@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry Scores 60 Points but Golden State Warriors Still Lose Thanks to Size and Poor Shooting

Stephen Curry Scores 60 Points but Golden State Warriors Still Lose Thanks to Size and Poor Shooting

Stephen Curry dropped 60 points and the Golden State Warriors still lost that’s depressing that’s a bummer ran Leong I’m so happy he’s with me reporter for the Associated Press and then some here in the Bay Area we’re going to break down what went right not a lot what went

Wrong a lot and try to I’m not going to try there’s not much of a positive spit we’re just going to talk Warriors Hawks next this is locked on Warriors you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day we’re free and available wherever you get Podcast and on YouTube We’re part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by LinkedIn and more specifically LinkedIn jobs they help you find the

Qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply you can follow Associated Press sports reporter Ryan Leon you you it isn’t just

The AP you do a lot of stuff we go way back man since the beginning of both our days covered Bay Area sports you can follow him on Twitter at Ryan Leong you can follow me Cy saes on threads at dog wild Ryan that was a colossal bummer the

Warriors have now lost 11 straight overtime games Stephen Curry came two short two points shy of tying a career high scored 60 in a losing effort man I am bummed this is not how I wanted to spend my Saturday night alas here we are great to see you man happy belated

Birthday and your immediate reaction to the Warriors losing in overtime 141 134 in Atlanta no surprise um I’m just gonna say when Lester konz is your second leading scorer and he’s far behind Steph with 17 points that’s bad it is bad that’s all you got that’s that’s your that’s your reaction that’s your

Entire analysis did you freeze on me are you still there Ryan I just lost Ryan Leong is that me is it you Ryan where’d you go man well hopefully Ryan Leong will be right back with us I have no idea what’s going on with this connection he just froze on us

Um yeah he did freeze Keith Willis uh oh you’re back Ryan are you there again yep okay there we go so uh resume please sir what was your reaction to this uh brutal game i g to say you know Steph does not have enough of a supporting cast he’s

He’s he’s he’s he’s asked to do everything yeah I mean you know I mean I mean he I mean he’s he’s the Savior but when he’s trying to be like all three parts of the Trinity and I that I’m trying to get into religion here but

He’s trying to do all three things and you know he can only do so much and and he’s not got enough help and again leester kenon is great you know great effort from him tonight 17 points Off the Bench but he’s the second leading scorer that’s terrible you got to have

Somebody else step up the number two guy in The Warriors tonight should have had 30 points you know you yeah you you talking about that before we started recording that Lester konz who uh until less than a week ago was primarily known for you know rooting the team on Off the Bench

Posting great numbers in Santa Cruz um but Steve Kerr I give him credit on last night’s show he’s finally benched Corey Joseph he’s going with kenyonis what a shocker that konis is delivering we’ve been advocating for him on the show for months um but kaminga one of the many

Bummers of the night Jonathan kaminga streak of of uh eight straight games where he scored 20 plus points snapped tonight at 16 I don’t think I don’t I don’t doubt for a moment he would have reached that Mark if he wasn’t fouled out we’ve been complaining a lot about

Officials this year you know the spotlight has been on their incompetency I feel like of all the games this year though this was one of the worst outings by the refs I mean you to start the overtime uh period you had that challenge that was not overall that was

An absolutely BS call of a charge Trey young was clearly moving his feet when kenon barreled into him um you know you but the the the last two or three fouls on kaminga were particularly egregious they called the foul on him just for dapping Trey Young on his arm and his

Body technically you’re right not legal but who the hell calls that you even saw Ste Steve cerr you could read his lips going this is basketball like just let these players play no one comes to these games to watch you blow all your goddamn whistle and and so kaminga fouls out he

Finishes with 16 points um you know Stephen Curry was brilliant dude I don’t know where he gets his energy from I just want to read a stat line real fast 60 points again this is the second time in his career he’s at 60 or more do you

Know that Ryan because I don’t as for a fact but I know his career high is 62 has he ever surpassed 60 besides tonight in that one other game no and and I I I can say right now I was one of the lucky ones to see that game because that a

Height of during the height of covid and back then the Warriors if you wanted to cover a game during covid you you were only allowed only a certain number of media were allowed to cover games right and it was a very small select number even I myself who’s had a season

Credential and can cover you know every home game except for the covid year and that was one of the few games I got approved for this was January 3rd 2021 against the Portland Trailblazers and he dropped 62 and that was an amazing game and I’m I’m so damn lucky I was one of

The few media guys that saw it you should post that picture on one of your social medias I will yeah basically here what I get here’s what I did the Warriors always post a seating chart they post it on the digital board in the media room they also posted on paper in

