@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs’ Jason Kidd Speaks After Loss vs. Timberwolves: Jan. 31, 2024

Mavs’ Jason Kidd Speaks After Loss vs. Timberwolves: Jan. 31, 2024

67 about 4 minutes left in third quarter what do you think J at that point um I think you know the guys again in the first half we could easily been lead and we gave up threes there by a cat um and they went up four um I thought in start

Of the third we were playing you know just like we did in the first half uh but I thought once our offense you know we started missing shots uh it started to take away from our defense and then they started to get what they wanted um

Again we just got to fight you know continue to fight I’ve said it before it’s you know we’re not always going to score we got to find a way to get stops and we just going do that tonight obviously they’re the best at least statistically the best defensive

Team in the league it’s a bad kind of a bad combination to have all of your big guns not here like back it’s just part of you know the process we go through injuries you can play who suit up um the group that played again we can learn from this uh

Once we got hit we got to be able to to return that hit and I thought the physicality kind of left us again when we started to uh not be able to score on the offensive give Minnesota Credit um they made us take tough twos or long

Twos instead of us you know being able to create you know the ball touches the pain and we were able to get threes we just were able to do that in the second half you getting back the first half was it obviously a lot more competitive was

That kind of what you’re talking about yeah I think just you know understanding that we got good looks uh there in the first half te we got great looks uh it just didn’t go down for us uh in the first half but we continue to keep

Playing um we’re down four um in the second half we got good looks that just again didn’t go down and I think we got to understand what we just got to keep fighting um and understand the big thing is if things don’t go our way we just got to stay together together again

Tonight uh give Minnesota Credit they’re very good team they knocked down threes cap was uh efficient um and so we got to do a better job there Josh was pretty passionate just now uh saying even when you guys don’t have your best players in your starters

That you still have a good team and he he expects you guys to play well and win do you feel like that reflects the feeling in the locker room yeah does I think Josh speaks for for that group he speaks for us I think again that first

Half showed that we weren’t just going to lay down and competed um on the road you down for us anybody’s ball game uh again you know we have to be able to make simple plays uh you know being able to throw back um on the pop to be able

To create more threes we didn’t have the guys that we going be have that can create those threes but tonight uh to start off the game I thought we created some threes we just back down and did you know that the starting lineup he used had not played a second go this

Year yeah that’s just the nature of this Beast right now how you know we’re just going to pie this thing together until we can get healthy and hopefully that that sooner than later um our health is a is a big problem right now uh Josh handled oh sorry I just got

One quick one sorry Josh handled the ball more today obviously with a lot of the guards being injured how do you think he’s handled that this season as you’ve whether he’s filled in for players that have been out or has basically been able to help Luka get off

The ball more when they play together yeah we talked about his shoot around um we talked about it before the game that he had to get get on the ball here um help Hardy out uh help Timmy out and I thought he did a really good job of of

Running the offense uh there in the first half and then the second half I thought he did a good job of trying to get shots or good play set get us organized I thought he did a good J out of playing that position for us this evening thank

Dallas Mavericks coach Jason Kidd spoke to reporters after the team’s loss against the Minnesota Timberwolves on Jan. 31, 2024.


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  1. They should admit that is was a mistake to let Brunson go. Look what he is doing with the knicks. Now this team is done and should be rebuild again. Bad management. Missing playoffs again. But then celebrating 73 from luka against an underaverge team. When you need this to win you have a problem.

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