@Toronto Raptors



The Toronto Raptors nearly win against the Oklahoma City Thunder the best team in the Western Conference and it was a tough it was a tough game it was a tough game and I know what the chatter is going to be I know it I absolutely know it it’s going

To be look Scotty Barnes disappeared in the fourth quarter why didn’t he do more in the fourth quarter he should have been better in the fourth quarter look man this is one of the highest usage best performing fourth quarter late game overtime guys over the last two and a

Half years we’ve seen it over and over again so this game was a weird departure right um don’t defend Scotty on this one pensar had a crap forth yeah man um I don’t think he had a great game absolutely um let’s talk about this game this was a this was a

Very interesting one there’s a call-in link definitely call in we have ny4 WPS waiting up we’ll definitely get to that um link is in the description no ad uh does that mean we’re not monetized we should be monetized we will check anyways um let’s share the screen here hang on one second

Yeah the Tonto Raptors were up by 23 freaking points and somehow man to lose this game and if you are pro tank this is the best game of your life uh you’re very happy with this game you’re very happy with this outcome because the Raptors very well could have won this

Game should have won this game and probably did win this game in another world but in this world the Raptors collapsed and there was a lot of Dennis schroer I’ll take you through exactly where it happened the game swung exactly exactly at the six-minute mark of the third quarter

So you know the Raptors LED huge going into the first you know at the end of the first quarter they have that you know Kur fuffle of plays where thus young just tosses it up and completes an 80 run and the Raptors lead by 10 right and and you’re going into that second

Quarter kind of like nervous like oh here comes here comes the OKC Thunder and they couldn’t do anything against this Raptor defense it really messed them up right was a little bit of Zone you know uh Gary Trent Jr was very good I believe he played 40 minutes tonight

Um Manuel quickley point of attack defense was not that bad uh Scotty Barnes anchoring the paint a little bit yako purle one of his better games RJ Barrett back in the lineup the Raptors is fully healthy and really took it to the thunder man like this was about as

Impressive a performance on the road need to remind you this is a team that lost to Detroit Pistons I keep bringing it back to that you know how many times a fully healthy nearly fully healthy Toronto Raptors team has lost to like some of the worst teams in the league to

Go in on the road right against the OKC Thunder in the midst of you know a long road trip and year season’s kind of you know they’re they’re playing for something they have they have something on the line here and you kind of really don’t you move to 15 games under 500 the

Raptors notoriously one of the worst Road teams in the league after this game they moved to seven- 19 and I tell you the compete level and the execution the passing you know they didn’t know what to do they they doubled Shay on like if he held the ball for more than four seconds

That double came and it came accurate it came controlled and they recovered when he passed out of it it came back time and time again I mean I was just impressed by how they dealt with Shay gild Alexander the OKC Thunder I mean they closed down the paint for shop I

Mean the OKC Thunder take a lot of Threes they took 63 threes tonight and shot 36% which is League a average if they shoot 40% you’re not in this game but they shoot 36.5% so you were in this game okay a lot of Threes were makeable threes they missed them

There’s a little bit of shoot shooting variance here some of them were open threes and they just missed them right for a lot of impressive performances tonight some notable dnp CDs who have been playing quite frankly a lot Jordan Noir gets a DMP CD Chris bu collects his straight the

Npcd probably about to get traded auto porter collects what feels like his 38,000 straight dmcd despite the fact that he is completely healthy right now Jaylen McDaniels who’s been flashing some good things for the Raptors he collects a dmcd darkov rakovic goes with a ninan rotation this team is so weird you know

You you’re trying to figure out what are they trying to do like are they trying to win are they trying to lose are they trying to win in a way and then lose late what are they doing it’s weird right Scotty Barnes played 48 minutes tonight and people are like yo I wonder

Why he didn’t have gas in his legs I get it um a lot of good performances tonight let’s let’s talk about them RJ Barrett you know very assertive has a huge poster dunk he played 43 minutes tonight defense yikes uh some some questionable late game defensive issues for RJ

Barretts right he ends he ends the game as a Raptor’s leading scorer with 23 points seven rebounds and four assists uh Emanuel quickley despite shooting kind of tough uh had had some very competent playmaking down the stretch he was the Raptor’s featured guy in both overtimes and For Better or Worse you

Know at times you know uh that last shot which gets blocked against Chad his release is giving me some concern that he might just be too slow to have a release sorry he might be too small to have a release that slow and I’ve been trying to wonder why you

Know to some extent his playoff his playoff numbers with New York have been not so great that might be it because when you really dial in on him and he becomes a featured guy and I mean he needs these reps just as badly as Scotty does right to the people who are saying

No no no Scotty needs all the Reps no no no believe me Emanuel quickly needs these reps as well so does rj Barrett this is a young team they all need these reps okay and quite frankly you know if Scotty is going to draw the matchup of

Lud Dort who is one of the Premier perimeter defenders in the league right then quickly is going to be the guy who’s got a mismatch on either Shay not a great defender or you know despite the fact he racks up a lot of steals he’s

Not a great defender uh Josh ginea not a great defender Chad holgren pretty good Defender you know but in space if you can get him out he might struggle so yeah let’s bring it back to that third quarter the Raptors come out in the second half and again you’re expecting a

Storm right because the Raptors are not a very good team they’re on the road and they’re facing a team that is a very good team and the Raptors Blitz the Thunder by I mean they were up 16 points at half time and they extended that lead to

23 and it was around the six minute Mark of the third quarter when Scotty Barnes checked out let me show you where that happened right there do you see it do you see it literally the Thunder could not do [ __ ] do you see it give me a w if you

See that right there that is exactly when Scotty checked out okay and then Kaboom there goes your lead he checked in three minutes later the Raptors had scored two points in those three minutes I think the Thunder has scored 13 and the lead had slowly evaporated and momentum had swung and momentum frankly

Did not stop swinging and you know yeah Scotty came back and I think he had some very productive moments in the first fourth hey Carlo thanks a lot for the Super Chat man your pendant ticket is on me my Friend by the way uh Carlo is an actor

Carlo there is a freaking amazing Italian feature on Sunday night my my friend you must see this it just won the jury prize at slam dance coming to Canada um thanks a lot for the Super Chat I really appreciate it um to those who don’t know the the connection here

Carlo was a lead actor in my feature he’s also a lead actor in probably my most popular short ever which I will definitely play for Somebody Sometime anyways moving on so the momentum swings and I felt it was a lot of Dennis Schroeder man a lot of Dennis taking

Shots a lot of Dennis pounding the rock a lot of Dennis setting up like I didn’t understand what the hell was going on there honestly man like I’m at I’m at a point right now where I am just concerned Why does he why is he playing

You know they don’t they tell you not to care too much about plus minus that negative 23 is fully earned man fully earned he did not man a whole bunch of bench units that was like him legit sucking the air out of basketball a lot okay like you were in this

Game and he just a lot of stagnant stagnant offense a lot of tough shots a lot of you know I mean there there was like that Clank Clank Clank three man these numbers would look a lot worse without that fluke three going in right so I think Dennis is just he’s been good

He’s been really good you haven’t heard me say [ __ ] about him for like the last I want to say four or five games I haven’t said anything he’s been really good he’s been his minutes have been limited he’s been playing like 22 to 27 minutes and I think in those dosages

He’s fine granted you go to double overtime so maybe everyone’s numbers is going to go up a little bit but I think he had crossed like close to 28 29 minutes in in regular and then he just played most of overtime and I just don’t look man the season is kind of

Lost at this point seeing Grady dick play 10 minutes when he was playing really freaking well like really well he played really well okay I don’t give a [ __ ] what you say he had six points in 10 minutes he was playing pretty competently defensively what is the

Point of just giving him a DMP PCD in the second half I don’t understand that at all right Bruce Brown okay another terrible performance thank you for limiting that Darko rakovic and you know dadus young competently steps in he had a big steal on um Chad hren on the Thunder side right

Um a tame game from Shay gild Alexander and I think Darko you know really had a great game plan for him he obviously finds a ton of you know advantages out outside of I mean the Thunder are just such a dynamic team right they’re able to initiate their entire offense through

Either himself or through giddy or through Dort you know or through Chad they do a whole bunch of inverted pick and rolls it’s really interesting I I I you know like I was looking at the the starting lineup and I’m like who’s the power forward here is it case Wallace if

Case Wallace was indeed the starting power forward tonight that does make me think that that might have been the shortest starting power power forward in NBA history he was he’s 6’3 he’s 6’2 and a half 6’3 so that’s crazy um in terms of the Thunder I mean

Honestly they don’t get a ton from Waters or Jen I think Jang was predictably terrible um I think Wiggins gave them a ton Off the Bench and Mitch was You know despite the fact that he only scores three points he was a constant threat out there um so much of

Just having a player like the Thunder just did not get a ton off their bench other than Wiggins right um that’s Aaron Wiggins not Andrew Wiggins for for those who are wondering uh who that Wiggins scoring 20 points Off the Bench was um in terms of like really who broke the

Who broke their back late obviously it was Josh Giddy and Shay Gil Alexander Josh giddy just hitting a couple threes late not a good three-point shooter but he hits both his tonight like two two two big ones late um Chad hren again kind of a quiet game from him five

Rebounds in 41 minutes credit yaka purle for keeping him off the glass and just generally abusing him a lot you know I think uh I think the Raptors kind of had their way with him Scotty went into him a couple times Yak went into him like

You really feel why this is a team that could possibly trade for a yaka purle they could use him okay so yeah um I don’t know man what are my takeaways for this game my takeaway are if you’re if you’re Pro tank this is exactly the type of game you want to see

Okay the Raptors the Thunder took nine more shots than the Raptors they get three more offensive rebounds turnovers were almost dead even points in the paint the Raptors win that battle um the Raptor largest lead again as I mentioned 23 and they collapse so you can say oh my gosh

You know that’s that’s terrible they should have won this game um I really don’t think that’s a huge deal man uh I really I’m not I’m not sad about this loss at all I’m happy this team played well they shot 40% from three tonight you know Scotty I think shot three three

For five including the airball late um in terms of Scotty late I’ll I’ll give you my perspective on it of course nobody wants to see their franchise player just mail it you know and and I don’t I don’t I don’t use the word mail it lightly I do think he was frustrated

By something now what was he frustrated by I have no idea okay nobody is inside Scotty Barn’s head and for me to try to infer what was he upset about or what was he frustrated by I have no idea but it was not a typical assertive fourth quarter close for Scotty winning time

Eyes eyes usually light up his demeanor was different on the court um he gives up a really I mean I think RJ got beat off the dribble and then Scotty’s the last man there and he just fouls he just fouls uh Josh giddy putting him at the

Line I think he gave up an n one on that one right um clutch Tatum saying his ankle it certainly could be that it could be he did come down Gimpy you know he definitely did and that was a shift from that point to the end of the game he was

Very unassertive driving the basket he was very passive just quick quick quick pass we don’t know what these athletes are going through again possibly there was an injury possibly it was fatigue this has been a long season okay jino I would love to see you out there

On a basketball court for three minutes and see you literally lose your life as your lifeless lungs fall apart you have any idea how many minutes this guy’s played to play 48 minutes in a high compete game where you’re busting your ass defensively and offensively yeah I

Mean you might say he didn’t play Super well down the stretch and I’ll agree with you but to act like this guy has not been carrying your dumb asses like the entire season is kind of weird to me and also to make it like this is a fourth quarter closer so

I don’t want to understand where people come out this from right he played pretty well up until about the 38 minute mark from 38 to 48 minutes he was ass he was ass cheeks on defense he was ass on offense but can I can I please remind

You that in a normal game the entire criticism of Scotty is why couldn’t he play well in the first 38 minutes why’ he only show up in the last 10 well now it’s like why did he only play well in the first 38 minutes why didn’t he show

Up for the last 10 so it seems like the fans haters lovers supporters detractors seem to believe that unless Scotty is going to play a very complete 48 minutes that he’s a problem sure whatever I don’t give a [ __ ] man to be honest Rob’s gonna lose

It tonight no Rob is good tonight like I have been pretty sleep deprived for uh I want to say about I don’t know 10 days straight nine days straight work yo who the hell is banging up banging up floors at 10:30 in geez these people are

Crazy um no I’m good I’m good heavy is the head that wears the crown sure but the crown is being worn by 22-year-old a 22y old who may be going through some lingering injuries you know I know last year when his jump shot completely evaporated that he was going through

Tendonitis and I just had to watch like everybody say like he was trash and he was this and he was that gosh um do you think Scotty’s ideal way is 227 like he came in as a rookie 240 seems to be giving him issues with

Stamina no man I think he’s good I think he’s fine I think 240 is gonna be fine for him he’s a big dude he’s muscular um a lot of guys lose weight throughout the season I very much doubt he’s still 240 and by the way um just just an FYI 240

Is not that much for a guy who’s 68 69 240 is not that much just for context Pascal seak is about 242 okay um Jacob Isaac thanks so much for the Super Chat man do you think Scotty’s ideal way to okay yeah I just answered that okay let’s bring on some

Callers ny4 WPS fa what’s going on guys how are you I’m good how are you long time no talk good good good busy busy yeah oh what a game what a game what a game ah Scotty Scott Scott Scot choked today come on yeah he chok [Laughter]

Choked what it is he didn’t he’s the franchise player Scotty does not have that Mumble mentality he is a come great come on we’re gonna do this after one game every game of the season I said he choked today but Michael Jordan has missed game winners bro like everyone has these

Games it’s not missing it’s not about missing game winner it was too tentative let’s be honest yeah let’s call his SP his SP Scott is not Beyond reproach yeah Scott is my favorite player but he has everything to be really great Superstar but you can’t be tenative and say you

Want to be the man pasc is not anymore o is not anymore V is not anymore you are the man demand the ball arj is very very aggressive if you give Scotty AR aggressiveness Scotty will be a superstar easily should be giving us 30 something Point look at the ball okay

Fine people are saying he was injured or giving all the all the excuses in the world was right hold on hold on he was right under the basket and he gave the ball to yakoo miss a layup Scot should have scored that ball period yeah okay

Wait a second let me let me tell you that that I’m glad with I’m glad with that that play that started overtime right the Thunder get lost Emanuel quickley has the ball Scotty Barnes is wide open underneath the rim he does not throw him the basketball he dribbles then he throws him the

Basketball he waited two extra the he gave the ball to Gary Gary Trent Scotty shouldn’t give the ball to Gary Trent who didn’t play on one one play One play at a time so the play specifically that you’re talking about where he passes to yako I believe right he passed the rim

