@Atlanta Hawks



Around and you know I will my heart on my sleeve you hitting all the take your [ __ ] like you to leave I go and hide your keys put you in position to win bless you with sne but you down in all the BV we was getting cheat over playay

My part I can’t Brea pain in My over play my part I can’t breath I feel the pain in my L I thought really was my heart Everything Around and you know I will my heart on my sleeve you hitting all the re take your [ __ ] like you f to leave I go and hide your keys put you in position to win bless you with sne bu you down in all the BV we was getting cheat over

Play my part I can’t bre feel pain in My over play my part I can’t breath I feel the pain in my L I thought really was my Heart What’s good gang it’s your boy deont here man we talk Hawks TV we talk Hawks daily postgame live show Hawks Hawks Big Win defeat the Phoenix Sun let me say that again defeat the fully healthy Phoenix Suns big win tonight by the Atlanta Hawks statement win in my opinion that’s

Three game that’s three wins in a row three wins in a row for our Atlanta Hawks we did it without um Murray tonight Murray was injured I mean not excuse me I’m sorry without Hunter tonight T Hunter is on uh I think they got him on load management Trey young wonderful performance wonderful

Performance by the by Trey young tonight and um let me tell you that’s a big win you just went you a championship Contender came into your house and you held down the fort you protect the home court against a championship level team with all three of their freaking

Superstars with all three of the superstars and we came in and we took we took control of that game we we had a couple small lapses in the third we regroup rebounded by the end of the third quarter took the lead Never Let It

Go Never Let It Go did not let that lead uh get down went on the Run went on the Run pushed the lead to 10 came out in the fourth quarter with a eight uh uh 8-2 run lead was at 10 shout out to the ref to the officials in New York taking

Away that three from Eric Gordon for catching the ball out of bounds Hawks maintain Hawks pull out a win couple small uh lapses um at the end you know um but I mean you gotta work we can we can work through that we can work through that but I think tonight I think

Tonight I think tonight is a big win for our team it’s a big win and I I know some some of y’all in the chat trying to downplay it it is what it is at the end of the day y’all know how I rock I don’t

I don’t care you know I don’t care what nobody thinks hey I I voice for my opinion it is what it is y’all can agree disagree whatever it don’t matter me as a fan to me that’s a big this a big win for us

This is a big win for us and um you know Trey Young came out put on a master class today he gave you 32 points he gave you 15 assists Big Time steel he he had two big time steals tonight he he picked the pocket of Devin Booker he picked the pocket of

KD he was running around chasing Grayson Allen we had a couple times on def on the defensive side now the corner three that we keep giving up that’s just the scheme Quinn got to fix that Ken Quinn got to fix that but that’s three games in a row we’ve won

Three in a row some of y’all acting like this our first win of the Season we are that’s three in a row we have dug oursel in a hole and now it’s time to come back if we can go on the run you win two win three lose one win two win three

Lose one I’m good if they lose tomorrow I’m good then you got to win again cuz we not going to go on no damn we ain’t F to out here let’s keep it real we’re not g to go out here and win [ __ ] 10 games in a row that’s unrealistic win three lose

One win three lose one that’s gonna get us at and above 500 what we can’t do what we need to avoid is going on any type of losing streak no we don’t have to win tomorrow ticket I don’t know why you keep saying that I have no idea why you keep saying

We have to win tomorrow why we got to win tomorrow we just won three in a row three in a row all we got to do L win three lose that’s long as we don’t lose two and three in a row we got to avoid that but I’m going to tell you

This right now and I told Mikey this earlier I told Mikey this yesterday if the Hawks keep winning that trade deadline ain’t nothing gonna happen at that deadline nothing gonna happen at that deadline if we keep winning so I’m I I ask fans this what’s more important to you as a fan trading

To jeon Murray because you don’t like him or winning or winning freaking games now if you care about Trey young not making an All-Star team then your answer should be winning [ __ ] games that should be your answer if you care about this o uh this fan base it should be winning [ __ ]

Games straight up and then you should be like y’all can deal with Murray ass Clint ass whoever you want to deal with in the offseason but we we we played a hell of a game tonight you had three all NBA players we had to contain three not one star not

Two stars three all NBA players that you’re going against that we had to contain and we’re not and and as we know we we not a real good defending team okay but the boys went out there and they handled their business they play hard that three in a row now I know

People gonna come in here and try to set their own standard well you got to win eight no win three lose one win three lose one and I’mma tell you I don’t care how people try to downplay the win at the end of the day at the end of the day

They still got three all NBA players we have one that’s it you’re not getting a top five draft pick Karine so you might well gonna kiss that goodbye you’re not getting a top five pick I mean listen what’s crazy is we just had a big time win and some of y’all cats is

Mad that we winning I don’t get that I would never understand as a fan of a team why you upset when your team still has the opportunity to try to make a run make a play and get in the playoffs but y’all still be mad when we win like I don’t get

That sometimes I think some of y’all fans want us to lose like like y’all want us to lose games listen let me tell y’all man and at the end of the day as a fan you can think how you want to think hey that’s your opinion that’s your

Opinion you could think how you want to think man you know I’m not here to to try to change nobody mind but I’mma tell you this man you should enjoy winning winning solves a lot of problems winning solves a lot of problems winning winning make people play harder winning makes people want to

Defend winning makes people want to play when they’re injured that’s what winning does winning makes you get on the ground for the loose ball winning I’m telling you I’m telling you winning ball games winning games and like it blows my mind how some of y’all is just in here in

Here and you trying to downplay a victory like that’s crazy to me you act like we just y’all act like we just beat the Charlotte Hornets y’all act like we just wasn’t God danging uh nine games under 500 let me tell y’all something man I’mma enjoy them wins I’mma tell you

Right now and I don’t care what people think about the roster cuz let me tell y’all something since since I’m on this topic let me tell y’all something you have a owner you have a owner who don’t who don’t want to spend no money so you really

Think you really think that said owner is trying to build his team to compete is that what y’all telling me you have faith in the owner you have faith in the owner to try to rebuild a team let me tell you something man if you believe in Tony wrestling rebuilding this

Team okay I got some beats side uh I got some beats side property I could sell you right here on this army base because I’mma tell you it’s not gonna happen man it’s not going to happen I know some of y’all got all these Master plans and

I’m going tell you A lot of people have Master plans we need to do this we need to do that and let me tell you the owner don’t do none of that [ __ ] and I’ve been seeing this season I’mma tell you what’s crazy this season I seen a lot of fans

Start starting to realize what I’ve already known for years now they not going to do nothing they’re not going to do nothing what you going what did do y’all y’all y’all know why they trying to move Murray right it’s not because TR young don’t fit it’s not because TR I mean excuse me

It’s not because Murray doesn’t fit it’s because the priority is for the Hawks to shed salary hey Deon you got us yeah I got USAA Xavier what’s up but it’s for the Hawks to save money they’re not tra trading they’re not trading no one to make the team better that’s what gets

Me people are supporting well a lot of people starting to realize what time it is now since that article came out and it said that the Hawks are trying to shed salary so all these plans that people have we go do this and go get that all them plans when they read that

Statement y’all remember that that’s the noise that Pacman M when when uh the ghost got Pacman a lot of people hopes and dreams and plans and hopes and wishes went down because they learned that they learned that the owner just wants to save money that’s all I’mma say man so y’all can

Keep y’all can keep uh doing whatever but your boy here I’m enjoy all these wins because I’mma tell you and I said it before once they move muray it’s gonna be some dark days it’s gonna be some dark days coming because now you’re gonna be out here trying to

Win with a bunch of young dudes and and I know what y’all GNA me de you got to give him time to develop y’all wake up and smell the coffee man wake up and smell the coffee Tony wrestler is not trying to win nothing he want to win just enough so

You can swag surf that’s what he wants to do just enough that you’ll buy tickets to the game that’s what he want to do just enough so you could be in there like that I’m swaging I’m surfing while we down 15 20 points in the third

Quarter but hey if y’all like it I love it cuz guess what I’mma be here I’m going to be here I was here before Tony wrestler I was here before Trey young I’mma be here when they ass leave unless something happened to me I’m still gonna

Be here I’m gonna be here when he blow the team up and we starting over so we can save some money yes son I’m gonna be here a lot of y’all not gonna be here man when Trey young ask for that trade y’all some of y’all not gonna be here I’m gonna be

Here I don’t think some of y’all gonna be here though because I don’t think y’all know what I don’t y’all know what y’all FNA get into when they trade Murray when they get back some random guy and some pcks and then you’re gonna be disappoint and then you’re gonna be

Disappointed oh and then you gonna be disappointed when we don’t get take those pcks and go get this so-called all NBA player I’m just giving y’all heads up man I I just want y’all to be prepared for that I want you to be prepared and I and I don’t want y’all

Complaining I don’t want you hooping and hollering I want you to sit there and be like I I I knew was going to happen I’m going shut my mouth and I’m just going to embrace this whatever we doing rebuild tank whatever embrace it but I’mma tell you right

Now I’m taking the win baby we beat they ass I’m taking it I don’t care what none of y’all say that’s three in a row baby three in a row we gonna beat the Warriors tomorrow that’s going to be F we goingon to roll I feel it I I feel

It we going to go on the road I’m telling you we going to make a run for the playoff we going to make a run for these playoff we just gotta get we got to get Dre Hunter back okay get Dre Hunter back put him on minutes restriction

Okay I wish Landry Fields could talk this dude into spinning that mid L mid level and going to get us a win but we gota we gotta cut bro cut [ __ ] uh cut Garrison Matthews and go get me a wing or something what he say Joel say I’m

