@Chicago Bulls

Ayo Dosunmu CLUTCH in Chicago Bulls win over Trail Blazers | CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast

Ayo Dosunmu CLUTCH in Chicago Bulls win over Trail Blazers | CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast

What’s going on bulls Nation welcome in to the Cho Bulls post game coming to you live here on Sunday night the Bulls get the win over the Blazers 10496 I’m peek you can follow me on Twitter at Bulls corek joined by my guys Big dayve B bwl

Sports will the go Godly willor Godly baral producer Joyce bethus hiding behind the controls he is at Jo there he is the Bulls did win uh baby likey they beat the Blazers to Salvage this three-game road trip after losses to the Suns and Lakers uh improving to

22 and 25 on the season um plenty to discuss in this one gentlemen but I can can we start with IOD dumu I mean he he drilled a big three that basically put this one away in the Bulls favor but he did that on the heels of a big time

Block on the defensive end it was one of three blocks he had on the night it was a brilliant night defensively overall thought from IO and even on a night when he was 0 of three behind the three-point line before taking that big one he had

The confidence to say you know what the ball swung my way I’m open I got a clean look I got to take this he took it confidently he knocked it down I feel like IO and the way he’s been playing well has been sort of an afterthought or

A or a topic three kind of thing for us in this recent stretch of games I feel like we need to give him his due by beginning tonight’s show with the Brilliance we saw in in a lot of different facets from tonight will yeah I mean he was outstanding and as you

Said I mean he just filled up the stat sheet but to me it was more that he stepped in for Patrick Williams who missed the game he’s goingon to be out for a little while we can talk about that and his foot injury um and what that means but I’s stepping in Zach’s

Been out Tory Craig’s been out Patrick is now out guys need to step up and the Bulls had great health last year barely any missed games from like their real core contributors and they did not perform as well as you know we thought they may have and this year it’s like

Okay now the injuries are starting to rack up Kobe’s really stepped into a bigger role but you’ve been missing Zach for so much time and who knows what’s gonna happen with him uh Vu missed a week there and guys are just stepping up and I was no exception tonight uh you

Mentioned the stats but I just thought he showed a really good understanding of his role and what he needed to do not only to like fill in for guys but to step up in their absence and to uh produce and yeah I mean you said it 0

For three on threes but still being that strong side floor spacer on that V post up that sealed the game for him so very impressed with him and um I I think the big thing for me watching IO is that he’s starting to recognize the areas in

His game where he needs to start growing and so I think he’s gotten to a place where he’s pretty good at the stuff that he does well right he feels comfortable defending he feels comfortable running those secondary pick and rolls getting those pocket passes into voo in the

Middle but now I think we’re starting to see him uh challenge himself a little bit and flex his muscles and try new things and we can talk more about that um but yeah I just I’ve been really impressed with the way that he has grown into a bigger role for a team that

Really needs him yeah Matt I think you uh you hit it right on the head like 100% when you said he feels like somebody that’s been uh like a third Block in in the shows we’ve been doing and just saying hey what about iio tonight guys we got to

Give him some time so no you’re absolutely right uh giving him his just due for the game that he had tonight he deserves it he is behind demard de rozan for me been the most consistent bull uh from the start to the to the end uh as

You know Kobe you know got off to a slow start and then you know jumped in and was doing his thing but IO and dear have kind of been IO and dear uh all season long um and IO kind of carved out a place for himself uh in the first of all

On the bench he carved out a place for himself and then anytime somebody gets injured he carves out of place for himself in the starting lineup whether it’s Patrick whether it’s Caruso whether it’s Kobe he’s the one you call on immediately first and foremost to step in and handle the business and he’s

Jumped himself ahead of guys like Javon Carter uh by being consistent and by also being awesome defensively he had Simons in in hell he had him in hell he had him in jail like he just it was a terror tonight um will I think you also

Said it well too when he’s flexing his muscles like that I I mean figure L and and literally he’s doing that like when he’s out there on on the floor um I I like seeing him be more vocal uh this year when he does something well on the

Floor when you saw him get the block on Simons and then Simons gets so angry that he draws a tech you saw IO clapping and yelling and saying yeah that’s right you know what I mean like getting getting pumped up by that you saw him when he was uh hitting shots where he

Had a little look on his face you know like yeah that’s right you know know like that that kind of confidence that he is now that he’s had inwardly he it’s now kind of coming out of him uh also outwardly and he’s showing everybody that as will said uh before he’s more

Comfortable now and when a guy is getting more comfortable now he’s just the game becomes easy for him you know it becomes simple it slows down and it feels like it does that for him so yeah I’m loving the pocket passing that he’s doing uh I’m loving the way he attacks

The rim uh loving the the he’s just not scared especially taking that three at the end I’m loving that part as well and the guy and it that made him one of four which means he he missed his first three-point shots and still shot it over

Over DeAndre Aon as a matter of fact switched it it was cash so yeah IO has been absolutely awesome and it’s been the most consistent bull for me behind Demar de Roan uh a lot of love for iow in the comments AK saying IO Veron blocking and swatting

Uh Alexander saying IO is super reliable gives Billy great minutes uh sany long saying IO the baby bulls looking good and I I gotta say like yes we got some some fun you know King in the fourth Jamar moments uh tonight something we haven’t seen a whole lot of this season

Uh I think he had what 12 of his 20 in the fourth quarter um including you know getting things off to the right foot when the Bulls had sort of relinquish most of that lead drills a three and then has that you know patented Demar step through move in the paint uh for

Five straight points but where I am right now as a bulls fan I was way more into seeing not only IO Excel and play well tonight and even Kobe on a rough shooting night he was one of nine from three doing what Kobe does and has come

To do with some strong tough finishes around the rim and also dishing it out I think yeah he had nine assists tonight but then also seeing good like contributing positive minutes from dalon Terry and Julian Phillips who gets the call up for real minutes tonight with as you mentioned will the absence of