Under the rim Scotty was right under the rim too okay he passed to yakob yakob missed why why did he pass the ball to Jakob that’s the problem right there he’s a man it doesn’t matter is 69 Scot is 69 D the ball or lay up the ball

Could have scored that zero points on overtime zero points come on yeah he gave the ball to Gary Trent Gary Trent come on you talking about to to to end regulation or to end the first OT like like he pass the ball in the corner fine I know I I can say

Everything we can keep talking about um Dennis Shuda right because he sucks but this is Scotty team yeah this is Scotty’s team right now did you notice that Scotty walked off the court without shaking hands he like literally left the court within because he play like

Because he play like crap in the two times that’s call speed is speed at this point I don’t even know whether we should even call it scottin until he shows himself that he’s ready to lead leaders are not made leaders are born Scotty has everything to give us 3010

Every night 3010 facts yeah he can has everything in him what does that say scotting needs a Psy that is the most frustrating part about this game right if you want to rewatch The Game watch the OKC’s commentators that’s why watch the game they said everything like

This guy is too talented to be passing the ball to all these folks exactly too way too I understand you want to play the game the right way but you are the franchise player you are the goto guy you Scotty is not going to be a superstar or a mega

Superstar if he continues like this bro he’s gonna be a superstar regardless of what we say here super superstar is not about numbers passing and everything people the other team they need to fear you they need to fear you when you’re playing when when you’re playing when you’re playing Kobe you’re scared what

Um I think it was 20 2020 20 was it 2020 or 2021 um was his name again oh my God this guy ah he asked for the ball they didn’t give him the ball he was mad yeah U what this guy’s name was it then he was in Brooklyn Nets

Kevin I bet you thousand you will not be a superstar no no be holding for a long time to make up that money bro wait this guy wants RJ wants it right ifj has a talent it will be’s team easily easily about to be at the back of a McDonald’s bro5 at a

Time Point RJ attacks the basket Scotty is busy passing the ball it’s not a point guard dude okay here’s the thing simmer down okay let’s not I’m glad we lost let me put it out there for because I’m a pro tank right now there’s no point winning this game and and I’m

Watching Memphis if we had won today would have been number seven a 23 points lead this is the first time since 2015 that Toronto lost a game that they’ve been winning that they win leading by 20 points the first time since 2015 that’s the only sad part of losing this guy I

Would have preferred that he was closer through but come on Scott is the franchise right go get the ball go get the ball franchise player franchise tank commander bro absolutely doing what’s best for the team always then I agree with that TR because not at the back of my I still

Believe probably they told him you know what we thank him we thank him that’s I because I’ve been following the the draft right there talents in the top six really great talent right so honestly speaking I want us to if we can catch Portland that’s great for us but

At the same time Scotty needs to be more assertive we’ve been saying this for months and years and everything right he has a talent that’s a sad he can get the bask in want to get the basket and that’s what the commentators that’s what the commentators from OKC saying all game

Yeah look man I think at some point you gotta just look at this and say Scotty is not RJ Barrett Scotty is not Michael Jordan he’s not gonna be like those guys he’s gonna take good shots and he’s gonna have to learn how to take bad

Shots he’s not very good at taking bad shots which means that if he gets doubled he passes if he draws a really tough Defender and somebody has an easy matchup he passes this is a role player quality that he has play play the play the percentages right SC the shoots like 49%

Why would you be passing the ball to somebody that shoots like 42% and besides that too when are you going to say okay now is the fourth quarter now I I need to call for the ball no no let me let me let me let me

Play the devil okay yes Scotty has been the fourth quarter guy right but today was completely different I don’t know what happened but I don’t want to stop you can tell he wasn’t something was wrong something was wrong with him at the fourth quarter at the fourth quarter he

Was just on the other side of the he wasn’t even asking for the ball get the I I don’t want to give I don’t want to give that excuse for him because saying no hold on let me finish hold on let me finish if you can if you say he’s

Injured or something like this happened but he was still playing well on defense if you’re injured you can’t move around on defense he was trying to block he was still doing it was fine was try 200% on defense today 200% early not late late

He gave up a Blow by he gave up a terrible contest at The Rim where he could have easily blocked the shot because he was because he was guarding two people he was helping and guing was he was he he B he B then he will move

Back he was trying he will ble then go back yeah there was one time where he he where Gary Trent missed his man and Scotty was pie under the basket yeah yeah Kobe c o b you’re like one more caps lock away from getting blocked please stop with a caps lock bro it

Makes you look juvenile it makes you look stupid your your own words are sufficient to make you look stupid you don’t have to put them in caps lock okay KOB we can we can we can disagree with that I’m being respectful okay so stop using the Caps

Yeah all all Cap all cap in all caps be respectful capping in the Caps bro yeah I’m I’m a big Scot fan for sometimes I have to call it speed is no man like look you can say he had a bad game without living and dying by the moment

It did not it did not have it did not have a bad game it did it did not just take the lead when it matters if you look at his numbers eight 17 points his F go was over 50 something per I think it was eight of or n 15 okay have

Question for you okay yeah so you you agree to meet meet with somebody for 200 meetings right let’s say you set up 200 meetings 199 of them they’re 10 minutes early okay the 200th literal meeting they’re seven minutes late would you define that person as tardy I have never

Seen Scotty Barnes disappear in a fourth quarter in my life ever this is literally the first one so we’re not going to live and die by the immed I I agree right but you want to be the franchise player he shouldn’t be taking 13 shots Scotty should be taking 20

Something shorts every single game so it’s not about the fourth quarter it’s not even about the fourth quarter right now he has to be taking shots like even his coach the the the the interview that you have P you pinned on your on your Twitter account he said it has got the

Next development part of Scotty is to read the game and see that these guys are not scoring let me take over let me go let me score said it and I was so happy that I said it because I know that he’s going to work with C during the off

Seon on that yeah and that’s what Kevin dur does all the time there was one game this season he told de Booker that forget about me go get yours that when is my time I’ll go get mine that’s the next step of his development I want to see and his coach

Said it that the interview you did with this coach is like the best interview he said everything that I’m trying to say right now I’m glad three times that’s how how much and I am with Scotty I was so pissed off today because he can do

Better I I was I was at work on a training in California when I called like go listen to this interview that this is the best interview we Scot his train I sent it to him on whatsa and another Channel like listen to this interview that this is he said

Everything that we’ve been saying shout outs to my man bmac he’s great um you can expect hopefully one interview every single January for the rest of Scotty’s career let us pray that and please please pass this message on to the coach I know you have Channel pass it please

We want to be great we want him he we all want him to be great but greatness is not going to come overnight okay now listen listen to me listen to me okay we can’t keep moving the goal post okay when they said they said that when

Scotty has to deal with doubles he’s gonna basically never score again he’s gonna he’s going to drop off since Pascal’s been gone he’s averaging like 21 points per game right can we acknowledge that I agree but let and his percentages haven’t tanked at all he’s shooting like 49% in field

Too so that’s one thing the team is not winning but the team is [ __ ] trash okay let’s be real so beyond that I mean you replaced Pascal seak with [ __ ] Bruce Brown bro Bruce Brown had zero points today like what are we talking about here like we were missing yaka

Perle for like three weeks we’re missing RJ Barrett like I feel like people don’t really understand like how how much better Scotty will get I mean this is 15% 15% 15% means yes one out of every 35 games he’s going to have a bad fourth quarter where he’s going to be

Passive I’ve seen Mo I’ve seen entire games like this last year where he was like a totally not interested person on defense and yeah maybe we went a little too far at that point saying it’s Fred’s fault it’s Pascal’s fault for freezing him out of the offense but yo tonight

The ball is not finding him and you might say hey if you’re a franchise player you [ __ ] stop the offense you get a in the middle and you say give me the ball give me the ball give me the ball like Julius Randle style right but if you’re injured and you’re tired and

After 40 minutes maybe you’re like [ __ ] RJ’s cooking IQ is cooking let me get it to them Scotty is never gonna be the guy you know like LeBron took a lot of criticism for this early in his career why are you passing to this guy why are

You passing to Ray why are you passing to Chris Bosch why are you passing to D way you’re not the man right now obviously LeBron was a hell of a lot better than Scotty but this criticism was always there for LeBron of like why did you pass that ball to J.R Smith

Aren’t you supposed to how you better than Michael Jordan LeBron is always going to pass the ball last year I think he pass the ball to Dennis Schroeder for a [ __ ] Corner three like to to win a series so or was it it was like it was late late leverage and you’re like

Jordan would never pass that but LeBron would and that’s LeBron’s greatness he would Scotty will Scotty will always pass the ball to the open guy he’s always GNA he’s and and if he’s not if he’s not going to force [ __ ] right he needs to get better at forcing stuff

Stuff I agree he needs to get better at taking tough shots I agree he he cannot do what he did in the in the fourth quarter in overtime I completely agree but I’m not about to sit here and lose sleep over a one in 50 occurrence when I

Have seen honestly tell you this when he was drafted till now I never in my life expected he would have been such a great fourth quarter player this early in his career all of this is a Hallmark for a lot of success later on when he has

Better teams when he further along in his skill work when his handle gets tighter he’s going to be a dominant fourth quarter player for the rest of his life I promise you that one game it’s not just the fourth quarter that I’m concerned about because this is just

One game I’m concerned about him taking over games from the beginning but he because all he does is he loves to pass which is good but who you passing the ball to matters a lot thank you passing the ball to Gary Trent that didn’t shoot anything off all day

That’s been shooting that’s not fair that’s not fair I mean freaking really talented offensive player he was four eight was six of 15 six of 15 let’s not forget the four of eight from three were open looks where they gave him the point can we please

Remember that Gary Trent as a starter is a 50% three-point shooter that might be one of the five best three-point shooters in the NBA as a starter giv on the defensive hand what EXA on defense can can I please point something out Shay Guild Alexander tonight took fewer shots than Lou Dort

Do you understand sh they they were Bing him they were blezzing him all game okay the Raptors don’t have a single Defender who’s anywhere close to Lou Dort Lou Dort guarded Scotty Barnes a lot tonight it’s not wasn’t trying to touch the ball he was roaming around in the

Corners exactly not about it wasn’t time he touches the ball any time he touches the ball The Defenders to him so so if he knew that if he knows that he’s going to have the Defenders drawn drawn to him why don’t you touch the ball all the time because anytime he touches the

Ball something happens but at the fourth quarter disappeared and it was very it’s very unlike Scot because Scot likes to take over in the fourth quarter give me the ball give me the ball but it’s like on the corners every time when they give him the boy just jack up the tree yeah

I’m with you man anyways um I don’t want to I don’t want to keep rehashing the same thing over and over again it feels like I’m saying one thing you’re saying another thing I’m saying be patient I’m saying it’s it’s a it’s not a trend say

One game it’s one game and look last year if I told you this was GNA be his year next year you would have said I was crazy even you guys who are big Scotty fans you would have said [ __ ] crazy but he would be the biggest off I knew I

Knew you knew he was going to come out and be he was going to shoot 39% from three for like the first 40 games come ony dick is going to be great so it’s a growing it’s a growing thing right I’m not worried because wor about

I think we have the good base for the future right Scotty we saw great piece of that tonight I and we saw great piece and we have to make a decision with Jack AO because he look great good today let me know he great then hopefully they get

Like two good draft picks and we have c space and we’ll see where it goes from here but I’m not worried at all but I want us to rebuild well there’s a good way to re and there’s a bad way to re this is a great this is the greatest way

To rebuild this the greatest way to re the okay SE thund and then still get the loss perfect is blowing at a 20 point lead right that the bad way to it was completely self-inflicted man trust me if there’s nothing that the Thunder did to the Raptors that the Raptor could not

Have stopped there was a lot of self-inflicted [ __ ] it was a lot of stupid shots it was a lot of going away from things there was a lot of going towards Dennis I don’t even think they played the right rotations down the stretch the the rotation to I just I

Just want February 8 to pass so that we know what we have right because some folks need to go like maybe if the coach is still playing gar train after February 8 I’m done no uh no this guy what’s the name of den playing Den sh

I’m ready to move them all uh anyways thanks a lot for calling in guys really appreciate as always cheers yeah bye okay Lane and let’s bring on four at a time oh all good callers mobs Lane Lil John and Coach Mo all at the same time

Sweet what’s going on guys yo okay to keep this somewhat organized we will go from Lane Lane what’s going on um this is something I said on here before uh after they got rid of Pascal and OG and after Fred walked in the summer a lot of these Raptors fans and

Even so-called Scotty fans at the time would need to find a new scapegoat sooner than later they found their new skapegoat whoap Scotty have you not seen how being talked about tonight it’s ridiculous how they’re talking about a 22-year-old did he have a terrible game yeah you can’t

Cry like a little baby when things don’t go your way he needs they get that obvious system I’ve coached kids like him exactly freaking like him that when one thing doesn’t go their way it’s pow pow shoulder drops there’s one way to fix it and it’s an ass kicking from the

Coaching staff he needs to get his ass kicked that’s it other than that though what do you think what do you think he whoa who do you think he was pouting to it was RJ Barrett um when RJ Barrett didn’t pass up the ball with 5 seconds

Left in the game because he wanted to try to get fouled to take the free throws to ice the game Scotty’s wide open down the court that’s 100% what he was pouting about so you think he basically protested in overtime by not taking a shot um I I think he was

Mentally checked out I don’t I wouldn’t call it a protest by not taking a shot I just think he was mentally checked out but I don’t like how we’ve made him the new scapegoat because you know me I’m I was a big seum fan when he was here and

I saw them do it this is a very interesting angle from you Lane because basically just you said I’m tired of people making an escape cat and then you basically made him Escape cat I love it okay let’s move on it’s funny okay moops what’s up man uh what’s good bro I think

I think people need to calm down and realize this is a 22 year old and we’re acting like he’s choking in the fourth quarter or or overtime every single time it’s it’s literally one time we’ve seen it multiple times this season where he has taking over games in the fourth

Quarter and it’s not like this is a playoff game people acting like it’s a playoff game or something I’m like we are a terrible team that is tanking relaxed it’s a 22y old everyone goes through Growing Pains Jordan went through Growing Pains um LeBron Curry

Everyone it’s a 22 year old at the end of the day relax yeah and I mean honestly like the criticism has always been where is he until the fourth quarter he only Dows it up in the fourth quarter as if that’s not [ __ ] the hardest thing in the

World to do um and then now you know he doesn’t play so well in overtime and it’s like where was he in the fourth quarter where is this guy he’s such a choker oh my God Scotty Barnes detractors are pretty much like I don’t know there’s like a