Drinking a Kool-Aid yeah I’m drinking a Kool-Aid CA I want to win I want to win I don’t understand what the what y’all y’all don’t want to win what y’all gonna do y’all just want to sit here oh we won oh whoopy dude we

Won uh but we got to win the next two the road before I listen I don’t need you I I don’t need you to ride with me I be I I ride by myself I don’t care I always Ride Ride by myself I don’t care

I want to win and you got to win so you can start building because I’m telling you right now I’m telling you right now there’s no other way for us to compete I don’t see how y’all don’t understand that nonsense y’all be some of y’all on some [ __ ] [ __ ]

Tonight I don’t see how y’all don’t understand that what is the what is the way to Victory that’s what I don’t understand what’s the way to Victory you got an owner who don’t want to spend no money so what are you going to do what is your

Plan I’ll put I put the link in the chat I would love to hear your plan to of to win with a owner who don’t want to spend money who is about to cut salary so what is your plan let me put the link let me put the link since everybody

Know everything what is your plan to Win w with with an owner who don’t want to spend no money who about to share salary wake up he about to share salary we going to get under that threshold that first level tax threshold so what the plan what are we going to

Do that’s what be tripping me the [ __ ] out man [ __ ] sit up here and boohoo over big time win that’s three in a row we’ve been struggling all year now we got some momentum and now [ __ ] is like oh man e this all we have right now your owner

Don’t want to spend no money he about to cut salary cuz that’s what they trying to do right now and then we going to sit right here and be like this we got to develop some guys we got to do this we gotta do that [ __ ] out of here man I ain’t for

The [ __ ] tonight dog I’m gonna take this win if you don’t Hey listen if you don’t enjoy the win that’s your prerogative don’t come rain on my [ __ ] parade because guess what I’m waterproof [ __ ] I’m gonna keep talking [ __ ] I’m G to keep enjoying these [ __ ] wins goddamn it [ __ ]

That’s four that’s three in a row we going to beat the Warriors ass tomorrow and then when we beat they ass you better come up here and you better say some [ __ ] cuz guess what if we lose it don’t matter to me cuz all I want to do is do win three lose

One win two lose one just don’t do it the opposite don’t lose two win one damn y’all [ __ ] be coming here with all type of crazy ass [ __ ] stupid standards and [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here man man y’all what ticket say man I know ticket going to say some [ __ ] dear next

Week they always do this [ __ ] to me you damn right I’m G be saying that [ __ ] yeah I am you know why I say that because we got talent on this team We Got Talent like you can’t come up here and say we don’t have talent on this team

Meanwhile we be in chats defending players this Clint Clint suck no we don’t okay this dude suck no he don’t so we have talent shout out to homeboy Carlos man Carlos said I’ll take the dub ice cash two Legacy parlay Carlos over here getting money

[ __ ] out of here man no you don’t demand no Talent Kareem let me tell you something my guy let me tell you something let me tell you something kareim come up here and explain to me what’s the plan to win you got an owner once again who don’t want to spend no

Money so I ask you again what is your plan to win what is your plan to win what owner who don’t want to spend money he gonna cut salary this all season I don’t how y’all don’t see that we just I just did a show and showed you I just showed

You he gonna cut salary they’re not trying to move Murray to make the team better Jesus Christ how the [ __ ] y’all don’t see this [ __ ] bro I be saying the same sh [ __ ] every day it ain’t like we got a owner who who’s like you know what who got a

History of spending money and trying to win he’s never paid the luxury tax so how the how we gonna win with when he cut the salary of when he get rid of the players to cut salary I’mma shut up man what’s good F what’s up hey welcome back Deon

[ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] man I enjoy these wins we we we on the rooll [ __ ] is [ __ ] is mad but but I don’t see I think you taking it wrong right I don’t think dudes are mad I don’t think dudes D dud people just not getting excited like excited excited until show

Consisten they got to get excited but no no hell no I’m not excited guess what that’s what I’m saying I ain’t up here I don’t listen I’m not up here trying to convince nobody to get nothing well well this just my opinion this how I feel I like winning we all like

Winning I gu that’s three in a row but check this out it’s the the the difference is every hey I think for the most people everybody up here for the most part unless you just trolling they they they’ll take the win I’m G take the

Win all day all day I take all wins as a matter of fact right it just still need some consist I’m not going to get all ra yet because we still like six six seven games on the five 500 so we taking a win but we a we ain’t jumping up with pom

Poms and that that’s all it is man I think I think you taking it wrong man people don’t got to but what I’m saying is it’s three in a row what I’m telling people was this you better enjoy what we got going on they about to gut the team I’m G say

It like this yeah they about to go I ain’t enjoy none of this [ __ ] until we win consistently right that’s why that’s three in a row oh when the last time we won three in a row this year that’s you gotta start somewhere man look and I’m

Happy look I I take all wins but I ain’t gonna be excited I can I’m until I can’t get excited and be see that’s why I stay even kill right you know CA see like like TI said next week you gonna be cursing ass out if they cing I’ve been

Cursing out for you ain’t [ __ ] Gonna Change about me man I know I’m gonna celebrate this win and like I said if people not not excited you don’t got to be yeah but you but all people they they’re not though that’s what I’m saying that’s cool I don’t have

A problem with I don’t have a problem how people feel that’s why the channel here everybody gonna have had difference of opinion that’s cool that’s they can put something together right because we got the Talent dude what have I always said what talent they just gotta [ __ ]

Defend and Quinn gota fix the the the the defensive scheme once he can fix it he gota fix the defense and offense scheme shooting helped us because we was hitting shot tonight right I mean but we we had amazing looks I mean we had wide open shots Wasing that we hit shots we

Move the ball right that’s why they was wide open right what I always say Ball moving people moving the wide open shots and they hit those wide open shots and then I saw some energy and effort the same [ __ ] I already know how to win right so and

That’s what you saw everybody was hot and they did their thing I saw I saw some good defenses defense you know too so we already knew they could do this that’s the thing we all this ain’t this [ __ ] ain’t nothing new they shown us they can do this they just don’t do it

Consisten and so hey let’s see what happen the next couple of game we should Golden State should be be a dub next week is at home right yeah yeah it should be the end of the home stand I got to double check yeah yeah uh yeah uh

Golden State should be a dub you know because of where they at right now so it’s Golden State at um yep and then we got the Clippers on Monday so that’ll be a tough one and then the cels after that so hey you got your uh you got that random picker thing

Oh yeah I heard I was on I had I had a game tonight so I I got home by halftime so yeah I’m going I already heard you when you talking about giveaway so I’m setting it up okay so listen guys hey uh once we got Larry we got Koolaid tanu

Mike and Leon once we go through them we gonna do the uh we gonna do the giveaway for the uh the ticket to the Clipper game man oh my bad F was you done my bad no no no yeah no I’m g go ahead get set up

That’s all okay what’s good Larry what’s good bro hey [ __ ] I see you coming in I came in here at the game you cussing people I’m like hold up what the hell happened and got the Mind hot but uh you saying people poo pooing this I mean it’s the it’s the same it’s

The standard uh the the the the Suns ain’t [ __ ] um hold on hold up hold up hold up hold on hold on man the games before people get behind the team but at the end of the day like I don’t care just don’t try to change my

Mind how thees Suns not [ __ ] when they um seven eight games over 500 like what are we talking about uh all right this is the second time we don’t won three in a row we lost four in a row we won three in a row prior two then we lost four in

A row now we on another three game win streak so all right something is happening DeAndre Hunter of course got hurt again but um I like that Trey Channel his anger into great play on the on the court now he had seven turnovers tried a

Lot of U risky passes but he was super aggressive and he was super efficient this game he was giving everybody that wanted that work that work tonight he was like oh oh I ain’t no Allstar all right sorry Durant sorry Booker sorry uh whoever Grayson Allen sorry Bill y’all

About to get this work tonight uh so I appreciate Trey and that’s what I want Trey to do a lot of people like to um compare Trey young to Steph no Trey young is Isaiah Thomas he’s hated by his peers and all the media I need him to

Grab that take that inner Isaiah Thomas and grip it you know what I’m saying use it like he a Sith Lord like just embrace it bro Embrace being a bad guy like Isaiah thas did we just got to get some bad boys around him that can play some legitimate defense consistently uh hey

I hey I caught that too Chef I caught that too what happened pause man oh yeah pause my bad you was like grab it and grip it yeah pause but uh n he just he just need to embrace his inner Isaiah Thomas man just be like effort because you can’t change these

Players and these media members for liking you but you can make him respect you that’s what you damn well can because there’s no way if you line up Trey Young stats to Dame Lillard it don’t even compare man he beat him in every offensive metric and Trey young is

Top 10 is still this season so there’s no metric that Dame Lillard deserves to be in there outside of the media members literally conspiring to put him in there a million votes a almost two million votes a million 800,000 votes to 100 something um writers or 50 something writers man out

Of here bro they need to take their powers away if they can do that bro they literally sat there and said guys you see Trey young is um and second and allar we can’t stop him but what we can do if none of you guys vote for him and

You vote for everybody except for Trey young we can get our guys in and Trey young be out because we know the coaches ain’t gonna vote and everybody thinking that Trey young gonna get in on the coaches reception he’s not they’re going to put replace a

Big with a big so andb gonna get replaced with Turner and then uh rand’s gonna get replaced with Scotty Bourne squat you heard it here first all right that’s L let’s go to Kool-Aid so we got Kool-Aid tanu the homeboy Leon tapping in and we got M hey damn my son took my

Phone hey CH keep me updated on the time for Kool-Aid three minutes CU you know Kool-Aid go all day what up Kool-Aid all right man I ain’t gonna go all day on you man I just want to say deja vu Dayja Vu it happened in 2021 he got snug Deja

Vu it’s all and popping we F to burn down some Arenas boy ice we F ice over these Arenas yes we are we just put hey man we just beat LeBron James and cin Durant back the back bro that’s got a lot to say hey he gave you your logo threes

Tonight oh man he gave me logo 3 there some me some Mo stuff boy hey man I was I was in the office I’m G let you go and where you go I was in the office with a with a guy looking at the game and Trey

Did that pass to OKO he said that boy woke up he was over there asleep when he saw that P wo what a pass I’m like man that that Trey y a that Trey y he ain’t no joke you see hey he just put up some

More stats too he just put up some more stats got that that 30s another extra 30 and 15 with Nate AR Bo hey man y’all get ready man I feel some Deja Vu man what I told you he missfits hey I’m I’m gon go for real this time Landry on Landry went

Out and cussed the coach out he cursed all the players out y’all ain’t get me y’all ain’t get me fired I’m telling you he with that b Jer hug each other I can’t trade y’all missfit y’all get y’all bus out there play ain’t nobody getting traded bro believe that I’m gone

Man till y’all come back and that Kool-Aid man that’s Kool-Aid shout out Kool-Aid no mention of Frank Kaminsky tonight Koolaid we got tanu in oh [ __ ] tanw in the garage hey you hear dear I here I hear Trey young hey let’s go ATL let’s go

ATL hey let’s go Hawks turn up turn up go let’s go let’s go let’s go hey hey hey hey hey hey let’s celebrate this [ __ ] Victory y’all I ain’t playing with y’all hater ass [ __ ] I ain’t playing with y’all [ __ ] hold up turned up tonight I can’t imagine how we act if we

Won a championship it’s gonna be CRA it’ll be crazy oh you oh you know hey hey you you can already see it we gonna be turned way out we hey they gonna feel us in Africa if we win a championship they gonna feel us in Africa they gonna

Be like hey Hawks won a championship these [ __ ] turned up hey but hey but real [ __ ] man I got banned off Facebook because I was trolling all the hater ass Hawks fans for real I can’t I can’t do [ __ ] for 30 days in the groups I can’t post on my

Page it’s all bad but my point is is that like man if you a Hawks fan like ride with the team please ride with the team you you know what I’m saying like hey we out like my whole thing is like this I celebrate All wins but at the

Same time when we lose I celebrate the victories and the losses you know what I’m saying like there’s victories and the losses because it’s a 82 [ __ ] game season you know what I’m saying like we we gota we in here for the Long Haul so we can’t just be down the

Whatever but anyway homie all I’m saying if you’re a Hawks fan ride with the [ __ ] Team all right all right so hey and then the next thing I want to say shout out to Deon you know what I’m saying shout out to we talk Hawks TV you

Feel me shout out to everybody who you know what I mean be a part of this thing this thing is like really really really special you feel me it’s it’s really special so appreciate that appreciate it my guy yeah man it’s for the people you

Know what I’m saying like you do it for the people that’s that’s important for the fans by the fan that’s what we doing here baby so I just want to talk about the game real quick I got three minutes right well now you got about a minute a

Minute thank you all right now I want to talk about the game okay so the [ __ ] the starters you know shout out I don’t know shout out to every shout out to the whole [ __ ] team you know what I’m saying like everybody played their part everybody did their thing Bogey and Trey

Were [ __ ] nuts from three you know what I’m saying shout out to Clint shout out to uh double O you feel me shout out to JJ you know what I’m saying like JJ did his [ __ ] thing and then DJ and Trey they proved that they’re the best backport in the East [ __ ]

Conference they proved it and the way they played together today showed you know what I’m saying like Trey got off DJ got off you know what I’m saying they let each other do their thing they respected it was it was perfect they did exactly what they were supposed to do

Shout out to bogy shout out to double O and shout out to uh [ __ ] uh man [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] up about sadique that shit’s [ __ ] up but at the same time I feel like they kind of accelarated like I don’t know it gave them some energy I don’t know something

Was good about that but um hey we got bogie who’s still a candidate for six man we got JJ who’s still a candidate for [ __ ] uh most improved player you know what I’m saying like we like our we we got a [ __ ] Squad you know what I’m saying like our whole issue is

Like y’all [ __ ] ain’t doing with the [ __ ] you’re supposed to do you feel me but that’s kind of like that’s why I’d be on motherfucker’s helmets talking [ __ ] because it’s like hey y’all ain’t y’all ain’t doing what you’re supposed to do but that don’t mean I’m gonna call

You a bum and you suck and I hate you it just means [ __ ] I’mma just push the issue on you so you can do your [ __ ] thing so the last thing I’m G say is shout out to all the [ __ ] who be on the panel like

With this we talk Hawk shits like a lot of times I just sit and listen to [ __ ] cuz I’m like like I’ve been a fan since like Dominique Spud Web you know what I mean Kevin Willis and you know what I’m saying like the old school but I ain’t

Been a fan like you’ve been a fan Devon you know what I’m saying like I could tell you like different years where I was like really on it and different years that I wasn’t I always been a fan but I ain’t been like just straight you

Know what I’m saying but so you know what I mean so I just like to listen to y’all [ __ ] so shout out to Larry shout out to Mikey shout out to foot Juan [ __ ] uh Kool-Aid you know what I’m saying shout out to all y’all cats shout out to all y’all I

Appreciate what y’all doing for Hawks and hey just one one more thing homie it’s the fans and the players versus the ownership okay salute to my guy tanu tapping in from the garage we got Leon and we got Mike Leon my guy making it appearance we bow to Leon and his

Wonderful knowledge of basketball ball and team building thoughts on the game tonight Mr uh it was a great win it was on it Tryon show showed them guys you know he’s he’s a real Allstar and it was great to see the boys go out there and win um you know it was great

To see Mr Murray got there and really closed the game out last 20 minutes really get going sucks to see Sadi go down um we gonna need him moving forward in general we just don’t need you know we don’t need no more we don’t need no

More injuries Lord knows um but Dre not hurt I think they just they just managing his knee he’ll play tomorrow yeah that’s what I was I saw it they listed it as uh because I watch the Sun sunstream and even they listed it as injury management yeah they just doing

What they should have been doing not having them play back to backs but um he he he might start tomorrow if B can’t go or they’ll start buy and have them come off the bench still and um somebody said yeah Kobe’s gonna be at three days or so

Because Scot Hawks don’t play till like Monday or Tuesday so he’ll he’ll be up there I don’t know if he G if Sadiq can’t go he he’ll at least be in in Jersey tomorrow uniform Dam he be in Street clo they got him up like he a fan yeah they had him on

Healthy scratch today um they probably you know just want him around the team there you go Leon ticket said don’t show Kobe buffkin that shirt Leon oh yeah he did he he young you don’t know better he young as hell he young as hell like God

Dam he might 19 20 he he might be 20 he might be like he just turned 20 like yeah yeah he he don’t know no better so I I’m just glad he cut that damn hair n was looking like Wanda Sykes that’s crazy and that and when we drafted him

With that hat on he look like Wanda Sykes he did he did but umn man that was a good win tonight bro three in a row um we could win tomorrow too uh and guess and you know what the the Suns was healthy yeah yeah but like they can’t defend either

So that’s what it was like most of the time they they they out scor and plus if you look at the teams they played they played a lot more um bad teams than we have they played 25 games against teams under 500 and and like way less under teams

Above ours is is the other way so we got we really got a lighter schedule going the rest of the way so yeah we can go on a run get get get a you know the eight or seven this is probably still end up in the plan unless we really hadit a if

We really had a stride um Trey look real healthy tonight which is good off two days rest and looks like whatever he issue he had with his shoulder at least is cleared up for now look really good we had a uh I don’t think he took a shot that I would

Consider bad tonight neither I me I mean I’m thinking I’m thinking they was going in today they was going in they no that um pivot into it like he was bogey that was a bad shot like that was I forgot about that you just brought

That up yeah you right one for sure was a bad shot I don’t think I think other than that his shot selection was really good I think he was ended up being like five or seven on twos or something I don’t know on that uh onday tonight that

Last possession he had I don’t know where he was throwing that ball yeah he was he was five or six on twos yeah what he finish at three six for nine six for eight seven of 11 okay so that’s that’s good stuff what he have the he had what

Two steals three no two steals three block two steals in a block let me tell you somebody they was two I call those two legit pit Pockets not that sitting in the lane throwing your hand out that [ __ ] picked Booker straight up on the on on on that

On the sideline that one on KD though that [ __ ] was cold yeah cuz he was gon to go behind the back but he knew he knew the uh time of the game too like yeah that was a that was a big momentum that was in my opinion that was a momentum stop was

Starting to cook bro yeah he was he was so I was like oh that was legit cold um you know Clint capella yeah he gota go bro that he’s offw when he missed that dunk bro I almost flipp my lid bro I was on the phone with somebody and

I was like yeah I’m trying not to be emotional during this game and I was being real quiet until that moment when he missed that dck bro I just he he be he be having i’ be hot by his self uncontested I was like I want

To see a replay I like man maybe he slip but nah bro n six players in double figures 30 22 one with 30 two with 20 three with at least 10 that’s that’s that’s how you went offensively and they still had a lot of lapses defensively defensively they really didn’t play that

Well but I’m they really didn’t they really didn’t like just objectively I think it’s more of the SK my ER on the defensive side is is is the help but we can’t recover to cover the corner three like if they was cooking early we would have been in trouble because they were