Patrick Williams on top of already being short-handed with Zach and Tory Craig I like look the whole like blow it up because these baby bulls look fun thing I I don’t know if you want to do that with one win against this lowly Blazers team but that’s kind of how I was

Getting excited about this game tonight Sunday night game you know game three of an 0 and2 road trip thus far against his play lasers team that you’re thinking we should beat this team we should beat them fairly easily it it was the things that some of these young guys were doing

You know let’s let’s touch on Phillips for a minute it’s the first time we’ve seen real minutes from him in a while will he actually led the Bulls in minutes off the bench with 23 maybe some of that had to do with Drummond and his early first half foul trouble Drummond

Uh second in minutes on the bench in 17 but you had to love a lot of what you saw from juliia Phillips tonight right running the floor at both ends playing transition defense getting chased down blocks and then making cuts on the offensive end making things happen also

Confidently shooting uh you know he was uh just one of three from the three-point line four of seven overall from the field just seemed like Julian Phillips was in the right place at the right time a lot tonight will and we heard that Billy Donovan was giving him

Words of encouragement before the game saying hey do what you do go out there be a part of the game be aggressive and I feel like we saw a pretty aggressive and confident Phillips tonight you said right place the right time and I don’t think that’s an accident I mean that

That stuff doesn’t just happen he put himself in position to be in those right spots I think a great example of that was when end of the third quarter Demar had a heave from just inside half court and it missed short but Julian Phillips kind of Dove to the basket got the

Rebound and tried to flip it up missed the shot but like that’s a heads up play that shows that he understands floor geometry he understands where to be he understands the clock he understands time management and he has a lot of effort like he’s he’s trying hard out

There and yeah 23 minutes uh but came in ahead of Dal Terry came in ahead of Javon Carter and just played I think a really important role so for me obviously like he’s a freak athlete he had the chase down block with two hands on his first possession in the game uh

That’s the kind of stuff that I think we will all expect out of Julian Phillips anytime we see him we’re gonna expect to see him flash that athleticism that 43inch vertical that led the entire NBA Combine but to me it was the the understanding of Court awareness of

Where to be how to move in and out of space to create good spacing on the floor so that when Kobe drove there was an outlet for him to then clear out to the corner and that opened up a cut for Julian Phillips so I just I really liked

His sense of the floor and I think for a guy that’s played like 200 minutes in his entire NBA career or 100 minutes actually um that’s I feel like that’s pretty Advanced especially for a second round pick that just has not gotten a lot of experience yet so very very

Pleased with what we saw from him yeah when I watched him play like and I’ve said this uh before the season start like in the preseason I expect him to do these kind of things one because just of what I just watching him but too after talking

To uh Terence Oglesby uh about him uh extensively talking to him about him I’m just con I I was just convinced that whatever I was gonna see was going to be the right thing I was gonna see a basketball like you that was on point so Matt when you say those things like

Right place right time and will like you say basketball geometry like that’s the basketball IQ that that’s all it is and I like that every game he plays you see all facets of his game and he’s been doing that kind of since the pre-season it’s not just one thing that you’ll see

It’s not just one way that he’ll score it’s not just one way that he’ll defend like he won’t just come out and just get blocks but then you know turn the ball over and forget how to dribble and stuff like that or he’ll hit a couple of

Threes And then miss some layups and do things it’s always a multifaceted game for him when he’s out there getting an opportunity to be out there on the floor uh I enjoyed watching him play it was just a lot of fun just watching a guy continuously move I love the lineup of

Him and IO because I feel that was just death and destruction on the defensive end and I want to see more of it because when that ball gets turned over you know who likes to run Julian Phillips and IO that’s who likes to run so that’s what I

Want to see more of you saw him also get the alleyoop from dalen Terry which was just vicious and just really cool play that they did but will you mentioned it man that block that he had was just unreal it really was it was just unreal

Athleticism to not did it with the one hand but with two that’s just disrespectful when you’re blocking somebody’s shots with two hands man that is disrespect and he just was confident like it was confident and it’s consistent and so I hope that this means

That we get to see more of him I don’t know how much because obviously he’s in there because of injuries I’m sure when Tory Craig comes back and Patrick comes back those minutes are definitely going to go down for sure but in the meantime between time since he has an opportunity

To be out there I hope Billy continues to give him these minutes man because he has damn sure earned them and he’s doing positive things for your team him being out there does not hurt you you’re not worried about him when he’s out there on the floor you’re just excited for him

When you see him getting that opportunity and I’m seeing a couple of comments here about like Patrick Williams and his relation to DAL and Terry and fitting in and that role and to me like before we even get into Patrick uh sorry I was saying Dal I meant Julian Phillips uh Julian’s like

Skill set is Catered perfectly to be a role player he he moves he floats in and out of space without the ball he cuts he attacks a basket he he can finish he showed today he can shoot he showed today um like that’s the stuff that comes really natural to him I don’t

Think that necessarily you could right now or maybe in the next couple of years like put the ball in his hands and say like go create 20 points a night not that you can say that about Patrick either but as we’ve talked about before I just think that that skill set for

Some reason is is moving is lacking with Patrick it’s it’s lagging it’s not coming along as quickly but I don’t think that necessarily makes him a bad player just because he hasn’t necessarily developed role player skill set um but that’s just to say that I think that comes really naturally to

Julian and he’s done a really good job of stepping in and so when you are on the court with a Demar and with now a Kobe and Vu what do you need around that you need a a player who really understands and excels in that role and

I think we’re seeing the makings of a guy who can grow into that uh you know to that point will Connor in the comments said it’s games like these that really frustrate me with PE will you see Kobe IO Terry Phillips all doing the little things to win it’s

