@Toronto Raptors

Raptors vs Bulls LIVE Watch Along | Can Toronto Fight Through The Tank For A Win?

Raptors vs Bulls LIVE Watch Along | Can Toronto Fight Through The Tank For A Win?

Yeah W Oh Welcome back everybody to Amateur hour Sports we’re out here on a Tuesday night for a very special Toronto Raptor watch party what makes it special well really not much here but every game game is special when we can spend it all together here especially amidst the tank that is ongoing with this Toronto

Raptors team amidst the tank the Raptors still have an opportunity to find a win but along the way regardless of everything that goes down with this team we’re looking for the moral victories along the way we’re looking for the developmental stories along the way and I got to tell you watching this team

Struggle from time to time it’s a whole lot easier when there’s a whole group of great amateur Army members out here watching with me so thank you so much for joining me out here on the channel today but a late one tonight 8:00 p.m. Eastern start time against the Chicago

Bulls Raptors have been up and down with their results against the Chicago Bulls this season but today in tough again no yakob purle no Emanuel quickly no RJ Barrett uh yeah the Bulls they’re missing some guys too I wouldn’t say anybody that I would super be be super fearful

Of Patrick Williams is out I believe somebody in the chat mentioned that Zack LaVine is also out for this one the Bulls have been fine without Zack LaVine this season Patrick Williams is not that good so uh yeah the Bulls are favored here Bulls are favored by six and a half

Points think that’s pretty fair considering the game is in Chicago however I wouldn’t be surprised if the Raptors got a win today we’ll be interesting to see as well I’m hoping and expecting more Grady dick minutes and we’ll probably get a little bit more Jordan noara here today after his

Outstanding performance in that very narrow loss to the Atlanta Hawks but 16 and 30 on the season Raptors my goodness they are uh they are doing pretty good work with this tank I got to be honest here if we go to the current tank ofon standings we can see that the Raptors

Are sixth worst in the NBA the Memphis Grizzlies continue to win games four and six in their last 10 the Raptors are 1 and nine in their last 10 and it’s starting to look like hey maybe they can slip under the Portland Trail Blazers I don’t think they’re going to slip beyond

The Charlotte Hornets or San Antonio Spurs we shall see but if the tanking is what you’re interested in the Raptors are doing just that and based on the recent poll that I had on my YouTube channel it would suggest that there are a lot of raptors fans who are ready to

Free the tank honestly I was expecting a good amount of raptors fans to be ready for the tank I wasn’t expecting this many people to be ready for the tank here I mean I thought like a good chunk but good as gracious 78% of the viewers of the supporters of the Army members

78% say it’s time to tank try to finish bottom six and use your own pick I mean I guess it makes sense um I I’m still like kind of 50/50 here cuz even if the Raptors are bottom six they only have a 45% chance of using their

Pick if they’re bottom five they only have a 63% chance of using their pick I guess it’s better to have a chance at it than like very limited chance and then get dumped in the play in tournament or not even make to play in tournament still so it is what it is

I’m happy at least for the time being Scotty Barnes is getting a ton of rep so at the very least we have that going for us but nonetheless the games are difficult the games are tough right now but again we need to appreciate the small victories along the way appreciate

The development here in the recent stages of development we’ve had some you know some decent output from we’ve had some decent output from Grady dick let’s hope to continue to give him minutes and see what he can do I mean you better give him minutes like

Why would you not give him minutes like what else are you playing for right now uh oh some troubling some troubling information just came across my screen wow uh so games on sportset today uh if you guys don’t know sportset is delayed compared to real time and um

Especially delayed compared to TSN so I like when the games are on TSN now I had a suspicion that a lot of the games in the first half of the Season like more than half were TSN so I’m thinking okay at some point will it catch up or does

TSN have more than half this year which usually they split 50/50 well we have the uh we have the the death alley here right now the next six games in a row are going to be featured on sportset oh goodness gracious me um but then

The but then the the hang on so we have we have six games in a row on sportset that we’re going to deal with so we’ll have some issues with like being up to date and everything and then 1 two three four five six seven eight 9

10 11 12 30 4 no way I don’t know this is inaccurate or something but not nothing else afterwards says it’s on Sports and maybe it just hasn’t been registered yet but the next six games are on Sports Net uh if this is correct what I have here then they have sports

Have no other games but I don’t obviously don’t believe that’s the case anyhow um the next six are on Sports Net that is unfortunate um no Yak no IQ no RJ Barrett for the Raptors today going to be a tough one against the Bulls let’s say what’s up to the great people

In the chat now thanks so much everybody for tuning in today get us started by hitting that like button it does make a huge difference to the channel helps us get on some more YouTube recommended pages and my goodness as Raptors free the tank we need all the help we can get

In the community also make sure you’re subscribed to the channel keep up to dat with all the content we have coming your way um no video yesterday on the channel uh I’ve been sick with the flu again second time in five weeks I got it butth

This one wasn’t as bad my body was a little bit more prepared to fight it this time thankfully but but uh still not great getting better hopefully Thursday I’m like all good back to normal um and just can get my life back on track here I was about to buy a a gym

Membership and then uh I was going to get a trial to a gym uh local to me and then I figured well I’m sick so I’m not even going to use it so I’m going to wait a little bit longer so I want to get that on track and I’ll do that once

I’m healthy but what’s going on everybody in the chat thanks so much for hanging out with me tonight Quinton monins was here early along with Toronto Raptor education as was one of my members here winner one some other members in the community featuring today right now jonda thanks so much for the

Two members in the chat at the moment amongst many others probably are here haven’t commented yet if you are a member you have access to those Sunday morning live streams plus the all the other additional perks associated with it we have sports Bridger here we have Daniel Barry sports highlights sahaj is

Here as well Justin James joining jizo joining once again xan James joining once again thank you everybody for tuning in tonight hanging out with me uh somebody did ask jizu asked did I feel any better better better compared to Sunday uh but still not tremendous I’ve

Been dealing with a lot of fatigue today that’s been the biggest battle today uh just overall fatigue it’s um I couldn’t shake it I I really couldn’t shake it uh I’m trying to I’m building up my energy now that I’m like talking and lights and everything but

Yeah fatigue has really hampered me the last like 3 4 hours of the day leading into this so um I was going to say I should sleep a little bit tomorrow but I can’t because I work early plus I have physio before I start work so I have

Even less sleep than normal tomorrow that’s okay um I’ll figure it out I’ll be okay don’t worry about it don’t worry about it uh let’s see what’s up with the what the chat is saying here um Quinton says we have to trust the process I don’t like to use that term because it’s

Kind of an icky term now with the 76ers but uh yes patience and um it’s just about being patient and seeing what we have here it’s it’s going to like I don’t want to burst anybody’s bubble for but for the people saying that we’re going to put it all together and be good

Again next season come on guys probably not going to happen uh this is going to be like years and years here this is going to be probably like like somebody said we’re Bruno kaboko here we’re two years away from being two years away probably in that sort of State here where probably I

Mean it’ll all depend on the development here but I would say it’s at the very least two full season for the Raptors are are really can expect to be challenging for I I think like a year and a half so the start of two seasons

From now the season after the next one I think that’s a realistic timeline to say hey they could be challenging for a playoff spot but it’s going to be a process here 100% And and not having one of the one of our picks for the next couple years could be a problem although

The Raptors I I believe the pick for the Spurs next year let’s say we do tank hard enough and we can use our pick this year I believe that the the pick is top eight protected and then top 10 protected so it’s it is possible the Raptors can just keep

Tanking and keep using their own pick and eventually the the pick would convey as a second round pick but uh I would find that unlikely I would find that unlikely but just something to consider as well for them to do next season Kobe white goes off tonight I don’t know Kobe White’s

Weird he could but then also like like he could have an unbelievable game and be like okay he’s been doing that season and he could have a horrible game yeah that’s Kobe white so I have no idea do I think Barnes will melt down or get better in the

Playoffs I don’t know my expectation would be he performs admirably in the playoffs we’re tanking so do you see Noel getting any NBA minutes yeah as the season wears on I imagine markeis will get some stuff uh I’ve got to say the game is on Sports C today by the way yes

Sports Bridger um as it is for the next six games as I said earlier oh my goodness thank you Quinton appreciate it love the grind yeah you got to embrace it you got to embrace it to do this stuff um and it’s provided me the grind on YouTube is provid me some extra

Opportunities guys I’m uh very happy to say if you weren’t here you didn’t hear it yet I am going to be doing four streams on the bleacher report app in the month of February they have brought me on for four streams here had a few in

The summer we’re back at it we have four streams coming in February what’s great about these ones it’s not General NBA it is Raptor specific so in the month of February February 6th at 1 p.m. Eastern on the bleach Report app I’ll be talking about Raptor’s trade deadline wants and

Needs February 9th will be a trade deadline review for the Raptors and free agent preview as we head towards closer and closer toward regular season that’ll be February 9th at 12:30 p.m. on Friday February 16th one week out to that one I’ll be doing a grading of the first

Half of the season for the Raptors once again in the bleach Report app and finally Tuesday February 20th I will also be doing another bleach stream keys to the second half of the season for the Raptors that’s what we have on the way on the bleach Report app along with all

The content I have here on this channel and with the streams and the videos uh so you can go check me out over on bleach report as well Maris Noel yeah have anybody didn’t see marisel was voted into the g-league uh next up game I I believe it’s what what it’s called

It’s the equivalent of their All-Star games congratulations to Maris well for that excited to see what he can continue to accomplish in his career whether it be with the Raptors or not but the Raptors hey I’d love to give him an opportunity I keep saying I don’t want

To count a guy out like jonte Porter I was saying like I don’t think he’ll be that good but I’d love to see what he looks like and he looks like somebody who’s granted not the best but good enough to get minutes right now and he played pretty well in the last game

Who’s our tank there really is no tank General this year we we got to have this conversation last game the only one it could be is like Darko but I don’t I I don’t think that anybody deserves like what Aaron Baines got that that that season how was dinner dinner was pretty

Good some nice uh turkey burgers you know standard basically my household is just frozen ground ground meat and then I whip it into something pretty much either tacos or Burgers that’s on a day-to-day basis I actually I made pasta yesterday but it’s typically just ground meat into either a Patty or

Just um just cook ground meat put into a wrap or on a salad or on potatoes it’s it’s it sometimes it can get a little bit boring I suppose but tomorrow I have a nice dinner and Friday uh unfortunately on Friday but I’m happy and excited for this Friday I’m going to

Be at a very nice Italian Pizza restaurant for a friend’s birthday which means I will not be available for the stream on Friday so uh you won’t see me for the second consecutive Friday unfortunately but I am streaming tonight I will be back on Monday as for videos

Coming out I will have a video out tomorrow on the channel we’ll see if anything else goes down for the week that really might be it for the week it’s just been it been busy I’m sick and um there’s not a ton to go through right

Now I’ll save all my energy for trade deadline week and start pumping out content I’ll be doing videos regarding trades I’ll be doing uh we’ll have streams where we’ll ALS also be discussing everything Raptors we’ll have the Sunday morning streams where we’ll talk more in depth on these sort of

Things as well if you become a member you have access to those and on my work channel the board HQ at theboard HQ thee HQ that is my uh Channel I I operate with my company at work we’ll be doing a live stream during the free uh during the trade deadline

Frenzy we’ll call it uh trade deadline is Friday uh Thursday February 8th at 300 p.m. eastern time I’ll be live there at 2 p.m. eastern time all the way until about 400 p.m. eastern time to be discussing things that have gone down as far as the trade

Season is concerned and I imagine the Raptors will be active every year we say the Raptors are going to be active the trade they never are well this year I mean my God they better be active at this trade deadline selling off some assets and getting some uh future

Considerations in return uh of those trades Paul claro asked me to talk about the trades not really a lot of info coming out right now like obviously we’re expecting Bruce Brown to get traded it really could be a number of teams that Acquire Bruce Brown Chris bue

Could end up on the Boston Celtics we don’t know there’s a possibility yako purle end somewhere else there really isn’t any specifics that we have at the moment but I think everybody on the team other than Barnes quickley Barrett and Grady dick are going to be up for trade here

So the Raptors could do a lot or a little hopefully it’s quite a bit though what is our next nationally televised game I actually don’t know I don’t know we have anymore I hope we don’t have anymore Gary trim would be an interesting one to trade as well I I

Kind of hope that they they get something done there just just cash an ass I’m not really ready to give Gary Trent money in the off season I I don’t know how the front office feels about that but me I could uh I could I I I’d be okay without him

Uh Raptor starters for today by the way it will be Dennis schroer Bruce Brown Gary Trent Jr Scotty Barnes and Thaddius young um I don’t expect this to hold a ton I expect to see Grady dick and Jordan noara out there quite a bit Jordan wild bring in a

Bit of size and I am very much expecting a lot of Scotty Barnes to five today I don’t like I guess you can handle with that against nicoa vuvi but I think we’re going to see quite a bit of Scotty at the five today I think it will be a welcome site as

Well he’s way better on defense down low like not always as the five but like as a a four who can help at The Rim I think that’s where Scotty Barn is best on defense rather than as a perimeter player I don’t think they use him there enough considering he’s clearly better

There but I’m very much hoping that he can do that with the new CBA rules better trade Trend uh Perhaps it is I don’t I I’m not like my understanding of the cap uh I I don’t really understand the new cap implications maybe I will at some point

But I don’t quite know it right now but yeah there’s a lot of guys you have to start paying I don’t think Gary Trent really needs to be one of them so I’m okay if you can uh if you can move on from there yaka purle fits perfectly on the

Warriors uh to a certain degree I suppose I I think he is a really good fit in OKC I think the Warriors to a certain degree is a good fit if you send him to the Warriors you have to take back there’ probably be no need to have kavan Looney anymore uh Kan

Looney fell off to say the least is season his contract status uh he is guaranteed $3 million next season and if the team wins the title in 2023 or 2024 then it is guaranteed fully guaranteed if team wins title in 2023 or 2024 or seven days before start of 2024

Moratorium I don’t know what that means they have to win Championship essentially that ain’t happening so guaranteed $3 million next year that’s a fine contract to take on I mean if that was to come back in the trade there’d probably need to be more money Andrew Wiggins may have