There’s like a cohort for like the dumbest people on Earth they are it like it is the weirdest [ __ ] in the world to like just watch it because it’s like their argument changes every day it’s like okay if you trade SE yakum he’s gonna score he’s not going to be able to

Score his efficiency is going to dip his passing’s going to dip okay his passing doesn’t dip okay but you traded seak and you’re losing it’s like yes trading Pascal SE yakum and ogan anobi and playing Bruce Brown and not having yaka purle on the court is going to result in

More losing you see Grady dick and Jordan noira and Jaylen McDaniels playing minutes gez so it’s like the goal post will always move and basically there’s one type of game literally one type of game where people will not complain about which is if Scotty Barn scores 30

And nobody else on the Raptors scores more than 20 that’s literally the only type of game Win Lose or Draw where people are not going to complain if he’s not the leading scorer they’re going to complain literally anybody scores more I swear to God I saw very legitimately like not mentally

Completely let me not get canceled here um people saying that Jordan noara was more talented than Scotty Barnes that’s actually insane right but it’s like one game but people bger bag sure that’s what it was yeah so it’s just weird anyways coach Mo what up yeah the the hyper Bowl the I mean

The game by game overreaction Scotty’s a choker I’m like really I thought he was fourth quarter B but now he’s a choker but the only thing I couldn’t defend was him casually throwing a left-handed pass to Gary Trent with four seconds left to end regulation that was the only in

Everything else I could stomach that one I was like whoa yeah I agree I feel like that one was like yeah you’re bro like you’re you’re you’re to me I was like yeah you you were a [ __ ] for that everything else I was okay with honestly

Because it’s kind of him that in the fourth quarter to Gary that’s the only one I couldn’t stomach like that one I I was I was actually pretty upset with that um yeah the thing I didn’t like about the game okay can I can I please ask whoever the hell is doing this

Background noise please please stop like whoever’s got this like weird like whipping throwing whatever just just put your on mute if you’re not talking yeah what I didn’t like is Grady dick playing 10 minutes that I did not like and me too he was plus four his family came I

Was like Darko why are you doing him like this and he played well he he played well two for two um why is Noir not playing I understand everybody else Jaylen McDaniels doesn’t need to play because people are back bu for whatever reason there’s something going on with

Him but why can’t noira play I don’t understand why is Dennis shoter playing 36 minutes why does this guy find his way on the court over and over again minus 23 that dude has to hold the ball he has to hold the watching that guy play I’ve never hated a basketball

Player more in my entire life than who than Dennis shudder the basketball player I I hate that the person I don’t know him I can’t speak on that the basketball player Dennis shooter I despise him I can’t wait till he’s gone yeah and the also the fact that the

Coach is in love with him so that doesn’t help either yeah like I said he’s never gonna miss a game he will never miss a game he will be ready to to you know get his 30 plus every night yeah uh okay I think Lil John you muted

Yourself uh can if you want to unmute yourself can hear from you can you hear me yeah I can yeah I kind of like the first guy’s point um about him protesting he definitely was mad at something Scot I agree he left he left the court without shaking anyone’s

Hand he did that like I think the last time he did that was the philly uh game six when they lost he was mad at something this was this wasn’t a him being you know not not having it inside of him to to take shots this this was

Something that occurred that you know we don’t know but there it was something I don’t know if it was RJ I don’t know if it was Darko you know choosing to have quickly initiate I don’t know yeah I I don’t understand either because like it feels like okay look there’s one thing I

Don’t ever dispute Scotty Barnes wants to win always okay doesn’t matter if you’re tanking doesn’t matter if you have 12 wins on the season this guy wants to win always he cares about winning a lot nobody who busts his ass defensively as hard as this guy does

Doesn’t care about winning so yeah I’ve seen him get a little upset in the past last two years when the ball doesn’t find him he’s pretty upset you know when his teammates don’t move the ball like he gets pretty upset you can see him on the bench he just checks out mentally he

Does not like he he he’s pretty emotional he’s a pretty emotional guy you can tell so I think clearly something did happen because when he was on the bench like yo in the second quarter he was so dialed in on the bench he was literally up barking okay whoever’s doing this

Background [ __ ] please have some respect man like I understand like you know if you’re not talking just put yourself on mute man it’s really difficult for like 47 people to be listening to your background noise okay so point being if you are going to um sorry I’ve lost my

Train of thought man [ __ ] all right there was way too much IQ in the fourth quarter it was like there were no plays being run no one was moving it was just IQ be Allen Iverson it was weird like I felt like the coach could have

Stepped in and ran a play like nothing was Happ it was IQ here’s the ball we’re not even gonna set you a screen just attack it’s weird yeah um little John do you have something going on in your background do you have like people moving around yeah I’m I’m among some people

Right now okay so however your microphone is set up basically if someone is moving behind you it is very loud okay uh do you hear anyone right now I I put a put my mic on yeah I’m not hearing anything right now but but it

Like yeah if if it happens again I’m G have to I’m gonna have to ask you to leave yeah because it’s just been happening a lot um yeah I mean look I just I don’t think it’s a trend to be worried about it isolated things happen

It could have been an injury could have been upset about something he has a right to be upset there are [ __ ] a lot of mistakes that happened down the stretch there was a ton of twom man action where like it feels like the rest of the team was not involved and and

Some guys just got way way too ball dominant down the stretch and you know what what do you do if the coach is not going to call it what do you do right maybe you have to develop a better coping strategy to deal with that on the

Bench you have to be able to go up to an manual quickly and RJ Barett a dennish voter and be like yo this we’re not doing this right now give me the ball on the next play and maybe From darko’s perspective he’s not going to step in

He’s going to force Scotty to have that conversation because he’s got to have that conversation everyone’s had that conversation every star player has had to have that conversation at some point with the role players around them right and this might be the most uncomfortable thing for Scotty to do that might be the

Most uncomfortable thing for him and but it’s a necessary step and you can’t do that coach thing where you want to baby him so much that you’d be like no I’m going to have that conversation for him no if he wants to sit in the corner for

Two [ __ ] overtimes in a row you’re GNA have to let him [ __ ] go through it and watch his team lose and he had he’s gonna have to look at this and they’re going to break down the game film tomorrow if they have like a film session before uh they face the Pelicans

And he’s going to see that there were probably a ton of times where he was open or he could have demanded the ball or he had a favorable match up in the post and he could have gone up with it and he didn’t and he’s going to have to

Answer to his teammates and his teammates are going to have to answer to him hopefully they can grow from this hopefully through friction because look man Manuel quickley RJ Barrett Dennis Schroeder all these guys get very ball happy sometimes oh he was ball happy IQ was in love with the B yeah especially

Overtime and and here’s the thing like you’re not the best player on your team Emanuel quickley or RJ Barrett or Dennis schroer none of you are especially Dennis schroer especially Dennis schroer but even those other two guys they’re not so once in a while you got to feed it to

Your guy you know you you got you got to feed it to your key guy and you know to the key guy it’s not all on them it’s also on you you got to demand it so it’s got to go both ways and I’m sure that some you know like some tensions are

Going to be played out in the locker room um again like people who say like quit making excuses for Scotty it’s not about excuses man it’s about understanding that there is a a real like Evolution that has to happen for a player to go from the type

Of player he is to the type of player you want him to be and it’s not easy it rarely ever happens in the span of a couple years you know Kawai had to learn as well over years of time he had to learn how to get to his spots how to

Demand the basketball how to be the man because that’s not really who he’s been you know and that’s not really who Scotty’s been Scot growing pains for a 22y old is Growing Pains man and and I know like we always bring up the 222222 but it is important too you know

It’s important to understand as a 22 year old how how do you approach 31y old Dennis Schroeder and say yo cut that [ __ ] out how do you approach it you clearly can you can no one’s going to be too upset with you but do we remember what happened last year when Scotty like

Told you know Dy s to back off everyone’s like H what how dare he do you remember what happened when Scotty Barnes went up to Dennis schroer and took the ball away from him at the line and told him no I’m G to take the [ __ ] technical free

Throw people are like what how dare he how dare he Dennis is a better free throw shooter than him Scotty Barnes is arrogant so it’s like damned if you do damned if you don’t look at the end of the day people are gonna hate him they’re gonna hate him no matter what

Right if he scores 40 points and they lose it’s going to be like well they lost if he scores 30 25 points and they win it’s going to be like well score 40 so it’s just it’s it’s never ending but you know what to every great player out

There this is what they got to get used to all of them have to get used to it right Michael Jordan a used to we 32 points 33 points 35 points scoring titles can’t win championships won a championship couldn’t do it without Pippen and Rodman and Phil Jackson it’s endless it’s literally

Endless okay it’s the same thing with LeBron LeBron won championships had too much help had to join the heatles KD won championships had to join Steph Steph won a championship couldn’t defend needed Draymond needed the Warriors offense blah blah blah there’s always choked late how many times do we

Remember a debate about Steph Curry is he really the guy is he not really the guy because he chokes late blah blah blah there’s there’s too much man so it just it it is never ending and you know what any any player who wants to be

Great get used to it yeah anyways uh Lane closing thoughts closing thoughts for all of you yeah um I guess my way is let’s not make him the scape go let’s not do the Scotty what this fan base largely did to Fred Pascal even dear at

Times you know let’s not do that to Scotty right let’s end that toxic trait here um he’s our guy win or lose he’s our guy um the only thing I’m not so sure about coming away from this game the only thing I will overreact to is

Darko I have been neutral on Darko um tonight I don’t know how I feel about him I really don’t I mean at this point it feels like Dennis Schroeder is just the cheaper Walmart Fred and Darko is just Dollar General Nick nurse um for like we we have we

Have what we had last year but the pay LS version and his rotations are terrible his timeout calls are terrible he calls the timeout too late calls the timeout too early uses him up too fast uses him up too slow I mean it’s like the dude doesn’t know how to manage a

Basketball game and I get it I get he’s getting his Great Looks he’s completely changed the culture of passing and our assist numbers are astronomical but at the same time not everybody is the same player you have to play to the strength of your players at

Times and like you saw when seak started the season off slow it took him a while to work himself back into it I still don’t feel like yak’s found a rhythm in darko’s offense I don’t feel like Gary Trent Jr’s found a rhythm in darko’s offense and really I feel like it’s been

A deterrent to Scotty Barnes because he has a bunch of guys that don’t know their role around him and he’s expected to put it all together at 22 years old so yeah I mean I respect what he’s done it’s nothing against him as a man but I

Just don’t think he’s the right coach for this team honestly completely disagree okay darko’s A darko’s a good coach uh you know if if RJ advances the ball instead of trying to get the free throws and the Raptors win the conversation is completely different if he doesn’t dribble we win if he doesn’t

Dribble we win the game I mean RJ’s he’s just he’s really he’s really selfish but at least he’s aggressive so that will hide you know Scotty being so the complete opposite of him will kind of hide the blame from RJ with some of the stuff he does but if Darko if the

Raptors win this game darko’s getting praised right now so this this just shows you how like fickle this stuff is because fickle is the word yeah I think dark was great tonight he doesn’t get credit for like the defensive scheme against Shay without a solid attack

Defender you had Gary Trent Jr as a primary defender on Shay gild Alexander for most of the night or much of the night and you did a great job this was one of this this was one of sga’s worst games of the year like you know how hard

That is to do yeah yeah yeah I remember like that game against assar was like hell for him this it’s not quite that but it was bad like it was really bad and they did a great job and they made him look so average they made him look

So average and he’s so good his shot making is so good I thought the Raptors got really unlucky with some uh offensive rebounds like going like a little too far from uh you know someone’s hands yeah fair enough I also think they got pretty lucky with some of

Those like open threes not going in so it balances out the point about Gary listen Gary is closer to a third stringer than he is to a starter Gary’s not good so I don’t think you can make a bad player good Gary’s not good Gary’s

Bad on this team he’s good I don’t know about bad bro yeah I don’t know about bad he’d probably start for three or four I don’t think I don’t think Gary plays on a good team any team that contends you don’t think he plays on a

Good team at all not even I think he would play on good teams I don’t think he would start on good team I don’t think he would start either but he’ll definitely be like a seventh man Gary is what every single contending team needs right now a guy who could shoot threes

And can be a spark he better than Isiah Joe is he better than yeah thanks for saying Isiah Joe is he better than is yes hell isah Joe is he better than he rebounds and plays I don’t not Cas Wallace no hell no not Cas Wallace if

He’s not better than Isaiah Joe and Cas Wallace he’s not getting on the court for the Thunder he’s he’s better than Usman Jang I’ll tell you that that’s but you’re right you’re right but but the Thunder are a pretty exceptional team because they are very deep um and and and would

He you know it’s worth saying would he play for the Pelicans probably not that’s a really good point he might not play for the Pelicans they have herb Jones Trey Murphy CJ McCullum I mean [ __ ] like there are some Team B he played for he would play for the bucks

He would probably play for the he would play for the Celtics he would play for the he would play for the Cavs he would play on a lot of teams I’m just being but he wouldn’t start on them and and that is and that is exactly it because right now

If I’m a rival general manager and I’m trying to gauge his value as a as a player you know potentially on the free agent Market I’m looking at a guy who pretty much tanks anytime he doesn’t start and I’m looking at a guy that I cannot start so it’s a tough tough tough

Tough place to be uh for Gary Trent anyways um little John any any final thoughts man yeah I guess my final thought is Darko is getting you know he’s getting he’s really getting a bad RP right now for some really bad losses and few like that Bulls game they win if

Protto plays there’s been a couple wins that have been left on the table and Darko would be getting he would be getting you know statues built of him right now if the the Raptors kind of came through in the end if maybe yeah yeah he’s he’s a he’s a really good

Coach I actually had it I was telling someone like people are going to eat their words about mid like Midway through the third quarter I was telling someone Darko is gonna make people eat their words u in a couple years and you know funny enough funny enough at the

End of the game now he’s getting clowned so that’s kind of how it goes yeah I mean he’ll be fine he’s like anybody else you know first year head coaches Jason kid is a first year head coach I remember Rick Carl is a first year head coach he has certainly certainly done a

Great job um on a lot of fronts and then there are other fronts where he’s not doing a great job if you thought you were hiring you know 18th Year Phil Jackson sorry to disappoint you know he’s not that guy okay and he’s not Larry Brown in his 30th year either you

Know what I mean he is however a really good first year head coach okay in my opinion he’s been he’s been fantastic um he’s had some very glaring issues as well but I suspect here’s the thing I am a very process-based person which means that I trust that as situations change rosters change

