@Chicago Bulls

Patrick Williams injury news gets worse as Chicago Bulls host Raptors | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Patrick Williams injury news gets worse as Chicago Bulls host Raptors | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Applause] [Applause] N what’s going on bulls Nation welcome in C Bulls pregame coming to you live here from our studios here in the West Loop downtown Chicago I’m peek you can follow me on Twitter Bulls corek my guy pouring himself a nice tall glass of water Big Dave bowow bwl Sports our P producer

Joey btis back with us on the controls hey Joey will the goat goly at the UC tonight we will hear from him in post game haircut yeah today nice wow look at you ni so observant that’s what I do it’s one of my gifts one of my gifts

Baby uh shout out to everybody hanging out in the YouTube comments hit that Thumbs Up Button if you’re hanging out with us live uh Bulls Raptors regular season series finale tonight bulls have taken two of the first three yes uh Bulls won the most recent contest between these two teams back on January

18th which was after the OG and anobi trade after the SE yakum trade V feasted in that game with the Raptors playing pretty small we we’ll touch on that a little bit later before we get to the bad news Big Dave how are you buddy I’m

Good man like you saw me pouring my glass of drink my man Joey’s here my man Ryan’s over there dude Ryan Herrera appearances hanging out with us late night folks yeah man I don’t know what he’s still doing here and not even just waiting for traffic to die down

Like actually just doing work and stuff like that dude’s got his earbuds in he’s plugged in he’s working he’s doing it’s good to see you man Ryan don’t stop Ryan don’t is that a hashtag the grind don’t stop don’t stop no I’m gonna say Ryan don’t stop that’s what I’m G say that’s

The hashtag Baby Ryan don’t stop just meld them into the Ry don’t stop Ryan it all works we’ll put it together Joey going to get you a graphic you’re gonna be on point Ryan’s got a lot of Courage because when Matt is telling him

Which beers suck he is able to say no I I like that one whereas down whereas me courage like yeah so if Matt like Miller Light Sucks Dave tells me to shut up all the time I’d be more like oh yeah you’re right I’m an idiot that millerite sucks

Obviously but Ryan over here he is very opinionated okay so Everyone’s entitled to their opinions but Ryan is one of a zillion examples of young people having dumb opinions [Laughter] oh Ryan said okay Ryan said all right all right he G to den he’s going to get his shots

Back I mean I mean old Boomers have dumb opinions too let’s let’s be clear about that but Matt hates young people though I hate young people and two lesser exent also old people Very Yes much lesser they ruined the world that we’re all living that’s a very fair point but the

Young people aren’t helping it they’re not helping it with their [ __ ] Tik toks oh man yeah Joey hope you can draw some of that quote unquote courage and you know tail Matt you know your opinion Joey Joey should always feel able and willing to stand up to me in my opinion

I do share my opinions but it’s just Matt usually not about beer about beer is something I trust Matt’s opinion on so if he says it’s trash I’m like maybe I got to take a closer look I say you should trust your own opinion man if you

Don’t like it you know you don’t like it if you like it you like it fair enough you know that’s that’s also suck it if you exactly that’s a pretty good point also my my intimidation and degradation like you know uh factors and ESS like

I’m a blowfish I I yell a bunch of stuff and I talk about game but you know to be fair I don’t want to put that on you you would never you are very you know you have your opinions but you are accepting of others so even if you are very quick

To say that they are wrong and trash you are permissive of other opinions so I don’t want to put that on you compared two depends but yeah like what treat we we used to compare you two me and you came up we like you’re like a hard

Outside but like really gooey and softy on the inside kind of like like instead of an Everlast Everlasting Gob stopper I’m one of those remix like chewy Gob Stoppers so really hard on the outside right but if you get through that very hard exterior a I’m gooey I’m

Gooey um young rezy said Joey drives a van he should have more confidence you drive a van Joe you no we tell them they got you you guys did this oh that’s right you did this yeah we did we did we did do this I like I’ve been in Joy’s car I not

Man uh shout out to um uh Adam and aunt and everybody hanging out in the comments Adam thanks for the compliment on the sweater also Dave you got a compliment on your sweater from rig skeman oh shout out uh feeling that hoodie classic appreciate it thank you very much I like like the

Darker toned red on that yes yes I saw it and I put it on today and they wor my Bulls jacket too cuz I couldn’t find my other one so look at you wearing a jacket all Bulls up wearing jeans yeah oh man I saw some was borderline too hot