To come back in the trade I don’t want Andrew Wiggins anyway whatsoever uhuh no need anymore keep Andrew Wiggins I ain’t taking that that I see the curry verse Sabrina contest I did see that um that’s kind of exciting I don’t think it’s at the All-Star I

Thought it was like coming up soon I I don’t think it’s an Allstar event but if it is then please enlighten me as such but that’ll be fun I think with all the respect I think Curry will win but it’ll be fun I’d love to see how she Stacks up for sure she

Had a didn’t she have like an like an insane Three-Point Contest last year though could go down sakam looks looks weird IND New Jersey yeah unfortunately I’m starting to get used to it it just kind of is what it is now that’s just his team but

Uh it’s hard to move on it’s hard to move on from things like that okay let’s get into kind of uh some keys to the game here for the Raptors so uh first of all I spoke about it earlier I think Scotty Barnes playing down low

Is going to be essential today the Bulls are going to want to get to the rim you need somebody who can defend the rim Scotty Barnes can do a decent job there fadus young can’t really jonte Porter also can’t really so I want to see some Scotty Barnes getting some big minutes

Today uh big at the big spot big minutes in the big positions that’s where I want to see Scotty Barnes today you want to continue to see that also let’s see if Jordan haar can follow up his previous performance in any way whatsoever uh he was very very good against the Atlanta

Hawks grd dick also had a good performance probably his most impressive performance from the Raptors grd dick and game against the Hawks wasn’t a liability on defense shot the ball well it was further proof of hey Grady dick isn’t just a shooter he does other stuff

Really well so that was a good boost for I guess Raptors fans optimism on him and probably great for his confidence with his performance there also for this game what we want to see H guys doing their job out there still hustling out there you know it’s difficult a lot of guys

Playing today wondering if there’s still going to be a raptor in a week a week and a half or so Schroeder doesn’t know Gary Trent doesn’t know Bruce Brown probably knows he’s not going to be here let’s still see some hustle play out there for the guys that are on the team

But like I said guys we got to take them moral victories along the way it’s a six and a half point spread it’s going to be difficult for the Raptors today but I don’t put it past them to go and win today uh I I guess yeah you can’t really

Lose if you win cool if you lose also so you know tank um and probably the best result for the Raptors what they saw in in the last game where they played great and they just slightly lose in the end you know these sort of things can

Happen sorry I need a lot of fluids I’m still sick uh they did show Maris noell playing in that next up game uh oh so the three-point challenge by the way between uh s Sabrina yonescu and uh and Steph Curry is GNA be at Allstar Weekend

That’s going to be fun that’s going to be a lot of fun but the next up game Maris Noel was selected however he’s been injured so I don’t even know he’s going to be able to play in that game actually we’re 10 games out from the first overall pick we’re we’re not

Listen we ain’t going to finish bottom uh we we were looking at it earlier I I think it’s I think we will be bottom six the Atlanta will still try to win um Brooklyn have their pick so like they’re not going to tank I don’t think uh the

Rest of these teams are going to try to keep winning Chicago are starting to pick things up so I think they’re going to keep trying to win Houston won’t bot him out because they don’t have their pick this year uh the Jazz it seems like they’re they want to keep trying to win

Games here but like yeah who are the teams that could bot him out out of the B out of the teams not in a playoff spot right now uh I don’t know like just Memphis probably only the bot seven but Memphis have been winning games so maybe not them the

Raptors can they be bad enough to catch Portland like maybe can they be bad enough to catch Charlotte I don’t think so but I think best case for the Raptors realistically is bottom five and that only gives them a 63% shot at keeping their pick I I just do not think they’re going

To catch Charlotte or San Antonio here washing Washington San Antonio and Charlotte are ass Mega ass like even worse than us I don’t think we’re catching them I think the Raptors Showcase in the last game that they they can pick up some wins here or there so I

Would not expect to be lower than bottom five but bottom five is definitely a possibility for this team do we think we can beat the blaz and D I just so let’s skip that Kyle Lowry even going to play for the Hornets they’re going to try to trade him uh

They won’t trade him because who the [ __ ] is going to trade for Kyle Lowry um they he’s going to get bought out and the team will sign him for free that’s what they’re going to be looking for right now but no KY Larry will not be playing

For the Hornets what a jersey that would be a ky lari Hornets Jersey by the way speaking of Ky lari let’s talk about his former team the Miami Heat the Miami Heat what is going on in Miami the Miami Heat have lost seven games in a row they

Are 0 and four since the trade for Terry roier I mean what the hell is happening here they beat the Hornets on January 14th all sorry they beat the the the Nets on January 15th in OT then they loost they got blown out by by us of all

Teams lost to the Hawks the magic the Grizzlies the Celtics the Knicks and the Suns what is going on in Miami there seven games above five 500 now well they eight games above 500 excuse me now only one game above 500 and they are no longer threatening near the top four in

The Eastern Conference in New York Knicks have been plowing teams they have won seven in a row and are suddenly making a case for themselves as being a top two team in the Eastern Conference I don’t think so but my goodness they could be they could be they are a team

That’s a greater some than their parts but that’s just the kind of team that you typically get with Tom Tibido they have been they been interesting and OG’s ability to take out the opposition’s best player that is an interesting team going into the playoffs 100% I still think the

Celtics a team to beat in the NBA but keep an eye on those nicker boers nobody really talked for the heat losing streak no it’s not getting enough media claim they have the I was about to say the Raptors have the largest losing streak in the NBA at the

Moment but they don’t it’s five in a row the Miami Heat best us at seven in a row uh also some big losing streaks the Hornets sorry the yeah the Hornets have lost four but Detroit are starting to win some games here and there looking like the Bobcats will uh will still be

The worst team of all time the Wizards won a couple games in a row here the Spurs are starting to play a little better it would take an alltime tank though to get as low as some of these other teams come on the Clippers are scary the Clippers

Are very scary uh they if they’re healthy they are very very good they are very good it’s just a big question are they going to stay healthy that is the that’s the question can they do it I I don’t know if they are it might be the team to beat in the West

Are we going to see Garrett Temple minutes probably not like if we’re going to start working on development Garrett Temple is not a guy you have to be worried about and he’s not that good so yeah I wouldn’t expect unless it’s like garbage time Min Tri G Temple the Knicks have been first

And D OG trade and OG has just been like we knew OG was good but he has been Sensational with this team hasn’t he and it’s kind of nice that OG is finally getting his his flowers really finally getting some of that credit that he really deserves and has deserved for

A while it’s a shame that he never really got it with Toronto but happy for OG getting that and getting it right now in a contract year OG I was saying like he might be pushing 40 million for agency guys he might be pushing 40 million for agency are you seeing the

Media Buzz around this guy he might be pushing 40 million free agency uh no RJ Barrett no purle no quickly today anybody coming in not aware none of those three are playing Raptors 6 and a half Point underdogs here sun’s been disappointing we all thought they’re going to be

Crazy they haven’t really been healthy they are a very very very very topheavy team and they just have not been healthy enough this season uh they starting to put a little bit together here they’ve won eight of their last 10 to go on a bit of run here they are now uh seven

Games above 500 but yeah for a while it was it was but now that Beal is back healthy with all three of the of that three-headed monster healthy they’re a good team I’m not expecting them to go super far in the playoffs though um not I mean probably a second round team for

Me wouldn’t shock me to see them in a Conference Finals but I I don’t think so second round I mean they could be first round but realistic second round ceiling from what I’ve seen from them they’re just not built well enough really to do it you need to have some sort of depth

And I just don’t think they have that here why do you think the Raptors get underlooked or don’t get love that uh from uh like the other teams I mean it’s it’s geographical it’s a it’s a smaller Market especially for like the the US coverage that you see for teams

Typically um that I think that’s just really it the Raptors are in Canada that’s I think that’s what a lot of it comes down to because because clearly OG is very good but nobody ever really talked about it not a lot of eyes on the

Canadian team a lot of eyes on New York Knicks New York Madison Square Garden there’s a ton of eyes there the Raptors don’t have the eyes that other teams get and I’m sure there’s there’s players around other teams like other other smaller markets and some markets are actually like the Raptors aren’t Toronto

Is not a small Market but it’s kind of treated as such sometimes there are actual small markets out there where players don’t get the recognition as they should if the Grizzlies get their pick in the top six the raps can trade a pick and players to move

Up yeah yeah they could uh the Raptors have three picks in pretty close succession near the end of the first start of the second so they will have the ability to use those picks and trade up messai jiri mentioned in his press conference essentially he hinted that

The Raptors uh will be looking to move up in the draft and trade some off some of those picks to get a better draft pick so uh looking to rebuild immediately and I wonder how fast they look to do this as well TR smart uh so so so as as I just

Said Toronto itself is not a small Market but it is treated as such in the NBA they are small Market when it comes to free agency they do not attract free agents the best free agent signings in franchise history are probably deari Carroll and Dennis Schroeder that’s not very good those are

Like the cream of the crop especially the way deari Carrol played for the Raptors and as far as media coverage they just don’t get the coverage other big markets do it is what it is um well there you go we sorted it out uh yeah uh yeah it’s it it’s a small

Market like it is I like they don’t get free agents they don’t get the coverage like it just that’s it’s just a reality Toronto itself is a big market like you look at hockey Toronto the Maple they’re a massive Market even though they they haven’t won since before my parents were born

But for for basketball I I mean it’s it’s coming it’s coming on it’s getting better the the vibe around Toronto is getting better this era we’re in the middle of right now or at the start of rather we’re not even in the middle of it will not help at all with that market

That was kind of growing a little bit but yeah we’ve proven that Toronto can win we’ve proven that people want to be in Toronto now sakam did not want to get traded Fred wanted to be here but took the bag elsewhere and we’ve proven guys like Allstar caler players want to be

Here and I think we’ll have further proof as Scotty Barnes continues to develop with his team they’re showing the replay of that uh sadique Bay gamewinner from a couple of days ago man Scotty Bar’s a little bit a little bit late on that on that held defense I didn’t

Notice that at the first at first but the oh that defense on that play was horrible we are we are a very valuable franchise for sure Toronto itself should be a big Market but it just isn’t for the NBA for for players and for coverage again it is what it is nothing

We can really do about it but I I I think it will it will start to change and it has already started to change as I was mentioning I I’m not sure what the next expansion would be the next expansion could be involving Montreal could should be I mean could involve Seattle

But could involve Vancouver I I think the next two should be Seattle and Vegas though I I think it’d be crazy not to get Vegas a team at this point like the golden knights have been so successful they won the Stanley Cup last last season I believe it was they

Won I believe it was them last season I think’d be crazy not to expand the NBA to Vegas GNA have to hear me commenting all the illegal stream websites rapt Liv games are down that’s that’s unfortunate I’m on Sports Net so thankfully I uh it’s expensive so I

Don’t blame people for using illegal streams but uh you got me at least hopefully those streaming serves can come back up but in the meantime I’m here for y’all Drake ain’t doing us over well Drake the I think Drake being given the fake role as the global Ambassador I

I mean the Raptors took off in that era really like the rap the Raptors really took off in the ER don’t send stream links in chat by the way um I don’t think you can but uh if you do want to send a link put it in the Discord there

Is a raptor links there’s a channel for Raptor links that you can put in the Discord uh to send that out but I don’t think you put them in the Stream chat by the way stream East is working well stream East would be my go-to so if you have

Access there go there hey is commercial up for the MC rib I’ve never had a MC rib before but they’re really promoting it in Canada now it came back it was here briefly at a specific location McDonald’s not the one close to me but now it seems that they’re pumping this

Out to every McDonald’s location so I will be trying the mcreb at some point in the next week or two I would say just to see what all the fuss about I imagine it’s going to be underwhelming based on the the Acclaim it gets but I I I will I

Want to see I I just want to experience it a little bit I people saying I don’t know what to say there is zero Financial incentive for American Media to even mention the word Toronto therefore well there you go like people don’t care about it so why

Would they mention it like like people always moan about ESPN they always talk about the Lakers well that’s what gets the most views that’s like when the Raptors play the Lakers there’s a ton of viewers in these like there’s a lot of viewers all the time but there’s

Definitely a spike in in viewership when the rabits are playing the Lakers like the Lakers get the most clicks so TV shows who are fighting for Ratings they talk with the Lakers because that gets the most eyes that gets most people watching if they did like rap their

Stuff they wouldn’t get as many views so they they they got to that’s you know they got to take care of their business but that’s why I say like I I always get push back people always go ballistic when I say toron is a small Market but

It is in the NBA it just is I me when the Raptors come to town for an away team like they ain’t spiking up ticket prices or anything especially right now it is sad though we’ll get there again guys it’ll be a grind we will we

Did it once we can get back again we have belief in this core the fan base has belief in this core the fan base is behind this I like it we’re all United here and somebody mentioned it earlier in the Stream I’d rather sit here knowing where this team is going what

The plan is what we’re trying to achieve I’d rather be here doing that than sitting watching a team I don’t believe in that is still not good enough to make the playoffs with no future we believe in the future here’s the starting line for today we still have some stuff to do

In the present it’s Schroeder Trent Barnes Brown and Thaddius young as our Starting Fire for the Bulls it’s Kobe white IO Damu demard Rosen Alex cruso Ed Nia vuchic that’s not a great team either and we’re still six and a half Point underdogs yikes uh I would say like I did last

Game I believe the Raptors will cover that 6 and a half point spread I do not feel confident enough to bet it but I think I’ll cover that if you guys ever want to bet on the Raptors or anything anything sports related please use the Sportsbook partner of Amur Sports bet 99

Sports Book you can use the link in chat Pinn at top of chat or the link that is in the description to sign up to the BET 99 Sportsbook they already have a ton of Super Bowl novelty props available and I know a lot of people like betting on the

Coin flip in Super Bowl what bet 99 has done is great they have given you even odds on that coin flip plus 100 odds 2.000 odds so that at least it is a neutral EV bet to B on the coin flip rather than a minus EV bet which would

Be anything other than a plus 100 odds or 2. odds so ton of Super Bowl novelty props you can always bet Raptors at bet 99 check out our Sportsbook partner here support the channel as well if you’re betting on sports anyways make bet 99 one of the sports