In a couple places by the media seating area well I took one of the seating charts all right I I I stole it hey I’m I’m proud that I did it because I have it as evidence now I’m gonna post it on my social media I’ll probably post on my

Instagram like you said Cyrus you’re a thief you’re a thief you belong in jail um I’m kidding Stephen Curry 22 of 30 from the field 10 of 23 from Beyond The Arc perfect six of six from the charity stripe grabed six rebounds added four assists um a lot of people are going to

Focus on turnovers in this game you know 14’s a lot it’s not egregious it’s still a lot uh but you know when I look at when I watch this game tonight the Atlanta Hawks brought a lot of size man early in the game Quin Schneider the Hawks head coach his strategy was simple

Uh feed the ball to Clint capella the dude has six inches on Draymond Green who’s defending him you saw Jaylen Johnson getting a lot of looks uh you saw DeAndre Hunter uh feasting a little bit um aong Wu had another had a fantastic game he finished with 22

Points grabbed 16 rebounds Clint capella had 15 rebounds Jaylen Johnson had 13 rebounds yet somehow went all said and done the rebounding battle was completely even 5757 but what what I’m watching this game th this small ball thing just keeps coming in my head as a reminder man this

Warriors team is small um we didn’t see Trace Jackson Davis make an appearance until the second half I don’t know why Steve cerr waited so long um you know and we saw Andrew Wiggins get hurt the Warriors have a rash of injuries Ryan what’s your opinion dude you’re you’re

At Chase Center for every home game you’re covering this team uh night and night out like I this is a massive point of contention for me this roster is constructed to Steve Kerr’s liking and tonight was a perfect example of where being small is going to burn you um if

The Warriors had a little more size I don’t think they lose this game what are your thoughts on that did you freeze yeah we froze you did too right no you’re back though go ahead did you answer my question or no uh I got most of it can you finish is is

The warrior is this Warriors team too small to you like what’s your thoughts on the size of this roster you know it’s kind of funny with the Warriors like history repeats itself the Warriors have these same problems when Don Nelson was the coach yes so what’s what’s the

Difference I mean I mean things don’t change with the Warriors it’s funny how they well maybe not funny but this constantly keeps happening the Warriors are a team that plays on the perimeter they don’t have much size in the paint and yet for some reason I mean it works

To some degree because you’re able to have maybe some flexibility and you’re able to move around the court but the bottom line is yeah you’re not able to like you know show up your defense and it just you just allow way too many points to be scored and you end up

Losing a lot of times and that’s what happened again tonight yeah um it’s it’s the S like for example we saw uh we saw Lester kinona play Gees Santos got some minutes um you mentioned Lester kinona is having the second most points um for the Warriors he had a fantastic game I

Thought finished this game in 22 minutes 42 seconds 17 points six of 11 from the field four of eight from Beyond The Arc I do hope we start seeing a lot more minutes for him but Gees Santos was playing filling in for Dario shich who missed a second straight game because of illness

Uh other than other than Gees Santos though Trace Jackson Davis played just eight minutes in this game K Looney grabbed 10 rebounds in this game in just 14 minutes but again this is just you know like like I don’t understand why usan guba sitting there wearing clothes

I thought they signed him to give the team some size this it’s just it’s it’s frustrating I don’t know how else to put it it is just frustrating to watch this team night in night out getting bullied and every s when we come back Ryan I’m

Curious to know what your uh theory is on this um I every single former player I’ve I’ve talked to when I brought up this uh this topic they agree the Warriors are injured right they have a lot of players out Andrew Wiggins is uh was injured in this game and I don’t he

Wasn’t even doing much anyway second straight game in a row where offensively he was just abysmal but do I’m gonna I’m curious to know what your opinion is because I do believe what I’m I’m about to say here which is that when you put this much burden physically on human

Beings their bodies are going to break down what I’m trying to say is I don’t think it’s it is a coincidence that the Warriors have all these injury problems I don’t think it’s a coin coincidence that it’s all happening to their smaller players and I just don’t think it’s it

Works to to be completely undersized night and night out and expect your players to just handle that okay I would love to know what you think about that because I do think that’s a problem we also need to talk speaking of problems about Klay Thompson who had an awful

Shooting night uh and that just cannot go unnoticed you know we could even discuss whether or not he should have been playing late in the game because he was he was just literally bricking uh over and over and over d man could have built a goddamn house uh so we’re gonna

Talk about that and so much more with Brian Leong uh but first we got to give some love to our sponsors and first up tonight is LinkedIn Ryan do you use LinkedIn are you a are you a client are you a do you have a LinkedIn account I have LinkedIn