Today for you to be wearing pants I saw somebody in shorts on the way over here and immediately got upset and I was like I missed my opportunity immediately regret this decision but I did see the weather for the rest of the week and oh my goodness I think they coming back I

Think they might make an appearance in January oh they might make an appearance oh I’m very excited about this love it let’s do it it uh I like Anthony in the comments pointing out that maybe the van that Joey owns is the van just down by the river I will always appreciate a

Good MAF holey shout out down by the let’s be that’s me in like maybe three or four more years pretty much pry I’m already looking at used vans on auto trader I’m say hey hey Ray Ray Chevy do you have any used vans I could take a look at

Come up Ray um all right so we we do have some some bummer news to address uh out of the gate here we got an update on Patrick Williams from Bulls PR earlier today and the update went as follows Patrick Williams has been diagnosed with acute bone edema in his left foot he

Will immediately begin a period of active rest and be reassessed in approximately two weeks so this is this weird we weren’t quite sure what was going on in jury with Pat Uh saw him in a walking boot of some kind uh on their road trip finale um on Sunday night I

Did I did a little research Dave because I’m not a medical expert by any means on what bone uh edema acute bone edema means uh and I am scared by what I found okay so uh acute bone edema or a bone marrow edema which is interchangeably

The same thing often referred to as bone marrow lesion occurs when fluid build up in the bone marrow bone marrow edema is typically a response to an injury such as a fracture or conditions such as uh osteoarthritis bone marrow edema usually resolves itself with rest and physical

Therapy there you go with the bull saying period of rest with Pat um a little bit more science medical jargon non-operative treatments of Sy uh SYM symptom symptomatic BME include partial or complete non-weightbearing more Patrick is just going to take a load off for the next two weeks or the administration of pharmacological

Treatment based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs bif phosphinates and monoclonal antibodies okay uh also something called zold dronic acid can be recommended for relieving joint pain in specifically athletes and reduce their recovery time by 50% so that high performance players can resume training okay lot of medical jargon scared Bulls

Fan I don’t know I like we’ll see what happens when they reevaluate him in two weeks but this is not encouraging in my opinion it’s not good but let me tell you what is encouraging is it happened to Patrick Williams and one thing we always called him was a mutant The

Wolverine because of his healing powers remember this is the dude who broke his wrist and was like he’s out for the year and was back in about five months uh playing and finished the season we didn’t think he would be back to finish any part of the season and he was back

Uh playing so I think if this is going to happen to anybody he’s the one um you kind of felt like some kind of injury was like this well let me speak for myself I felt like some injury like this was coming for him after he played

The 82 games because I’m like there’s no way you’re going to go again and do this again and I just felt like it was going to be a wear and tear on him some kind of way and here it is um yes I I like the fact that it can get better with

Rest and not something that requires surgery or something like that so that gives me promise right there so yeah get some drugs allow that man to rest I’m glad they got him in the walking boot early that was the first thing they did for him Patrick did not want to do it he

He cursed when he said it which was awesome to hear um he didn’t want to put that boot on but I’m glad they got him in the boot and they got on top of this early and didn’t just say oh [ __ ] you know cuz in the past we’ve seen the

Bulls say oh [ __ ] right we didn’t know that let’s do something else so I yeah happening to Patrick Williams and the way I’ve seen him he hey Julia saying the way I’ve seen him H up that gives me a little hope right there and you know

You just kind of pointed out that the Bulls medical staff and the Bulls PR team and how they handle updates and announcements about what’s going on medically with some of their players that are dealing with injuries has never been looked on very confidently or assuredly by Bulls Nation I think it’s

Fair to say that Bulls fans over the years and for du cause yeah have been skeptical anytime we hear injury updates about anybody because we’ have been bait and switched and Hoodwinked and flat out lied toled uh yes Anthony saying I’m not a doctor either but don’t really believe anything

Bull’s PR or doctor say could have sworn they said it was week to week with a certain player named Lonzo ball and that was two and a half years ago see this is where pay comes from right exactly like this is where Bulls fan skepticism comes from when we hear updates about players

Especially with like weird injuries like this that are not so clearcut it’s like oh these players having Arthur scopic knee surgery here’s the timetable or this player has a high ankle sprain here’s the timetable it’s weird stuff like this when Bulls fans start to get worried um the uh the updates from Billy

