
#24 Alabama vs Mississippi State Highlights | NCAA Men’s Basketball | 2024 College Basketball

#24 Alabama vs Mississippi State Highlights | NCAA Men’s Basketball | 2024 College Basketball

And Mississippi state has made that journey to try to do something no one has done in the SEC this year beat Bama at Coleman colise Grant Nelson wins the opening tip Terry Oglesby Todd Austin Patrick Evans as this night progresses but Crimson tied one of the best offensive teams in

The country they start with a three they love to do that and Ry out of the starting lineup anymore on a big time matchup down low here with tolu Smith on Grant Nelson Grant Nelson more than held his Z 9.4 points per game most in the country look

How they spread you out on offense Five Guys that can shoot the three and we’re seeing pass to DJ Jeff who leads them in minutes and there’s that match up again Smith versus Nelson Nelson wins this one and Yanks down block down to five cam Matthews had to get rid of it here’s

Hubber he’s a big time scorer Banks it in high off the glass in Oxford he put on a show despite the loss and he was hearing it from the fans there Griffin after the spin that’s the first two-point attempt three minutes in here’s tolu Smith takes a peek at the

Shot clock and goes back to work on Nelson spins and scores with a left to slow this game down some keep Alabama algorithm as you said with their high octane style of play late shot clock hub’s going to be their go mention the head coach Chris Jans and

You in True Road games but they did beat ruers like 10 miles from campus you know it’s going to be a track meet and here’s a steal right now yes speaking of track me a stuff at the deck numbers for the Crimson Tide good ball movement ends with a

Triple and three points for J Alabama focused on getting off to a good start in this one they were trailing 17-2 at [Applause] toward out to right so nice pocket pass back to W for two board and w comes away with it look at him running the floor

Again shovel it out Walters quick trigger from three rebounded by Jones tied at 74 with under three minutes to play the free throw line made a huge difference Bell’s floater goes we’re basket wouldn’t go for Jones got it back Bell stops it better opportunities for teammates W was all alone cleaned up by

Diabat the St on the kick theat missed the three Estrada offensive rebound backto back trips two for 13 from Deep one of the best three-point shooting teams in the country right on Q Griffin missed it on the kick rightel back to Estrada the birthday boy passes up the three Lefty finishes

Pure for some reason it’s just more visually appealing when two of their best guards shoot left-handed as Smith lays it in with his and says look at these numbers is your better drive to the basket that’s right just more evidence and well welcome to the party Mark Griffin and Sears wants to

Run in the spin cycle on Hover drops it Nelson steps it highlight will trying to silence the crowd hubber couldn’t do it foul again they for seven turnovers already they’ve got seven points off those turnovers ritel kicks it out Stevenson wide open learning how to play with the

Target on their back yeah I mean it it’s I know that one El is trying to take you down even though it might make for a tougher challenge teams like it’s a 144 run for Alabama after Smith made both free throws he’s got eight of the 18 for Mississippi State and an offensive

Haven’t made a field goal in over three minutes well should admire huard’s toughness but this is awkwardly Smith left alone he’s got got half of Mississippi and as we said on that side of the court is when where he’s really effective Stevenson with a hand in his [Applause]

Face 64 per few go in that gives him confidence for the rest of the game something to keep in mind that separated by about an hour and a half diabat bullies his way to the hole for two couple of white jerseys in the vicinity and diabat comes away with it

Sears hits it ahead whito miss the three that’s a couple now 0 for six Sears way downtown [Applause] Bullseye it is their largest lead theyo it’s in a defensive stance wants a travel on Matthews they give it away 47% of their shots come from three this is an outrageous rate right now that

They’re shooting from Deep that’s now how the heck is Sears calling 25 zip wide stagger on two spider 2 y banana foul and a b in seven minutes his career high he’s a freshman is eight against LSU you can get it back he goes that’s it we got to

Have a team that’s mature enough to stay locked in defensively no matter how well we’re doing on offense what a fancy despite the hole they’re in on the road right now Davis on the drive can’t kiss it home Smith got a piece Stevenson bats eight tonight for the season 69% which

Is 284th in division 1 and Smith got that bounce this game n o is not going to tell them to start turning it down now Sears has a chance he knocks it down Stevenson the offensive rebound Griffin tried it again another offensive board third times the Char and lack thereof dictate their defensive

Intensity and that’s just not Bulldog basketball [Applause] When Smith split teams they’ve scored 100 plus six different times this year already a programed record Stevenson gets up there and drops it in Herbert’s got to go turns the corner can’t lay it in put LED to 18 Alabama points in the first half too Smith has

Been their only source of offense he spins and draws the foul against what are you saying to the team at halftime yeah I think you got to tell him be big for him to bounce back and make that his his confidence can just really get it’s a Mississippi State team

