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This Is How To SAVE the Miami Heat | 6 Tyler Herro Trade Packages | Miami Heat News

This Is How To SAVE the Miami Heat | 6 Tyler Herro Trade Packages | Miami Heat News

So earlier today I dropped an episode of Believe in Miami Heat make sure y’all go check it out but in it I mentioned how trading Tyler hero for some pieces that fit better could maybe fix the Mi heat who are currently on a six game losing

Streak as I record this but the point of this video is to kind of do a deeper dive into I made six trade packages for Tyler hero and I kind of want to discuss all of them but before we get into that I kind of want to talk about how the

Tide seems to be turning now the point of this video isn’t to say why I think Tyler hero doesn’t fit great with the heat cuz I already have a video on that but I am starting to notice more and more people think the same thing now a

Month ago I tweeted this out was on December 18th and I showed the statistics when Tyler hero scores over 20 as a starter versus when bam and Jimmy score over 20 as a starter and as y’all can see the Heat record when hero scores over 20 Is Not Great compared to

The other two guys and all I said in this tweet is the sample size is becoming too big to ignore and I think it at least deserves further exploration right never said Tyler hero sex never said this Heat team is better without him because I don’t believe those things

Tyler hero is a great scorer you know three-level scorer he this Heat team is not better without him I just don’t think the fit is great but I got called a hater people said I don’t know basketball but here we are just a month later and more and more people are

Starting to see the trend you even have Barry Jackson tweet this out yesterday who’s one of the most unbiased media there is for this team been covering the team for 30 plus years and he tweeted out the statistics saying the Miami Heat are 5- 10 when bam Jimmy and Tyler are

All playing together this season and 31 and 35 since the start of last season so clearly he’s pointing out a statistic that shows this core doesn’t work well that’s something that I’ve been saying and I’ve also been on record saying if you’re going to trade one of the core

Three I think it has to be Tyler just because bam and Jimmy are better players and I don’t think that’s debatable even on yesterday’s podcast with Brendon Tobin who a lot of y’all know he’s literally my favorite content creator SL Miami Sports Talk Show guy he’s my

Favorite known as one of the most positive people in the business on his show yesterday he mentioned this statistic Duncan Robinson this one is this is my this is uh my favorite one Duncan Robinson in January when he plays 29 minutes or more Miami Heat 4-0 less

Than 29 minutes with Duncan Robinson 1-8 so I wanted to look more into the statistics of Tyler herro versus Duncan Robinson and Tyler Hero’s record as a starter in his career is 63 and 64 obviously that’s not in his favor considering the heat finish above 500 every season but they’re under 500 when

He starts and you compare that with Duncan Robinson’s career where they’re pretty well above 500 when he starts at 135 to 92 now I understand Duncan played a few more years than Tyler hero but the point still stands and if you want to look at this season alone Tyler hero as

A starter has a record of 12 and 15 where Duncan Robinson has a record of 12 and five so you’re talking a 17 game sample size that’s not that small a sample size to kind of see this correlation that that I’m trying to point out here now I do want to say that

These are just very basic statistics right there’s a lot of variables that aren’t taken into account so this is not like an all-encompassing stat to prove any points but here is the facts since Tyler hero was drafted de Miami Heat are 49 and 37 without him right they have a

Winning record when he doesn’t play and they made the NBA finals last year without Tyler hero so the facts at the very least is maybe the Miami Heat don’t need Tyler hero and that’s kind of what I want to look into to further with these trade packages so obviously

Anytime I do trade packages a lot of people are going to think they’re stupid I don’t quite know how other teams value their players and how their fans value their players so if you think any of these trades are terrible let me know down in the comments below let me know

How you modify them to make them more fair right cuz I will say off the bat a lot of these trades are not realistic but some more than others anyways let’s get into it with the Chicago Bulls now they are a team that’s had a lot of

Names on the trade market for a couple years now because they have a ton of money tied up into their core vich and dear and LaVine and that team sucks like you think the heat are down bad that team is down bad now I know a lot of

Chicago Bulls fans hate Nicole usovich and he’s getting paid a lot of money for a few more seasons and they are desperate to get off of that off of that contract so maybe that’s why they’d accept a deal like this in which I have the Miami Heat receiving Nia vich and

Alice Caruso and sending over to the the Bulls Tyler herro and nicoa yic a lot of Heat fans may think this is too much but the way I look at it nicoa yic obviously has been out of the rotation since everyone’s got healthy and Tyler Hero’s fit isn’t great but you’re replacing him

