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BAM! Big Perk has the CLIPPERS topping his top-5 championship contenders big list | NBA Today

BAM! Big Perk has the CLIPPERS topping his top-5 championship contenders big list | NBA Today

Should I say hello world or hey y’all or should I say let’s get down to the business this is big perks big list of Championship contenders again this is not Malika list this is not Chan list this is not Wendy list damn it it’s my list okay so coming in at number five

Bam put it up there the Milwaukee Bucks and I know they lost two in a row since getting Doc Rivers and I understand it was a bad loss against the PO and Trailblazers but you still have Damien Lillard and Yannis an tupo and it’s going to take time the Clippers are a

Prime example that it takes time when they got James Harden guess what they lost six in a row so I expect Doc Rivers to turn this team around they’re still in good shape they’re going to be in great shape by the time the postseason come coming in at number four what you

Thought you was off the hook I did you better bring some energy right here let’s there it go right up in the camera my Nicks my Nicks I’m from Texas but I reside in New York here it is big body jayen Bronson C Clos with the best of them

Could take over the fourth quarter Julius rer he’s going to be back been playing at the allstar caliber level OG anobi the great Edition at the wing position Josh hard out there putting up triple doubles and my guy my uu brother Tom Tibido is doing his damn thing

Coming in at number three J you want to run in here and do it you but oh you got it’s your Ubuntu sister and it is a bam there it go Bam put it up there the defending Champions the Denver Nuggets I got them at number three yes jic and

Jamal Murray has been doing their thing I’m a little concerned though the about the bench and the young guys and how they going to hold up in the postseason but I they still in my top five they’re just not number one I I got the Denver Nuggets right here you know they still

Got their Core Group especially that starting five coming in at number two Malik I need more energy out of you than what you gave it to here we go right now bam there let me do the chest up with it the Celtics the best starting five in

Basketball you talk about a dynamic duo and Jason Tatum and Jay LeBron how about that back court in in Drew holiday and Derek white defensively Big Al Horford doing his thing and Kristof porzingis is he a underrated player in the league right now borderline allar it could be I

Know I’ve been criticizing Joe Missoula but he’s been doing a hell of a job at number one Bam put it up there I know I’ve been saying a lot about James Harden in the past but I apologize to Clipper Daryl and the Clipper nation and

I would like to say I have y’all as number one they have the deepest team in the league led by kawh Leonard Jordan and Paul George James Harden is doing his thing at the point guard position and the depth that they have coming in off the bench and Norman Po and Russell

Westbrook you have plumbley zubac and uh Daniel tits anchor in the middle along with tou it gives me chills this is my list of top five Championship contenders right now in this season work up a little bit of a sweat there per yeah go ahead and do what you [Applause] NBA is

Kendrick Perkins brings the energy on NBA Today while revealing his Big Perk’ Big List championship contenders edition headlined by the Milwaukee Bucks, New York Knicks, Denver Nuggets, Boston Celtics and LA Clippers.



  1. How does he have the Celtics above the Nuggets when the one time they matched up, IN BOSTON, Denver won?!? Perk is back on that BS

  2. Big Percocet will talk the Clippers out of the first or second round fr πŸ˜‚ leave them alone bruh

  3. Thank god Malika wasn’t in charge of the list she’s a hater she think them terrible warriors should b looked at as the greatest in the league even though they’re TRASH 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  4. Big perk always change his mind up thought buck didn’t have no chance to win πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

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