Books in your portfolio to support the channel a little bit more and hey you’re going to be betting anyways like I said all right it is game time here out in the first quarter schroer nearly turns it over to get us started but Barnes has it now six in the shot clock Dennis

Schroeder kicks out to Trent one on the shot clock he gets the floater up in time but it doesn’t go do they ever go Bruce Brown on the rebound puts it up and finishes to get that first basket of the game all right you those Gary Trent floaters ever go I don’t think

So hate these three guard alliance with Dennis Trent Brown uh Bruce Brown is not really a god like not like a guard he I I when I S I consider him a 23 so I I don’t think this is a ridiculous lineup kuso in the corner for three and

The Bulls respond immediately and take the lead at 3 to2 do you think ticket price will go down for next go down next season because I’m trying to go for the first time I think they have to but who knows they might feel as though they get enough people buying them anyways they

Don’t have to lower the ticket price or anything Bruce Brown going up and he gets blocked by D rozan of all people Kobe white in transition lays it in on the Euro Step and it’s five to2 for the Bulls should start Noir listen we ain’t going to get too far ahead of ourselves

For one good Jordan Noir game like like let’s wait on that a little bit uh the size we are a little bit under size but we Gary Trent open for three got it to go we need to R SC Scotty Barn scar Scotty Barn’s more for rebounding which

We don’t do but you’re right I guess the lineup is a little bit small but there isn’t a ton of option here unless you know like people saying you start Jordan noo or or I mean I guess like who else could you start I mean like do you even want to start him

Anyways size is GNA be a problem rest of season and schroer doesn’t go on the layup fadus young point blank on the rebound can’t finish it my God Fus young if you guys are enjoying the stream content so far please make sure you’ve hit the like button let’s try to get to

50 likes in the first quarter on this stream as kuso was open for three again doesn’t go this time if you’ve hit the like button you’re enjoying the content and you’re new to the channel you can also subscribe for Raptor watch parties like this for virtually every Raptor

Game and videos all throughout the week about this team no stream on Friday though I’m away but a lot of Fridays the thing I’m worried about is that losing leads to losing habits uh it’s hard for a team to shake that uh well the team knows the position

It’s in right now it is hard to shake those things but know Scotty Barnes has been on a winning team here a lot of guy like Bruce Brown has won a championship in last year Thad very experienced schroer has had success with the Lakers deep playoff runs so or one deep playoff

Run I I’m not as worried about that right now to me development is still the name of the game vuvi outside to D rozan Corner three doesn’t go oh that would have made me mad other way for the Raptors down by two 87 or down by one Schroeder nearly

Turns it over again tosu tips it out for a raptor basketball that was nice take by Bruce Brown I didn’t comment on it Gary Trent in mid-range cashes it in a nice H five early points for Gary Caruso in the paints fading off off the glass and finishing some fundamental

Action ction from the bull starting power forward Scotty Barnes for three Off the Mark here come the Bulls the other way Gary’s been playing a lot better recently Gary Trent with a steel here here come the raps other the way with fadus young in the corner to the aention

Gary Tren Jr who connects from three eight points early Gary Trent he is eight of the 12 points for the Raptors and they lead by two okay okay good stuff from Gary Trent and the Raptors just trudging along here uh Scotty bar 3 Dro let’s see how much it

Has it’s dropped probably a little bit Scotty bar 3o is down to 36.3 down from like when I last time checked it was 36.7 it’s still been fine still been fine hasn’t been as a electric as it was earlier maybe we’re more used to it at

This point uh but 36 is still very like if it’s anything above 33 I’ll be very happy on the season like come on all right have not taken the door shot today let’s take the door shot so last time out on Sunday I don’t know if I was sick

And you know that’s what it was but uh my door shot was very very short of the basket so hoping to rebound here I don’t want to be five uh oh I would be 500 if I missed but I don’t want to even get

Close to 500 I got to get this shot down so let’s get that it I I just don’t want it to be as bad as last time but I would really love to make it here let’s try still kind of sick so ah absolute money absolute money come on

Eight of 13 on the door shots that was absolute straight water cash wet absolutely agreed H it’s what I do it’s what I do just needed you know one to remind one to remind me you still got to work on these things but uh we catch that one in

8 of 13 we’ve done it let’s catch the uh the replay of this one as well let’s see it in action because you guys see it I don’t get to see it myself let’s watch this one let’s see how we look in the slowmo did it did it look as good as I

Thought it did yes yes it did oh and the reaction says it all I knew I I knew what I did there absolute money swish action that’s some good stuff there all right I’m fired up now I’m already fired up the Raptor’s in the lead here but I’m

Even more fired up after that that one let’s keep it going let’s keep the Good Vibes going that deserves a like come on hit that like how many likes are we at right now that’s why I get paid the Big B look bleach report saw the door shot

Tracker they said man seven of 12 in the door shot tracker we need to get this guy on our app and that’s exactly what happens what’s happening in February listen they they know who’s bringing in the viewers and it’s going to be the guy who’s knocking down door shots like that okay

Ption action here we’re at 27 likes ladies and gentlemen I want to hit 50 by the end of the first quarter and with 105 people in the Stream right now I know we can do it please support the channel Raptors force a Miss Schroeder other way on the layup gets the and one

Yes sir Dennis Schroeder right past Kobe white and finishes Victor mentions that Scotty has a high advantage over Caruso didn’t attack it well Caruso as much as a high Advantage Caruso is not exactly an easy player to to dribble past and get in the paint however I would like to see an attempt

On some occasions I agree should we keep Gary if you can get something for him trade him 1410 Raptors stroer to make it a five-point game yes indeed 15-10 cherot de says cherish well we have it we can win Bull’s teammate nothing special and Dylan Terry called for either out of

Bound I think we call for the travel so rapor get the ball back back here how is Billy domond still this team’s coach good Lord oh they’re playing better now fair enough Bruce Brown picks up the dribble gets to Scotty Barnes down low D and Terry def all right let’s go out this

Scotty double comes oh he barely gets the pass to Bruce Brown and Bruce Brown turns it over they read the Bulls defended that well they doubled and they recognize a kick out that was good defending D rozan attacking right pass body Barnes and finishing three-point game Pelicans are looking to upgrade

From JV might be willing to include Dion DS would Yak be an upgrade um yes because of the defense like JV is fine Yak would be an upgrade but I know the contract like do you need like do you need JV a lot of raptors fans want to believe

That JV is an upgrade but he probably isn’t Barnes right to the rim okay I mean he can do that he can do that let’s see uh jv’s contract I mean the Grizzlies traded JV got Stephen Adams and improved dramatically like there wasn’t a coincidence that Stephen

Adams fits fit a lot better there uh JB’s on a $15 million contract which expires this season I kind of like the sound of that just an expiring contract if you I mean I I don’t think you’re getting Dyson Daniels uh in that trade but maybe you

Could yeah uh JB’s defense is is subpar that’s that’s really what it comes down to Terry for three Off the Mark Raptors up two Gary Trent on the rebound fadus young here Grady dick has entered the game by the way he came in for Dennis Thad flips it to Bruce Brown at the

Baseline now Grady dick extra pass to Trent Gary Trent what a start to the game he’s got 11 points for the Raptors and a nice feed by Grady dick to set it up great ball moving by the Raptors sadis young stays nice and patient nice kick out extra pass three

Ball Bruce Brown another rebound here fattiest Young to Grady dick in transition has to slow it down flips back up top to Thad Thad hand off to Bruce Brown sets a screen Brown tried to hit that pocket pass to Thad but it’s a kickball Jordan noira checking in for the

Raptors after his outstanding performance against the Hawks really good ball they’re showing the replay there really nice ball mve there Carri Trent impr proving oh my goodness excuse me still having the uh dehydration issues as Thad throws it out of bounds there I uh I agree with nameless here gr di is

Looking good out there and you see why they drafted him not just a shooter is uh the the key thing but he is a very good shooter as we’ll start to learn didn’t make the rising stars game of course uh some notable players like Jordan Hawkins and

Keontay George did but uh grd dick is is um is getting better and better he’s TR to get more and more minutes as well timeout called here Raptor is up 20 to 17 after the vuich layup Pelicans might give up Dyson for almost nothing they’re barely under the tax line they have to

Pay other players next year um herb Jones apparently although I herb Jones was apparently up for trade up for trade then also apparently that was fake uh but you’re right actually the Pelicans are in a difficult cap situation they could elect to move off of some of those guys you’re not wrong

They could they could move off some of those guys I’m hungry man I’ve seen this Burger King commercial I’m seeing MC rib commercials I could go for some food Gary Tren seems to play better when the raps are tanking uh I don’t know if if that’s like correlation or anything with gry

Dick is open he hits his shots that’s what we’re learning he’s he’s above 50% on open shots this season he’s like low 20% on threes that are contested this season he is yeah open Dynamite not open not good at all when is MC it’s available now uh I don’t know everywhere

But in Toronto I could I could order it right now if I wanted to I I’m not going to but I could I never had one so looking forward to uh giving it a go one day in the near future but I’m going out for dinner tomorrow I’m gonna have dinner Friday

Probably not uh G to happen this week they’re adding in a Suicide Squad game on PlayStation nobody’s going to buy that right I mean why would you Grady’s already a better shooter than Scotty and M if he get equally affecting other end uh yeah Grady Dick’s defense

Is never going to be that good you just have to hope I if if Grady dick ever became a neutral Defender that would be a win if he can become like a good Defender that it’d be I don’t want to say a miracal but like wow what an improvement like

You just need Grady dick not to be a liability defense and he’ll get tons of minutes like he already could get minutes what what’s been hampering his minutes this season he just he just can’t play defense but he’s got the height to do it he’s got

The size and speed to do it like it can it can develop especially as he if he starts to fill out but he’s a he’s a good cutter he is good at using his shooting gravity effectively obviously a good shooter uh decent in transition Ken is pretty athletic for a shooter as well

Good size like there there there’s a reason they drafted this guy and we’re starting to see more of those reasons coming through here Trent in mid-range nice pump fake and connects again Gary Trent the Unstoppable Force tonight has 13 points 22- 17 for the Raptors 343 to go

In the first dunu at The Rim and Trent nearly got the block there but dumu finishes through contact jonte Porter has entered the game for the Raptors he’s on the floor with Barnes Trent dick and noira sorry if you hear my dog going nuts Gary Trent to Barnes vuvi defending

Barnes going at him can’t get the layup to go here come the bulls with Terry Terry right to the rim Coast to Coast onepoint game game what’s go on Grogan yes Trent Trent’s improving can’t say he’s getting worse but definitely I mean what a game tonight so far 13 points can it be

16 uh maybe barely front rims that three but jonte Porter saves it nice hustle play extra possession for the Raptors Barnes was three on the shot clock noira for three and Jordan noira gets his night started three ball for noira dumu at The Rim again and the Raptor’s Rim protection is very much

Lacking right now gry dick bumped off the ball turned over ter the other way layup is good and that ties the game lot of uh lot of uh lot of lot of turnovers a lot of sloppy ball here like this been good but it’s been sloppy basketball and no Rim protection for the

Raptors uh noires it was acquired in the cakam trade he’s um he had a really good game against Atlanta I don’t think he’s that good but he had a really good game against Atlanta just sorry ball thrown out of bounds there by good grief Phillips I

Have no idea who that is is let’s find out uh Julian Phillips can’t say I know who that is no worries Grogan I uh I don’t blame anybody for losing a bit of their uh desire to follow the Raptors Javon Carter checks in the game here jaon card

Is underrated man Javon card is good Schroeder jumper no good and chance for the Bulls to take the lead here again if Grady like grd dig puts on like 10 15 pounds of muscle that that’s going to make a monster difference Phillips for three and he connects and one you

Know I poked the bear when I said that but when I looked when I briefly looked at his numbers he uh is a 37.5% three-point shooter but uh he can shoot apparently and he showed it there jonte Porter really bad foul that was that was that was very poor defense

Jonte and also it was a late rotation oh raps are in zone so well somebody [ __ ] up 2925 after Phillips connects at the line what’s going on in the Blue Jays Universe by the way I I’m not uh deep roster baseball mind like I I I’ve

I’ve from what I’ve seen that was a horrible pass by Porter by the way and then Drummond at The Rim finishes Drummond’s going to be a problem sizewise 3125 year uh can anybody keep me give me any uh sort of synopsis on the Jay’s off Seasons thus far like

Obviously the show [ __ ] went to [ __ ] but uh any other I heard I saw I sign just turner solid like vet bat vet that guy in the lineup uh decent pickup I think but I’ve heard that other teams are making moves and the and the Jays are

Not doing that and uh it might be they might be in trouble they downgraded well there you go they downgraded okay I they didn’t so they just didn’t get anybody that they kind of wanted in fre agency I don’t understand why dark doesn’t drop plays for got to get to the

Ball in the low post of isolated from the wing Ronnie you and me both it’s it’s a mystery and a disservice to his game do I think the Raptor decided if the Raptors to trade purle what they would get in return well salary um I think you could get a a

First and a young player Maybe Darko is no place for anyone every call Time end up with a turnover every time he calls a timeout it will be end up turn I not all well here’s a good example of a play out of a timeout let’s see what it looks like I

Think his his his at of time of play calling has been okay it was really bad in the Hawks game at the end of the game worked out almost but uh the play here well I don’t know tra just ran to the rim and scored nice and easy

3127 Raptors uh were on an 10 run there as the Bulls took over the game led by six 3127 D rozan to Carter Carter back to D rozan Carter again driving inside tough shot with the right that was ugly Javon I I just gassed you up man you make me look bad raptors

Have full shot clock here to work with Bruce Brown 20 seconds left to go in the first 10 on the shot clock now Schroeder working on Phillips schroer gonna have to come something and turns it over six seconds for the Bulls to get out the other way good recovery on

Defense takes it all the way from D rozan who turns it over and the Raptors cannot get the bucket up in time but uh some good hustle back in transition okay uh could be could be better but could be worse down by four here for the Raptors 31 to 27

I I did see vlat got the uh the cover for uh MLB the show that’s cool um you know hey Toronto players we’d be getting some covers these days vlat on the show em the show uh I think Matthews has had two he definitely has had one NHL uh