Account but I almost feel like my linkedin’s like my Instagram it’s like I I’ve got a lot of connections on there but that linkedin’s never helped me find a job but it does help you find people to connect with oh you’re killing my sponsor man have you ever tried to look

For a job with L I have I mean I mean I mean it does work for some people I’ve tried their premium service I mean I will say this it it is a great way to find people to to network with absolutely what do you find a job hey

That I’m not gonna I’m not going to uh knock Linkin for that one but if you want to make some connections with people it’s a great way to do it I I think you’re one of my con L and look and if if you’re on the other side of

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With it I uh so I’m sorry you haven’t man but don’t give up that’s okay hey I’m good right now I I I have a I have a full-time gig I’m good but but if I need to I’ll go back to LinkedIn and start start doing some searching post your job

For free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply and today’s episode is also brought to you by better help a valuable tremendous resource uh if you’re looking for help not in the in the job world but

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Daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day lockdown podcast network is launched launched the first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming Channel on YouTube locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the

Day with the local Experts of locked on plus our national shows covering every league go to lockon sports today on YouTube and subscribe to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel And subscribe to Ryan Leong he’s on Twitter at Ryan Leong his name what’s your handle on Instagram so people can

Find you there let’s say if you’re going to post that picture of your appearance with yeah it’s sports sports encyclopedia s p o r TS cyc l o p e d a um so the Golden State Warriors um sorry I just I just got distracted for a second uh more

Specifically Klay Thompson tonight and look he’s he’s been feeling under the weather but this statline is just brutal he played 35 minutes he was four of 19 from the the field even worst just two of 13 from Beyond The Arc uh finished the game with four points had just two

Assists he was second on the team in negative net rating he was a minus 10 finished with just 10 points uh there’s no expectation that Klay Thompson is going to be traded uh there’s too much sentimentality there although I I thought I heard you say something about

Him not coming back next year I’m very I I would love for you to follow up on that thought but what was your what what was your take from tonight’s Klay Thompson performance which in my opinion was just a dud he’s had a lot of Duds this year unfortunately I I still think

You know you know I I I don’t think he’s ever recovered from his injuries or maybe even if he has he’s kind of lost a step and I hate I know he hates hearing that but you know nobody’s getting any younger and I’ll I’ll I’ll use that old

Saying which is you know Always Rings true father time is undefeated yeah absolutely and and you’re right and again it’s if he was contributing offensively if he wasn’t laying these kind of eggs you could live with the poorest defense but when he’s also doing this on the offensive side forget it

You’re screwed um and Joe you’re right at least at least Steve Kerr is going to psky more often than Klay Thompson you know one critique I had with tonight’s game uh the Atlanta Hawks had a very simple strategy for a lot of tonight which was feed the ball to the bigs you

Have a mismatch almost every possession but the Warriors had a similar Advantage as well and we saw this really early on where uh I think Trey young was guarding Klay Thompson and at the beginning of the game they were feeding clay because you have a 5 inch height Advantage you

Have a considerable weight Advantage Klay Thompson is good in the post he’s got a solid fade away and Clay was thriving uh I maybe thriving is a strong word but if I look at his first quarter stats for example um compared to the rest of his night clay in the first

Quarter was two of four from the field it was one for two from Deep they found the mismatches they took advantage it it was a very simple strategy that was effective that we never saw it again uh I don’t I never understand that it’s like when you have something that’s

Working there and then you just abandon it for for no good reason I don’t understand that did you notice the same thing your thoughts on that well I well I mean I’m looking at Klay Thompson’s numbers his first half numbers weren’t that much better I mean he had eight

Points in the first half three of 10 shooting two of six from three so right but I missed something what was your question exactly about well the question is like what are your thoughts on the fact that the team they find something that works and then they just don’t they

Stop going to it like like Klay Thompson had a massive advantage over Trey young he I mean he was backing him up every possession he like you mentioned the first half numbers they were fine largely for that reason and then they just abandoned it I don’t understand

Like why Steve with what works you know like what are your thoughts on that I you know I I don’t have an answer for you unfortunately I mean he he does do some strange things or or you know he starts doing things like where he’ll bench guys because he feels that it’s

Not going in the flow of the game like you said like like a guy like Kavon Looney I mean Looney spending more and more time not playing or or being benched because he doesn’t fit in with the scheme that you know Kerr thinks the

Game is going but I you know then you go smaller like you said and and then things just get get away from you and and I think it was strongly evident that fourth quarter especially late in that fourth quarter and into the overtime where the Warriors never had control of

The game yeah you’re absolutely right I’m seeing a new nickname for clay the in the chat clang Thompson uh I’ve seen a few people say this St CW was uh saying clang clang Thompson Thrive tonight with two of 13 from three uh why is Klay Thompson in your opinion you