Not all predicated on offense grab a rebound grab a block um South garon saying I’m fine with supplanting Patrick Williams with Julian Phillips moving forward uh Cloud saying hey M uh he keeps playing like that and uh Julian can take PE Will’s job this this one is interesting and I

Feel like it has potential to maybe be something we disagree on Anthony in the comments Dave said if you guys had to pick between D Terry and Julian Phillips right now who would you get to pick to stay in the rotation you know once the Bulls you know get Tory Craig back

Patrick Williams back I I mean I I don’t know if it’s worth pointing out that Julian Phillips played significantly more minutes than D and Terry tonight maybe that was uh you know Billy just trying to make the uh the Billy small ball haters shut up for a night at

Least because I guess Julia Phillips has a little bit more size than dla Terry does but man after getting our first good real look at Julian in a while tonight I I know I’ve been starting to warm up on what D and Terry could possibly be as an

NBA role player in this recent you know stretch of games but I’m I’m leaning Julian after tonight yeah for me it’s about uh whoever’s hot and and what I also like about dalen is even in his short minutes that’s three points two assists and two steals you know when he’s out there on

The floor so he’s always going to do something when when he’s on the floor and I did he hit a three I think he did um no no no he missed that three excuse but I I am with the hot hand I love the fact that Billy just said saw

It looked at it and stayed with Julian and was like no this dude is clearly the one tonight it’s on you Y Young fella you can you come out here and you get this opportunity and against the right team to do it against which is the Portland Trailblazers so I’m like okay

Bet that’s I have no issue with that for me it’s just about who’s hot if if they’re if if they’re flowing and it’s looking good and it’s looking nice leave them out there Julian or D I don’t care I’m about getting these wins right now

So if anybody can help me help me uh achieve that I’m completely with it sit dalan on the bench fine play dalan 30 minutes great shoot juli and Phillips 40 minutes great play them two games and then don’t play them again because it’s not working wonderful what is going to

Help me get these victories is is my main objective when it comes to the young guys I’m saying and and who gets these minutes right now so for me I don’t care I think that’s the bottom line of it for me I I truly do not care

I don’t feel one way or another about it who who’s cooking put him in well to me I mean they’re completely opposite skill sets like Julian Phillips is a guy that can shoot and cut and defend dalan is a guy who can’t shoot but he’s a really

Good ball mover an extra passer and he can play in transition and he can handle the ball a little bit more than Julian can so to me they kind of like compliment each other pretty well um but I think the reason and Dave you keep mentioning like the reason I think

Julian was in today is because and Billy kind of said it before the game that he was going to play it was because Patrick was out and so when Patrick’s out you’ve got now IO moving into the starting lineup so you’ve got Caruso Vu shooting like 22% on threes this year you’ve got

Dear and you’ve got IO all in the starting lineup together what do you need in there you need shooting and so do you want to bring dalen in there now and add even less spacing to the floor no you want to bring in somebody who can

Space it out a little bit create a little bit more room for drives and that’s what he did so I think it was a it showed awareness of on Billy’s part of like okay okay what do we need to insert into this game right now to make

Things flow a little bit more and just beyond what we even may have expected from Julian I think just his athleticism his defense uh the way he was shooting and moving without the ball I think that stuff really changed the game for the Bulls for the better so to me it’s not

Like a either or I think they can actually complement each other really well and I think it will be up to Billy to decide all right well are we missing a little bit of shooting and defense here let’s go with Julian do we need a little bit of extra passing and

Playmaking um I think uh at this point just with the size that he’s put on he’s put on a ton of muscle he’s more equipped to guard wings and ball handlers uh Julian’s not quite there yet and I say he won’t get there but I think

If Dyan is any indication that like the strength and conditioning staff is like putting in work I think we we can be excited about both of these guys and also one more thing like I think it’s going to really be interesting watching them next game because they play the

Raptors so if Patrick is still out um will both of those guys get that opportunity because of how the Raptors are built you know what I mean like everybody is six seven 68 you know what I mean and long so you’re going to need to combat that with something so I’m

Looking forward to seeing how Billy handles that too it’s a good thing they both have good size correct Billy uh with an interesting comment that said uh the Bulls play in Julian longer minutes shows what he can do when we do trade Zach we may need to throw in salary

Filler that could be dalen could be Julian best to know so we make the right choice or how about this a in the comments said all I’ve gathered after tonight’s game is Javon minutes are completely gone I respect him but it’s time for the Young Gun maybe that’s your

Salary filler maybe that guy is the one who’s the salary failler if the Bulls are shipping out Zack LaVine they do not need to be worried about adding salary he’s got plenty to go around this is true this is true but also after a game like tonight I I feel like keeping

Julian and dalen around for at least another year might not be a bad thing don’t hit that right though like there’s there’s a connection between those two guys like it really is when you watch them play that alyo should let you know everything you need to know I I did also

Like this comment from Troy who said Julian shows a bit more calmness and control Dal always looks like he doesn’t know where he left his keys there’s some of that frenetic energy with dalen um it’s Controlled Chaos it’s it’s you know it’s a little bit of Gundam uh what you need let’s

Take our first break there we will come back on the other side keep breaking down thoughts from tonight’s game more of y’all’s comments and thoughts throw us a super chat if you feel so inclined um and uh yeah also of course hit that like button do it for our guy Joseph and

Make sure you are subscribed to csj sports YouTube channel Big Dave Matt PE win that’s what Joey be doing behind the scenes oh man get yourself together man take your time take your time no I’m good and then when you do when you do tell me tell me what time it is

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Please if you don’t mind tell me what time it is just making sure this thing works game time ho is this thing on it is uh Matt can we can we talk some ComEd while we out is that please you know I love when we talk about ComEd the

Highlight of my day I knew that’s why you came back you know because you understood where might be some ComEd talk happening and I know you ain’t want to miss that you gotta be on that man because it’s getting easier Matt it’s getting easier for businesses to switch

