@Orlando Magic

EP. 389 – Hey Now, You’re An All-Star – Orlando Magic Podcast

EP. 389 – Hey Now, You’re An All-Star – Orlando Magic Podcast

This is the Sixth Man Show an Orlando Magic podcast with your hosts Luke Sylvia and Jonathan Osborne covering all things Magic Basketball by fans for fans go Magic what’s going on Orlando Magic fans you guys are back with the six man show today is February 5th 2024 Jonathan Osborne here as always joined by my co-host Luke Sylvia Luke Paulo banero is an Allstar my friend how are we doing Allstar that man and they did it they

Really did it he really did it I’ve got the Palo B Caro shirt from I believe the team shop on right now paying tribute to Pao and our Allstar it means I’m sure so much to Palo banero but I don’t know if Palo banero knows how much it means to all the fans

We had vvi but with vvi it was like okay this is his his ceiling is an All-Star with Pao we all agree NBA all NBA first team second team third team is all part of the equation in his career so he can get there huge moment for the

Franchise yeah you know and we we talked about that I think either one pod or a couple pods about the difference between the feeling of like Vu finally making the All-Star game which was a massive deal but as you we we were doing the playback the other night during that I

Know you were watching myself and Kevin we were watching and they go first of all they start with the Western Conference which like you know whatever I guess and they go through you know the the seven reserves and then they go to commercial break which just felt like it took

Forever and then they they start going through the Eastern Conference reserves and they’re taking their sweet time and we get down to like that final three and I’m like for me the name that I was afraid we were going to hear was Trey young because it felt like that is kind of

What the decision was like if it was going to be you know Paulo or or Trey young or or one of you know maybe maybe Julius Randle is somewhere in that conversation and I was like man like if we hear Trey young probably means that

Pao did not make it and we get down to that final one and we’re broadcasting on playback and Chris Haynes had tweeted out cuz watching on playback in the Stream that we were watching we’re probably about a good 45 seconds behind the legitimate feed so as soon as the

List is finalized Chris Haynes tweets it out and I think he tweeted out in like alphabetical order or a different order than what they had announced it in and Kevin read that right as Ernie is opening the envelope Kevin’s with me on playback so Kevin just you know as

Anybody would just scans right down to the bottom of the list to see if Paulo was the last name announced and he didn’t see Paulo’s name there so I’m watching the broadcast but I hear Kevin in my ear say oh he’s not he didn’t get

In and in my head I’m just like you’ve got to be kidding me like I didn’t have enough time to even really react and then you hear Ernie Reed from the Orlando Magic and then everybody like we all just went crazy and now we’ve all seen the video of them in the the

Ballroom at the hotel uh in Minnesota everybody watching that together and Pao getting emotional sort of giving a speech after the you know the the allar selection and um yeah just seeing like like you you put it so perfectly just now like as much as this means to Paulo

I I don’t think that he understands how much this means to Magic fans and that’s like the the best part for me like obviously incredibly happy for him but this is a team who has been its fan base has been looking for its star for a

Decade and we get the number one overall pick and then it’s like okay is this kid going to be able to live up to to the hype of past number one picks in Orlando Magic history and two years in he’s checking all of the boxes on hey like

This could actually be the guy that finally makes it happen for the magic and it’s incredible I was we had already made plans with some friends to be at their house we were going over there for like dessert right so we did dinner at my

House um and then we went over to their house now this was going to be happening during the All-Star selection so I knew and I told Lauren ahead of time I’m going to be checking my phone around this time don’t worry about it I I will

Not be spending the whole night on my phone I will not be spending the whole night on my phone I just need to see this and I’ll be good so it starts to to you know that there the show starts and everything and I’m just like refreshing

My notifications to see an NBA reporter tweet out who made it and I had the same experience I believe it was Chris haes that I saw first and I click on it and I’m reading the list I’m like I don’t I don’t think I see it because I’m also

Trying not to be rude in front of our friends I’m I’m looking I’m like I don’t see it I don’t see it and then I just like kind of put my phone down and I was like wait and then I was like I’ll go through all the names again cuz I’m sure

I just didn’t see it right and then I go through and I see him there at the top of list and I was like oh thank God so it awesome moment and then kudos to the magic the content turn around was great that night had stuff coming out they had

A pod squad come out they had the that was the biggest best most pleasant surprise of the evening it’s like an hour after it we get not and not just a pod squad we get the YouTube video of the pod squad right that never takes

Some lag behind there so yeah it was a A Night to Remember for certain and talk about it but the next night after that wasn’t too bad for the magic either that is correct we we will talk about that as as well as we talk about the watch party so everybody knows I

Mean the secrets out the magic beat the Timberwolves Friday night massive game apart from the Denver win because of the circumstances you know it ton of guys being down Paulo banero with the I think that was the triple double game for Palo it was Jaylen Suggs career high you beat

The defending champs on the road totally depleted roster like that’s to me most likely going to be the win of the year that’s going to be the signature win but this Timberwolves game which we’ll talk about where the magic were down by 17 early in the second quarter Clos the Gap

Heading into the you the half you’re holding off your dear life in that third and then the magic just go shutdown mode in the fourth quarter which we’ll talk about but another incredible watch party great turnout great venue shout out to Elixir they were awesome shout out to