That said did such a nice job weathering the store and Coach oats told us that 3 weeks ago when they played in Starfield that was the first time Nelson really manned up his words there’s one thing Alabama does not do well it’s avoid fouling and now Matthews misses the

Freebie he’s 57% on the season and that’s how you call back in the game is get yourself to the free throw line stop the [Applause] clock zus curls around running the two-man game with Nelson Scoops it in Smith at the top on the dribble drive barrowing through Alabama has not gotten

Nate o says hey man come on we finally played the right type of defense and now he’s going to get a tech for I think he might Josh H 82% on the season this Oh What a fine right so a St of the offensive rebound he’s got some space another Spin and the

Lay here’s Sears Minnie Brunson what a move unbelievable at 70% of the time he drives where’d that come from you’re good shot quality my guys we’re going to get you sponsored more can’t tell me that doesn’t help you coach your players educate your roster on what a good last 15 years or

Something it’s those kpom numbers for Houston points in the second half out scored him 56 to 33 and that’s of course relevant for this game because those are the two biggest give up and all Miss coming off a big rivalry we showtime for Wagi under 10 to shoot rit’s got Bell in the blender on the kick out for Stevenson his three-pointer goes just when you think their offense doesn’t have a higher ceiling this guy comes in that’s his first Miss tonight Estrada curls and Dr state so it’s not like they’re just going up against the

Bottom of the SEC defensively diabate whoa Alabama continues to pour it on play stifling defense tlu Smith has been theat not really a threat from downtown Davin Cosby’s in the game can’t make his diat on the Euro and the fck home so I don’t know Chris Jan’s policy but you

Know is this a burn the tape type game because man everything is going against Miss on the three Shawn Jones Jr Nails it that is their first how about Steph Moody as much as Bulldog fans don’t win to be compared to anything I’m makx just to see this kid grow offensively and Def

Rebel fans hype for a big Auburn rematch oh yeah should have suit it up Walters rips the cords on it he’s made three or four huge hustle plays you spot on if there was one play that n o to point2 and say this is Alabama basketball as

Hub pulls it from way downtown offensive rebound Matthews Smith defended by Nelson and lays it in was when he didn’t take an open three and got yanked from the game in the second half well they they put so much to coaches across this league when their offense starts doing better the

First thing they say is yeah I’m having to play call less guys demed it make them a better team we saw n talking with Mohamad wagi conference schedule for Alabama I mean go jokes did schedule aggressively Ohio State Oregon offense yeah and I think if you you ask Nate ODS

You know where do you hang 100% they can and I know he’s not going to rest until they do and this is a great that’s ever happened at the D1 level to lose all three assistants to D1 jobs yet here he is reloading his staff’s got eight points all in the second

Half diat going to work on the Block lays it in plus one it’s kind of nice at the end of the day to not be staying at 7 8:00 at night and there’s a lot of rounded by Maroon out to diabat and Sears with another offensive rebound

He’s 6′ one ladies and gentle you think about all the players in college basketball Kim Palm has them as he can shoot it from deep and he’s got great ball handling skill but he gets in there he can super efficient again tonight 17 points on nine field goal attempts four

Or four at the line on the bounce and nice he’s improved his game and just bet on himself year after year Sears at the line of muscle Shores native the only Alabama native I couldn’t Bank it in throw the whistle and point at Nelson a wish on

ESPN I think I’m playing the scoreboard right now I’m starting to see up 30 on the PLS the best newes for Mississippi state is they’ve got a short drive home whoa SE what a look Walters on the Finish answer from Sha seers drops it in as a score as a

Distributor Bell Waits and drops it in all the way back to Wi Sears and Nelson were outstanding as more with the takeaway finds Jones who’s had a nice second half huge for this Crimson TI team and Bruce Pearl and Auburn certainly looking to stay in the hunt

For an SEC playing so well together Janai broom gets a lot of the spotlight rightfully so oh Walter Walter’s more comfortable from outside the ark so is RIT someone scooped the story that Kai Spears got put on scholarship so n Talk coach oats explained the decision and

What a moment for Kai Spears going to a two efficient guy on this team right I mean two points in 20 seconds was that true shooting he missed the dunk the layup got stuffed by Guy chol Spears for three oh yeah they roll into an 8 and one record

In conference play 14 in a row at home against SEC opponents theam being carried off the floor just when you thought it was a balanced effort effort from the tide pure domination on both ends of the floor9 Mississippi State 67 for producer Eric Posner our director Jimmy Lee Starling my partner Dan Bradshaw

#24 Alabama vs Mississippi State Highlights | NCAA Men’s Basketball | 2024 College Basketball
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  1. What I don’t like about bama ( bama fan ) we live n die behind 3’s so if the threes not falling we might as well leave the gym 10 mins In

  2. Alabama won but they play real out of control at times. This type of play will not win championships. The coach needs to tighten this up asap…Roll Tide!

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