@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Harden calls bank and hits the ridiculous 4-point play late in the 4th!

[Highlight] Harden calls bank and hits the ridiculous 4-point play late in the 4th!

by blueberryy


  1. SuckMyLonzoBalls

    #**I asked the producer to pipe this into the Clippers’ locker room so I can talk to you, James. I hope you’re taking notes. I’m telling you in advance, you’re welcome for the wisdom I’m about to spew. Because, listen, I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you. You wanted a certain coach, they brought in Mike D’Antoni. You wanted to play a certain style, they played it. You wanted Dwight Howard, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. You wanted Chris Paul, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. They brought in your old friend Russell Westbrook. You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule. And it didn’t work, and you know what, you said I’m gonna break up with my woobie, not good enough. I see the bright lights in New York, I want to go there [with] my old pal Kevin Durant. It’s gonna work, the big three. And all after one year, you wanted out. You realized, oh my gosh, I took this guy for granted, the guy that believed in me. I want to go back with Daryl Morey. They traded Ben Simmons for you, how did they pull that off? And you know what, you went there and got a partner who got the MVP. He won the MVP and what did you say afterwards? You said, ‘They didn’t hand me the reins.’ You’re the point guard, you were holding the reins. And what did you do when you had the reins? You scored 9 points in Game 7 against Boston, you blew a 3-2 series lead. So they fired their coach, not good enough. You broke up with your guy who believed in you again. You said, ‘The bright lights of LA, that’s where I want to go.’ Let’s see how that works. Listen, James, have you ever had those friends who had bad roommates, over and over they complained about their bad roommates. … They never thought to be self aware enough that they’re the bad roommate. They’re the problem. Hey, James, you’re the problem. If this doesn’t work this year in this system with this team, then you’re going to go and point fingers at everybody else and you’re going to go back home and start swiping right for another team, and there’s not going to be anybody left. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.**

  2. alf-isbackinpogform

    This man is so cold blooded he may as well be a lizard on a rock

  3. NBA_Dumb_Boy

    I asked the producer to pipe this into the Clippers’ locker room so I can talk to you, James. I hope you’re taking notes. I’m telling you in advance, you’re welcome for the wisdom I’m about to spew. Because, listen, I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you. You wanted a certain coach, they brought in Mike D’Antoni. You wanted to play a certain style, they played it. You wanted Dwight Howard, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. You wanted Chris Paul, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. They brought in your old friend Russell Westbrook. You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule. And it didn’t work, and you know what, you said I’m gonna break up with my woobie, not good enough. I see the bright lights in New York, I want to go there [with] my old pal Kevin Durant. It’s gonna work, the big three. And all after one year, you wanted out. You realized, oh my gosh, I took this guy for granted, the guy that believed in me. I want to go back with Daryl Morey. They traded Ben Simmons for you, how did they pull that off? And you know what, you went there and got a partner who got the MVP. He won the MVP and what did you say afterwards? You said, ‘They didn’t hand me the reins.’ You’re the point guard, you were holding the reins. And what did you do when you had the reins? You scored 9 points in Game 7 against Boston, you blew a 3-2 series lead. So they fired their coach, not good enough. You broke up with your guy who believed in you again. You said, ‘The bright lights of LA, that’s where I want to go.’ Let’s see how that works. Listen, James, have you ever had those friends who had bad roommates, over and over they complained about their bad roommates. … They never thought to be self aware enough that they’re the bad roommate. They’re the problem. Hey, James, you’re the problem. If this doesn’t work this year in this system with this team, then you’re going to go and point fingers at everybody else and you’re going to go back home and start swiping right for another team, and there’s not going to be anybody left. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.”