To electric vehicles that’s something we can all get behind correct for the health of the planet and for the well-being of all of us who share it that’s right Dave the electri grid is evolving to meet your cleaner energy needs as we all move with confidence towards an electric tomorrow whether you

Have one delivery van or a whole Fleet of vehicles like we know Georg Jor does uh ComEd can help you can help guide you to make the changes to make sense so M what should business owners do that’s a great question Dave and I’ve got a very simple answer for you go to clean to learn more about the resources Fleet rebates and infrastructure incentives available to help businesses go electric if you own a business one good for you that’s dope way to go two don’t wait uh if uh start making your plan today to switch to electric vehicles good for business good

For the planet good for all of us go to slash clean oh did you say slash clean that’s right go now and see how going electric connects us to a better way of doing business and a better future for generations to clean it’s Electric Alexander the comments said why is Matt so a beat tonight what’s up I’m just happy to be here talking bulls with my guys with all of you out there at Bulls Nation does a man need a reason I I mean it has nothing it has the

Graveyard of hats that’s on the floor around him that’s it’s not really their fault F filling this way like you know like I’m just I’m moving past the existential dread of knowing that at 22 and 25 in a firm grip on that N Seed the Bulls are

Going to sit with their thumbs up their TK uses and do nothing at the trade deadline ah there he is I’m accepting that and I’m excited about Julian Phillips look what you did Alexander that’s right you did you little jerk doing all right uh gentlemen where where do you

Want to steer next I did notice a couple people in the comments were talking about the whole Vu Drummond uh you know big man lineup that Billy turned to early tonight I also noticed that we saw it early and then really didn’t see it again and again you know Drummond did

Pick up three very quick fouls maybe that had something to do with it but I also think that you know Billy just saw an opportunity to hey Julian Phillips looks confident he’s playing will out there let’s get him some minutes and then uh you know Drummond to his credit

While Vu was getting his rest in the second half came up with some big plays of his own will yeah I mean look we’ve talked about it a million times because it’s always true like Drummond is a very good backup center and I think a lot of

Times people get a little bit overly enticed by the box score numbers that he puts up 15 points and seven rebounds four offensive in 17 minutes that’s great production um I don’t really think those two kind of players can survive together in today’s NBA although in just 50 possessions this year they are

Performing very very well the Bulls are Plus 18.4 in lineups with those two guys on the on the court together um I just don’t think it’s really a sustainable thing that’s like a very small sample and that’s okay like they don’t need to have these like gigantic lineups that

Are out there together and I just don’t know that that’s really ever something that’s going to happen outside of like strange situations where they’re just giving up a ton of offensive rebounds and Billy says that he’s had enough with it so I think it’s okay okay to have a

Good backup center I don’t know why it has to always be a referendum on like who’s starting and who’s not um I think they’re both good but I think Vu does a lot more and even though he’s not shooting well um he just he helps the

Team become a lot more complete in ways that they need to be uh if they want to continue with the success yeah I hated V tonight I I couldn’t stand him tonight I really couldn’t that early shot clock three he took in the fourth when the B

Were you know clinging to that lead that was that was bad that was bad yeah for me it was that third quarter um yeah man he he didn’t deserve 33 minutes tonight in my opinion um Aon was eating his ass alive uh in that third quarter and truth

Be told Aon was cooking you know in general and de DeAndre aen was showing why I’ve always liked him because he had some of the softest hands on a big man I have ever seen and when he gets around that bucket he’s scoring but my God man

The rim running he was doing when V was out there like he was just running to the rim and just dunking and just without any kind of resistance from him it was bad and couple that with the bad shooting also my man shooting 27% from three man that’s tough and the only time

V shot like that lower percentage was like I looked it up I think it was 2015 where he shot 22% is because he was taking 0.1 three-pointers a game so he wasn’t he not shot this poorly since he actually started taking threes right so this that’s yeah that’s it was

Frustrating watching him tonight and I thought Drummond played a little bit better and the reasoning is because Aon had to actually guard him on the other end of the floor it wasn’t because Drummond you know was stopping him defensively like that is that on the other end of the floor he actually had

To worry about a guy who could you know score inside and actually get offensive rebounds it was one sequence where drumond was doing the chip drill with DeAndre Aon on back and those are the kind of things that you want to do to a center at least is try to wear them out

On the other end if they’re kicking your ass on the offensively and um yeah I thought V was just ass tonight my friend texted me something and I thought it was hilarious and I told him I’d say it tonight man he said I would love to see vots connected past a three-pointer into

The freaking basket I just laugh dying like so it it was it was bad for me tonight watching him man and hopefully he rebounds from that and and picks it up a little bit man but that three-point shooting it’s it’s to the point now where it’s just

Been this consistently bad that it kind of just is what it is I see uh our our producer Joey is pulling up a tweet here from our our good friend Doug uh who is one of the loudest vo haters in Bulls Twitter saying only three players in the

History of the NBA have ever shot as many threes per game as Vu at the same or a worse percentage than what he’s doing this season wow yeah and like you can you can have a problem Dave with like the early in the shock clock threes

Like I agree that was not a good shot but like you do need him out there to stretch the floor and teams do still respect and and God to defend him and that changes the way that you’re guarding the team I get it really bad game tonight not disagreeing with that

Um it’s more just like that every single time Drummond plays well and or V plays poorly it’s like oh we gotta Billy’s being a terrible coach because he’s the wrong guy it’s like let’s no and I will say this like a lot of the ways that that Aon was scoring tonight were like

On screen the screener plays like you had a couple of um plays where basically like a guard would go screen behind him after he screened a ball handler and so we just had like a a wide open Runway like Vu he does well to defend in the

Scheme if all that needs to happen is for you to get the ball out of the ball Handler’s hands and to another player but if it goes to a popping big or to a r Rim rolling big he can’t return to to cover those guys so he has a really hard