The whole 32 one hype team everybody from the magic that came out our guy DJ strong Michael Lynch our guy flew in from from Ireland you I threw a little little accent in there not not the full not the full accent but a little bit there um just an incredible watch party

I appreciate everybody that came out they’re always so much fun now that was the last scheduled watch party for the year that doesn’t mean it’s the last watch party of the year I’m pretty sure most likely we’re going to have one um that was February yeah that was the

February watch party so most likely we’ll have one in March and then as we go into the playoffs so if you miss watch parties and you’re looking to come to one this year you know in the regular season most likely going to have one in March we don’t have confirmation on that

Just yet but as we get more info on that we’ll be sure to pass that along our next sixth fan show will be filming this Thursday uh the eth at home when the magic take on the Spurs it’s going to be a victory wanyama first time playing in Orlando against the magic re

Rematch from you know about a week ago we talked about that game on the last pod so uh yeah looking forward to that if you guys have been a part of those they’ve been a ton of fun Ben has been doing such a great job with those all

Year they’ve been great so the next opportunity for you to appear in one of those is going to be this coming Thursday and Monday as you’re listening to this not only do we have this episode out and the hey the post game live by the way which I was able to host after

Sunday’s game against Detroit we’ve got this episode that you’re listening to now and then we have an article from our guy Ryan Brock up on the six man where Luke he talks about five different trade ideas for the magic as we get closer to the trade deadline which is coming up this

Thursday Ryan does a great job in this one he has a good mix of realistic and maybe some longer shot ones or maybe ones that like you just aren’t thinking about because you haven’t maybe thought outside of the box I know a lot of us myself and Jonathan included are really

Locked in on tus Jones and Cory kispert that type of return would be amazing for the magic you guys know that we don’t need to talk about that but there is one in there that makes the eyebrows go up a little bit and it makes sense and this

One that he talks about is that the Orlando Magic would receive Colin ston and the Utah Jazz in return would get our 2024 first round pick so this off season’s first round pick which at this point as as it stands would be like the 18th pick roughly Marquel Foltz and trumo

KK as soon as you hear that Jonathan what are you thinking because the other thing too maybe you know obviously fans him being all the way out in Utah might not know his splits and his stats real quick I’ll just read them real quick and then get your thoughts 177 a 12 points

Per game 4 and a half assists per game 1.8 turnovers um shoots 48% 48 a half% from the field on 12 shots shoots almost four attempts a game from three at 38.3% and here’s one I like being that we’re the magic and struggle in this area almost 88% from the free throw line

On over four attempts a game 4.6 free throws a game so in hearing that Jonathan again in this one you are sending away playerwise along with that first round pick marel fultz jumo KK what do you think so my like initial gut reaction is like oo first round pick

This year I don’t know how I feel about that but then when we went and took a look like hey what would that look like right now and right now it’s the 18th pick and it kind of feels like as long as the magic are able to stay healthy

This is kind of the floor for the rest of the season like if the magic finished worse than eighth you know in the Eastern Conference I would be a little bit surprised if you told me that two months from now I’d be like oh really that’s that’s kind of weird like that

You mean they stayed healthy and that happened I’d be a little bit surprised so if that pick is somewhere in like the 18 like you know 22 23 range somewhere around there I don’t know that I totally hate it especially when you look at Colin seon’s contract which I think he’s

On contract for two additional years after this year in like the $18 million range a guy that can give you 17 points a night as a relatively you know decent volume guard for 48% from the floor 38% from three which isn’t like a outlier like that’s his career average this year

He’s shooting you know his most volume from behind the arc and he’s at 38% I I don’t hate that um again whatever kind of move they make is going to tell us sort of how they view the future uh Philip Rossman Reich shout out to our guy Phillip from you locked on

Magic Orlando Magic came out to the watch party Friday and I was I was trying to pick his brain on what he thought about you know should the magic make a move what does he think of like the tus Jones deal that we all know that

We’re you know sort of hot about and he he mentioned like and we started to talk about Anthony black and how crazy it is that he’s just not in the lineup now and the point that we really both agreed on was like if you believe that Anthony

Black can be your point guard of the future but you realize that he’s not really there yet he’s not ready to start long term and help organize and facilitate the offense but you believe that he can get there if you bring in like a stop Gap point guard for the next

Couple of years whether that be a tus Jones or in this case a Colin seon to let Anthony black continue to develop and coming off the bench until he’s ready I I don’t hate that idea at all I do think the the the first round pick is

Probably a bit steep for this front office but but if it cost you a little bit less than that I would probably be on board the other thing too you have to consider with Colin saon is how incredible that defense of Duo would be of Colin sex and and jayen Suggs that

Would be nightmarish two 38% three-point Shooters in the back court yes please and defend their butt off make plays and our you know Jaylen sugs and and Colin seon are pretty much Elite on the perimeter defensively Colin seon when he locks in defensively it’s ridiculous to see say that defensive back coring would

Be a sug sex a wow uhhuh no yeah I mean it’s there the people are going to love it so that’s a sug sex wow those two words together you know don’t really you know they they don’t but we know what you’re saying you know like success I’m saying success

That’s not putting two and two together I’m not saying the other thing that you might think I’m saying yeah so anyway Colin ston I don’t I don’t dislike that idea at all especially now that we’re getting closer to the deadline Jonathan just feel like I’m I’m getting

More desperate you know what I mean not that Colin saon is a desperation thing but I am like I just I just give me a trade you just it up you just want drama you get you get irresponsible in your thinking as a fan of a team near the

