@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors Lack of Action With Trade Deadline Approaching Plus the Draymond Green Dilemma

Golden State Warriors Lack of Action With Trade Deadline Approaching Plus the Draymond Green Dilemma

It’s Monday but the good news is kylin Mills and I are going to be talking Warriors now the question is are the Warriors themselves going to make things interesting is it going to be more of the same we also have some interesting uh discussion points regarding Draymond

Green Let’s get to it this let me fix my thing is locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day Thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube where we’re exclusively live we’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought brought to you by the

Official uh sports book of the locked on podcast Network and that’s FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus bets if your best bet of $5 or more wins was it visit lockon to get started and I apologize for misleading people regarding the ners

They did not cover the spread I put my money where my mouth is if you’re suffering I lost a buttload of money but they won I honestly don’t care because they won you can follow kylin Mills on every social media platform kylin Mills super easy her name you can follow me on

Threads at dog wild kylin great to see you let’s quickly 30 seconds talk about the Niners that was awesome they are the good news and barious sports your reaction to the ners reaching the Super Bowl before we talk about the warriors kylin uh I mean very exciting I was just

Telling you that I was actually getting on a plane at halftime and I was like well this is over and people on the plane were watching the game actually cheering for the Detroit Lions because I was back in the Midwest and all of a sudden I was like glancing over at

Someone I saw the score and I was like wait a second so immediately I open up my phone get attached to the internet I could not believe the comeback that they put together in the second half I mean I was not expecting that because I think the Niners played terrible against the

Packers uh and it was another terrible half so I was like maybe this is just it like maybe they’re folding in the playoffs um you know and and that’s all she wrote and I will say this is controversial topic but I think a lot of the Brock py criticism is unfair uh the

Team’s winning games the whole game manager thing like whether you think he’s the greatest quarterback of all time or not he deserves some credit um for helping lead the team to a comeback so anyways uh it’s very exciting and I think the Super Bowl’s gonna be a lot of

Fun it’s in Vegas so yeah bang bang Niner gang totally I said 30 seconds kylin that was like two minutes what are you doing here I’m kidding um that was not two minutes no it was not um okay so now we’re going to talk about a more depressing topic and that’s

The Golden State Warriors um so Saturday night the Warriors lose another close game they’re 15 and 17 on the year in close games we call the category clutch meaning within five minutes what is it Five Points 10 points I always forget which one the which one of those two

That that that term means but regardless they’re 15 and 17 they’ve had 32 clutch games this year meaning very tight games at the end um a lot of people are using that as justification for not doing anything I think that’s an asinine argument because ultimately they’re still losing these games they’re not

Coming away Victorious they’re five games below 500 uh they only only one game separates them and the Memphis Grizzlies that if that doesn’t tell you everything there in terms of how troubling the season is going for the Warriors I don’t know what will uh so people are a there’s an angst people

Want to trade I think you and I are on the same page there as well um now ESPN uh released a report today that said the Warriors will not consider trading any of their core three and really that means clay or Dre they’re not going to trade Steph obviously without Stephen

Curry’s blessing and without Stephen Curry actually being proactive and approaching ownership approaching the front office and saying yeah trade them it’s time to move on you and I kylin both know he’s never going to do that he’s a no drama individual I feel like the Warriors are passing the buck with

That approach and the reason why I bring up Draymond Green more specifically on today’s show is because in that game Saturday I’m sure you saw it I’m sure everyone saw it there was a sequence there where we saw the Dre of old the one that therapy clearly did not check

Look Draymond is who he is and at one point of the game he smacks uh Anthony Davis in the head it was it was inadvertent I don’t think it was intentional at all you had Jared Vanderbilt you had LeBron James asking for a review Draymond Green was really

Livid about that because I think he OD that if that went to review and he got a flagrant his whole Future’s over like I he’s on incredibly thin ice but it also made me wonder is Draymond going to even make it the whole season and should he

Maybe be one of the targets so that you trade him and have an asset in instead of keeping him only for him to get suspended two weeks a month from now and then you lose him forever what are your thoughts on that um I don’t think that it’s going to