Process remains right how you deal with situations is pretty much fundamentally who you are that’s who you are as a person so do you treat people with respect do you accept your mistakes are you a curious learner these things all matter you know are you someone who

Pushes yourself are you a hard worker you know like it’s like people don’t change the fundamental core element of who people are doesn’t really change it it it carries from job to job if you’re if you’re a person who doesn’t deal well with people this is not going to change

Because you put better people around you you’ll find a way to [ __ ] those up too that’s kind of just how it goes so I I trust this guy to be able to reach and teach I think that’s a good thing about himself but also the reaching and

Teaching goes to himself as well he’s a good teacher but he’s also a good learner and I appreciate that about him and I have a feel that he’s going to be a hell of a lot better next year and he’s going to get through some growing

Paints this year but you know what I I think it’s a it’s a good thing and I think he’ll be fine anyways any final thoughts from any of you or we’re gonna go off go on to the next batch of callers I think at the end of the day um

We’re a terrible team and a 22y old who was an amazing player had one bad fourth quarter or overtime I think we just need to calm down at the end of the day that’s my opion yeah I think to to to to to anyone to anyone out there um who

Kind of is sick and tired of this fan base sometimes I’ll say this the loudest dumbest people are often determining our basketball takes because whether we are responding to it or countering it we’re still technically giving it Credence right if someone comes out and says Scotty Barnes is a bench player well

Then everyone’s content is going to be why Scotty Barnes is not a bench player do you know I mean it’s almost like the absurdest like the stupidest person gets to determine what everyone’s going to talk about that day and that’s not good so my suggestion is if someone’s really

Dumb just don’t retweet them don’t quote tweet them don’t respond to them just move on it doesn’t matter these people are idiots okay they really are they’re really dumb they don’t understand basketball and there’s really no point in responding to them or paying too much attention to them because they don’t

Understand basketball that’s it they just don’t they don’t get it it’s it’s cool they think Darko can’t coach they probably couldn’t diagram a single basketball play to save their life but apparently he can’t either so who’s to say right I’ve never seen like the indignation of people on Twitter to to

Do with zero research zero insight and to just have such bold basketball takes is is honestly a miracle I wonder if some alien life force is studying us from thousands and millions of light years away and just saying man Raptor fans are pretty [ __ ] dumb anyways

Thank you guys for this lovely call it was good um thanks a lot for calling in guys cheers have a good night all right on to the next on to the next three we got oh man please don’t be trolls I don’t recognize two of these

Names Keegan what’s up how you doing Rob I’m good uh this is my first time calling you cool okay not a troll reio not a troll not a troll sweet thank God okay and Jonathan hugging his dog is definitely not a troll how y’all doing I’m doing good Okay who wants to go

First uh I I I’ll go first I’ll go first um I I thought that uh Scotty had a pretty good game other than the end I I think that it’s really overblown the whole like I thought he showed a lot of energy I I I finally saw him like Be an

Effective player for the first three quarters and then you know the opposite of what you would expect he kind of doesn’t he drops the ball in the fourth sure um and I but I didn’t understand why Grady got 10 minutes only 10 yeah I I’ll unfortunately I guess you guys came in

Late that’s all stuff we’ve discussed already um but yeah like uh I get it yeah Grady should have play played more uh Dennis probably should have played less yeah um Rio what’s going on man what up man first time caller I’ve been uh so I’m a Nicks fan plot plot twist um I’ve

Been watching the show since the trade because you know IQ and RJ and um from from like my month of being a Raptors fan I’ve noticed a lot of stuff on Raptors Twitter I’ve been falling asleep to your content and I agree with your entire outlook on a rebuilding the team

I feel like from the outside looking in I’m seeing a lot of over over reactions to some of the uh shortcomings of the teams like Scotty Barnes like from from my point of view I look at him like dude that rebound he got that pass I see like

The stuff he does that 90% of players in the league can’t do but because there’s this attachment from fam like everything he does under a microscope and there’s not a realization that it’s not a good team like there have you have to remove the attachment and understand where things stand this is a

Rebuilds like 80% of Rost is not going to be here going forward and there needs to be understanding of Peck and order as well like Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett love those guys they’re not number one options Emanuel quickley there is somebody who’s watched every single game of their career did

Not miss a single Knicks game I can tell you straightforward they’re strength for weaknesses IQ had higher value coming in for the simple fact of where he benefits as a shot Creator shot maker I R.J isn’t strong in that in that department so it kind of made like the last two years

He’s a better periment Defender but we had like Mitch Robinson in the paint so his defensive stats look a little inflated but he’s not good at finishing through contact if you put a big wing on him or some somebody who beeps him to the step he’s not like Shifty enough to

You know what I mean he’s more like a compliment guard RJ Barrett limited he can’t score he can’t score from you know beyond the three consistently but he’s aggressive but that’s Val in a third option I see Scotty Barnes I see he sees them on Cuts I see he’s getting Gary

Trent bro you guys have like like a future cap like how many people are extended on this team Scotty’s not extended besides RJ maybe who else is longterm RJ’s extended uh quickly is extension eligible probably going to take closer to that 24 25 million Mark than the 18 million Mark that the Knicks

Were willing to offer and you know apart from that you got yaka purle on a sad four-year almost $80 million deal um I mean y’all got a way better player in Isaiah hardenstein on like $7 million so yeah the rich right the rich where where

In New York you from man I’m from the Bronx I’m Upstate right now face SC sweet sweet sweet I grew up I grew up in I grew up in Washington Heights OH a lot of raptors uh content creators are like from New York that’s weird how that

Works I mean technically the the the two that are me and Chev right so yeah I mean like I’m I’m New York yeah I’m locked in I’m on your tweets I have your live tweet notifications I see it all man uh what you call I mentioned the cap uh space uh

Situation for the simple fact in two to three is all these role players are gone in two to three years Scotty is like 20% better like like what’s Chris bu is gonna be gone he’s gonna be gone players I mean that’s the thing right like most people would say for your five

Starters the average team is going to spend about 80% of their cap on their five starters right if the Raptors extend say like they get some value in the draft right let’s say they draft their starting center this year they got four they got three picks maybe they

Trade up they get them right between Scotty IQ RJ Grady potentially and and this and this hypothetical Center you got your entire starting five locked up for like less than half the cap you know what I mean there’s like a lot of wiggle room so you can get real deep real fast

Granted Toronto not the biggest um you know free agent Market but you don’t have to be a big free agent Market you can take contracts back you can do a lot of smart stuff and a lot of teams haven’t prepared for the second apron first apron [ __ ] a lot of teams have

Like bad contracts the Raptors don’t have any bad contracts I think yakob is the closest thing to a bad contract but everything else is expiring it’s in shorts and and yeah I’m and I mean the addition of all these picks in the hands of a team that really drafts well

Probably really good thing honestly I agree with your take that like you know Scotty needs to be more of the guy in in in a in a sense but he’s gonna have to grow into that too he didn’t he didn’t come in like mellow out of Syracuse

Right where it was like every offense he’s ever been a part of has been built around him he got all the Reps you know getting all those midi pull-ups I don’t know how long you’ve been following basketball but I’ve been like I actually watch Melo in high school in high school

Live so like watching him with oakill seeing him you know back then taking all those reps being the man man those that [ __ ] carries like he was the man in Syracuse he was the man at Oak Hill he was the man in Denver and yeah like MSU

Jury I remember in Scotty’s rookie year he was asked he’s like have you ever had a rookie this talented he said he started thinking about it he’s like Carmelo 2003 that was the last time so that was like straight up 17 years that he hadn’t had a rookie that’s talented

But the difference between Melo and Scotty is Scotty’s a better Defender Scotty’s a better rebounder even though melo’s a beast rebounder better passer he just doesn’t have the scoring package yet right he doesn’t have the handle the shift you know the the counters the little little post step back whatever

But man he’s got physical advantages Melo couldn’t even that’s the fun part though that’s the fun part like you watch Dude bro you’re talking to somebody who watched Julius Randle turn into all in me when I tell you we were watching Reggie Bullock nerland no dude this stuff takes time kemell Walker

Starting point guard this stuff takes off it’s not going to be all perfect like for bro a decade of watching losing basketball bro I I can you guys just started to rebuild and I can see a vision there are teams who they’re on path and there’s no there’s no there’s

No there’s no path that you can see of them being good Scotty Barnes I look at him play and I watch an all NBA player like Julie I’m like yo bro dude he his contested rebound percentages better his defense is better like that pass that he

Made to RJ I Rand wouldn’t have made that that handoff the effort the running down the court dude that’s like 80% of it dude he’s 22 years old we need to get back into this thing of basketball right where uh Improvement year by year in young players is like normalized like

People are expecting these John Moran type jumps early on dude what happened to the days where a g rookie would start off 15 18 21 22 24 and then grow into Prime like learn game by game by game Summer by Summer by summer dude Scotty B has the prototypical build of a modern

NBA Wing like dude drafting him when you guys drafted him I was like I don’t know it’s a little high because I’m seeing like role player like uh because they Draft when they drafted him I remember quote unquote they used the words quintessential role player yep team team

Teamate whatever the word is and I was like hey I don’t know that’s what you need from Toronto with this top pick and I’m seeing do it his shot he went from like not being able to shoot he’s in the lab his his like physical development he

His ability to absorb contact did you catch my interview with yeah I’ve seen it beginning to end yeah so so I mean look like I I’ve been a Scotty fan since night rers probably so I I’m a huge fan of his I I think he’s great I didn’t buy

Any of the role player stuff I think you know even if you think that it’s going to take a lot longer he will get there hard work overtime multiplied with physical advantages and big strides usually does result in a star Predator Wing um I’m curious if that star

Predator Wing is going to come up next year or the year after but there’s no doubt in my mind that at some point we’re going to look up and see Scotty averaging 27 28 30 points a game and at that point it’ll be yeah but he hasn’t

Won a championship you get it right like I mean Julius ranold turned himself from potential Lottery bust to all NBA they still [ __ ] hate the guy even had a down year in between all NBA years right and I mean Pascal got went through it too here you know the crown is heavy for

Sure um Jonathan what’s going on you’ve been waiting sorry about that how you doing no I’m I’m really enjoying the conversation it was nice that we’re I got in with uh two new callers uh really love hearing from uh different fan bases so um take care of our OG please he’s is

Absolutely precious to us um see what I did there um he’s absolutely precious that’s funny um can can you get a little bit closer to the mic I’m having trouble hearing you uh okay is that is that any better yeah that’s much better okay uh I

Just wanted to say uh short and sweet trust the process people um we got Sam hany on the line we got Sam hanky I’m just kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding kidding I didn’t want to use that but it it there’s so much value in that

Statement and just to go back on one of your points as far as like you know people on Twitter and spaces and so on and so forth um it arguing with people that are I’m not going to call them stupid but we’ll go with that sure uh

They’re going to beat you with their expertise right because it it you’re never going to be able to win an argument with any an idiot it’s it’s it’s really tough to do and um you’re never somebody who’s dumb is not going to ever be able to understand the finer

Points of things so um everybody just I like I I’m a broken record on this but it’s like look up the Cocoon the butterfly came from the Cocoon analogy and it is not just Scotty I’m talking about it is this organization and shame on anybody that says anything about

Dark yeah here’s the thing like yeah I think darko’s been great he’s been he’s had a lot to override you know it’s habits are hard to break man it’s like taking a whole bunch of on a 22y Old Scotty Barnes right like there’s so much newness here and people are just like I

Want all of the experience I want all of the winning and I want it right now this like it’s almost like the the mentality of a lot of people I come across whether it’s Sports whether it’s you know anything else in life is like they’re going to McDonald’s and they

Want their [ __ ] big sorry they want their effing Big Mac in 30 seconds or they’re going to flip out yeah and it’s like if you want a terrible burger go to McDonald’s if you if you want a terrible basketball team keep screaming about this crap yeah I love you guys um I uh

Wish you all the best at the Penance Film Festival uh are you in Toronto uh I I’m an hour outside of Toronto but like I a Tron uh I’m a Tron boy if you end up if you end up free that weekend uh hit me up and I’ll get you some tickets for

Real yeah yeah man oh my gosh it’s it’s up your alley I promise you if if you if you Vibe with this if you Vibe with this channel Penance is totally up your alley yeah well i’ I’ve checked out the I’ve checked out a bunch

Of your stuff on the on the other IG that you have so it’s it’s it’s definitely up my alley um I’m going through a uh a layoff and going back to school and um dealing with like a a lot like I’m driving for Uber Eats right now

So uh it’s uh that means a great deal so um I appreciate my pleasure it’s the least I can do to thank you for super chats man like my God like every like everyone who’s like giving me tons of super chats and tons of support and

Views I’m sure like the least could do is get you a couple tickets or even like four tickets I don’t know come out for a day it’ll get you get you eight tickets whatever just just shoot me a message all right see you Jonathan see you deserve the support L

The channel is listen man like it keeps me say because if you go on Twitter dude you’re gonna like I’m just looking at comments I don’t even I’ve been on Twitter I’ve been on Twitter and I mean like yo there was this one dude I I mean

I swear I went on Twitter uh Twitter spaces on zazu’s thing like last time and I’m in all your spes by the way you’ve been on that okay so you remember the Keenan guy going on like like I’m I’m put hands on this guy I’m just like bro my God

Like Jesus basketball bro like and and honestly for me it’s tough right because I grew up as I mentioned Washington Heights scar bro like I’ve grown up in some pretty bad areas where it was pretty regular for people to get stabbed people get jumped people to get shot up people get

Killed for someone to be saying this [ __ ] about ball bro dude it’s not basketball like y’all [ __ ] kidding me right and I’m just like it’s it was a great moment for me for real because in that moment I was just like Lord I’m so glad I’m not old me because old me would

Have said something real different about it you know and um I know cing Vibe it’s like cuz Sports these days is all just yelling overreaction it’s like all right let’s analyze all right like the game didn’t just happen and we just like attached to the result like first of all

Darko like you’ve made points on your Twitter that like jump out to me that like I wouldn’t know like I remember a few weeks ago you said something about um his body expression when he’s you guys are losing leads like games like today like I’m looking at like like you

Can tell he’s going to call a timeout in like one or two plays like it’s like the like their players are like scattering trying to make a move and I’m like oh my God he need to improve too but but like the play Empower empowerment part of

It is good like what do you call it is for good and bad because like with players like Dennis like those are players you don’t want being Ultra empowered you don’t want to be a pushover with those guys but like I said when you replace them with good role

Players and you know you get them in their spots and like the system connects like it all like fits like a lock and key everything goes good like um like RJ and IQ those are players who like I name recognition but they have never really been developed RJ’s played with like