Interview Steve Kerr on an almost daily basis um Greg papovich I’m gonna drop this sound bite as much as I can because it makes sense and we don’t get enough sensical things in this world and if mono job can come off the bench anybody can and I don’t want to hear it

Absolutely so why can’t Klay Thompson come off the bench why is he why is he persona non gr when it comes to to the the topic of coming off the bench Steph’s come off the bench draymond’s come off the bench uh you everyone has but for some reason clay that’s to like

God forbid we discuss clay coming off the bench why is that in your opinion maybe maybe the team doesn’t want to hurt his feelings I think I mean he’s a highly sensitive person I’m going to be honest about that part of it I mean when whenever he’s been interviewed he’s he’s

A very sensitive person and I get that but I mean at some point yeah you got to think of the greater good of the team and I I think like I said Clay’s he’s had games like this before he even got hurt I I’ll never forget I covered a

Warriors game back in his prime and he think he I think he was like one of 14 from the field so he’s had bad nights where he could shoot it’s just that now they’re very consistent these bad nights yeah somebody just said Klay the entitled I agree with that I mean I mean

Klay’s the kind of guy I really think the team’s afraid of hurting his feelings I really do but you know at this point you gota you know you got to start doing whatever is better for the team and I I think I think Clay is a guy that really really shouldn’t be playing

That much right now he’s just he’s not helping the team at all no and and uh you know Jay Boogie in the chat uh being an utter ignoramus by claiming that I’m a fanboy of Jonathan kaminga and he wants me that’s ignorant that is absolutely ignorant but we’ll talk about

Kaminga it’s ignorant you’re being ignorant being utterly ignorant Jay Boogie but here fine clay uh Jonathan kaminga tonight U apparently according to your book shooting 50% from the field is awful uh apparently uh you know a 16.4 rebound Knight is awful uh he was not awful man all right every every

Individual is allowed to have an off night every player is allowed to not be on it sorry if he didn’t hit 20 points for the ninth straight game but that is utterly absolutely ignorant I I don’t know what else you want me to hear he was one for three from Deep um that’s

33% that’s not bad it’s not great but it’s not bad either that’s a Mendoza Line of three-point shooting 33% from Deep equals 50% from two so sorry if you want me to criticize kaminga what do you want me to criticize him for sorry you are ignorant ignorant it’s absolutely

Ignorant what do you think am I being am I being a fanboy pertaining to kaminga right now by am I am I not criticizing him enough I don’t understand what the hell I’m supposed to criticize kaminga for no you’re good Cyrus I don’t yeah I

I I think it’s okay I don’t think you I think you’re getting a little too worked up over nothing Jesus Christ man I know Jay Boogie Man just suck it um when we come back we’re gonna talk about uh Wiggins and because I keep bringing him

Up um in terms of Trades and a lot of people for some reason love Wiggins I I have nothing against him personally but I also don’t think that he suddenly come out of this season long slump and these last two games do validate that um and

By the way if we’re going to call PE I just so you know if you come in this chat and you you and you call people names you’re out for good because there’s no point to it all right this is not a and I’m seeing a few people just using name calling

Um so anyways uh let’s give some love to another sponsor for this evening the fan base is bum man this was just a brutal game when Stephen Curry s scores 60 points drops a 60 burger and they lose we’re going to get a lot of grumpy

People I don’t blame you for that uh why don’t we talk about our next sponsor for this evening and we’re going to talk Niners for a second when we talk about this sponsor Ryan i’ love to get your thoughts on this and that sponsor for the evening is FanDuel the official

Sports book of the locked on podcast Network happy Super Bowl to all who celebrate from FanDuel America’s number one sports book Ryan what your thoughts on the fact that the San Francisco 49ers are favorites against the Chiefs that’s pretty wild if you’re a betting man if fanduel’s legal in California uh and

There’s a lot of listeners who are not in California in states and countries or fanduels legal how are you how are you rolling what are you thinking you’re going to Vegas for this game you’re covering it what I wouldn’t favor the ners right now I wouldn’t and the reason I say that is

The Niners have had their share of difficulties against the AFC uh they’re also 0 and3 lifetime against the Chiefs Patrick Mahomes has beat them every time once in the Super Bowl and twice in the regular season Once at uh once at Arrowhead I still call it Arrowhead

Stadium I don’t I don’t know what their damn sponsor is I don’t care and they they’ve lost once at Levis and Levis they got blown out so I would not put it I don’t care what the oddsmakers say as far as I’m concerned the Chiefs are the favorite