Happen I don’t think the Warriors are going to trade for him um I don’t think Steph Curry would ever proactively approach management and say that not only is Steph a low drama individual he’s incredibly loyal and those relationships with Dre and Clay run deep so I just I don’t see it ever

Happening regarding whether or not Dre is gonna make it through the season I believe he will um I agree with you there were flashes of the Dre of old in terms of his temper coming out a little bit which by the way I just saw that Jared Vanderbilt got ejected from the

Game that he’s currently playing in tonight so well you know who knows how much was involved in terms of him instigating that situation although apparently the play which I haven’t seen I just was looking on Twitter right before we logged on to start this um that people were saying it was a very

Soft ejection um but I I don’t see the Warriors trading Draymond I think that there are other pieces I would move before Draymond um and I just think it would be too difficult with Steph not giving approval like I I just don’t see that happening um it’s an interesting

Article that’s kind of what I’ve been saying all along is that I think both with Dre and clay that Steph would not approve of that happening he wouldn’t be okay with that and the organization is not going to go against what Steph Curry says I saw someone just mention the

Comment like players shouldn’t have a say in that type of thing this should be a management decision but Steph Curry is management of the Warriors at this point uh with how much he’s done for this organization and how much he’s beloved in the bay and how much he’s

Accomplished in the last decade like he does have a heavy say and it’s something that Steve Kerr and Bob Meyers the previous GM had come out and said flat out to the Press is that they value Steph’s opinion has said that he does have conversations with Steph about

Decision-making um and so you know they do rely heavily on Steph to be proactively involved in the direction of the organization so I do think that that report is true in terms of the organization not being willing to trade any of the core three without Steph’s approval I believe that to its fullest

That’s something I’ve been saying and don’t think it’s going to happen with Dre something I want to mention that’s interesting before moving on is I was looking up today what the wor because I do feel like there has been a positive impact overall since draymond’s return post suspension but it was interesting

Looking at the numbers the Warriors defensive and offensive ratings are both worse with Draymond than they are without according to stat shout out to stat Muse because they do have a feature where you can look at that um and I wanted to mention mention it just since

You were talking about possibly a trade piece um Warriors defensive rating with um Draymond is 115 it’s 122 without and then offensive rating was maybe about a two um so I don’t know if that’s something but I just I was surprised by the defensive rating because I do think

He’s made a positive impact on the defensive end um so I thought that was interesting um and yeah I don’t know I feel like had a positive influence since he’s been back but that also includes his pre suspension days and games and I don’t know he was kind of all over the

Place emotionally so we’ll see moving forward uh you know if the numbers do reflect the positive impact that like my eye test says I don’t know what do you thinks I I feel like he has helped tremendously since they’ve been back and that’s why I would say I know you’re

Concerned about the temper but I would look to move other pieces besides St but do you think this team has looked better 100% And and I’m not advocating for the team to trade Dre but watching that Saturday definitely raised my eyebrows it made me wonder like is he going to

Make it and if he I feel like he’s on such thin ice I could see just one more I mean he literally hit Anthony Davis in the head if they actually had taken a closer look at that if they actually call the flagrant on that like kylin do

You think like he’s out for the year I mean it it was like that close I mean people were focusing so much on the free throw disparity and rightfully so was 4316 but part of me Wonders that the ref do the the Warriors a favor by not going

To the review on that one play because is he gone for the year before I answer your question like real do you think he’s gone for the year if they had actually looked at that and called the flagen because he hit ad in the head I don’t know if he’s out for the

Year to me the NBA should be smarter than that like yes he shouldn’t be hitting people in the head even if it’s an advertent but taking Draymond out for the year to me doesn’t help the game it doesn’t help the league so I guess I would be surprised if they were to do

Something like that like finish him off for the year because I just don’t think it’d be in the best interest of the league for something inadvertent now if Draymond goes totally off the wall and it’s completely warranted and they don’t have a choice then sure I don’t think it

Benefits the league for an inadvertent head contact to to put him out for the year but the league also likes to put Draymond in a league of his own in terms of the punishment and retri retribution uh for his actions because of the history which Adam Silver has come out

