@Phoenix Suns

Mikal Bridges on Phoenix Suns, trade deadline

Mikal Bridges on Phoenix Suns, trade deadline

Mel you got that first matchup out of the way against the Suns um there for this one going here into barklay Center what’s just your overall thought process of playing them again um just an opportunity to get another win you know what I’m saying uh just we want to

Straight and it’s another game for us to go get better and get another win when you look at the Suns team when you look back at the last game you know they’ve gotten healthy and they’ve gotten more consistency what what’s the biggest changes out of this Sun’s group um um I

Think just time honestly I think time with them you know it’s not you know they have the players but also just takes time to figure things out together so and that’s what they’ve been doing lately been playing way better especially since that point and I think that was their first game together

So uh they just spent a lot of time with each other and figuring out what to do offensively defensively and been way better that was after beating them there I mean that was a high water mark for you guys I 13 and 10 um then you had this extended period where things

Haven’t gone your way what I guess did you guys lose after that hitting that high water mark and what have you started to find over these last six or seven years um I don’t know I think just just finding our identity finding I think same thing what I was talking about them

Just more time together and figuring out you know offense defense you know guys been out you know in our lineup so trying to figure out the lineup situation and guys figuring out the roles I think our roles is kind of getting a little bit more understood and defending I think we’re defending way

Better and uh you know helping each other out defensively with rotating and if we’re getting blown by I think we’re just there’s more showing five as a team besides leaving people on the island in in the past you talked about lineups and so forth it’s a big talking point

Earlier in the season you and cam each had big offensive games rarely were they together yeah um I think the last six games both of you guys are averaging 25 what have you guys found that’s enabled you guys to start cooking together in the same game I mean I think that’s just

What we need um especially for us to be in games and the win games um I think just us scoring a high volume and us being decision makers um very capable of and you know helps us so uh I mean I joke around with Cam all the time and um

Just about the situation and us being out there being able to score the ball and it’s just it just helps our team and then like I think he gets blitzed way more than me and things like that if guys get it going now they’re playing you know putting two to the ball

And now we’re playing four on three on the other side so you know good things happen when we’re scoring and in the flo of offense um it’s just gives us confidence just defensively and then shuts the uh other teams confidence down if they’re not getting as many stops

What do you expect tonight with Durant coming back to this building um I don’t know I saw something about the the tribute video I don’t know if he wants one or not but oh yeah I don’t know that’s uh I don’t know I think it’s I

Mean I still think it’s going to be a great one for him um just did a good amount of years here had did a lot of great things um but yeah I think I mean I think fans probably be excited I’m I I I don’t know

How they feel but I think they’ll be excited what about for you does this game hold any special value is it different than other games because you’re going up against your old team and Durant’s coming back in no I think it’s I think it’s the thing I could take

Away from this game is probably just on the other team aspect my old team is just see some of my former teammates or my past teammates that’s what it really is about just seeing them but for us just getting another game to me is just another game and for us to get better

And you know continue this win streak what was it about Paris that you guys were able to kind of find tune some of those defensive principles like what were some things you guys may be focused on um I think having time to practice and and be detailed in practice and go

Over our shell defense you know you know really more detailed besides just just running around I think we we were very detailed from that trip and U learn a lot from it okay uh it’s little bit more than a week until the trade deadline but

But it’s coming up is that been a topic of convers at all around you guys and is that kind of tough to put out of your head um no I think we all been a part of it you know everybody here besides a couple probably

Been traded so uh I think it’s just a norm and it’s a norm in the league just every year somebody’s going to get traded there not not on one team but in a league people are just going to get traded so we just think you just sit

Here and just just watch just see what happens do you think about what the Nets will look like afterwards um no not really I just try to control what I can control and you know try to win as many games and play hard every day then you

Know see whatever happens how does Ben’s presence create opportunities additional opportunities for you and Cam and and this ball Club yeah I mean he’s an elite passer and um having Elite pass out there you know that could find guys you know makes it easier on a team and

Especially me and cam so definitely great to have him out there and you know his presence is just is felt out there you mentioned about how you guys are the roles are becoming more defined with Bin’s Edition and kind of you’re still playing with different rotations and

Different combos for you guys as a group what’s just your approach of like finding that chemistry and having that success the other night and continuing that yeah I mean what we’re really really close off the court so it shouldn’t be an issue when we play but it’s just that the minutes and you

Know find that time of being able to share the court together with different type of players you got to get that chemistry um no matter how close you are off the court you just got to know how guys play and what spots they like and things like that and that only happens

Over time where you just continue to play more minutes together so I think you know we don’t worry about the the care part about each other I think it’s just more just trying to find you know the lineups what works and you know what guys go know well you know on the court

Together thank you

Mikal Bridges meets with the media to discuss the Phoenix Suns matchup, playing well with Cam Thomas, Kevin Durant’s return, seeing his former teammates, the trade deadline, and more. Subscribe for daily sports videos!

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