Cover Raptors you think the Raptors will Scott Barnes I think has potential cover athlete Vibes one day but probably not anyways no fighting Scotty Barnes blah blah blah these are all like madeup things to be upset about Jay’s gim is afraid ever since the Gabby Mareno trade I think that trade

Is uh like obviously Gabby Maro had a had a solid season really good in the playoffs I I think that trade is is I don’t think it was good but I think it was overblown saying how bad it was uh I’m not like a big baseball guy

But it if var’s bat starts to come through as he settled into Toronto I think that trade looks a whole lot better the defense is there obviously the the Jays need more strength in the lineup batting wise hitting wise far show wasn’t supplying that but I don’t think that’s as bad as it’s

Kind of being made out to be the Jays are betting on the existing players improving which they’ve done like two years in a row right bit of a shame who’s going to be the next 2K cover I they’re smart they’ll probably get wemi on very

Soon Rogan’s in the running to be on the cover of food eater magazine what is what is that yo give me a recipe to make food eater interesting good luck I hope you get on Gabriel is G be very special time just got to the World Series well yeah I mean baseball is

Very what are the more like hot streak sort of sort of sports like the diving backs barely scraped into the playoffs oh just BS oh that was a real thing I was excited for you you got me Shay on a c would be pretty sick the trade was bad I’m not denying

The trade was bad but I I think it’s overblown how bad it was people go too far with it it wasn’t good though not saying it was a good trade I’m saying it was a bad trade but not as bad as it’s made out to be that was really good Hustle by

Schroer by the way you know what I’m seeing I’m seeing a lot of guys in the Raptors right now who really aren’t playing for much who might get traded next week and are really put in work right now Carter to Kobe white gets stroder biting on a pump fake misses though Bruce brown

With a nice rebound boxing out Andre Drummond to grab it there’s some fight Raptors down four Thaddius young yeah the jar obsess with defense but uh no power and you need power to win playoff games they didn’t have any from their guys Caruso to Javon Carter for three Javon

Carter yeah he can shoot and the Bulls starting to take over a little bit for now 34-27 quiton reminding the viewers here to smash the like button if you are enjoying the stream content hit that like button we are at 45 likes we didn’t quite hit our goal of 50 in the first

Quarter that’s okay let’s try to get to 100 on the game 128 people here Bruce Brown put up the floater no good other way with Caruso Caruso to D rozan flips to Carter stop biting on pump fakes good grief Caruso in the corner feeds it outside to D rozan noira on the defense

Here and uh definitely fouled D rozan and D rozan hits the jump shot anyways and one wow I mean how obvious was that pump fake like ah you’re you know noran knew as soon as he left his feed he knew you’re 6′ n just put your hand up

There and you’re going to block it you’re going to deter the shot and The Bulls Out to the large Advantage now of 10 so another Raptors game down by 10 in the first half I I’ve lost count but it’s uh way too many here is Noir looking to make up for

It and his layup is good nice take at the glass by Jordan noira D rozan to Carter don’t bite on it pump fake again add in the corner to Phillips now Kobe white pump fake drives inside Phillips in the corner for three and connects you know I’m starting to

Think this zone defense isn’t really working uh it’s not working when everybody’s biting on deep three pump fakes but I’m starting to think the zone defense isn’t working here nice feed by Bruce Brown that at The Rim but he got blocked kicks out to BU in the corner

Instead hey three is better than two Chris B Corner three apoint game four assist for Thad ow D rozan up with the right and finishing again 4232 for the Bulls Raptors struggling here looks like we’re in man now Carter for three no good Drummond gets that

Rebound with ease and he’s fouled by fad well Darko changed to to Zone and then they got blown up in the zone then took a little bit too long Carter to White Off The Glass missing Drummond rebound tipped away and it’s a shot clock violation forced by the Raptors

Much better defensively there back in the man-to-man coverage or coverage I don’t know manto man Darko got to be a let’s have fun type of coach for sure Barnes to noira back to Barnes can Scotty Barnes get going here at The Rim fighting hard and he picks up the foul

Sky bars one of five tonight two assists no rebounds just a three points let’s hope he can get himself going to some degree here Barnes at the free throw line connects on the first one uh update from Underdog jont Porter uh picked up an injury and is out for the rest of the

Game so already a small team not uh not a lot of depth and we lose a bit more jonte Porter out for the rest of tonight’s game hey man one of our members in chat join in thank you to Imran hopefully bu a get minutes now jonte is

Out bu ain’t gonna help with the rim protection he helped with rebounding though uh hopefully Scotty Barnes at the five minutes as I hoped for earlier I was expecting earlier but uh we are not getting any of that he’s not even in the base of the Zone which is crazy

Listen if if the Raptors wanted to tank they wouldn’t be just forcing jonte Porter out of the game believe me jonte Porter is not a guy you take out of the game because you want a tank I’m sorry like he’s a fine player but that is not a tank

Move what’s going on to Isaac joining in the chat as well let McDaniel cook McDaniels couldn’t even get in the Hawks game amidst all the uh the depth issues what a horrible signing in free agency good grief two-year contract as well Drummond at the line misses the free throw bue

Hustles away for that rebound Raptor looking to chip away down by six now Barnes oneon-one with Phillips let’s let’s go take him on bulls uh going Zone here as noira drives in and he’s fouled all right Jordan did a great job drawing fouls against Atlanta has done a decent job here tonight as

Well 750 to go in the second quarter here Barnes looking to get his KN going in the corner to Grady dick steps inside flips out to Barnes open for three no good again Barnes one of six on the night struggling so far Kobe white kicks out to

Phillips and he misses a three Scotty Barnes on the rebound other way now Barnes to noira back to Barnes flips it in the corner to grd Dick very nice feed Grady dick can’t capitalize with his three ball dunu to vuvi now Phillips at The Rim met by Thad which doesn’t deter many shots

And Phillips lays it in through the contact buet at The Rim wide open nice feed and good finish there have you looked at top six prospects entry I have not looked at prospects yet unfortunately not really I can’t really give you any Prospect analysis right now

Way too busy to dive into that this earlier so so most of the stuff comes in the offseason but there’ll be a lot of stuff going down in the uh in the offseason as far as the draft is concerned Kobe white Lottery pending of course for the Raptors Kobe white out to

Dumu straightaway three is wide open and he finishes nine-point game now do I think the RS will keep a top six pick the way they are playing right now if so who would you draft I I don’t no answers to draft I believe the Raptors will be bottom six at that point

It’s up to the lottery Gods who knows but uh thank you so much for supporting Teemo unfortunately I don’t really have an answer for the draft stuff but uh I believe they will be bad enough that they have a a good chance of keeping their pick there’s a french guy people have

Been pretty uh interested in what’s the uh let’s see the uh 2024 NBA Mock Draft we need tanon we only do tank ofon mock draft all right here we go um Reed Shepard uh point guard shooting guard out of Kentucky is the guy that we are mocked to get

Here looks like a good Defender don’t know anything much about him uh look looks like he’s good at everything looks like he’s just good at everything 6 fo three decent size for a point guard shoots wow uh he’s he’s shooting 55% on threes this season uh 55% three-point

Shooter he only shoots seven times a game though is he just a good Defender this is these are some weird numbers not a high usage point guard feel like you can get something different out of a sixth overall pick um this oh this french guy is actually expected to

Go first overall and in fact the first three picks are expected to be International draft picks that’s interesting so we’ll see I mean Raptors need I probably won’t go for a center this early obviously Talent over talent over fit unless you’re getting Alexandra SAR but uh yeah guard would be nice out

Of this instead of a forward but as always it is Talent over fit for me and usually for the Raptors Rob Dillingham I mean just surfing tank ofon won’t give you the full story here but um yeah he looks decent from the stats whatever they give another Kentucky product

Interesting Nicola topic another Serb coming into the league apparently as a as a top three pick no less uh don’t send me something send it to me on Twitter uh I can’t get Discord to load on my computer right now give me uh uh send it on Twitter you can DM me

Zach Ed expected to go first round interesting projected 24th overall pick by the 76ers all right Zach Edy that’s uh in the range of raptors could actually go for I don’t think Zack e would be that good in the NBA Maybe I’m Wrong he uh pulled out of the draft last

Year I didn’t think he was going to get drafted at all and he pulled out of the draft now he might go first round wow McD’s by the way is in the game ladies and gentlemen he is a basic center to me but he’s big 50 to 41 for the Bulls

B to Barnes backing down Caruso okay get him in the post and he kicks out he’s called for the travel oh man Scotty Barnes is having a rough go at things here two of seven two turnovers only the one rebound two assists and six points he is struggling Caruso uh Caruso stumping him

Here we are getting Barnes at the five minutes right now though let’s see how they look but an offensive foul call against the Bulls what’s going on with uh jonte Porter here I’m not sure uh you sent it thank you I’ll look at a uh interval here

Rather back spasms all right not super serious why isn’t Brown traded yet uh no rush I suppose he’ll get traded at some point Raptors are feeling everything out here um it’s not uncommon for people to be a bit more patient and wait towards like right before the deadline so I wouldn’t worry about

It oh it’s the ringers NBA draft guide okay so right off the bat I’m noticing that the ringer projections are very diff quite different to what we have on tank ofon which isn’t uncommon Ton’s not anything crazy Zack EDI might have like late Lottery considerations I’m not

Like super convinced Zach Ed will have a terrific professional career I’m not convinced it will be in the NBA but uh like yeah the the the 3 second viol the three in the key rule will stump him a little bit uh he’ll get pulled up into

Pick and rolls yeah that that’s going to be a problem for sure for Ed I uh I don’t know I’d like to be wrong shout out the Canadian 5243 for the Bulls McDaniels stolen on the pass he’s so bad dude D Ro another way to Kobe White open for vuvi they

Travel uh spins and hits the hook shot right over top of Scotty Barnes there player cons for Ed shade of vich zubach zubach is more athletic than people give him credit for I’m not sure that’s the right comparison Barnes over Caruso gets his Miss and then misses again right at The

Rim wow he’s having a bad game and then Caruso at The Rim 5643 for the Bulls ah things are falling apart here mcdel sucks Chu is worse no he’s not Chu is not worse comfortably not worse so like the the draft comparable here for Zach Ed is vichu shades of zubach do

They just pick that because they look somewhat similar I don’t know these transform from a friend’s draft prospect to a potential lottery pick it’s the defense is going to be a problem I don’t know he can’t shoot limited def recover on pick and Pops gets blown by on Closeouts teams will Target him

Yeah I don’t know I I think that’s a bit early for him 16 damn that that Pacers pick is going to be Mid First that’s actually we got a chance to find some players here especially if we can keep ourselves bottom six here apparently our our guy here is Matas builes

Builes shades of Lamar Odum not bad I don’t know like anything about these guys so I can’t uh I can’t comment as of yet I gotta I got to investigate Raptors are a little bit in shambles right now yes yeah Zack e and the Miami Heat I’m not so sure uh alexar looks

Fantastic I depending I mean the Pistons if they have the first pick do they go for him it’s not a clear-cut first overall pick this year I mean there’s talent in this draft I hate when people call it a weak draft like it could be weaker than

Norm there’s talent in this draft by the way so like you you don’t worry about the draft there’s there’s talent to be found here I don’t think Messi is necessarily going all in on this draft I I I just think just this was the time to rebuild

It just so happens to be with this draft I don’t think it’s it’s a case that he sees some amazing stuff in this draft that he wants what is my ideal move of the trade deadline if your name is not Scotty Barnes Grady dick Emanuel quickley or RJ Barrett see get whatever

You can get any future assets you can get draft picks young players whatever you can expiring contracts get everyone else out of here a lot of international Talent well top three picks might be International Players apparently so yeah uh purle Perle did not mention pe’s name which would

Indicate he is not one of the players that you keep by any means trade him get some for him bro the rap no the Raptor chill we’re keeping the Raptor we ain’t trading the Raptor can we trade coaches anybody watch Dalton neck check B I’m I’m gonna do I mean I

Got to do ton of homework have Mid First early first potentially late first I I got to I’m going to really dial in at some point but not yet haven’t done it yet once we get past the trade deadline I maybe start to look a little bit but it’s way too early right

Now what do you think a team would give for purle what the hell we do at Center I I mean this season doesn’t matter so you don’t worry about center for the rest of the season 10day contracts bombo’s a free agent get something back in a trade

That’s usable jonte Porter is a 2-way guy Thad is for now is whatever uh this season don’t worry about don’t worry about this season uh for Pearl you can get probably a young player a first and salary filler was the uh 2000 draft the olaa

Candy draft is that the bad one I think 2013 was [ __ ] as well other than like Giannis and I think goar like I said bomo isn’t fixing [ __ ] the team sucks it’s going to suck and is going to continue to suck but can you make it the lives of some of the players

Easier by getting bomo who can be a rim presence Rim Runner yes listen guys we’re not making any trades at the trade deadline that’s going to improve this we aren’t we aren’t getting better at the trade deadline that’s what you thought I’m sorry we ain’t uh Carl says I can’t believe how

Many Darko supporter is there is there are out there uh McDaniels Corner three there’s no way McDaniels just gave a stare to the Bulls bench that’s crazy 80 run by the Raptors nice down by nine or down by eight um Schroeder at The Rim out to Trent Gary Trent three Off the

Mark rebound K uh so replying to Carl F uh mentioned about can’t Darko fans are out there uh the thing is Darko is is likable and he has a lot of excuses for for not doing well so there’s always a rebuttal for Darko struggling would I trade Darko for Adrian Griffin probably not

No who I win in Super Bowl Chiefs I bet on Chiefs plus three before I I bet on the Chiefs plus three over the ners before uh the ners game even started I just there’s lines out plus three uh I don’t think it’s crazy to say the Chiefs

Might close favorite but I think the Chiefs could get to pick him as well right now the Chiefs like plus one and a half I got him at plus three really happy with my position right now sorry if you hear my dog uh my dog needs to go to the bathroom

But my girlfriend’s got to take her I don’t want to like as I’m not the the most in-depth NFL analyst here but yeah I have Chiefs pass rush against Brock pie Chiefs defense against Brock pie like I get with all the weapons and I’ve got Patrick Mahomes I I

