@Orlando Magic

POSTGAME REACTION: Orlando Magic at Dallas Mavericks, 1/29/24.

POSTGAME REACTION: Orlando Magic at Dallas Mavericks, 1/29/24.

I know there’s a lot to unpack there but what did you see down the stretch that ultimately gave Dallas the uh you know it down the stretch was was a major problem but it started in that third quarter uh we got stagnant you know they they went to the zone and

I think that you know that we held the ball a little bit too much uh they got on the break we’re able to go on a nice long run you know obviously only 12 points in that quarter with them getting 35 so just being able to manipulate the

Zone and continue to move the basketball share it um and you got to make shots within that zone I know you came up short but did you like your team’s resilience enough they’re down the stretch to give yourself a chance at the buzzer I mean if You’ have told me last

Night coming in and getting in late on the back toback uh you know bodies down uh against you know one of the better teams in the west you know you know you take that with the effort and the energy that they put out uh obviously you know there’s things we could have done

Differently but for these guys to continue to fight and play hard and play and stay the course regardless of what’s Happening throughout the game yes I’m beyond proud of these guys for the way they continue to fight till that last horn goes off he started Jonathan Isaac

He played 8 minutes uh first off the decision to start him and then know he played 8 minutes was that just precautionary reason yes um but you know just making sure we always talk about like as he gets in game how he feels throughout the game and just making sure

We communicate that that we’re thinking long the long game you know more than this moment right now limited sample size obviously think was minutes that he played but did you like what you see from him in that starting line of playing alongside other bigs well we’re

Going to have you know we’re going to continue to change it up in certain ways at certain times uh as based on how guys are in and out of lineups and like we’ve seen throughout this year so we just again the great part about this group is

That depending on the lineup or whatever lineup we put out there guys are finding a way to have chemistry together and play for one another playing in his hometown Anthony black had one of his better performances what did you see on him I thought Anthony was great I

Thought he was confident I thought he was aggressive I thought he defended well I thought he did all the right things you know early on just trying to get the pace going in the game stepping into a shot with a high level of confidence is what we’ve continued to

Ask him to do and he’s worked on it and that’s got you know that’s credit to him credit to the coaches uh for the work that they continue to put in you played in so many close games that’s come down to the wire on the road this speak the

Latest one could this could this help you down the road you know maybe in playoff situations playing in so many tight games I think these are all always growing experiences you know I I think you you you make sure that you focus on the things that you can control you

Can’t control if the whistle goes your way you just have to continue to play hard attack the basket the way in which we were doing uh our end of game scenario the way that we communicated with each with each other with what we were doing when we were guarding what we

Were doing offensively so this is great experience for a a growing team you know down the stretch that we can look back at this and use this as as a time of experience and growth anything else thank you thank you guys a lot un was

Kind a wild game a lot of twist turns but what did you see down the from your perspective um just really highle shot making uh paired with a good guard who can manipulate defenses and uh just beat kind of almost anything you’re trying to

Throw at him so I think uh you know they just they made shots at the right time and uh yeah I mean credit to them good team they made shots you finished with 20 points one of your best offensive performances this season what do you feel got yourself going

Through um I think just being in the right spots uh spacing the floor uh you know with Paulo and France and uh even Cole a lot of times the teams are really packed in the paint so uh they just they did a really good job of seeing my man

Or whoever’s man helping in just spraying it out to me and then I got a couple transition looks so just a lot of credit to my teammates for finding me uh like I said last time at there same thing and what was it like playing you know in this building obviously you grew

Up near here how special was it to play in this atmosphere oh yeah I mean it it’s fun uh always fun playing in your hometown uh especially whenever you’re playing against a good team uh fans had a lot of energy and it was uh a good

Back and forth game so it was definitely fun for me playing in here I love playing on the road and especially uh haven’t played my first game here I definitely like it your coaches and teammates all year have raved about your work e think do you feel like the hard

Work you’re putting in is definitely showing on the court when you’re playing the games oh yeah I mean I feel like it shows uh inserts uh you know there’s nights like tonight where I have uh more points and more shots and more stuff like that but uh you know I know it’ll

All come and I’m being patient and just uh sticking to the work and and doing whatever I’m asked to do whenever it’s time to go to the game you guys played so many close games that have come down the wire side threei something like that is

It going to help you you think down the road to have played in so many TI especially in these hostile environments uh for sure especially whenever uh you think about uh the age of this team and the experience um I think these Road lessons and games that we win and lose

Uh on the road down the streets tight game gam is is good for us uh and I think every game we’re kind of taking a step forward and and learning uh what we’re trying to run and our defensive schemes down the stretch and uh I I think we’re just taking uh small steps

Forward every time we have one of those games okay thanks J

The Orlando Magic fell to the Dallas Mavericks on Monday by a score of 131-129. Hear from head coach Jamahl Mosley and Anthony Black on the defeat. 🎙

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