um not not not this year but like last year or the

Year before I forget um and they were saying it since then and it’s you know it’s still people saying it today yeah yeah more about Marvin baggley said Marvin played well tonight I just got to make your free throws whiz easy won the trade I don’t even remember

Who did they trade my focus was on Marvin Bagley because I wanted the Nicks I you know I wasn’t like oh go get him but he was a guy that I thought would have fit well with the Knicks as a backup center right who did The Wiz what was

The trade I don’t even remember what the trade was I just focused on Marvin bagy going to the Wizards oh I’m trying to look it up right now let’s see so the Pistons traded Pistons Marvin Bagley Isaiah is it livers livers yeah livers livers and two second round picks for

Forwards danila giner and Mike muscala so DLo and Mike muscala went to um Detroit yeah I mean that’s definitely a you know that’s I don’t know what Detroit’s thinking was I don’t know what the contracts look like but you know you get two young guys

How old was mik you know Gallow is old Mike muscala he a body he’s six fouls you know what I’m saying so you you definitely got a player that you can possibly you know look at as is you know one of your future pieces in Marvin

Bagley I think you know if they can if they can help him continue to to grow you know so so yeah I I would say the Wizards finally made a a pretty good move what’s Marvin bagley’s contract because that was another reason uh that I was saying that Nick

Should should have take a look at Marvin Bagley I don’t think his contract was crazy right couldn’t have been crazy let’s see I don’t even know if Hoops hype that’s who I’m using I don’t even know if they have them on no they don’t have them so he was making 12.5 million this

Year 12.5 million next year you know what I’m saying so you know you’re not paying that much money you got him for two season Seasons well one and a half Seasons to see if he can um you know maybe come through for you maybe come through for you

Yeah while some people think Brunson is mid Willie thinks well I I don’t know what he’s trying to say I don’t know if he’s calling him a b yeah I think it’s worse than M I think that was was worse than M yeah yeah yeah yeah I think he’s you

Know cuz he don’t like him he kind of has that effect on the opposing team you know either you gonna give him his respect or or you gonna be like oh he’s overrated right he he’s just doing that against us nope he’s doing it against everybody right and and and you know

It’s the um what a lot of people in the league are complaining about Brunson since last year is the foul calls yeah right they say oh you know he throws his head back you know and does all of these Antics to get foul calls and he probably does you know what I’m

Saying as long as we ain’t getting no flopping calls let’s go he don’t and he doesn’t get called for him he doesn’t get called for the flopping calls you I mean he throws his head back you know uh uh uh you know does a good

Body does a does a good job you know pushing his body to the side and throwing himself off balance but you know and because there’s a lot of times when I look at I’m like come on man you know I see his body flail and I’m like

Come on the kid got he got foul you know I’m saying but then if you slow it down you look at it in slow motion you can see that you know Brunson did it I mean that’s what uh Willie again said Brunson gets the most cheese foul calls

That’s the other part I like about this we get we get to get some of that slang you know yeah I mean you know that is um that is uh that ends up being one of the H you know no one of the signs of a of a

Star when they get some calls that you know other teams just get burned up about you know what I mean like yo come on man this guy’s getting like James Harden you know what I’m saying tick t f yeah little Ticky tack fouls uh you know and and Brunson gets

Those calls man the the messed up thing is even though he gets calls he doesn’t get calls too and he be getting knocked to the ground all the time you know what I mean he’d be getting beat up in the post amongst the trees yeah I mean you know and some of

It could be some referees are you know thinking in their head yeah you know we know about Brunson he’ll do this do that you know what I’m saying you know so some of them are going to overlook some of it you know but um you know that’s

That’s the sign of a star player I think you know guy who can really get those calls uh and it makes it hard to play defense on them Andrew said Brunson is just a level above anything we have at this point he knows how to manipulate the game there it is right

There should have told your boy earlier who was calling him mid there it is right there Brunson knows how to manipulate the game you I mean and um I I’m just happy that the Knicks finally have a guy that can do that you know what I’m saying finally

Have a guy that can do it you know it’s been uh how it’s been how long since the Knicks have had that guy Patrick Y no Melo I guess Melo but even Melo even Melo struggled um getting calls like Melo really struggled getting calls Greg says s what do you think about

Playing some postgame interviews of the losing team on the losers loung to see what they said about us Etc why they lost in the future we’ve talked about that we’ve talked about that the you know the issue is getting it’s gonna push the show back pardon me yeah exactly getting those