Feel good about the Chiefs winning that game Schroeder attacking vuvi and he’s blocked it’s out of bounds for a Raptors ball 35 seconds to go Raptors LED for the majority of the first quarter were down by 16 at one point right now they’re down by 10 they have just been

Picking up points here and there Trent had a good start to the game as a oh Scotty Barnes with a bucket down low there but hasn’t been a great performance for the Raptors thus far um a lot of players not playing their best not doing too well but they’re in

The game still somewhat down by eight here now Kobe white at the rim and he’s going to the line try and make it 10 again uh why have we basically been running one Center for three years that’s a very good question that I don’t have an answer for because it’s dumb

That they didn’t get a center until purle when it was too late for that core anyways there’s always talent in every draft is I say Phoenix there’s always Talent out there you can find sure Darko is going to be a good development coach but he’s he’s no head

Coach I’m sure Darko is a great guy to have on your staff I’m not convinced about his abilities as a head coach but listen prove me wrong Darko yeah I mean I’ve been clear on my stance on Darko but prove me wrong listen I just want the Raptors to succeed

6353 after Kobe white goes perfect from the line and a foul is called uh that’s the type of foul team commits when they have one to give so I imagine it’s not free throws how do we even win games out of Center do I remember turnover battle we

We were one of the best at not committing turnovers and forcing turnovers and that’s switchable heavy blitzing defense heavy doubling Defense work for a period of time two seconds for Barnes to Chuck one up at the buzzer and it’s off the mark all right that will do it for the first

Half uh if you guys are enjoying the stream content so far please make sure you have hit that like button subscribe for watch parties and videos uh when I come back I’m just going to go to the bathroom and fill up my water when I come back we’ll be going through the box

Score from the first half we’ll be talking about what we saw from the first half we’ll talk more draft stuff and we’ll have the second half in the way so don’t go anywhere and I’ll see you again very very soon two Minutes Thank you for your patience we back everybody loves The Groovy music oh one thing they emotes um I forgot to add in the Darko emote my bad I will try to add that for next time uh it’s not that hard I just need to remember to do it anyways okay um first

Half that was uh not a great half for some of the Raptors cast here uh Scotty Barnes in particular wasn’t at his best three of 11 03 from three eight points three assists two rebounds um not the end of the world but we’ve seen better and we could get better for the

Rest of the game here Bruce Brown is the only Raptor in the positive here at plus three four points to a five so affecting the game when he’s on the floor but Gary Trent had a big first quarter 16 points six to 10 shooting four seven from

Three does he have a did he have a point in the second quarter he definitely had 13 in the first did he have did he get another three whatever it was he’s got 16 now he is showing out and playing pretty well another guy’s showing out Jordan Noir

Again he’s three of four two of two from three he’s got eight points uh where we’re seeing some issues with noira on offense he’s look fine he’s not a good Defender um he’s not a good Defender uh gry dick as well not showing the best defensive capabilities in this one but three

Assists for Grady dick is nice he’s all one on his one three-point attempt but he’s using his shooting gravity attracts a lot of uh of the defensive attention he’s got three assists in that first half let’s hope he can start to knock down some shots as well in the second on

The Bulls side of things dumu is on on fire right now uh the Bulls as a whole are getting to the rim I think there’s going to be a lot of points in the paint when we check that stat um demard Ros is three of four

Inside the paint nicoa vuvi is three of3 inside the paint they’re getting looks down low they’re getting to the rim and they are getting those buckets after don’t have Rim protectors they don’t have size the only they the very little size they have also was depleted more

When jonte Porter had to leave the game they’re just in tough here uh the Bulls are shooting 58% from the field 42% from three Raptors are shooting 50% from three so it’s another game back to back where the Raptor shooting is partially keeping them in in the game in

Some capacity but they cannot defend of the rim they cannot stop the other team getting there they cannot get rebounds on the offensive glass well actually they’re doing pretty well on the defensive glass today but uh they’re allowing teams to paint they can’t stop it uh points to

Paint here 28 to 20 and and you just look at the field goal percentages that that tells you the story for this one I it is what it is like well they can’t really do anything about it they don’t have the guys to do it Pat Delaney does not win anywhere and

Now he’s our on our coaching staff it was a pretty weird hire when it happened it was kind of supposed to be a guy that helped with the defense but um it just I don’t know isn’t uh uh I agree with this guy Scotty

Is five of 25 from three in his last 25 I’m guessing his last 25 I just think he settles a little bit for jump shots um you I’m not saying he’s bad or anything um he’s still very fine but uh what I am saying is sometimes I feel like he setts for

Jump shots and he’s really good and he hits them like some sometimes he hits a lot of them but i’ I’d like to see a little bit more a itiveness to get to the rim and I think post move his post move game could could stand to improve a

Little bit that’s another part of his game that uh could get better but but like listen guys he’s a he’s a fantastic player let’s I’m not trying to diminish how good he is but these are just like sort of Next Step things but for now what

Needs to improve now is that he’s got to be a little bit more assertive with the ball in getting to the rim I feel I you guys but hey the sky bars three-point game has been terrific this season he’s still above 36% nobody nobody saw that coming this

Season truly this season nobody saw that coming wonder what the Bulls do at the deadline like I don’t think anybody really wants LaVine it’s not like they really have like any exciting young pieces to trade off or to bank on uh like I don’t think D rozan is getting

Traded I guess they’re GNA I mean they started really poorly they’re they’re on a pretty good run I imagine they just keep trying to win games and try to make the playoffs Scotty bit checked out and happy to shoot uh hardwork needed down low and

Not feeling like it he needs to work on mental part of the game too emotional uh a little bit I’d say with like the head down sort of stuff but like I remember the last time we played the Bulls Barnes had like 30 points but like all of it was like

Fourth quarter jump shooting and it was kind of like okay this is amazing but how sustainable is this and it’s kind of see the the lack of sustainability on that so you know things will turn around you know everybody has up and down phas of the season this is a really tough one

For the Raptors where obviously now he’s the focal point of the offense which is makes it a whole lot harder for him to get his because the opposition is focused on him more so than they were when seak was on the team there’s an adjustment the adjustment the teammates

Around him like Scotty Barnes Scotty Barnes like like his traits right now are that of like a uh not necessarily a complimentary player but he elevates others but there’s not really like a lot of talent to elevate around him right now so now he’s having to be that number

One focal point which he just hasn’t really been used to doing like even in in College college he’s six-man point guard six man of the year he’s point guard facilitating make everyone else better but he’s got all these gifted traits and abilities that he’s worked

For as well that will slowly come on but he’s 22 right we’re not worried nobody’s worried am I are you I’m not worried uh Barnes won’t finish below 30% shooting for three unless he goes on an absolute Free Fall here like he’s he’s built up quite a chunk of of uh of

Volume already and I I don’t expect him to fall off like a cliff or anything like shakum he couldn’t hit a three for an entire month then he got super hot for a month and now he’s like getting his three-point percentage back to back to normal it’s a long season

RTX says coach dark ass giving his boy Dennis all the minutes he wants uh endlessly turns the ball over turns the ball over uh how many turnovers does he have he has two turnovers like he has two of the 10 turnovers on the team Barnes has two brown has one

Thad has one Trent has one Buche McDaniels Porter all have one uh I I don’t like who else I mean look at the [ __ ] bench like I’m not like the biggest Dennis schroer fan but um like who who should be getting all these minutes ahead of him we don’t have any other point

Guards and Barnes has to play the big minutes today we don’t have any bigs either like this this entire team is [ __ ] forwards and wings the entire team is Wings it’s it’s all Wings Plus Schroeder and Porter that’s it that’s all we got so it’s hard it’s hard not to

Play Dennis Schroeder to be honest is there a way we can move thad’s contract yeah if you need salary F in a trade like you can easily move the Thad contract it’s expiring if you need Sally filler teams teams will be fine with that but he’s not the the the piece that

Teams are trading for that’s for sure uh break will be good for this team yeah break will be good I I very much hope skywards makes the All-Star game um but uh you know a break would be good work with these guys a little bit more get accustomed to things I I think

After the trade deadline as well more changes are bound to happen so just a bit more time to to figure [ __ ] out I think it’s good what are my offseason predictions uh well I have to see what the roster looks like before that point but offseason predictions a lot of new

Faces are going to come to this team through the draft uh it seems like at least two will possibility of four possibility of more at least I mean at least two there’s going to be potentially some picks coming in close to deadline more draft picks possibility

Of our own draft pick being used we can package some and move up in the draft so use two or three to get one higher up in the draft but two or three at least new players coming to the team um it will be an offseason mostly of I’d say like

Relative inaction uh depending on what we do at the trade deadline but it’s tough to say right now the the commitment is the commitment is going to start to be finding some young pieces that fit around quickly Barrett dick and Barnes that’s going to be what they want

To do in the off season uh specifics can’t really go into it with the lack of information we have on what it’s going to look like right now Derek Lively would be an interesting to have it’s uh it’s truly astonishing how good he is at this stage like he’s

He’s not like outstanding he’s good and it’s crazy that he is good considering he was regarded rightfully so as somebody who was not ready to impact the NBA and is going to be like years down the line he’s there right now and he’s very good right now and he’s a very good

Fit next to LCA donic it’s incredible with Randall injured Scotty might make Allstar as a replacement I I I I think as a replacement I wouldn’t I will not count on Adam Sandler Adam what a [ __ ] idiot Adam Silver oh my God my mind’s a mess um feverish Adam Silver selects the injury

Replacement players I do not count on him choosing Barnes on a 16 and what’s probably going to be a 16 and 31 team after today I I’m saying that I can’t believe I said that although last year he did pick Pascal sakam he was his second choice injury

Replacement behind James Harden but he he did end up choosing Pascal sakam as the injury rep placement commiss yeah uh I don’t think Barnes will get in and I think it’ll be record dependent didn’t the Maz make him a touchable I mean they should he’s he’s a young player that’s that’s getting

Better he’s a very good fit next Toca yeah you got to keep him uh it shouldn’t be about record I think it should be a little bit about record uh and and despite like what your belief is about records mattering or not mattering records do matter to people

Who choose these All-Star uh game players it does matter to them so Barnes very unlikely to me gets in at 16 and 31 first play of this of the second half Barnes hit in the face as the Bulls get a layup to start us off and go up by 12

Barnes going up for the layup is blocked by Caruso it turns into a three for Bruce Brown who airballs it Caruso to D rozan BR s from the starters he’ll be in the team though 100% vvi to White to Caruso Corner three off to Mark rebound Barnes feeds it to Schroeder out

Quickly please more Barnes at The Rim in on both ends of floor Fus young going up and uh getting himself a layup back to a 10-point game Mitchell could have been ahead of Lillard as well I think Maxi could have been e as well d rozan air balls in mid-range

There a lot of the team’s needs will be addressed in the draft like there going be a lot of new guys coming in team will still be not good but Raptor going to have a lot of assets to work with schroer kick out Thad shoot that

[ __ ] Thad for three Off the Mark he had to shoot that but like yikes kuso in the corner to dunu how is the guy who’s three of three from three wide open in the corner for three yikes yikes Barnes to Schroeder gets to the rim nice kick out

To Trent for three and Gary Trent when he’s open he hits and Gary Trent is up to 19 points vuvi for three responds right away uh Barnes Barnes is very good he’s navigating this new role and uh there’s going to be learning curve Barnes feeds to Bruce Brown who feeds Thad who makes

The open layup Billy Donan called timeout I don’t know why Bull’s been fine a defense hasn’t been fine but the the Bulls lead 71 to 60 here I I don’t like I mean I I understand why the NBA does defend vote it gets people involved with NBA stuff

Gets their email in for promotional purposes it gets tweets out about it but I agree it’s it’s kind of shitty that fans have such influence on something that matters very much towards an NBA players’s Legacy and their career you know they’ve done a certain thing of balancing it out the fan vote

With uh like a portion of it is media and player based but also they took away like the Twitter stuff because Andrew Wiggins started a freaking All-Star game but I understand why the NBA does it I know it’s it’s it really is like it factors towards a player’s Legacy I I

Completely agree with you from that from that standpoint want to see our minutes Barnes graded together uh agreed I’d like to see a bit more of that fan vote can get you in allar game alone is 50 302 yeah and um I mean it’s not as harder to influence

From as a fan because of like that K-pop guy who got Andrew Wiggy ALS game they don’t do like the Tweet stuff anymore it’s only like the the One A Day sort of thing online but fans have a lot of power for sure in that respect how’s Lebron start over Qui it’s

LeBron it’s LeBron he’s gonna he’s he’s GNA get in uh yeah players only have 20% factor into starters um media I believe media chooses the reserve or is it coaches what what’s the I don’t know what the the spread is on uh reserves and the voting fans don’t have

Any say On All-Star reserves but coaches have a say is it just coaches oh only coaches okay so media player fans choose starters and coaches choose reserves why is it like a blend as well for the reserve that’s kind of weird well Curry is a a guard LeBron is is

Not and LeBron is LeBron LeBron’s arguably the goat Curry is not arguably the goat all right back in Action here rapt is down 11 and yes the commissioner has sole uh selection on injury Replacements which is why Jared Allen has an All-Star appearance and we got treated to that

Horrific fit Barnes right at The Rim missing but Thaddius young cleaning up vuich no good Autoport is strange because Darko talked about wanting to include him more and then there’s been injuries but also like he never plays Barnes working on D rozan kick out to Schroeder open for three doesn’t

Go Raptor down by nine D rozan hand off to Kobe white Kobe white flips to Caruso inside to vu defended by Thad up top to sunu how the [ __ ] is he open again doesn’t go this time Barnes in transition throws it away nearly somehow schroer keeps it in Bound

But then Bruce Brown throws it away so we save it then Bruce Brown says nah [ __ ] it have it back boys D rozan to Bruce Brown he gets it right back Brown at The Rim hacked by Caruso Bruce Brown going to shoot a couple free throws here reminder

If you’re enjoying the stream content please hit that like button to support the channel and consider subscribing for more rap’s content of a video coming out tomorrow I think it’ll be a Grady dick video uh tomorrow I’ve been wanting to do it for a while gry dick video

Tomorrow and uh we’ll have no stream on Friday going to be a tough week for content by the way uh but next week we’ll be back in the swing I think especially as we get towards uh the trade deadline reminder I have two streams on the bleach Report app next