Just missing that corner three at the beginning you know I mean uh e Eric Gordon got a couple to go or k but yeah their um their backups were hitting a lot better than their starters like throughout most of the game yeah like from three cuz look let me think didn’t

Nobody take nothing I of Eubanks everybody else basic Off the Bench basically was three-point Shooters so the bench was what six of um no no no one two three four five or 11 no five or 10 they were five or 10 from three so the rest of the team was what

Nine to 27 yeah hey hey that Murray crossover was cold bro out there doing his thing what we got six more days and he gonna be here he going we gonna be celebra let me go to Mike man then we going to do he the last one that we going to do

The open for man and then we going to give away this ticket man what’s good Mike yo what up what up what up what up what’s up man uh sh thoughts on today’s win me I don’t know man I hate going live man I don’t want to be repetitive

Uh good game man happy we won um like I already said before uh don’t don’t do what I know I don’t know talking about huh no I’m reading what you just read I’m like I’m like don’t do what like I feel like I I don’t know bro I’ve been I don’t know

I’ve been positive bro I feel like I’ve been trying to get a team that credit or whatever you know it started with the uh the one and I was like man we messed around and one and I told yall like shoot I do want to make the play in

Still like I do want to see I ain’t no point of me watching this whole season just to like suck bro I watch sports and my sports teams to for them to win you know I mean I know we have our troubles but I do want to see us play meaningful

Basketball games you know what I’m saying and we gotta win a certain amount during the season to play you know what I’m saying the playoffs and as a Hawks fan like we don’t we rarely get to be on national TV so it’s great to make the playoffs and like every single game is

On TV you know what I’m saying so that’s just like cooling itself up I’m drunk but don’t mind Bobby Brown yeah you drunk bro that’s the first one BR that’s the first one and Cojo Cojo good and drunk but I don’t know what on tonight to get on it tonight they say

Yeah hey I already twist the mine up man you know know how it way down there in a minute oh but yeah yeah yeah yeah but shout out to Trey man yeah Trey shout out man good basketball for Trey man um I know I’m on Trey a lot again like I

Always say that’s amongst you know I feel like family amongst family you know I’m G stay on them a lot and everything like that though but Trey Trey Trey bald out man uh his defense loving the fact that he’s been playing uh defense I mean

He been doing it uh Leon here but you know I like to bring it up all the time but I remember when he was like man like I’m asking for too much when I talking about n can probably get two steals a game or something like that you know and

We see our boy he up there in his steals you know he doing he doing his thing what what what you talking about I no I’m like yeah you uh did Leon hear that no he probably did but you know I mean just I mean just gotta he heard we just

Gotta hold the guys accountable that’s all it is you know what I’m saying just gota hold and this what I said Mike about Trey on the defensive side what I didn’t see tonight I didn’t see him play free safety one time I seen him get on

The guy and like I said I mean it was a couple times he guarded book yeah I mean book got a got a good shot but it’s the fact that Trey was harass making him work for the bucket you know what I’m saying you just gotta do it dog just the

Disagreement from like myself and a lot of other fans when they be like you hating and all that stuff it’s like bro like y’all really excusing this [ __ ] like he don’t have to play defense to try like bro no like it would just make us so much better and you see I mean

Stringing some stuff every time the Hawks have played well I guarantee you through every single win streak Easter Conference Finals run every moment that Trey has been here and the Hawks have played good to great basketball Tryon was playing defense I guarantee I mean he he manned

Up the other night against the Lakers I mean he manned up against Reed I mean Reed obviously Reed going to give him bucket because Reed got like six four five inches over but it’s the fact that made him work forward and he and he he was accounting for a player not just

Letting people go and sagging in the middle now guess what you know we didn’t see because he wasn’t playing free safety no charges cuz he not sitting in the [ __ ] Lane well yeah yeah that but you know the charg just this you know I mean I feel like it can still come or

Whatever though but no I’m not I’m not knocking him not getting I’m just saying since he’s not in there right where he shouldn’t be anyway no I hear I see be drunk I’m I’m I’m like really like you know because I I had to you know I know I Ain got too

Much time but I posed the question to like a non Hawks group you know on Facebook and it’s a it’s an NBA group just to ask why you know Trey young is hated on I mean my opinion is you know the media you know we know like they

Just hate Atlanta you feel me but like to some of the the reasons that these people came up with bro like a lot of people answer me that’s like I know not Hawks fans they barely watch them just to hear man one dude said because Trey

Looked weird I was like for real bro I like because Trey look weird he like he like posted the picture like look at his hair and now I was like oh wow like dang that’s what people reaching for other folks were just like you know uh doesn’t

Play defense he a Gunner he did I’m like bro like all the same still now like y’all don’t be watching the game like Ain nobody like the dude got crazy amount of assists historical when it comes to assisting um the scoring is there I mean they talk about high usage

I mean he’s a point guard and then any other star player especially a point guard who not used as much and it’s not like he got high usage with like eight assists a game no he has high usage with high assist as well though too as well

So it’s like it’s not like necessar like a bad thing per se and then the defense thing I had to tell one n because they kept they said well Dame was voted in Trey was actually second in fan folks you know what I’m saying D wasn’t and

Then too they talk about his defense Trey is top 10 and stills neither jayen Brunson Dame or um halberton is anywhere near him bro like pull up the Steals and list the people steals bro you gonna be scrolling to trying to get to them one of them three when it comes to steals

Bro you ain’t got to scroll no page for Trey you know what I’m saying and that’s what’s crazy about it you know it is it really is crazy man to continue to hear uh the fans outside of uh Atlanta or whatever and it’s mainly the older fans man because I think the

Younger fans rock with Trey but it’s the fans that’s like you know our ages Our Generation and stuff or whatever up like they they just completely like dismiss Trey completely like they don’t they don’t look at yeah they diss that man completely and it’s it’s it’s quite

Mindblowing but I’m just like dude just tell me you don’t watch the Hawks because soon as folks open their mouth like yeah bro you don’t watch the H you never you know what I’m saying so hey it is what it is though but yeah I’m here

Let go all let’s hit this open for you did oh Matt in the building I didn’t even see Matt hold up we going to do the form we gonna let Matt go first no he missed no he missed his time man no hold up Matt you got a better camera

Thank you Jesus cuz that [ __ ] you was using that [ __ ] was grainy as hell it’s like you was in 720p mat wall look clean I know the wall look clean anyway anyway anyway say the Shir that’s the same camera man I think he just wiped the uh fingerprint

Off anyway anyway anyway kudos to Quinn I I start off at the top hey y notice when we win hey Matt make sure he get in here now oh yeah he be here bright out and but I’m here I’m here I’m here win or loss I’m here regardless okay that’s

A Bo that’s C so uh a couple weeks ago when you was MIA at the top level at the top level kudos to coach in the second half without B right to be out there with Wesley Matthews and Patty Mills still figure out way to win where was better

We’ll get to in a second yeah wait on that the ball movement the the ball the ball movement was better in the fourth quarter I hope yall appreciated that it’s still a little you know Fay in there a little bit but overall better ball movement all right Trey I mean what

A answer to all his critics for not making an All-Star game I mean what he have two turnovers and 12 assists no he had seven actually oh well this assist is what we’re gonna focus on the assist and the yeah don’t don’t bring up don’t

Bring up that see you that was jald was talking about assist to turnover ratio so that’s why I brought it up but no he had 15 assists and um seven turnovers yeah keep on going still two to one two to one yeah I can rock with that all right

Uh DJ was under control this fourth quarter you know kudos to him for being under control I crazy DJ was under control hold up say it again say it again DJ was under control the people in the back okay I mean that’s that’s that’s that that’s the highest esteem I

Could give DJ that he was under control okay because you know I think he lock all type of self-awareness bro he was cooking he wasn’t cooking I mean you know he he he didn’t take any he was horrible in the in the first three quarters though I’ll give it you

Talk about the fourth quarter he was horrible the first three quarter the fourth quarter is what the fourth quarter the fourth quarter the fourth qu rer block went Rainer block he he gang banged in the fourth quarter say it Matt all that say DJ was gang banging in the fourth quarter Matt say

It Le about the uh I mean he play he play he play Under Control in the fourth he play Under Control in the fourth J play although jayen jayen Ro my parlay but Jaylen played well kudos jayen his defense on Kevin Durant I thought was

Huh how much you missed a parlay by Four Points yeah but it’s okay it’s it’s fine but uh his defense on Kevin Durant I thought was pretty good for most of the night Kevin Durant didn’t have last time he was there I think he scored 50 what

56 points something like that so JJ play it well um we’ll address Clint capella who was atrocious I mean I didn’t hear anybody Tred to defend him I miss that part if anybody tried to defend him they lost all credibility when he missed that dunk hey y’all better get on my boy

Clint godamn I mean it was it was bad it when Dominique and Bob mention you on The Telecast that you gota make them layups that’s how you know that’s bad I mean he double double don’t matter that that was that was pitiful that was pitiful you got got

Onlyon he got that double double foot is because in the last minutes in the last two minutes of the first half this [ __ ] missed five shots okay overall I de I agree with you 100% at the top you was talking about people was complaining three wins in a row right

Over two good teams so that’s what you know but the two good teams two solid wins I told y’all Larry you said how many was gonna win in a row I said to be have some Faith you know what I’m saying so some resiliency and y’all was

Wittering a little bit but look three in a row tomorrow very will could be four that that big win mon could be loading up Deon I’m G have to as we say up on you gave up on that yeah let it ride don’t come over you gave up on that don’t

