@Portland Trail Blazers

Billups Brothers | Chauncey and Rodney Return to Denver | Portland Trail Blazers

Billups Brothers | Chauncey and Rodney Return to Denver | Portland Trail Blazers

Well lucky us two bips brothers for the price of one you guys were back here in Denver where you were born and raised starting with you chy what’s the first thing you do when you get back to town the first thing I do is try to go

To my house you know and uh make sure everything is okay I love sleeping in my own bed you know um but before I even get here you know I’m obviously checking in with with with my parents and making sure they’re good and that’s first things first

Same uh my wife and son still live here so that that’s always my first stop but you know my dad I was fortunate to travel before the team this time and my dad picked me up so that was it’s always fun to be able to get in the car with

With our parents and and kind of catch up on our way to see my my son and my my wife so it’s it’s been good it’s been a very good three days how’s your son great great running around getting into everything I love it so Hamilton

Gymnasium as you know about 5 miles away where where you played and coached what’s it like for you to come back home uh it’s a little different for me now uh because you know my time there as a student athlete then you know couple years later as a coach uh very very

Prideful of that place I want that place to be super successful but now I’m just in a different space uh so now being in the NBA and working with Chancey and learning from chance and and the rest of our staff uh uh it’s it’s amazing to be

Able to to be in a position now to talk to some of the student athletes that I coached about the NBA to to actually live this life that I’ve always wanted to as a student athlete or as a player as a professional basketball player but

Now to be in it it’s been amazing how proud were you of what he’s been able to accomplish oh man man so proud um I mean he’s he’s always been uh ahead of his time in my opinion and for him to have accomplished so much um in his basketball career and his coaching

Career like I tell people all the time I mean this dude got way more coaching experience than I have and um so I learned things from him too you know along with other guys on our staff but always so proud of everything that he’s been able to do uh the man that he’s

Become um always my little brother but he’s a grown man now you know with his own life and his own family so always proud you guys both attended and played for George Washington High School last year they renamed the court after you what was that experience like man it was

Uh it was humbling you know um I loved my four years there it was probably you know I tell people all the time I have more much more fun in high school than I did in college even though I love my two years at Colorado but um I just had some

Fun years I grew up there you know um a lot of good friends that I’m still friendly with a lot of the teachers still there you know some of the executive ad Min ad ministers still there administrator still there so it was just a great time for me so to have

That honor um is something that I never even thought about to be honest and I have to believe you and the rest of your family was pretty proud of him too absolutely know to to have our our name on the court and that court is going to

Live there forever as long as that school is open that that court is going to be named after chance and our family so super super proud day uh last year when they did name it but just yesterday they they they inducted him to the Hall

Of Fame so uh that’s another big step uh I won’t say that I was I was put in the Hall of Fame last year uh but but no it’s beat me to it I beat him to it so but it’s it’s been great that’s really cool that’s pretty impressive there is a

Six-year age difference between you guys for those who don’t know so starting with you chy what did you learn from Rodney growing up what did I learn from him you know it’s funny like it’s a six-year Gap but it’s it’s a it was a big gap though you

Know um so I used to always like like had to take him with me you know bring him with me and like he was slowing my progress down most of the time I’m like man get him out of here but uh it was fun like it it it taught me really

Though how to how to be responsible you know for somebody else and uh everything that I did you know I had I brought them with me you know I took them with me or so I had to always account for him so it’s all me how to be M it helped me

Mature and be responsible at a young age and same for you what did you learn from him uh probably what not to do a lot of time I had to slow him down from doing some things but no just a lot of a lot of everything um

Because I was always watching I was always uh seeing what he was doing how he was treating people and how people responded to him um I I think all the the bad eating habits I got from him we love candy and snacks and and things so

Uh that that’s still True to this day but just as I got older and I got a chance to really hang out with him as an adult and see how he is as a parent how he’s I get the chance to see how he is as a

Community Ambassador how he is as as an athlete or a professional player at the time CU he was still in his prime when I graduated high school uh just to learn those things and try to emulate those things uh were extremely important to me and I’m still learning right I have a

Young son uh so trying to duplicate how he is as a father and as a husband has been has been my my greatest lesson I love that okay quick little game before you you guys actually do have a game you know to play tonight uh coach so this is

Going to be when you can point to each other you can point to yourself who is more of this if you will growing up or maybe similar today okay we’re starting with who was mom’s favorite really for sure for sure for sure not even close why because she she disciplined us

Differently um and he got away with so much more than I got away believe and a lot of the stuff that I didn’t get away with is because he got away with it so yeah for sure this dude man it’s not even close because I was I was like a bad

Little kid I ain’t going to lie to you he was a rebel I was I was tough he wasn’t so you know he it’s true like there’s a lot of things he couldn’t do because she was a little worried about him because of me however like he he’s

He’s definitely I would say him for sure for my mom think you guys can agree to disagree on this one who had the Messier room the Messier room oh him for sure for sure probably me yeah appreciate the honesty for sure who was the biggest Troublemaker yeah easy me easy okay who

Has the better who had and still has the better jump shot all of CH for sure me for sure jump shot 17 years in the league for sure makes sense who was the better student oh me uh yeah yeah yeah I wasn’t a bad student he was definitely

Better got it who was more of the Class Clown oh that’s a CL Class Clown I kicked up a lot of dust in class I’m not going to lie to you I school was so much fun for me is anything social was fun for me so I I would I would

Probably take the credit on that one I give him that one I give him that one who had the most swag that’s drip oh him for yeah he’s a pretty boy he’s a pretty boy but it the nicest shoes his though clothes I’m the dude that go to school

Wrinkled with my clothes whatever his is he’s slick he’s slick for sure him but that was because of him I was 14 when he went to the NBA so life changed a little bit yeah so yeah I’ll take that one finally this might be the toughest one

Because of what you said earlier who who’s the bigger sweet tooth sweet too yeah oh oh man I’m that might be a tie that might be a toss up a tie seriously that’s a toss up cuz it’s I mean it’s everything cookies and cakes oh man I like probably more candy than

He does but I’m more baked goods I’m more baked goods I’m more baked goods my my favorite line of the entire thing cakes Cupcakes Cookies yeah I’m baked goods okay you guys that was awesome thank you so much the fans abolutely love I appreciate both of your time no problem go win a

Ball game that’s right that’s right

Head Coach Chauncey Billups and Assistant Coach Rodney Billups describe to Brooke Olzendam what life was like growing up in Denver.

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