Time guarding guys like DeAndre Aton who’s rolling hard to the rim or you know uh some stretch big like that’s the kind of guy that he can’t really return back to after containing the ball handler and it’s where the rest of the guys have to kind of make up for that

And so that’s you know on the rest of the group to now make up for his limitations so this is not saying that Vu is a perfect player and obviously his three-point shooting this year and just scoring in general has been way down and that’s kind of killing the team at

Certain times um but I think a lot of it is also just like the way that the scheme is built he has to take away the ball handler and that leaves up openings for the rim roller for three-point shooting big and that’s why like dwap had like nine threes tonight uh because

It’s just you can’t get back out there if you’re containing Anthony Simons with the ball at the free throw line and also go guard your man but I will well it was it was in that third quarter though that Aiden and it was a couple of them when

He was Rim running for sure but Aiden was getting the ball top of the key and just putting his ass into the basket and when he was just putting the moves on him and hitting him with the soft touch because a couple of those were jump shots free throw line extended a couple

Of them were spins and hooks he was throwing up a couple of them he would just get foul on because V couldn’t do [ __ ] with him so it was a whole thing about it you know what I mean and you’re right the rim running he can’t stop and people

Have to come over and help and I get those things that that’s absolutely true but that wasn’t the [ __ ] I had a problem with it was actually just him being actually cooked like Onre it’s kind of like the opposite of the Zack LaVine discussion with regards to defense

Because like Zack LaVine he can guard the ball if you’re just like one-on-one with him he’ll stay with you but in a scheme he gets lost and he forgets his assignment or whatever he’s just not there on time V is like the opposite where he can like be in the right place

At the right time within a team concept but anytime he’s going up against a center that’s like bigger than him he’ll get put in the paint uh anytime that he’s going up against a center that can space it out he can’t get out to contest the shot and so like that’s why guys

Like embiid and yic have big kns against him but it’s also why the Bulls give up a lot of points when they play Kelly o lenck or Mike mascala you know it’s like he’s not he’s not gonna really like help you defend any of those individuals but

He is a good team defensive scheme Defender and that’s that’s what you kind of have to live with but again this him being a you know good fit or a good player whatever that’s all like a separate conversation I think but I totally agree with what you’re trying to

Say d yeah he he has to give it to me on the other end too will like if you’re gonna get cooked on the defensive end youve gotta go better than 42% from the field on on the other end totally Conor in the comments said it sucks because Vu

Has to take those threes for this offense to function but like come on man AKA saying are just leaving V to shoot threes as part of their plan there’s a reason why you are open V uh clout saying I’m convinced Orlando lied about him shooting 40% from three like they

Had to pay their stat Keepers to boost his value I mean like okay it was a weird anomaly outlier season and when the Bulls made that mid-season trade for Vu that year when he was shooting for above 40% for Orlando and then his first year with the bulls he he fell back down

But then last Season V brought his three-point percentage back up to 35 30 a little like 35 and change which even that is like okay then it is as Conor said a useful part of this Bulls offense when you have a big who can space the

Floor like that it does not work when you’re big who can theoretically space the floor is shooting 20 freaking one in a half percent or whatever the hell it is I mean yeah we thought it was bad when it was 31 and now it’s 27 and a half yeah worse after probably worse

After tonight but I mean yeah and that again that’s a larger picture thing about team building and about decision making and about trades but I’ll also point this out anytime V has a good game I always see well Wendell Carter’s never doing that and you know that that draft

Pick like those draft picks weren’t like so any it’s just it’s so outcome based it’s so reactionary driven all these conversations about him being a complete bust and waste of time versus him being so much better and the Bulls winning that trade it’s just like he’s going to

Have good games he’s going to have bad games he’s on a terrible shooting streak right now for this season and that’s not good and I think that has larger picture implications about the next two years of his contract and the direction of this team over the next couple years than it

Does about one game and his performance against and uh Andre Drummond against uh DeAndre Aiden aen uh uh son Ando in the comments said I mean Dale Terry shooting over 30% over the last 10 games like come on is that is that true Dale shooting above 30 last

Second that respect that’s right that made his respect good for d for D um all right we we still have goon of the night to get to because it is a bulls W uh we’ve got some super chats that we will get to but uh before we take our second

AB break just wanted to give yall a couple of reminders one Kobe white did some amazing things on the court tonight even though he was only one cop yourself our brand new Subzero t-shirt available at the chu merch Locker it is a dope concept uh that Big Dave and Joey both

Chimed in there AR Brilliance to help create um awesome shirt and you can get it right now at the Cho merch Locker also if you aren’t a Die Hard yet sign up to become a die hard and then pick that as the free shirt you get when you

Sign up to become a die hard if you’re watching on YouTube there it is Joey just pulled it up on the screen you got the beautiful lock you got beautiful beard and of course his jersey number there God I love this shirt so much so

Much we really got to get a shirt to Kobe somebody need to make that happen somebody get me a shirt I will deliver it Dave do you still talk to his brother on a semi-regular basis oh snap I didn’t even think of that you’re right I didn’t even think of

That okay I’m on it send it to his bro and have his bro give it to him uh also second reminder we do have our next CSU Bulls takeover coming up right around the corner February 6 Bulls hosting the Minnesota Timberwolves uh come hang out with us we’re going to do

A pregame meet up up 5:30 before that 7:00 game at one of the bars in our lovely West Loop neighborhood near our studio and a short JT to the mad house then we all will have seats together in Section 105 for that action taking on the very good Minesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards in the house Carl Anthony towns in the house should be a very fun game fun contest grab yourself a ticket from the event section of our cgo website uh the ticket includes obviously a ticket to the game itself and the the pregame meet up hang drinks

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Net so the crown is yours when you bet on DraftKings uh which is fun we will find out who the belt belongs to uh later on when we wrap up with goon of the night but Joey how about we knock out some super chats before we get to our goon of the night

