@Los Angeles Clippers

Bill Simmons in complete shambles

Bill Simmons in complete shambles

by TribeHasSpoke


  1. DocCharlesXavier

    Bill Simmons used to make the claim during our 2020 season that he was a fan because he had season tickets. Heā€™s never liked the Clippers, going so far as to say the team should move to Vegas despite us getting Kawhi/PG for the exact reason of Kawhi being from LA.

    Heā€™s either the dumbest fuckin Celtics fan or he truly likes to spread his cheeks for the Lakers. Because us not being in LA wouldā€™ve led to a trio of Bron, AD, and Kawhi.

  2. DynamixRo

    Pure cocaine for any Clippers fan that also happens to be a regular listener of “longtime season ticket holder” Bill Simmons.

    His hate went to the next level after our bubble collapse. Always thought he must’ve lost a decent chunk of money betting on us, because during that entire season he kept mentioning how Miami-Clippers would be his pick for the finals.

    Either that or Ballmer completely ignored him at some rich party.

  3. turbo-set

    Being honest, his first tweet is a 100% accurate summation of 2004-Halloween 2023 for the LA Clippers. With all the shit thatā€™s gone wrong with the clippers itā€™s understandable to have thought the Harden move was going to implode after the way it kicked off.

    Yes, theyā€™ve played a solid stretch of great basketball and beat the Celtics, but letā€™s wait until we get some championship hardware in the building before we do the ā€œtold you soā€ routine. A lot of season left.

  4. Skilled626

    Mental health issues is a hell of a thing. Simmons needs to take his meds.

  5. Propelerate

    Ngl I thought the harden trade was a terrible idea. Never been happier to be wrong tho

  6. Otherwise-Tale9671

    There were a lot of people on this sub that thought the Harden trade was awful. Furthermore, although things look great, there is still a long way to go. Hopefully the men on the floor understand thisā€¦which I am confident that they do.

  7. Adorable-Physics-782

    low hoops IQ. Harden with 2 hall of fame level players won at a 66 win pace in 21 w BKN and was the #1 offense of all time. That roster was very similar to this one. He has never missed the playoffs and has been a top 4 seed 10 of the last 11 years. There is no precedent for a team with Harden to struggle.

  8. camthegod

    Idk if heā€™s in shambles. I also doubted the move, a lot of us did. Itā€™s working – and no one is denying it. Seems level headed to me ā€¦

  9. Niceguydan8

    Like 3 weeks ago Simmons went on a podcast and talked about how his Harden take might be the worst basketball take he’s had all year.

    He went to the Clippers game when they beat OKC and came out of it saying that they are a Finals level NBA team.

    You are like 3 weeks late to this whole thing, lol.

  10. Comprehensive-Ad2757

    Come on guys, Simmons has gone on record since then saying that he was wrong about this take and that he likes watching us play. A bit disingenious to just pick and choose what media personalities have said about your team.

  11. digitalme

    Iā€™vd had to hear this dude talk shit about the Clippers since the lob city era. It has been and will always be


  12. I mean his entire job is hot takes šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø no one clicks on ā€œit has a 30% chance of working and a 70% of not workingā€¦ letā€™s check back in 40 gamesā€.Ā 

    At least he admits when he is wrongĀ 

  13. jgroove_LA

    Fuck him. Didnā€™t post anything. Just his team at his podcast

  14. unpopular-dave

    I listen to almost every bs podcast. I think he’s the most entertaining in the business.

    But his clipper takes this year have been awful…

    He actually said he thinks we’ll miss the playoffs šŸ¤”

  15. fenix1230

    TBF, BS has since said he was wrong, and he does have the Clippers as one of the favorites, even was perplexed when one of his guests said the Lakers were a contender.

    I mean, we started with Harden 0-6, lost to teams we shouldnā€™t have, and isnā€™t one to not admit when heā€™s wrong.

  16. Capacapcappcpa

    Thereā€™s a whole podcast just for talking about that guy?

  17. Simmons is good because he’ll admit he was wrong. He’s been pretty loudly in support of the Clippers for a while now and said that it was his worst take.

    He’s not a bozo like Stephen A who said Kawhi should retire and pretends like he never said it. Or Brian Dameris who’s still in witness protection after the Harden rant.

  18. imhenry66

    Honestly, naysayers have history on their side. Say whatever they want. I donā€™t even care if Lakers fans move the goal posts repeatedly claiming which team runs LA. Lakers can run LA all they want. I just want these great group of guys on a team with great culture that gave many players a second chance to shine to win a championship. Go Clippers! šŸ«¶šŸ»

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