@Golden State Warriors

Do Something Warriors

Do Something Warriors

by 147Wildboy


  1. sugarwax1

    Needs to be one of those deals for like 2 seconds or for Podz that we never seem to get done but other teams do.

  2. Idk what they’d want we’d be willing to part with tbh. They don’t need more wings or cap relief.

  3. TaeTwoTimes

    We have the best team in the league if everybody plays at their expected standard

  4. zulwarn88

    Are we sure we want to go target a C who is likely going to want $20m a year and shoots <60% on their FT?

  5. Used_Water_2468

    I firmly believe that we have the players capable of winning the title.

    We just need everyone to play up to their standards. If we can do that, we don’t need a trade.

  6. RidiculousNickk

    Take 2 firsts please. Can extend him and let klay walk with Podz/Moody taking his place

  7. bigdikdiego

    Just last year, Claxton was top 3 in blocks and a candidate for DPOY. He has huge potential and could be a solid piece for us past this year if we chose to resign him imo.

  8. lol every time I bring up a Nic Claxton trade on this sun it gets downvoted to hell. Told y’all about this a month ago.

  9. iGetBuckets3

    If we can get him for cheap-ish, I think this would be the best move possible at the deadline. The one thing our team is missing right now is an interior rim protector and thats exactly what claxton is. The fact that his contract is expiring makes me think we won’t have to give up too much for him either. Please MDJ get this done.

  10. Necroassassin32

    Lol, I literally posted a NBA Mock Draft earlier it was downvoted to hell and Mods removed it. What the hell.

    It goes like this:

    Moses Moody to Orlando Magic

    Kevon Looney to Brooklyn Nets

    Warriors receive Nic Claxton

    Nic Claxton to Warriors

    Nets receive, Kevon Looney, Markelle Fultz and Orlando 1 FRP (maybe add Warriors 1 FRP to sweeten the deal).

    Markelle Fultz to Nets + 1 FRP

    Magic receive Moses Moody

    It was a success lol.

  11. No let’s just stop with the trade talk already. I think we should just ride this season out with the roster we already have. No one on the trade market is better than who we have now.

  12. Abject_Toe_5436

    Looney+Moody+1st for Claxton and all of our problems are fixed if Wiggins and Klay play “normal”

  13. Tofu_Analytics

    Bruh what do you want to give up for him though? Nets are kind of in a rebuild phase so they’re gonna want young guys. They are decent but not quite in a position to sign free agents yet because of the Ben Simmons cap challenge. Nic is a great defensive piece but I can’t see them really giving him up for anything that we have. Tbh I could see him heading out so someone like OKC, who have draft picks out the ass.

    It’s a very odd situation, Nic is potentially an incredible piece for us, but he’s a 24yr old potential DPOY caliber player with an expiring contract. I would estimate his value at $25m/yr. I could 100% see one of the Pacers, Kings, or Magic swooping in in free agency as they have cap and the desire for a guy like him. Dallas could also trade for him as they’re hurting for defense too. Right now the Warriors have the highest payroll of any team. Our off-season is going to be an odd one, if Klay could sign for 15/yr and Cp3 either goes min or retires then we might be able to resign Nic (that would drop us down capwise to ~155).

    However we also have to think about retaining our other guys. Moody and Kuminga both have another team option before they can get paid, if you sign Nic then where’s the cap for those two? Yeah GP2 and Loon expire, but will Kuminga sign back for 25/yr, on his trajectory and with how he’s been limited in his role here? Hell he might not even want to stay on a matched offer. If the warriors were record wise at a 6 seed then maybe I’d say go for it. Even as a playoff rental, getting to a ring would be worth it and maybe Nic might decide to stay on for less to try for a ring in the following year. But right now we aren’t just 1 player from a chip, we got a coaching and strategy challenge to work out before getting into the playoffs. I’d hope for some magic, if we could sign an extension that would be great. Unfortunately the assets we could part with aren’t ones that Brooklyn wants, and the ones they want we probably won’t part with (podz, Kuminga)

  14. anonkebab

    We just won a game, zero chance of a trade ever

  15. Looney, Gp2, frps and swaps? Possibly throw in Tjd? How many frps can we actually trade, 1 or 2? 

  16. EnthusiasmBright1495

    Do whatever it takes…we can be contenders with him. Moody looney 1FRp?

  17. There’s nothing we can offer that other teams can’t. That’s unfortuantely the problem with all pipedream trades.

  18. IsThisMe8

    Additional context: He’s going to be an unrestricted free agent next year and is expecting more than what he’s currently earning ($9M). Nets probably want a draft pick (Warriors wouldn’t do it for a rental) or a young guy (Moody is the option but they have a ton of wings) in a trade. I doubt this will happen.

  19. JaysoniNZ

    I am so disappointed at warriors team because they are too soft to make any trades. The softest management team ever. And

  20. neo9027581673

    He’s available because the NETS don’t want to pay him 30M per season.

  21. Vallerie_09

    Loon’s not getting traded. Team has always backed him up during the tough times and now with his mentor Deki gone, they ain’t stabbing him in the back by trading him.

  22. Man I wanted us to go after Clax or Myles Turner last yr so ian mad @ this if it can happen

  23. okuzeN_Val

    There’s no way we get Claxton for something like Moody + Looney + picks.

    If ya’ll are down for Ben Simmons then maybe something can happen (involving Klay in the mix).

    The value for Brooklyn is getting something in return for Claxton and getting rid of Simmons’ terrible contract via Klay’s expiring deal, which frees up space for them to maybe sign a star next off season.

    The value for us is Claxton and getting something for Klay who has refused a generous extension and is likely to seek more in FA. With the caveat that Claxton is also an expiring deal and we’d also have to find a way to get rid of Ben Simmons to avoid/lessen luxury tax next year.

    Yeah the more I think about it this isn’t happening.

  24. He_Is_The_Chosen_One

    He’s exactly what we need right now. Would give us a little extra scoring with 12 ppg, great rebounder, shot blocker, lob threat, 6’11, and he’s only 24 years old. Yes please!

  25. They can trade for him (and other players) if they are willing to trade away picks. Too bad it won’t happen because this front office, unless Dunleavy proves he’s different from Myers and the Lacobs, thinks it’s the end of the world to include any 1st round picks on a trade. God forbid you actually try to improve instead of making half hearted offers that no one wants. Then they come out with media briefings about how hard trades are to make. Happens every time. As always there are trades available if you are willing to be decisive and not hedge and push it down the road constantly.

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