And said that they Factor all of that in so who knows I could be wrong because he has held to a different standard because of the history now that he’s had a lengthy suspension and mandated counseling the leash is even shorter so look maybe I’m wrong but I do think he’s

On very thin ice yeah and like like Carlo Davis in the chat writes for example it was an accident it wasn’t that big of a deal I thought it was an accident TP writes total accident you know what they all were or most of them were though I don’t think that the

League cares if these are oh come on now he was he’s choked people out that was NK when he hit nerk in the head that’s what led to the to the big suspension that was that that was an advertent right but they still suspended him for 12 plus games the headlock the other

Headlock like I agree with you but I I think that the in situations that were intentional were the worse infractions like I think if everything done was inadvertent contact then we wouldn’t be in the situation if you yeah Andre FB key I am panicking because I don’t I have no

Faith in the NBA to do the right thing when it comes to Draymond green that is my concern I I don’t think nearly any of what he’s done I don’t think I don’t even think his leg kicks to stepen Adams all those years ago were intentional I

Think I mean look he admitted that with the nerkish thing it was um that he was trying to sell a foul that that was his argument for for the for the Whiplash but I don’t think the NBA cares anymore if it’s intentional if it’s accidental that’s my concern I’m absolutely

Panicking because the league is not what it was 30 years ago it’s soft we’re look look at the defense the way it’s played now and the calls being made look at the suspensions I I mean Draymond Green if he was in the 80s or 90s would I don’t

Know if You’ even get called for a foul for the things he’s doing but in today’s NBA my Lord so yeah I’m actually panicking I’m gonna um answer your question when we come back uh and then we also are going to stay on the Dre topic because um there is another thing

About him that we that we should talk about and we’ll get into it in just a second we got some bills to pay here first and let’s give them some love first up and kylin you’re going to be involved directly in this one and that is a new sponsor and they’re called quiz

But it’s quiz with three eyes uh so it’s qu I I Iz and more specifically the website to go check out and play some NBA trivia to maybe win some money is app. ap. q3i n and this episode of Locked on Warriors is brought to you by quiz

And with every time we read these this this ad read we’re going to present some trivia and I’m glad you’re here because when I did this alone it’s not nearly as fun um now unfortunately the tri trivia questions they gave us uh don’t work at

All so I’m going to pull this one right under my hat and I’ll be prepared for future shows because they only gave me two questions I already used up one of them the other one is not even accurate so here’s my question to you kylin and

If you any of you ever go to the website by the way again it’s right there if you’re watching us on YouTube AP . quiz with three eyes kylin who won the 1975 NBA Finals trophy for the Warriors that’s an easy one but that’s a trivia the Warriors won the title in

1975 the last time won Warriors that was a Warriors warriors uh was that bear yes you got it okay good I thought that be that was easier I thought that would be easier for you yes correct answer it is Rick Barry he was the finals MVP That

Season uh and that’s that’s how it work a minute 1975 is a long time ago I’m like was the team okay yes it is and thankfully I was born after that so I can at least hold on to a little bit of my youth um but nonetheless yeah so

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That’s quiz with three eyes just like a three-pointer play now showcase your skills and take home cash prizes app. with three eyes where the fans become Champions you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every

Day lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube lockon sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every league go to locked on sports today on YouTube and subscribe to

The first ever National Sports 24 streaming Channel And subscribe to Colin Mills she’s on all social media platforms at her name super easy at kylin Mills so to answer your question here’s how I feel about the Golden State Warriors roster right now with Draymond Green back I feel like the Warriors have

Three fifths of a potential Championship contending team what I mean by that is Stephen Curry has been saying a lot that what he feels the Warriors are missing is an identity is an actual and what he means by that is who is this team like

Who are the five that are out there to close games and to win and right now to me they’re three fifths of the way there Steph Draymond kaminga the other two they don’t have it I and I hate to be disrespectful to Klay Thompson saying this but defensively he is a liability

On the nights when he’s shooting a lights out great you got four fifths of your lineup out there but there are games where his shot is not there Ive I’ve lost all faith in Wiggins the whole other discussion with Wiggins is what the hell’s gonna happen when Moses Moody

