@New York Knicks

Contender Or Pretender: Are The Knicks Legit?

Contender Or Pretender: Are The Knicks Legit?

Welcome to your final day in January there is a lot a lot to discuss today the New York Jets took a month off from being a joke and they announced today we’re back you can make fun of us again the Yankees lost a key Bullpen arm and

We’ll discuss all of that a little bit later on but today is a very very important day today is graduation day today is the day where we all can get together and declare ourselves because for the last few weeks we have witnessed brilliant basketball at Madison Square

Garden we have watched the New York Knicks take apart team after team after team good teams like the Denver Nuggets crappy teams like the Charlotte Hornets on the road the other night teams trying to refine their identity like Miami on Saturday and I have nothing bad to say

About the Knicks over the last month if you tried to say something bad about the Knicks over the last month you’re a hater you’re a liar and you’re a troll and I’ve got nothing bad to say they’re without Julius Randall they’re without ogan and Obi no problem precious Chua

Play in the four no problem Dante div no Pro they have been awesome and I agree they’ve been great and they’re fun and they’re back that’s already been declared we know that they’re back we know that they’re good we got it it’s exciting they sucked 10 years ago they

Sucked five years ago they don’t suck anymore we got it we all know so today and I want all of you guys to grow a pair all of you gals same thing are you a title Contender or not no more of this we’re back we’re happy we’re having fun

We’re going to do Dam it no no no no we get it the Knicks are damn good you’re hearing it from me but now we all need to make that decision and I Get It Card subject to change over the next eight days how seriously hurt is Julius

Randall what kind of trade are they going to make before February 8th but you know who this team is you know who Jaylen Brunson is so are they a title contender or not because the days of being happy that you’re good and happy that you’re relevant and happy that

You’re back that was a fun shtick it’s over are you a real title Contender do you mind if I go first like do you mind if I kick this off well you’ve already gone first so go oh thank you you’re not like you’re good but you’re not are you

Beating the Denver Nuggets in an NBA Finals no are you beating the Boston Celtics in a best of seven series no even though Doc Rivers took over in Milwaukee are you coming back from 3-1 down against the bucks no you’re not so you’re good and you’re fun and by the

Way I don’t say that to be a hater I say that to have a real basketball discussion with everybody out there with every Nick fan out there you’re title Contender you believe you can raise that trophy come June do you believe you can win a championship I don’t think you can

I don’t think you’re good enough I don’t think your best player is good enough so lugie you got a bunch of dogs on your team let’s grow a pair title Contender or no the Knicks are a title Contender because they have a superstar player top 15 player in the NBA Jaylen Brunson

Casually dropping 30 points a night they have a top 30 player in Julius Randall they have one of if not the best Wing defenders in the league in OG anobi they have dep they have dudes they have dogs dantez has level up stop at the top cuz

You said something right at the top and you went right into my reason a fair reason ladies and gentlemen I’m not trying to jerk today a fair reason he said Jaylen Brunson is a superstar that’s a very popular thing to say over the last few weeks and months CU he’s

Had a brilliant season top 15 in the league top 15 in the league perfect I was going to ask you that because my followup to that is I think he’s about between 10 and 15 I think that’s a very fair assessment can you name me the last

Time an NBA Champion’s best player was between that 10 and 15 spot and not top five not top seven can you name me that last NBA champion I’ll sit here I’ll put my feet up and I’ll wait for the answer Jimmy Butler is in that range and he’s

Got the heat to the finals did they did they win an NBA championship NBA championship Contender is final four Championship with a shot to win the title did that top 15 player have a top 30 player which Julius Randle is did he have that guy with him so when you have

A top 15 and a top 30 player Dante Devan chenzo who’s starting to level up OG anobi I get the rest of your roster it’s a good roster but let’s go through this let’s be fair now the he did not win an NBA championship they did get to two NBA

Finals one in a bubble one last year I remember they beat your team in the second round AG that Jimmy Butler’s in that range of Jaylen Brunson as far as a a top 15 player I would agree with that yes okay so last year who won the NBA

Title the Denver Nuggets correct would you agree Nicole yic is a top five player he’s probably the best player in the league Joker is the best player in the NBA very good okay year before that the team that won the NBA title with the Golden State Warriors Steph Curry

Where’s he top five okay cool this is fun I’m having a really good time and then we had before that the Milwaukee Bucks won an NBA title JIS is top five top five okay this is fly is an easy game then the year before that we were

In that bubble I know we don’t think it’s real but that guy named LeBron James top three LeBron James is top two all time okay year before that the Toronto Raptors won an NBA title Kawai when he feels like playing top 10 no no when Kawai feels like playing he’s top

Five and in that moment he absolutely was top top five before that we had the warrior Dynasty they had two top five I get all that Jaylen Bronson is getting better day in day out he’s top 15 now maybe is top five in a month I love

