@Toronto Raptors

GET UP | ‘Shame’ – Raptors coach rips refs after Lakers shoot 23 4th-Qtr free throws in win

GET UP | ‘Shame’ – Raptors coach rips refs after Lakers shoot 23 4th-Qtr free throws in win

Thing on a Wednesday morning got it doing this we go Graziano get into the ACT come on you got a little bit left Jeff just loves the idea of coaching vacany that’s all it is that’s all it is we got eag the Eagles and we’ve got a

Hawk with us this morning Hawk to see you all right we got so much football to get to but we have to begin with an epic R from an NBA coach last night the best let me show you how this thing went down we got Raptors Lakers all right I’m just

Going to show you the last 5 minutes of this game the Lakers are down by five but LeBron is bringing them back now it’s a three-point game next LA possession it’s LeBron again he had 22 points 12 rebounds that one ties the game three minutes left Austin Reeves

Getting in on the ACT Lakers down by one look at the range from Reed Lakers take a two-point lead next LA possession LeBron Anthony Davis yes plus the foul Davis would shoot 11 free throws in the fourth quarter alone 11 last night now the Raptors we got a kick out to Gary

Kent Jr he’s going to knock that down Toronto with a one-point lead ensuing Laker possession good game back and forth here’s Davis again he had 41 30 seconds left Raptors down three after the Lakers have shot 23 foul shots in the fourth quarter RJ barck gets called for an illegal

Screen on what would have been a game tying bucket instead the Lakers hold on to Win It 132 131 let me once again read you these numbers those are the free throws in the fourth quarter alone the 21 additional foul shots in the fourth quarter the largest differential in the

NBA this year and so now just sit back and listen this is Raptor’s coach Darko rakovic he wasn’t pleased what happened tonight this is completely B yes that this is shame shame for the referees shame for the league to allow this 23 free throws for

Them and we get two free throws in in the fourth quarter like how to play the game I all I understand uh respect for all stars and all that but we have star players on our team as well how’s possible that Scotty Barnes who is Allstar caliber player in this league he

Goes every single time to the rim with force and trying to get get to to the rim without flopping and and not trying to get call he gets two three throws for a whole game how is that possible how you going to explain that that to me

They had to win tonight if that’s if that’s the case just let us know so we show up for the game just give them a win but that that was not fair tonight this is not happening first time for us Scotty Barnes is going to be allar he’s

Going to be the F of this league and what what’s happening over here during whole season I’ve been calling it back it’s a complete crap get him Che get him Chef he starts with BS it ends with crap that man made it shame I respect it he didn’t blink

One time he was in he was locked in was in I don’t like talking about officiating but if you’re going to do it that’s the way yeah let it all out Anthony Davis shot 11 it was 11 of 11 from the line in the fourth quarter

Austin Reeds they shot 23 foul shots in the fourth quarter LeBron shot none of them that’s unbelievable uh and so that’s how the game goes anyway what Hawk you enjoy that I enjoyed it I mean that’s one of the legendary press conferences it goes up there with the

Herm Edwards I mean every time we see those that will now be in there ABS pure crap all right having said that welcome hey this is Rob uh this is a crazy month and what I mean by that is y’all play every other day what are you doing

Personally to keep yourself in the right place mentally and physically sleep uh the days were not the days were’re not playing uh just getting away from the game I mean we play every other day you know we come in watch film and then I just go home and

Be with my wife and kids man I mean you know playing every other day you know you can get um little a little bit too much of the game of basketball and um a lot of stress on yourself uh mentally and physically you know on the body so

Uh I come in you know you know the days that we’re not playing I get a good lift in uh and then just kind of get away from the game spend time with the family um so I can always just stay uplifted even through the struggles that we were

Having you know when we lost four in a row um you know you look at it and just you know realize it’s basketball obviously it’s a you know competitive sport obviously I’m a competitive player and you know you hate losing but you know you don’t want to drown yourself in

Misery um you know you got to have a great support team around you so for me when those days off get a good lift make sure the body stand staying strong and healthy and then uh spending time with my kids ad congratulations on on bringing the pain brother um uh for the

Last couple of years it seems like you guys haven’t had an opportunity to get a system in place you’ve had guys out you’ve had injuries inconsistencies lineups now it seems like you guys are are have a system in place that no matter who you plug in

Wood Christie it seems to be working do you feel like you guys have arrived at a place where you got most of your system in place that you can play consistently every night regardless of who’s in the slots yeah and I think uh it’s the system but also guys are just staying

Ready um you know sew wasn’t getting a lot of minutes but you know we’ve been know them just staying ready you know getting your work in and when your numbers called be ready and he’s been playing extremely well for us the past couple games uh when his numbers been

Called so um I think that’s what it is you know guys are con constantly going into the gym uh getting their shots the shots they’re going to get in the game so now when those shots come they’re ready um everybody staying professional and that’s what it’s about so when you

Are plugged into that system you’re ready to go not trying to figure it out during the game but staying ready so when your time is called staying locked in into the huddles uh if you’re not getting time or if you on the bench um and just staying ready so I think you

Know all our guys hat off to him they’ve been ready and and when the time is called to come in and make big plays they’ve been doing that ad we always appreciate your time please go get more sleep you’re playing like an MVP go hang with the wife and kids enjoy those old