Four or five point guards like he got drafted as number three but he got drafted immediately Julius rand’s there they signed Marcus Morris these aren’t players who like had a coach holding their hand like dark hey you see that right there like that was a force take

Like see I’ve never seen in his pro career IQ or RJ subbed out of a game tips grab onto the shoulder he had Johnny Bryant for that assistant coach he’s in charge of Player Development like the coach like when you mess up with tibs like you sit down and whenever

You’re ready next time you come you better play better like there like there’s different styles of coaching and like watching this team I’m appreciating the stuff that probably fans aren’t appreciating like what call fair I watched a lot of tips I watched them in Chicago watch them in New York obviously

I still follow a little bit of the Knicks granted I don’t watch as much of them but I’m I’m really enjoying uh what OG is doing for the Knicks amazing dude he is he’s awesome he he was one of my favorite players I didn’t want us to

Trade him but I was happy we did for what we did right because here’s the thing like as much as I think that the Raptors probably right now would be better with I think they would be how were you guys so bad with him he wasn’t playing

For us how he’s playing with the Knicks let’s just put it that way right like like he started out the season playing that way but then he kind of tailed off and he really we were doing a dissection on the last live about like where the Raptor season went off the cliff and

It’s pretty much timed up exactly with OG kind of taking it off on defense but point being like I think that you know like for people who have a very Scotty Centric like vision for this team I get you but to exclusively make the entire development about Scotty versus the

World is crazy Emanuel quickley has holes in his game holes that you need to address very soon um you need to know that he can become what you want him to be and you want evidence of that in games like this High leverage games I always felt like teams like games that

Are close you learn a lot about your team you learn a lot about your player Personnel I know Scotty Barnes can take Lou dorton the post and put him put him on skates I know he can take uh Chad hren off the off the bounce he did it to

Brook Lopez and janisan Koo last year I don’t need this information what I need to know is can I put the ball in any of Quickly’s hands in a pick and roll and trust him to make the right play as a point guard because that’s not really a

Lot of [ __ ] that I’ve seen in New York can can I trust him with a longer Defender like a lud Dort or even a shay or Josh giddy Josh giddy blocked I think um RJ twice tonight so can I can I trust these two guys in close quarters down

The stretch because now I really have something right again everything about the Raptors and everything about this team should be Intel and development Intel and development development is only as good as your Intel and your Intel is only as good as development is is one hand wash as the

Other if I don’t know what a manual quickly is bad at I can’t develop them I really can’t so I need to understand two twostep gather Left Foot Right Foot I need to have all of this Intel before I put together a package for what I want

To pay him but also before I put together a package or what he needs to work on going into next season it’s the same thing with Scotty I think we have a much clearer understanding of what Scotty needs to work on than Emanuel quickley I have I I think we also have a

Much clearer understanding that he will get there than Emanuel quickley but if Emanuel quickley could become and I’m not gonna say tyres Max because that’s very very tempting but he’s not that but if he could become bro if he could become Jaylen Brunson es you

Know tough that’s a big ass I mean it’s it’s a big ask right now but I but if but but consider where Jaylen Brunson was maybe it’s it’s comparable right and like because Tyrese maxian is no offense to Jaylen Brunson but he’s on another level in terms of trajectory like tyres

M 22 23 and the physical gifts and the splashing whatever but if but like when I say could he become Jay and Brunson the reason I say that is because the size issue is there so with with IQ like defensively I think like laterally moves his feet very quickly but he moves off

His he he gets bumped off his space way too easy um with RJ you know all the physical tools are there to be a good Defender maybe lateral quickness Is Not Great awareness about RJ’s defense like for the last like few years there’s been this thing that has been ignored like

His knee issues like two seasons ago like when he was like an upward trajectory he had a midseason knee injury that caused him to miss the end and he didn’t have like he like entering last year which was his down year he didn’t have a full training camp he only

Did shooting and like he came back like his worst defensively and like he would have this knickknack injury and then Nicks we have this habit of like ignoring like nagging injury like like so you will see like oh RJ Bear right KN sess and it’ll come back up and it’s it

Came back up like the last week or so I’m like like is he forcing it is he letting it fully healed like we’re not like you guys aren’t playing for anything like if anybody has any knacking stuff like RJ he needs to dude the good thing about RJ

And IQ is that they’ve played with two better players so if if if there’s a situation where like Shay comes like they’re not going to have an issue being third or fourth option they did that in New York right and the fact that they’re being actually developed I can see I can

See a future where RJ and IQ fit perfectly but they need to fall in line they do and I think for Scotty you know like I mean as much as people want him to take over like the truth is like if I’m being completely honest RJ probably has an

Easier path to being like a 20 shot attempt guy than Scotty right now based on matchup it’s based on matchups it’s also based on his entire scoring package right now yeah he’s limited as [ __ ] but his handle is a little bit tighter and you know it’s a little bit more Dynamic

And his matchup is easier so why wouldn’t he take more shots he probably always would right until Scotty gets to that level so you know it’s just about that it’s like you know like same thing with Emanuel quickly right like Emanuel quickly clearly you know he has his limitations there’s an upside limitation

How you can stop him Scotty doesn’t have a guy that you can put on him to stop him I’ve never seen it in my life I’ve never seen a guy like oh well if you put a six foot eight stopper on him he’s

Gonna stop him no no if you put a big on him he’s gonna stop him no put a guard on him he’s gonna yeah he’s just there’s no specific thing that can stop him and that’s exactly what you build a superstar around right that’s what you like that’s your you

Know Kawai like I never seen anyone stop Kawai never seen anyone stop Katie I’ve never seen anyone stop LeBron I’ve seen them have bad games I never seen anyone just say okay well you know you you stick like a stocky you know undersized Defender against this guy and he’s just

Going to struggle no he’s not gonna so so that’s the thing with with RJ there’s limitations with with manual quickly there’s limitations can we work through some of those limitations can we hone out the rest of their game can we develop them as passers Playmakers so

They can sort of better fit into this 05 offense can we can we tap out some untapped potential because I think they both have can yeah man I think that like here’s the thing OG great player Pascal great player but Talent level here is is like RJ andan quickly have that level of

Talent they may never achieve that level of Excellence but they have that level of talent plus some because I watched RJ in high school very talented player and the the growth has not really occurred where I would have liked it to with him um the passing the playmaking um you

Know some of the decision making some of the reads and understanding getting the tunnel vision you know uh somewhat like limited in his role in New York as a corner shooter so you know immediately in in transition you’re already going more towards his strengths right and it’s the same thing with man quickly

Like you know you bring yako ptle back you get a screen Setter now can we get him closer to the rim on those finishes instead of these like yeah like these these like 12 15 foot floaters can we get them a little bit closer to the room and not get

Blocked can we get him finishing a little bit more dynamic because hey man look you may not have watched OG last year but I did watch every single game of OG and aobi last year and I watch every OG game this year with the exception of maybe seven or eight Nicks

Games so far his play finishing at The Rim is completely changed with the summer work and the pre-season work that he did with this C with this staff Jama and Darko [ __ ] completely changed this guy’s playmaking and you see it in that game that he scored 26 points oh my

God like he’s he’s doing some cool stuff around the rim and he just he was not doing that last year and he’s 25 going on 26 or 26 going on 27 so my point is like you know certainly if you can do it with him granted he’s a bigger athlete

You can certainly do it with RJ I think you know play play finishing so here’s the thing yeah everyone wants Scotty to be the guy who scores 35 points as we lose win whatever people will not give a [ __ ] if Scotty scores 35 this channel has often been accused of being a Scotty

Super Fan Channel I’m not that I’m not that I obviously believe that he should be the guy but I’m not I’m not some super [ __ ] like Scotty above everything everyone go [ __ ] themselves no I think it’s very important for this team to concurrently develop so it is

Important that if this team is going to be successful next year that Grady take that step that he needs to take as a three-level scorer who can finish in the paint catch catch and shoot dribble initiate you want like we just watched a team the OKC Thunder that had four or

Five different initiators this is the way the modern NBA is going you want this you always want this and so it will never result in wins if Scotty is your lone initiation initiator he’s not LeBron James this is never going to happen I don’t even think LeBron James

Could do it in today’s NBA you need multiple initiators so even LeBron like like where are LeBron’s championships with Kyrie right they not gonna do it alone that’s what like I feel like like they they think that dude Messiah is gonna get somebody I don’t know who it’s

Gonna be we don’t I don’t even know if he’s in the league right now I don’t know if we’re gonna maybe you need to tank next year and get that guy but my point is that at some point you know you’re going to have like what every team has which is you’re

Going to have a puzzle and you want as many pieces tied up for as reasonable a contract for as many years as humanly possible when you start putting in the final two three pieces of that puzzle together and you want flexibility and you want the be the ability to be able

To trade these guys out like some people have asked you know when the Raptors next contenders contenders next will RJ and IQ be on this team I’m like I don’t know I don’t know and that’s F you guys trade him in package for freaking exactly sh probably not gonna happen but but

Yeah I mean like but but but hey it could happen and that’s the point right like you keep your draft picks you develop these guys you make them better and that’s the whole motus supper Endy that’s how the Raptors were successful for 10 years they took an asset like a

Second round pick from the Milwaukee Bucks they turned it into Norman pal they they took an asset like a first round pick they turned it into Jonas Valen chunis which they turned into marus sa like this is the this is the game of of ping ponging assets into better assets taking the asset

Developing the asset trading the asset taking the asset developing the asset trading the asset you just took the 27th overall pick extracted 36 35 win shares out of Pascal SE yakum and then traded him for three first round picks and Bruce Brown who you’ll probably get another first round pick for that is

Smart Asset Management letting Fred Van go for nothing probably not the greatest asset management but also you know signing him probably longterm not the greatest asset management either so I just think the Raptors are in a better place than people realize and frankly winning this game would not have done

[ __ ] for me like I would have been perfectly fine losing this game winning this game I didn’t care I wanted the Raptors to play hard I wanted them to compete I wanted them to test themselves I wanted them to know that they’re not as bad as the record I weirdly know

Psychologically and they’re not they’re not they’re the best team when I look at the bottom six teams I’m like the Raptors are not like these teams at all you know so anyways uh repo thanks a lot reio my bad thanks for calling in man um really appreciate it definitely call

Back anytime appreciate appreciate the love from New York and I don’t know I don’t know what the hell it is but I always have like the best conversations with people from back home so thanks so much for calling it man no problem man appreciate it man see y all right let’s

Get to those calls let’s get to not those calls my bad all the callers are gone we got 440 uh we got 404 people in here let’s get to the post games we will get to the Raptors but because this is Canada’s team we will also listen to

Shay gild Alexander after okay all right let’s get to the Raptors since dealing with uh your left knee swelling played 43 minutes tonight led the team in 23 points what did you see out there how did it feel to be back uh you know it

Felt good to to be back just be out there with the guys um for sure I mean today was obviously a crazy game but just to be back out there playing basketball was uh you know felt good for me down the stretch of of course it was

A tough one because you guys push it to double overtime just walk me through what it was like out there for you what did you see yeah um I mean obviously OKC is a very good team um I think we played really well obviously had an extremely

Good first half and I think even the second half we played well for for stretches I mean they were going to make a run of course um and we battle back and we’re up two with like 10 seconds left so you know it’s a game we should win rebounding has obviously been an

Issue especially when uh Yak was out and it was an issue in the second half again is it just attention to detail Focus what what do you think needs to be done to firmly address it yeah I think in the second half they really just they really

Played you know a lot harder um so you know that’s kind of one thing and and we just got to kind of be locked in for you know for 48 minutes to make sure that we’re rebounding all throughout the game how how do you repeat that effort though kind of going into tomorrow’s

Back-to-back game against New Orleans coming out with that same level of energy and intensity especially coming off of the double OT yeah man get to the hotel get some sleep just get ready for tomorrow Manuel obviously had some big shots big moments is that the player you

Came to know New York yeah sure know and he’s he’s just coming back too so he’ll find his it’s funny I mean he had a double double today so you know that was big and then what was it like to go up against uh Team Canada teammates in uh

Shay as well as Lou oh it’s always fun going up against them you know I’m I was trying to get the win so I could talk trash but you know they they did their things for sure second game back for you after dealing that ankle injury how did

It feel out there tonight um it felt better um I feel like um I’m already catching my rhythm again obviously not at 100% yet um still got to get my conditioning back um but overall it felt pretty good definitely uh coach and RJ were impressed with obviously with how

You were playing in the paint on both sides of the ball what did you see out there that just felt like it was working for you um I I I don’t honestly don’t know like I game just ended um I think I got um I got easy buckets there for the most part

Like uh got found in a couple dump offs and stuff but really just tried to um Crow the paint since we didn’t good do a good job with that um in the Houston game um and then on offense yeah like I said I I think the my shots just kind of

Came to me obviously uh it was a tough one is being it double overtime but you guys played very well in the first half that’s something that coach also pointed out what can you take away from that half that you could go bring into tomorrow’s tomorrow’s game um I think

Our our activity was very good on defense um we we had really good rotations um so I think we got to keep that up um I think we guarded their oneone um very well with our team defense um so um we’re probably going to see more of that tomorrow with with some really

Good oneone players um and we got to we got to apply that tomorrow as well all right coach tough one tonight obviously double overtime walk me through what you saw uh played on the road against really good team um I thought that the first half we uh we did outstanding job both

On offense and defense uh we kept the team from scoring in the paint and we were able to rebound the ball and really fueled our offense uh really good ball m in the first half uh with with 19 uh uh 19 assists as well um in the second half

Uh they uh we knew that they’re going to have a run there uh we were able to to control it at certain points uh at the end of the game uh we were uh up two and we secured defensive rebound all we had to do is uh you know secure the ball

There and go to the free throw line and then win it unfortunately uh we we turn the ball over there and um I tried to call time out unfortunately referees did not see that in time um and uh uh um rebounding was the problem in the second half uh

That was their biggest adjustment in second second half they went rebounding much more and uh that that that hurt us again the late game situation the turnover the block shot of that those are the the growing pains for young teams you got to go through those bad

Ones to get the grow growing pants for for for sure you know uh but uh a lot of to learn learn for us tonight uh we did uh some really good stuff and uh you know a lot of those guys being for the first time in those situations as well

Closing games and understanding you know what they need to do and how they need to play there um this is going to be great film for for me to study and then learn our team as well um we were able to to take sh Giles Alexander when he

Was in Fall trouble and create good good stuff for us offensively and we just did not have enough to finish the game it seemed like Scotty was very hesitant to be involved down the stretch offensively uh obviously a lot of minutes what did you see why wasn’t he able to get