Try try to spin the block on that now have to spin the block on that but overall very good win right hey before we get hey hey you got that up foot we knock that out so I go in the garage let me share my screen all right real quick

Chat real quick chat hey man I want G give away this ticket to the Clipper game hey I want a new system dog what’s the system ain’t nobody else protesting this current system we got man this ticket it’s a random generator hey bro I don’t know bro not even do

Quick words of mat it was just let me G give away this ticket hey check it out uh shout out to ticket ticket get hooked us up with a discount so make sure you fet if you’re trying to cop a ticket for anywhere you feel me um

So real quick whoever want to get in type a one in the chat real quick you got 30 SEC 30 seconds see my screen you want to share my screen yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah salute to my guy TGK in the building what’s good my

Guy all right there it go so hurry up all right who want to be in TGK you ain’t even in Atlanta man yeah oh yeah what’s the rules you gotta be in Atlanta how how much it cost how much it cost to get my name up five

Times what one entry you should be in this thing one entry per negro all right so we got did you get him we got let’s see got Mike you got Andre and you be typing slow than the mug fast I gotta scroll back up cause I

Let me scroll up he said no I be typing fast Larry you can’t you can’t be a part of this Larry who yeah Larry can be a part of a part yeah anybody want to win they can win I’m put my name in it too

Don’t put your name in there let me all right let me catch all right I’mma start from the top I scroll back up all right now people might think a suspect when you put your name in it but we we got it on screen right now I’m good want

Somebody want the fans to win me too t he can’t be in it he not in Atlanta he just bullshitting oh okay he he in Texas with me got Cojo the prize is a ticket to ticket to the Hawks game on uh when’s the 5ifth Monday or Sunday one of them Christopher

Can you make it Monday uh you got to take a picture and everything then make sure you put Christopher Columbus I mean Christopher Phillips and then Zack Collins Zack Collins I mean Raymond Collins so let’s see how how far we are foot White Mike I forgot White Mike man

White Mike not even here he ain’t that far white M White Mike said he skate down 20 Mike in Arizona right now getting lit he in Arizona okay getting lit right now in TUS in t toown that ain’t too far he escap that’s what I’m saying but I know

He not there I know he in Arizona right now hey you ain’t too far from San Diego white mate oh that’s where I’m going to San Diego the next couple months oh oh that’s Diego he coming out there lonely tanu so uh stop it man oh no oh it’s a ticket TK

It’s ticket to the H game is it one ticket or two ticket hey I might come alone that don’t mean I’mma Be Alone yeah you probably gonna be alone I said I’mma come alone I’mma be alone all right yeah you probably anybody that we Matt gonna be out there on one of

Them shows somebody drugged me and took my money he gonna be in Tiana all right so that’s it ruffing fan are you in Atlanta are you yeah ruffing down there in Georgia yeah he there so so you want to enter yeah put her name in there man you better buy your girl a

Ticket uh Beasley talking that be a baller all that you know what you know what a real man would do Beasley he talk ticket he’ll get you a ticket yeah ticket will get you a ticket not for free a a real man a real man hey

Did you get K we got you okay I just got you ke I didn’t put your whole name in there we good so all right is that everybody going twice anybody else my name on on there once man gone all right y’all ready for this thing let’s

Go it don’t went down with all these people on all right y’all ready y’all can see that right all right cool so let’s make this thing happen spinning spinning spinning spinning and the winner is [ __ ] God D hey hey hey congrats Andre Andre White just missed it out

Andre Andre is uh Ticky you still in here Andre hit let me put my email hit send send me your s send me your contact information to this email address right here hey who Andre I’m trying to think I don’t know if I recogniz I mean congrats though I just ain’t necessar recognize name hey there you go Andre you see my send send me your contact right here to this email then I’mma oh they go ticket right there

I see now and they laughing at yeah bro out close bro y’all see how they hating right foot hating r’ my bad hey don’t look at that email I typ the email I’mma put it in that n foot shook his computer bro that what it was [Laughter]

Did Andre send me an email here that way I I can give you information and link up with uh ticket yeah uh send him an email now because I removed you for right now so just in case we have some kind of glitch you need to send them an email

Now so I’ll just leave this up and uh for later yeah salute to Andre man that was dopee hey hey hey salute the ticket now and M salute the ticket yeah salute the ticket ticket you want to drop your uh you want to drop your business uh

Email and stuff like that I’ll put it on the screen so they can see just in case because remember ticket can get you tickets to any event it don’t have to be in Atlanta yeah anywhere yeah anywhere any event any event but I don’t think he

Can get you uh I don’t think he can get you tickets to I need to talk to him I need I need tickets to an event I’m just trying to get it clear any event okay right yeah but he don’t do strip clubs I mean I mean okay noted so ticket is bman

[Laughter] manre so yeah hey so link send me your uh email real I me just contact information so I can forward it to uh ticket hey Andre let me see let me send let me see my cash up so you can hook me up for making it happen for you hey if

You get a chance while you at the game take some pictures Dre take some pictures or something yeah you know that’s requirement you gotta do it uh do it what’s his name did he actually he came on the show at the game Who Um who

Won first ticket um did that for him um oh damn I forgot oh he did three giveaways I thought you did that’s the third one thir yeah Miss okay when I did when I went live uh when I when the show went live for the uh for the

Watch he came on he came on watch at the game like I was like that’s what’s up Pharaoh your your name wasn’t even on at this time you didn’t ask Pharaoh yeah you had a chance to get in Pharaoh hey I said gone once and twice gone don’t

Worry guys we got one more dir we got a ticket to the Jazz game the joh John Collins Revenge game return return of the JC that’s gonna be yo I saw JC get snatched on um last night I was watching guy look at dck say ay ticket I want

Some tickets but hey all right guys thanks for tapping in let’s go let’s go on hey hey the company guy ready for business guys let me ask y’all this we can put together a little run right now and if we can put together a little run does it

Change what we do at the deadline the deadline is a deadline yeah I don’t I don’t you know what I think I don’t think so man I don’t think so I still say I don’t think we doing anything what to y’all to what y’all saying I said the same thing I agree I

Think we stand pack but they go on a little run bro that that gives them more of a reason to stay about they gonna feel more reassured to you know yeah stay as we seen that with this team plenty times Years be the third deadline in a

Row okay Matt welcome to being a Hawks fan bro I don’t know what else tell you dog you got to do something I mean you know don’t don’t don’t don’t do something don’t do something do something make the team better bro everything that I’ve seen will make

The HKS considerably worse hey guys let me tell you what we should do uh we got to trade the B we got to trade Bruno and get Frank he got the bag up Clint man you got we go we got to trade the bench man trade Wesley Matthews and get some

People man for real man we need to trade we need to trade mat Wesley Matthew and go get go get Junior big baby junr you know what I’m talking about uh uh he played with Memphis Ken lton Kenny Lofton Jr I like Kenny Lofton MVP down there in in the uh in

The G League man man that boy a bad boy forcer man you know we worked him out we gave him a pre workout but somehow he came wle Matthew man for Wesley Matthew man you know and big Frank Bruno we trade that bench out right there we’ be good to go man don’t

Trade don’t trade the The boyss Who putting up putting up double figures just trade the bench man trade a few people off the bench man we be good nobody gonna take them Koolaid cut well cut them then and you gotta pay that money I I it don’t matter

Man we trying to win our owner is cheap well if he trying to win he better cut those Jokers that ain’t no good on that he not trying to win trying to save money and the owner ain’t good at what he’s supposed to do he cheap and he

Ain’t good at what he supposed to do yeah be different but he cheap and he kind of stupid how you be how are you offbeat on a swag cir you be like like that he give my give give my partner some slap he trying the best he

Can do Tony know y’all part Partners oh yeah he know hey man hey man I’m G give some I’m got to give some shout out to coach Quinn man I’m trying I’m started seeing what Trey talking about man he said if everybody play in with coach

Quinn want them to do man you’ll start seeing it and now now now you know you seeing him put Trey man on man like the way intill like y’all said man so now if we if we can get if we get them boys in

In the uh in the uh front Court to start playing a little bit more defense man we we’ll be we’ll be off the chain man on defense I mean which I always get it mixed up I’m talking about talking about I’m about the senors the yeah I need more defense from the front

Court huh right right the back court is is the guards right yeah there in the front Court in the front Court in the front court is the is the centers right yeah the I need I need I need I need more defense from from them man I

Need hey when somebody turn Turn Style man they go down in that paint they hard they heart rate should rise up man when they go in the paint they shouldn’t be going in there like said why why should it be a Turn Style well I didn’t say it’s always

Gonna be somebody getting by somebody ain’t too late you can’t stop somebody all the time it gonna be always somebody getting by somebody so when they go in the paint man you need we need that back court to be able to bust up side the head a block a shot but

When here this is what happen Koolaid when they come over help On The Backs side the big man catch the um offensive rebound and put it back in either put back dunk or just put back you know we did a good job on that tonight huh uh we

Did a better job but I know in a stretch we gave up several offensive rebounds we outrebounding them actually uh and mostly it became because capella was doing volleyball up against the B board you know what I’m saying they don’t count a lot of them shoot they did foot yeah they did that’s

Where all his rebounds came from he didn’t have he didn’t really have 11 rebounds but he had about attempt you know yeah so but that’s what I’m saying he had a tip he tipped it up to the rim missed it got it back gathered put it up those are two rebounds yeah he

Had he had about six actual rebounds don’t no you just said those are two rebounds so what you saying leg he considered rebounds rebound Miss man a normal person would K one rebound back up he had he had yeah that is what he had I’m write I’m write I’m going write

