@Miami Heat

Miami Heat 115-106 Sacramento Kings: Quick Takes

Miami Heat 115-106 Sacramento Kings: Quick Takes

Welcome back to five on the floor quick takes I have Alex too Brady Hawk is over there in the heat media room Ethan is covering at from home with Leif on playback go check that out if you don’t to watch the game for th playback. tv/

RSN download the app come watch the game with us and hang out with us for free during the games anyways the he finally did it y’all they broke the losing streak they were able to secure honestly a pretty satisfying home win against the Kings there wasn’t one where you know

They had to grind it out at the end they kind of it was it was refreshing because they were able to you know um score I think it was 90 through 3/4s their offense was pretty good and I also thought their defense was all right especially in that first quarter um you

Know in the first and fourth they held the Kings to 22 points in each one of those and I think once again in a second straight night they played a whole lot of Zone especially as the game went on it just went away from their man again

And look something about the Zone gets Josh Richardson and Caleb Martin to just look even better on defense than they have um in man and I think that was that was one of the reasons that I I feel like they were able to get a cushion in

The first place because they were able to get stops against a team that’s you know been really really good on the offensive side a team that’s very proficient on that end of the floor and kind of just shut out their water tonight like very quiet game for dearon

Fox who last time I looked was three of 12 from the field um I didn’t see what he ended up finishing at but he had a really tough game shooting wise I thought Keegan Murray was huge for the Kings tonight just making all sorts of

Shots uh you know good player is one of the guys who was kind of actually able to bust the heat Zone and beat it um and sabon is 19 17 13 triple double even though the heat were sagging off of him when they were in man and we’re a poor

Sagging off again when they’re in zone and B’s in the kind of under the basket there he’s still able to create at a high level and play his game even if they’re guarding him like that with a defensive player the year type of guy and Bam I mean he was honestly the

Reason that it wasn’t a blowout for the KS he was creating consistent offense and that just wasn’t the case for dearon FOX NOW from the Heats end oh my gosh you got a Klay Thompson like game from Josh Richardson who finished the game 24

Points 6 to 10 from three 9 to 15 from the field he was absolutely huge for them early in that game and then once again later on um it was just insane to see him play that way I’m happy for him they really needed that and just huge

And that’s not something that you can necessarily count on going forward but you know to bust a l streak that’s exactly the type of stuff that you need right like the kings were not hitting their threes were not responding that well um to the Heats defense from from that perspective which they’re usually

Really good at and the heat made a ton of their Threes And also the Heat’s mid-range stuff went back to normal tonight like they hit them at a really high rate and you know got some stuff at The Rim here and there with the Jimmy alyo haakas layup a couple of the Jimmy

Baskets I thought Jimmy was fantastic tonight one of his better games all season I believe finished with a 31 seven and six stat line got to the free throw line I think 12 times like I thought he was fantastic tonight it’s good to see him put up a few good games

In a row kind of remind everybody he’s still you know more or less the same guy and he’s kind of starting to ramp up we’ve seen this before from Jimmy so that’s good to see and and the other thing good to see was Tyler and Bam both

Neither put up a crazy scoring game but I thought both played really good games on both ends of the floor and then honestly even Terry Rosier who had like a tough game shooting wise to finish with 10 assists right in a game where he still looked like he kind of doesn’t

Know where to be at times the spacing is a little off sometimes you know he takes weird shots um you know a little bit too early I still think he’s figuring out there but he’s been like when the shooting hasn’t been there the playmaking has been there for a guy who

Was classified as a straight up bucket getter and not a point guard and all these things he’s been good he’s been a good playmaker for them and is able to kind of get them going on on the offensive end is one of the only guys

He’s able to break down his man and get to the paint so even though he didn’t shoot it well tonight I think he only finished with three points you know you take those 10 assists you take the offense created and I thought there was a lot of offense created tonight through

The Tyler and Bam pick and roll and that’s something that hasn’t been seen in a while um and they just got so much out of it so between Jimmy’s great game uh Tyler and Bam’s pick and roll and Josh’s threes like you got a ton of offense tonight the defense was just

Good enough especially towards the end uh where they were able to just secure the win and finally break this losing streak now they’re set up to head into Washington DC and play one of the worst teams in the league and hopefully have a winning streak now right maybe they get

A second they win a second in a row and it’s a win streak and then you got the Clippers on Sunday but uh for you know for all of our sakes I’m glad they did it I’m going to go ahead to um expose media availability and then the Kings

Thank you guys for tuning in and make sure to check out the new five and the four podcast tonight thank you guys


  1. Now play like this fir the rest of the season,but still put Herro as the 6th man,and start Duncan,Rozier,Buttler,Bam,and JJJ. Nice job Spo

  2. Again, despite their previous losing streak and win, the team looks upbeat and together. They really want to resolve this Funk. Spo was breathing fire during the challenge, the team rallied around this…a strong sign of competitive sprit and willingness to fight. In Spo must we trust!

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