Involved uh the the overtimes in the last few minutes yeah first of all uh we were looking uh for for less of the matchups there um trying to to get against players who were in a foul situation also when we went to him he was trying to connect with with

Teammates and F find them for for shots uh and it’s also for him to understand how he needs to affect the game in in those those moments and sometimes that’s like with all ball cut or it’s a good spacing and sometimes with on on the ball and then creating on the ball as

Well so uh um it was it was good game for us to to learn how to handle those situations tonight that last play of single uh of the first overtime was it just designed for Scotty to get it and make it make a read and he yes we want

We wanted the bow in his hands uh to to to create there and uh uh you know situations like that we were were going to to uh quickly couple of times in the row we just wanted to to give it a different look there at the end because

They were ready for that did you uh what did you see tonight from yaka purle as he was pretty effective on both sides in the paint um you know um after missing uh four weeks coming back to play uh he’s finding his rhythm I thought that

He did a lot of great stuff for us tonight um he did better job of protecting the rim he did a good job playing in pick rolls in in the short rols um I thought that he play very effective game thanks for watching the Toronto rappers YouTube channel check out our latest video

Jeez okay um okay some we we will definitely talk about um final things to close out this live which has gone an hour and 39 minutes youall appreciate the fact that because I am very very busy planning this Festival that we will not be doing 4our lives

Until of course the trade deadline and we are really really close to the trade deadline the trade deadline is this Thursday yikes so we will talk about right after this message we will talk about the final um implications of where we are in the season we’ll talk about the upcoming

Schedule of course starting with uh the game tomorrow against a very very competent new or team that the Raptors are absolutely on the heels of a back-to-back double overtime where they’ll have less than 24 hours to prepare yeah like it’s yikes um we’ll talk about where the

Raptors are in terms of their tank odds right and yeah we’ll we’ll close it out with that but first a quick word from our sponsor which is the Penance Film Festival which is coming up very soon 18 days 18 days away and and the films are finally finalized it’s a 41 film lineup

Which may become a 42 film lineup by tomorrow it’s awesome it’s awesome and I’m getting emails from all these filmmakers from all over the world from Australia from LA from everywhere and they’re coming in to hopefully snowy Toronto in a couple of weeks the weather has been very

Timid I need I need this Festival to get snowy so I don’t know global warming kind of messing up Penance right now but um tickets are on sale for individual passes are on sale if you support this Channel please understand pend Dan is my

Life and it is a huge part of my life and if you have a film lover in your life please guide them to check out Penance film um as of 7: am. tomorrow all the individual links will be up and you’ll be able to see it and if you’re a fan of

Spanish cinema there’s a ton of films from Spain so first a quick word from our sponsor the Penance Film Festival is happening February 22nd to 25th it is a celebration of international films it is a brilliant film festival in its seventh season prior to the covid pandemic it

Was the fastest growing film festival in the world what is my affiliation with Penance what are they pay me to say this well I am Penance I’m Festival director and founder of penance it is my baby and if you love great films if you have a

Film lover in your life this is a worthwhile event for you happening in downtown Toronto at the car Cinema uh February 22nd to 25th make sure to check this out link is in the description below for tickets and passes tickets will go on sale soon passes are already

On sale let’s get to this all right okay let’s check out tank ofon and where the Raptors are right now yikes okay pull pull pull stop it thank you so much man I’m looking forward to it like we’re slowly getting prepared and it’s exciting because I don’t think our

Film lineup has like okay so here’s the thing like I love our films every single year but this year I’m just like I’m looking around I’m like these films are going to change people’s lives big time um okay that is the wrong screen pull that off share screen here we go tank is

On okay the Toronto Raptor H are well the Portland showers just lost tonight to the Denver Nuggets uh the Raptors lost as well the Raptors are two games well actually they’re two and a half games out of that five and honestly it’s like unless you’re planning on losing

Like I want to say like unless you’re planning on losing like 16 17 of the next 20 it’s probably not going to be enough to catch up to the Portland Trailblazers or and I mean you can just pretty much kiss Charlotte San Antonio Washington and Detroit goodbye

Right like those those are gone so really your best bet is can you catch this team can you stay ahead of this team and really you you are in the midst of a tank like this is a legit tank and there’s really no point right now in

Trying to go for some massive you know play and run I think that that door pretty much shut like about four or five games ago um naturally going into the trade deadline I expect a lot of players to get moved okay so some fast facts about

The trade deadline okay so a long time ago the trade deadline was not so active Okay like there used to be I want to say about when I was a kid um I think it was pretty common for two three trades at the trade deadline there might be 50 45 to 50

Players moved at this deadline and a lot of people feel like this trade deadline probably won’t be super active because there aren’t a ton of buyers there aren’t a ton of sellers well there are more buyers than sellers really but a lot of players have been kind of taken

Off the market right if you consider it right players who’ve already been traded OG Pascal who would have been big big big deadline targets have been taken off right you have dejonte Murray he hasn’t been moved yet you have Zack LaVine he’s out for the year can’t trade him well

You could trade him technically but I don’t know who would take him right now so Stephen Adams has been moved we’ve been very active in the weeks leading up to the deadline which is leading some people to believe that maybe the trade deadline will be kind of quiet but for

The Raptors the trade deadline could be a very good very very good opportunity to be major time sellers I think um keihan saying I pray we have a lot of new players by Friday yeah me too here’s the thing you have some players on this team that can

Really help another team win basketball games and you don’t really need them to help you win basketball games you’re not trying to win basketball games right now you also don’t want to do something so disruptive to your culture that you basically make it so that you know you

Have to do something like I think people mentioned it last time when we saw the Houston Rockets where the Houston Rockets lost for so long that they basically had to bring in culture to win right I think you have winners here I think you know guys like Emanuel

Quickley and RJ Barrett and Scotty Barnes these guys who’ve won a lot in their careers NBA careers play you know High School careers aaou careers they’ve won a lot college careers Grady has won a lot in his life a lot you don’t want to get these guys too accustomed to lose

Either right so you still want to be building good habits but you do have to accept reality and the reality is you’ve traded this pick away and if you you know somehow surrender it this year it’s going to be a very high pick a high pick

That you probably use a high pick that you could use on a piece a piece that you could probably use to your future and I think the one thing I will say from the Raptor’s team building perspective is if Scotty Barnes is flanked by Emanuel quickly and RJ as his number two

And number three options going forward probably you don’t have one of the best young cores in the league they’re probably six seven maybe even eight teams that have a brighter future than you if that’s your core okay but if over the last how many games are left in this

Season right I mean we are last 30ish games in the last 30 games of the season if you can find something with Grady which means like occasional 20 22 Point 25 points you know finishing at The Rim better defense better handle some pick and roll ball handling if you can find better

Finishing at The Rim from Emanuel quickly if you can just peace meal this because let’s be honest the Raptors could run out a fully healthy roster and win 10 more games the rest of the season which puts you at 27 but you know what that’s going to do that’s going to make

You seventh or eighth okay because there’s a very good chance that Brooklyn is trying to tank I don’t know why I’m pretty sure their pick is going to Houston regardless um look at Memphis like Memphis is right on our heels they’re half a game back right so at this point you’ve lost as

Many games as Memphis right but really sorry the wins are what counts here not the losses when you’re trying to make the playoffs it’s the losses that count when you’re trying to tank it’s the wins that count because right now if the Raptors basically decided we’re not going to win any more

Games Memphis can’t do [ __ ] they can never catch up to you because you’ve already they’ve already won one more game than you have it’s important to realize so am I suggesting that the Raptors literally punt the rest of the season probably yeah but don’t waste it don’t don’t waste it have more games

Like tonight where yeah you come out great you prove something to yourself you find things about your about your team team have high leverage moments and then lose it’s great you know and that’s hard to do that’s hard to do it’s hard to do by accident so maybe you’re gonna

Have to do it a little bit on purpose and yeah I hate tanking and all that stuff but I would also hate to lose a seventh pick in a pretty you know not so sexy fine draft but I would also hate to lose this pick because I think the

Raptors could really use it so that’s where I’m at I hope at the trade deadline the Raptors trade away players who frankly have something more to give you know as much as I’m not a huge Dennis Schroeder fan as much as at times I’ve had issues Chris bu shot selection these

Are guys who can help teams that have playoff Ambitions okay Off the Bench Off the Bench not as starters utto Porter man I just want him to to leave because I love utto and I think he’s a great player and I think if he was playing for

This team and if they decided to continue to play him as they were earlier in the season they’d be a better team for it I think the Raptors are pretty good in games Auto plays and they’re pretty bad in games he does not play and I think that

That’s not that’s not a coincidence he’s a winning player Chris bue you know in 10 minutes a night off the bench is a winning player 30 minutes a night maybe he’s not a winning player the Raptors have winning players in this team but this is not winning time this is losing

Time and you know there’s no award words for being 11th none okay so what I would like for this team to do at the deadline is get one to two more pieces that are young enough to grow with your core okay A Center would be great like really really

Great a center with some upside who’s under 24 years old would be fantastic from there on out start shutting down guys shut down yaka purle if he’s not traded shut him down for like 10 games shut down Scotty Barnes for five games do it just do it okay it

May not be popular it may not be ethical but continue to try to win with limited pieces on the floor there’s no point in getting injured there’s no point in you know playing a guy 48 minutes Scotty Barnes 48 minutes tonight I think that’s irresponsible man it’s irresponsible okay so

Anyways what does a pick guarantee you not a damn thing it guarantees you an asset an asset okay that you could potentially use or trade it guarantees you an asset surrendering the seventh pick or the sixth pick in this draft well not the sixth pick but surrendering

The seventh pick does not Grant you an asset it grants you a loss it grants you on a loss on a terrible trade that gets more Terrible by the second okay so as much as people want to say no convey the pick this year and you know clear clear

Your deck for 2025 at least you know you move the pick off and that way you can at least trade 2027 2026 whatever I don’t agree okay as much as I I I I like you know a lot of the players to the very very top at the 2025 and 2026 draft

Truth is if you’re really really bad next year you’ll still have a chance to tank I don’t think the Raptors plan to be that bad I really don’t I think they have some really good ambition and some really high hopes for Cooper uh sorry not Cooper flag wow whoops I have I

Think they have High Hopes forem Manel quickley I think they have high hopes for RJ Barrett I think whether they’re long-term goals or not I think they intend to develop these guys and make them better players than they are currently and if they are better players

Than they are currently you know a year from now maybe at the next trade deadline these are guys that you can actually move okay for something that you really really want okay but at this point the Raptors are playing the asset game and that seventh overall pick six

Sorry sixth overall pick is a hell of an ass that if it becomes the first overall pick please don’t ignore that if you do end up with the bottom five record because of the flattening of the lottery odds chances are you might move up to

The top four okay and at that point who knows maybe you get the first overall pick could you use a seven-footer that you you know a bouncy seven footer uh I think you could so yeah I don’t know uh I think I think there are assets to be had the Raptors

Need assets right now I think they need to you know they they’ve done the tough thing which is they taken the Band-Aid off and moved on from the past regime that just wasn’t working and for anyone who wants to say you know there was a there was

A comical tweet from Aaron Rose the other day of what would have happened if Fred vanley had come back my God man get over it like we need to move on with our lives right like we really need to move on with our lives no this team was going

Nowhere fast this is a team that got bounced in the plan by a like a a 10-year-old girl last year okay so let’s be real about what this team was when they were fully healthy and they had no injuries they had no excuses last year okay Fred was there OG was there Pascal

Was there Scotty was there yakob was there and they still got bounced in the playin okay they had 41 wins okay this was not going anywhere and all of those players last I checked Pascal worse this year Fred probably worse this year right and next year it’s going to get worse

And the next year it’s going to get worse Windows end okay the Sacramento Kings eventually did trade Chris Weber okay they did right I didn’t dream that they did it right um the Minnesota timber war was eventually traded Kevin Garnett granted he still had an extension and you know

He had a great career after with Boston but my point is Windows do end right and you do have to cut your losses at some point and move on to the next chapter for the Raptors that next chapter will of course start with Scotty Barnes and

But it will not be only about Scotty Barnes and so to the fans who say I just care about this guy stop you need to care about much more he certainly cares about much more Darko certainly cares about much more Messi certainly cares about much more you do need to care that

Emanuel quickly becomes better finishing the paint you do have to care that RJ Barrett becomes a better ball handler and a better decision maker and less tunnel vision and a better Defender you do have to care that Emanuel quickly becomes a better point of attack Defender you’re going to need these guys

Next year when you’re actually trying to be good and these reps are going to matter you do need Grady dick to be a serviceable if not Dynamite 25 Point 25 minutes per game guard wi Off the Bench for you next year you need that you need

It because he’s on a rookie contract and if he can start giving you value on that rookie contract as early as next year you’re sitting pretty for the next three years because that’s three years of a discount contract he the 13th overall pick it’s not a super high lottery pick

Right so if he can start being a 25 minute per game Guy great you know he’s not bleeding he’s not bleeding defensively for you he can provide some playmaking he provides spacing he works really well with Scotty he and Scotty are just like they are the two guys that I’m just like those two are going to be on this team for a very

Long time together I know people can’t completely see it right now with Grady but just trust me on this one that’s probably Scotty’s favorite teammate right now so um good ey saying how’s your dog doing now he is much better thank you so much um he’s still going through um he’s

Still going through his things obviously uh the past month uh month and a half was a huge huge huge uh adjustment for us all here he is 14 years old uh he will be 15 in 2025 so I mean 2024 so you know in August 2024 he’ll be 15 year-

Old dog so I’m not under the illusion that he’s going to live forever but I hope that he can live um I hope he can live forever man um I’ve had him since I was 21 years old I would love to have him if I’m 40 that

Would be great so yeah thank you so much for the Super Chat and for asking that question I appreciate it anyways so I think that the Raptors are in a good place please don’t live and die with these moments Scotty Barnes is a good closer he’s a good playoff

Performer we have seen it time and time again this obviously was an isolated game Scotty has not spoken to the media I think Scotty spoken to the media maybe twice since OG was traded maybe three times he used to be the guy who closed out these interviews he’s not a

Happy camper right now for whatever reason right he’s not happy they’re losing fine he’s not happy his teammates got traded fine for all the people you know um who’ve been saying um you know for all the people who’ve been saying like you know we want this

Guy traded that guy traded for Scotty to clear the way whatever to clear the way for Scotty I don’t think um Scotty was necessarily on board with that I don’t think Scotty wanted OG traded so he can get more touches I think he was pretty upset you know um I’m not even sure

