@National Basketball Association

[Injury] Kuminga falls on Embiid’s knee fighting for the loose ball and Embiid who’s been hobbling looks distraught in pain

[Injury] Kuminga falls on Embiid’s knee fighting for the loose ball and Embiid who’s been hobbling looks distraught in pain

by JilJungJukk


  1. rip. sucks for Embiid. should not have played at all

  2. iamthegame13

    Joel walked off gingerly with some help during the timeout at least

  3. TouchdownRaiden

    I hope Embiid is ok. No one wants to see a superstar go down like that. His knee has been taking a beating recently. Fuck the chiefs

  4. HailKyrie

    Idk how the fuck anyone let him play. I joke a lot about him ducking teams but he’s clearly hurt and needs to rest.

  5. Im__Ron__Burgundy

    Fully understand the “Why was he out there” reaction but this one was going to be painful regardless of anything prior.

  6. allstar278

    Media bullied Embiid into playing tonight 😭😭😭

  7. I’m genuinely curious how the Sixers staff deemed Embiid fit to play.

    This looked bad too.

  8. NeonxGone

    Pretty wild that 5 mins after it happens there are already doctor influencers diagnosing the injury on twitter

  9. Darryl bro you gotta trade your special little horde of seconds and expiring for a third star *before* you accidentally kill your first two stars, c’mon now

  10. The 76ers medical staff are idiots for allowing their team’s most important player to play with a serious injury, Embiid is an idiot for not wanting to sit out and heal. Now he will be absent for several games in a row and during this time his team will lose its positions and it is unknown whether he will be able to recover before the playoffs. Stupid decisions lead to terrible outcomes for the team.

  11. GonnaWinDis

    Tbh, I find most people’s reaction to this as bullshit lol


    Several games later…

    “Awww man, who from the front office let him play? What were they thinking? I hope he’s okay…”


  12. NeeraTanden420

    Genuinely scary how many people are calling this a dirty play. I’m absolutely begging like half of the people here to grow a brain.

  13. GlenRiversForPrison

    Maybe this dumbass site will realize that Embiid is just an injury prone player and that the Sixers need him to win basketball games, since he’s one of the best players in the world and not that he’s “spineless and a coward” because he’s missed regular season away matchups against a team he consistently drops 30 and 40 pieces on. He’s literally in an unwinnable situation with people. He rests because of an injury and he’s a coward. He sees his team get blown out by the fucking Trail Blazers so he plays while nursing an injury and now he’s stat padding and MVP chasing so he’s selfish. So fucking tiresome.

  14. LurkerFailsLurking

    oof, I know it’s not Kuminga’s fault but that really sucks. This kind of repetitive reinjury could preemptively end his career .

  15. He shouldn’t have been on the floor. He is clearly injured. He should be resting his knee on the bench.

  16. Individual-Elk-6423

    That guy should not have been playing tonight. He was atrocious. He played most of the game around the perimeter. Nick Nurse your better than this. Beverly trying to do Maxi’s job? Get tha fuck outa here

  17. prettymuthafucka

    For the minimum games played is there a time limit? Like can he check in for 5 minutes and it counts?

  18. I don’t like the 76ers, and I don’t like Embiid, but seeing some people being happy about this injury is actually pathetic. I want to see him(and them) beat due to skill, not injury. Hopefully, it’s a quick and good recovery for Joel.

  19. YoHoochIsCrazy

    am i crazy or does that not even look too bad? his leg flattens to the floor without hyperextending. not saying it didn’t hurt and/or he didn’t tweak something, but his leg doesn’t do anything unnatural. hope he’s alright

  20. myloxyloto10

    I guess goodbye to mvp. But I’d rather have a healthy playoff embiid than regular season mvp embiid.

  21. Now this sub is doing a 180 and saying “wHy WaS hE pLaYiNg????” Fuck yalls

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