Deadline cuz you’re like I anything at this point man anything just put them over there give me something in return I just want to see something I want to see our Name In Lights with w and Shams Chris Haynes whoever Jake Jake fiser I just want to

See our names up there we’re getting to that point and I interested to see where what we’re feeling like on Wednesday the day before when we record on essentially an episode that’ll come out on Deadline day the other thing to think about is how much do the value of like how much

Do the magic value that 2024 pick when essentially you know we’re 50 games into the season jet Howard has gotten almost zero significant NBA minutes like he’s he spent the last couple of months essentially bouncing back and forth between the G league and and the magic spending most of his time with

Thola I it would be hard for me to see that happening two consecutive seasons for a guy that you take with the 11th pick in the draft a year ago so the magic areb essentially next year going to be operating as if Jed Howard is a

Rookie like we’re going to look at next season like Jed Howard’s rookie season so are the magic who aren’t using two rookies this year are they going to have essentially two rookies next year so the magic even I I mean obviously you have to to take all things into consideration

But I would be I wouldn’t be shocked if they’re like yeah we we just don’t really see a ton of value with this pick in a draft by the way that isn’t supposed to be super loaded yeah I interested to see how it shakes out for sure but I wouldn’t mind

It that that package we threw out earlier with giving up that first that first round pick wouldn’t have an issue with it if it’s giving you back Colin ton so uh as you’re listening to this uh we’re going to drop that sometime like early Monday morning if you’re one of

Those crazies that are listening to this at 2 am that article is probably not up but you know maybe you know more like a 5 am usually we schedule it for so L Luke’s the one that’s going to get that up anyway so uh but again that’s from

Our boy Ryan Brock be sure to follow him on on Twitter we’ll be you know tweeting that out for sure and then or X I guess we should say I’m so sick of that but that’ll also be up on the 6mans so be sure to go ahead and check that

Out I have one more thing here Jonathan to add to the trade in general the trade talk the logistics really trade deadline is Thursday at 3 p.m. as as most of us know that night the magic play the Spurs again so Tuesday you have the

Heat I would like if they didn’t make a move like between to tomorrow or Tuesday cuz that game against the Heat truly is PIV as close as you are in the standings I’d rather not be without players and the guys you’re taking back in the deal can’t make it

Obviously now Thursday you play the Spurs and then I believe Saturday I think it’s Saturday but your next game is against the Bulls so you make a trade on Deadline day you’re without maybe a player or two for that game against the Spurs you probably think you can live with it and

Then come the you know a couple days later you’d have everybody the new Acquisitions for that game against the Bulls so just some things to think about logistically speaking that’s stuff I like to think about too I like I said just don’t make a trade on Tuesday that

Heat game is going to mean a lot especially as it shakes out here you know today and the win streak the magic we’ve been having it’s going to be super interesting to see how this front office handles it with the games and all that and when we take into the account

That the Clippers beat the Heat tonight mhm so right now we’re I mean this is a really a perfect segue to go into uh the state of the magic so this week the magic went three and one they had a loss to the Mavs on Monday last second loss

Then a win over the Spurs on Wednesday a win over the Timberwolves on Friday and a win over the Pistons on Sunday they currently sit seventh in the Eastern Conference with a record of 27 and 23 they’re 10 and a half games back or no 11 games back now of the Boston Celtics

They are six games back of Milwaukee no six and a half games back of Milwaukee I I calculated all this before we started recording and now the team’s been playing now I’m all over the place really throwing me off here we are five and a half games back of Cleveland we’re

Five games back of New York we’re four games back of Philadelphia we’re a half game back of Indiana We’re a game up on Miami we are 4 games up on Chicago four and a half games up on Atlanta six games up on Brooklyn and we’re nine games up on

Toronto Luke I promised myself prepping for this pod I am no longer going to mention Brooklyn or Toronto as long as they’re not in the the playin picture that’s that’s where we are the magic it would be a catastrophic failure for the magic at this point to not at least make

The play in so that’s what like if we’re a Celtics po you think the Celtics pod is talking about how there’re 17 games up on Brooklyn absolutely not so I’m raising my standards now Brooklyn Toronto you guys are so trash we’re not even going to talk about you moving

Forward even though Brooklyn you’ve kicked the crap out of us twice so I’m not going to mention you I’m keeping my eye on where you’re at but Toronto especially you guys suck not paying attention where you guys are in the standings right now so lovingly shove it

Okay all right now on the season do you think that’s wrong of me to just be dismissive of of Brooklyn Toronto moving forward because that’s that’s just how I’m feeling right now no and I can go you know as far as to say that like the Hawks who find themselves four and a

Half games back of us right now it’s really the standings are shaking out to be really Boston at the top by themselves it feels like with Milwaukee four and a half games back of them not saying that they can’t overtake but it’s starting to feel a little bit unlikely

Similar to the feeling that I have when I think about the Bulls or the Hawks so I’d say it’s kind of the Celtics at the top there then bucks Cleveland Knicks Sixers Al together then you’ve got kind of that Pacers Orlando Miami and you know Chicago now has Zach

LaVine out for I believe the year yep electing to have that surgery so they’re going to fall further back we would assume so yeah I I don’t think it’s bad at all to dismiss the Brooklyn Brooklyn and Toronto cuz I think you play your cards right with the schedule and how