Team yeah I don’t yeah I would I would I would agree do you think that what do you think is going to happen ultimately man are the ners going to win this game is it going to be more heartbreak for the Barry what are your thoughts there

No I agree yeah I mean I mean I mean this is this is it for the ners I mean you know people like to pick on the Dallas Cowboys and for good reason but when you think about it the Niners are almost in the same position they’re in

Okay the Niners last Super Bowl win was January 29th of 1995 the Dallas Cowboys last win in the Super Bowl I think was sometime in 96 so only one year separates the two franchises okay and I think they’ve each won five and of course Pittsburgh having won six they

Get they were they got the nickname of sburg so the Niners are looking for you know some some you know some pretty sacred territory but it’s gonna take a lot I think they’re the right team to do it Brock p is a much better quarterback than Jimmy Garoppolo ever was um and

Yeah I I but but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be too confident in putting the Niners as favorites I think it’s better the and hopefully the Niners themselves are not believing the oddsmakers yeah I’m absolutely with you um well look you can go to FanDuel they have so many ways for

You to end the season with a W regardless of how it ends for the 49ers not only can you bet on who’s going to win Super Bowl 58 they also have bets for which player is going to score a touchdown how many points is going to be

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Every moment more with FanDuel an official Sportsbook partner of the NF L you are locked on Warriors your daily Golden State Warriors podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day one final segment of locked on Warriors thank you for making locked on Warriors your first listen every day for

The every dayers we’re going to be back at it at the latest with our next postgame show Ryan I’m really thankful you’re here for me tonight thank you uh it would this would have been a brutal show to do by myself uh our next show likely will be Monday

Night the Warriors play the Brooklyn Nets on the road I don’t think the Nets uh pose the same issues when it comes to size that the H that the Atlanta Hawks do at least not from initial Impressions I know they got Nick Claxton um but it seems like a more manageable uh matchup

What are your thoughts on the Warriors playing the Nets yeah I would say so I mean but you know again given the Warriors struggles on the road and and and again as you as you’ve mentioned these undersized lineups the Warriors keep throwing out there I mean I I

Wouldn’t say their odds are much better against the Nets I mean again undersized players overabundance of injuries equals losses I mean I just don’t see how the Warriors rebound from this I mean I mean they will rebound I think the good news for them is they get at least some time

Off I mean you know I think just just again Stu just too much just overuse for stuff you know it’s like it’s like driving the car and overdrive and I just feel bad for the guy because he should win a game when you when you got when you score 60 points Absol absolutely

Dude it reminds me a lot of when Steph had that huge night uh this is what like 10 plus years ago at Madison Square G what did he drop that night was it 56 I think well I remember the first time he scored like 54 and then he I think I

Think he broke that I think that’s what it was yeah I think that’s what it was um well in the in the one person in the chat uh besides subas aor who says the team just sucks um I lost the the comment there but some regulation well

Of course we know that we saw it but see sometimes as well as Steph shoots this I think the last shot attempt he had was not very good but again in that situation I don’t blame stuff because who else were you gonna give the ball to

Yeah yeah I agree um but that’s that’s not the one I was I was gonna go to here we go um no the question was I just I just wanted to address them here we go here it is from Sten Camp right what do you think the Warriors are going to do

Realistically at the trade deadline what can they actually there is a lot they can actually do Andrew Wiggins multiple reports have confirmed that there is interest for him you don’t have to give up draft picks and other valuable assets just to get that that that god- awful

Contract off your books I mean you owe this man three more years at close to 30 million it’s amazing how just six months ago we thought a year ago everyone thought this was a bargain deal that Wiggins took a pay cut that everyone’s giving Kudos and now this contract is AB abor

Um but he is an asset you can move the the bigger question you’ve heard Steve K’s rhetoric he doesn’t want to trade Wiggins he’s in love with him and a few other players I think Wiggins needs to go to give to give perspective uh besides the fact that last night he

Scored just nine points I still think his defense is garbage I I heard Bob Fitzgerald and Ken asabuki know look they they’ll give you Homer takes on these broadcasts but they constantly keep saying well Wiggins defense Jesus Christ his Wiggins is routine getting beat when he’s playing oneon-one defense

Against opposition even his defense sucks and offensively he got hurt right before the half uh his statline before he got hurt in 19 minutes of play one of six from the field 0 of two from Deep uh I don’t he I think he needs to go I

Think he’s one of the pieces you ha you you have to trade Chris Paul’s contract is an expiring at 30 million a lot of people talk about that uh it sucks that Nostalgia the sentimentality keeps being interjected in these discussions because if the goal is to win get put your

Feelings aside focus on the players that need to move focus on what you should bring in I want to trade um I looked at this five-game road trip as the war as the Warriors organization maybe looking at the team as a barometer for whether or not they should do something we all