With a nicoa vich who I think would be a great four a five next to Bam excellent rebounder very big can stretch the floor a little bit even though his three-point numbers are down but at the end of the day he will always get you double digit rebounds and that’s something that this

Heat team desperately needs and on top of that obviously Alice Caruso is an excellent fit great defender he’s having a great year with the Chicago Bulls I know the Bulls want a first round pick for Alice Caruso but they’re able to offed vvc’s contract in this deal so

Maybe this is a deal that they would think about and at the very least if they start the rebuild they could start with Tyler hero they also have Nicole yovic who will be a great player one day the only thing I would say from the Bulls pect perspective is I don’t know

If they want to build build around Kobe white who’s had an amazing stretch of late and his fit with Tyler hero is is not great they’re they’re two pretty ball dominant scorers but maybe this is a trade they’d consider especially once they you know offload Zack LaVine and

That’ll get a lot of minutes you know open up a lot of minutes for Tyler hero as well the next trade that I want to talk about is this one which I love maybe the most maybe second most compared to the next one it’s with the Brooklyn Nets in which the Miami Heat

Received Spencer deny and Dorian finny Smith and send over Tyler hero Thomas Bryant and Drew Smith the Nets have had a disappointing season by their standards they obviously had a nice finish to last year after trading KD and trading Kyrie and I think maybe they thought they could build off of that it

Hasn’t translated yet now they have a nice young Corp with Mel Bridges and cam Johnson and I think that’s something that they would want to build more around right Dorian FY Smith currently starts at the powerfold position for them but the Nets could replace him with Cam Johnson or Mel Bridges they have

Options there Fin and Smith on the heat would be perfect to A A switchy versatile four can stretch the floor excellent three-point shooter now he’s a little undersized but nobody’s going to be perfect right he would be amazing in the starting lineup with the Miami Heat

And now the heat would also get Spencer deny who’s an expiring contract so from the Net’s perspective they’re trading an expiring contract for some value in Ty hero I think that’s good value for them and although Den witty is shooting terrible this year under 40% from the

Field he’s a guy that’s shown that he can score maybe his numbers would be better if he was in a different situation and I think he could do a nice job kind of as the off thebench point guard who can also run an offense and

Give you a bucket I think this would be an excellent trade for the Miami Heats and the Nets get a nice building block for their future with Tyler hero who I think has a very different game than the young guys they already have like Bridges like Claxton like cam Johnson I

Think his fit in Brooklyn is very nice so maybe this is a trade that they consider as well now this trade is probably not too realistic uh I have the Miami Heat receiving Kyle kozma and tus Jones from the Wizards and sending over Tyler herro Caleb Martin and Thomas

Bryant the reason I say this is not that realistic is because kozma and Ty Jones are actually having incredible Seasons obviously fit has on the heat it’s clear Kyle kma excellent rebounder very good floor spacer even though he’s only like 33% from three for his career but he’s a

High volume three uh three-point shooter so he’ll keep the defense honest he’d fit perfect at that four spot next to Bam and tus Jones is having a hell of a season over six assists per game less than one turnover per game over 40% from three he’d be amazing on this Heat team

At first I thought he could kind of run the bench unit but the more I looked into it I think him starting could be amazing you put him next to Duncan Robinson in that back court then have Terry Rosier come off the bench to kind

Of be that fill it up score I think would look amazing so you got you could have a starting lineup on this Heat team with tyus Jones Duncan Robinson Jimmy Butler kman and Bam with Terry Rosier Off the Bench and jameh hakz that’s a championship Contender but that being

Said I don’t think the Wizards are getting too much value here Tyler hero could be a nice fit there to help their rebuild process but if they also want Jordan P to be a part of that which I don’t think they do at this point but

Obviously if they do hero and P don’t really fit too well together uh and cayb Mah doesn’t really fit their timeline obviously Thomas Bryan is just salary filler here I I don’t think they would love this trade maybe if the heat has a first round pick they’d love it and I

Think I’d do that if I was the Miami Heat but let me know what y’all think down in the comments below I tried getting Daniel gaffer too because he’s having an excellent season at Center and I think he’d be a great backup center on this Heat team but I can’t get all three