A petition you you shouldn’t be able to count your own misses a rebound no no don’t do that oh you have that’s the way it man rebounds a rebound man rebound lot of you taing and it tap off the board and you ta it back up every time you tap

It’s a rebound yeah why you mad about that M I’m just saying I’m just saying n y’ n y’all always bring that up oh yeah he was just he always do it trust me trust me I know I would much rather him finish the dunk that he gets I don’t care what you

Much rather I don’t care what you much rather what I’m saying is is that what he does is a skill that a lot of other cers in the league don’t have a lot it is that’s why they count as rebound and then he gets the points know that Miss dunk that Miss

Dunk that’s different that’s what I’m talking about that’s different but I’m not talking about talking about tip it put your hand on it that’s the skill rebound when traffic yes get get touch get your hand on the ball put your hand on the ball Tip Drill it’s called A Tip Drill

Matt that we work on all the time it’s called I’m not talking about I’m not talking about the T drill fo talking I’m talking about when he missed a wide open layup and get it yeah that’s what I’m get it back and then put it back

I need I need to know how he missed that dunk today missfit man I I was so angry I was like I would be my stiring wheel would have made it it would have been so dope like it was like he it would have been it would have been

It would have been a little little acceptable if they would have had somebody under under underneath let me ask I’m ask y something right is when Clint do something it’s the whole Brigade come p on what about the other dude Miss e e buckets oh yeah hey everybody be coming for

Everybody man Jon was bricking the entire first half bro layups everything then he was so mad he threw the ball at the stanion and got a tnal just I think he was mad at he was mad he was mad about because we just gave up a easy we

Had a turnover and gave up a easy bucket he was he had he was only he he was two for five in the first half no I thought he was two for seven he was two for S gota Applause making all them mistakes man Koolaid you got you had you had Trey

Misfitting you had DJ misf Clon right Koolaid you right they got it together one thing I’m tell you one thing I’m not giv I’m not giving Matt no credit [Laughter] Matt was Matt wasn’t riding with his Co when he was struggling nowhere to be found was struggling Matt first of all Quin

We I qu make me and you eat crow hey hey Matt Matt I’m for real bro he was riding with allar players Matt just FY what’ you say assistant coaches don’t vote for Allstar coaches do vote for the allstar assistant coaches don’t vote for All Star coaches assistant coaches it don’t

Matter it’s all the no but you told me I need to read the topic before I speak on it so I need to addess that real they coaches they’re coaches coaches coaches doesn’t matter okay I’m just respond I just need to get that straight before I forget but okay let’s move on

Coaches vote for the off assistant coaches don’t vote the can I ask a question about Coach Quinn how many games per year when he would with when he was with uh Utah how many games per year that he won was he always in the top five about 50

He one time right and then he going to playoff he going to and lose yeah he is he’s a regular season winner and a in a postseason loser right what I said play off loser right so you playoff loser let’s just hope this regular season playing coach with a

Superstar like coach can can they both can go over the top together that’s what I’m looking at can the can these two guys pair up and go over the top together that’ll be nice if he can if he can do what he normally do and win 50 to 60 games a

Season I Ain talking about this year I’m talking about going maybe next year or whatever year you know if too late if he get into the play now hey it might be jja Vu like I said hey we might get in there man and go on that run it looking good look

Like K tapping in today what’s good my guy yes sir put them trades up three in a row you know what I’m saying Fresh Off The snub fresh off that snub you feel me everybody making exactly man everybody been making some great points man definitely Mike saying how so many

People on have so much hate for Trey and really don’t even know his games now if you actually watch the team and have like legitimate critiques of him like sometimes me Mike uh Rashad could be a little over the top with it but you know what I’m saying like actual legitimate

Critiques of his game and how we think his game can be altered to you know I’m saying better improve the team success but at the same time you still can’t deny his talent you know what I’m saying at as a All-Star caliber player you know what I’m saying especially uh

Considering like I said uh who else uh who was uh the up to dat Brunson um who are the other guards Brunson Hal and Maxi oh yeah Maxi yeah Maxi Maxi has got on stepped up I can’t leard yeah yeah that lard lard off you know I’m saying uh you know name the

Other part though K Maxi plays with an MVP big exactly exactly Tre Young play with an MVP B no way I record what it is we got guards who who made Allstar play with an all NBA player exactly bro ex except for halberton now halberton got

SE yakum now I mean now he just got him now but you know that’s why that’s why I said currently should Trey Young have made the allstar skill absolutely but check this out I look at it from a different angle y y’all gota remember all different angle

The angle that everybody he ain’t allar go ahead the allar the allar is a popularity contest right that’s all so that’s the angle you skill-wise what Trey doing hell yeah he probably should be a starter but again it’s a popularity contest all that [ __ ] don’t matter but

It’s supposed to be a popularity contest from the fans though so in the p in the fans voting for for for the All Star I heard heard I heard Arena was talking about that only only the fans would vote in the past Trey had 75% of the fans

Vote you had the media and and the coaches that don’t like but his popularity was with the fans that’s where the popularity said they wanted to see Trey 75% of the fans said they wanted to see Trey yeah allar even if it’s just 50% of the fans

Vote say if it’s 25% I’m not saying that I get what you’re saying but yeah yeah if it’s 25% of the uh of the vote count as the media and the media shut him out that means he’s missing 25% of a vote all the hey the media had over 200 votes

And only one of them [ __ ] voted for Trey out of over 200 V over 200 [ __ ] votes and only one of here the other problem that nobodying the other problem that nobody’s talking about so so it’s two votes right no it’s three no no no listen it’s three okay

It’s two opportunities for he to make for him to make it let me say it that way oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so the first vote the fan the media Anders and coaches right that’s for the starter the second vote is coaches coaches for The Reserve coaches in huh

Coaches will never vote him in it’s a but listen to me though that is a problem yeah when you got guys that know basketball that don’t vote a GU like him the way he’s performed this year yeah that is a problem acceptable fo hold on that is an image problem try need his

His team his agent need to get he he gotta go he got to do a PR or something he can’t do nothing about that foot it’s just like is know I see that nut on Durant went went through if he would have got that nut

Neeg and picked that suck up and laid it up boy Durant you can’t make nobody like you but Tri to Nutmeg Durant question about thees real quick check this out y’all think it have something to do see you know the coach is a fraternity yeah 100% Lloyd Pierce and Nate

M that’s why he’s not on the Olympic team fo it ain’t a secret it ain’t a secret so has a bad reputation against the I don’t know I I don’t know about that I don’t know about that no said they need to get that crap up go back to the old without the

Uhp young stop it Austin Mickey ficky team and made the Olympic team Trey young but no it is his reputation like I he has a bad reputation just around the league just in terms of narrative especially like when people think about fou baiting and you know what I’m saying

Like the referee uh how it’s changed the game and stuff always I mean it’s not of course we see who actually does it you know what I’m saying like I say embid is a very unethical Bas you know I’m saying yeah Jimmy Butler you know what I’m saying

Just because he don’t have a high volume you know I’m saying he’s a foul grifter you know what I’m saying a lot of players actually do it but Trey is like the face of him Harden you know what I’m saying like I say they’re the face of it

When you know I’m saying uh when it comes to like the total Narrative of you know change the rules behind um like um Mike was saying I think it’s a false narrative that people like Bill Simmon and mne all these a clowns that got a huge platform pushing this narrative not

Even watching the games saying that they do but they don’t watch it exactly exactly there’s no way on God Green Earth you can watch Trey young game and see the Improvement that he’s made got his Jersy burned up in Philadelphia know he can’t stand Tre Simmons a Usher now you know what I’m

Saying he gonna get in your way he Ain a SI or a Turn Style like he used to beant and B I bet like you let little Trey pick y’all embarrassing though koola but he should though like I’m just saying nobody think he can do that kind of stuff they play him

Down leue leaders in Ste you know I’m say like when the house beat somebody man they be ready to burn their team or like y’all don’t supposed to lose to the house now the house is good and they got a good coach so y’all come y’all come

Stepping slow y’all gonna get burn simp that no stepping slow man that now part of Atlanta Sports issue with the media um has always been I I mean side of the Braves in a sense though but uh it’s always been the fact that majority of media and all of them are like usually

From the northeast or west or something like you never have any media members that’s like from the south now you got like Duncan or whatever like she put on she RI but the other other dude though but he lame though and he be pissing me off

Though but bman the Eagles F yeah bman bro like he like he oh yeah that dude right there he he continues the the bad narratives of Atlanta like he was say you know what I’m saying he like and he Ain really been part of Atlanta and like

You know for a very long time like he’s been moved like he been in a sense dipped out and right right yeah he kind of doing went and got a part of it all out there been a part of all that since like what early 90s or something like that or

Something or whatever for a good while so but yeah but but right point is the only person that we have though is El Duncan that’s really they are fans and they push their narratives Stephen A Smith is they push their fandoms like thinging Brunson into the allstar

You know I’m saying like that that’s how they were able to push that [ __ ] like you already know what was doing was like and they were saying it on TV they was live I remember what was that Michael Wilburn he’s like I don’t care about all that Trey young

Stuff favorite team bro I shouldn’t just know it automatically like will like you already know He Chicago even like with Miami like Dan leard Undisputed over there he can’t stand at Trey you know who he who it’s cross platforms and I’m surprised that we actually don’t have a major media

Member you know what I’m saying from Atlanta you know what I’m saying with all this celebrity and all this you know over there check nothing but I’m saying we got quote unquote too I mean l is inside the NBA that broadcast from Atlanta you know what I’m saying outside of that but

