@Los Angeles Clippers



by bigblack3475


  1. Sukmefafun001

    I asked the producer to pipe this into the Clippers’ locker room so I can talk to you, James. I hope you’re taking notes. I’m telling you in advance, you’re welcome for the wisdom I’m about to spew. Because, listen, I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you. You wanted a certain coach, they brought in Mike D’Antoni. You wanted to play a certain style, they played it. You wanted Dwight Howard, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. You wanted Chris Paul, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. They brought in your old friend Russell Westbrook. You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule. And it didn’t work, and you know what, you said I’m gonna break up with my woobie, not good enough. I see the bright lights in New York, I want to go there [with] my old pal Kevin Durant. It’s gonna work, the big three. And all after one year, you wanted out. You realized, oh my gosh, I took this guy for granted, the guy that believed in me. I want to go back with Daryl Morey. They traded Ben Simmons for you, how did they pull that off? And you know what, you went there and got a partner who got the MVP. He won the MVP and what did you say afterwards? You said, ‘They didn’t hand me the reins.’ You’re the point guard, you were holding the reins. And what did you do when you had the reins? You scored 9 points in Game 7 against Boston, you blew a 3-2 series lead. So they fired their coach, not good enough. You broke up with your guy who believed in you again. You said, ‘The bright lights of LA, that’s where I want to go.’ Let’s see how that works. Listen, James, have you ever had those friends who had bad roommates, over and over they complained about their bad roommates. … They never thought to be self aware enough that they’re the bad roommate. They’re the problem. Hey, James, you’re the problem. If this doesn’t work this year in this system with this team, then you’re going to go and point fingers at everybody else and you’re going to go back home and start swiping right for another team, and there’s not going to be anybody left. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.

  2. koleBorder

    “Do you believe it!? It’s James Harden. Of course you believe it.”

  3. JeromeBarrett

    I asked the producer to pipe this into the Clippers’ locker room so I can talk to you, James. I hope you’re taking notes. I’m telling you in advance, you’re welcome for the wisdom I’m about to spew. Because, listen, I get on my knees every night and pray for someone to believe in me like Daryl Morey believed in you. You wanted a certain coach, they brought in Mike D’Antoni. You wanted to play a certain style, they played it. You wanted Dwight Howard, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. You wanted Chris Paul, they brought him in and got rid of him when you were tired of him. They brought in your old friend Russell Westbrook. You wanted to go to Vegas on off days, they looked away. You wanted the team to stay over so you could go out at night, they changed the schedule. And it didn’t work, and you know what, you said I’m gonna break up with my woobie, not good enough. I see the bright lights in New York, I want to go there [with] my old pal Kevin Durant. It’s gonna work, the big three. And all after one year, you wanted out. You realized, oh my gosh, I took this guy for granted, the guy that believed in me. I want to go back with Daryl Morey. They traded Ben Simmons for you, how did they pull that off? And you know what, you went there and got a partner who got the MVP. He won the MVP and what did you say afterwards? You said, ‘They didn’t hand me the reins.’ You’re the point guard, you were holding the reins. And what did you do when you had the reins? You scored 9 points in Game 7 against Boston, you blew a 3-2 series lead. So they fired their coach, not good enough. You broke up with your guy who believed in you again. You said, ‘The bright lights of LA, that’s where I want to go.’ Let’s see how that works. Listen, James, have you ever had those friends who had bad roommates, over and over they complained about their bad roommates. … They never thought to be self aware enough that they’re the bad roommate. They’re the problem. Hey, James, you’re the problem. If this doesn’t work this year in this system with this team, then you’re going to go and point fingers at everybody else and you’re going to go back home and start swiping right for another team, and there’s not going to be anybody left. Because, James, you’re not the beard, you’re not the system, you’re the problem.”

  4. TimelyWorldliness425


  5. SampsonKerplunk

    This man is absolutely the best 4 point player in the history of the NBA and the stats back that up

  6. TexasAffectsUs

    I went nuts on this one. Shot looked bananas live, the madman.

  7. Reasonable_Bed7858

    One of the saving graces was Trae being bbq chicken on defense and a turnover machine.

  8. Smashingsoul

    Ho chiesto al produttore di mandarmi in onda nello spogliatoio dei Clippers per poterti parlare, James. Spero tu stia prendendo appunti. Te lo dico in anticipo, so che mi ringrazierai per le perle di saggezza che sto per darti. PerchĂ©, senti, ogni sera mi inginocchio e prego che qualcuno creda in me quanto Daryl Morey credeva in te. Volevi un allenatore specifico, hanno preso Mike D’Antoni. Volevi giocare in un certo modo, ti hanno accontentato. Volevi Dwight Howard, l’hanno preso e se ne sono sbarazzati quando te ne sei stancato. Volevi Chris Paul, l’hanno preso e se ne sono sbarazzati quando te ne sei stancato. Hanno presso il tuo vecchio amico Russell Westbrook. Volevi andare a Vegas nei giorni liberi, hanno fatto finta di non vedere. Volevi che la squadra passasse la notte in transferta per uscire la sera, hanno cambiato il programma. E non ha funzionato, e sai cosa, hai detto Abbandono il mio amichetto, troppo scarso. Voglio andare sotto i riflettori di New York [col] mio vecchio amico Kevin Durant. Funzioneranno, i Big Three. E dopo solo un anno, te ne volevi andare. Ti sei reso conto, perbacco, ho dato per scontata questa persona, la persona che credeva in me. Voglio tornare da Daryl Morey. Ti hanno scambiato con Ben Simmons, come ci sono riusciti? E sai cosa, ti sei andato a trovare un partner che aveva vinto l’MVP. Aveva vinto l’MVP e dopo cos’hai detto? Hai detto “Non mi hanno dato le redini.” Sei il playmaker, ce le avevi le redini. E cosa ci hai fatto con quelle redini? Hai segnato 9 punti in gara 7 contro Boston, eri sul 3-2 nella serie e l’hai persa. Per cui hanno licenziato il coach, troppo scarso. Hai mollato di nuovo la persona che credeva in te. Hai detto “Sotto i riflettori di Los Angeles, voglio andare lĂŹ” Vediamo come va. Senti, James, hai presente quell’amico che ha sempre coinquilini pessimi, che si lamenta ogni volta dei suoi coinquilini pessimi. … Non ci arriva a pensare che magari Ăš lui il coinquilino pessimo. E’ lui il problema. Hey, James, tu sei il problema. Se quest’anno in questo sistema con questa squadra non funziona, ti metterai a dare la colpa a chiunque e tornerai a casa alla ricerca di un’altra squadra, e non ci sarĂ  piĂč nessuno. PerchĂš, James, non sei il Barba, non sei il Sistema, sei il Problema.

  9. redditnathaniel

    Trae: “You’re only supposed to call those for me, ref!”

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