You know the magic be on a three- game win streak taking care of the people that they should especially with the Spurs and the Pistons not losing those games you can definitely find yourself separating even creating even more space against even those teams like the Bulls and the Hawks I agree

Perfect so on the season the magic are 24th in the NBA and offensive rating with an offensive rating of 112.5 they’re now fifth in the NBA in defensive rating with a defensive rating of 11.4 and they are 14th in the NBA in net rating with a net rating of 1.1

Taking a look at the injury report Luke are you ready for this Gary Harris returned Friday night versus Minnesota after missing 14 games with a calf strain and the magic now have a clean injury report for the first time Luke since November 2nd at least that was

True Sunday night Cole Anthony seemed to tweak something in tonight’s win over the Detroit Pistons so we’ll have to see what’s going on there but at least for about five minutes we had a clean injury report for the first time in about three months it’s a good feeling it’s a good

Feeling we’ll see what happens with Cole as far as that injury goes who we we I don’t think to this point we’ve really gotten an update maybe by the time you’re hearing this you have but haven’t seen anything no injury reports been released you don’t have a game till Tuesday so not entirely

Sure how that’ll shake out but for the time being I’m enjoying the Clean Slate now let’s go to this week’s Jam Hot Chicken Jam of the week this is a segment obviously sponsored by our friends with very Jam Hot Chicken where we talk about the Magic’s best dunk from

The last week’s slate of games I’m G to take us back to Wednesday Night Luke in San Antonio against the Spurs to the 509 Mark in the third quarter The Magik gr up 18 at this point poo Bank Carol finds Jaylen Suggs at the top of the key who

Clanks the three off the back of the rim fron Varner ends up coming down with the rebound finds poo banero on the left wing who hits Jeremy soan with the pump bake drives hard right elevates and and throws it down with the right hand to

Put the magic up by 20 just a ferocious dunk from Palo banero who is now an All-Star by the way and that is this week’s Jam Hot Chicken Jam of the week had some good ones this week Jonathan you know what other good ones we had this week we had some good chicken

Sandos you me Mama Osborne out there just slamming some Sandos before the watch party on Friday at 400 West New England Avenue sweet 13 in Hannibal Square you guys can go check out the all their stuff on social media at Jam Hot Chicken Go online jamot that’s where we ordered ahead before

Getting there to jam hot and guess what like I said last week I got there food was hot it stayed hot it stays hot for a while so feel free to order ahead maybe even give yourself a little bit more time than you might think cuz that stuff’s still going

To be piping hot by the time you get it temperature- wise and man little mild Sando can’t go wrong with it the the boys and girls over there hooked us up with little additional some some chicken chicken tendies that were great some plain ones with the comeback sauce I

Can’t get enough of that place as everybody already knows and if you’ve never been there go check them out they’re like I said 400 West New England Avenue sweet 13 Hannibal Square they’d love to see you and we’d love to hear about your experience and we met a a

Listener by the way I believe his name was Lenny if I’m remembering correctly we we met Lenny and I think might be lenning I think I think he said lenning like he he there was some it’s either Lenny or lenning but great running into you and I hope you enjoyed

Well met this listener met his lovely wife and I was sitting there thinking Luke I’m like every time I come here like we didn’t announce that we were we maybe we talked about on the Pod that we were going to go there but every time I’m there there’s a listener there so

I’m thinking like I come here I get the privilege of coming here about once a month what does that look like every day like how many of our listeners are there every day I would love to know that so but yeah we love jam always a just incredible experience like whenever I

Eat it I’m just like this is the best chicken sandwich that I’ve ever had so shout out to jam hot now let’s talk about this timber wolves game from Friday again we talked about the watch party at Elixir just fantastic atmosphere great venue had a wonderful time and always good to get

The win this is the best team in the Western Conference they were like 18 and four at home going into this game one of the best home records in the league it was another slow start for the magic Luke they were down by 17 early in the second quarter and the magic outscored

The t-wolves 28 to 21 in the quarter to cut the deficit to five at the half and then the two teams pray played pretty evenly in the third quarter magic still trailed by eight entering the fourth enter Jonathan Isaac he played the last three seconds of the third Luke played

The entire fourth quarter all 12 minutes to match Carl Anthony towns is 12 minutes in that fourth quarter ji had four points seven rebounds in one quarter one steel one block was a plus 10 box plus minus the fiveman lineup is what you know I guess magic fans we we’ve decided

That we’re calling this the death lineup if you remember the you know the old Harrison Barnes Andre Iguodala Steph clay Draymond lineup you know from the the late teen Warriors run our death lineup of Jaylen fron Paulo ji Wendell in this game had a 100 offensive rating and a staggering a stifling unimputable

Impregnable 86.7 defensive rating a 13.3 net rating in 7 minutes in the fourth quarter Luke I tweeted this out earlier now this is a small sample size in six games now for a total of 22 minutes seven of them coming in this game against the Timberwolves the death

Lineup of Jaylen France Pao ji Dell has posted an offensive rating of 114.3 a defensive rating of 97.9 and a net rating of 16.4 and I put this out with the small sample size alert but our friend Dan Savage over at Orlando uh commented and said small sample but

The eye test says it’s real Luke they just went on an incredible run outscored Minnesota 28 to 18 in the fourth and they walk away with the victory in this one you read the the offensive rating there of 100 which is not awesome but you also have to remember