When he met with the media pregame including uh our guy will the goali there’s no a specific timetable on Patrick’s return the hope is that he will be back coming out of the allstar break right so basically that sounds like the Bulls are shutting him down for

Their I think they’ve got maybe eight or nine games remaining between now and that Allstar break which is the the week following trade deadline which is a week from Thursday so the hope is that they will see Patrick Williams return to uh active play coming out of the All-Star break a

Little less than a month from now okay I mean that’s that’s what we want to hear and that’s what we want to see let him rest give him his weeks off you know to heal up like I said I’m just encouraged at the fact that he doesn’t have to go

Under the knife it’s something that just gets better with rest and Medicine so yes I’ll take that over him going under the knife and then missing some time I’m okay with that it don’t of course not it doesn’t sound great it doesn’t sound awesome and he’s obviously pissed about

It you know because he can’t be out there on the floor doing what he wants to do and doing what he loves to do and in a contract year so yeah it sets that back also but at the same time like I said his healing powers have shown to be

Really really good he’s still a young guy who has that in him you know his his second season where he got injured early and like I said hurt the wrist and then all ruled him out for the season and I was like just kidding and then he played like the last

Dozen games of that season so did we’ll see but you know the the the point you just made about sounds like no surgery is needed based on the limited not a doctor but actually a dumbass research I did today it didn’t sound like surgery was one of the proposed you know routes

You could take with athletes to fix this and it was you know um rest and pharmaceutical uh approaches drug but it did also say that it could be an injury as a result of a fracture and that’s the part that scared me cuz I was like is

This is this just a small fracture somewhere in one of the bones in Pat’s foot that they haven’t found yet with any of their x-rays or MRI or whatever the hell they’re doing um and uh I think it was uh our guy fish in the comments we pointed out that you know these

Initial tests and scans and whatever were done wal theable were on that road trip so maybe we’ll see some more updates in the next week or two while he is officially ruled out uh to see if they find anything other than this weird bone marrow inflammation stuff that they

Talked about today um Silver Lining give me all the Julian Philips there it is this is what I was waiting on this is what I was Wai Julian Phillips minutes this Bulls team that top to bottom on the roster 1 through 15 is a small roster yeah you’re you’re limited on

Wings and power forward size players Patrick Williams is one of them so Billy’s going to have to play plenty of Billy small ball but we saw his willingness night Ryan bye Ryan make Better Life Choices uh uh leenon one of his you know younger more inexperienced

But has some of that size that this Bulls team is sorely lacking players like Phillips who played 20 plus minutes in their game Off the Bench the other night yeah I’m EXC I’m I know you’re excited to watch him we have to say that but I’m definitely excited to watch him

And the fact that he gets his time like the timing of it is really good just coming off a good performance and you know Bulls fans all it takes a little sliver for them to say I don’t know guys this got be in the start line of playing

30 so the fact that he played well you know it’s like great now let’s go do it again and now that just means more for him and it means more for dalen Terry too uh getting an opportunity out there because you know I do want to see those

Two guys out there together because they have some kind of chemistry I just really want to look into but Julian Phillips man he’s gonna get that work especially against uh Toronto a team with just full of wings and dudes who a 67 long WIS and wings and wangs um all

Right let’s take a quick break Shout out a couple sponsors real quick then we’ll come back and take a closer look at tonight’s match up between the Bulls and Raptors uh oh also real quick on the injury front Tory Craig still dealing with that planer fascia injury uh has

Been doing more activity uh you know not full five on five scrimmage kind of stuff yet at any of the Bulls practices or shoot arounds but Billy Donovan uh meeting with the media pregame said he’s moving closer and closer to playing uh won’t play tonight won’t play tomorrow

Outside shot maybe that we will see him somewhere in the like maybe their Saturday game still probably not but basically the gist of it was ramping up and doing more physical activity so good news on that front uh while we are shouting out our sponsors youall know

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Purchase terms apply again create an account redeem that code chg $20 off is what you will get download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guarantee Joy SP what time is it all right uh tonight’s contest Bulls Raptors Bulls starting five has been announced it is what we’ve seen since

Pat went out in addition to Zack lavine’s absence Kobe white aumu in that starting lineup Caruso D rozan and Vu uh for the Raptors meanwhile they are dealing with some serious injury problems themselves uh RJ Barrett who of course arrived mid-season in that trade with the Knicks along with Emanuel