  4. ഇത് ക്ലിപ്പേഴ്സിൻ്റെ ലോക്കർ റൂമിൽ എത്തിക്കാൻ ഞാൻ പ്രൊഡ്യൂസറോട് ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടു, അതിനാൽ എനിക്ക് നിങ്ങളോട് സംസാരിക്കാം, ജെയിംസ്. നിങ്ങൾ കുറിപ്പുകൾ എടുക്കുന്നുണ്ടെന്ന് ഞാൻ പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു. ഞാൻ നിങ്ങളോട് മുൻകൂട്ടി പറയുന്നു, ഞാൻ തുപ്പാൻ പോകുന്ന ജ്ഞാനത്തിന് നിങ്ങൾക്ക് സ്വാഗതം. കാരണം, കേൾക്കൂ, ഡാരിൽ മോറി നിന്നിൽ വിശ്വസിച്ചതുപോലെ ആരെങ്കിലും എന്നിൽ വിശ്വസിക്കാൻ ഞാൻ എല്ലാ രാത്രിയിലും മുട്ടുകുത്തി പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു പ്രത്യേക പരിശീലകനെ വേണം, അവർ മൈക്ക് ഡി ആൻ്റണിയെ കൊണ്ടുവന്നു. നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു പ്രത്യേക ശൈലി കളിക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു, അവർ അത് കളിച്ചു. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഡ്വൈറ്റ് ഹോവാർഡ് വേണമായിരുന്നു, നിങ്ങൾ അവനെ മടുത്തപ്പോൾ അവർ അവനെ കൊണ്ടുവന്ന് ഒഴിവാക്കി. നിനക്ക് ക്രിസ് പോളിനെ വേണമായിരുന്നു, അവനെ കൊണ്ട് മടുത്തപ്പോൾ അവർ അവനെ കൊണ്ടുവന്ന് ഒഴിവാക്കി. അവർ നിങ്ങളുടെ പഴയ സുഹൃത്ത് റസ്സൽ വെസ്റ്റ്ബ്രൂക്കിനെ കൊണ്ടുവന്നു. അവധി ദിവസങ്ങളിൽ നിങ്ങൾ വെഗാസിലേക്ക് പോകാൻ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു, അവർ തിരിഞ്ഞു നോക്കി. രാത്രിയിൽ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് പുറത്തുപോകാൻ ടീം താമസിക്കണമെന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു, അവർ ഷെഡ്യൂൾ മാറ്റി. അത് പ്രവർത്തിച്ചില്ല, നിങ്ങൾക്കറിയാമോ, ഞാൻ എൻ്റെ വൂബിയുമായി പിരിയുമെന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ പറഞ്ഞു, മതിയായതല്ല. ന്യൂയോർക്കിലെ തെളിച്ചമുള്ള ലൈറ്റുകൾ ഞാൻ കാണുന്നു, എൻ്റെ പഴയ സുഹൃത്ത് കെവിൻ ഡ്യൂറൻ്റിനൊപ്പം എനിക്ക് അവിടെ പോകണം. ഇത് പ്രവർത്തിക്കും, വലിയ മൂന്ന്. ഒരു വർഷത്തിനുശേഷം, നിങ്ങൾ പുറത്തുപോകാൻ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു. ദൈവമേ, എന്നെ വിശ്വസിച്ച ആ വ്യക്തിയെ ഞാൻ നിസ്സാരമായാണ് എടുത്തതെന്ന് നിങ്ങൾ മനസ്സിലാക്കി. എനിക്ക് ഡാരിൽ മോറിക്കൊപ്പം തിരികെ പോകണം. അവർ നിങ്ങൾക്കായി ബെൻ സിമ്മൺസിനെ ട്രേഡ് ചെയ്തു, അവർ അത് എങ്ങനെ വലിച്ചെടുത്തു? പിന്നെ എന്താണെന്നറിയാമോ, നിങ്ങൾ അവിടെ പോയി MVP കിട്ടിയ ഒരു പങ്കാളിയെ കിട്ടി. അദ്ദേഹം എംവിപിയിൽ വിജയിച്ചു, അതിനുശേഷം നിങ്ങൾ എന്താണ് പറഞ്ഞത്? നിങ്ങൾ പറഞ്ഞു, ‘അവർ എനിക്ക് കടിഞ്ഞാൺ കൈമാറിയില്ല.’ നിങ്ങളാണ് പോയിൻ്റ് ഗാർഡ്, നിങ്ങൾ കടിഞ്ഞാൺ പിടിച്ചിരുന്നു. നിങ്ങൾക്ക് കടിഞ്ഞാൺ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾ എന്താണ് ചെയ്തത്? ബോസ്റ്റണിനെതിരായ ഗെയിം 7-ൽ നിങ്ങൾ 9 പോയിൻ്റുകൾ നേടി, നിങ്ങൾ 3-2 പരമ്പരയിൽ ലീഡ് നേടി. അതിനാൽ അവർ തങ്ങളുടെ പരിശീലകനെ പുറത്താക്കി, വേണ്ടത്ര നല്ലതല്ല. നിങ്ങളെ വിശ്വസിച്ച നിങ്ങളുടെ ആളുമായി നിങ്ങൾ വീണ്ടും പിരിഞ്ഞു. നിങ്ങൾ പറഞ്ഞു, ‘LA യുടെ ശോഭയുള്ള ലൈറ്റുകൾ, അവിടെയാണ് ഞാൻ പോകാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നത്.’ അത് എങ്ങനെ പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നുവെന്ന് നോക്കാം. കേൾക്കൂ, ജെയിംസ്, മോശം റൂംമേറ്റ്‌സ് ഉള്ള ആ സുഹൃത്തുക്കൾ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് എപ്പോഴെങ്കിലും ഉണ്ടായിട്ടുണ്ടോ, അവർ അവരുടെ മോശം സഹമുറിയന്മാരെക്കുറിച്ച് നിരന്തരം പരാതിപ്പെടുന്നു. … തങ്ങൾ മോശം റൂംമേറ്റ് ആണെന്ന് വേണ്ടത്ര സ്വയം ബോധവാന്മാരായിരിക്കുമെന്ന് അവർ ഒരിക്കലും കരുതിയിരുന്നില്ല. അവരാണ് പ്രശ്നം. ഹേയ്, ജെയിംസ്, നിങ്ങളാണ് പ്രശ്നം. ഈ ടീമിനൊപ്പം ഈ സംവിധാനത്തിൽ ഈ വർഷം ഇത് പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നില്ലെങ്കിൽ, നിങ്ങൾ പോയി മറ്റെല്ലാവർക്കും നേരെ വിരൽ ചൂണ്ടാൻ പോകുകയാണ്, നിങ്ങൾ വീട്ടിലേക്ക് മടങ്ങുകയും മറ്റൊരു ടീമിനായി സ്വൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാൻ തുടങ്ങുകയും ചെയ്യും. ആരെങ്കിലും അവശേഷിക്കുന്നു. കാരണം, ജെയിംസ്, നിങ്ങൾ താടിയല്ല, നിങ്ങൾ സംവിധാനമല്ല, നിങ്ങളാണ് പ്രശ്നം.