The Timberwolves have the number one defense in the league so I don’t take too much from that but I do take a lot from is that defensive rating right and then obviously over the 22 minutes like you said small sample size huge impact jonan Isaac truly is a game changer we all know

That I wonder if moving forward as he continues to play more minutes maybe get even some more run more than 8 minutes and a back to back once he is fully ramped and is able to play 26 minutes in a game 27 minutes do we see Jonathan Isaac in a starting

Lineup because they’re closing with him to and I’m assuming they’re not electing to even entertain the thought of starting him really till maybe this minute restriction is lifted that’s something I’ve been thinking about bouncing around is that what we’re waiting on Jonathan Isaac to have that restriction lifted and maybe that’s when

He starts to play with that group pretty exclusively honestly I don’t know I I I wanted to save this for a little bit later in the Pod but that unit uh ji Wendell fron Jaylen Paulo they only played together for three minutes in this one the last three minutes of the game against

Detroit this is this seems silly to even read this had a 114.3 offensive rating had a 30 3 defensive rating an 81 net rating in this game on Sunday what was the defensive rating you said 33 33.3 was the defensive rate like th this is what we’re talking about when we say like

Small sample size alert cuz that’s like the epitomy of the small sample size but I bring it up to say like again I know we’re sort of stepping on the toes of the Detroit recap here but for the I was that the second third consecutive game they decided to go to

That lineup to close you you notice there’s somebody not on the floor like Marquel Fu for the last couple of Seasons when the magic you know close game down the stretch you want to have Marquel in there for you know end of shot clock situations or late game

Situations where he just has to go and get you a bucket and Marquel folz is not on the floor in these situations even though he’s in the starting lineup I I don’t know the answer to your question unfortunately Luke because I don’t think that’s nothing that Marquel isn’t closing

Games yeah I mean timol’s game plays 23 minutes Pistons game 23 minutes doesn’t close neither of them both Clos games for the most part worthy of of playing who you normally would play in a closing lineup Marquel folz just isn’t there and defensively I mean there’s a lot to

That right suffocating defense down the stretch is invaluable to this point Marquel essentially really has been playing like 25 minutes a game so he’s taken a couple minutes hit with ji getting more of a bump I think there’s a lot to it if the magic don’t make a move for a lead guard

Here at deadline I would not be shocked if here and by the end of February uary beginning of March we start seeing Mosley prep for the playoffs by starting that lineup with ji inserted I know there’s not a true lead guard in that situation but I don’t really care

Because of the defensive impact you think as big of an impact as they have to close games think about how incredible it would be for them to set the tone that way every game set the tone the start of the game game and they Clos the game book end

It they’d wreak havoc at any time they’re on the court we’ve got a small sample size but still something and like Dan Savage said the eye test affirms it I would not be shocked if Jonathan Isaac is starting if the magic don’t trade for a guard point guard here in the next few

Days the lineup’s just like like really been incredible I don’t I don’t know any other way to put it like you put those guys out and the other teams just like can’t score you know Rudy gobear and and Carl Anthony towns were like sort of

Having their way in that game and we go back to the fourth quarter here Carl Anthony towns three points Rudy goar three points Carl Anthony towns played 12 minutes in that fourth Rudy goar played nine minutes in that fourth like Anthony Edwards with nine points in the

Fourth three of eight from the floor you’ll kind of take that it’s really the only offense they had in that final quarter and a lot of it had to do with Paulo Wendell Jaylen even you know fron and and Wendell you know like all those guys it’s you’ve got Paulo sitting at 610

France sitting at 610 Wendell sitting at 610 ji sitting at 7 foot and then Jaylen you know 64 Jaylen but one of the best you know perimeter Defenders and you know peskiest defend you know guards in the league so I I think it was uh coup I think is

Is how you pronounce his name c khil who um does locked on Pistons you know covers Detroit in the last few minutes of that game he tweeted like this defensive lineup is is a nightmare like what like what are you supposed to do with this so I I just can’t imagine what

Other teams are thinking when you roll out that lineup at the end of games like they they’ve been great so far and I’m just looking forward to getting more of a sample size to see like where the weakness in that lineup might be because right now they’re just literally dominating

Teams but again ma massive win for the magic um taking a look here you know 48 points in the paint um oh no that’s not the that is not the Minnesota timber rules game let me go back to this here 48 points in the paint for Minnesota 54

For the magic 17 fast break points uh again Minnesota’s biggest lead was 17 Magic win the turnover battle 13- 17 looking at the the free throws 15 for 17 Hallelujah like thank the magic for for making some some free throws especially uh 15 for 17 in that fourth

Quarter 21 for 26 for the entire game yeah on the road Jaylen thugs you know returning home is always a good thing for him 15 for Jaylen 18 for lendell 23 for poo 19 for fron 10 for marel eight from Mo Vagner Off the Bench just like really a complete team effort

In that game Luke and yeah it sort of feels like the magic are are starting to get back on track a little bit not quite to the level at which they were playing in November but now I mean we’re going to talk about this Detroit Pistons game

In a minute Luke but right now you’re in the second longest win streak of the Season where we’re at right now with three wins it feels good feels a lot better than it did during that super rough stretch you had the essentially a tuneup against the Spurs gave you enough momentum to go