Interviews in time you know having to search them out and find them in time that’s the that’s the issue but you know we’re working on trying to find a way so Greg guess what that was a good [Laughter] question that was a good question but I do want to say thank you

For asking about you know my family and making show my family is safe and all of that and yes everybody in my family is safe so I appreciate that thank you definitely appreciate it uh Adam said if the Wizards play like this consistently and start making a couple more shots we

Could look good down the stretch I mean they did what was expected down the stretch you know I mean they that they still play tough down the stretch they made shots they made it tight you know so you know um you know the Knicks just had the better

Player out there on the floor you know the Knicks the Knicks did what they could to to make the game as tight as possible col said tonight what how you’re supposed to compete win or lose you put that effort in no more 40o blowouts we’ll see I mean that’s that’s

Um Inspire an inspired fan yeah you know what I mean because they was they’ve been getting SM By Us by us included they’ve been getting smacked by everybody um I mean you know we seen it with the Knicks right they tra they traded for OG and everybody you know kind of wakes

Everybody up and it could be the same way with the Wizards you know trade goes down now everybody’s kind of on edge a little bit you know like oh all right you know I don’t want to get traded or maybe some people do want to get get traded but I

Don’t want to get traded you know let me make sure I’m on my game you know I mean so you know maybe maybe it’s a turning point for this season I don’t know you know they they they’re like the Wizards are 7 and 33 on the season yeah I mean you’re not turning

Much around they might as well just let it go as far as possible and and and and get the best pick possible because the Knicks own their pick so this year you know it’s top 18 protected but you I mean they might as well let it

Go as deep as possible be as bad as can be that’s a fact um I forgot about that that aspect um wow what was I going to say um oh it’s um it’s supposedly it’s not a good draft this year so so I I think um a lot of people been

Talking about because they the the picks the picks they acquired I think are for this year as well so it’s like people think they’re not valuable I don’t know yeah but you know what every time it’s not a good draft a couple guys come out of them know people it’s not a good

Draft it’s not a good draft but then three four years down the line you know it’s been like three or four you know really you know starters that have come out of the draft so you never know a lot of it comes down to scouting but I guess

Drafts like this is where you can find guys deeper in the draft too how how has their drafting been over the years terrible yeah dating all the way back to Michael Jordan when he when when when he drafted uh kamei Brown wow remember I think kwami Brown

Was the first number one uh uh pick to come straight out of high school I think you know what I’m saying and and and kwami brown just just wasn’t ready definitely wasn’t ready to be the number one pick you know what I’m saying he need he needed time you know know uh

I think he had a couple of good years with the Lakers right but the the Wizards haven’t drafted well I mean they drafted John Wall and Bradley Beal after that who and right now I guess it would just i’ be yeah AB um that’s it yeah I can’t

Think of anybody else that’s notable who for a while I feel like they should have had had do you know some of their misses Bes like beside like recent misses because I’m wondering if you know I mean if if they whoever is running things now you I mean maybe they could they know

How to find that diamond in the rough like I know even taking uh Denny that was a risk right um it wasn’t um I think he’s actually a little bit better than the draft projections they had you know who was running the show for a long time

Um I can’t think of his name now but he used to be with the Knicks um see Ernie grunt fail I think yep yep yep yep that’s who it was always bringing up them Nicks and bruises yeah it was with the Wizards from 2004 to 2019 I do they did nothing during that

Time but wasn’t he all right with the Knicks um I don’t think so I think maybe not actually he might have been he might have been the last of the okay times because what he was be he was before uh Scott right Scott Len uh yes he was

Before Scott leaden and Scott Leighton was the the beginning of the Dark Ages oh my goodness so so Tech like at the time he wasn’t good but we didn’t you know it’s one of those be careful what you wish for you you know what I mean because he

Wasn’t horrible and things got horrible after right so he was he was um so he had to do did he engineer the Patrick Ying trade hold up hold up somebody saying no I’m wrong let’s see cuz that would be later he says uh grunfeld brought and Duhan and the Utah back okay so

He hold up he that so he was with that was Scott Leighton so he he was General Manager general manager of the Knicks from 89 to 99 so those are the years when he when the Knicks were yeah yeah that’s I was right I was right there you go yeah Scott Leon

Was Scott Leighton did them Utah cuse he Scott Leighton came from Utah I believe yeah and then he brought in uh Howard Eisley was it and somebody else yeah yeah yeah okay so so if we got from 89 to 99 those years yes yes I mean those are the Nick’s best years right