Award Let’s see we got AK kicking us off appreciate you AK saying Bulls started strong but lost mental focus free throw disparity was atrocious I think uh 12 or 13 free throw attempts uh in favor of uh Portland tonight Billy playing v v and Drummond together yeah Bulls are getting

Better at finding mismatches I and Phillips blocks were Soul crushing fun to see um I I mean would you guys agree we kind of touched on a lot of the stuff in that Super Chat did it seem like the Bulls lost a little bit of focus there in that third quarter

I mean they took an 11-point lead to halftime and it was only only a one-point lead at the end of three quarters they actually even lost the lead uh briefly before taking it back in the final seconds of the third maybe just I don’t know a little bit of road

Trip fatigue but also you kind of there’s no excuse for that because you had two nights off after your game in LA on Thursday it did seem there were a few lack aasal moments but I think more more than that you have to credit the Bulls for really you know strapping down and

And taking care of business in the fourth quarter yeah I thought they locked back in they definitely let go the r a little bit um but I think part of it was just like makes and misses like the Bulls were shooting really well prior to the third quarter and the

Blazers were shooting terribly but the Blazers had more threes and were at the line way more than the Bulls were so it just kind of like if that’s the recipe it’s going to even back out and we’re talking about Aon getting a couple of easy dunks I think he had like six

Straight points in the paint um and it just felt like they were kind of climbing back back in and then the Bulls locked back in defensively and just kind of put it away but yeah I mean this team again we’ve said it a million times like this team

Is not a great team so they’re going to have bad moments throughout the course of a game but the way that they’re finishing games the way that they’re uh playing in the clutch in general and closing teams out um you know I think Stacey and Adam were talking about this

At a certain point too and and we kind of LED with it but like this idea that you know the young players are being such big contributors in winning close games I do think that’s a really valuable experience for them even though was like dear who hit that three and hit

That fade away jumper that kind of sealed the game okay well now I hits the doger three because he’s playing off of Vu and V draws two to the ball they were in scramble mode aery Simons was on him and he kicked it back out and I makes a

Big three so I I think that these moments are really good for the growing and development of for the growth and development of guys like IO and Kobe um and even Julian Phillips to a certain extent tonight but because they are playing such a big role role and because

Those guys don’t have a ton of experience there’s going to be lapses and there’s going to be moments in the game where they kind of like go their open and that’s okay that’s part of growing but I think what we’re seeing right now and when I assuming the Bulls

Don’t do anything at the trade deadline what we’re going to be seeing is this this dear and V and Caruso kind of Trio helping keep the floor at a certain level so that even through the ups and the Downs they’re still growing without like ever bottoming

Out yeah and I I feel like that’s what they wanted to I feel like AK kind of said as much uh as far as developing of players but still actually you know trying to uh compete um I I like games like this I mean well I shouldn’t say I like them of course

I’d rather win by like 40 but when you have an opportunity to you know be in this kind of situation where it’s a clutch time you know for the Bulls I like looking at it because I want to see how they react and usually the reaction was given it to

And go and the difference was this time is IO is the one that kind of sealed it and IO probably wasn’t the go-to option coming out but he was the open option so he was the open one and so he took the shot confidently so that’s the play

You’re supposed to have because they got the ball out of dear’s hands which is what you’re supposed to do get it out the best player’s hands and have somebody else beat you you would think it would go to Kobe but Kobe definitely had a tough night shooting um but again

Kobe doing those things y’all where he’s having a tough night shooting but still being pretty awesome for the team that is a awesome awesome thing that is a part of his growth man almost 10 assist tonight getting those rebounds and actually getting inside and finishing strong like I’m really I just can’t say

Enough about Kobe white six of 10 how well he’s playing yeah I I just can’t say enough about how well he’s playing but yeah that stuff kind of just bonds the team and kind of helps them know and give Demar let’s say gives dear confidence in knowing that if the ball

Is out of his hands then other guys can actually take those shots and hit those shots because sometimes and he I’m I don’t want to speak for him but I’m just going off of what I see he just feels like I gotta do this I gotta hit this

Shot I got it and I gotta shoot it up that’s just what it is and just seeing someone else do this and someone who is you know quote unquote a bench player uh do this and have that three-point shot go in for for him over a huge person in

DeAndre Aon is big like that’s a big momentum thing for the Bulls because they have been losing those kind of games um where they’re really really close and I mean against those good teams we just saw it against Phoenix uh losing those kind of close games even

Whe if they’re up by 20 or they’re down by 20 when it came down to that fourth quarter they were kind of losing them and didn’t have enough to get it done and as will said when you’re below 500 team fighting just to get back to that

You’re G to have ass Knights like just what it is you’re gonna be bad on some of those nights man but what can you take from those nights did those young guys get better did they develop uh were the right plays made you know did you

Hit all your three-point shot or did you hit a solid amount of three-point shots as I should say and they did not tonight or did you get to the free throw line enough times it started out really bad they weren’t getting to the free throw line tonight but they started getting

There a little bit in the fourth quarter and yeah how did how did guys like Julian Phillips and the rookies look tonight so those all the things that I’m sure Billy Donovan is evaluating and the coaching staff is evaluating and looking into and building as they as they go

Forward man and it’s it’s the way they’ve been doing it all season and hopefully I’m just trying to see if they can actually just catch the Rhythm because they still haven’t caught that Rhythm they caught a rhythm on from the three-point line earlier in December and

I just want them to catch a you know a rhythm where they’re actually you know trusting each other as the as the season continues to go on speaking of uh catching Rhythm from three I noticed a couple people tweeted out uh Bulls PR put out a statement on it that tonight

Marked Caruso’s ninth consecutive game with at least two made threes which is a career high Mark for him so kudos to Alex um shout out also to Brick Squad in the comments who said I was in the building tonight there were lots of bulls fans you love to see it Bulls

