@Memphis Grizzlies

Shannon Sharpe admits he regrets Tee Morant confrontation at Grizzlies-Lakers game | Nightcap

Shannon Sharpe admits he regrets Tee Morant confrontation at Grizzlies-Lakers game | Nightcap

Hello it’s your favorite sports Unk here don’t forget to hit that subscribe button to join the fastest growing community on YouTube Remember night cap doesn’t happen without you so please subscribe or you’re going to make oo cry the thing though Gil I got to have some

Kind of some kind of weight to me because I can’t have dudes walking up on me think they gonna Punk me because ain’t no punking sh Shar no see I ain’t got I ain’t got those problems out no no so I a nobody ain’t nobody look if I’m

Sitting down ain’t nobody coming to stand up over me that ain’t gonna happen so that’s why hey that’s why I stay to myself I go to my little places my little off-the-wall places I stay to myself hey that ain’t gonna happen we seen you with the gri young like trust

Me we know right me me the only person that I I felt comfortable with was probably T oh I can get him right the rest of them they look like they look athletic see oh I can get him the rest of y’all yeah I’mma shut the [ __ ] up back

Here but you know he and I had a great conversation after the thing you like man I ain’t mean no how I say bro all I know is I heard what you said and I and when I word around at that point in time

Now I’m on one so at that point at that point in time I honestly when people say they black out I believe them because at that point in time I completely forgot I was at the game at that point in time I’m at a cookout I’m at a bar I’m at

Something I and I’m not even looking at me I’m not even looking at them all I know I say if one guy step over that line it’s over you scared of I said bro I say I don’t know where y’all from I say maybe y’all wi like that so if somebody big

You get scared I said bro I ain’t like that I said I hate that I put myself in that situation but Gil when I say I blacked out I honestly did I I I forgot that I was at a game it was until I got back cuz the security took me back in

The hallway and they was talking to me and I could hear them talking but I’m still I’m highly agitated so at that point and I remember just like they like hey hey hey oh you good you good you good and I’m thinking to myself why y

[ __ ] why y’all asking me am I good so I’m like as I’m calming down I like oh man I said oh man I said man I don’t messed up I said my sister going to see this I said my brother going to see this

My kids my kids going to see this I said man at that point in time I mean the job hey it is what it is if they Fox want to move in a different direction they they got to do what they got to do at that point in time the only thing I’m

Thinking about my sister my brother and my kids I said they gonna see this I said oh man I said that oh my God and I remember looking out of my phone and trending everything is just like I said I said man Shan you done messed up now

At that point in time Gil was nothing I could do so if fox come in say we want to go in another go in another Direction which we ended up doing six months later it is what it is hey I’m wrong I’m dead ass so I was wrong I handled it poorly

And like I said and I apologize to the Grizzlies and Dylan Brooks because it it should it shouldn’t have got that way all I you know I just said what I said I mean I didn’t think it was that bad but okay I get it I get it I’m a fan you

Know I’m I’m trash talking going back and forth but I was wrong I I was wrong I should have just slot my ass down and that’s what I do now I go to the game hey hey bro how you doing they like hey up I leave it I’ll leave it alone but

Hey Gil like I said when people say they black out I believe them Gil I Gil I completely forgot I could honestly I couldn’t hear anything it was like I was at a game and like like in the fourth quarter and I need to make a play and everything is

Hush in football mode yeah everything was calm I couldn’t all those fans I couldn’t hear a thing and then all of a sudden I could I could I heard uh uh guys talking I could hear JW talking at that point in time and you know everybody came running and then I’m like

So I’m I’m like boy I ain’t got no with me that’s gonna squabble I said boy I give anything to have my boy I don’t need I if I had Burns if I had bucket I said I’ll be good right about now I said I’m by myself I said oh well

It is what it is I said but boy and so by that time I hear T I was like bro y’all not gonna do nothing y’all doing all that talking ain’t gonna do nothing and then T says I will who said that every was like who

Said that so bad so after I C down we came out there he said man let me talk he said let me talk to you I said man what’s up T he said bro said what we doing I said bro I don’t know what we doing I said but

Bro I’m glad you came and talked to me CUA you grown I’m grown I’m glad we handled diffus the situation I said but bro you can’t you can’t say you G and when I’m in that state you can’t say you gonna do something because I’m gonna need to see

It I mean it is what it is I’m G have to see it I think you need to put those 170s down I a put no no no no no no Gil Gil real real talk had I been like in the league oh and that’s what I’m saying when you

At 35 on you ain’t got to worry about you ain’t got to worry about none of that H I can tell you this I’ve never Jay-Z I never blacked out ever right I can tell you this if [ __ ] get the popping I got to know where to run hey

I’m not even lying somebody Hey listen somebody sent me a DM and said yeah I remember uh talking to you in the mall yeah you you I was talking to you was talking to you in the mall and the fight broke out and you bounced and left the

Mall yeah that’s me godd damn it yeah I’m out of there my feet work well do n Gil for the most part Gil I I’ve I’ve never really been a fighter I’ve always tried to diffuse the situation like when I was in college I was the GU look I’ve always been the