There for us for our error you our error you know what I’m saying those are the nig’s best years and then after 1999 that’s when it all went downhill made it they made the finals in 99 99 right was it the 99 200000 99 2000 season right I think they made the

Finals and then after that you know they done they were done you know what I’m saying so you know I guess the Wizards felt Ernie grunfeld you know did his thing he went to no then he was the general manager of the bucks from 99 to 2003 and then the

Wizards from 03 to 2019 he was there for 16 years yeah yeah well you know he he had some good years you know so so big shout out to Ernie grunfeld you know for uh you know the Nicks got two championships under him I mean got to the

To the finals twice under him so that’s not bad that’s not bad we’ll see where the Wizards are now I mean the Wizards just need a total Rebrand you know I say it every time we talk about the wizards they just need a total Rebrand of everything you know I mean now the

Jerseys they had on tonight I think are pretty dope though you know they they you know black jerseys it just says the district on it red I think them joints a fire but um you know they I I feel like they need a total new Rebrand they should change

The name from the Wizards to the district yeah I agree you know what I’m saying like I think that right there is much more it’s much more catchy it’s much more today just the district you ain’t got to say nothing else just the district I don’t know you know does a

Team have to have do they got to have uh uh uh DC in it or Washington no like a name like the Wizards the you know um I don’t think so I don’t right you know what I’m saying I just call him the district know what I’m saying and um and

And let it go there just like with the uh when they changed it from the Redskins to the Washington football team I thought the Washington football team was better than the commanders the district is better than the Wizards I think that would be tough they change it to the W to to the

District I say just go back to the original bullets yeah way better than the Wizards name wise name wise but you know I know they’re not politics politics do that they’re not going to do that at all but yeah I don’t know well you know the

Nicks got the win though which his fans are not happy well some are happy some are not happy you know um but the Knicks got the win tonight what do you think about just just real quick what do you think about uh you know the news that came out today

That Quinton Grimes is unhappy the Knicks are working hard or actively trying to Mo I mean we knew that the Knicks were actively trying move him but I didn’t I didn’t even hear that report yeah is that is that what the caller was referring to earlier did somebody reference

That um oh no no he was talking about Randall and and the trade trade yeah report oh no I didn’t hear about that um I mean at this point if if it’s true yeah hopefully we are we we know we we don’t need no distractions we don’t need especially

From a I mean come on bro you had all the opportunity right you know what I mean earned your way up fell back into the uh second unit I think that was an opportunity you know what I mean in itself so check this out this is from

Ian Begley this was about 30 minutes ago let me know if you can hear it Grimes was scoreless off the bench he hasn’t really taken advantage of his increased playing time since the Raptors trade and you reported this week that the Knicks were taking calls on Grimes so what’s the latest with

That yeah I think those calls will continue to come in ahead of the February 8th trade deadline and I’m told that there are a few teams in particular that have uh have expressed some interest it is the Hawks the Jazz the rockets and Memphis those are among the

Teams that have expressed some interest in Grimes so you know take out the trade machine figure out who could be coming back in those deals if you like to do that sort of thing but yeah keep an eye on those teams as we get closer to the

Deadline with Kinton Grimes all right he said Hawks Jazz and who else the Hawks the Jazz um the rockets and Memphis Marcus Smart yep Marcus Smart I mean the Jazz got a bunch of guys Colin ston Jordan Clarkson yeah right well a couple of guys I’m I’m

Stumped on the Wizards who who not the Wizards I mean not the um the Rockets I’m stumped on the Rockets I don’t know who the Rockets would I don’t know I mean give me [Laughter] sunon oh then of course the Hawks you know Murray Murray right you would think that’s

Going to be the like that would be the likely guy you know I mean um yeah I don’t know uh you know I don’t know I’m not I’m not the biggest Marcus Smart fan but I I I definitely would would take him in in a heartbeat on this

Team he he adds to to the the culture of the Knicks though you know what I’m saying as far as the toughness the defense the toughness he is a ball handler you know what I mean he he’s he’s been you know running a team on a CH on on a championship

Level you know it’s tough you come in with orange [Laughter] hair you know that’s funny um yeah I I mean I like that and I think he he maintains his value if you’re talking about you know flipping him down the line yeah give us some of them Boston secrets you know what I

Mean yeah you know what I’m saying and I think you immediately get put in that conversation for contender contenders like you look at the impact that Drew holler they had joining the the Celtics the impact um well I guess I guess Dame is up up in

The air but you know what I mean like those type of defensive guards that was what the Celtics were missing when they first made the trade to and then to get him to get um holiday it’s like so yeah it’d be like yeah I think that puts us I