Days uh honestly guys he is uh I guess we’ll just start with him it’s a big win we’ll get to that in a second he he’s simply been incredible we’ve talked a lot about it you know sneak in that big time block on Scotty Barnes which is a

Major play in this game uh that fourth quarter a big game 20 points 11 for 11 from the free throw line at one point he had six straight points during that crucial stretch just doing it all but you can just tell when he’s feeling it I’m glad Rob asked that question because

He he is in his own right now and whatever he’s doing to take care of his body mentally and physically keep doing it yeah I I mean I I’ll say it again I I’ve heard it from some really good general managers over the past you know players will

Peak like really Peak you they they’ll show Great Signs and have great careers up until they’re 28 29 30 and then they they Peak and they mature and that’s what we’re seeing in ad his consistent play right now is leading this team night in and night out especially on the

Defensive end Rob what impresses you most um about his stat line ton second and third quarter makes me so mad because I talked about it before the game but we’re not going to talk about it we going talk about his ability to still stay focus and stay in the moment

Because some guys when you use them and all of a sudden you go away from them for like 24 minutes they kind of lose that that that intensity but he does it he just plays the game his mental you know if I could get inside his brain and

See how he thinks because me being if I was as talented as this dude is and I go through a period where I only get one shot I’m cursing everybody he does he just does his jobes he was even Billy Mack and Stewart talking he’s touching the ball almost every possession he’s

Seven of nine then he sits for that part of the second quarter when he comes back in you got to feel your way back they’re running a Zone we’re kind of shooting a little more threes like is it the flow you know what I mean like for me

Personally I I watched that you know I’m I’m when you think about it Christian Wood came in for him yeah and played decent minutes while he was in there so it allowed a to get some rest but a lot of times when they go into that zone you

Know we we talked about it last time against uh I think against Memphis mhis is do they know how to get ad the ball in that zone he kind of floats out to the outside sometimes sometimes he goes short Corner sometimes he goes mid post and so you got to get some consistency

In the zone and where to fill those holes and the gaps in that zone and I think that’s the problem not it’s not ad’s problem it’s the whole team’s problem where they have to figure out their Zone and how to get those good shots yeah I I I’d like uh as a facilit

Ator he he’s going to be more of of a of an assist guy in that zone he has to be the one that gets into the middle because there’s a big hole in the middle of that zone and if you can Flash them in there they have to collapse and that

Way you’re going to be tossing it out and getting wide open thre so uh I also like that you know that that mid post uh on the Baseline where he’s a threat so they they’ll figure it out but um you know ad when he when he’s on the bench

You know he’s got to observe the game it does take a little bit more time to figure out the Zone but he’s got to be the vocal point it’s got to get inside that zone in the paint or in that mid post somewhere to collapse it so you can

Get your shots on the outside Rob Dave gave me a stat that might drive you crazy but but but but it’s a good one those two middle quarters that that that’ll bother you well five he had more points in the last 30 seconds of the

Game than he did in the second and third quarter he had six points in the last 30 seconds it is crazy it’s crazy but you can respect it though it’s you know I’m I’m going to let him slide not the I’m going to let the second third quarter

Other guys are other guys are getting involved too so it’s yeah yeah all right let’s hear from Darin ham he’s speaking with M TR in the media for speech speech Spe for [Applause] okay fore foreign foreign spee spe speech foree spee speee foreign fore foreign speech speee for Fore spee spee okay okay okay speee okay fore spee fore speech fore okay Foree fore fore okay got [Applause] thate [Applause] [Applause] speee okay fore spee fore fore speee fore for spe speech speech Spe spee foreign foreign speech for

GET UP | ‘Shame’ – Raptors coach rips refs after Lakers shoot 23 4th-Qtr free throws in win


  1. The raptors coach Darko Rakic calls out refs with stats, not w personal attacks. Well done.

  2. Lebron and lakers have to make it to the playoffs no matter how, shame , shame, shame, you can give championship to Lebron and Lakers right away , don't need to play and wast players and people time Adam Silver.

  3. 23 free throws for lakers in the 4th quarter and lakers only won by 1 shows how bad the lakers are 😂😂😂

  4. Last four minutes of the 4th.

    19-0 FT attempts. If you play basketball, and you've played in a close game of basketball before, that is absurd.

  5. Please… let me clarify what the coach is saying, “They are who we thought they were! That’s why we take the damn court! If you want to crown them … then crown dey ass!!!! The Lakers are …WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE !!!”

  6. “Maybe don’t foul🤓” how about buy league pass and watch the games. Quit meat munchin the lakers/bron and be a real basketball fan. “Oh well if bron…” no we aren’t even talking about bron. We’re talking about the refs and the game of basketball. Shit is terrible and bron fans always gotta come in the convo when nobody is even talking about him. Screw players and teams. Be a BASKETBALL FAN. (OKC fan)

  7. take off the mask. lakers know they shouldn't have won this game. but more importantly this game showcases the worst officiating i have seen since i was born. i don't think the NBA is a genuine league

  8. The NBA will look like fools if the IST champ miss the playoffs. So will all u fk heads that kept LIE saying it was good. No the fk it wasn’t. The best Team did NOT win it. And having it that early gives the winner a chance to miss the Playoffs or lose in the playoffs in. Both are trash for a IST Champ and they ALL know it. Cheating is sum soft sht tho. Yall think this bad go watch the Heat vs Bulls series when wade bosh and bron were flopping Dey ass off. Never cheated d game my ass

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