@Oklahoma City Thunder

Kenrich Williams Shootaround Media Availability | February 2, 2024 | OKC Thunder

Kenrich Williams Shootaround Media Availability | February 2, 2024 | OKC Thunder

K it kind of seems like you know you start you come off the bench you play whatever minutes like it’s just kind of whatever to you uh why is why is it like that how is it that you’re like not maybe phased or or nothing changes with

You and your your attitude in that uh I think it’s uh just my experience uh this being my sixth year in the league you know I’ve um I’ve uh been in every situation started came off the bench play not play uh so I I I pretty much uh learn

How to just come accustom to whatever and be a professional and uh just just uh prepare myself mentally for whatever whenever my numberers called are there times when you’re out there that you’re like feeling like okay I’m more of like a guard in this lineup versus like okay

I know when you’re at the five obviously you’re big but when you’re at the like kind of at the four are there times where you’re more feeling like a big and I asked this because last game in the first half mark kind of had Jay will and

Chad on the floor together at the same time in the second half he went to you and and Chad on the floor together and I’m just curious if if that was kind of like still going for that too big look or or how you were feeling out there uh

Not necessarily man just at the end of the day is um is basketball I think for the most part the whole team is positionist so it’s like we’re all going to be told to kind of do the same same thing some guys are a little different

But for the for the role players on the team we’re we’re called to kind of uh bring energy um create action and uh just play off the other guys and try to be as effective as we can one day we were just talking about the late game execution those finales

Against Minnesota and then you guys kept your composer for the most part against Denver I know those are different games but just what did you see change or what happens you see you guys in for yeah it was just learning experience like I said uh was that Monday said Monday um we

Just came in watched some film um figured out ways to get better late in the game and uh and guys stepped up and made some big plays to gall’s question if you meet uh somebody who is not like a DieHard basketball fan or like a kid who’s learning basketball and they say what

Position do you play what do you say uh I’m positionist positionist just play um and that’s what to be honest with you I try to um with the with the um kids back home that I kind of Mentor a little bit I just try to teach them like if you if

You want to get to where you want to go which is the NBA uh you’re not like there’s no such thing as a position I mean except for if you’re you know one of the guys like Shay um but all the guys are called to pretty much kind of

Uh be effective in their roles and uh pretty much do it all to be honest with you got to be versatile today’s game both on offense and defense so uh yeah to answer your question just position L Charlotte hasn’t have the season that they’ve wanted to have you know not much

Of a a good record for them but can you just talk about keeping your focus and playing a team that you know doesn’t necessarily have one of the best records in the NBA yeah for sure it’s just um pretty much about respecting the game um

No matter who we play you know um just last week you know we played Detroit who who didn’t have a good record and and we got beat so um that was a good lesson for us to learn and uh and uh it it teaches you not to you know take

Opponents um for granted and not take them lightly you got to you got to every time we step on the floor you got to um give it your all and um play the same way every night get Girl retired tomorrow after you see you how you feeling about that I’m excited man I’m

I’m super excited uh it’s a blessing just for me and my family and uh I think it’s I think it’s going to be fun it’s going to be a good experience K just going back to position list for a second one guy who is pretty versatile as well

As Aaron and we’ve seen him in a lot of different roles he’s been stepping up big time for you guys off the bench over these last few games what have you seen from him obviously having played with him for several years now yeah yeah man he just he’s just getting better every

Game and uh every year he’s gotten better um he’s stepping up his game in a major way this year I’m super proud of him um and you know he he puts the work in as well um and uh he deserves it you know he deserves um to to be blessed

Like that and play and play the game and and have and be productive the way he is so I’m proud of him K you talked about you were the first one to know that dub was going to be a star he’s taking a big leap this year what have you seen from

Him that’s gone into him like making these extra stri as a player uh you know dubs uh just he’s unique um I knew it when I seen him when I when I first played pickup with him that he was going to have a chance to be a good

Very good player in this league I think you know in the years to come he he’ll be awesome star um but it’s just uh I think his his confidence is is uh steady Rising um Shay kind of took him under under his wing and that’s big um for for

A young player like dub um in his second year to have somebody like Shay who’s a becoming a superstar in this league um and uh man to be honest with you he’s just uh he’s just a fun dude man he’s just a dude he’s just a dude

Yeah and unique is a word that Mark has used to describe D too is that his personality that game like what is it that makes you describe um I mean yeah I mean his personality of course he’s he’s just a a unique dude different different

Type of dude uh I mean you can look at him right now he has two different color shoes on like that’s unique man that’s different and uh his game as well man he’s uh very versatile uh he’s one of those guys that that kind of slipped in the draft but um

You know you can tell like he he’s coming along and uh and uh he’s going to be he’s going to be a force in his lead else

Kenrich Williams speaks with media following today’s shootaround.

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  1. Ah, Kenrich Williams! He may not be an NBA All-Star yet, but he's definitely a player to keep an eye on. Kenrich Williams, also known as Kenny Hustle, brings a lot of energy and hustle to the game. As a fan of his, I'm sure you appreciate his hard work and determination on the court. It's always exciting to see players like Kenrich Williams make a name for themselves in the NBA. Keep supporting him, and who knows, maybe he'll become an All-Star in the future! 🌟🔥🏀

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