Bulls nation is everywhere man and uh not surprising especially for a Portland team that’s 13 and 33 this season and doesn’t have a lot to be excited for to you know walk through those turn Styles he K with another Super Chat saying will I asked this last podcast of PE will

Moving slow whether it was from recent ankle injury do you have any insights on the current injury it was uh reported that he was in a walking boot I think uh Julia po posted a video uh talking to Pat in the locker room about it earlier

Today and it’s not the same ankle injury if the sprain ankle if I’m correct in what I saw today that had kept him out of a few games recently and at least put him on the injury report recently it’s the other foot and it’s sounded like

Billy said they were going to you know do some work with some team doctors and get it looked at further when the Bulls return from this road trip will but definitely at least a bit of a a yikes kind of update from Pat Uh who had been

You know back in playing yeah I don’t have any firstand reporting on this I was not in Portland tonight obviously I at home um but based on what the reporters who are there have been saying um he’s got he’s had the right ankle injury and he’s had a left midfoot

Injury that’s been bothering him and it sounds like he saw a doctor in LA and they decided that it was best to immobilize it to just remove load from it so that you know he’s not putting weight and pressure on it when he’s just walking around and to just give it a few

Days uh which is similar to what they’re doing with Tory Craig separate injury he’s got plantar fasciitis but uh basically they put like a steel insert into his shoe to remove the load from the back end of his foot so that could help him heal quicker and I think that’s

A similar situation to what they’re doing with Patrick he’s going to get some more imaging done when they get back to Chicago but I don’t think they fly out tonight think they’re going to fly back in tomorrow and then they’ve got a game on Tuesday um against probably like the Hornets again they

Played them like 16 times I think Toronto actually and then Toronto they played 17 times it’s a Raptor’s Hornets back toback on Tuesday Wednesday perfect I mean we’re just we’re just redo redoing this whole season um so he’ll get some more imaging done they’ll find out but

It sounds like he may be out for a little while with this if they’re completely you know taking the weight off of it which is yeah not great at least it means more juliia Phillips minutes let’s go uh any other super chats we gotta get to

Joe I think I saw at least one or two others uh just Joe shout out uh saying Kobe needs a better big man the V to reach the next level is there anyone you guys think we could trade for you guys are leges well thank you Joe um thank

You Joe can I just say before we say anything trading for someone would require Trading and they don’t do that so this is there’s what I tell myself when I have anxiety about the Bulls losing a zline trade I’m like oh whatever they’re not going to trade him

Because they don’t make any trades um does that involve trading V away to get a better big man for Kobe to have more Twan actions with on the court on a regular basis as Kobe continues to ascend in his career hopefully because that who who who who you who’s trading

For Vu right now I mean depends on what you get you can trade them but what you getting back well yeah how many box how many box of New Ports do you question how many boxes of Newport with v one those big tall jumbo sized you know plastic bags of popcorn

That Benny throws on those poor innocent Bulls fans every night maybe we can get a couple of those out of it I know maybe we get without butter they ain’t gonna let us get it with butter and you know it’s because I feel like Kobe and V have developed some

Chemistry over the last you know year or two in in certain two-man game aspects um it’s just you know it’s just unfortunate that Vu is just not having a a great a great season uh as far as his efficiency on the offensive end um yeah you know as as people who the Bulls

Could trade for to pair better with him that that might be an off season project I I doubt that that’s something that’s happening between now and February 8th like that’s just that’s not happening uh AK said with a super chat Kobe IO Caruso dear P will have all

Benefited from the Bulls new shooting coaches F not so much UMO yeah Caruso’s benefiting for sure he’s about to shoot 50 4080 basically you know and you know to dear’s credit a guy who is entire life has been known his entire NBA career has been known as a mid-range shooter never

Shoots threes doesn’t shoot threes can’t shoot threes the Bulls needed more three-point volume in this team and in this offense and he step forward all right well all right when I’m open you know around the perimeter I’ll take it and to dear’s credit like you know he knocked down a

Big one in the fourth quarter tonight he’s knocking down threes well I don’t know if that’s a direct correlation to the Bulls and their new shooting coaching uh which you know by the way go read that awesome column of Wheels if you haven’t from a few weeks back about

The Bulls grow Player Development staff and in particular their their shooting coaching um with some great insight there but I I I think you you more often want the younger guys who maybe need some help with their form to get that kind of one-on-one work with a shooting coach or

A shooting staff uh within your coaching staff I it seems like dalen’s form has gotten a little less ugly this season you know I io’s form is still a little bit wonky but it it it looks a little bit better Pat I don’t know if I could say he’s benefited from the shooting

Coaches that were hired this season because he was already a pretty confident and strong three-point shooter before they arrived um and the one thing that I’ve really wanted to see from Pat as far as his three-point shooting uh and the stroke is that it’s still really

A slow release like I I haven’t seen him speed up his three-point release at all so like can you maybe work on that a little bit shooting staff SL Pat Uh but yeah I mean with Vu just like you know can’t teach an old dog new tricks or can you kind of question

Whatever it is it’s just it’s not good it’s not good with it yeah it’s not but like you mentioned D rozan is definitely U shooting much better more confidently on he’s three like I’m not cringing when Demar de Roan takes a three like into it confidently and it’s the same form he

Has with his you know 18 to 20 foot midi it’s just like all right I just need to have the same form and just reach it out a little bit further a little bit further that’s all we need uh is that all of the super chats Joe is that all

Of them do we cover all of them because if so I think it’s time for a certain award oh you know that we like to call the Empire Today goon of the night let’s go Joe beat the man you got to beat the man now I’m the Man W Empire today for goon of the night shout out to Joy for playing that because I am literally wearing a RI fles shirt that but yes all they do is floors floors floors no matter what Empire Today 588 to30 pet Empire today and tonight goon of the