Leader and so I’ve always you know I’ve always tried to get my keep my guys under control even on the team and I know guys more times than not the guys on the team they’re probably going to be able to eat beat the college a the uh

Average college dude not always but for the most part but I know how my guys are so if one of them fighting and they losing they gonna jump in yeah and so for me I always try to diffuse a situation like even if I saw one of my

Teammates talking to a a young lady and I know she have a boyfriend I’m like bro let that go man yeah man F that bro let that go I said because if somebody was talking to your girl you feel some type of way I know you so let it go get that

Man his respect you know we at the game you know we at somewhere used we not we not gonna do that we gonna be respectful now hey they break up but nah bro just because you on a football team and you there you that let that go bro that that ain’t we don’t

Need that we don’t need them kind of problems because if something go down E5 we gonna ride and ain’t nobody F to ride with ain’t nobody on the yard not the C not the qes not nobody not the basketball team the baseball team no other team gonna mess with us we knew

That yeah so let’s let’s just hey we got to keep the peace bro we got to go to school here and I don’t want to be having to look over my back you know even when the guys came out the city there’s a situation where guys came out

The city well hell I’m you know me oh you know I got a whip Gil so I’m I’m all at the car washer I’m on 37 the bull I’m all all over I’m at the barber shop I’m on the west side bro they catch me slipping because of some foolishness

That y’all did no bro no we’re not going to do that so I’ve always been a guy to keep the peace now hey I’m almost try to say hey bro hey let that go man you know you know sometime guys like man forget out you know he’s saying this say bro

Come on bro I’m trying to hey if I turn this Pitbull loose he go so that’s how I am Gil now as I gotten older like I said man that was honestly in my adult that might been one of the worst moments of my life because

I put myself in a situation I should have never been in because once he said what he said I should have let it go but you that like oh [ __ ] yeah I never got worri about that don’t trust me goddamn it nah hang out with me up boy we’ll be

Listen we’ll be running together now come on H we got come on now I’ll be push I got to hey Gil I ain’t gonna lie Gil I ain’t got I ain’t got too old to run the helps ain’t gonna let me run then we can walk real fast we got hey

Gil we got hey G we gota make we gotta make a stand we gotta make a stand we gotta be hey make a I’m the first one to get hit on always go for the weekly oh yeah that’s but that’s what I’m telling you guys that’s what I’m

Trying to tell you I put my as old as I am that’s the first time I hadn’t been I mean I had even been in an argument probably since had to be in my my early 30s I got into a with a guy at the barber shop

Because he was talking he was talking some stuff that he shouldn’t have been talking and that was the only time I said bro I said if somebody want to know something about me in here they can ask me they don’t need you repeating what happened at Savannah State bro man I

Said all I’m saying is hey keep my kids out keep me and my kids out your mouth that’s all you got to do I’m done with it oh man I said bro you ain’t G to talk me to death now what you want to do and simp that

You’re not g to talk me to death what you want to do I hope he said well [ __ ] I was planning to talk to you to death because I ain’t got no no hey he left and didn’t come back smart man see he he ain’t

Never I don’t think he ever came back to the barber shop hell no there’s a bit in that barber shop I’m going to the one around the corner no but like I said like I said he said Some

Shannon Sharpe and Gilbert Arenas discuss Shannon’s confrontation with Tee Morant and members of the Memphis Grizzlies at the infamous Los Angeles Lakers game last season. Shannon explains why he feels he was in the wrong and how he tries to avoid confrontation in public as a result.

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No more waiting until morning. Nightcap is the new nighttime sports talk destination with legends Shannon Sharpe, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, and Gilbert Arenas. Hang out with Unc, Ocho, and Gil as they give their unfiltered takes on the latest headlines from the NFL, NBA, and college football, and give their instant reactions to the biggest games moments after they end.

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  1. If you had just looked down at that freshly knit sweater granny gave you, you might have paused before the confrontation. It had Mr. Rogers written all over it. I didn’t know who you were.. I thought you was somebody’s grandpa out there😂

  2. Don’t worry .. blame LEBUM your boy for that.. now he can go play somewhere else.. u ain’t no laker fan either .. good luck where He goes, WE LAKER TRUE HEADS will be good..🙏🤬👏👍

  3. You can see gils' face is like "bruh you keep telling me stories about yourself, man, can I talk" lmaoo

  4. ''don't say you gonna do something, cause I'ma need to see it'' ……one of the dumb ideologies/things that got the younger me into some dumbshit

  5. Shannon was def wrong, bad look, acting like a kid…however it looks like he’s being truthful in taking accountability, & admitting he was wrong. I respect that, more people need to do some self reflecting

  6. This clown 🤡 was gonna fight a whole organization for robocop bron smh 🤦🏿‍♂️ 😬😩😂u can’t make this stuff up

  7. Unc we got you in TX. If anyone wanna pop off at you, let us handle it. These youngsters and newly rich people can get some hands like everyone else, lol

  8. Anybody else walks onto the court to confront players they’d be ejected from the arena. But because he’s Shannon Sharpe he got to go back to his seat. 🙄

  9. The fact he didn’t hear nothing else proves he blacked. Unc blacked out in a cardigan. That’s a dangerous man 😂

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