Comes back that’s why I think he needs to be the guy that they trade um because that’s a massive cluster F bomb awaiting them but kylin to answer your question yeah I think I Draymond absolutely has to stay I I I am worried about the NBA

And how punitive they are and uh you know I address that concern so um that’s how I feel yeah do you agree what do you think yeah I agree I I draymond’s not the piece that I want to be moving I I agree with you in terms of Wiggins

Um what about I mean I just I don’t think you get anything back for him but like I would part with cavon Looney I would like an upgrade um I brought that up on the last show kylin he did you I was gonna say his name hasn’t won that’s

Really been floating around a ton in terms of trade discussions like mostly teams would be looking at wanting one of the young pieces in addition to a draft pick but uh I definitely think they need to upgrade the center position whether it be a starter but even a second rate

Like even they need someone more athletic there we got a few people in the chat who are confident that Nick claxon of the Brooklyn Nets here I don’t I I I would be amazed if anything happens this team has gone has is stale it’s really sad like I don’t even are

They interesting even at this point I it’s they need to do something this is frustrating uh okay Team USA Steve Kerr is gonna coach this team and he’s he’s done after that he announced that um Grant Hill is in charge of Team USA and he announced the 41 or 42 finalists um I

Can’t remember what the number was it’s either 41 or 42 and Draymond Green who was on the team in 2016 he was on the team in 2020 was not named uh before we hear Draymond Green’s sentiments on that because he talked about that on his recent episode of the Draymond Green

Show kylin what are your thoughts on that I know Steve Kerr is not picking the team but you would think he would have some say it seems really bizarre that Draymond was left off Grant Hill did make some sort of comment alluding to his current this season and the the

The suspension and all this stuff playing a part in this but that is bizarre to me what do you think about Draymond not even being a finalist which included again either 41 or 42 players he’s not one of them that’s crazy what are your thoughts I agree I’m very

Surprised by that first because Steve Cur is also the coach of Team USA and like you said he may not be picking the team himself but you would think that he would have some imput um and it seems at least based on everything that I’ve seen and witnessed and heard in person from

The Warriors that Steve KR and Draymond Green do have a great relationship despite draymond’s antic Steve Kerr puts up with a lot more than a lot of coaches would in the ba um so that shocks me if Steve Kerr had to say that he wouldn’t have advocated for Draymond um and then

Second you look at 41 players in the NBA and you look down the list and to me there are guys on there when I was looking it over now it’s like I got to pull it up to see if there’s a name that I can point out who I feel like Draymond

Deserves a spot over but still I just feel like positionally you want that defensive specialist um and I think we’re seeing now with the warriors with him back you see what he can do in terms of just being a glue guy especially defensively on any team and the fact

That Steve cerr is the coach and running the system that he wants to run like that should be even more recent to have Draymond Green in the mix um hopefully Steve Kerr doesn’t go small mall like he did uh for feba but uh you know we’ll

See but still uh to me it was it was very surprising um yeah and I got to look up let’s listen to Draymond let me see I want to pick out a couple names I want to pick out a couple names I’m getting the list you remember anyone in particular

That you were surprised by on the 41 person list because I I looked and I was like what I have the entire 12-man roster the final list already set in stone i i i in my opin I actually went through this and um it was one of the

Easiest exercises I ever put myself through when it comes to basketball who should make the final team 11 of the 12 names was the easiest thing ever 12 was a little difficult and what what raised my eyebrows in doing this was the fact that I thought Draymond Green would have

Been the perfect 12 be you you’ll know what I mean when we come back um we’re going to play that Draymond sound uh we’re going to discuss Team USA we’re going to talk a little more about trades uh after we give some love to a couple

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Is also brought to you by FanDuel uh where again I am sorry I thought the ners I knew the ners I was confident the Niners were going to win that spread was seven and a half I went the old school route because FanDuel is not legal here

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About scoring the best seat on the couch grabbing your favorite munchies and placing some bets especially when the Niners are back in this kylin do you have a prediction yet by the way do you think the ners have a shot against the Chiefs I do I think they have a shot but