  5. James “he is going play in china next year” Harden

  6. livefreeordont

    Harden has to have far and away the most four point plays in history

  7. RansomGoddard

    I feel bad for Trae here. He almost played perfect defense and then just made a bad decision at the last second.

  8. Sukmefafun001

    I asked the producer to pipe this into the Clippers’ locker room so I can talk to you, James. I hope you’re taking notes. I’m telling you in advance, you’re welcome for the wisdom I’m about to spew. Because, listen, I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you. You wanted a certain coach, they brought in Mike D’Antoni. You wanted to play a certain style, they played it. You wanted Dwight Howard, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. You wanted Chris Paul, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. They brought in your old friend Russell Westbrook. You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule. And it didn’t work, and you know what, you said I’m gonna break up with my woobie, not good enough. I see the bright lights in New York, I want to go there [with] my old pal Kevin Durant. It’s gonna work, the big three. And all after one year, you wanted out. You realized, oh my gosh, I took this guy for granted, the guy that believed in me. I want to go back with Daryl Morey. They traded Ben Simmons for you, how did they pull that off? And you know what, you went there and got a partner who got the MVP. He won the MVP and what did you say afterwards? You said, ‘They didn’t hand me the reins.’ You’re the point guard, you were holding the reins. And what did you do when you had the reins? You scored 9 points in Game 7 against Boston, you blew a 3-2 series lead. So they fired their coach, not good enough. You broke up with your guy who believed in you again. You said, ‘The bright lights of LA, that’s where I want to go.’ Let’s see how that works. Listen, James, have you ever had those friends who had bad roommates, over and over they complained about their bad roommates. … They never thought to be self aware enough that they’re the bad roommate. They’re the problem. Hey, James, you’re the problem. If this doesn’t work this year in this system with this team, then you’re going to go and point fingers at everybody else and you’re going to go back home and start swiping right for another team, and there’s not going to be anybody left. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.

  9. not_rdburman

    I asked the producer to pipe this into the Clippers’ locker room so I can talk to you, James. I hope you’re taking notes. I’m telling you in advance, you’re welcome for the wisdom I’m about to spew. Because, listen, I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you. You wanted a certain coach, they brought in Mike D’Antoni. You wanted to play a certain style, they played it. You wanted Dwight Howard, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. You wanted Chris Paul, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. They brought in your old friend Russell Westbrook. You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule. And it didn’t work, and you know what, you said I’m gonna break up with my woobie, not good enough. I see the bright lights in New York, I want to go there [with] my old pal Kevin Durant. It’s gonna work, the big three. And all after one year, you wanted out. You realized, oh my gosh, I took this guy for granted, the guy that believed in me. I want to go back with Daryl Morey. They traded Ben Simmons for you, how did they pull that off? And you know what, you went there and got a partner who got the MVP. He won the MVP and what did you say afterwards? You said, ‘They didn’t hand me the reins.’ You’re the point guard, you were holding the reins. And what did you do when you had the reins? You scored 9 points in Game 7 against Boston, you blew a 3-2 series lead. So they fired their coach, not good enough. You broke up with your guy who believed in you again. You said, ‘The bright lights of LA, that’s where I want to go.’ Let’s see how that works. Listen, James, have you ever had those friends who had bad roommates, over and over they complained about their bad roommates. … They never thought to be self aware enough that they’re the bad roommate. They’re the problem. Hey, James, you’re the problem. If this doesn’t work this year in this system with this team, then you’re going to go and point fingers at everybody else and you’re going to go back home and start swiping right for another team, and there’s not going to be anybody left. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.”

  10. not_rdburman

    My glorious king James beat the Demaris allegations ✊

  11. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.

  12. throwaway4127RB

    Clippers team looks so comfortable with one another. Looks like they’re having so much fun playing with each other.