Quickley both out Barrett out with a knee quickly still dealing with a thigh contusion that’s kept him out of the last couple of games and yakob purle yakob still out dealing with an ankle uh so this is a uh very short-handed Raptors team kind of the same situation

That these two teams were in when they played just a week and a half or so ago uh you’re looking favorably at tonight’s game as a you’re at home back home after a three- game Road Trip playing a short-handed Raptor team that’s basically steering its way towards the

Bottom right now after those sell-offs of not only anobi but Pascal cakam Raptors starting lineup tonight you got Schroeder and Gary Trent Jr in the back court you got Bruce Brown Scotty Barnes and Bulls Legend fattiest young getting a start nice nice no offense to our dear

Old departed pal Thad young mhm that should tell you just how much of a desperation mode the Raptors are in with their available players yeah that old man th getting a start I will say that’s still a solid starting five it wor it does let me know Wayne Seldon JR hello

It does let me know that bench is depleted though like when Thad is getting getting the starting gig I’m I’m curious about who’s on the bench you know what I’m saying for this team tonight we’ll find out together ladies and gents they’re about to call up Joey on a 10

Yeah oh man hey spus going to he got six fouls man six hard fouls is what you’re going to get out of Joey spaus um but I think the Bulls play very well against the Raptors at home I I believe I can’t remember who had this statistic but it’s

Been a while since the Bulls have lost to the Raptors at home it’s been a minute so hopefully that Trend continues I mean the Bulls have injuries too uh D with Patrick We’re going to be putting a rookie out there you know seeing what he

Can do and put the second year guy out there and dalen Terry seeing what he can do so yeah it’s going to be interesting hopefully Kobe white can continue doing what he’s been doing please remember the Kobe white Dennis schruder little Rowdy Dow that they had uh last time I ain’t

Forgot that so I hope Kobe ain’t forgot that that should be fun to watch too Bulls killer Gary Trent Jr is out there Scotty Barnes usually plays very well uh against the Bulls because he’s playing Patrick Williams so with Patrick out I’m curious to see how that goes this time

Not to say he’s not a good player against everybody he just has a little more off when he’s playing against Patrick uh and in the comment said Scotty Barnes will try to torch us hopefully we keep a big on the floor I mean you know Billy does have a healthy

V and a healthy Drummond not what at his disposal tonight uh you anticipate regular rotation there um Scott in the comments said this is going to be one annoying Dennis shudder show uh it’ll be interesting to see if he and Kobe have a little you know additional chapter of of

Of their uh scuff from from uh recently also I love I love this joke from Colin short-handed Raptors aren’t all raptors short-handed heyo Raptor arms heyo oh that’s a dad jokey that is a dad he’s he’s not wrong that’s a dad joke right there he’s not

Wrong uh sany long wants to see Scotty Barnes go up against juliia Phillips tonight I do too I do too him up Julian I’m very decided to watch that that kind of matchup right there whoever your best player is especially if it’s a wing yeah I excited to see Junior Phillips get

That opportunity man so that should be fun also interested to watch Vu cuz like you mentioned before Matt Vu goes off against the Raptors especially when it’s not yakob perto out there right when it’s a smaller dude when you’re Vu is bigger than you he dominates that’s how

It goes so you know we we all know and we talked about it in our game Sunday even in a bulls wi the fact that b went over V went over behind the three point line that night shooting under 30% from three this season our our good friend

Doug who tolerates are kind of sometimes friends C red Fred has been on the war path on Twitter recently that’s my friend uh just telling us all the different statistical ways in which Vu sucks yes and he’s he’s having a tough year but in specific instances Vu can

Still have himself a game yeah when the Bulls and Raptors played each other on January 18th and the situation was the same they had traded cakam purle was out Vu had 24 14 and seven dimes sure did also two blocks and a steel yes he did

This version of VO is the one you’re like well we’re paying him can we get this version of this guy every once in a while yeah tonight the script is there yeah for it to be another dominant food absolutely man like I said if when he’s taller than you he will dominate you

Because that way he can use the skills that he has posting you up inside hitting you with that up and under that little uh elbow jumper that he likes to shoot m he it feels like more uh is available to him in his game when he’s

Playing against a smaller guy or maybe a guy his same kind of height they don’t have a center out there like that and if you’re running Thad young out against him he’ll eat he’s GNA eat against him man so I expect V to play well hopefully

