@Phoenix Suns

GET UP | Chris Canty reacts to Kevin Durant shines with 33 Pts as Phoenix Suns beat Nets 136-120

GET UP | Chris Canty reacts to Kevin Durant shines with 33 Pts as Phoenix Suns beat Nets 136-120

Welcome to the show we are on Sportsman likee here on ESPN Radio ESPN 2 we are presented by Progressive Insurance along with Michelle smallman Chris KY Evan Cohen with you morning everybody you’re bobbing your head to a little Pearl Jam this morning look at you hell yeah I

Love Pearl Jam not only that this is one of the great walkup songs of my lifetime David freeze 2011 this was his walk up song obviously the hometown hero for my hold on hold on sorry sorry guys does someone just get text on here that was me I’m sorry my

Computer I turn I turned it off I turned it off after we after we had to rejoin on texting etiquette you get a text on a it was on my computer perfectly timed well done also who’s texting me at 6:01 in the morning probably Nuno or Pat to

Create the bit probably was it Nuno or Pat that just texted you no was that one on my Wordle chat sh what your what hold on the wh chat is at 6:01 a.m. shout out to Tommy got it in three today okay wait a minute you have a Wordle chat we might

Have to have a conversation with Tommy about text message etiquette like why are you texting at 601 on the whle chat I like this guy I’m going to tell you why if I’m going to read into this he sounds like the guy that would go grocery shopping early Saturday morning

He does does he he he does do that tomy’s efficient yeah confirm sure you go hypothetically of course hypthetically here’s why I like this guy this guy whoever this Tommy guy is playing a competitive game and letting everybody know I won first take that well right he doesn’t know if he won you

Know he’s the first one that test I could get it in two today and actually beat him oh so it’s not who does it first who does it moves ah I don’t like this guy as much yeah you got to wait then I play Wordle I do the New York

Times Daily or the mini crossw word puzzle and I do connections and then I’m sad for the rest of do you have three separate group chats for those or no we just have one Wordle chat one chat you send your score every day to hold each

Other accountable hey I did it and then we complain about the word oh double e today I can’t believe and then I will do connections and the crossword puzzle on my way home from work and then I’m bummed out that it’s over and there’s no more games to play

My wife does the same thing she plays all these games and I I don’t understand it for the life of me and I don’t get why you’re playing these games I don’t get is it like that fun to play these word games it’s good it’s good for your

Brin you do any of it CCE no my wife does now wle is the one where they have the green and the yellow letters and you have to figure out the order of the letters they give you okay got it yeah yeah I think there was an NBA one for a

Little bit it seems like it’s fun it’s more thinking than I care to do when I’m not at work so that’s why I shy away from it yeah I’d be thr to add you guys to the world chat I’m good I just got it in four

Michelle oh you got it in four today okay I’ll do it in the break and see if I can beat you Pat not on the board as a word guy he he just bragged that he lost no I know but time he won well the whole

Goal is like to beat the beat the computer right to beat the AI yeah I me still to get it to get it done by the end yeah but you always want to get it done in in fewer moves the actual AI yeah exactly I’m pretty sure for a while

There was an NBA one that was purle like yakob purle they named it after him the center for the r get dunked on often yeah no I’m serious I think there’s literally an NBA one but I you know what I do a lot and I love it I feel like Pat

Probably does this all the the grid like the um the NBA grid the hoop grid and the baseball grid you’ve ever do done those I have no idea what you’re talking about oh my God they’re the greatest things in the world so basically some never heard maybe Mark could put it up

On the TV yes you’ve never heard of hoop okay so basically I’m going to tell you what’s it called hoop grid well that’s one of them you’re talking about the immaculate grid Immaculate grid yeah but yeah but I do a lot of the Immaculate grid basically so what they have is like a

Grid of of nine different boxes and then categories where it’ll be like and people use you all the time CCE so it would be like um 10 years in the NFL played for the Ravens right and you have to find somebody and you’re you’re trying to find the Rarity score to get

The most random of people within that grid that’s great that’s that’s great people use you all the time the Rando guy that play I’m saying you well well that’s what it sounded like people are always using you they’re trying to you want it to be random AF

And that’s what we’re GNA do we’re we’re GNA use Chris candy random random as hell so on Wordle a lot of people start with the same word every day mine is trash because it has a t RS you know vow in there letters that are used so maybe people are starting

Their grid with Chris KY every day I I don’t know how I don’t know how to feel about that though I just don’t you should feel proud because it means that you you have characteristics with uh your resume that are phenomenal right Super Bowl winner three different teams

10 years the objective is to maximize their points by by finding the random person you’re not random enough in that spot but I’m saying people have used you that’s this sounds like the walk back now you’re not random you’re random you’re random but you’re not random enough correct my dream in

Life would be to be able to be on Immaculate grid that means you play professional sports that’d be unbelievable for a long time yeah for long eight interceptions never played the NFL wait Pat make it worse eight interceptions in one game eight interceptions a lot of people had but in

One game makes it even worse all right anyway uh we are R Sportsman like presented by Progressive Insurance last night something happened that one of the great players in the NBA history did not want to happen Kevin Durant went back to um Brooklyn as part of the Phoenix Suns

Of course and his team beat the Brooklyn Nets 1361 120 why are we bringing that up KD specifically said I don’t want a video tribute the Nets gave him a video tribute Kevin Durant looked like someone punched him in the face during the video tribute he was miserable and video

Tributes have gotten so ridiculous and so out of control in sports and specifically the NBA and yet KD whose team in Phoenix his big three there with Bradley Beal and Devin Booker played more games together than his big three in Brooklyn yeah with Kyrie and J and

