@Sacramento Kings

What should the Sacramento Kings do at the trade deadline? | Defend The Take

What should the Sacramento Kings do at the trade deadline? | Defend The Take

Well first take again guys is the Sacramento King should buy at the trade deadline Dave you are the pro side so you get to go first and your 62s Starts Now the Sacramento King should absolutely buy at the Trad line it’s a wide openen race in my opinion for the

Title uh the favorites right now in the west are it’s the nuggets and the Clippers to me there’s no perfect team though and I think if you’re the Sacramento Kings you’re you’re on the cusp of being one of the top four teams in the west and if you could make a a

Change here and there pick up one guy this is the time to do it all your guys are coming into their Prime you might be able to catch the Nuggets sleeping or or maybe the Clippers you know maybe you get some injury luck but it seems like a

Great opportunity to push some chips on the table as the Lakers are falling off as the Warriors are falling off it just now is the time to give it a shot there are guys out there that fit their system and they can improve their defense which is the thing that’s really holding them

Back they got a number one guy in dearn Fox time to make a push and see if you can’t win a playoff series or two and I think that yeah it’d be a great time to buy the deadline not a lot of buyers time time time all right Jay your 60

Seconds begins now not a lot of buyers why were there not be fire there are tons of teams who should feel they have a shot this year it’s a wideopen race both teams from both conferences should be lining up to to try to get help and

Really there’s there’s not a lot of star power likely to be moved at the deadline the Kings need to sit this one out they’re not close to being close they’re not close to being close that’s a Fran for filla type type saying there they are not close to being close to Denver

To LA to any of the teams at the top of the western conference right now net ratings suggest that they’re just an average team they have an average offense they have an average defense and that’s with thearon Fox being amazing so far being having by far the best three-point shooting percentage of his

Career they’re probably due for some regression and this is not the team to add to this is not the team to to go all in for I think they need to be patient they need to take the long-term approach time time time uh I we could start with

This question uh this is for EJ do you think they should sell then or should they just do nothing they should actually buy but I had the wrong side of this so well here’s why hey there’s not a lot of buyers Jay because a lot of teams have

Already I can’t lie it’s hard there are two rules to this game is that you have to defend the take and you are not allowed to speak in the other person 60 seconds there’s only two rules you came with a follow-up question I I defended the take but then then you asked me

Should they sell no they should not sell you got you’re supposed to sell Jay i i s I sold on them reason there’s here’s why like for real by the trade deadline though like there’s not a lot of buyers because the teams that like needed to make big purchases already

Spent that money Boston’s not going to be in the mix for anything too big uh the Bucks don’t have any assets Denver they’re they’re kind of maxed out as far as what they can do salary-wise I mean maybe they can do some marginal stuff the Clippers they’ve already got James

Harden who they’re going to you know resign in the summer like all these all these other teams are committed the they’re they’re not making a trade unless it’s Joel embiid I think this is an opportunity for a team like the Kings to look on the margins they might be

Able to pick up some guys I mean if the Warriors decide they’re done with Andrew Wiggins is Andrew Wiggins a guy that maybe they could get you know I I just think that there are pieces that they could they could go and acquire that other teams can’t part of that they

They’ve got their assets um but also they’re just they’re just below that that sort of second tier of contenders right like the teams like we’re talking about Minnesota right now we’re talking about Oklahoma City they could be in that mix with a changer to you said they’re average at best at both

Things uh net rating they’re about League average yeah perfect opportunity to improve because they have a guy who I think is a top 12 guy in dearon Fox who you know we we’re talking future MVP candidate dearon Fox and this is the time to push in get those big playoff

Reps try to make it to the second round of the playoffs that would be huge for this franchise so it’s not just about can they win a title I’m not a Rings or bus guy but winning like the next step for them is winning a playoff series and

I think you’ve got to try to make a change or two get a guy or two this year and see if you can do it because no other team out there is as poised to be able to improve at the deadline in the west as they are they already missed out

On the two Targets that should have been at the top of their list ogn anobi and Pascal goo those would have been perfect fits with the size to defend with the skill to help their offense with just the ability to defend guys at a level that they haven’t touched over the last

Couple years since Mike Brown took over they needed those guys the other guys don’t move me Jeremy Grant sorry like he he’s not pushing them to the next level bdon bogdanovich not pushing them to the next level Kyle kosma sorry not good enough like to me they should have

Pushed all their chips in to try to get one of those guys they weren’t able to do that they saw each of them go to different places and and now it’s time to take a a step back go a little slower and and make sure you don’t screw

Anything up around dearon Fox and damont sabonis who have been great since since pairing up at the trade deadline a couple years ago Dave who is like the perfect fit for them that you would like to see them trade for I mean I think Jay’s right