Don’t know if we’d be better than Boston but it makes us a lot lot tougher uh adversary yeah yeah no doubt about it I mean that’s that’s tough that would be tough I’ll put him right on right on um Brown Marcus Smart right on right right on Brown put him on

Brown OG on uh Tatum yeah I mean that that that’d be tough I throw him my KP too remember what he used to do to KP when he was with the Knicks forgot about that my God you know to the floor you know what I mean everything I

Tot you forgot about that’s hilarious uh it was Steph Bondi today who said uh Grimes is reportedly frustrated in New York and the Knicks are actively trying to trade him and he said that the Dallas Mavericks are team with interest in Grimes as well yeah I no I I made that face

Because Tim Hardway Jr’s name had came up before it didn’t really make sense but yeah I mean not that I don’t you know he’s a good basketball player but it doesn’t make sense like you said I mean in in the role in the Grimes role I

Think he would be fine though you you know I mean right role but but yeah it don’t really move the needle yeah now and then I guess the the article says also says that there’s also speculation that Tibido sour on Grimes were setting out the last two games in

The playoff series against the Cavaliers because of a shoulder injury the speculation I’m sorry say that again it said uh um there’s spe there’s also speculation that tibs soured on Grimes for sting out the last two games in the playoff series against the Cavaliers because of a shoulder

Injury yeah I don’t know yeah I don’t know yeah I wouldn’t put it past hims being mad but I mean like like if it shower really wasn’t hurt or something like that or you know I mean I don’t think as a coach you can’t expect a player you know some

Players are going to play through it some players are not I mean it’s their careers you know what I’m saying and it’s the show there like need that you need that right and if your doctor if your doctor not the team’s doctor if your doctor is saying don’t play on it you know

So here you go Craig I I agree with him what he say he said once Grimes talked trash about T he was traded that day I mean you might be right might be right need move h no I said we need a move to be made yeah Ian Begley also

Said this people with the Knicks are interested in Deon Murray they like them a lot the price that Atlanta is asking for is going to be a little bit too high for New York may go down to the wire may go down to the deadline because if they really

Trying to move them and and cuz I I I heard the same thing about the Lakers like the prices too high right um even though they want they was talking about uh they don’t want to give up Reeves I wonder what the price is I mean

The price has to be in draft picks right well well I think it may fluctuate from Team to team like because I think with the Lakers they want they won’t include Reeves that might be the price for them right because I don’t they don’t have the draft Capital that that right A Team

Like we have we do right for for the Knicks it has to be the draft Capital because the Hawks got to know that they can’t move heart they can’t move Deuce I mean not that the Knicks would not move Deuce but they can’t move Deuce right

Now you know what I’m saying Grimes has to be the guy and he Bally just said that the hwks are interested in Grimes so Grimes is probably the guy you know I wonder what I wonder what um I wonder what that price is and if the Knicks are trying to get them to

Drop that price down soon you know you figure the longer it goes and he’s not traded ler price is going to be that’s what I’m saying might it may go down to the wire yeah you I mean like that’s desperation start kicking in right right we think about what Shaquan said

Shaquan uh how about John Wall as the backup point guard and make a trade for a win my only issue with John Wallace he hasn’t played in the league in a minute like played serious minutes in the league you know what I’m saying you know I

Think where was he last year he played last year he was in Houston yeah he he played as a showcase I guess but I thought did did they not move him or wave him and he sign with somebody else at the end of the year I think

So I think they did was that Phoenix that wasn’t Phoenix I don’t yeah I mean it it’s not a it’s not a Surefire thing but I think the price and the cost is if if if there’s no other options you know I mean I think it’s worth it’s worth the the look it’d

Be like T you know what I mean non guaranteed give it a look so John Wall was with the Clippers that’s right Houston no so he wasn’t even with uh Houston last year he was only Clippers last year he only played 34 games I mean it

Oh if all else fails we talking about the second unit and we really just looking for him to be a distributor you know I mean push the pace I think yeah yeah you know I mean you know K Cox said John Wall equals Ron Baker right

Now n Ron Baker was constant effort for real for real I don’t know I mean obviously there’s some negotiating going on I think there is some negotiating going on with with Atlanta saying if anybody if anybody would be a mouthpiece that Leon Rose would use in the media it would be Ian

Begley right I you know who else would he use it would be Ian Begley Ian Begley is he’s always objective when it comes to the Knicks you never hear him badmouth any players or or do anything like that you know you know he’ll say his opinion you know um you