  13. fortniteaddict2

    James, espero que estés tomando notas. Te lo adelanto, de nada, por la sabiduría que estoy a punto de arrojar. Porque escucha, me arrodillo todas las noches y rezo para que alguien crea en mí como Daryl Morey creyó en ti. Querías un entrenador determinado y trajiste a Mike D’Antoni. Querías tocar un estilo determinado, ellos lo tocaron. Querías a Dwight Howard, lo trajeron y se deshicieron de él cuando te cansaste de él. Querías a Chris Paul, lo trajeron y se deshicieron de él cuando te cansaste de él. Trajeron a tu viejo amigo Russell Westbrook. —¿Quieres ir a Las Vegas en los días libres? Ellos miraron hacia otro lado. Querías que el equipo se quedara a dormir para poder salir por la noche, cambiaron el horario y no funcionó. ‘Y sabes qué, dijiste… Veo las luces brillantes de Nueva York. Quiero ir allí. Mi viejo amigo Kevin Durant. Los tres grandes funcionarán, y todos después de un año quisiste salir. ‘Te diste cuenta, “¡Dios mío! Di por sentado a este tipo, el tipo que creía en mí. Quiero volver con Daryl Morey”. Cambiaron a Ben Simmons por ti. ¿Cómo lo lograron? ‘¿Y sabes qué? Fuiste allí y conseguiste un socio que obtuvo el MVP. Ganó el MVP, ¿y qué dijiste después? Dijiste: “no me entregaron las riendas”. ¡Tú eres el base! ¡Estabas sosteniendo las riendas! ¿Y qué hiciste cuando tuviste las riendas? Anotaste 9 puntos en el séptimo partido contra Boston y desperdiciaste una ventaja de 3-2 en la serie. Entonces despidieron a su entrenador, pero no fue lo suficientemente bueno. Rompiste con el chico que volvió a creer en ti y dijiste “¡las luces brillantes de Los Ángeles! ¡Ahí es donde quiero ir! Veamos si eso funciona”. ‘Escucha James, ¿alguna vez has tenido esos amigos que tenían malos compañeros de cuarto? Una y otra vez se quejaron de sus malos compañeros de cuarto: “este tipo es terrible”, “el mal compañero de cuarto aquí”, ¡nunca pensaron que eran lo suficientemente conscientes de que ELLOS SON el mal compañero de cuarto! ¡Ellos son el problema! ‘¡Hola James, TÚ ERES el PROBLEMA! Si esto no funciona este año, en este sistema, con este equipo, entonces irás y señalarás con el dedo a todos los demás y luego volverás a casa y empezarás a buscar otro equipo. y no quedará nadie. “Porque James, tú no eres la barba, no eres el sistema, tú eres el problema”.

  14. JeromeBarrett

    I asked the producer to pipe this into the Clippers’ locker room so I can talk to you, James. I hope you’re taking notes. I’m telling you in advance, you’re welcome for the wisdom I’m about to spew. Because, listen, I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you. You wanted a certain coach, they brought in Mike D’Antoni. You wanted to play a certain style, they played it. You wanted Dwight Howard, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. You wanted Chris Paul, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. They brought in your old friend Russell Westbrook. You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule. And it didn’t work, and you know what, you said I’m gonna break up with my woobie, not good enough. I see the bright lights in New York, I want to go there [with] my old pal Kevin Durant. It’s gonna work, the big three. And all after one year, you wanted out. You realized, oh my gosh, I took this guy for granted, the guy that believed in me. I want to go back with Daryl Morey. They traded Ben Simmons for you, how did they pull that off? And you know what, you went there and got a partner who got the MVP. He won the MVP and what did you say afterwards? You said, ‘They didn’t hand me the reins.’ You’re the point guard, you were holding the reins. And what did you do when you had the reins? You scored 9 points in Game 7 against Boston, you blew a 3-2 series lead. So they fired their coach, not good enough. You broke up with your guy who believed in you again. You said, ‘The bright lights of LA, that’s where I want to go.’ Let’s see how that works. Listen, James, have you ever had those friends who had bad roommates, over and over they complained about their bad roommates. … They never thought to be self aware enough that they’re the bad roommate. They’re the problem. Hey, James, you’re the problem. If this doesn’t work this year in this system with this team, then you’re going to go and point fingers at everybody else and you’re going to go back home and start swiping right for another team, and there’s not going to be anybody left. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.”