That Pascal cakam or OG an anobi would be perfect but it’s a wing league right so those are two of the best guys that have moved lately I think Dorian fin Smith would be great if you really wanted to make a big trade Mel Bridges would be excellent out there next to

Dearen Fox and playing with Deon sabonis and you know teams are calling about him I know all the news is out today like the Rockets really are interested in Mel Bridges a lot of teams should um any of those sort of type guys obviously Mel Bridges being the highest you know the

Highest end piece that you could get like that but Doran finny Smith I mean they should just be making trades with the Brooklyn Nets is what it feels like because I’m about to say cam Johnson would be great out there playing with those guys so you know there is an

Archetype that I think they need and they certainly could use a very good big man um they they just don’t grow on trees so I I think that Dorian finy Smith of the guys available makes them better like right now and is a marginal enough move that it doesn’t preclude you

From doing something else this summer and and in the future doesn’t tie you up too long and he would make them better for this current run going back to Mel Bridges real quick if they were to trade for him and let’s say they deplete their roster for it and

You’re stuck with him Fox and sabonis does that make him significantly better oh I mean I think it makes them better uh you’re just not going to be as deep like it depends on what you give up for for any of these guys I mean Dorian finny Smith is the most affordable

Option I’m guessing of the guys I’ve said Mel Bridges is going to cost you some Assets Now I don’t think Mel Bridges is the number one guy and so if he gets number one assets that’s a huge mistake I mean it’s all about what they

Give up it’s not just go bye bye by by by and pay later they need to have like these need to be good moves that they make if they can’t make any good moves then definitely don’t make any moves right like but the idea is there are

Good moves that they can make they should be trying to make them all right well yeah go for Jay if they do add it needs to be incrementally because their their top two in all honesty is not good enough to compete for a championship and agree and that’s

Why to me they they should sit this one out and add pieces around those guys later keep your flexibility make sure that you’re able to capitalize when you are able to upgrade the top end Talent at at the top of your roster why are we talking championships about a team that

Hasn’t won a playoff series I don’t when was the last time they won it they just again it is about an incremental Improvement if they can just get better on the margins and come out of the first round that’s huge for the franchise huge for the fan base I mean it’s huge for

Their players I think that this is just and I know Jay you’re not a Rings or bust guy which I actually love about you like you you appreciate just being good for goodness sake this is a chance for the Kings to be better than good for the

Sake of just being better than good especially come playoff time but this team is already good they were the number three seed in the east in the Western Conference last year and weren’t good enough to get out of the first round correct but but to me I’m not

Making a move just to get out of the first round I I’m making a move with the longterm in mind and and and it doesn’t have to be Championship or bust but to me you’ve got one of the best young guards in basketball in dear and fox you

Need to be smart about getting the pieces around him to thrive and you do need the right pieces around him he’s gotten a lot better as a Defender but you need long guys you need skilled guys and they just need higher level Wings eventually those guys just aren’t out

There right now no but I and I agree with you that you do need to make a big if you can do it but you need to be making moves to get better in the short term and the long term

Defend The Take debates what the Sacramento Kings should do at the NBA Trade Deadline.


  1. The high level wing is Keegan Murray, I'd love Herb Jones to pair with him. Keegan is getting pretty damn good on offense on all 3 levels and advanced stats show he's one of the best defenders in the league. They allow 14 more points per 100 possessions when he's not on the floor. I think Herb jones is a perfect wing to pair with him to really limit penetration to the rim which Sabonis needs help with more than anything.

  2. I think they unfortunately only trade around the margins and they ride it out until next season when the pressure starts to mount.

  3. Do not take the wiggins deal….wtf? That is garbage… go get bruce brown or kuzma… kuzmas contract is so good that you can recoop anything you send out if it doesn't work… especially if you can work the deal they are talking about, hb and lyles and a 1st… as much as i like Lyles…kuzma's contract is descending it only frees you to get better every year in the long run too… plus he wants to be in sac… that is hard to find…exactly why you didn't get pascal

  4. The Sacramento Kings should do nothing! The team is fine for this year! The Kings are not winning a championship this year. They should evaluate what they have, don’t mess with the in season chemistry, don’t make rash decisions because the corporate media wants trades-headlines. The Kings should do what’s right by the team. Wait till the off season. Lots of teams will be struggling with the luxury tax and a diminished salary cap. Wait to pounce on trades at that time.

  5. As a lifelong king’s fan, the perfect player to add to their core is a player like Bobby Portis or Jonathon Isaac. We need an athletic PF who can relieve some pressure off of Sabonis down low while playing the 3&D role. The Kings have been playing Murray at the 4 and he just isn’t a PF.

  6. I was bout to go in on the dude in the grey hoodie but then he admitted it was a fake take and i understood. I was like wtf is this dude saying rn?? 😂😂

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