@New York Knicks

Julius Randle dislocated his right shoulder and will be re-evaluated in 2-3 weeks

Julius Randle dislocated his right shoulder and will be re-evaluated in 2-3 weeks

by CoaBret


  1. Rare-Ad-9088

    Sounds like the plan is to defer surgery and rehab

  2. millagger

    We can now breathe about this. The timeline says the game with Phily the first one after the break naturally that is probably going to be bumped a bit more but still let’s get back to bussiness in this next 7 before the All Star.

  3. CraYzySaurous574

    Does reevaluated mean that it could be longer but we’ll know in 2 weeks

  4. theamanx8

    Not too bad. Hope he takes time to get healthy and doesn’t feel like he needs to force it. Team will stay afloat.

  5. ForsakenRacism

    If they keep winning there won’t be as big of a rush. That’s my advanced analysis

  6. beanie_mac

    So what song should Randle come out to when he returns post-ASB?

    Hate Me Now by Nas? Or Many Men by 50?

  7. asapfetty

    Wow that’s a lot shorter than I expected. I thought at minimum it would be 3 to 4 weeks, especially with the all-star break giving Randle more time for recovery

    A two to three week timeline basically means that the Knicks feel that Randle will confidently be back after the all-star break. Unless they are overpromising and underdelivering which is something this FO usually would not do.

  8. Yankeeknickfan

    “We’re going to wait 2-3 weeks and pray we don’t get season ending injury news”

  9. 422394768

    Honestly I feel the same as before I read this

  10. hyborians

    Keep Tristan Thompson away from him and he’ll be fine.

  11. Mr_Jersey

    If they’re saying re-evaluate in 2-3 weeks they believe they could get some really good news in just that amount of time. I think this means 4-5 weeks worst case, which is great news.

    They wouldn’t be re-evaluating if there was something that might require surgery, 2-3 weeks would be meaningless if that was the case.

  12. disparagingtheboot

    We are in a holding pattern, but this is better than “We need to operate now to ensure he’ll be back by next December.”

  13. cesarjulius

    in 2-3 weeks they will decide if he needs surgery, or if not, how many more weeks until he’s ready to return.

  14. OK so no surgery (hopefully). That is somewhat a relief. The problem is 2-3 weeks they can say another 2-3 weeks and then before you know it the season is over.

  15. smellsniceinherr

    We were never gonna get the news that would allow us to fully unclench. This is the best possible timeline after the way he was holding his arm that game. Now just gotta hope this re-evaluation goes splendidly

  16. Kind of what I expected. They are cautiously optimistic but it’s dependent on how he heals/feels in a few weeks.

    Hopefully he avoids surgery but I think best case scenario he sits for at least 4-6 weeks. Better now than April but sucks that it happened just when things were really coming together.

  17. GlassJoseph

    Hope Jaquez knows that the people’s elbow is on ice waiting for him. That pointless play in garbage time…that’s like us trying to block a dunk from behind when up by 30 against charlotte the other day. We didn’t.

  18. Negative_Method_1001

    I would like to think that if the Knicks were certain he’d need surgery, they’d have him get it as soon as possible so he could be back as soon as possible. Plus it would make the deadline easier to figure out

  19. JNerdGaming

    look guys, we have to consider the possibility that julius wont be at 100% ability after recovering and that might last into the playoffs. i do not want to hear people calling for him to be traded if this happens. he has given us an awesome season thus far and should be lauded.

  20. TheJiggie

    The way I read this is… we don’t want to give up any leverage in any potential trade negotiations before the deadline and this injury will obviously be longer than 2-3 weeks, but by then they should know of it will be major (surgery) or a few more weeks of rehab.

    It’s not a bad thing, nor a good thing. It’s just a thing.

  21. Practice-Sweaty

    Randle in 2-3 weeks…


  22. JA_MD_311

    This is hilariously little information but at least we have some sort of update? I guess this means they’ll see how he responds to treatment for a few weeks but surgery still isn’t ruled out if the treatment isn’t working.

  23. Odysseus_Lannister

    Translation: we don’t know if he’s gonna be shut down yet, we’ll reevaluate in a couple of weeks. Julius will be resting and potentially doing some light rehab per the training team.

  24. Sounds like there is some sort of labrum tear (was to be expected. Happens almost every time a shoulder dislocates). Doctors probably looked at it and said that it’s not a bad enough tear that we recommend immediate surgery. The doctors won’t fully clear him for a timeline though because even though they think it can heal without surgery, there is a chance it doesn’t.

    Overall I think this is pretty good news. Not out of the woods but think there is a >50% chance he plays again this season.

  25. charlesfluidsmith

    This is the best news possible. Post All Star return on the the table.

    I know our boys will hold it down till then.

  26. No-Abbreviations4480

    i think they are just biding time and the truth won’t come out until trade deadline is up b/c they do not want to lose leverage. eheheheheh!

  27. Wasn’t this the same route Meech went? Reevaluate and then ultimately done? Praying that’s not what happens here.

  28. datatadata

    This is good news. Although we don’t know yet, this doesn’t sound like a season ending injury

  29. Fun_Internet_8609

    I’m expecting this confirms reports decision on rehabilitation vs. surgery was inconclusive

    Re-evaluate in 2-3 weeks, then decide

    Randle’s key strength is being a confidant battering ram

    If he’s part of our long term plans, we should recommend surgery, and plan accordingly at deadline

    If he’s not part of our long term plans, then he’s the ideal player for Jazz, Grizzlies, Bulls, Nets, Blazers and a few others to target, which benefits Knicks as well

    A Jaren/Smart for Randle/Mitch with picks makes a ton of sense for both teams as an example

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