I don’t know we’ll see I don’t have I don’t have a strong prediction the line was two and a half to start it immediately went down I believe to one uh I think it’s a little crazy that the Chiefs are underdogs your thoughts on that real fast yeah I actually am

Surprised by that as well um the the 49ers they haven’t been able to get it done in the Super Bowl and the Chiefs are a team that knows how to win you’ve got a Young quarterback in Brock Pie versus the most experienced in terms of being able to win Super Bowls and

Patrick Mahomes so I think right there it’s it’s surprising that they aren’t slight favorites yeah it is crazy well look new customers join today you’ll get $200 in bonus bets if your first bet of $5 or more wins just visit lockon to sign up that’s lockon make every moment more with

FanDuel an official Sportsbook partner of the NFL you are locked on Warriors your daily golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day one final segment for you every dayers we’re back at this tomorrow night kylin you and I are hosting post game

And let’s hope the Warriors turn things around the warriors uh next play uh who are they playing oh my God they play the Philadelphia 76ers fol don’t get your hopes up now look Joel embiid might not play it’s a whole different ball game if he doesn’t but who the hell is defending

Joel embiid on this roster they have no one who who’s who’s defending Joel embiid real fast kylin who who who are you picturing in your mind Draymond gu he givs up six inches and Draymond what what option the Warriors have you’re not putting cavon Looney on him and that’s the problem with Kavon

Looney on most centers in this league oh my God so so we’ll we we’ll have the postgame coverage for you there let’s hear from Draymond Green talking about the slight uh of Team USA uh here is where’s the mute button there it is Draymond one

Was Kobe when I came into this NBA and I publicly said this before there was two guys I was Star Struck by one was Kobe Bryant the other one was gr Hill I grew up in the state of Michigan gr Hill Detroit Pistons and so I

Wish that he would have just said that to me you know if especially if you’re going to say that publicly and so it hurt me a little bit like from a fan standpoint as well I’m a big fan of gr Hill and if I got a call because some

Guys drop off that list that’s just unforeseen for whatever reasons and then I need to fill a spot on that team guess what I’ll be ready with my backs back and go play in the third Olympics because I’m not too big to beat second when I came into this all right and then

Uh real fast um these are the players that I selected 11 of 12 and KY and let me know I thought this was the easiest thing ever Stephen Curry T Tyrese halberton Anthony Edwards Devin Booker Jimmy Butler LeBron James Kawhi Leonard Jason Tatum Kevin Durant bam out bio

Anthony Davis the 12th one I’m sorry take out bam out bio I had Joel em be in there I what about ID that was my first thought I was like what about sorry and then and then bam maabo was my 12th but I actually thought that Draymond would

Be a better option because of the fact that he can handle the ball he can play the point as well as play a big I Draymond is fantastic in the Team USA setting what are your thoughts on his comments and the fact that he’s not going to make

It yeah I mean I understand his disappointment um so what he was referring to though is Grant Hill’s comments about why Draymond wasn’t put on the team which wasn’t necessarily it didn’t sound like at least based on what he was quoted saying that it had to do

With basketball it had to do with the recent suspensions and draymond’s behavior this season and that they didn’t feel like playing over the summer necessarily was best for him and this journey that he’s on to trying to you know figure out emotional control I guess and get right mentally I’m not

Really sure um that was the gist of the quote that he said was that it was mostly to do with with the suspensions this season um now he also did admire what Draymond has accomplished especially with USA basketball but basically said that it had to do with everything that happened in regard

Regards to Draymond being punished by the NBA the on court actions this year um so I get where draymond’s coming from that he would have liked to hear that from Grant Hill himself I would agree if you’re a long-standing Team USA player and a long-standing member of any

Organization um you know but especially representing your country and players who’ve repeatedly had the opportunity to do that and you’re left off the list like you would like to get that phone call you would like to have that conversation before it is said out in the media and from what it sounded like

From Draymond never happened um so I’m a little bit surprised I guess by that um even more than his admission you know they don’t want to risk Draymond Green it sounds like to me going over and doing something crazy in this competition so for those who are listening and not