Jaylen Brunson he’s not top five he’s not you know that but he wasn’t top 15 last year he was probably top 25 so he’s already improved to top 15 so another month or two he could be playing at a top five level he’s not top five and by

The way like Jay come on don’t don’t do that Butler is probably top 15 top 20 but when the lights get brighter he becomes a top 10 player you keep using a guy that didn’t win a damn thing you keep using a guy that NBA championship

You said do they have a shot to win a title the Knicks have a shot to win the title did they win the NBA championship Miami Heat did not win the NBA championship do they have a shot to win the title with Jimmy Butler yes have a

Shot with Brunson yes by the way we’ve now gone back a full decade we could keep going though so now we’ve got the Spurs now I agree in that moment oh it’s it’s funny that you skipped over a team that used to kick the Nets ass the

Detroit Pistons who had good players top to bottom but top excuse me I didn’t skip over them that was uh 10 years earlier I’m still in I’m curious if you’re going to get to that I am I’m in 2014 gotcha gotcha just sure I I I we’re

Going in order okay you want me to go back to 1975 make sure you don’t skip the order go ahead I didn’t skip it so we got the Spurs with kawii Leonard toi Tony Parker Tim Duncan three all-time greats though I’d argue at that moment maybe none of them were top five though

Kawai was getting there but you agree special occasion three alltime great players right I don’t know about Tony Parker as far as alltime great but very very good obvious the NBA then you got the heatles then you got Dallas with Dirk nitzky then you got Kobe Bryant I

Mean do you see what I’m saying here and I know you want to bring up the Pistons it’s always a nice talking point the Detroit Pistons who got to back-to-back NBA Finals with the exception like we have to just admit that they were the exception of a team that won a title

Without a top five player like all I’m saying to you and I know it comes across ah such a hater no I’m just telling your reality like we’re playing a game when’s the last time a team won a title without having a top five player well be the

Pistons and they showed they could do that and I think the Knicks mirror that team because of their depth their ability to play defense and I would argue Jaylen Bronson is better than any player on that Pistons team they did not have a top 15 player no disrespect to

Sheet or Rip Hamilton or anybody like that chony BPS so they didn’t even have a top 15 player by the way the Knicks have a damn good head coach they are running their organization very very well they’re going to add other pieces and again with the combination of a top

15 and a top 30 player the record shows it you could look it up they are the best team in the NBA right now and since ogan and Obi they have been the best team in the NBA so why can’t I believe going forward they will be the best team

In the NBA you said a lot of positive things about the Knicks that I agree with right like Tom tiido has done a fantastic job they were the best team in the sport in the month of January that’s all true I’m not going to argue that but

Ultimately my question to you and my question to every Nick fan out there is that’s all great and that’s all fantastic are you a title Contender yes and the evidence of the last 20 years says that you’re not like that’s just the evidence of the last 20 years like

What the Pistons did was the exception to the rule I have great respect for what they accomplished but that’s the exception that was 2004 so the Miami Heat I’ll bring them up again got to the finals twice so they couldn’t win the NBA finals in both appearances yeah they

Ran into Joker if you run into the best player in the league you might have some trouble but we don’t know Denver’s going back it’s hard to go back to back so yeah when you run into the top player and you don’t have a top maybe you be in

A little bit of trouble here but you can’t discredit the fact that Miami went to the finals twice with a guy like Jimmy Butler who’s in the league of Jaylen Brunson Evan you’re wrong am I wrong you’re wrong because it’s very easy to say a lot of these things in

Hindsight you’re right the top you know five player winning an NBA title that Warriors first title in 2015 okay do you think that heading into the playoffs as great as we thought Steph Curry was we really truly considered him a top five player in the game yet I don’t know if we

I think what Steph it was always about if he can stay healthy he’s electric and amazing the question is can he ever fully stay healthy and be that guy okay now when playing in the NBA and being a superstar obviously you could be a triple double machine you could be a

Rebound machine would you not argue that Steph Curry’s biggest strength is shooting scoring and that’s what catapults him in Steph Curry in 2015 averaged 23.8 points per game Jaylen Brunson averages more points per game this year than Steph Curry did on that first title year M the point being I

Hate to side with Lugi time to throw him the flowers we could get to the point where the Knicks are a true title Contender and people around the league and in New York could start understanding maybe Jaylen Brunson is on the verge of becoming a top five you

Think he could be a top five player I do Joe embiid is better Nicole yic is better jannis is better L’s better no I’m going through the whole list though Devin Booker’s better kawh Leonard when he plays is better so you can’t put Kaw Alexander’s better you know that SGA is