Money he sold out the only person that we had stra he not he wasn’t from here but he was on our radio he wasn’t from here but he was on our radio but Rick to hold it down Rick C actually I mean actually Ernie do when he get a chance

He’s mention it only because like I say just the proximity you know what I’m saying like they had Trey in the studio the other week Ernie Ernie thorough Ernie he try when he like said he tried to be you know he tried not to be obvious

But yeah well we we like you said we need to go and embrace that villain man to go and put that joker Smiles on and go there and start burning down some of these Arena man for real where they want they want to put us

There that’s what we need to go do man I mean we was in that trajectory after the uh 21 uh Eastern Conference Finals run you know what I’m saying everybody was actually ready to go on a media campaign is labeling Trey like the new villain you know what I’m saying I remember

Remember I’m having a few segments talking about yeah the NBA needs a new villain he’s the new like Reggie Miller you know what I’m saying type character you know what I’m saying like and how he was embracing that you know so so so so we need not just not just Trey be the

Villain we need the whole Atlanta H to be the vill I like I like that old Kongo slip and SLA that boy in the face I’m bust his nose on that mask yeah g Bing on the court baby that’s what I’m saying G banging on the court person we got

Like that is DJ you know what I’m saying pick him up you know what I like that walked over all this Clint slander and this got doing DJ slander like for real man we gotta legally not legally it’s not slander all I gotta do is show evidence

Of the Miss dunk hey man hey okay Miss dunks and all this stuff watch if we get rid of Clint watch how drastically the defense will go down he’s our only got on post defend that we even have that’s even close to that being able toover okay sit Clint sit Clint come

What what did you think of the first six minutes of the game when it was featuring uh nerkish what you think Nish I mean saying like I’m not expecting him to be over and above but the way plan him as if we have a a backup plan or really good

Defense every time why every time we play a good I mean of course they scored on capella of course they dominated capella they’re good like what the hell I got them for then if every competent Center we play who okay fine fine take them off the

Board Who you gonna put in who you going to put in that’s all I we won with what we got we win with what we have then we win with what we have the whole game exactly but two match point this is the first time we’ve actually well incept for DJ tonight and

And too bad for Bay but like I said we’ve actually had a uh relatively healthy team you know what I’m saying I believe with a healthy squad for the most part and we actually do have a competing chance against most Knights so like if we got a good get some good calls and

Some some Fair calls from the refs man you know we got some good calls from the ref tonight you know they Calla him tick tack foul but we was when they made us feel even man and then try to trick us out the game we looked it good man ex

They shows you that we can beat anybody them referees do play we can beat anybody I didn’t like that overturn call but from on JJ but but at the same time hey we still hunging now and I’mma tell you I still say coach Quinn coach The

Head got that game it was a one point that where they were making a run and Coach it was right on time man he he getting it coach Quinn what we call that’s what we call a master class how many points we gave up tonight what one 18 19 20 what was that

What was it how many we gave up 121 121 when the last past game throughout the league been 131 and 135 the last game outside the Hawks they’ve been scoring 135 125 hey Mike my high scor so we we the than 121 in this league yeah we doing good I mean

Quin Quin so we gave up we gave up 120 we almost I was watching I got they got up to 120 or not though but man like I said man we averaging 126 a game we averaging 126 we can keep people below under 120 I’m telling y’all we

Keep teams under 120 we pretty much well we have very high chance of winning the game you know what I’m saying I know uh Matt he came with the Quinn want to do tell him you know we want bro y’all play defense ke that that’s the points so

Whatever you want to focus on under 120 man stay under 120 y on we gota make a couple trades to do that Mike what you mean they on what how many games we just won any TR there are no trades that would improve us from where we at but one

Trade we need to make on the bench man we go get Frank Kaminsky for Bruno so he can back up WEA out tra out Bay for a Defender I’m not even gonna go I’m not even gonna go nuclear if we trade out Bay for Defender and get rid of Wesley Matthews

And yeah yeah we don’t need though based on I I would suggest that we get all Defenders because the one thing I keing having to criticize about this team is that okay so we’re a highly ranked offensive uh Team but yet we still complain a lot about not having too many skilled offensive

Players so what is the difference between us getting since Trey and DJ pretty much run the engine of the team why not just go all in on just Defenders no you can’t be look look you can’t be topheavy on on on either end you got to

Be be but we’re not top I’m telling you right now you have you you messed up a team you top heavy defense and you mess up the team you top heavy offense you got to find that in the middle that’s my point we’re not top heavy in either

Though see qu if you if you watch if you watch the defense against the Heat and the defense you saw tonight in the defense we played against LeBron James you starting to seeing the defense starting to catch up to the offense it just it takes more time to get players

To to accept your scheme on your defense because the coach is called the coach is the one who call the defensive plays it’s up to the players to to put the uh the effort in that to make it work that’s what what we what you starting to

See you starting to seeing the switches and you starting to see doing the step up and then he calling to go manto man you saw Trey go manto man and made two pck so you see you seeing they starting to get in and then like that last game

Against LeBron you saw how JJ did that switch and went up the middle and stole that ball on that pass and that’s what I’m saying I think those are our three main key Defenders like I say between JJ uh DeAndre Hunter and uh that’s really Hunter’s the best defender on this team bar

Easily abely it will be J in a minute because maybe year because I think his presence is being a low man because I believe with Trey you have to have not only a good defensive Center but a good defensive low man that comes over rolls the biggest thing with Mo type

[ __ ] the biggest thing with Hunter and the difference the difference is jayen Jaylen can provide that helps side Rim protection right Hunter is not a block guy now now Hunter Hunter is still better Hunter is still better at staying in front of his man than and Jaylen

Still currently like he he’s is still a better individual Defender easily I think in my but that the fact that Jaylen can provide the helps side of win protection with when Clint isn’t what he used to be right exactly especially when he pulled up on those pick and

Roll it’s yeah and but that’s why that’s why I think people still disregard uh Hunter a lot I know he’s not a good offensive player he he just isn’t he’s had a good shooting year exception fact that people but the fact that but the fact that people call him

Trash and says he does nothing is means they don’t watch the game Mikey are you oh you saying you people are perceived Hunter is not a good offensive player or you’re saying he’s not no he’s not he’s not a great he’s not a great offensive player Oh not

Great great okay okay he’s not a great offensive player like he’s fine he’s good he’s fine man that’s all hey with Trey 30 and he can give me 10 15 that’s all I need from him he ain’t got just do what you do me 15 tonight man TR to see

That not try to see that but it’s what we have right now it’s effective you know what I’m saying but I’m seeing Quinn put together a great team defense and everybody playing their role and the better they get to know where they roles are the better the team defense it ain’t no

Individual defense it’s it’s pure team defense is what I’m saying yeah Maran yep you see what I’m saying that’s a good way to put it so let me say this let me say this right now Quinn ain’t put together nothing what you saw tonight was good smart basketball from the player right

So so nothing changed as far as the scheme you shake your head Mikey tell me how that scheme changed so I’m G tell you how the sche I’m G tell you the changea let me finish go ahead go ahead and finish on offense what you saw tonight ball movement people moving wide

Ass open shops that we hit right we hit those wide open shots the ball move more than it usually does you know in some of these games that’s number one right the effort and energy was up with this team tonight schematically nothing changed schematically but the players change the

Way they play play whether it’s Quinn said or not but schematically nothing changed again ball movement as I always said people movement you hit the open Shots tonight A lot of those threes you hit them tonight right the defense it was the energy that we displayed they they just actually played like that

Was the did what Quinn said do man missing missing Hunter missing qu say Quinn don’t say anything about defense guys that’s what he always talk about when we lose we get shot shots fall he never talk about defense miss me with that just like what foot said 100% true

Everybody energy was up and it started off who get the player energy up gooders the players play unless the coach get head and making Play Because if that’s the case then the is based upon what yall saying but based upon what they’re saying though it’s no

Excuse for to just be now when this coach came last season had all had all these games like said said in his thing hey what Trey say Trey said we buy into a coach qu SCH and what he want him to do the team has plenty of times when Trey said

It I said then Trey is being lame for me because for me it’s like that should be the case for every person who is the head guy on that sideline Trey not when you decide that it feel no let me finish so that’s why lame so okay we agreed

That okay the team obviously must had a power out you joke about it say Landry cuss them out whatever but no obviously they decided to maybe get it together some type of way to be able to give consistent energy and effort on the defensive end you also notice that we

Haven’t been tricking off the third quarter either in these wins that we’ve been winning and Mike y’all are coaches right right no but the thing is though we’ve seen this team play good defense and play good basketball without the coach when that coach wasn’t even over there

It just always about consistency and we still ain’t seen that yet without the coach with any coach with any coach we still Ain so what they just did tonight I just told you Durant I just told you you trying to tell me had nothing to do

With we all agree that we play good defense and we won it’s impossible man for you to tell me coach do not have anything to do with a player playing defense no uh no no e effort no that’s a decision made by what I say I said the

Coach give out the plays and he and and the players have to put in Bas upon what you’re saying and I disagree with this it was by Quinn’s design that Trey was Trey baits and Quinn decided to I’mma change up the defense and say Trey no

Longer float around and just do ex he doesn’t Flo around exactly so who had Trey floating around the let’s not say float around there Mikey let’s say Okay Trey do this Trey what he is that he has a man is that he has a man and he turns his head

Completely and body and look towards the middle his man moves Trey remains in the middle of nowhere just standing there when is and going stuff like that and people will say that’s his defense so he’s playing that happen sometimes and sometimes he stays in front of his man