Week uh February 6th Tuesday at 1 February 9th Friday at 12:30 and on my Works YouTube channel the board HQ I’m going to be doing a watch party for the trade deadline 2: to 4 p.m. tentative uh schedule for that one with some guests but there also CH also tons of

Content on this channel so uh get subscribed Barnes defending d rozan d rozan gets the rim good help defense by fad Raptors nearly forced a turnover D rozan is going to have to yank a corner three it’s off the mark rebound tips to Bruce Brown I have a bet on Scotty Barnes

Rebounds today and he just had an easy one he didn’t get [ __ ] Gary Trent for three no good uh I think the Knicks could finish top top three uh I don’t think they’re a top two team but I think they could finish there in a playoff series I don’t think they’re top

Three but if they get home court that makes a whole bunch of a difference and if you can avoid Boston second round that that is huge as well what series do you want to see more Cavs Nicks or Nicks P I think the Knicks will once again dump the Cavs like they

Did last year I thought the Knicks were going to beat the Cavs last year anyways horrible matchup for the Cavs uh um Nicks Pacers would be it’d be fun because it’s just such conflicting game styles like that that’d be a real fun playoff series because it’ just

Be so such different teams trying to figure out how to beat each other I would I’d love to see how the coaches maneuver in that one that would be a fun series I think the Knicks would win but that’d be a really ENT entertaining series from a from a sicko basketball

Perspective to watch the adjustments watch the coaching a Pacers Buck series would be elite now we got to get that that would be elite please I want to see that that is my uh that’s the one I want to see the most I think India first trying to exit

But I don’t think it’s h I think they could beat the Bucks in seven game I don’t think they would but I think they could D rozan mid-range surgical 7466 Pace with first Knicks would also be fun though like like Fenix saying slow pace versus Fast Pace how do they combat each

Other Brown at The Rim layup nice touch at The Rim six-point game raptors have fought back they’re down 16 it’s only six now uh who are my favorite teams other than wraps top two I I don’t really have one um nobody in listen nobody in the East I

Don’t want anybody in the East touching that [ __ ] Championship uh in the west I guess I could live with Indiana but in the west I don’t like it I don’t like other teams um OKC would be kind of fun I guess because of Shay I uh I always like LeBron so if

LeBron wins that’s fine with me but not get I got nothing against really but I don’t have I don’t like other teams I’m not that type of fan I’m resentful am I if it’s not the Raptors I hope nobody [ __ ] wins anything ever but then there’s different degrees

Of how much I don’t want to win and Boston is at the top of the list of teams I don’t want to win anything oh I don’t want the Clippers to win I love roasting the Clippers I love roasting the Clippers I would hate if they won I’m I’m so resentful and

Hateful uh for sports like this not in general but for sports I am I don’t hate the 76 that much I I I don’t like him I don’t like him beat I don’t like the Sixers I appreciate talent I appreciate it I appreciate all this stuff but man I do not want the

Sixers to win anything either look Sixers over Boston in uh every day of the week twice Sundays but uh-uh what would be I I’ll let me give the the hierarchy of how little I want a team to win a championship in the East so Boston is the top do not want them to

Win second on that list man I can’t I could not stand that Nicks fan base but I think I I go Sixers next next probably Nicks probably Nicks next yeah I’m fine with any of those bad teams those are the three big ones next would probably Cleveland to be

Honest uh other than that I mean I guess I’d live with oh can’t no no Doc Rivers chip bucks are fifth other than that I can live with the Heat Pacers yeah other than that I’m okay can I live with a Sixers tile it means Lan nurse

Ring oh man if Lowry wins his second chip like that’s that’s that’s his Hall of Fame status confirmed that’s a tough one Phoenix you put me in a bit of a spot there I’m going to believe in Kyle Low’s ability to make the Hall regardless and

Say I do not want the six to win a chip regardless five-point game here Noir on the rebound there where we got a game folks Brown can he extend this Barnes at the rim with the flush and it’s all of a sudden a three-point game okay we got ourselves something exciting here

Kobe white to D rozan spins off for two and he’s fouled and Bruce Brown wants this reviewed right away embid chip would be tough to take I I don’t want the Sixers to win Rick Kyle’s not underrated all um he’s a good offensive coach Thad comes in for Scotty here Thad

Back in the game Scotty resting up and is ready for a big roll in the fourth quarter hopefully we’ve seen fourth quarter Scotty before can we see it again today I I tend to pull for teams who have suffered the most uh but then there’s

Some team I want to suffer more like the Clippers uh the Sixers fall into that category I don’t know I I don’t like I don’t want any team to win like I said I don’t want any team to win that’s not Toronto Brown at The Rim wow is Bruce

Brown having a good game or what six of 10 14 points for Brucey not to mention the three Steals and a block as the Bulls reply with their own three and it’s a five-point game Kobe white there 411 to go so these lies had issues earlier uh noira defense gr dick defense

Give the Raptors a bit of problems but let’s see if they can mitigate that here is pass out three more All-Star games away from Hall of Fame as Brown gets another bucket wow 18 no sorry 16 for Bruce Brown I think now or is it 14 now is it

14 he’s got 14 okay uh sakam three more it’ be five to LBA pretty damn close I’d say yeah Schroeder with white kicks out to fad dribble handoff Schroeder open for three Alex to go to Thad nice move to get to the rim a nice little scoop to go with

It and Thaddius young makes it a three-point game now the Nick’s fan base is insufferable I don’t want them to win Phillips inside to vuvi backing down Thad could Brown like try to double here Philips call for the travel but Brown was just standing there vuich had

The ball out and it took him a while to realize one Raptors two Raptors three Detroit [ __ ] Detroit I don’t want them to win either okay who is the the the non-raptor team that I would want to win the most and I’m not saying I want them

To win who is the team other than the Raptors you would want to see win the most out of any team in the NBA for me I’m very cool with the Pacers winning a championship other than that if the Hornets one that’s fine I think the Pacers are number one on my

List the magic nah don’t want frond to have that over Scotty from that draft class in the west very cool with the Thunder winning a chip I’m I’m less resentful on the west Timberwolves would be fun nuggets would be fun Thunder would be fun [ __ ] the Clippers Sacramento would be

Great big no to the Suns i’ be fine with the Mavericks Pelicans are fine I’d want the Lakers to win one as I said earlier Jazz are fine Rockets are fine big no to the Warriors Grizzlies are fine Blazers are fine Spurs are fine so the East is where

My resentment lies um naturally as an East Conference fan in the East I’m the only teams I wouldn’t be pissed off they won a championship are the Pacers and the Hornets in the west I mean I don’t have the same sort of resent against them big Market teams can go to hell though

Agreed Josh Gideon picks for Bruce Brown oh man I actually don’t regardless of the uh the [ __ ] Josh giddy has uh put himself through the last uh few months uh I do not really rate joshh giddy’s game why I hate the Warriors they’ve had enough they’ve won enough too many somebody

Else now I want I like LeBron LeBron’s Legacy I I support it after Rockets I’m okay with the Rockets give Fen V another chip keep Jos giggity away from me Ah that’s funny I’ve never heard that I’m sure you saw that somewhere I I have not seen Josh G giggity

Anywhere raptors have the tied most consecutive game with 25 plus assists in uh in NBA history wow they move the ball how’s their defense how’s their offense so bad despite keeping this I guess it’s just the uh the Democratic offense Joo Jordan noira step back [ __ ] three and the

Foul oh my goodness Jordan Rara fourpoint play step back fourpoint play are you joking damn yo Jordan W getting traded somewhere who wants him who needs this guy for a title run Garrett Temple getting third quarter minutes good grief this lineup is is just disgusting this is a disgusting lineup

Guys this is the most disgusting lineup I’ve ever seen Grady dick Garrett Temple Jordan noara Jaylen McDaniels Fus young this is the most disgusting lineup I’ve ever seen that’s the only word I I can describe this with who’s the [ __ ] point guard who’s bringing the ball up the floor this is a horrific

Lineup let’s see how they do let’s see how they do uh you know what it’s it’s three guys who can shoot one guy who thinks he can and one guy who can pass Jordan AWI for three this guy Unbelievable and they have seven points with this lineup in quick succession Temple or Temple uh her Terry Terry on the ball out to Dudu Carter at the buzzer full cour Eve all right uh they went with that lineup briefly and uh it’s working so far let’s

See how it keeps going here put a reverse tear oh Lord Jordan Noir into double digit for another game here he is on 16 [ __ ] points here rather astonishing stuff fad drumming matching up so it’s just it’s space plus fad the lineup Jordan to

Watch to the rib oh my God oh my God yo he didn’t make it now if you’re not watch he didn’t make it that dunk didn’t go but oh my [ __ ] god that would have oh my God that would have been I can’t recall a a filthier dunk in Raptor’s history if

That had gone down that would have been the nastiest poster I think in Raptor’s history if he made that oh my God yo this lineup’s cooking it is cooking what is going on he got fouled he hited first free throw oh my God I wish he hit that oh I wish he hit

That there’s probably one that’s slipping my mind James Johnson James Johnson poster I can kind of picture it Drummond backing down Thad gets him to flop and he makes the easy layup Garrett Temple Garrett pass that ball off bro thank you there already there’s some Vince ones before my

Time fad at the rim no good dunu to the rim and in the Raptors only up by one right I remember that jayen Johnson the James Johnson went now you’re right [ __ ] that [ __ ] back Noir for three again way off this time 49 seconds Raptors up one

Terry to the rim misses the layup McDaniels get your ass up dude we’re playing basketball here noira to McDaniel four on five for the Raptors McDaniels stripped gets it back finds Thad layup is good Raptors lead by three oh Terry’s hurt Terry’s really hurt here oh this doesn’t look

Good this doesn’t look good at all Grady never touches the ball because this guy’s always on him he’s making space he’s making space Jordan aara 17 points four of five from three that was his first Miss this looks really bad for Terry let’s get the replay here sportset showing it which

Means it’s not too too bad oh oh oh yeah ah he had already kind of twisted his ankle and then McDaniels just [ __ ] stomped his ankle oh oh no ah that does not look good oh my God that looks horrible that looks horrible oh I I that I don’t know how

Long that could be a while poor guy yeah that’s an embiid right there I was just thinking that hopefully he’s all good yeah oh Lord Terry oh Lord wow that was bad hope he’s okay no pressure being put on it oh man I feel real bad for him hopefully he’s not out too long all right well not for y welcome to the stream yeah what a great start huh well the Raptors were down by 16 in this game no

No it just like going up for he was going up for like a tough lay up in traffic and and just freak incident lands on him there uh but yes s welcome to stream rap we’re down by 16 tonight folks and here they are up by three 30

Seconds to go in the third their current fiveman lineup or their lineup was Temple noira dick fad and McDaniels now we have dick out and well Grady dick out not my dick out Kobe white for three anyways Drummond rebound puts it in uh now we have Barnes and

Also uh Bruce Browning to finish the quarter Bruce Brown has been terrific tonight Barnes not as much Bruce Brown can you get one more bucket and of the quarter one second G Garrett Temple goes up and is blocked by dunu uh yeah you know uh if if you

Listen to uh Matt Matty D does the right think here he very rarely says just dick as the guy’s name he’ll he’ll try to go full name or just first name a lot of the times me I do too but sometimes you know we we mix it mix it up a little

Bit okay uh what did we see from that third quarter well Bruce Brown is playing Amazing six of 10 14 points six rebounds three assists three Steals and a block thadius young also very good game against his former team 10 points six assists uh five rebounds he’s doing

Well at his minutes five and nine Gary Trent had a really good first quarter has tapered off a bit but 19 points 10 12 shooting Dennis Schroeder Toronto’s most hated having a good game nine points eight assists Raptors really woke up in that third quarter Jordan noara is really good at basketball apparently

He’s having another terrific game five of seven from the field four five from three 17 points really good third quarter from Jordan noara even McDaniels scored a basket you don’t see that every game we have a really bounced back and have started to just get shots to fall

Three-point game has been good all all night but adding in shots for two and adding in the defense here has made a resounding difference to the Raptors here they’re taking away a lot of the points in the paint opportunities for the Bulls and all of a sudden the

Raptors have more points in the paint than the Bulls uh really what killed the Raptors in the second quarter what put them in that big deficit was the zone defense they’re using uh they’ve diverted away from that quite a bit and it’s very much working here uh Jordan Noir listen I ain’t sold

On him yet if he keeps doing this sure but we got we got ways to go before I’m sold on Jordan noira look but hey he’s playing Amazing I’ll give him respect for that uh reminder guys hit that like button if you are enjoying the stream content

Let’s try to get to 100 likes here we’re 29 likes away we have 149 people in chat hit that like button get us on some more YouTube recommended pages and reminder I do watch parties like this for virtually every Raptors game so you got to be

Subscribed to keep up to date with that content plus the videos coming out on this channel bar turns it over to start the fourth quarter he might get the entire fourth quarter McDaniels gets the steal right back Bruce Brown working on dunu kicks out to noira now

Schroeder gets the screen to D rozan spin out to Barnes in the corner extra pass to McDaniels off on the three schroer rebound dribbles into a mid-range jumper and gets the bounce Dennis Schroeder up the double digit points he’s got 11 eight assists to go with it another nice game from

Schroeder D rozan closely defended by McDaniels good defense all around McDaniels and Barnes earn the stop rebound McDaniels lob to by Schroeder and uh that that’s a little bit too much that was a little bit too much Dennis I don’t know who the [ __ ] schroer thought he was lobing that ball to but

It certainly wasn’t Jordan NOA he saw that he saw that poster attempt and thought nah you got that Bruce Brown blocks Caruso Noir in transition feed shoer behind the back to Brown and he’s fouled free throws coming up for Bruce Brown to make it fivepoint game Bruce Brown free throw good dark

Ass uh I imagine noira will not close the game even though he should and uh he should have last game d roen to the rim layup is good still missing that Rim protection interior your presence but uh We’ve navigated well in the second half Bruce Brown off the screen working on Drummond feed

Schroeder instead decides Brown yank to three Bruce Brown what a game got it back and just toss it up bang Bruce Brown for three he’s up to 19 points tonight maybe I will get that Bruce Brown jersey huh uh sorry Bulls go the other way and score immediately so uh right back into