Know but but it’s you know he’s always you know got a good relationship with the team so if anybody if they were going to send any information out through the media it would be Ian Begley in my opinion you know and you know when when

You look at the two things he said just tonight that the Hawks have interestes in Quinton Grimes and then he says but the asking price for Murray the Knicks have a lot of interest but the asking price is too much those type of things sound like messages

Not that Leon Rose couldn’t give the message you know what I’m saying but you know when you put it out there in the public now adds you know a little bit more fire under the negotiations I mean he is he is he’s CAA but he’s also ntion you

Know you know you know I think W is the one when it’s finalized they they yeah they call W up and say okay it’s done you know what I’m saying but to get the other little things out they might go through guys like Begley you know I don’t

Know ke you said I never seen an article that said Atlanta wants Grimes um Ian Begley just said it in an interview 30 minutes ago that teams that are interest interested in Quinton Grimes Atlanta Utah Memphis and someone else Houston he just said that 30 minutes ago

So you know we we we will we will see we’ll see there a lot of mellow talk in the chat so you know for in the last in the last show post game show someone asked about uh OG playing playing minutes the Knicks playing minutes players playing minutes

A lot of minutes this is what OG thinks about playing minutes play 30 minutes in the last four days is that you’re used to playing I feel feel good know I didn’t even know how many minutes it was have youever played this do you look at the minutes when you finish games

That’s tell me play like 50 minutes one game played a lot yeah I’m used toare your body offse for these kind of offseason and in season there you go players don’t mind playing minutes you know what I’m saying and they’re ready they’re prepared for it yeah OG is a man of little

Words you know you’re not going to get a great interview from OG and he’s not gonna say anything you know I’m saying he a man Little Words anyway Tony I’m GNA get up out of here man I’m G give me some rest yeah man heal up man rest up that’s the best

That’s the best uh way to get get right anyway this this this this medicine that the doctor gave me forgot what it’s called now you know some some kind of medicine that that is supposed to uh make the symptoms go away a little bit quicker help you heal up a little bit quicker

Then he told me to take vitamin D+ so you know I’m go go go get that tomorrow and heal up be ready cig said do you think they’re gonna talk against tibs knowing what the results will be come on now they’re playing the game man

I think these guys like to be on the court that’s what I think I think they like to be on the court that’s why you play you know what I’m saying I I know when I was hooping I mean I still hoop now but when

I was like right now I’ll be like hey I need a break right but I was 25 26 years old I’m ready to go why the coach took me out you know what I’m saying I’m ready to go I I shoot when I was when when I was in high

School and college I play a game and I’m ready to play another game that night you know what I’m saying I’m playing pickup you know I’m playing you know playing pickup ball I’m playing 15 15 games a day come on man playing 15 games a day back in them

Days today I need a break you know what I’m saying I look over to the bench like come on I need one you know but back then I was hooping I was hooping RG the OG says Sim will be in tb’s dogghouse for resting I probably would because at this age I

Look over the T be like come on man I need a break why you think why you think Taj Gibson got waved he probably looked over said come on T what’s up you knew what it was when you signed up you know for real

Yeah N I think I think I think I think he told me to take the vitamin D+ because I’m getting old he said you know it’s good for your joints and you know I’m like Doc I do play a lot of ball still but he’s like no good

For your joints and you know flexibility and all that kind of stuff I was like all right he’s like yeah make like it’s going to make you feel younger I was like all right well let’s do it then so yeah they said I’m turning into a vampire I mean this light right here

Ain’t exactly sunlight though N I get plenty of sunlight you know I get plenty of sunlight anyway uh I’m out Tony appreciate it bro ladies and gentlemen we up out of here easy obviously if anything breaks tomorrow we’ll be on but support the channel yeah no doubt about it support

The channel cash app dollar sign nothing but Nicks PayPal is slash nothing but Nicks you know I mean we’re up out of here folks be peaceful are what your record is you are what has happened you know recently uh but things can change quickly you know once we

Um uh losing is what got us here uh none of us feel good about it uh this is you know where we are you are what your record is you are what has happened you know recently uh but things can change

The Knicks find a way to beat the Wizards in their toughest outing vs the Knicks. See what Wizards fans think about their team.


  1. A rare Evan Fournier appearance means Knicks management demanded Thibodeau play him to show off his worth because he is going to be traded.

  2. What platform are these “responses coming from” ? 🤔 & why isn’t this a show when the Knicks lose? 😂 like have it both ways

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