And sometimes his man stays in the corner and he stays on his man in the corner there’s like a lot of different [ __ ] schemes that happen y’all be Bing [ __ ] off like one or two plays talking told that that’s Quinn’s defense for TR that’s what people have said

And wins so what based upon what Kool-Aid is saying that means that that’s a coach changing up his defense and saying hey don’t do that no more but I say the coach weren’t telling them to do that that was horrible defense by the players not executing not giving energy

Not giving effort and paying attention to detail now you’re seeing them do that that’s what we mean by the players are what doing more of the difference are y’all talking about are y talking about the fact that when like say somebody’s got a post up like for example we use players on Phoenix

Say KD has a post up on the right side of the floor are you talking about when tre’s man goes to the left side of the floor opposite we side corner no then then Trey is just kind of in the lane trying to I don’t really know what y’all are

Talking about when when Trey literally roams around don’t be doing [ __ ] he guard is not on a man Trey he had Trey floating around around to try to get in Lanes to make a steal de and Mikey have pointed out during the [ __ ] games right just like we pointed

Out today when B and TR was at top they just let the man they just look that the man go down the damn Lane right so that ain’t no damn scheme that’s not what we’re not talking about him playing into scheme at times Trey is lazy let’s just

Be 100 it’s not all the time but at times Trey play Lazy Lazy as hell and be like a lot of them do you know Hey look it’s every do the same thing man big single out Mikey no no no but Mikey Mikey let me make this clear the only reason why I

Use Trey name in this is talking about and singling out is because Trey is the only one that I’ve heard heard other fans say that it’s Quinn defense for trade so that’s the only reason why I’m saying that other than that the entire team has sucked that defense it’s plenty

Of players and you see better from them all you even see increased activity from DJ so what I’m saying is that it’s the players that’s increased their effort and and and and focus to the detail I don’t know maybe they just finally tired of losing hopefully I mean I mean I mean

I I believe in coaches making decisions man and y’all telling me that Quinn has not been saying nothing all season then that’s that’s what I’m trying to tell you that some of the things that Quinn was doing was not well that he was calling some of the stuff that he was

Calling then some of the players well one of the things on like y for to be doing what so right right right and then and also calling that that that zone stuff that basic Zone stuff he just having to float back and then and then run out and just watch him shoot

Threes a whole different defense from that too so who called the defense the players or the coach trying to get an understanding of or or say who called the defense the player or the coach who calls out the defense the player or the coach but that’s the thing though koola

Koola koola koola you keep talking about calling out defense and I’m trying to say that that ain’t no defense that’s players poor basketball play and the coach don’t want that that’s not his play the coach been calling plays but these fools ain’t been executing and what you’ve been seeing you calling in

Play but no this dumb basketball and poor basketball and lazy basketball and not paying attention to the detail so that’s all I’m saying I’m just not I’m not calling that plays that wasn’t no plays a coach was calling that that’s why I be saying when y’all be saying

That I like ain’t no way a professional coach is calling for for them to do that no so so what was Phil Jackson whistle when Phil Jackson used to whistle what was he calling bro but what koola Chicago Bulls I heard you koola I heard you koola I’m just trying to connect the

Dots between like that I understand what you’re trying to say Koolaid because you’re not answering the question number one right he asked you point blank are you CA you come here’s how this started you you talking about what Quinn done is why they played better tonight on defense and stuff

What he’s calling did you not say that right exactly I said the way he calling he calling how ask it’s his thing so let me ask you this what Mike saying are you saying that Quinn changed what he’s been doing exactly I’m saying he changed what he

Was doing the next question all right the next question why the [ __ ] he was doing what he was doing in the first place then hey that was qu because because he was because he was being a bomb coach at the time he calling bomb play calling bomb defense had the players doing some

Stupid stuff my thing is when when there has been numerous times this season when we’ve lost and coaching has nothing to do with it you need come up here and said Quinn got out coach tonight he out coached Frank give give me an example give me an

Example I mean remember Cleland he came up here and said he got our coach the Miami he got he came up here you said he got our coach did this season I gave you two right there there plent games this season no did I get specifics about why I felt he

Was out coach because I give specifics I don’t remember you giv any specifics maybe you talk about the rotation that was pretty much it well no I never I don’t remember I don’t remember any I don’t remember fine fair enough but I never talk about rotation rotation I don’t really talk about

Rotation care I I don’t remember you giving any any specific that’s fine that’s fine but tonight but tonight when sadique B didn’t play the whole second half how many minutes of Garrison Matthew he barely any he hurt he didn’t playar Matthew hurt Wesley mat play tonight Wesley Matthew Wesley Matthews when he

Was Wesley Matthews wasn’t out the game for him to weather the storm for him to weather the storm without Bay in the second half I thought that was a very good coaching job what no why again again did you not hear what I said originally on we won right what did

Quinn I know you say it’s all I know your your whole thing is is all about Ball moving and energy and all that I got okay okay game I disagree let me what G can I tell what game hold on the ball and hitting the open shots exactly who call who run the

Plays and set up the plays for the shots to be open hey did hey did Quinn shoot the dam ball today tonight say who I don’t understand why it’s so hard for y to give him why it’s so hard for y’all to give him credit the play the player is wide open

And they made their shot we won wide open we missed the shot we lose but y’all Ain told me what Quinn did differently what he did differently he didn’t do anything differently tell you why he do that you know let me tell you something why I call the players trash let me let

Me tell you why I we calling the players trash CU Quinn was calling plays for them to be open 90 30 a large percentage of the time they were going 32% on wide open threes they was trash that wasn’t Quinn that was Quinn call plays s them

Up to be wide open that was that was Quinn’s system it was the trash players that couldn’t execute Quinn’s system I’m ask you this what did I say the reason why we won did you not hear me you know what I’m G to say already

But if they would have been open if Quin want to called a play for them to be open then they wouldn’t have been h no shot they would have been open to hit the shot there’s no there’s no reason you miss everything I start we we on the same we say about the

Same thing you just not understanding you don’t want to give the coach you don’t want take the coach and the player to win you be sounding like it’s just take the coach and the players to win Mike and Mike is against giving quen credit they’re just not gonna do it oh

Wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa hold on you come on go ahead John what’s up John uh gentlemen I got my wife beat on for a reason I got this on for a reason um somebody needs to take a two by twice to this team a two by twice and

A 38 to this team because what you saw tonight is something the that these numb skulls could do every freaking game move with the ball hit your shots and I’m paying y’all I’m paying y’all enough of a money to hit those shots contested or not if they don’t block damn shot you supposed

To hit the shot look look guys I got some I got some I got some pretty pretty telling stats for you look mik January in January go ahead Mike in January the Hawks if what the heck it’s just making me reload the Tweet but the The Hulk in

January stot the ball oh this I know the Hawks were 18th in defensive rating in January okay and and we all agree we we sat here on this show we all agreed that if the Hawks were high teens in defensive rating with the Firepower of this offense that is plenty plenty to be

You know to to be considered like in position I didn’t agree to that I didn’t agree to that well most of us agreed at the beginning of the season I didn’t agree to that okay I I agree with that Mike I agree mik ahead in in the month of January they

Fell to 23rd in offensive rating due to almost entirely entirely open shots being missed 26th in mid-range shooting 27th in in uh finishing at The Rim 29th on open Corner threes at 33% and 28th in overall three-point shooting in January this team if they can continue their their defensive Pace that they’ve had

For a month plus and just be B little a little below average just a little below average of what they have done the entire year offensively besides for one month this team this team can go on a legit over 500 record over 500 run to

Try and get a good seed in the play now I don’t think they’re going to make the playoffs anymore top sixed I think that’s pretty much that ship has sailed but this thisam they’re not far off from where a lot of us expected them to be with when healthy not that’s a big

Caveat when healthy because we don’t know obviously Hunter sat out tonight because of a backtack just coming back from a knee knee procedure you’re not you’re not going to play back toback right that’s standard to eure but yeah yeah yeah but that’s like I can’t explain I don’t think any of us can

Explain that type those types of shooting numbers uh from from a team that’s been good this good offensively all year they’ve dropped to they’ve dropped to 13th or 12th in offensive rating in one month after being top five the entire year I can just play well it’s missing shots it’s just missing

Shots that’s it as I start two games that’s two games only two two games Point M people moving damn shot that’s always been there the entire year right so no it hasn’t no hold onike Mike here’s the key here’s the key no here’s the key we got easy Shots tonight easy

Easy shots all of January what you by the way de it’s it’s it’s two it’s almost two minutes oh yeah like Deon where you at no be the energy effort on defense Mikey the whole damn near the whole defensively that’s a different issue we’re talking about it’s two different

They were they have been the Hawks have been the Hawks have been in the top eight in open shot frequency the whole season yo gota end the show that means nothing to me hey we about to end the show man wins losses hey salute for everybody hey salute for

Everybody I’m G be at the game tomorrow y’all so I’m G be Sho at y’all gonna be still online after the show just kicking it if y’all want to come through and chill and talk [ __ ] we just talk about [ __ ] come through I’mma drop the link Hey listen it’s only

Uh we can only fit like 15 or 20 people man so I’mma drop the link if you get in you get in if you don’t catch y’all next time but we gonna be backstage you know your boy eating the Whopper in the garage chilling I’m turn I’m turned up about that d

Goam right here as you should be this hey what’s up John ARA Manor hang out I’m backstage come hey let me turn my camera on I’m right here s hey hey I’m drinking a little bit of water I was hella turn earli I’m about to go to Sleep

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