Know what Steve Kerr’s feelings are he only wants people around him he likes and unfortunately the people he likes are not the best players in the league if they don’t make a trade this season in my humble opinion is a bust it’s a wash on top of everything else if you

Move Wiggins you no longer have a log Jam for Moses Moody who’s with the team on this trip who’s gonna be playing any day now I give you my word that Moses moody right now is a better player than Andrew Wiggins cross my heart whatever my word means I am genuine in saying

That and and if if Wiggins stays you’re going to see Moody get dnps and rot away on that bench I hope Wiggins gets traded um I I Chris Paul’s another asset the the point of all this is I want to trade if you want to salvage the season you

Have to make a trade that’s my opinion on it Ryan what are your thoughts well I I know you’re a big F big fan of Moses Moody and I know he does play well when he gets minutes but oddly enough for some reason that’s inexplicable to me

And it’s certainly Enigma is that he doesn’t get much playing time no I don’t get it and I’ve asked for you about this i’ I’ve gone to Steve CER and I I always get a chance to talk to him pregame because I help out you know the Warriors

And getting some some post game audio I’m always at the visitors for postgame but pregame I always talk to Kerr as much as possible and I’m always asking about Moses Moody and asking why he’s not getting more playing time and he’s always just saying well we’re trying to

See where he fits into the scheme of the game yeah that’s always his excuse so I don’t I don’t know what to you know there’s no other way for me to really try to ask questions to cerr because he you know he’s he’s a very Cooperative

Type person but as you know being in in the media business it’s very hard to sort of like kind of Grill somebody unless they they do so poorly at their job that it becomes overly evident that you know and he’s not quite there just yet but yeah it does it does Boggle my

Mind the fact that you know he keeps a set rotation of certain guys and of course you’re always gonna play Steph that’s that’s a given but again playing clay all the time the way he’s playing is not very good Wiggins like you said that’s a terrible stat line I mean he’s

I you know yeah he’s not been good at all this year he’s had maybe a handful of games where he’s been productive but the the Wiggins that you got in the championship season of 2122 is not there I don’t the the current Andrew Wiggins we’re getting right now is yeah

He’s not now that Angelo Russell trade’s not looking so good but you know he did help them win a title but yeah he’s been a very ineffective player this year no and again in an upcoming show I’m going to re I F Ryan I finally found out like

And it’s really troubling I’m Gonna Save I have to save this for it’s gonna be a whole show but I found out like what was wiggin’s main issue that caused him to miss a lot of time that caused him to come back out of shape and it’s

Disturbing um what I’ve heard about his attitude is poor and again you have people in this and for example there’s a people in the chat here um that I have one person saying that here TJ writes wigs was playing great defense agree to disagree I you know I I hear people

Saying that my job is to observe this team and the Nuance Wiggins I’m sorry he’s not playing great defense I don’t see it at all uh another person in the chat who writes and again this is all about like narratives right like black ice writes Wiggins is turning it around

You can’t just give him away bull feces he had nine points last game let me repeat a stat line in the first half tonight Andrew Wiggins in 19 minutes of play one of six from the field 0 for two from Deep two points total and if you

Think that Wiggins was not the reason why they lost this game you’re right he didn’t play the second half but if Wiggins was the Wiggins of old maybe they go into the first half with a damn lead it’s not a tie game the first half does matter in in the whole picture so

Yall look we can agree to disagree people can continue to question me when I when I sit here and give you a strong opinion that’s always effing right but of course everyone just wants to you know doubt me or question that’s fine if you think Wigan still has something in

The tank that’s your belief I’m sitting here telling you right now it’s utterly wrong and the Warriors aren’t going anywhere if they keep them your final thoughts Ryan I well I’ll say this much first of all I I I I feel for you man I think it’s frustrating that you’re that

You’re the host of this podcast because you have a lot of people who sort of see things through rose-colored glasses I guess I guess I don’t know but yeah from what I’ve been watching from this team and I haven’t covered every single game I’ve missed a few here

And there because of Niner conflicts whatnot but yeah this team is very frustrating to watch because again everything’s everything’s on Curry right it’s like you know if you’re cooking a dish yeah yeah you put Curry on your food is great but in this in the situation the Warriors are in right now

Too much curry doesn’t help I don’t know briyan happy belated birthday I hope you come back on the show soon let’s do this again more regularly okay thanks yeah sure I love that man thank you everyone I’m sorry for not being more positive it’s the product I don’t know what to do good

Night everyone bye-bye

AP Sports Reporter Ryan Leong and Cyrus Saatsaz hosted a Saturday night live postgame show to recap Stephen Curry’s historic 60 point scoring output that incredibly wasn’t enough for the Golden State Warriors to beat a much bigger Atlanta Hawks who overwhelmed with superior size and outside shooting.