They go to him early and often and he continues to produce I don’t know what he’s going to look like behind the three-point line not looking forward to finding out but I am looking forward to watching him in the paint score some points that’s what I’m looking forward

To uh Jeff C the comments saying just get those post-entry passes they’ve been doing better with that but still room for improvement yeah that is accurate yeah um the uh the the other thing about that game to win over Toronto Jan 18 is you know obviously a monster V game dear

Uh also pce the Bulls he also along with v finish with 24 points in that one you always know that dear wants to get up for a game against Toronto true you know uh all of the history there um and it was not not a great game for the Bulls

Bench I think IO had one of his many recent solid performances IO was I think a plus 10 or plus 11 Off the Bench that night everyone else off the Bulls bench that night did not do well the Bull’s second unit got torched by the Raptor’s bench which is a little surprising

Considering how short-handed they are but it was uh I mean Vu and Demar both had eight game high plus 23 for the Bulls in a game in which they only won by six there was a little bit of that you know screwing around in the fourth

Kind of stuff maybe it wasn’t as close as that final score looked but you know you’re your two key guys V and dear having plus 23 in a game you only win by six yeah yeah that’s true and and AK brings up a good point Drummond should feast tonight you’re right uh Drummond

Should Feast on those boards he really should uh a double double should come for Andre Drummond uh because they just don’t have the size to keep up with that big ass person that’s going to be in there doing this thing but yeah like

Even if they win by six win by 16 I just want the W you know like just keep that rolling because you got another one tomorrow I don’t care that it’s the Charlotte Hornets you got another one well and that’s the thing as far as

Winning by six or 16 because it is the front end of a back toback tonight if you can if you can and we know Billy won’t because he has a problem with this what was that game recently when they beat the Grizzlies by like a billion and

He had Kobe and Demar out there in the fourth like the second half of the fourth quarter a timeout and still brought back in what are you doing and then during the that first possession he brought people off the bench instead of just taking them out of the game it made

No sense at all Billy’s a mad man sometimes my god look but front end of a back to back yeah build yourself a lead don’t dick around and lose most of that lead like they did uh on Sunday night when they let a you know 11-point half halftime lead dwindle down to a

One-point lead going in the fourth quarter yeah can you keep a 20-point lead into the fourth we’ll see and actually you know what make it a 30-point lead sure so that you have to say if you’re Kobe white hey Billy I’m leading the freaking league in minutes

Right now I’m freaking exhausted can I sit this fourth quarter cuz we got to play again tomorrow no we need you we need you out there no I don’t know man uh yeah he’s right hopefully that’s the case I am disinclined to acquest to your request hopefully that’s the case they

Get out there you’re a silly and and they’re able to do that but man I don’t know man Billy Billy’s crazy we’ll see we’ll see what he does a with a bold prediction in the comments he’s saying either I or Kobe going for 30 tonight I

Would love to see either of those things dude yeah I would love to see IO just I drop a 30 running running through a wall yeah man let IO continue doing his thing he’s been awesome awesome awesome hopefully he comes off the bench or starts you know whever when you want to

Do it so yeah yeah I’m interested to see uh I am taking you know I I put a couple bets in tonight I’ve St from from Bulls betting you know for a while other than like live bets and games when they’re leading and I make certain choices but

I’m betting on Vu having a big game tonight okay because all of the context of tonight’s game points to him having a big game I’m also taking the over on Kobe assist tonight yeah he’s been racking up seven eight N I think he had

Nine or 10 in their win on Sunday I love watching Kobe facilitate and distribute recently yes it’s it’s been fun I I don’t I don’t think I’m underestimating the Raptors there though like we like we said man I out there starting lineup is is a really good one and they usually

Play the Bulls very well like I said Tren is a bulls killer so I I just want to keep an eye on that but the Bulls I want them to win by 30 because we want the rest underestimating okay yes I guess it’s fair to say never underestimate anybody that that’s why

The phrase Trap game exists the Raptors have lost five in a row they’ve lost nine of their last last 10 and in their last 15 games they are 23rd in the NBA in net rating 4.3 no excuse on your home floor where the Bulls have played well

Much better than they played on the road this season against this opponent that’s this short-handed zero excuses you want me or anyone out there in Bulls Nation to start actually taking you seriously Bulls win this game by 20 end of sentence let me add to that sentence

