@Milwaukee Bucks

Milwaukee Bucks vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 1st Qtr | Jan 31 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Milwaukee Bucks vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 1st Qtr | Jan 31 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

[Applause] they should do it in Spanish or a different language just just change it up a little bit please Grant out front Lillard picks him up on the switch Grant off the Miss Here Comes Lillard it’s a three on three D put his head

Down part my family is such a part of me being my best on the floor off the floor in the community so being able to be here and surrounded by those people that he loves he’s going to elevate oh what a block by Lopez does it from the Five

Spot Aon out near the three-point ring here’s scoot Henderson his mid-range is Off the Mark rebounded by the Blazers ptis picks him up a nice drive and bucket by Kamar who’s been a nice find for chony bips of late Monte Kamar from Dayton Lopez same spot for three same result knocks it

Home soon as you commit to D’s making the right play finding his teammate finding the right pass the right read Simons on his foray of the bucket has it roll out and rebounded by Porter here’s L that’s an I think an underappreciated part of Dame’s game

Right we talk about scoring so much his ability to facilitate make the right play very worthy passer and Jake Crowder recently came back from injury just a couple of weeks ago another guy that should help them move north into standings right now with all of they’ve gone through they’re

Still second in the Eastern Conference and another guy who can get it done on the defensive end of the floor Grant from the elbow got it Jeremy Grant who’s been little three toour pressure on Lillard by Kamar Lopez at some point you got to get out on him he misfires that time team’s

Trade pretty much catalyzed their rebuild and that’s where they are right now and chony bips talks about that guy scoot Henderson catching a body underneath a vital part of that said rebuild we got a lot of young guys who are incredibly athletic who play with a

Lot of energy who compete at a high level and that is half the battle when you’re laying a foundation a Crowder has it Rim out four-point lead for Milwaukee mogden working against conon out to Reef touches the paint and slams it for more on these games please go to

Or visit the NBA app Yannis from the elbow download aoris got his man in jail but couldn’t Cash Out smoked the layup and got it back oh the Brooks like to use poris on that block use his size to his Advantage stays with it 220 to go in the opening quarter

Four-point lead Henderson touches the pain to have a campus location named after him the court well it’s named always home he said I planted Roots here the family is here his kids were born here he also said he circled this on the calendar not so much for the game but

For his family being able to be with the twins on their birthday and see familiar faces we saw this the resounding uh Applause for him in the starting uh lineup so it’s really cool to see him just giving back to so many different communities and impacting in different

Ways guys great report Angel he’s with Milwaukee now but he’ll always be 10 toes down with Portland Crow over the rebound and conon in the front cour poris did his work early getting post position boy what a tough catch inside Bobby poris earned that bucket Stephy tough catch tough finish he’s come in

And he’s gone to work and you know he’s just such a tough mat J and wath at the other end for three Rock reath an undrafted rookie back in 2018 started 11 games so far this season for the Blazers who suffered through a Litany of injuries there’s Giannis over to

Crowder Crowder for three knocked it home Jay Crowder was playing so well before he went down with injury and now just working his way back into rotation guy that’s gone to the finals and backto back years with the Suns and heat before that Crowder on the deck gets it out to [Applause]

Giannis JIS sprays it out to poris one more to conon one more to the corner and it comes off Cameron p will lead back up to six little two for one situation if the Blazers wanted Henderson with the midi got [Applause] it solid decision making by the rookie

So far it is and he’s he’s a guy who’s had an up and down year who’s really starting to come into his own coming off the bench understanding his role what’s needed from him Yannis backs it out with 10 on the shot clock out to pay on the drive pay with

The flo game tipped it up no good and here’s Henderson in a rush seven to go Phillips has flatten it out in A4 scoop going to work splash down wow the precocious and poised rookie making it a one-point game a clutch

Milwaukee Bucks vs Portland Trail Blazers Full Highlights 1st Qtr | Jan 31 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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