James her as as of last night as of last night they play what is it 17 games together versus 16 and a part of that 16 was four in the playoffs where they got swept by the Boston Celtics so I guess I understand where KD is coming from

Because what the hell are we celebrating with the video tribute in Brooklyn what did you do Kevin Durant is the face of one of the biggest failures in roster Construction in NBA history yep why why would you want to you don’t want to honor that why would you want to bring

That back why would you want to acknowledge that at all like that like to me that’s one of those things that you want to wash over that that fouryear stin that he did in Brooklyn let’s let everybody forget about that based on what I did in Golden State and what I do

In Phoenix in the coming years nobody wants to think back to the Brooklyn years because Kevin Durant was supposed to be the one that was the main architect and putting this thing together this was supposed to be his version of a super team just little what

LeBron did in Miami with way and Bosch and it failed miserably so I can understand completely where KD is coming from but the standard’s been set for ridiculous because I said to you guys the other day in passing I’m like what what are the Knicks going to have one

For Emanuel quickly and RJ Barrett and then Nuno our producers and nicks fans like well they actually did have one so can we set the unsportsmanlike rules for video tributes like I I’ll throw this out there a guy gets a video tribute when he goes back to a city if he plays

At least decade or Championship or award is that fair you award you’re talking about an MVP what about defensive player of the year I don’t know a decade feels what about all NBA team I’m I’m still here okay you want to put that on the rules all NBA team all right like if

It’s any of those things that would qualify you for the super max contract then maybe just maybe you deserve to have a video tribute you know what I’m going to pause you stop you on that one well let’s make sure Durant didn’t have all NBA when he was with the Nets

Because we’re saying I think we got to go higher than that for video tribute like cuz there are rule like well I guess I here’s the thing it might not be a hard and fast rule it has to be a sliding scale just because when you assemble three future Hall of Famers and

Two guys that have MVPs in the trophy case the Assumption should be that you would win more than one playoff series yes like if your if your ceiling was the second round then you have to call it a failure especially since they didn’t play that many teams together so I think

Even if you qualify for all of those different accolades based on what around you I think we have to gauge that before we judge whether or not we’ll give you a video tribute yeah this one also is confusing to me because in addition to honoring the player and welcoming them

Back to where they once played it’s it’s for the fans too it’s for the fans to celebrate the era in which that player played hey you gave us good memories we want to honor you in this moment I don’t know how many Nets fans are like yeah I

Really want to celebrate the the KD era if anything they probably have resentment over that era and how it how it played out so that was confusing to me because he didn’t want it and it it wouldn’t seem to me like the fans would really want it what’s what’s the number

Cuz you said when when we said a decade you’re like I don’t know if we need to be that long player movement maybe like five years five to seven in that range so at least five years are we in on that CCU in on that for the video tribute rules for un

Sportsman L here at least five years or do we want to go longer than that no I think it has to be a decade wow really I think it has to be a decade that’s a long time to be with one team and in the modern Sports World all right can I

Compromise the video tribute has to mean something though like a part of what made it interesting for damee going back to Portland for the for the first time was because he was loyal to the soil and he stayed there probably longer than he should have but the fans appreciated

That and you saw that there was the one fan that sits Courtside and has been sitting Courtside for years them had that Embrace pregame yeah like that that’s special like that like that deserves a video tribute Kevin Durant and what he did to the Brooklyn Nets does not deserve a video tribute how

About this can I split the difference and say this mathematically it’s not but you’ll understand six years six years means you have to sign a SE a second contract because you can only sign as much as five years with a team okay right in some cases a six year means all

Right I’m I’m signing again with you so how about at least six years okay and a a a title or a spot in the finals taking them to the finals like Durant fits none of this emanu quickly fits none of this so finals so six years or more finals

Are better yeah MV or an MVP yes you you want do you want Defensive Player of the Year in there I feel like if you’re Defensive Player of the Year you’re first team all NBA then we can we can entertain the idea of it you know what I mean those things are

Are case-by casee bases yeah I think it’s on the board if you have those types of accolades but there has to be more but if you win an MVP if you get to if you get to the finals then yeah you check the BX not if you’re there for a

Couple of weeks and then you come back Dennis in California listening on Sirius xm80 what’s up Dennis morning guys how are you doing morning um so on the Kevin Durant situation I think somewhat you need more than that you have to actually contribute to the city and we just gon

Leave it there and Kevin Durant outside of Oklahoma City didn’t really contribute to any cities but my main concern is ky what’s up when you said it’s like the guy that gets up on Saturday morning at 6 a.m. to go to the grocery store I was sitting here like he talking about me

Yeah Foree spe for spee speee even if my body dies my spirit will last forever First [Applause] Blood [Applause] that me Me spe your team destroyed a tower an enemy has been defeated you have been defeated your tower has been [Applause] destroyed we decide our own base is under attack For happiness Suffering an enemy has been defeated you have been defeated enemy double kill triple enemy triple kill see Enemy Blood I said go Foree Foree spee foree spe foree spee for team to minut fore speee guess who’s back enemy triple and see enemy blood spe

GET UP | Chris Canty reacts to Kevin Durant shines with 33 Pts as Phoenix Suns beat Nets 136-120


  1. Is this just a kd bash session? You headlined with they didn’t play that many games together an then proceed to talk about how it failed 😂🤦🏾‍♂️,wtf

  2. It’s a VID-E-O tribute. 2-3mins max. They’re acting like Brooklyn threw him some kind of halftime celebration ceremony.

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