Into Minnesota Jaylen Suggs remains undefeated since what they say that the stats like he hasn’t lost in that building since seventh grade or something that’s wild so I mean The Vibes are are getting back maybe to what they were as far as around this team and winning winning cures a

Lot of things like we say a lot a lot on here really really important win against Minnesota a tone Setter maybe for what’s to come the rest of the season and now a quick shout out to our patrons uh if you’re not familiar with our patrons they’re the folks that help

Make each and every episode possible uh if you’d like to be one of our patrons you can find us at the6 man show just help us do what we do here uh part of the benefits of joining our patreon if you’re one of our Elite or

Hall of Fame tier patrons we give them a special shout out each and every episode I’ll go ahead and start with the court cousins moving on to Drew Gooden Armen Carson tulo Jonathan borgas normal magic player history Gabe Gaines Whiffle Michael Martin Jamal Miller Michael salop pong Donkey Punch Dave Palo and

France’s warmth Pierre a Dylan Holden Mr Mikey Eduardo Sanchez danal doto 15 Bobby Skinner goie 93 Teddy Sylvia Eric Lopez fuchsia Bill Folton Eman lone josea squeen cayb Pete cannibalism time Mr TV ESPN really sucks gear 95 shred Junior Bru half rein shahan 177 BBY the

Dawn himo banro rmpr 221 Magic Kid 714 mysterious Mosley Victor cologne Irish Magic Mike Austin lampy random hustle only frond Maria Keith W Fritz currency Kev BR Sal Cas green Santi Leon Kane Eckler the distract Amad timsa CH chantu Tom Gatson dead air Richard Tuttle Jeremiah Cano and Debo 19 80 again if

You would like to join our patreon find us at the6ix manow Luke let’s talk about this Pistons game let’s do that this Pistons game it felt like after we beat Minnesota on Friday we really had the thought and I said it to to you both you and Phil and I was

Like you cannot go lay an egg in Detroit after the experience that you had in Minnesota with the a huge win emotional win to say the least jayen sg’s family and attendance and just everything that that night was you could not go into Detroit and lose that game because that

Just kills a lot of momentum that you’ve established to that point and the beginning of this game I can’t lie you get down in this one 10 to two early and I was like man I know that the magic still are very likely going to win

This game but I would have loved to see them come out playing with the hair on fire and they just came out exactly like you might expect a team that just beat a top team in the west and are on a two- game win streak maybe feeling pretty good about

Themselves going into to play against a six- win Detroit team however I will say the first bucket of the game deserves a shout out because it made me think that this game the magic might just blow the doors off them all game just by the shot that went in

Jaylen Suggs hits him with the tween tween spin step back two-pointer to start the game and it went in and I was like that’s it send them home we don’t even need to play this game I know the magic are going to win by 25 plus Suggs to be fair after Detroit

Answers with a 10 run of their own there sugs scores nine first quarter points really the only one to that point that looked like he cared about that game in any way shape or form and the magic go on to have a pretty good I mean defensively a great

Second quarter holding Detroit to 18 when I tell you though that Detroit is one of the worst basketball teams I’ve ever laid my eyes on the the ways that they just like leave the door open all the at all times obviously attributes to their 43 losses on the season now but just turnovers

Left and right they make us look like we protect the ball incredibly and we definitely don’t they they’re the worst turnover team in the league and it showed tonight especially that first half they cleaned it up in the second half which is ironic because that’s when

The magic really kind of put their foot on the gas there near the end but yeah they I mean they end up with with 15 turnovers at one point they were on Pace for 20 I think they had 10 maybe at half but anyway yeah you have a

Good second quarter then that third quarter comes around you end up staying essentially you both score 28 there so magic at that point going to the fourth I believe are still down five at that point and then that fourth quarter it’s fourth quarter fronze time fourth quarter fron and Gary Gary

Gary Harris Harris has himself a quarter I saw a lot of people even in the six-man show dis Discord which you can get access to if you go to 6ixman show Shameless plug if you do that and if you were in this chat I got to be

Honest in my mind I was slandering Gary Harris it’s fair but this game like I put in the Discord after and great in the second half the G but the game is four quarters baby and Gary Harris had a Redemptive fourth quarter scores eight points in that

Fourth quarter and I believe all of them within that first like his little four five minute spurt there at the beginning of the of that quarter did an incredible job setting the tone hitting threes getting to the rim doing everything right for the magic there in the fourth quarter but fron was

16 of his points coming in that fourth quarter of his 38 Jonathan Bron would go on to shoot 17 of 25 from the floor the magic finally creates space because they they did it they tried to create some I think they went up like 8 or seven or something like

That with I don’t even know like 8 minutes to go and you’re like okay this is where the magic just pull away but that really doesn’t happen until a little bit over cuz the Pistons kept fighting back a little over 6 minutes left France vogner hits a big three to

Put the magic up eight and at that point it was curtains the magic would go on to win this one 111 to 99 in a game that just was the magic playing with their food that’s what you said on the postgame live that you hosted what you put on Twitter as well

The magic were just kind of hanging out and new and we’ve seen them do this a couple times with teams that are significantly worse and once again the magic are able to out talented T the Detroit Pistons so it’s nice to be able to do that but I

Would have enjoyed more a 20 plus Point win but I’ll take the 12-point win at the end of the day get the win get out of there I know what these guys are capable of and they take care of business against against the team that you absolutely should and they continue

