@Golden State Warriors

Should Lakers trade LeBron James to Golden State Warriors for Klay Thompson? | Colin Cowherd NBA

Should Lakers trade LeBron James to Golden State Warriors for Klay Thompson? | Colin Cowherd NBA

Welcome to the official YouTube channel for the Colin coward podcast go on hit the Subscribe button there you go right down there if you want to be among the first to hear my weekly takes NFL college football more right there so there’s been a lot of talk recently the NBA trading deadline is

Coming up and and people have discussed what about the Lakers moving off LeBron James and I don’t think this is going to happen and there’s a lot of reasons here so um LeBron’s good for business the Lakers haven’t they won the bubble year but you know they’ve been a really inconsistent

And at times dysfunctional team over the last four to five years and for the last you know I mean the last five years before LeBron became a Laker they were a mess they were like record-wise worst or second worst in the league over half a decade so they had the bubble year but

They’ve mostly been a really inconsistent franchise and LeBron sells out games and he’s one of the great Lakers of all time even though the Lakers fans got him post Prime right but I think you have to consider if you trade LeBron James and he doesn’t want to be traded because he

Has such a dynamic business portfolio in Los Angeles you’re going to piss off LeBron and that means you’re going to piss off clutch Sports and clutch Sports got ad to LA and in the NBA there’s a handful of very influential agents that you don’t want

To be on the wrong side of it doesn’t work that way in football but it does in basketball it can be um very provincial I mean I can remember years and years ago uh you know Michael Jordan’s agent was highly powerful very connected to David Stern um and that was the reality

Michael was just really really important for the league so I I don’t think there’ll be a trade because I don’t think I think LeBron committed to you as a franchise and has sold so much merchandise and so many tickets and he won you a championship that I do feel

The bus family and they historically have been very loyal to people that have rewarded them I think LeBron’s really kept you afloat uh for the last five years he’s kept you viable he’s he’s literally made you tens and hundreds of millions of dollars and added to your value um and I

Just don’t think you trade player like that I I that doesn’t mean um I’m going to rebuild my roster solely based on what LeBron wants but the Lakers are a small um ownership group the bus family uh is not nearly as financially secure or dynamic as the Clippers owner Steve

Bulmer he’s the richest owner in the NBA by far so I just think when LeBron came here he to a large degree kind of saved the franchise um you know they they weren’t good in Kobes last years uh they weren’t competitive uh the warriors were running the league they were an afterthought

They had run through coaches um and I and I think LeBron did them a solid by coming here now Los Angeles has also helped his business um career his net worth is is robust probably over a billion dollars now but it’s um it’s been a relationship where LeBron has

Helped the Lakers the Lakers have helped LeBron and it’s not that the Lakers couldn’t get other players if they traded LeBron I never buy any of that nonsense the bottom line is players take care of themselves but I think just on a personal level LeBron doesn’t call out

Coaches publicly LeBron is good for business LeBron does interviews after every game LeBron’s been an upstanding citizen in the community I don’t think you treat him that way and I you know me I’m not super loyal guy when it comes to you know Sports history like move a guy

Um and you could say well Colin you trade Klay Thompson one of the talks has been trading LeBron to the Warriors and getting some pieces back uh Klay Thompson is different he didn’t save the Warriors Steph Curry’s been the face Draymond the two Klay the three and he’s

Been a great part of that franchise but Klay Thompson’s not selling tickets Steph is and and Klay Thompson um also was appointing his career that you’d only be able to overpay him to keep him and he’s not as good a player as LeBron is LeBron is still on any given night

The best player on the floor in an NBA game he’s not as good as joic over the course of a season or Giannis or embiid but On Any Given night LeBron’s the best player on the floor in in the biggest games of the year so I just I just think

There are certain times LeBron’s been good for the Lakers the Lakers have been good and Los Angeles for LeBron I don’t think you trade him I think you sit down with him and say hey you know what this thing’s getting to a close let’s make it as elegant as we can as thoughtful

Conscientious as we can and then you go from there um but I I I I just LeBron’s been very valuable to the Lakers he’s on on a lot of nights he’s the only reason you go on most nights he’s the only reason you go he’s made a lot of people in that

Organization a lot of money and there’s value in that right they’re they’re yeah I wouldn’t trade LeBron

Colin Cowherd discusses whether the Los Angeles Lakers should make a move for Klay Thompson from the Golden State Warriors…for LeBron James?!

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  1. Not even gonna watch, the title in itself is hilarious. God damn Colin, at least make it realistic

  2. Lebron to Warriors for Klay? That's almost as dumb as the conspiracy theory by the Republicans regarding Taylor Swift. "I wouldn't trade Lebron" – duh, no shit Colin.

  3. LeBron is getting older and cannot play forever. It will not happen but trading LeBron if that will get him a championship and the Lakers can get something in return may result the Lakers keeping the Celtics from getting an 18th championship this season.

  4. Just let LeBron walk in free agency and rebuild or get a sign in trade to be competitive if it’s going to end after this season

  5. Cowherd just made this video to beg the Lakers not to trade LeBron 😂
    Even a LeButt Kisser like Cowherd can see he stinks and the Lakers are better without him.

  6. I think Lebron to the Warriors is bound to happen since it's the only hope for both to win anorher title, pairing Steph, Draymond and Lebron. Lewis Hamilton just went to Ferrari after being rivals for years because of the same reasons. Thie league will make sure to ease this one way or the other because it's best for business

  7. First off GS doesn’t need nor do they want LeBrick. The splash brothers are Golden State! and Curry doesn’t want to help LeBrick win another title and play second fiddle in his own state. LeBrick is only about himself and it’s never his fault when they lose. AD takes all the blame, the coach or Russell. It’s never LeBrick’s fault.

  8. 30 is an average sized guy drafted to the worst team (at the time) yet he established a full on dinasty by changing not just the league but the whole sport during allegedly another guy's era.
    STEPH > mr selfproclaimed ALL TIME.
    I don't want to see that stat padder fraud w Curry.

  9. Lakers need to trade AD N LEBRON GET 2 ypung stars n a bunch of draft picks n in 3 years you look like OKLOHOMA ? A contender

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