Just win I just want the W the W is necessary Joey you want to say something Jake agrees with me went by 30 did I want to say something yeah I wanted to say that I am making my return to the sled Patrick Williams first bucket oh wait Kobe white first bucket plus

800 wow plus 800 wow dude Kobe to the rack wow Jake’s face is like what the hell Kobe Kobe to the Rack or Kobe off a flare screen at at the uh at the elbow he has the lowest the highest odds the longest odds of any bull tonight in the

Starting lineup that doesn’t quite make a ton of sense to me he has higher odds as first bucket than IO or Caruso IO is like second overall I don’t know what they’re seeing it’s cuz he scored the first8 seconds of the game on Sunday off the tip off that’s wild though that’s

Truly wild also Jake just came over and showed me that our takeover is all sold out let’s go I did see that officially today our friends Ramina and Melissa joined the party they’re coming to the Takeover they’re probably bringing their own little mini party with them to our party

Shout out to everybody who got a ticket to our takeover on February 6th a week from tonight week from tonight let’s go yes I put the call out and everybody responded I say if Dave calls I’ll say it like that I’ll put the call out and everybody responded man if Dave calls I

Still had a couple there still a couple people who were waiting I told them you might not want to wait you better hurry up and get them and yeah we’ll see I hope you got your tickets good time hope you man also uh we yesterday officially

Locked down our pregame spot yes it will be good old crossroads right across the street a great spot for Chicago sports fans to hang out before games after games yeah J we’re going to hang out at Crossroad starting at 5:30 and then take that Crossroad shuttle over to the mad

House that the yeah that’s the plan y’all yeah come hang out uh Alexis and y’all if you didn’t if you missed out on the tickets just come hang out with us at Crossroads then just come hang out AC cross come hang out of Crossroads also we are already working on our next watch

Party boom after the Takeover which you’ll be hanging out a bar watching the game somewhere that’s right so if you can’t come or you missed out on our available tickets for a takeover next Tuesday yes plenty more events down the road come hang out I told you strick

Strick I told you I told you to get on it man like hey man the car went out I’m just telling you I hit the button and the car went out and I told you get on them man early bird gets the worm y’all got get it man Bulls fans are serious

You know it’s not sold out yet what’s that our Subzero T he available now merch Locker Joey give him the photo grab yours boom right there look at that thing not sold not sold out yet yet it is sold out in 3x don’t wait the Big Fellas are sold out

But I co also it is Kobe white brother approved there you go he he likes it very much so yes it is approved so yeah man get you a shirt before it sells out do not wait let this be a lesson do not wait get this stuff now guys Bulls fans

Are everywhere all right and the stuff is dope all right so please get you your shirt and then come hang out with the take over when the watch party happens come hang out there man because hey we going we Bulls fans and we want to hang

Out with y’all love hanging out with Y bus Nation thanks for tuning in to pregame 704 Central Time tip off right around the corner uh we will be right back here in these very chairs for CS BS post game we’ll hear from our guy will to go from the mad house during postgame

Tonight hit that Thumbs Up Button at some point while you’re watching the game tonight grab yourself a Subzero t-shirt and uh we’ll talk to you also I think I’m going to hop in the Discord tonight see what’s going on with the all both fans should we do like a halftime

Discord thing that’s what I was going to maybe say a whooody what a halftime Discord like update I feel like that might be a good natural time to check in with some of the die hards or we could also do it after the post game but

That’s you know a little bit later on like where your heads at Joe that’s I was actually going to say something but you know defer to you guys you just said something so well I was going to say something in the slack group oh okay got

You now I just said it out loud Joey B this ladies and gentlemen all right y’all ball night Bulls Raptors enjoy the game we’ll talk to you all for Pro game T peace [Applause] we like

The CHGO Bulls crew preview Tuesday night’s matchup between the Chicago Bulls and Toronto Raptors. The Bulls look for a regular season series win against the Raptors, having won two of the first three games. On January 18, Nikola Vucevic and DeMar DeRozan paced the Bulls to victory with 24 points apiece. Can Vooch have another dominant game if the Raptors frontcourt is shorthanded again? Meanwhile, the Bulls announced Tuesday morning that Patrick Williams will be sidelined for two weeks with acute bone edema in his left foot. Does this spell trouble? Matt and Big Dave get you ready for tipoff!

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