It 9793 uh tank fans this is not for you unless the Raptor can blow this one Schroeder mid-range way off Drummond rebound and here come the Bulls again Caruso attacking noira and he’s fouled I I that didn’t really look like a foul to me

How is that a foul how is how is that a how is that a foul what the [ __ ] all right Caruso at the line misses the free throw because you know why he missed because the ball doesn’t lie Jordan a checking out I hope he comes back in

Man Gary Trent checks in uh for some reason Jay McDaniels is still in the game as well sorry I’m yawning a lot a lot of I’m so tired today Barn’s also checking out Caruso second free throw nothing but net Schroeder up Court to Bruce Brown 19 points for Bruce Brown tonight feeds it

To Schroeder outside to Trent no no bad get rid of that Gary fade away two for Gary no [ __ ] way Gary Trent just [ __ ] hit that oh Gary fade away to over was that Kobe what I think oh my God Caruso Corner three no good I I

Right after Gary no bag pass it fades away into a ridiculous Baseline Baseline mid-ranger McDaniels in the corner hits a three and the Raptors extend the lead to eight wow I promise you Darko is not tanking mid game promise I promise any decision you disagree with is not tanking it’s just

The decision but uh I mean shit’s working McDaniels a second three of the night the Raptors up by eight they were down by 16 earlier I don’t know what to tell you guys this is Inc this is incredible fake lead fake comeback I mean the Raptors are up so it’s not a

Fake comeback they have successfully come back here what would you guys set the over under on darko’s time in Toronto at so including what’s already been been done so he’s he’s he’s at just over half a season what would you set his over under

At like one and a half is too little I’d say he probably goes over one and a half years would be so like a year from now would be the first time you can really consider firing him if it’s still if it’s still bad um the over under

Probably two and a half like juice to the over like I I would suspect he gets three full seasons what do you guys think I think the over under would be set at two and a half but I think he gets over that like like a it would probably like 2.75 is

Like I guess you could set the over under at three that’s probably the likeliest outcome would you bet the over or under at three I actually don’t know if if you give me two and a half I’d bet the over and say last three if you give me

Exactly three so it would push if he gets fired that summer or leaves that summer whatever I think it’s a pretty sharp line I don’t know which side to bet if I had to bet I’d probably still bet the over but I could see that pushing as

Well it’s okay if you want the rabits to lose today I mean we know the uh the tank implication especially with the the Bull’s not too too far ahead of us also uh I I have a bulls over on season win total so I’m wouldn’t be super upset if they won

Here I guess if you’re good a tank darko’s not a bad one to tank with because like he’s a development guy but like you just have him on your staff and have a better Coach I guess I don’t know whatever 30 assists for the Raptors tonight it’s

Crazy well they’re going to draft for Darko they’re going to trade make decisions for Darko not yeah after two years there really won’t be any more excuses so hey this team’s picking up racking up assist or moving the ball well on offense it’s not translating typically to a very good offense

But they they move the ball well d rozan right beyond the elbow and he connects in mid-range plus the foul 10296 that is a Demar special in mid-range Boston who won the Boston game tell me the Pacers came back and one should Toronto retire number

10 I’m cool they don’t the only one I I absolutely think needs to get retired is Lowry like absolutely Celtics one [ __ ] schroer to the rim picking up the foul again schroer having a good game Schroeder’s having a good game here double double for Dennis schroer back spasms are real I’ve never

Had one but like I’m sure jonte Porter is isn’t sitting out because uh he wants he doesn’t want to play should they retire McDaniel’s Jersey H yes yes I I I’d be okay they retired Vince Carter’s Jersey I I I’m still on offense if I think they should schrder makes his

Free throws and he is up to 13 points with 10 assists Bulls Leed big down mid eight-point game 10496 d roen in mid-range gets it to go six-point game this would be a really ugly loss for the Bulls I got to tell you Schroeder to Trent move moving three and he does not

Hit there that’s that’s not Gary’s bre and butter Jordan or as Lan run kind of I hope he closes D Ro into the rim my goodness my goodness gracious that was that was nasty damn he got up he got up up up on that dunk geez yeah yeah

Met Vince as a kid I uh wasn’t really watching raps in the Vince days so I got no experience there I was too young I didn’t grow up in a basketball household I was I was alive but I was very young can anybody describe what a back spasm feels

Like because I I’m I’m not saying they’re fake like nameless is however I I don’t know what it feels like when did you when did your passion for watching playing basketball start um I guess 20 2016 um no 2015 I was uh well I grew up you

Know a sub Suburban neighborhood I had a basketball hoop out in the front in in the driveway um you know grew up above middle class so had had the hoop in the driveway I like I always lik playing basketball I just wasn’t very good at it and uh

Didn’t really watch it growing up so I didn’t know like the intricacies of it I could like kind of hit jump shots but like not really but you know eat a hoop in your front yard you can shoot a little bit um in Middle School uh which is grade six to8 if you

Guys don’t go to middle school I tried out for basketball in grade six and seven didn’t make it so I just figured okay I’m not just not very good at basketball whatever um so got to high school I was friends with a lot of people who played

Basketball but uh I didn’t think I was good so I didn’t try out in grade nine and then I played in some charity tournament later in grade n and which is in this this is in 2015 this is 2014 I did really well so the basketball

Coach told me to try out for basketball the next year so I did made the team uh got into playing basketball got into playing somewhat smarter basketball but the real passion I mean I didn’t realize there was a passion there until I until I created amateur sports when I created amateur sports in

September 2019 um you know I was already Raptors fan like way like obviously I like the man you should have seen me watching the Raptors win the championship but uh I didn’t realize he had such a passion for covering the game until I started talking about the Raptors and NBA in

General when I started the the uh the channel in September 2019 and then it just I just got to the point where I was like man I just love talking about basketball I want to just make make the whole Channel about this and that’s what I did so the real heavy passion unrelated

To the championship was in 2019 but like I I started getting into basketball a lot more in 2015 Barnes at The Rim tips in but they they say it’s in the cylinder is that a reviewable play uh he wants to review it looked like it was in a cylinder that’s tight

That’s tight but it’s still a little bit on the rim I think how tall am I uh Scotty Barnes steel here not as tall as Scotty barns Fus young layup off the Scotty Barnes steel and assists six-point game I am exactly 6 feet tall 183

Cm I’m not no fake six feet I’m exactly six feet tall Javon Carter to to dunu by the way Bas my best position is as a four in my opinion Gary Trent wide open in transition yes sir that’s the one that Gary can hit big run by the

Raptors out of the timeout they lead 109 100 uh thank you Teemo I appreciate that I I never played basketball at a high level by the way um but uh I I feel like I do a decent job covering here so thank you for that I appreciate it

Uh in college and university I uh I was a commentator play-by-play commentator for my school team which is a lot of fun um so just just learning in the game I think like um I also see nowadays uh Scotty bar wants the foul doesn’t get it hustle back Scotty 109

100 uh I I think I think I’ve grown a lot as a as a my knowledge of Bas has grown tremendously since starting the channel as well cuz I was I was relatively new to my passion for the sport as I mentioned uh interrupt that

For a second year as we have a super chat from Adam wetstein saying a back spasma is like getting stabbed in the lower that doesn’t sound very fun but thank you so much Adam for that super chat I really really appreciate it uh I don’t I don’t imagine backs feel

Good uh weight and favorite color my weight don’t worry myor faor color is red my weight is is is heavy heavier than you would expect if you looked at me I’m filled out uh I I I so I don’t want to sound like a snob when I say this but I

Started oh we have a new subscriber as well that was what I got earlier uh Ganon Howard has subscribed welcome to the amateur Army to Ganon Howard right there again I I Mis Mis mistook that for the N first that’s funny mother’s maiden name um I Mok that for the super chat

But thank you so much again for subscribing I got get in the game here uh so brief break here so when I first started creating B like I said my passion for the game was really just getting started so I see 190 you’re a

Little off um so I see a lot of people in this space very opt I think the more like they’re very optimistic about everything because they just see like a guy okay like maybe this guy can develop like I’m starting to feel like I have a better grasp on development Tendencies what is

Sustainable what is not what sort of game applies to an NBA team skill is and everything your fit on the roster like these things are becoming more of an understanding to to me as a Creator so I think I like if I look back on my videos from

Uh from like when I first started YouTube I I I probably wouldn’t be able to sit through some of my early videos because I just like like I literally had no idea what I was talking about uh a lot of the time or I thought I did but I

Don’t I obviously didn’t and a lot of it was very I always I was very very positive at the start I always wanted to believe in the best the further I go the more I wouldn’t say pessimistic I am I still try to be optimistic but the more

Real I am about things I I that’s that’s my that’s how I feel about it I did take the door shot today it was a make today it was absolute Cash Money wet waterfall nothing but net on the door shot today yes indeed uh what are

Those three wacky digits in the back of your credit card yeah I’m not skinny by the way for my weight not skinny not big but I I I weigh more than I look as I said anyways uh cap verd to win afcon I’m really happy sun is still in

The Asia cup with South Korea because I did not TR I transed him out of FPL this week transferred into bright Defenders that was great K ver what number you get on them 230 listen I’m signing for a boxing class I’ll be 230 and I’ll be able to kick your

Ass I’ve never thrown a punch so I don’t think I’d uh be too good in a fight got a Wiki pagee uh I don’t think I don’t think I’ll ever have a Wikipedia page that would now that now that would be a a real Milestone they’re reviewing

A play here looks looks like it’s off dear and uh judging by the Raptor reaction time this should be off Demar and should be a Raptor’s basketball um over under 230 was probably a good guess I’ve never been in a fight no I almost got into one during a uh

Soccer game once but uh a few people held me back one wasn’t enough no never been in a fight that’s off Tomar I mean Raptor’s gonna win that that’s off Tomar that’s off tomorrow come on refs what was I looking at I was looking at afcon tournament

Tree that’s got to be wrapped his ball come on let’s see Kate verd got South Africa then they probably get Nigeria there’s your big one I don’t think listen I don’t think they will but you can root for them I should be in the UFC uh heavyweight division now those are

Actual monster there what would my fighting weight I’ve always thought my fighting weight would probably be I could probably like if I was actually dedicated to fighting I could probably get myself into like the once 60s 7s which would be insane but that’s that ain’t going to happen ever Morocco lost today

Interesting challenge unsuc what challenge unsuccessful sky’s like what it literally didn’t [ __ ] touch him what the [ __ ] the ball actually video evidence we have video evidence to say the ball didn’t [ __ ] touch Scotty Barnes and they gave it to the Bulls we have video [ __ ] evidence that showcases how he

Didn’t touch the ball what on Earth fighting weight at 6 feet is 72 so 158 lbs I don’t know about that I ain’t never going to be a successful fighter let’s put it that way wow that was uh that was a brutal call wow like literally did not touch him we

Have a video that we had video evidence saying it didn’t touch him and they just gave it to the Bulls still what the [ __ ] sorry for the swing but man that was horrible that was a horrible call 109 102 man are they tanking for us too Bruce Brown to the rim blocked by

Cru man cruso is so good wow like like not just that but like man so many plays today Caruso is so good Bulls are playoff team they’re not tanking all right inbound to Bruce Brown 347 to go we’ve had our last year but let’s dial in now 84 kilogram for the

Class okay that’s that’s more like it so 184 pounds I could I could hit that if like like I will never hit that but if I was like a dedicated fighter I could hit that 109 102 let’s get up to 100 likes everybody if you’re enjoying the stream content

Hit that like button schroer with a steal feeds it to Barnes horrible pass schroer is mad that he didn’t go up what a horrible pass dude why you trying to no look that [ __ ] just give him the ball and he’s going to score there Barnes feeds to that at the rim and that

Another great cut and another good feed by Barnes and the Raptor’s up by nine again I don’t know what to feel here do I kind of like slightly would be okay feeling if the Bulls came back and one like I I I don’t know how to feel right

Now I’m okay the Raptors win but I also like I’m thinking like man the Bulls come back I’m kind of fine with it take karate I’m actually gonna sign up for boxing uh next week I was gonna sign up this week but I got sick I’m

Gonna well I’m going to sign for a trial and see how I like it it’s not really Boxing class it’s it’s uh it’s a fitness class with boxing involved I wouldn’t say I’m going to learn the intricacies of boxing far from it uh like I yeah I said

Earlier where’s Noir after having such a good I was saying earlier like Darko won’t change his rotation like it’s just going to be like yeah you were on the bench you’re not closing dude probably should be closing because he was outstanding again today in 19 minutes but here we

Are I would uh have I would uh probably have that out and go NOA here to finish nonetheless we have Barnes here on the ball Raptors up by seven double comes Barnes can’t get out of it and turns it over again transition for the Bulls dumu

In the corner loses the handle on the pass and it’s out of bounds Raptors catch a break next week jabiz class with the uh the funky elevator music yeah Darko very stubborn agree Schroeder I’m hungry Schroeder seven-point game Brown horrible pass to Barnes saves it keeps the Play Alive Schroeder kick

Out to Barnes but a offensive foul called against Schroeder what did he do uh what did they call here I don’t really see what they called there but it’s Bulls ball seven-point game d rozan is fouled it’ll be on the floor but they’re in the bonus so two shots on the

Way well well well this could make it a five-point game I’d feel bad for the guys if they lost this game that that it’d be dejecting we are 10 likes away from 100 if you guys are enjoying the stream content we got 185 people here make sure you’ve hit

The like button to support what we do out here on the channel D rozan at the free throw line get gets it to go on both five-point game 2 minutes left feels like the Raptors have done enough but uh well not done enough there they should win from here but they might

Need a couple more buckets Barnes to that out of the double Schroeder up and down uh yeah a few costly turnovers late by Schroeder not not good that won’t help the anti- shroeder crowd that has amassed here we are 111 106 BS have the ball again Kobe white to

Caruso in the corner he’s wide open but he cannot connect Raptors catch a big break you know I’m not that nervous I don’t really I I don’t really mind the raps played a good game I don’t really care if they win or lose from here this is a a freedom feeling right now