To do that this season yeah I think you said it was 16 in the fourth for frons I think he was like 12 of 15 in the second half NS 27 points in the second half and that run that essentially blew the game open and ended the game effectively

Started one minute after mosy went to the death lineup he goes to the death lineup with like 7 Minutes 11 seconds left in this game and they were like you are going to have a 33 offensive rating from this point forward and like to to Detroit’s credit like yes they have Cade

They’ve got jayen Ivy Jaylen dur played pretty well assar Thompson played pretty well but they they just don’t really have like a ton of differen makers right now and seems like a team that is lacking Direction obviously they’re they’re competing to their credit but when you’re sitting there at whatever

They are six and 43 anything starts to go bad in the game and you’re like oh here we go again like like we’re going to lose like this is a team that lost 28 straight games so but yeah the the only negative takeaway from this game

Was it felt like the magic just showed up and they were like look this is a 48 minute game we don’t got to start playing until like 40 minutes in and then we’ll just flip the switch and win the game and they were able to do that

The game never really felt like it was in danger like we’ve had a few of these games this year where like you’re down early or you’re not leading for most of the game you know game sort of going back and forth and you basically feel like all right when the magic just

Decide that this game is over that’s going to be when the game is going to be over and the magic did that and they end up you know winning you know a 12-point win it’s not exactly a blowout but that’s what I like to call a comfortable

Win where you’re not sweating it out at the end and this was what you were missing when France was injured for that amount of time was Pao being able to become the facilitator and really strictly the facilitator he didn’t shoot the b ball well tonight there’s no way around that shoots six of

16 and but where he does shine is that he has just one turnover and seven assists it is nice to have a 6′ 10 big man that can handle the ball like a guard facilitate like a guard and when he doesn’t have a shot going he can get teammates involved that’s what you

Missed when fron Vagner was out because fron said it after the uh after the game and his postgame hit with with Kendra from balet Sports he says there’s 10 10 eyes looking at Palo B Caro at all times and I’m paraphrasing but he he said I I’m

Happy to take the load off of Palo banero and contribute and help this team win which I thought was cool I I think that it’s always healthy when another player like another top player on your team shows that he knows kind of like where the pecking order is shaping up to be

Able to say listen they’re all paying attention to Palo banero he’s an All-Star is essentially what he was saying like he was established pao’s the the onea on this team just with that one statement that there’s 10 eyes always looking at him and for frons to be professional

About it and I think that’s something that could be overlooked just like accepting your role and listen being the number two option on a playoff team for any NBA player that would be great not a b not a bad gig for a guy like fron Vagner who has said before on podcast

Appearances I didn’t I just wanted to play so you can imagine that he is over the moon about being a number two right now on a playoff team and we’re over the moon about France vogner let’s not get it twisted and tonight against Detroit shows exactly how valuable he is to this

Team was proud of his performance was proud of Po’s performance recognized like I’m not hitting tonight so I’m I’m not going to get my head down I’m not going to let that get to me I’m going to facilitate seven assists one turnover I’ll take that every day of the

Week and uh shout out to Ryan Bass from balet Sports Florida he tweeted tonight van Caro now now has 26 and six like once he he got to that point he finished the game with 20 point6 rebounds seven assists but this is now pao’s six straight game of having at least 20

Points five rebounds five assists one game shy of Tracy McGrady’s record of seven straight in 2003 so what that means is Tuesday vers Miami if PA’s able to put up 25 and five he will match Tracy McGrady for the franchise record of consec consecutive games of 25 and

Five at 21 years old in your second year that is absolutely insane to already be like in the same breath of putting together a stretch of games that would set a franchise record or break a franchise record set by Tracy mcgrade if he’s able to do that for a couple more

Games it kind of feels like he can do that and I would say he probably will yeah at this point what he’s averaging like 23 points a game and on an incredible tear in terms of just stuffing the stat sheet for sure to this point on the season that’s yeah 23 237

And five right so no reason he can’t put up a 25 and5 game on Tuesday the stats say that’s an average night for palaban Caro so he can do it he’ll continue to do it there there’s just the allstar is going to continue putting his imprint on

On the game and on this organization for many years to come yeah awesome game I don’t really have anything else that I want to touch on from this game it’s just like yeah let’s just start like taking care of business I think that’s like the next level for this team to get

To I know every team goes through that we’re like oh hey we’re not going to go all out tonight but we’re just going to turn it on at some point and win the game it feels like this team hasn’t really earned that yet though but that’s

That’s really last thing I got to say about this game yeah now on to the week ahead so coming up this week so magic are off Monday as you might be listening to this Tuesday they wrap up the five-game road trip in Miami right now they are three and one on the

Road trip so Tuesday at Miami Thursday you’re at home versus San Antonio and then Saturday you’re at home versus Chicago it sort of feels like any day now Chicago could just be like all right that’s it we’re done we’re blowing it up especially now with like getting you

Know LaVine is done for the year there’s a chance by Saturday like a legitimate chance that by Saturday the Chicago team just looks completely different it’s probably not likely but it’s it’s a nonzero chance I would I would definitely tend to agree you you’ve got it could be a

Fun week it’s going to be a fun week this week and leading into essentially the the week before All-Star break got some exciting games the magic on a win streak it’s a great formula win that game against Miami on Tuesday and then you’re you’re home for till the All-Star break till

