@Detroit Pistons

Should the Detroit Pistons trade everyone? | The Athletic NBA Show

Should the Detroit Pistons trade everyone? | The Athletic NBA Show

The Detroit Pistons should they just fish or cut bait with the entire roster um they they have a really weird situation with all the young guys that they have um the whole Kate Cunningham situation where he can’t say healthy we have no idea how good he is

Because they haven’t been able to put a solid fourman uh rotation around him what what sort of decisions do the Detroit Pistons need to make here in the next week cut bait with Monty no just you know we we know how thrilled I been by his coach by his

Coaching uh so far this season I mean if if we’re going to ascribe clutch play to coaching he is uh he like they have understood the assignment in clutch time um when uh they’re on Pace for in my I have a database going back 10 years and even adjusting for their team level

They’re the second highest underperforming team in clutch situations which is considering how bad they are just in general that’s a pretty amazing statement I mean but they’ve managed to bank the losses it’s frustrating with this team because they are talented they have talent on this team like when you look at the roster

You’re like you should win more games than than than you are actually winning at the current moment with that stuff I don’t think it’d be smart to cut bait on of these guys right now I I think you know maybe try to lighten up your rotation here a little bit with some of

The stuff you’re do like yeah I mean he just don’t play him but like it’s more about consolidation is what yeah well I mean like they have a million centers like you don’t need that many and I think there’s just like a lot of stuff like that like they need

To kind of as an organization figure out but I wouldn’t cut bait on any of these guys Kade uh Ivy Thompson uh Duran uh uh even saucer like those are guys I’m not cutting bait on and I’m I think you have a chance to really build a team around

That and obviously you got to hope for some luck and good health but like I think you have something there with those guys and I think you need to start finding the pieces that fit around them after that I mean the the part that’s frustrating to me and I know we we joked

About it but you remember it was about 10 days ago where the quote came out that it was like the front office had reminded like like Monty Williams like the front office reminded me that I need to get more on ball refs for Jaden ivy

For a point guard yeah for or a combo guard at at minimum and it’s just like what are we doing here like you know it’s it’s you’re not good so the most important the important things you can do are instill habits and evaluate and you’re doing trying James wisman at

Point guard I mean why not like you’re not winning games you won six games just give it a shot you never know but no but get get guys get guys you know put you know get some credible lineups out there you have the play as you say they’ve got

The players you know with they’ve got a couple good vet vets on the team too and bogy and Alec Burks like you can put credible lineups out there let’s see what it looks like when you have that and get some real Reps for these young guys and so you can start to evaluate

Like is Jaden Ivy just an undersized two is he a combo guard is he a St like we haven’t like he he does some stuff obviously the athleticism is off the chart but you just haven’t you and similarly like Kade you You’ putting him in these extreme non-shooting lineups

And wondering what he looks like as a lead okay he’s not Luca okay that’s not doesn’t mean he that doesn’t mean he’s not like a high level piece to have on your team what does he look like as a as an offensive initiator when you have a

Real offensive lineup on the court put those lineups out there let’s give it a look I just hope teams use the way the Pistons went about their hiring of of Monty Williams as an understanding of not how to do it when the guy turns you down a couple times you don’t just throw

More money at him because this is then you have to remind him to play your point guards I need to put the ball in the hands like that quote is a ridiculous quote for a coach to say like that’s just absurd and I think that’s those things when you’re looking at it

Going like yeah and now we’re gonna talk and look two years from now we’re going to talk about the development situation and how Detroit failed these guys and it’s going to be a a scenario because of this and I just think like that’s massive mistake organizationally and I

Don’t think they should trade any of the guys I think they need to play these guys and as you said evaluate and put some stuff out there and that stuff they’re the most frustrating team in the sense of just that I understand why the Spurs lose games there’s not a ton of

Talent on that team besides Victor web andama a couple guys I like but nothing really amazing if you put Victor web andama with some around some of those guys with him with the Pistons like Yeah they ain’t a playoff team but they’re competing they’re winning more than 10

Games winning sure as [ __ ] more than six like I think there’s a uh you know a more more stuff there in that sense and I think that’s one of those things and I think that’s just a problem that we’re we’re looking at with the Pistons well this a this is where Player Development

Is a cheat coat because the Spurs actually do Player Development and they do it in season I mean we watch guys get better every year I mean Devon vasel is a great player development story I think for the Spurs some of the stuff that he does off the dribble that wasn’t

Necessarily in his game when he first came in Detroit who’s gotten better there in the last couple years well no like I’m now you turn me into defend they I mean yeah but now it’s like it’s more I mean but but I think just in the sense of changing the

Situation with the coach and and all that stuff I think you kind of have to give him a a pause in that stuff I thought you know if I mean you could probably point to Jeremy Grant coming over and then blossoming and all that stuff but didn’t

Really develop but like look I just don’t think they have the development Focus but I think that’s organizationally their issue and I just think that’s the problem with a lot of teams around the leagues you know and I think that’s one of those things but just going again to just the Pistons

With what they have on their roster right now like there’s not a trade I’d make that like would that would include any of the young guys in the sense of like I need to see what we have and and in these guys and I think these guys

Have talent I just I just can’t believe they they really don’t play the way they’re supposed to like if you’re getting like some good pick package for for Bogey and like the the the deal but the deal breaker is and we need Sasser back also all right maybe we can talk if

We’re getting like premium draft assets or something like that but the but other than that yeah um I I’m glad you brought up San Antonio just because it may be a little bit of coincidence but if you look at like uh like wem’s splits from when they started they started starting

Trey Jones it’s almost like it almost illustrates like it’s probably a little too Pat but it illustrates uh to some degree like hey let’s let’s put these guys in real basketball situations and then maybe we’ll see what they can do and and just want just want just want the Pistons to do

That we this turned into like a Pistons therapy session well I mean they they did beat Oklahoma City the other day which has now officially pulled Oklahoma City from contention they are no longer America’s Team

The Athletic NBA Show discuss what the Detroit Pistons should do at the NBA trade deadline.


  1. 1) trade/bench Killian
    2) call Denver at the draft and see if turning MPJ into Risacher does anything for them given that their roster is going to cost a bajillion dollars very soon

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