Barnes two minutes out of bucket for the Raptors wow Barnes underhand to that at The Rim what a feed and that might be just enough here Raptors lead by seven d rozan at The Rim fouled by Barnes D rozan at the line to chip this down to

Five once again with one 10 remaining first free throw gets to Bounce by can we talk about how bad these Chicago Bulls jerseys are they look like they look like Dollarama jerseys they look like you know when Walmart makes like the Ripoff jerseys it looks like that what the hell is

That thr Rowen second free throw does not go that was a was there a shooting violation on D rozan there yeah okay they called it so it’s a Sixpoint game d rozan realized he missed and ran way too early you have to wait till the ball touches the rim before you enter the

Paint dear how was the correct call but the ABS have to inbound the ball they struggled to do this last time they were in Chicago I think so the first timeo this season they struggle to inbound the ball why did I remind myself Thad to Schroeder now Thad again outside to

Barnes deflected Barnes going up and he gets fouled all right all right looking like a dub here Barnes can really put some of that the the nails in the coffin if he can capitalize at the line you think the Bull jerseys aren’t bad uh I don’t like they’re

So like the the proportions are just so weird anyways 114 107 Raptor in full command Barnes at the line again got it to go and uh 150 107 looks like that is going to do it Raptors were down by 16 in this game managed to to really really bounce back uh I think

Coaching adjustments were very very good in this game so shout out to Darko for for that and uh it’s going to get the Raptors a win whether or not you want the Raptors to win is a different question but uh it is a win for the Raptors here uh seemingly with 51 seconds

Left uh I guess they didn’t need noira for this late game Run I can’t believe that was the sentence I uttered why is noira not closing this game but uh that’s that’s where we are Noir is playing well the really the only bad part of the game

Was when the bench unit was in for the uh the end of this end of the first started the second which included noira and Grady dick Fred returned to Toronto Friday do I think Fred will get booted in Toronto I I do not I I’m not like

100% come on the like the Raptors crowd is very forgiving it’s not like the type of it’s not like you know the the loud minority you see on in comment sections or Twitter like f v is a wrapped as Legend unfortunately I won’t be watching

That game I’ll be at a uh I’ll be eating some some uh some pizza Friday night yeah I don’t know that whack rotation kind of worked out I I guess you got some like ridiculous threes and it and it worked out Fred better get an ovation you boo him you’re an

[ __ ] he’s going to get a pretty gnarly tribute video too oh we don’t play Houston on Friday oh well that’s fine then I’ll be watching the return we are in Houston Friday and then two Frid no no then the next Friday we’re hosting okay gotcha Bulls fans checking out

Early here 46 seconds to go Raptors uh with a nine-point lead after the schroer miss on the free throw Bulls attacking again Caruso stolen by Schroeder in transition Schroeder layup no good but he’s fouled he’ll head to the line and that will probably do it D rozan might [ __ ] that the Raptors

Played offense there respect for the game whatnot but [ __ ] youor all right well what a performance I mean what an incredible performance by the Raptors honestly that was a very very wellplayed game uh from like the midc quarter onwards they are uh starting to appeal to guys’ strengths a bit more in

Offense uh you can’t deny the ball movement is improving this was a uh this was a very very good game and uh listen this Bulls team have been winning and this RIT team have not been winning and this is this is going to be a double

Digit this be double digit win oh BS oh dear Demar feels like playing for nothing for some reason out of bounds and that will do it all right well might not be the celebration that other wins have this season winner but man the Raptors have improved to

Uh 17 and 30 they overturned an 18 uh 16o deficit and win by double digits you can’t deny it um let’s do our postgame show everybody um it may not be the result you wanted as Raptors perhaps looked a tank for the rest of the season but you cannot deny

What an excellent performance the Raptors had here against Chicago Bulls in a resounding Victory let’s break down how it happened in tonight’s post post game show as a reminder to everybody make sure you do hit that like button to support the content help us get on some more YouTube recommended pages and

Subscribe we do Raptors content like this for virtually every Raptors game even through the tank days and even through good games like this so make sure you are subscribed to the channel as well to keep up to date and join The Amateur hour Army today but the Raptors

Here overcame a 16-point deficit it looked like early on in this game that the Bulls were going to run away with it we were in over our heads we didn’t have enough size to deal with the bulls the rim we didn’t have enough defense to deal with the bulls of the rim and

Didn’t really have enough firep powerered offense to go at the bulls hereo the bulls had a really rough start to the season but have drastically improved as of late they got their record up to 22 and 25 in the mix for a playoff birth as well six and four in

Their last 10 and in Chicago the Bulls were favored here by 6 and 1 12 points and you kind of understood why they were favored by that margin even with a lineup that maybe lacks a slight amount of punch without Zack LaVine involved in it at all but despite that the

Raptors had a rough patch at the end of the first quarter had a rough patch the start of the second quarter but then really came on in this game and with some adjustments completely locked down on defense and got themselves a big win here the worst pocket of the game like I

Said in that end first start of the second quarter Jordan Air Grady dick checked into the game Jordan by the way another exceptional game here but not so much in the first half uh grd dick as well not not so much of a great game in general but uh their defense and lack

Thereof showcase itself and Darko was pretty insistent on using a zone defense for this period of the game and it wasn’t working it took him a little bit too long to figure out that it wasn’t working gave the Bulls a ton of momentum but where the Raptors once again found

Success uh was on the offensive end of the Court they moved the ball extremely well and in the second half got some absolutely Dynamite individual performances that helped lead to this win Gary trmp was really the only one who had like a shining performance in the first half ended up having a great

Game in general but the Raptors really really moved the ball here it wasn’t barnes’s best night so with no other discernable star involved on this team the ball was moving tremend tremendously Raptors will finish this game with 34 assists they have tied the NBA record

For most games in a row with 25 assists or more at 30 and the indication would be that they will continue to add on to that uh tied record if they can get 25 or more assists on Friday against the Houston Rockets of course they will

Break the record but um as I was mentioning with the team moving the ball really well Cutters getting to the rim really well and and what’s adding on to the Raptors getting more assists lately is the three ball game ever since the trade involving OG and anobi the Raptor

Been a much better shooting team anigan shooting left and right uh even though they’re missing size even though they’re missing guards they missing Rim protection they have floor spacing they have guys who can shoot that’s adding on to the space on offense that’s adding on the ability to kick out and hit threes

Adding on to the space for guys to cut to the rim and get easy buckets and everyone right now sharing the ball really well now it’s usually leading to some pretty pathetic basketball in general this sharing the Ball Method but here it was absolutely cooking against

The Chicago Bulls when you were going up against somebody that wasn’t Alex Caruso who once again showcase how good he was defensively typically the Raptors offense very lackluster and there’s no real Firepower no real punch to the offense but today they got it from a variety of different sources and what

Was again a fantastic night defensively the Raptors made adjustments played a lot more man-to-man hard-nosed defense in the second half took away a lot of what the Bulls were doing successfully in the first half in getting to the rim keeping vuvi out of the paint as much as

Possible and again all of this was done with a very high degree of success and the Bulls ultimately even with decent shooting from the field decent shooting the paint could not overcome the three-point surge that we saw from Toronto so let’s take a look at the box score here fadus young unreal second

Half ends with 16 points and six assists six rebounds to go with it 8 to 13 he’s one who really smart making those cuts to the rim and uh Scotty Barnes found him plenty Scotty Barnes not his best tonight 414 from the field 03 from three

But still a nice 13 points seven assists four rebounds and a steal Barnes was used a little bit too much in the perimeter especially in the first half on defense he’s much better defending down low would like to see more of that I say this a lot but when he was down

We saw better from him Bruce brown with an exceptional game here wow did he really stuff the stat sheet 7 to 13 from the field 19 points seven rebounds three assists three steals two blocks to go with it a real Showcase in the shop window for Bruce Brown for wherever his

Next team may be Dennis schroer continues to produce solid numbers 16 points 10 assists for him today two steals Gary Trent electric first quarter I think it was a 13-point first quarter ends with 24 points six of 11 from three five rebounds even for Gary Trent he’s

Starting to really come along in this recent stretch of games a welcome site indeed on the bench for the Raptors we really dipped into the bench jontay Porter left the game early with back spasms grd dick got minutes didn’t do a ton with it pointwise but the Bulls

Were privy to him he was plus two in this game you’re really seeing his impact like his shooting gravity he uses it well it’s not he’s not going to force up threes for the sake of it but guys are always on him creating space for his teammates and he pump fakes and makes

The right decisions and we’re starting to see signs four assists for Grady dick would indicate his ability to use that shooting gravity great stuff there uh even Garrett Temple got some minutes jayen mcdel had one of his best games as a raptor eight points on two or three

Shooting from three and Jordan noara electric once again Off the Bench 17 points in 19 minutes five of seven from the field four of five from three confused why he wasn’t involved in the closing lineup didn’t hurt the Raptors but it just felt like he could have

Gotten more 13 points or more for six Raptors players today they got a variety of sources contributing here and comes to Great Avail uh they again they did struggle on the inside on defense but they started giving up you know some threes to the Bulls who weren’t hitting

Him kuso hit his first three of the game missed his next five d rozan goes 0 five from three vvi only takes 11 shots here so overall Raptors defensively got this one right and cracked the code great job by the team to sort this out uh not the

Most high-paced game but an efficient game for both teams from the field 52 for the Raptors 51 from the Bulls but the Raptors make the difference shooting 48% from three compared to the 34% from the Bulls they make the difference in the rebounding category as well adding

In a few more rebounds from those from those misses uh turnovers was a bit sloppy 20 to 20 each but the Raptors made up for the points in the paint which at one point the Bulls were dominating which got them out to that 16-point lead the raps reversed that

Didn’t look back they end the end the game with their largest lead at 11 so if you’re for the tank obviously this wasn’t a great one uh the Bulls are relatively close to the Raptors in the standing and the majority of fans in the community have made themselves heard in

Saying that they would prefer 78% of the of the voters say they would prefer to try and tank here uh look the rapt like they’re going to win some games they have talent here evidently with way they played today but long season ahead I don’t really know how to feel cuz I like

To see success here I like to see guys doing well guys getting better but I also understand the tanking implications There are 16 and 30 sorry 17 and 30 now uh Memphis in the mix there there out of all the teams here I only think seven will bottom out

Completely I don’t think Atlanta will Brooklyn don’t have their pick Golden State won’t Chicago I think want to be a playoff team so Memphis May bottom out at some point but for the Raptors bottom six is very realistic as we see here bottom five is somewhat realistic if they can lose some games

But they were 1 and N their last 10 heading into tonight you’re going to win some games at some point and here was a win from them and a good performance ultimately I’m happy with good performances win or lose today was a very good performance one of the better

Ones of the season one of the more pleasing enjoyable ones of the season so um I’m okay with this um you know I don’t want to see the team fade off morale wise I I agree either tanking still doesn’t seem to be like the best case for this team if

Their bottom five they only have a 63% chance at keeping their pick uh bottom six they are only at 45% % chance and bottom seven is like 31% so I don’t know to me play the games try to win them you’re going to lose some because you’re

Not a very good team if you have your pick you have your pick but uh I’m okay playing things out to a certain degree and see where this team goes but nonetheless a win a couple days off Raptors hopefully putting some more work in see what they produce on Friday

Against the Houston Rockets thanks so much for watching this I’m a for that Friday game so we’ll be back soon on the channel regardless we get to like 95% of the games in the season so please make sure you’re subscribed to the channel for all the content we have for stuff

Like this and drop a like if you did enjoy we’ll see you again very very soon for more content stream chat thank you everybody I really appreciate it thanks so much for tuning in tonight uh bit of a a later one than usual but had a lot

Of fun as normal uh this is this is a really good performance this is a really good performance uh by the Raptors uh I’m happy that was fun uh thanks guys uh again this is this week is a bit light for Content Monday yesterday I

I’ve been sick so I I didn’t want to do a video I’m getting better but wanted to chill Monday uh today stream tomorrow I have a video I do want to talk I I did want to talk about Grady dick I think I still will I was hoping for a really

Good Grady dick game to kind of spur that but I’m going to do a Grady dick video tomorrow I’m not sure there will be anything else until the Sunday uh which we have the members only stream uh Friday’s a bit tough Saturday I won’t even be in my apartment for most

Of the day yeah it’s going to be a tough week but next week there’s a lot of content guys next week there’s going to be tons of videos in this channel as we getting towards trade deadline season there’s going to be a ton of raptors games next week there five Raptors games

Next week there’s going to be a ton of live streams I have two streams next week February 6th at 1 pm February 9th at 12:30 12:30 p.m. on the bleacher report app covering the Raptor trade deadline preview and trade deadline recap for the Raptors on the bleach Report app Thursday during the trade

Deadline season from 2: to 4: P p.m. on the board YouTube channel I’m going to be on my Works Channel doing a watch party for the trade deadline but for Bleach report streams coming up in February uh I do content with my work channel on every every weekday morning

By the way at 9:45 if you want to check those out I know some of you do and I appreciate that but uh yeah next week’s going to be filled up with content and uh I’m pumped uh understand the grind we’re putting out content and we’re having fun doing it thanks for all

Support everybody I will catch you all at the video tomorrow or I’ll see you

🔴 Calling all Raptors fans! 🦖 Get ready for an exciting evening of NBA action as we bring you a live watch-along of the Toronto Raptors facing off against the Chicago Bulls. Join us for some courtside vibes and Raptors camaraderie right here on the Amateur Hour Sports YouTube channel!

In this live stream, Jacob Gramegna will be breaking down the game play-by-play, discussing key matchups, and providing real-time analysis. Whether you’re a die-hard Raptors enthusiast or just a casual fan, this is the place to be for an immersive basketball experience.

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Let’s go Raptors! 🦉🏀🍁

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This is Amateur Hour Sports. On this channel, Jacob Gramegna analyzes and breaks down the latest on the Toronto Raptors NBA team from trade rumors to post-game reactions, analysis and much more. By subscribing to this channel you will be there first to watch and enjoy 3-4 videos a week all focused on this team and on game days Jacob goes live on the channel for a watch party where he interacts with chat, answers your questions and analyses the game as it happens with play by play and commentary. Join the Amateur Hour Army today by subscribing and consider becoming a member to give the extra support to the channel and help create better content more often.

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