After so what are we feeling I I I mean Tuesday is a must-win you have you have to beat Miami or you lose the season series and then you lose the the tiebreaker essentially when it comes to playoff standings at the end of the year

In my opinion you just have to be Miami and then it feels like on paper by default you should beat San Antonio and you should beat Chicago it smells like a three and0 week the magic are healthy like we we should get back to expecting to win

These types of games and Miami could POS a threat to us as we’ve seen like even when they when they have guys out and all that but I expect the magic who are trying to get hot once again I expect them to show up in Miami they all know the significance it’s not

Like you’re it’s not like a game against the Pistons where you’re just walking in and it’s just another day you know random day during the week and you need to get out with the win or else right like it’s not what this is this is huge

For the standings for the race at the end of the season this gives you a whole game up instead of just chipping away a half game at a time you can you can jump up another whole game cuz I believe right now on as you guys are listening to this magic up

One one whole game on on the heat now that they lost to the Clippers and the magic won to the Pistons so you have a great shot there on Tuesday I’m I’m going to say 3 and0 I’m going to say three and0 especially if you beat Miami on

Tuesday I would hope that this team just smells another win streak before the break end it on a high note and uh and take care of business there San Antonio and Chicago and then you got a huge week the next week on TNT man that’s going to be fun

Yeah it feels like this year Luke for the most part whenever we’ve circled games on the schedule and said like hey like you have to win this game or where we’ve gone into a game like hey tonight is a must-win more often than not this season it feels like the magic have

Delivered Tuesday definitely feels like that if you do that then all a sudden you’re at four games with two favorable games to finish the week home for San Antonio home versus Chicago and then you’ve got Oklahoma City coming to town next Tuesday like you said said and

Taking a look at at their their schedule you know they’ve got you know their most recent win over Charlotte they’ve got a win over Denver dropped one in Minnesota they had a 16-point loss last Sunday to Detroit and the last I checked they were oh my gosh never mind the thunder came

Back against Toronto and they are now starting double overtime wow seemed like that that game was headed towards a Toronto win so I don’t know I know they’re missing you know Jaylen Williams like the the good Jaylen Williams not that the other Jaylen Williams is bad but everybody knows what you mean when

You say the good Jaylen Williams so who knows if he’s going to be back you know by you know that’s still what you know eight nine days out from now so anything could happen there you go three and 0 this week Oklahoma City seems winnable I I don’t

Know the magic probably won’t be favored in that game but it is a winnable game and then the last game before the All-Star break Nicks probably without Julius Randall that game also seems winnable at home so going into going into the All-Star break with you know like a seven eight game win

Streak doesn’t doesn’t sound too bad that would be huge but even if I mean what so you’ve got you don’t you’re still in good five games left if you can be three and two over the next five I’ll live with it you’d be 30 and 25 heading into All-Star break you take that

All day every day and then the heat even to look at their kind of bleeding into All-Star break they’ve got us2 and 23 sounds so much better you’re you’re very right about that but they’ve got us the Heat have us Tuesday they play the Spurs on Wednesday on a back to back after

They play us then they got Boston Milwaukee and Philadelphia Philadelphia without Jo embiid but you can’t sleep on them especially when they’ve got a guy like Tyrese Maxi he’d have a tough last three games before All-Star break and and Boston Milwaukee and Philly and then the Pacers a little bit

More favorable for them they’ve got Houston Golden State but then they got New York then they have Charlotte and Toronto so they’ve got a pretty favorable stretch here if the magic can somehow pull off all of these games before All-Star break you put yourself in a good situation you hope that like

The Pacers drop games to like 50-50 games like against the Rockets and the Knicks and the Golden State cuz you assume they’re going to take care of that game against Charlotte and Toronto there before the break so magic need to get it done would love to see that streak

Continue heading into All-Star break we’d be looking at definitely a shirtless pot episode if you can pull all these off you’re definitely shirtless at that point right like I have to be and even after this if you beat Miami and you beat San Antonio on Thursday that’s five that’s five and

Then You’ rules are the rules then you’ve got Chicago Saturday and we record Sunday so you if the magic are on a six game Streaker on Sunday they might not be the only Streaker in town that is going to do it for this one folks for Luke silia this has been

Jonathan Osborne you all have been listening to the six-man show we will catch you guys next time see you thanks for listening to the Sixth Man Show be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify to get new episodes downloaded directly to your phone if you enjoyed the show please take a minute to

Give us a five-star rating and a review it helps out the show a lot follow us on Twitter Instagram and Facebook @ 6man show we’ll catch you guys next time go magic let go magic go [Applause] goic

Paolo Banchero has officially been named an All-Star. We recap the suspense-filled announcement show, talk about what it means to Paolo, and what it means to us as Magic fans. We also look back at the past couple of games and discuss the Magic’s new “death lineup.”

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Hosts: @j_osborne21 & @lukesylvia96

Producer: @kevin_tucker_

Music: Prod. by Tantu Beats

0:00 – Intro
8:40 – Magic trade ideas
23:00 – JAM Hot Chicken Jam of the Week!
26:08 – Timberwolves game recap
37:09 – Patreon Shoutout
38:32 – Pistons game recap
50:25 – The week ahead

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  1. We absolutely should trade away our 1st rounder for next year either now or in the off-season. We don't have enough roster spots to develop any more young talent. Already have people waiting in the G league

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