Scotty necessarily wanted Pascal traded I’m I’m almost willing to bet he didn’t some of us did but I don’t think Scotty was that guy I think Scotty appreciates having good teammates um teamm tees who can score and teammates who can defend um so I’ll be interested to see uh what

The core is going forward I think in four days we’ll have a much clearer idea of that I I think there’s some surprising value that some other teams may see in some of the Raptor role players who are not playing um did Scotty barns block you no of

Course not why would Scotty ever block us no he blocked Barnes Muse which was hilarious by the way that was funny um every night after the game I tell my wife I need to go talk to my shrink okay am I your shrink okay I have no idea um anyways

Okay uh as I said Penance is coming up in a little over two weeks if you’re around Toronto if you like Cinema if you like Foreign Cinema if you like great stories there’s a lot of English language films as well there’s some incredible films coming from New York

Super awesome films man films that will change your life the shorts program is super cool too there’s an entire one devoted to parents it’s called to my parents it’s like some real like life [ __ ] man um sorry I missed the Live Well thankfully these are recorded so you can

Definitely go back all right uh we have clipped two hours crap crap crap crap um all right guys take care have a good one um and again thank you Carlo Jacob and good ey for the super chats appreciate it as I mentioned before this month is going to be a little bit

Lighter on content but I will reinstate well restate my channel vision for this uh channel that once Penance is over on February 25th I am taking exactly seven days to Just Breathe get my wits about me plan and then I will execute I will execute um you know and I have a clear

Idea of like what I want to do with this Channel and how I want to you know um grow it and yeah I will you know we had a really good month last month this month is going to be a little bit of a apart from obviously the trade deadline

And you know it’s going to be a little bit lower but I have a feeling the Raptors are heading to where it’s a very beautiful summer in which I think will lead to a very fruitful um summer league you know with a whole bunch of rookies coming in um I think

There’s going to be a lot of progress for this team in the off season hopefully some free agent signings maybe a little OG an anobi return who knows I don’t think my um new New York friend will be super happy about that but certainly I would be thrilled OG still

Hasn’t gotten gotten a place in New York he’s still living out of a hotel go figure so yeah and uh I think this is going to be a good thing man like I think you just need to be patient you just need to be patient with with this man the

Raptors are heading in the right direction for for years theyve been heading in the wrong direction okay course Corrections take time I will actually conclude with one more thing I do believe that who you are carries you through okay I say this as somebody who has always bounced

Back I think my entire identity as a human being is the ability to bounce back from things and regardless of what it was that was always my Ace in the Hole is that come whatever happened parents died parents divorced grandparents died lost family lost loved ones lost friends lost

Money it didn’t matter it always sucked lost Partners lost girlfriends broke up breakups like tough you know friends leave whatever right lose a job lose a whole bunch of money in the stock market I mean it’s like the amount of times where I felt like this is bottom this sucks you

Know but somehow there is like this resilience within that always says okay stop next okay build it back every time every time there’s always a build back there’s always a push back there’s always a climb back there’s always life force that is the definition of who I’ve

Been for most of my life where now I’m to the point where when I’m having like a really really bad moment I’m just like it’s okay because I always get out of these that’s how you define your identity right I think that the Raptors are in a similar state where they have

Fallen on their faces a lot of decisions that they’ve made for the last three four five years have finally caught up with them and it’s happening in like a one- Monon span where all those all those decisions the draft picks the not moving off of Fred soon enough not

Trading Pascal soon enough not trading OG soon enough not developing Scotty soon enough all of these things are just blowing up extending yakob to the contract that they did um you know the Christian coloo thing all of it is just you know not winning on the edges not

Having enough shooting not tanking last year and then you know potentially watching guys like case Wallace tonight watching guys like Derrik Lively be the exact type of rookies you would need on this team all of these things are just blowing up and then maybe it makes you

Feel even worse to see how well OG’s doing in New York to see how well you know Pascal’s doing in in Indiana to know that those guys are probably going to be in the playoffs this year and maybe even have a chance to compete for a second round or a championship what’s

That going to feel like and right now it just feels low but there’s the thing what have the Raptors like if I’m saying I’m defined by bounceback what is it that the Raptors are defined by scouting scouting reinvention you know extensions this is a team that gets

Talent okay and what is it the Darko is defined by development patience trust culture right so I’m going to trust the combination of Messiah jury Bobby Webster at the front office right scouting with a whole bunch of draft Assets Now and Darko rakovich with a full summer to work with Scotty to work

With Emanuel quickle to work with RJ bar to work with these guys to work with the rookies to work with the you young players I feel this Raptors team is going to come out next season guns blazing are they going to be a 51 team next year probably not but I think

They’re going to be a 40 plus win team next year I think the shooting is going to get better I think Scotty’s going to take the step that most of you expect him as as a 23 year old okay and again a 23 year old is not in his prime guys

Remind you that he might come out and be seven eight boxes finest next year and he won’t be in his prime so what is the prime the prime is whatever the [ __ ] he’s going to be in four years that’s the prime granted could be a very odd

Player who hits his Peak early but I doubt it Scotty strikes me is a guy who’s GNA hit his Peak out about 26 26 to about 31 is going to be Peak Scotty Barnes right now Scotty Barnes it’s a very good player really good player a second second best player

On the court tonight in my opinion apart from Shay gilders Alexander he’s drawing the toughest defensive matchups he’s getting double teamed for a reason he’s a very good player he needs to get better four years later how much better I have a feeling it’s going to be very scary scary thing

So patience is a virtue practice patience don’t live and die by every moment don’t live and die on every single game don’t forget 199 game sample size for one game this emotional reactivity is so weird to me it’s not necessary you can just enjoy you know we can acknowledge someone had

A bad game without making a case about it you don’t call a guy a ball hog because he hog the ball for one game you call him a ball hog if he Hogs the game Hogs the ball for like 13 18 games out of a 20 game stretch you know like

Just be rational about it that’s all I can say anyways take care guys oh my goodness Mel gotta help greatest issue is confidence no it’s not he’s not a guy who’s lacking confidence he’s a guy who is quite frankly physically outmatched on a night to night basis by just about

Every single person he is a 20-year-old who is not very strong in the upper body is not able to finish through cont who shot may or may not be quick enough to get off clean at this level who needs probably an entire summer of serious development reps and will probably be at

Best a 22 minutes per game guy next year hopefully okay so he much like Scotty much like IQ much like RJ will need time just like any 21 22 23 24 year old is going to need some time okay and you want the results to come sooner but that’s just not

The nobody who dresses the way he does nobody who talks the way he does lacks confidence okay he comes out he draws charges against guys who are basically twice as strong as him he does not give a [ __ ] I’ve been very impressed with Grady dick I realize some people will

Still say but cam Whitmore but Jordan Hawkins but this guy but Kobe buffkin but you know Brandon Pinsky but haime hwz this is looking like a hell of a great draft I have a feeling when the dust settles in a couple years three years maybe four years we’ll look down

On it I think Grady will be one of the 10 to 12 best players selected in this draft will he be the third best player in this draft [ __ ] no probably never okay will he be the fifth best player in this draft no he won’t but if he can be

One of the 10 to 12 best players in this draft great did you did you just get like did you get another Scotty Barnes no you didn’t okay but I think he could be really good I don’t think there’s anything stopping him I think he’s going to be fine okay

So facts he’s been so much better so much better in the second half than he was in the first half you really need to go and watch him in the first half to see how he’s attacking Closeouts how he’s getting past this man like he’s just getting better by the day and look

I trust basketball IQ and work I I trust these two things more than anything you know your physical Advantage is your physical Advantage you a lot of guys fail in the NBA who had a lot of physical advantages physical tools skill work early skill work OJ mayo

Dewan Wagner there’s a lot of guys what I do trust always time and time again is intelligent players who work hard okay that’s your Landry Fields your Shane Bader your Jeremy Linds right I just named three of the smartest players in NBA history but yeah your Anthony Parkers there’s a fourth guy who’s

Really really smart your horar hosas there’s your fifth guy rash noich there’s the sixth guy all guys that I just mention really smart really hard workers okay if you’re smart you’re a smart basketball player who works really hard you will be successful will you be a superstar probably not okay that’s

That’s for the very few and will Grady be a superstar probably not but could he be a really good starter someday hell yes and is that good value at a 13th overall pick yes do I wish we’ tanked [ __ ] yes I wish we’ tanked but I would

Have loved A belal kabali or a case Wallace or you know even a Derek Lively on this team like that would have been great assar Thompson amen Thompson God Anthony black my God there’s so many guys that I liked in this draft Grady is slowly becoming one of those

Guys that I like in this draft so yeah anyways um Rob as the OKC coach were you proud of what your team did today yes I was very very proud of uh my Thunder team uh clearly I am uh Mark’s uh bearded brother we’re very close in age

Actually it’s really funny okay um let me also flash on the Shay Guild Alexander interview win for sure um what what we brought in second second half um was needed uh and things that we uh try to try to execute um and accomplish throughout obviously the whole whole season 82 games um and

Obviously with our back against the walls we wanted to to Really make an emphasis on it um and we did so and and we’re able to get a w because of it you guys did you know despite things not going your way for good you know two-thirds of the game you guys didn’t

Seem to get frustrated by just having to to dink the ball out and and move it around against the zone and everything uh where does the I guess the confidence come from to be that patient in a game and know that things are probably going to turn around for

You um just trusting each other um and honestly um to win especially the way they were they were playing defense tonight um in order to win in a sustainable way um it requires you to trust each other um um and the group of guys that we have in the locker room

Trust each other um so because of that we were able to win so you getting doubled asn’t new but it felt like some of the things Raptors were trying to do in terms of you know how high they were pressing up on you um the aggressiveness

And trying to get the ball out of your hands was maybe to a degree we haven’t seen this year I just wonder you know what changes you saw in terms of your decisiveness your teammates decisiveness as the game went on and um just how much

Of this I know it’s a single game but how much of this can carry over in the long run Maybe to a postseason run yeah Um yeah they were really aggressive with me multiple bodies um pretty much every possession uh in the first half I thought we got I mean it kind of maybe threw us off a little bit to start the game um we were still getting good looks in the first

Half didn’t make them um but I think in the second half I was moving out of it quicker um and my teammates were did an amazing job of like playing on the catch making Fast fast decisions um and being aggressive whether it was to shoot or to

Drive and make the next play um and it was their decisive decisiveness that won us the game tonight for sure when you hear 63 three-point attempts and and eight free throws what do you think um good aggressiveness um and taking what the defense gives you uh I think at

The end of the day that’s what it comes down to um especially on offensive end you just take what they give you and tonight they put two on the ball a lot they had a lot of um loads and they were leaving Guys open and it required us to

To shoot and make threes and we we shot and made them um at a high R and one more for me I imagine because you were here since the beginning at the rebuild even before it was a a rebuild that you take some ownership and you know turning

Things around just kind of the changes that have happened over these past few years um and after this game it’s the team’s best 50 game start since the the last year Katie and Russ just when when you hear that what do you think uh we’re headed in the right

Direction we’re doing something right um last two seasons we’ve gone tremendously better really fast um so what whatever we’re doing is clearly working um just got to stay focused and not get complacent and do the same thing team thrown a bunch of different stuff at you uh individually

And you guys as a team you guys have not played a ton of basketball together what do you think’s made you pretty good at at figuring things out on the Fly adjusting in games things like that um personally I’ve seen a lot over the years um getting used to it and then uh

I think at the end of the day if you play together and play the right way no matter what coverage it is you’ll figure it out and um we have a group of guys that does that almost every possession so it it makes it easy and

Then Josh was in here just talking about you know it’s been a challenging year for him he’s had to change the way he plays because of some some changes that you guys have made and he’s had to sacrifice some for the good of the team he’s gone through some rough stretches

What what does it feel like when you see him have a game like tonight where he’s really making plays he’s in the right place at the right time making winning plays yeah um you just tip your hat to him H guy like Josh is the hardest thing

To do like he’s been a dynamic ball handler his whole career um and some of that has been pulled away from him obviously um and for him to like you said sacrifice um and then tonight his ball handling and his making plays was because of how they were playing defense

And for him to just step up and never P just keeps his head down and works and and be ready for the moment is Big Time um that’s what professional is doing he is that for sure good area good to see you um couple of questions for you one I don’t know if

You’re aware or not but I think you’re I think the only guy who’s had more 30o games through 50 games is MJ back in 8687 or something like that um and I’m just was asking Mark previously what what do you attribute your consistency especially when you know the

Level you’re trying to reach is so high mhm um I um I’m very very strict on like uh consistency in every aspect of life um and I think it helps with my basketball uh whether it be eating um my day-to-day schedule um how clean

My house is uh what I do in my time whether it’s planned out or not I try to be very um very strict on uh on on discipline um being consistent I think it helps helps with basketball and then I mean I’m sure you’re not thinking about major individual awards at this

Stage but obviously your name’s out there and it’s been I think 20 years since Steve won his and when you hear some of that talk uh regarding an MVP how do you respond to it and where would it fit in your set of goals um it would for sure be up

There um I think for every basketball player it is um it’s it’s obviously I’m not naive I can hear it um now I I I Channel it out and I try to focus on the day in um and day out um it’s what got me to this point um and I’d be

Stupid to do otherwise so I just I focus on the the dayto day for sure and just one more people don’t mind the uh yourself but I mean RJ you go through basically all the guys who were on that team this summer they’ve all had very

Good NBA Seasons to this point do you think there’s a correlation other than they’re all good players but do you think something about that experience kind of let them unlock something absolutely um I’m a big advocate of of playing FEA basketball um the style of

Play the um the pace that they play at the physicality um um and at the end of the day you’re you’re playing real basketball games with real refs and real game management and real coaches in the summertime when most guys aren’t and it just it gets you more reps and more

Ready for the um NBA season and I the last two summers I played FIFA basketball and I felt more sharp coming into the season and it’s for sure no coincidence thanks good luck thank you shay over the course of your career you’ve had a lot of like really great

Vets in your life from Chris Paul Al Horford Steph Adams and others now you’re the vet on the team kenish the other day told us that you’ve really taken dub under your wing what exactly has that entailed in terms of working with him um why I actually wanted to hear what he

Had to say about that um really interesting uh I really like him I like him a lot I think he’s one of my favorite players in the NBA voted him Allstar every single uh time I could and he’s just a great success story and really evidence for what reps over

Time consistency what I said was I trust smart players who work hard right that’s exactly what I said I trust any player who’s super smart who works hard um very fortunate to know five people who know Shay really well like high school going back early ages also knew a couple people who knew