Of those guys if anything maybe you could replace kozma with Daniel Gafford and then take away Caleb Martin from this TR there’s things you can do but I would look at the Wizards as a potential trade partner with the Miami Heat uh at some point before the February 8th trade

Deadline uh next we got the Detroit Pistons a team that we’ve also heard a lot about uh I think they’re also primed to sell because they have older pieces like Bohan MCD donovich who I have coming to the Miami Heat along with Monty Morris and the heat send over

Tyler hero and Drew Smith this is a trade that I could see happening because Bohan MCD donovich is clearly a guy that they’re trying to move Monty Morris is a guy that hasn’t played this season because he’s been injured now he actually is probable to play today which

Would be his third game of the season but that’s good to know that he’s healthy and going back to last year last few years he’s an excellent point guard decent three-point shooter a guy that could run an offense so you’re telling me you can have Monte Morris play backup

Point guard for the heat star Bohan at the four little undersized a little slow you know not not quite uh that great a Defender but he’s a sniper from downtown and I like a starting lineup with Terry Roser Duncan Jimmy Bohan and Bam because they could get Buckets and that’s what

This league is about it’s about offense now the heat see can’t seem to make up their mind whether they want to score 90 points or whether they want to score 110 but give up 150 they’re very polar in that regard uh but regardless I think you’d have little to no questions about

The offense if Bohan bonovich was in the starting lineup because he fits better you know excellent catching uh catching three or catch and shoot three-point shooter uh you know opposite of Tyler hero who’s more of an isolation scorer that’s why I think he works better and obviously the Pistons should just want

To rebuild get as many pieces as they can and I think they’d have a nice young starting two next to Kate Cunningham in Tyler hero the next trade that I got here is one that I don’t think is realistic I would love it though it it’s the miam heat receiving Harrison Barnes

And Malik Monk and sending over Tyler herro to the Sacramento Kings Harrison Barnes has been a name that’s been linked to the heat for quite some time now now the reason I don’t think the the Kings would do this trade is because I think they actually like Malik monk a

Lot uh but he’s on an expiring deal maybe they’re afraid they’re going to lose him and on top of that Harrison Barnes does make a lot of money for a few more seasons and he’s been on the down like the decline I’d say so I’m sure they’ like to offload that contract

So if you’re telling the Kings they could get Tyler hero very nice young player another Kentucky guard to fit next to Dear Fox I think would work very well in that high-powered quick offense maybe you can convince them saying hey you get the shed Harrison Barn salary

And you get some value from Malik monk who might walk in free ageny now obviously from the heat perspective Harrison Barnes would fit great at that starting four spot has some size can rebound a little although not great uh and obviously he’s a very excellent three-point shooter although his numbers

Are declining he would be like a fourth or fifth sixth option here which I think is his role at this current stage of his career and you’d get Malik monk Off the Bench who really keeps him off other teams which is a win for the heat because he’s a random scrub heat killer

Holla Famer but obviously he’s an excellent score so he could kind of play that fill it up rooll off the bench if the he do start Terry Rosier now the last trade I got here is something that is probably the least realistic one but it’s the Utah Jazz sending the Miami

Heat John Collins and Chris Dunn and sending over Tyler herro and Drew Smith to the Utah Jazz the reason I started thinking about this is because we all we all looking at Larry marinan and the Utah Jazz started playing well we figured okay marinin may not be for sale

But maybe you can still get John Collins I don’t think he’s having as great a season as the Jazz hoped and I’m not sure that they love the fits with him next to Larry marinin I’m starting to think that that team might prefer to start like a uh Larry marinan and Walker

Kesler at the five with some of their other younger better guards at the or wings at the one through three spot so I think John Collins could be at the market now essentially this trade is sort of straight up Collins for hero hero is certainly the better player but

On this Heat team I think John Collins is the better fit he’d start very nice at that four spot excellent three-point shooter very athletic he would make this team much faster which is something that they need excellent lob threat to Terry Rosier who’s one of the best law passers

In the league one of the best pick and roll players in the league you know from the the guard position I think John Collins would fit excellent on this team obviously he’s a South Florida boy and then the heat would also be getting Chris Dunn who’s actually been starting

Quite a lot for the Jazz they might value him more than I’m realizing as well but he’d be a nice backup guard for this Heat team cuz he’s a low volume high percentage three-point shooter and excellent Defender but he’d be a pretty decent guard Off the Bench for the heat