Looking there was a comment about um Team USA trying to protect Euros from Dre’s fists um but you know I understand Grant Hill’s reasoning I think Draymond still could have contributed to this Team USA but I also understand Dre’s frustration if that was the reasoning that he didn’t get to have the conversation

Himself um I guess we’ll see what happens though because regardless of who gets picked you know some guys will opt in some will opt out so it’ll be interesting to see who ends up on that final 12 roster and whether or not Draymond Green would have been an upgrade yeah absolutely someone asked

Who are the alternates uh Jaylen Brunson was a player that was that was an alternate uh Palo Ben Caro um there was a few of Mel Bridges there there were a few other names on there for alternates sadly no other Golden State Warriors Paul George Team USA is stacked I’m very

Curious to know who makes that final roster um look when it comes to trades and we’re 10 days away from the trade deadline again the Warriors they’re five games below 500 just one game separates them in the Memphis grizzley if that doesn’t scream panic button I don’t know what does the

Inactivity of the Warriors is driving me absolutely Bonkers um yet here we are I feel like the two teams that are the most likely trade destination if Mike Mike dun Jr gets off his ass and does something will be the Atlanta Hawks that trade actually seems to make the most

Sense if that’s a possibility where you’re sending Wiggins maybe you have to send Moody I you know I like Moody I don’t want to move him but if worst case scenario if that’s what you have to do um you know you include a first round pick maybe two first round picks and

You’re getting back to jeante Murray and Clint capella that could turn this season around and save it I like that trade and then there’s the other one which we saw in the chat which is the Brooklyn Nets who reportedly are on the verge of a fire sale um let me ask you

This kylin because this is a name that as weird as it sounds I would not hate it if if that’s what you have to do to get rid of Wiggins and that’s Ben Simmons Ben Simmons would play for Steve Kerr for the simple reason that he’s a

Big who can handle the ball he would be your Center um I wouldn’t hate at least experimenting and trying with that what do you have to lose lose given where you are in the season uh I would obviously love Claxton as well but your thoughts on trades and everything else wrap

Things up uh I would love claxon I think he’d be a great fit regarding Ben Simmons I just don’t think based on all the drama that’s happened in this Warriors locker room last season and this season that they can risk Ben Simmons Ben Simmons coming in and causing more

Distractions as far as you mentioned him being a big who can handle the ball I agree totally get where you’re coming from but he also has struggled so much to stay healthy regardless of you know his absence from basketball for other reasons he’s had back issues um he’s had

To miss extended periods of time the last several seasons so that’s another concern for me is the Warriors don’t need to add a piece or at least someone who’s going to be injury-prone um so the injury-prone factor and then just the all the other things uh related to Ben

Sim and Saga over the last several years and refusing to play and demanding to be you know all of the other things that that’s my big concern because to me this Warriors team also is on thin ice regarding chemistry like I don’t think it’s just the play like after everything

That went on last year you know be Beyond just the punch there was something missing in terms of the group this year it looked like maybe they turned a corner Jordan pool moved on but now I just feel like there still isn’t something that’s 100% on the way

That it was on a couple years ago there’s spurts of it but there are times where it doesn’t look like the team is playing with the same joy and then now this season you also got to add in the drama of Draymond Green having repeated suspensions the team feeling like when

He was suspended they didn’t even want around the facility because they needed a break from him you know I just feel like you have to be super careful with those Dynamics and this Warriors team hasn’t had a smooth ride the last two seasons so that’s where I I get a little

Bit concerned about adding a Ben Simmons character into the mix so I’m not advocating for this for the record I’m just throwing it out there because you know because he he would be a big that Steve Kerr would play Given Kerr’s requirement for any player basically is

You either have to dribble the ball like a point guard or you’re just going to rot away in the bench so with Simmons you’re getting a point guard and you’re getting a center um and I feel like if any team can rehabilitate him it would be the Warriors but yeah I’m not

Advocating for it just throwing it out there I was just uh just seeing reading the temperature in the room everyone in the chat clearly clearly is anti-ben Simmons you’re not yeah I was say I haven’t been looking we’ll on I will say this though if if you can also get Nick