Andrew Bennett really well or sorry Anthony Bennett got very different Tales from those guys I actually know a lot of people who know Corey Joseph dvo Joseph all those guys too Simer all those guys um [ __ ] Stefan uh Yankovic like my my old roommate used to

Be uh one of their babysitters it’s just it’s a small world when you live in Toronto right so what I’m saying is that everything I ever heard about Shay growing up was that he was consistent that he was a really good kid that he kept his nose

Clean that he didn’t get twisted up with wrong people he didn’t you know he didn’t have bad habits this is what I love for when I look at young players that’s why I’m so confident about Scotty Barnes he doesn’t have bad habits he’s not a smoker he’s not a drinker he’s not

A he’s not a you know he’s not a guy who stays up at all hours of the night you know messing around with stupid stuff he’s a guy who takes his workouts really seriously he commits to the craft man he’s a he’s got bigger basketball goals

Right and you trust those guys you trust those guys to be great and I trust Scotty to be great and look man this is Shay many years removed from his third year right and now it’s coming together in a really big way and earlier this year maybe Scotty was like on the verge

Of skipping a step almost right where he went from a 0.4 boxes SP of Sky to like an eight boxes SP guy we’re like oh did he just skip a year now he’s coming back down to earth right now he’s closer to 3.9 4.0 and we’re like okay this is

Pretty much where I saw it I did not see a 6.0 box minus here I saw 3o 0 plus Year from him this year and that’s probably where he’s going to end the year 3.5 3.6 next year get up to six seven then the following year get up to eight to 10

Now you’re a superstar now you’re an MVP candidate right so step by step but there are a lot of guys who could go step by step have all the talent all the physicality all the coaches all the teammates all the organizational support support all the money all the

Nutritionists all the trainers but they won’t do the work because they’re not focused they don’t work hard they don’t want it bad enough and it’s simp it’s simple enough to say it’s about want at this level but it is because when everyone can jump through the gym and

Everyone can run you know the 100 meters super fast and everyone can put the basketball in the hole it really comes down to are you GNA be the guy who’s going to take 500 jumpers a thousand jumpers or 2,000 jumpers because the guy who’s GNA take 2,000 jumpers every

Single day for an entire year that guy is going to be ahead of the guy who’s gonna take 500 are you the guy who’s gonna be that guy because if you’re gonna be that guy you’ll get there you’ll get there um just like everyone before you has gotten there so at the

End of the day to say you have to borrow a dentist schroer at the end of the day um Scotty will be fine chill the [ __ ] out Twitter probably going to go on a Twitter space right now just to calm some people’s ass down but probably also

Be called a whole bunch of names for saying what I’m saying to you which is it’s a process calm down chill all right the biggest factor to someone’s success is motivation I disagree although I kind of don’t disagree I I want to rephrase what you said no I I don’t think it’s motivation

Everyone can be motivated um I think the biggest factor to a person’s success is actually consistency consistency over time doing the right things and having the right reasons for wanting to do the right things I believe will make you great and whatever you do whether it be

Something as mundane and stupid as this podcasting or whether it’s something as serious as you know becoming a great lawyer or a great basketball player or a great doctor or a great surgeon there’s a lot of people who are surgeons that are not great surgeons then there are

People who are a lot of a lot of great artists who are not great artists I’ve met a lot of great artists met a lot of great artists trust me what defines them is work consistency over time my uh one of my favorite directors Mark raso uh

Was a bit of a mentor for me directed the f Copenhagen Kodak Chrome Under uh awake on Netflix all three of those films are actually on Netflix if you’ve seen them Netflix uh G Gina Rodriguez uh awake anyways so Mark is a remarkably consistent person you meet him for coffee he’s on time

That’s a consistent thing with him he’s not late that’s a consistency you know he’s a meticulous you know person when he comes down to breaking a script down he is very meticulous about these things you know how he chooses a script how he deals with people these things are

Extremely he’s LED two workshops of Hance he’s been on time both times he’s just a person who is consistent and there there there in lies his greatness he want a student Oscar because he’s great like I don’t know what else to say I’m I’m in awe of people who are like

This you know um Brian Mon you know Scottish trainer he’s great he’s great at what he does he is remarkably consistent he has a very powerful why and that is why he is successful it is not an accident it’s not God who is making these people successful I mean

God certainly play a part in it but I’m saying like it’s not a work of God it’s not a miracle it’s not luck it’s nothing it’s just consistency over time you want to be great at things consistency over time anyways I’ve been rambling off for

About 28 minutes I feel like I need to go and go work on pend Dan to those of you again support Independent films [ __ ] supporting man I hate the word support sometimes because yes it is support it is support for the Arts but honestly support implies almost like a charity

Support your own mind man like we watched so much [ __ ] today I was looking at like why are we so addicted to content this is content so this is IR irony right we’re addicted to content because our brains are like weirdly desensitized to long-term absorption so we want like like now when

You look at Instagram or Twitter reals it’s like multiple reals like people are talking so fast and you need all this information now and it’s so fast you know know and you have everything on your demand so like if if a video is not doing it for you for like 4 seconds it’s

Like boom next video boom next video boom next video I’m just saying there is something really important about going to a cinema or reading a book you know and just absorbing and and focusing for like two hours I promise you changes your life so you know if you’re uh Rob

Please go to spaces I want some comedy sure um I do have to do a lot of work for pendant and I haven’t slept yet I’ll go on for like 10 minutes I think but yeah they talked about the man’s kids and faces it got it’s got n what’s kids

Whose kids my kids I don’t have kids what’s going on weird true but you have to have the desire to be consistent how bad you want something determines whether you stay disciplined or not maybe maybe we’re splitting hairs on this one or uh you know we’re just

Arguing semantics I just think like your why you know I remember um a security guard that I worked with he was going to school he had already he had already got his mechanical engineering degree in Iran and now he was going for another engineering degree here and he had a

Wife and he had a kid and he had a second kid on the way and he was working security and he would after the security job he would go and he would do like some sort of like Warehouse shift and I was just like bro you have no time how

Are you doing this and I just saw how remarkably efficient he was and he was thriving and I’m pretty sure at the time I was I was in university he was getting better grades at what he was doing than I was getting what I’m doing and I’m

Like bro I don’t have kids I don’t have a wife I don’t have like all these people relying on me how what what the [ __ ] is wrong with me why is this guy so successful he had a really powerful why because the powerful why was he loved

His family and you know he was obviously great because he had made it from Iran to here and he was willing to pursue a second [ __ ] degree and in something that he had already studied in order to become qualified here and you almostly look at a guy like that and you’re like

Why why are you doing this and he’s just like this is my purpose this is my goal this is my family I want to take care of my family boom you know there’s your why so yeah exactly it’s your why so you know when your why is not powerful you

Get distracted you get you get tailed off right my why is supporting filmmakers like I went I’ll tell you a story so here’s the thing some some people just hear me talking about penan they don’t understand where the [ __ ] this comes from I’m a filmmaker so my

Film got selected to a film festival in Florida and I went to Florida I’m not going to name the film festival but I went there and I spent money to go there and a lot of time to go there and my short film which actually ironically

Enough Stars this guy hang on [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is it [ __ ] hold on hold on hold on hold on starring this guy this short film hold on let me pull this up [ __ ] one one sec I I I got to show you guys this one sec this is hilarious but I got

To show you this one sec one sec one sec SEC um it’ll help to kind of contextualize what the [ __ ] I’m talking about here and I hope I don’t get demonetized for this but one sec give me one second okay so the point is this film specifically got selected to a film

Festival in Florida I went there I was very excited obviously for a filmmaker getting selected to a film festival that you really respect was a really big deal and it was like a pretty old Film Festival like as in like a lot of years

Had passed and it was a big deal to me and I was like I got to go I got to go and meet people and whatever this is the trailer by the way this is the trailer for that Film yeah so that film got selected to a film festival and I went down there and I was really excited I was really excited and I and I showed up way too early and I didn’t have a check-in at the hotel so I decided for 4 hours to sit instead of

You know paying to check into the hotel early because I got some communication mixed up I decided to go and um you know I decided to go and wait on a park bench and do some work on my laptop and enjoy the Florida weather and it was like may

I think it was like may it was pretty hot anyways long story short I go to the film festival and um I watch my film and I show up to the theater and I’m the first person there and then a second person walks in and then a third person walks in and a

Fourth person walks in and then two more people walked in and then my film started I went from Toronto gone out of Florida to watch my film with five people two of whom were filmmakers who were also watching their films I will never forget that it pissed

Me off so much I know it’s not anyone’s fault there was a really big film playing at the same time some big feature with some big actors John ham or whatever and I remember thinking like how small I felt in that moment how insignificant I felt and I was just like

You know what I will not let filmmakers feel this way and so that’s that’s that’s what drives me you want to talk about why that’s my why that no filmmaker whoever comes to penance would feel how I felt so then these film filmmakers coming from Australia from

You know Bangkok from India from you know Austria from Germany from Colombia we got films from all over the world these people are coming here and they’re expecting to see their [ __ ] films with like a 100 people at least 100 people 120 130 140 people well you know

What some in some way my work by promoting this Festival here who’ll hopefully get people to come and watch these films and they’re great films they’re great films way better than this this film that I made way better way better than that film so yeah it’s it’s

A service it’s a service and my why for Penance is you know I watch the corporate tization of content and films across film festivals I watch people make increasingly neutered art I call it neutered art because it is void of any meaning controversy truth because really at some point when you start taking

Controversy and politics and start throwing you know these buzzwords of you know [ __ ] into your art you’re basically neutering your art and when you neuter art you take truth out of art you take originality out of art we need original people in a world that is increasingly

Copycat copycat copycat you know I pride myself on the fact that penser basketball is [ __ ] original as hell whenever someone tells me the reason I watch penser basketball is because you are not repeating what everyone else is saying exactly that is the concept and my reason for pendant ultimately is

Because I want that one day when I have children for them to have a film festival they can go to where original [ __ ] is coming original content original works of art from all over the world void of any political judgment void of any neutering truth just straight truth controversial or not

Doesn’t matter [ __ ] that truth truth is important so that’s what Penance is about to me doing service for these filmmakers doing service for my hypothetical child 10 years from now having a a festival they can go to and who knows maybe my kid is going to be a

Volunteer at Penance and then run pend Dan 30 years from now I have no idea but that’s my why and that’s why I’ve poured my life into this and that’s what drives me on a day-to-day basis so yeah facts hoodie mow absolutely man yeah do you ever think about how much

You are doing Pand film making pensar that’s crazy how much you do um yeah well I mean again like my parents died when they were 50 and 44 I’m 36 I always imagined that I would die at 47 that’s stupid and probably a dumb way to think about things but my parents

Died at an average age of 47 so I worked when I was 12 13 14 15 16 because I kind of just assumed that life was not very long long some people have parents who live until 990 and I’m very happy for those people those people probably

Assume they have a lot longer to live than I do I don’t take days for granted I try to do my best with my days because I don’t think that these days are forever I’ve lost some of my best friends at a very early age you know um

One of that one of those best friends is is this this lovely you know friend right here Christina you know who passed away at the age of 33 you know one one of um the actors from my feature film uh Rob Cormier he passed away at 33 as well

So you know life is never as long as as you think it is I mean when I was growing up uh I lost friends at 15 17 16 you know so many so I mean yeah I just I’ve never been under the guys that like you know life is forever or you have

Like endless amount of time maybe you don’t have endless amount of time maybe you do but you know what if you assume that you have 47 years well guess what year 48 year 49 year 50 51 1 52 these are all blessings and man if I assumed

If I assumed at a young age that I had 47 years to do what I got to do in this world well then man if I hit if I hit 80 I’m good I’m on borrowed time it’s great so I would love to live till 100 I would

Love it when I was younger I used to say like Noah that’s that’s bad no no no no no no I would love to live to a 100 years old man I’ll probably still be doing [ __ ] I’ll probably like still be writing I’ll probably still do something

I have a long long plan for my life but life does not go as planned so make the most of every day and um making the most of every day probably doesn’t mean going on Twitter spaces right now but yeah thanks man appreciate it yeah

Okay take care guys have a good one and uh probably going on Twitter’s basis for 5 10 minutes anyway for the comedy but I’ll I’ll hop off real soon because I got a lot of [ __ ] to do for pend Dan peace

The Toronto Raptors lose to the OKC Thunder despite leading at one point by 23 points. Was it a late collapse or a perfect tank job? Let’s discuss.

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  1. Im not pro tank. But losing competitive games leave me content, especially knowing this team is young. I dont understand darko, i felt like dick was very disruptive on defense. Offensively he made the right decisions today, yet he got no playing time?

  2. Agree 100%, up 20 in middle of 3rd and it fell apart. Sometimes it seems Scottie defers more when he doesn't get a fair whistle.

  3. Barnes was a no show in second half specially when they needed him the most after blowing a huge lead. During the 2 OT, he is just standing there, passing up the ball when he is right at the rim. What the heck. If that's what he is all about, inconsistency, we can trade him too. RJ is showing he should be the number 1 guy over Barnes at the moment when we have been preaching and claiming it's Barnes our future.

  4. At this point I'm just waiting for the Trade Deadline to pass. Then it's like, let's go. Tank hard while giving youngin's their reps.

  5. Scottie Barns is a bumb, he's not the player everyone thinks he totally garbage. Until he start to dominate his peers the raptors will continue to be a bottom feeder.

  6. I think everyones getting too emotional on the outcome of these games. whether we win or lose its all about the developement of the players. You need these type of losses to keep urself humbled and grounded, u learn more about urself with games like this. Losing probably did more good for the players individually than it would have if we won, who lnows 🤷‍♂️

  7. Im gonna have to agree with the guy on the bottom screen. If scottie knows that hes the man, along with toronto’s organization. Scottie should play a lot more aggressive in the clutch moments. RJ’s mentality is very aggressive and attacks the rim relentlessly. Scottie needs to take notes from RJ and just TAKE THE FUCK OVER. If he injured, fine. Yes play defense all 48 minutes is exhausting, but for just 5 minutes Go Full Force. Scottie loves deferring. Cant back scottie every game Rob. If this was pascal, yall would crucify him. Dont be surpised if this becomes IQ or RJ’s team

  8. How yak and rj didnt play in crunch time was just confusing, from 7 min to 2 min, had to go with dennis and thad, are we trying to throw these games?

  9. Have you guys watched these players careers through their lives or just the last few years? Lol it’s obvious who is a #1, #2, and #3. Once the obvious is acknowledged then this will all make sense fellas. The future is bright with this young core.

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