As well and if the Jazz s sort of do want to Reb build with a young core I think Tyler hero fits nice with the pieces that they have you know they’d have a Keon George at the one they’d have or Colin sexon who we’ve heard they

Might want to move on from seon too I tried getting Colin seon in this trade but he makes too much money I love him I couldn’t figure out a way to make it work but I do think uh Tyler hero and Utah would be quite a success if you get

My if you catch my Drifter anyways let me know what y’all think down below some of these trades again I’m sure some Heat fans will hate them especially the ones that have yic in it cuz I know how y’all Heat fans feel about him but I told

Y’all when this Heat team gets healthy I don’t think yic would play and that’s been the case but regardless it’s clear this Heat team needs to shake up and this just gives him a few options now that Heat play the Suns tomorrow at or he he plays the Suns tomorrow which is

Monday they could blow him out and we’ll all feel great again and then this video will be pointless or that he can lose they’ll be on a what seven game winning streak or losing streak and we’ll all feel terrible but we’ll find out what happen after tomorrow’s game I’ll have a

Video for y’all then but make sure to like this video And subscribe cuz it does help me out a lot and I’ll see yall next time peace out City trying to get that dead F do it on my own I don’t need no dead way had to kill them off yeah I

Need a has space you know this homegrown don’t offend

Tyler Herro Trades that can fix the Miami Heat after a 6 game losing streak. Players included are John Collins, Kyle Kuzma, Dorian Finney-Smith, Tyus Jones, Bojan Bogdanovic, Harrison Barnes, Spencer Dinwidde, and more. NBA and Miami Heat News featuring Jimmy Butler, Bam Adebayo, Tyler Herro, Kyle Lowry, Nikola Jovic, Jaime Jaquez Jr., Caleb Martin, Duncan Robinson, Josh Richardson, Kevin Love, Haywood Highsmith, Erik Spoelstra and more. Subscribe for more Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins, NBA and NFL news
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▬ Music Credit ▬
Background Music: Excursion – Po13o
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Outro Song: Pull Up (prod. by KENO) – RadixTheRuler

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▬ Timestamps ▬
0:00 Intro
0:20 Is it time for Tyler to go?
2:38 Duncan Robinson vs Tyler Herro
4:02 Trade Packages Intro
4:26 Chicago Bulls
6:16 Brooklyn Nets
8:07 Washington Wizards
10:20 Detroit Pistons
11:53 Sacramento Kings
13:22 Utah Jazz
15:23 Closing Thoughts


  1. This reminds me of Westbrook and the Lakers.
    The fit is just really bad.
    Everybody can see that.

  2. We need height
    Bam needs to play Power Forward
    Herro is good. Coming off the Bench is not an insult but its suits him. He can be our Ginnobili

  3. Wouldn't it be better if Jimmy is the one traded? You think sometimes it's Tyler's fault? But this season, overall, makes you question if it would just be better if the heat go on and do a full rebuild centered with the younglings around Bam, JJJ and Tyler? 🧐

  4. The record when they score 20 stat is dumb. Those games where Herro scores 20 he’s usually the only guy that can make a shot while Jimmy and or bam struggle and that’s y we lose. So because they play bad it’s herros fault?

  5. Anthony you do know basketball very well. I agree with you Duncan should start instead of Herro,Herro should come off the bench. I wish Spo had the balls to make the move,even if he doesn't like it,if not trade him,Richardson,and Martin,and a 1st round pick for Laurie Marketin.

  6. Herro is a hyped up Kevin Huerter. U cant get anything good 4 him. A sg that can score. Is the most saturated thing in basketball. Cut bait get rid of him even if u need to include a sweetner

  7. We got G league players that can defend at a way higher level than baby food tyler or Bbq chicken herro. Herro for anything


  9. I like all the trades on the table Anthony, my favorite one is with the Wizards. I also like the one with the Jazz but that one is highly unlikely considering Riley’s past with Danny Ainge.

  10. I love all of them @ antony dinardo what are the chances the heat actually considers making any of these trades? Because I sure hope they do, because Tyler needs his own team and not the Miami heat.

  11. Good luck 😂 Tyler contract is hard to take away! … you guys keep hating on Tyler 😂 I’d rather be patient and complement JakesJr !

    I’ll seat back and wait for all of you haters start flipping out once playoffs start and Herro stay healthy 😂

  12. dream trade idea heat get lauri kelly and dunn. jazz get isaac gary harris jovic and picks. magic get herro?

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