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  1. That's it. I'm done supporting Steve Kerr. Kuminga's mishandling is and will always be so pathetic and disrespectful to the team, organization and fans. We've all seen that but while trying to protect Klay, and his legacy… Steve has now finally destroyed him through his disgustingly extended playing time negligence. We will always love what Klay gave us, gave our community. But it is so SO SO over! In his max minutes, Klay is an utter embarrassment to himself, and ONLY because of how Steve handles him. Klay is not worthless at all! He is just a real part-time player now. Please Steve, let him be that!!!!!! But no, Kerr has destroyed our season by constantly keeping him on the floor. I have lost a TON of respect for Steve Kerr as a coach over the last 2 years. And that's hard to say. But the man has earned his disrespect day; after day; after day. Playing time gaffes for Klay; Kuminga; Wiggins; CoJo; Moody; not disciplining Draymond for even one single stupid game after the optics of the Poole video; the list goes on and on and it gets longer and longer. I think Steve Kerr is an amazing human being in many ways, and I will always love him for that… but I'm… just… done. It's over. Almost anyone would now be better in his place, and that is sad, because he could so easily have altered his plan. Tonight was PATHETIC! Get Klay off the freaking floor when he's tossing garbage possession after possession after possession! For the love of God, Klay is not going to return to who he was! Please!!!!

  2. Klay would be fine playing 20 minutes a game off the bench with Cp3 feeding him, but thats not happening anytime soon

  3. Not the biggest Wiggins fan but Wiggins is a pretty good defender. He isn’t Scottie Pippen but for the most part he is still a pretty good defender. Offensively and psychologically, well that is another story. I truly don’t think Cy understands what good defense in the modern NBA is but I digress. There is never any supporting evidence to that opinion. It is basically him his raising his voice, essentially calling everyone idiots who disagree, and stating “people blow by him all the time”. One that simply isn’t true and two, to some degree that statement applies to every single player in the NBA. Just because you THINK you see the game differently than everyone else and you think you are John Nash it doesn’t make your “narrative” true. The way he approaches people who disagree with his opinion is rather annoying.

  4. Think we have a playoff caliber team but this game just showed our biggest weakness the last 2 years, we have no answer for size. It's fools gold to think Dray gonna shut down Joker or AD. We have to get a center. I would think Andre Drummond would make us so much better…

  5. Andre Drummond is the amswer. We can get him for hardly nothing. He rebounds, crashes to the hole, shuts down the paint. He's TJD on steroids.

  6. As bad as it seems; and as bad as things are..If we had won, we would have been just 2 games in the loss column back from the 6 seed..

  7. Sorry to say it, but Klay is now a liability for this team. He needs to change his thinking the way Dray seems to have after his suspension, or the team should trade him away now while he still has some trade value left.

  8. Klay is a selfish bastard. 4-19. Jk who has been balling only took 12 shots 12 ffs. If Podz started and Jk took more shots, gsw would have won. Klay should be sent packing

  9. Trade Paul & get a big . Lester n Brandin can play back up pg . When Moody gets back Klay has to have short leash on bad shooting nights . Time for Moody to start moving in his place . Paul for a big is a must ! Why the front office n Kerr wanna die with small ball and kill a MVP type season from Curry is mind boggling . You saw what you needed against the Lakers last year .

  10. Why does Klay get 20 shots a game at this point, why is a 6’3 guard your leading rebounder, why do you not have trayce Jackson Davis as your second leading player in minutes off the bench, why your defense can’t stop a cold

  11. Man if I was what's the name I try to see if I can get transferred to another team Steph Curry or make them give me some pieces around me that's going to help me win

  12. Well, if being no 12 is not bad enough, maybe its time to look at the boring side of the team, The Luxury TAX (for context and perspective). Dubs is paying 180M+ in tax penalties alone, enough to pay another roster. Its not my money but, if you are spending half a billion dollars to be at no 12, thats insane. 2nd on that list is the LAC. Are you watching how they are playing lately? Let's follow the money. Kawhii, Pg3 and Harden, thats fine, not to mention Westbrook off the bench, and a deadshot Powell. It make sense to pay 140M+ of tax penalties right? Paying Steph 50M is understandable, but CP3, Klay,… at least spend on the right players. That competitive expenditure should translate to wins. What is the ownership and the front office doing? Letting all into collapse. What happened to the Lakers after trading Shaq? Thats why you make the move. By the way, OKC and Wolves are not even in the Luxury tax. BOOM!