Night with Goot Le sir we’ll start with you who is your goon of the night I’m going to give it to a we talked about him at length to start the show but the block at the end of the game the three to win it uh the first play just getting

A layup off the off the tip uh Julia po posted a funny video uh just now after the game asking him about it he had a funny answer so go watch that but uh yeah IO was just he was great tonight he was Matt peek sir your goon of the night

IO definitely a deserving candidate I feel like I must give my goon love Julian Phillips he is my sweet sweet son I I I have reinvigorated tonight my love and hope for Julian Phillips being a legitimate piece to build the next generation of Bulls basketball whatever it is after

This Demar Vu Zack nightmare is over I like so many things I saw from him tonight he was he he based on what we heard Billy Donovan tell him to do when he told him he was going to get minutes tonight with Pat out Julian Phillips went out and did it and then

Like the two anded SWAT chase down block the cherry on top of 23 very encouraging minutes all of my Bulls fan mental health currently resides in the potential growth of Julian Phillips which is a scary horrifying place to be hor it is where it is it is where it is and that’s why

He gets my I’m sorry Julian I’m sorry Julian that that has been sorry oh my goodness um Joey smth sir your goon of the night if you don’t mind let us know who you feeling are you gonna bring yourself on camera Big Dave I don’t think Joey was ready I was not

Ready I was not ready I literally ask you every single time we do this Joe I was thinking that that was possibility but I wasn’t expecting it here we are it’s a tough one it’s a tough one tonight you saw that right yeah yeah it’s a tough one tonight because

On one hand you have iio Oro Cho friend of the program friend of the Pod who made two massive plays in the last two minutes of the game on both ends and then on the other hand Julian Phillips block was seriously one of the most disrespectful blocks I’ve seen in years

I it was like one of the most absurd absurd timing the two-handed like he have just caught that ball and I it was like a really eye openening thing for me where I’m like he this that’s like a different kind of athlete so my talk what a block by James

And that it’s I’m like that was the craziest I’m gonna go with Julian Phillips because that was seriously one of the craziest blocks I’ve ever seen thank you yeah that was vicious thank you Joey fatis thank you for your service shout out George and Lisa well well goon of the

Night Show go to and I think you all are pretty much on the head it was down to those two candidates right there um for me uh Drummond almost was was in it for just doing drumming stuff uh for that flop that he did because that was absolutely ridiculous

But this is going to AO dumu and it was originally going to be a tie until what I as Joey mentioned what IO did in the last minutes of the game that block that he had along turning along with uh it blocking it to Demar

Who was able to keep it in bounds and it turn and that changed the possession to the three-point shot that he hit that pretty much sealed the game I dumu definitely earned it and deserved it I mean he got Simon so mad he got attacked

Like he got him so angry that he got Attack Just for playing defense he didn’t say [ __ ] to him he didn’t yell at him he was just mad that that he was being defended by the warden that’s right I’m bringing it back the warden is back on official thanks baby oh I want

That to be the next t-shirt for Io is the warden but yes IO dumu sir this is your belt you win goon of the night well deserved well deserved very well deserved uh Gio saying congratulations IO ant saying Welles deserved salute IO um I look like a vet

Tonight uh P will supporter shout out to you tough night trying to claim that uh you know no PE no Bulls win but they they did win saying I can’t believe Matt peek is a goon winner that we all agree on still can’t believe that happened oh

Y’all are getting a look at the Joey spatha spreadsheets right here with the uh the Goon tally I like all the the inconsistencies we’ve got Jan 10 we’ve got one. one2 we’ve got one sl20 in my defense in my defense when you try to do like certain

Connotations with the point to it like it thinks you’re doing money and so it removes the last so you know what I’m doing it will I’m doing the hard work clean as long as he knows what it is it’s all that matters I’m so glad we got

George B about because that that’s more than I have always always need to give vote um real quick before we get out of here just because I I enjoy triggering people Brian Ogle in the comment said Matt you’re the most wishy-washy person you were just saying Julian needs to

Develop in the G league with ad dhama nope never said that I’ve been the loudest advocate for more Julian MIT all season long uh and that D Terry deserves to play small ball five if I ever said that it was in justest to trigger the Billy small ball haters that exist in

Pll’s na maybe try listening with your ears instead of your face I don’t I don’t know what’s going on there but thanks for tuning in thanks for playing Julian Phillips for president election year let’s go um I’m sorry what it is with that and with that we close um Bulls are off

Tomorrow but we will have a pod for yall live at 5:30 central time and then they come home uh and then have that little backtack on Tuesday Wednesday uh in the meantime follow will will _ Godley Big Dave bow bwl Sports I am Bulls forek we are choore bulls also grab that new

Subzero T available in the CH merch Locker grab yourself a ticket to our Cho Bulls takeover February 6th Bulls tea wolves and uh sign up to be a Die Hard grab that shirt for free while you’re at it um thank you all for tuning in as always thanks for the chats thanks for

The super chats we love you we appreciate you both Nation have a great Sunday night have a great Monday we’ll talk to you Monday 5:30 see you R be good peace we all cting like the mayor

The Chicago Bulls picked up a win on Sunday night, beating the Trail Blazers in Portland.

Coby White continued to lead the charge for the Bulls, scoring 15 points and dishing out 9 assists. Andre Drummond was great off the bench, putting up 15 points in just 17 minutes. Jerami Grant had 24 points for the Blazzers, butAyo Dosunmu made a pair of huge plays down the stretch, giving the Bulls a win.

Join Matt, Big Dave, and Will on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. Hey wishy washy Matt your boy Adama is averaging 24 and 12 in the G league. Weeks ago you were saying Julian didn’t deserve to play or shouldn’t . Now you’re saying he should play ?? You don’t want Taylor playing the 5 anymore? Or how about all those Drummond bashes ? Why you backslide so much geez .

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