Better Jason Tatum’s better St Curry’s better think don’t you think if jayen Brunson goes on a three round tear to get to the team to the finals and he’s the one making all the money shots you’re going to look back at that list and go is he really better than SGA is

He right now better than those guys I just said like you’re predicting the future you’re telling me hey I think he can get to that level I think he’s closer to some of those guys including Devon Booker then you’re giving him CR no I think he’s close dude I I I give

Him all the flowers in the world he’s a top 15 player in the sport right now all those names I mentioned those guys are more accomplished and they’re better and by the way Jaylen Bruns is not 22 years old he’s 27 years old but if the Knicks

Do get to an NBA Finals with Jaylen Brunson everybody including you is going to look back go hey me might be the fifth sixth best player in the league he has that potential now it’s time to stop denying it this Nick team’s won 14 games in January for the first time since

9394 they are legit it feels different looks but you did something that I think is irrelevant like I want to make this very clear to Nick fans you should be thrilled with what this team is doing I’m not trying to pour like cold water on what they’ve accomplished like I said

At the top I got nothing bad to say about what they’ve done over the last month but enough of comparing yourself to the last 30 years it doesn’t mean anything like the Knicks are back we get it they’re about to make the playoffs for the third time in four years they

Were in the second round of the playoffs last year they are back they are good they’re going to be good every year like I fully Embrace that and accept that but you can’t sit here and say this is the best month they had since ’94 who gives

A crap that just tells you how crappy they’ve been for 30 years what are they now and are they they good enough to go into Boston and beat the Celtics in the best of seven series are they good enough to go into Milwaukee and beat the

Bucks in the best of seven series and by the way I’m purposely leaving A team out I’m leaving those frauds in Philly out because you know what’ll happen if the Knicks play the Sixers Joel and be will get hurt and then yeah you guys will smoke them yeah you know I’m glad you

Brought up somebody getting hurt because there’s a guy on the Celtics that have brought the Cel because they were soft choke artists last year Missoula stinks as a coach KP you think porzingis is going to be there when the Celtics need him the most he will not be he will get

Hurt he will not be there he will be in his pajamas in a street talking about the third best player who’s the best player in the Boston C Jason Tatum is he better than Jaylen Brunson no no no because I’ve seen Jason Tatum completely disappear when it matters the most Jason

Tatum is not a big time clutch player you heard it here first when the light get bright Tatum has not gotten it done just like embiid and by the way Giannis is like that too because giannis’s inability to hit fros makes him a liability late in games Jaylen Brunson

Doesn’t have to come off the floor like Yiannis you’re going to attack the guys that are better than jayen as a way to convince building the road for the Knicks to win a title and I already gave you Denver coming off a championship hard to go back to back do we believe in

The t-wolves no shot any team with Carl Anthony towns give me a break are the Thunder ready to win a title don’t think so do the kings scare you absolutely not Warriors are down are well I don’t get why people do this because you don’t watch them every day you dismiss them I

Didn’t say I’m not dismissing them I’m just saying they don’t strike fear in my heart is SGA a better player than Jaylen BR I am not willing to say that no what the hell what no I’m not I’m not I’m not it’s not an insult if you look at the

Numbers if you look at they’ve done in the league oh really look at their numbers no no look at their numers I’m not I’m not taking anything away from him you’re trying to make me throw shade on him I’m not going to but guys guys I’m not throwing shade at Jaylen Brunson

By saying s is better do you think I am do you think I’m throwing shade at Jaylen Brunson by saying SGA is a better player you tell me but the problem is is that shade worthy it’s not shade worthy but you’re missing the point even if he

Is a better player it’s not a wide enough Gap that you wouldn’t look at Randall and then OG and go this is why they’re a title contend and a team led by SGA and by the way why 94 does matter even if it’s ancient is for the exact

Reason you just laid out who’s around the Knicks Jordan was gone that year it gave you this opening you have Doc Rivers coaching potentially the best team you’re staring at chokers with the Boston Celtics unfortunately or fortunately however you stand on whether you’re a Nick hater or a lover the East

Is a clear path right now where they have a trio a clear enough path where they have a good enough Trio that they can absolutely get through and Evan to steal your words from every other sport to be a title Contender just get me there do I think they’re better than the

Denver Nuggets no but when you’re there anything can happen do you think the Toronto Raptors thought they were going to beat the golden State Warriors that year in the finals manto man no but guess what happened couple big injuries for the Warriors that’s that’s my

Strategy as a fan get me in as the eight seed so that three so the three best players can get hurt and I can win this Ser is possible the East is wide open and every single spot here where this team where it looked like yeah this is

Going to be the night we thought that against the Heat last week we thought last night against Utah they’ve answered the Bell short-handed full strength guys Step Up precious stepped up last night Dante’s been stepping up next man up mentality two top 30 players an elite Defender dudes guys that get after it