  13. Warriors biggest problem is that they are too small. A lot of these games lost down the stretch can be wins. Steve Kerr coaching this season has been bad. However, I can't fully blame him when it's his top players struggling. He just needs to trust the young guys more. Let the young guys develop. Klay is having a bad season and is hurting the team way worse than what Wiggins is doing. Wiggins gets more blame than Klay and it's only because he's outside of Warriors core 3. Klay has had worse games plus has had about the same amount of bad games as Wiggins. Klay is our 2nd option. He's supposed to be our 2nd scorer. Klay shoots almost as many shots as Curry sometimes. He hurts the team way more than Wiggins cus he can't defend at all. If anyone needs to get traded its Klay. He's about to be a free agent. Warriors need to trade Klay and get something back for him. Warriors clearly don't want to give him the money he wants. Klay wants more money and has been horrible. This guy is a true Wiggins hater. Wiggins always guards the other team best player. Wiggins doesn't even get the ball enough for you to hate him like this. What game is Syrus watching. It's crazy how Wiggins gets injured, Klay plays horrible and your talking about Wiggins more than Klay. Klay completely shot them out of this game.

  14. Syrus no disrespect but what game do you be watching. Sometimes you say things that make sense but a lot of times you let your emotions overtake your judgment. You like who you like and speak highly on players you like but once it's someone you hate, you over analyze them. Klay has been bad and has single handedly been a huge reason for a lot of the Warriors losses. Instead of you focusing your argument on what we just saw. Klay lost them this game along with the fact that Warriors are too small. Wiggins has been good lately and if we're going get down to facts Wiggins doesn't get the ball nowhere near as much as Klay. Wiggins is basically Warriors 4th option while Klay is our 2nd option. Klay supposed to be the Warriors 2nd scorer and he's been horrible. Warriors need a center and if they are gonna trade anyone it should be Klay. Klay defense is non-existing. Wiggins is a two way player and is always guarding the other team best player. What is wrong with you. You going off on Wiggins who didn't even play most of this game. Dude got injured and you speaking badly on Wiggins. Steve Kerr had Wiggins on Trae Young and Trae couldn't score when Wiggins was locking him up. What are you watching smh. I'm not tryna be disrespectful but I notice when you hate a player you go super hard on them. Same shit you used to do with Anthony Lamb. Just let it go. Speak facts. Analyze the game correctly. Klay is the problem not Wiggins. Wiggins barely gets the ball. Warriors run no plays for Wiggins. Klay takes a shot the second he touches the ball. That's what hurts the team. Klay can't defend anymore and we all know it. Players be running 🏃🏾‍♂️ right by him off whack ass moves. Listen Warriors need a trade badly and Klay is gonna mess this Warriors team up. He is a free agent and can walk away for nothing. Warriors so called loyalty is wasting Curry's Prime. Curry is extremely nice so he's not gonna sign off on Green or Klay being traded. However, Curry's best shot at winning ring number 5 is to have a better team around him. Warriors can't get high-quality players when they paying role players like Green and Klay superstar money. Klay making 43 million 😳 this year. That's superstar money and dude isn't even a good role player. This team has no stars next to Curry at all. Why are we constantly over the luxury tax. These players are over paid. The league is soft and geared towards scoring yet Warriors don't have a 2nd scorer. Yet Klay making 43 million and Warriors refuse to get rid of him because they want to show loyalty to Warriors big 3. News flash Warriors don't have a big 3. We got 1 superstar and that's it. Just role players who are overpaid. I mean no disrespect, I understand Greens value. He's just not worth the money he gets, look at his numbers. He's an overpaid role player. Klay is a 3 point specialist that's all and can't even shoot half the time. It's way better shooters in the NBA than him. Listen they were great in the past but we have to move on and get better. Why pay so much to be a horrible team.

  15. Trade Kerr, trading Klay won't make a difference if you have a coach making bad decisions.

  16. Re: Klay come off the bench…he may need time to warm up. Not all starting pitchers can come in for relief. Trade Klay for Rui Hachimura because LA might go for that for a variety of reasons. something is better than nothing and Hachimura can play better defense.

  17. Currys 60 piece was very nice but it’s all around team. Let’s start first kerr rotation. Having o/t 4 guard line up with dray as center? Come on nowww. Also dray needs to be more aggressive in the offense. Dude is getting paid 25mil Sure he is playing defense but damn bro your brotha is getting a 60 piece help the brotha out more than 9 points. We were getting killed in the paint with no big 3 guard line up or 4 it isn’t working for us stop playing small Kerr. Klank Thompson horrible night 4/19 and 2/13 3pt and played 36 mins and end up with 10mins

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