Claxon and if you can get Andrew Wiggins off your books because Ben Sim is Ben Simmons an expiring actually if he’s not then never mind I was GNA say uh if he’s on an expiring deal you could that’s another perk but I actually don’t think that’s the case so never mind um well

We’ll be back at this tomorrow night uh any final thoughts any final words kylin as we wrap it up byebye dub Nation I just want to say this I feel your frustration this team needs to do something because I’m hearing a lot of talk for example like

Well look Chris Paul’s gonna come back soon Gary Payne II’s going to come back soon folks Chris Paul’s six feet Gary Payne II is 6’2 this team is 500 that’s not gonna give him size no and this team was six is 16 and 16 with Chris Paul

This season they have not been playing winning basketball when they had a full roster they they need to make some changes here so I hope it happens soon I really do because what’s going on right now is ridiculous so are we done we good we out klin bye-bye again byebye bye awesome

Kylen Mills and Cyrus Saatsaz start the week with a live episode to discuss the troubling lack of action from the Golden State Warriors with the trade deadline less than 10 days away plus the crew discuss Team USA’s slight of Draymond Green and whether the Warriors should seriously consider trading him before he gets himself banned from the NBA.


  1. plesae lets talk about the elephant in the room we need to get Mark Jackson back as the head couch , I love Kerr and all he has done but He has lost the locker room . and losing a couple of good couches and GM didn't help ! Wiggs and Draymond need to go dragging the team down big time ! SHOULD NEVER HAVE GOTT EN RID OF DEVINCHEZO AND PORTER !

  2. Warriors management is light years behind the league's best front offices. Clinging to their ALLEGED core 3 is moronic. Steph will never ask them to unload Klay and Draymond, but they should simply do what they have to do and move on from both Draymond and Klay. Steph has said the team needs to get bigger, BUT, they remain old, small and void of defense.

  3. Trade our second best player? The man that makes everything easier for everyone else? That was playing out of shape and could defend Lebron and AD without a center to help him? Yeah… why not? 😅

  4. The dude had an INCREDIBLE game, the team basically lost because they couldnt have him on the floor for the first 48 minutes straight. That was basically it. And because of a hard foul that he was clearly going for the ball yall decide to bring the topic of "ohh, the old Draymond…" come on, guys.. that's weak. Very weak.

  5. cy are you blind – he swung around 360 and cracked the guy on the chin and let up slightly to make it look good…him hitting davis is like a guy that isnt supposed to drink going into a bar – hes testing the waters…he will not make the end of the year and definitely not the playoffs…they need to get away from him entirely and get a center or 2..kerr has got to go and wiggs may come around if draymond goes…love klay but he may be gone next year anyway….it would have been nice to finish their carrers together but they have become prima donnas…they arent the guys they used to be attitude wise…they will not win much in the playoffs if they make it because if dray hasto anchor the D he will get ejected, period. do you really think he was cured after 3 weeks of therapy and telling eveyone what they wanted to hear…he is a danger to the league because if he goes off on someone he could do some damage and injure another player that might otherwise help their team win it all. check mark jackson he might be interested or maybe not but at least youll have a disciplined team..

  6. Warriors got a lot of first round picks. They should get 2 agile bigs that a consistent rebounder and blocker. Get Pistons' Jalen Duren(2O yr old) and Wizard's Daniel Gafford(25 yr old). Also get Hawks' Bogdan Bogdanović. And replace Steve Kerr to eliminate small ball lineup and hire defensive assistant coaches.

    New 2-way starting lineup

    C – Daniel Gafford (Rebounder/Blocker/Slasher/Lob Threat)

    PF – Jalen Duren (Rebounder/Blocker/Slasher/Lob Threat)

    SF – Bogdan Bogdanović (3 and D)

    SG – Brandin Podziemski (3 and D)

    PG – Steph Curry

    Gafford and Duren are also agile post scorer that can draw foul and both 70% in the free throw line

    2nd lineup

    C – Kevon looney

    PF – Trace Jackson-Davis

    SF – Dario Saric

    SG – Moses Moody

    PG – Chris Paul

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