  15. EJplaystheBlues

    I don’t love the dude but it’s cool seeing him have fun

  16. theracetowin

    Producenta sem prosil, naj to prenese v slačilnico Clippersov, da se lahko pogovorim s tabo, James. Upam, da si zapisujete. Že vnaprej vam povem, da ste dobrodošli za modrost, ki jo bom izdal. Ker poslušaj, vsak večer pokleknem in molim za nekoga, ki bi verjel vame, kot je Daryl Morey verjel vame. Želeli ste določenega trenerja, pripeljali so Mikea D’Antonija. Želeli ste igrati določen stil, igrali so ga. Želeli ste Dwighta Howarda, pripeljali so ga in se ga znebili, ko ste se ga naveličali. Želeli ste Chrisa Paula, pripeljali so ga in se ga znebili, ko ste se ga naveličali. Pripeljali so vašega starega prijatelja Russella Westbrooka. Želel si iti v Vegas ob prostih dneh, pogledali so stran. Želeli ste, da ekipa ostane, da bi lahko šli ven ponoči, spremenili so urnik. In ni delovalo, in veš kaj, rekel si, da bom prekinil s svojim woobiejem, ni dovolj dobro. Vidim svetle luči v New Yorku, želim iti tja [s] svojim starim prijateljem Kevinom Durantom. Šlo bo, veliki trije. In po enem letu si hotel ven. Spoznal si, o moj bog, tega fanta sem jemal za samoumevnega, fanta, ki je verjel vame. Želim se vrniti z Daryl Morey. Za vas so zamenjali Bena Simmonsa, kako jim je to uspelo? In veste kaj, šli ste tja in dobili partnerja, ki je dobil MVP. Dobil je MVP in kaj ste rekli potem? Rekel si: ‘Niso mi dali vajeti.’ Ti si igralec, ti si držal vajeti. In kaj ste počeli, ko ste imeli vajeti? Na sedmi tekmi proti Bostonu ste dosegli 9 točk in izpraznili vodstvo s 3-2 v seriji. Zato so odpustili svojega trenerja, ki ni bil dovolj dober. Razšla si s svojim fantom, ki je spet verjel vate. Rekli ste: ‘Svetle luči LA-ja, tja želim iti.’ Poglejmo, kako to deluje. Poslušaj, James, ali si kdaj imel tiste prijatelje, ki so imeli slabe cimre, vedno znova so se pritoževali nad svojimi slabimi cimri. … Nikoli si niso mislili, da se dovolj zavedajo, da so slabi sostanovalci. Oni so problem. Hej, James, ti si problem. Če to letos ne bo delovalo v tem sistemu s to ekipo, potem boste šli in kazali s prstom na vse druge in se boste vrnili domov in začeli brskati desno za drugo ekipo, in ne bo bo kdo ostal. Ker, James, ti nisi brada, ti nisi sistem, ti si problem.”

  17. Gal_GaDont

    I’m pretty sure the only way I could get a statistic in the NBA is me hucking a ball towards the basket while trying to draw a foul from far away.

    Harden has made that like his signature professional move lol.

  18. tw3rkmileytw3rk

    We need a chart of Harden games played in Miami and Atlanta, its a stale joke but atp but there’s gotta be some gold hidden beyond the box scores. A pre and post lil baby section as well.

  19. TheRealTofuey

    Im honestly really excited to see this team in the playoffs. I really wouldn’t hate to see this team win a ring considering how much alot of these players have gone through.

  20. MV7EaglesFan

    i was one of the few sixers fans saying we should just give him the max. Sadly I was right. He would have helped us load manage Embiid, too. Instead of Nurse overplaying him as usual.


    Remember the video of him awkwardly entering LAC locker room and everyone said the other clippers didn’t really want him?

  22. Remember when you morons hopped on that no-name Mavericks reporter’s dick for the stupidest monologue in history?

    Us harden fans remember

  23. This is so much fun to see Harden and Westbrook on a winning team together.

    While KD is over here on his third straight “super team” as miserable as ever.

  24. Visible-Rutabaga9268

    This Clippers team is so fun to watch that Kawhi is literally jumping for joy wowww

  25. ChokePaul3

    But I thought Trae Young improved on defense??

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