Every single night don’t take nights off that is Championship DNA this is becoming a graduation moment for Nick fans for the last couple of years it’s mostly about being relevant and being good and being back and you are and there’s no question now it’s taking that

Next step as a fan and believing that this team this team you’re watching who’s kicking ass by the way and they’ve been great over the last month can win an NBA championship you guys really believe that you got believe you guys believe this team can win a title I

Don’t I don’t mean it to be a hater I mean it because I watch enough NBA to know unfortunately and this sucks this sucks what I’m about to say this is not the case in baseball it’s not even the case in football but it’s the case in

The NBA if you don’t have one of the tippy top guys you don’t win and history has shown us that and that’s why today on the final day of January the greatest month in the history of New York Nick basketball for the last 25 years I look

At your team and I say they’re good and you’re having fun and you’re back and go New York go New York go damage but you know damn well you ain’t winning in June 877 337 6666 that’s the toll-free number enough of the we’re good and we’re back say it

If you believe it say it if you believe this is a title Contender we’ll hear from you next at 877 33766 66 and we got to ask some questions about Julius Randall because these questions need to be asked and they need to be asked immediately or the ncks hiding something from you

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  1. evan asks are the knicks contenders then proceeds to mention only winning the title. his question was are they contenders answer is yes are they going to win the title this year more than likely no.

  2. Keep on moving that ol goalpost there, Evan. Unlike the nets. Knivks have no interest in skipping steps. Of course u don't think we good enough. From the minute u started your Lil passive aggressive laughable monologue, I knew exactly where this was going

    We will keep stacking wine while u haters spew your garbage

  3. I think his name is Kevin,well stick to other sports because he doesn't know basketball,the knicks are a good basketball team because it's not because of there offense but there defense which is number one in the league and yes Brunson is a superstar but he's just not flashy so sit down fool and stick to other sports

  4. Jist a salty.nets fan

    I wish one of the guys in studio wouldve asked him how much of a contender were the nets when they had 3 top 5-10 players 3ryrs ago lol


  5. Also his definition of a title contender is so dumb lmao. Where do i start

    So a title contender is a team thatwill absolutely win a title, right. Do that means theres only 1 title contender every year since only 1 team can win a title. Evan is such a goof. Enjoy those nets, bud

  6. Are they a title contender? Proceeds to only name the champions and not the top 4 teams each year. 🥅 ➡️

  7. By Evan’s logic Boston isn’t a title contender. Tatum is not top 5. East has been wide open since Lebron left.

  8. Evan wants to crawl into his own skin witnessing the Knicks have a player as great as Brunson that WANTS TO BE A KNICK when he just had Kyrie, KD, and Harden and within a month NONE OF THEM wanted to be a Net.

    But there's too many Knicks fans just saying "KP is gonna get hurt for the Celtics, I'm not worried about them." He was healthy last year, he's been managed well and healthy for the majority of this year.


  9. Personally I don't care either way. The Knicks are fun to watch and will be in the playoffs. This Championship or bust mentality is diminishing sports enjoyment in general. Most young fans root for players these days or folks just gamble for fun. It's just gotten tired with the endless hot takes, criticism and disrespect for clicks 😑

  10. Dude cant understand the difference between contender and champion. Knicks are contenders. Miami was a contender. Were as good if not better than they were

  11. If the Knicks are FULLY HEALTHY in a series against Denver in the Finals. The Knicks will win that series. Nobody on The Nuggets can guard Julius Randle or Jalen Brunson. And Mitch and Ihart will at least bother Joker 🃏💯

  12. Hey Evan i think the Knicks need Durant Harden and Irving judging by your logic. No thanks. Give me heart desire team 1st attitude instead of stat hawks. Knicks as they are right now have the classic puncher's chance. Enjoy your Nets Evan.

  13. Knicks are ECF contenders and they can make it to the finals. The sky is the limit. I believe if they trade for Dejounte Murray they can win a championship.

  14. He asked if the knicks are contenders…. not champions. Yes…. yes they are contenders. Are they winning it all would never say never but it will be hard as hell. They need one more piece. I'm a 40 plus year fan. Only team I'll ever route for. But celtics are just another level…but you just never know what could happen.

  15. The biggest difference between J.B. and those players he mention is that they are flashy and J.B. is fundermental and crafty. But he is just as good as them. He also outplays these players constantly..

  16. I love the passion…trying to build that with minnesota vikings fans😂😂😂😂….btw, can you guys take the wilfs back to new york?!

  17. The point was already made, that contenders aren't just one team. Only one champion but there's multiple contenders

  18. Im 63 years old was 8 in 69 was13 in 74 saw Reed Clyde Bradley Monroe and so on on the real this team is fun to watch well coached killer mentality we hear boys

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